The drug "Muracid" for ants: composition, instructions for use, reviews

One of the problems that residents of houses, suburban areas and private houses face is ants. As you know, these insects can cause enormous problems, and sometimes their colonies are even worse than cockroach colonies. This is especially true for personal plots. Since ants not only damage the soil, but also breed aphids. And this spoils the harvest. But, currently, there is a remedy that destroys the pest the first time. And it effectively fights both black ants and red ones. This remedy is called Muracid. Why Muratsid? Let's take it in order.

Description, composition and release form

Muracid is a long-acting drug. Release form: concentrated liquid.

The drug Muracid is produced in the form of capsules and in the form of a solution.

The chemical is produced in packages of different sizes and shapes:

  • Plastic capsules with a volume of 1 ml (per 10 liters of working solution).
  • Plastic bottles with a volume of 10 ml (per 100 liters of working fluid).

The main active ingredient of the product is diazonin. Muracid contains food bait, the smell and taste of which attracts ants. The concentration of the active substance is 600 g/l.

Muracid ampoule 1 ml From ants in areas and indoors Green Pharmacy Gardener

Muracid is an effective liquid agent for controlling ants. Water emulsion, 600 g/l diazinon. Manufacturer of the drug. Muracid is registered for household use in the countries of the customs union - Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation. Advantages of the drug: water emulsion; easy to use and effective 1 ml per bucket of water; one treatment - the whole season without ants. Why and where to use: to destroy anthills in areas: in the blind areas of houses, on paths, around buildings, on flower beds and lawns to fight ants indoors: on verandas, in outbuildings How to use: in the form of a solution for watering anthills and places movement of insects in the form of baits in the premises Action and result: rapid contact-intestinal action, death of ants the very next day, duration of protection for more than a month Safety and ecology: class 3 (moderately hazardous substance) is safe for plants and soil microorganisms. Are you tired of ant nests constantly appearing on your property? Tired of coming to the dacha and devoting all your tribute to the fight against ants? Then you should definitely pay attention to an excellent drug that has managed to make itself known - this is Muracid. A real toxic insecticide that not only actively fights ants and other insects, but also blocks the formation of new anthills on the site. It is enough to carry out only one treatment with Muracid for all populations of unpleasant insects to disappear and never appear again. Packaging Packaging Processing area Minimum lot Quantity per box 1 ml plastic ampoule 5 sq. m, 2-20 anthills depending on size 50 pcs. 200 pcs. 10 ml bottle 25 sq. m, 10-200 anthills 60 pcs. 60 pcs. Shelf life: 2 years, storage temperature from -5 C to +35 C. The drug is actively used to destroy the ant population on the site. At a time it is capable of destroying several anthills at the same time, which can be located both on roads and flower beds, and in beds. It works well not only on large individuals, but also on small larvae. Release form: aqueous emulsion in ampoules for spraying. Dangerous substance, toxic to all ants. One ampoule contains 10 ml. An inexpensive drug at a reasonable price - 25-50 rubles. The active ingredient is diazinon. The product can be purchased both in the form of dry bait and in the form of a solution. The main advantages of the product: high efficiency of the drug when treating the area even during low temperatures and cold air; has a very low consumption, does not accumulate in the soil; the product does not harm crops, flowers and other plants, the soil microflora does not deteriorate; instant impact on ants and their complete defeat; long-term protection of the territory - more than 1 month; A very convenient drug, since the ampoule has a small dispenser that measures the liquid. Directions for use First, you need to carefully open the ampoule with scissors/knife and pour the contents into a 10-liter bucket. Stir the resulting solution well with a stick. Pour approximately 1 liter of the resulting ant poison into 1 anthill. Since Muracid is a very destructive agent for insects, it’s okay if the solution was poured only into the middle of the nest. The drug blocks any exit from the anthill for the ants, and any attempts to get out end in complete death. It is used for a single treatment, since after just one application a day later all insects will die, including all larvae and the queen. The drug has a rapid intestinal effect on all ants. If this is an apartment and there are ants in it, then you can also use this remedy for control. Take several containers and pour Muracid, which is sold in powder, into them. Mix the substance with sugar and use it as bait. After 2-3 days, it will be possible to observe small bodies that have been poisoned by a toxic agent, running to the smell of sugar. It is best to carry out preventive maintenance of the apartment in the absence of children, tightly lock animals in the rooms. All utensils and food should be removed from visible places so that the substance does not come into contact with food. It is recommended to wear gloves and a respirator during processing if the drug is used on the site. In case of any contact with the skin or mucous membrane, immediately wash your hands with soap, wash your face and rinse your mouth.

Advantages of the drug

Muracid has a number of advantages compared to other pesticides and folk remedies for fighting ants.

This drug:

  • non-volatile and does not pollute the air;
  • almost harmless to earthworms and bacteria;
  • does not have phytotoxicity, does not harm the above-ground parts of plants and root crops.

The drug Muracid does not pollute the air and does not harm plants.

The effectiveness of the drug lasts from 2 to 3 months. Insect populations die within 2 days. To completely destroy anthills, it is enough to use the working solution once.

All the advantages of the drug

Let's look at all the advantages of Muratsid, because there really are a lot of them:

  • Helps exterminate black and red ants
  • The price is low
  • The drug destroys the main uterus
  • Economical expense. With one dose you can destroy about 20 anthills.
  • The drug acts very quickly. The ants will die within 24 hours
  • Muracid does not have a negative impact on nature
  • Muracide is safe for common worms and good bacteria
  • The drug has no effect on the plants themselves, their roots and fruits.
  • The effect of Muracid lasts for several months
  • The product can be used even in an apartment

As you can see, the drug really has a lot of advantages. The most important thing is that it is safe for the environment and has no harmful effects on plants.

Instructions for use

The contents of the capsule (1 ml) are added to a 10-liter bucket filled with water. If the working container has a different volume, the drug is dosed, observing the proportions.

The prepared solution is used to water anthills and the passages that insects have made in the soil. Instructions for use require treatment in dry weather, in the evening or in the morning.

Reference. For small anthills, use 0.5 liters of solution, for large ones - 1 liter or more. Ten liters of solution destroy 15-20 anthills.

Precautionary measures

Muracid belongs to drugs of class 3 danger to humans. The toxic chemical is dangerous for bees and fish; Muracid should not be allowed to enter water bodies.

The following precautions are recommended:

  • Do not use food-grade utensils to prepare the working fluid.
  • Soil treatment is carried out in a respirator, rubber gloves, safety glasses and closed work clothes.
  • After work, you should wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water.
  • While working, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke.
  • Children and animals should not be present during processing.

The drug Muracid is dangerous for fish and bees, so treatments are not carried out near water bodies.

In case of accidental ingestion of the solution, the stomach is washed several times with warm water and crushed activated carbon, after which you should contact the clinic. If you are poisoned, you should not drink alcoholic beverages or eat fatty foods. Antidotes for ingestion of diazolin are atropine and cholinesterase reactivators (2-PAM chloride).

How to store

The expiration date is always printed on the box. It is necessary to use Muracid in accordance with this period. Usually, if stored correctly, Muracid is good for 2 years. It should be stored at a temperature from +5 to +25 degrees. The prepared solution should be used on the same day. The solution remains valid only for 24 hours. It is best to store the drug in a dark place. Children and animals should not have access to Muratsid.

For safety reasons, keep the box of Muracid away from food.

Reviews about the drug

Gardeners note that Muratsid destroys ants quite quickly.

Faina . I only had to use the ant muracide once. My colleagues and I came to the fair and rented a wooden house. We went to bed, and in the morning we found very small red ants in our bags and on our bedding. There were especially many ants on the windowsills. Since we had to live in this house for ten days, we had to take measures. I bought Muratsid. We diluted a few drops of the concentrate in water, poured it into plastic lids and placed it on the windowsills. The next day there were much fewer ants, and two days later they disappeared! A good product, I recommend it to everyone.

Valentina. I never paid attention to anthills in the garden. But this year there were so many earth ants that we had to poison them. There were anthills everywhere - on the beet and carrot beds, among the potatoes, and even in the greenhouse, on the beds made of boards. If the ants got in the way of the vegetables, they simply ate away the cavities in them. We diluted the muracid in water and watered the passages made by the insects with this solution. After a day, the ants became smaller, and after a week they disappeared. Apparently they died or left the site.


The active ingredient of the drug is diazinon. It affects the digestion of ants and causes their death within the next day after application. The advantages of Muratsid poison against ants include:

  1. Inexpensive price - 25 rubles per package.
  2. Small expense. The solution is enough to treat up to twenty anthills.
  3. Short duration of action.
  4. High efficiency.

It is a toxic substance that does not affect the composition of the soil and plant growth. It does not need to be applied frequently - a single treatment is enough to get rid of ants in the garden for a whole month.

There are five anthills in my garden. They were small, so I diluted only one ampoule of Muratsid. The very next day the pests completely disappeared. Two months later, a new settlement “grew up” on the site. But I already knew that the fight with him would not be long and painful.

Lidia Ivanovna, Tambov

The poison can be used in enclosed spaces and apartments. To do this, purchase dry matter, which is mixed with bait.

Fighting ants

Ants feed on plants and drink their juice. Insects also breed aphids, which have a detrimental effect on flowers and trees. The soil also suffers from these small insects. If ants settle in an apartment, it is also difficult to get rid of them. They eat sugar and everything sweet that comes their way.

There are no means available to combat these hated insects. But not every remedy can rid you of these pests for a long time. Some products repel insects only for a while. Once the action ends, the entire colony returns again.

This is interesting! Since ants form a huge number of tunnels underground, the soil sags, and with it the tiled paths in the garden.

One of the most famous and effective drugs against ants is currently considered Muracid. Its main advantage is its long-lasting effect and ease of use. Muracid is available in liquid form. Muracid is considered a drug of new times, which is why gardeners usually choose it.

How to use

The instructions for use state that one ampoule must be diluted in 10 liters of water. There are 3-4 drops of chemical per liter.

If there is a small ant colony in the garden, then there is no need to use the entire preparation. The ampoule has a convenient dispenser with which you can measure the required amount of the substance. The rest should be tightly closed and put out of the reach of children and animals.

The ant nest is watered with Muracid. For one average settlement, about two liters of solution should be used. The poison envelops the house of pests and prevents them from crawling out. Upon contact with the active substance, insects die. The next day, all the inhabitants of the anthill, including the queen and larvae, will die out.

If you need to kill ants in an apartment, then mix sugar with Muratsid and pour the composition into the cracks. The ants eat the poison along with the sweet bait.

Reviews about Muratsid are positive, but success depends on the accuracy of following the instructions. If the ant colony is impressive, then you should use 5 liters of the prepared solution. The diluted drug cannot be stored.

Muracid (1 ml) buy in Moscow and St. Petersburg - insecticide to combat ants

Muracid is an effective remedy that will get rid of ants in a short time.

The drug is highly effective and can be used both indoors in the form of bait and outdoors in the form of a solution.

Chemical properties

Diazinon is used as an active substance that destroys ants. It belongs to the insecto-acaricidal poisons with a pronounced enteric-contact mechanism of action.

Its activity is manifested by inhibition of insect cholinesterase. The drug has a detrimental effect on ants, but poses virtually no danger to humans and the environment.

How does the product work?

Muracid against ants has a rapid contact-intestinal effect, which leads to the death of insects the very next day after treatment.

The drug has a long residual effect, up to 18 weeks, which will destroy the entire population of annoying ants.

Instructions for use

The drug Muracid instructions for use allows it to be used both indoors and in the garden. To control insects indoors, the product is used as a poisoned bait, which will kill the ants as soon as the poison enters their digestive system.

In order to remove insects from the garden or vegetable garden, you need to treat the anthill, as well as the places where ants accumulate and move, with a liquid solution. The volume of the drug is 1 ml and is intended for dilution in 10 liters of water.

Based on this proportion, the required amount of solution is prepared. To treat one anthill you will need about 0.5 liters of solution. Processing should be done in calm, cool weather.

Precautionary measures

The instructions strongly recommend applying muracide against garden ants using personal protective equipment.

They will prevent toxic substances from entering the human respiratory tract, as well as the eyes and skin. During processing, it is prohibited to eat, drink and smoke.


  1. phytotoxic;
  2. highly effective;
  3. long term of influence;
  4. When used correctly, it is safe for humans and animals.


  • dangerous to bees and fish.

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Is it necessary to fight part of the living nature?

Tiny little pests cause significant damage to the garden. They like the sweet juice secreted by aphids, and therefore they settle entire colonies of juice-sucking insects on the young shoots of fruit trees. The plant is depleted, blooms weakly, and there are no fruit ovaries. A caring gardener removes the green scourge - hardworking “neighbors” restore the population.

The loose soil of garden beds is a great place for an ant home. The nursery is located on the roots of the tomatoes. Inconvenient shoots are gnawed off. The plant stops blooming. Time is running. Summer in the middle zone is short - you can’t wait for the harvest. Fertilizing and watering are ineffective.

Living under the tiles of the paths is convenient: warm, dry, no one bothers you. Extra land - out! After a while, the owners notice: it’s uncomfortable to walk, the surface is crooked. At the top there is discarded sand. Watering with boiling water has little effect: the stone protects the gallery.

Tired of gardening? The house is full of delicious food: sugar, cereals, cookies. There is somewhere to hide: baseboards, furniture. It is difficult to fight against “tenants”: the poison affects people and pets.

The gardener is as diligent as an insect: he arranges poisonous baits, hangs hunting belts, washes off aphids with green soap, destroys underground galleries, and pulls out succulent weeds. The result is zero. Pests bypass the baits, the glue on the belts dries out, and aphids populate again. It is not possible to get rid of garden ants. The reason is simple: the colony persists while the queen produces new “ants”.

The drug "Muracid" for ants: composition, instructions for use, reviews

One of the problems that residents of houses, suburban areas and private houses face is ants. As you know, these insects can cause enormous problems, and sometimes their colonies are even worse than cockroach colonies. This is especially true for personal plots. Since ants not only damage the soil, but also breed aphids. And this spoils the harvest. But, currently, there is a remedy that destroys the pest the first time. And it effectively fights both black ants and red ones. This remedy is called Muracid. Why Muratsid? Let's take it in order.

What are the reasons for the futile fight against ants?

The problem with ants is that no matter how clever the gardener's traps are, the next day the pattern repeats itself again. The aphids that the ants breed are repopulated, and the tunnels break through again. And because of this, the tiles on which people walk begin to sag, aphids spoil the harvest, and all known poisons only affect animals.

This is the reason for fighting ants. The thing is that a settlement of ants is considered a colony. Every colony has a queen. And therefore, until the queen is destroyed, the colony will continue to exist, no matter how severe the destruction.

What are the advantages of Muratsid

The pesticide itself is based on diazinon. This is a contact-intestinal poison that affects the nervous system of ants as soon as it enters the stomach. As a result, all individual ants, including the queen, die within 24 hours. The poison causes terrible spasmodic pain and paralysis of the insect. But at the same time, it is absolutely safe for pets and humans.

Thus, the benefits of the drug are quite extensive.

  1. It’s a small price to pay to kill off an entire colony of ants (both black and red) in one day.
  2. Cost savings. One dose is enough to treat up to 20 anthills. In this case, not only ordinary individuals are destroyed, but also the uterus that gives birth to them.
  3. The period of time during which a colony of ants is poisoned is minimal. Within a day, the entire colony dies out.
  4. The drug is absolutely safe for the environment. It does not pollute the atmosphere and does not have volatile properties.
  5. The drug is not a threat to earthworms and beneficial bacteria. But if there are other pests in the garden (for example, mole crickets), then they can also be destroyed.
  6. The drug has no harmful effects on plants and root crops.
  7. The effect, after using the pesticide, remains for another 2 - 3 months.
  8. The drug can be used not only in garden plots. You can also use pesticides in apartments, warehouses and enclosed spaces. And for this, the poison is mixed with bait.

Why “Muracid”?

Head is spinning. The gardener spends his free time in a difficult but useless struggle. And the solution is near: an innovative insecticide of a new generation!

The modern drug “Muracid” demonstrates excellent results:

  • blocks the development of the ant family;
  • destroys the uterus;
  • destroys larvae (rare for drugs of this type) and worker ants;
  • maintains a prolonged effect (2–3 months).

Good luck is ensured by diazinon, the active substance in the insecticide.


If the rules of application are followed, no harm is caused to soil bacteria and microorganisms. The acid-base balance remains the same. Soil and groundwater is suitable for drinking.

How to use the pesticide Muracid

The drug Muracid is available in liquid form, 5 ml. and 10 ml. in ampoules.

How to use Muracid correctly? The instructions for use state that 10 liters must be diluted for 1 ampoule. water. But before using the drug, you must make the necessary preparations and follow safety precautions.

The fact is that the drug is considered safe after it has been diluted and used. Until then, the toxic chemical can be dangerous to both humans and animals. Therefore, before you start poisoning ants, you should make the following preparations.

  1. Using classic chemical protection methods will protect you from getting chemicals on your skin and respiratory tract.
  2. You should also protect your eyes and wear safety glasses.
  3. Prepare the solution carefully, observing the proportions.
  4. All places where ants are concentrated (their paths, anthills, etc.) must be treated with the resulting solution. At the rate of 1 liter per m2. You can't miss anything. And the day before the process, it would be best to find all the paths and places where ants accumulate.
  5. The diluted preparation should be poured into the suspected places where ants accumulate, based on the formula (1 liter for 1 small anthill).

To kill ants indoors, you need to purchase Muracide in dry (powdery) form. And to do this, you just need to mix the bag with any bait (usually either an egg or porridge). Poisoned bait is placed in suspected areas where ants live.

If at the moment it is not possible to purchase the dry form of Muracid, and only the drug in ampoules is available, it can also be diluted with bait, observing the proportions.

If there are pets or children in the room, then they should be removed for one day. And if the drug gets on the skin, it must be washed with water and then wiped with 9% vinegar and ammonia.

If you experience the following symptoms after using a pesticide, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • excitation;
  • increased blood pressure.

It is forbidden to use the drug when it has expired. In this case, the residual effect, which should be safe for humans, turns into dangerous toxins.

How the drug works

As soon as the active substance diazinon enters the body of an ant, the following symptoms begin to occur in its body.

  1. Chemical reactions occur in the insect's body that cause convulsions.
  2. Diazinon affects the intestinal tract.
  3. Paralysis of all organs occurs and the insect dies.

The poison is also transmitted to the entire colony through infected ants (including the queen). Therefore, after a day the colony is completely exterminated.

Over the next few months, the area treated with Muracid becomes a killing field for ants and, possibly, other pests. But the residual effect does not pose a threat to people and animals. The poison is dangerous only in concentrated form.

Tests also showed that the pesticide Muracid is absorbed by the roots of plants and does not reach the green parts and fruits. And since it is harmless to plants, while the aphids, which are bred by ants, also die.

But at the same time, it can pose a threat to bees (only the first three days after pollination). Therefore, it is best not to use it near flowering plants.

More information about the drug and methods of use here:

How does Muracid affect insects?

The ant, along with the bait, ingests the drug. In a short time, Muracid begins to act on ants. Certain chemical processes begin to occur in the body of ants. The drug affects the nervous system of insects. The ants begin to have convulsions. Then the substance affects the entire gastrointestinal tract. In a short time, insects undergo complete paralysis and die.

In addition, ants easily infect their fellows and the queen. Thus, even those insects that have not ingested the drug will soon die. The colony dies out completely within 24 hours.

All areas treated with Muratsid remain poisonous to insects for several months. Therefore, for a couple of months you can forget about pests.

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. Muracid really helps many people get rid of obnoxious insects. Most gardeners choose this particular remedy when dealing with pest infestations. What is most surprising is the speed of action of Muracid and the preservation of the result for several months. The price attracts many. The most important thing is to use the drug according to the instructions and not to use it after the expiration date. There are practically no difficulties in application. Be sure to follow the instructions for use. Enjoy growing plants, and Muracid will help you forget about pests.


Many gardeners have already tried this insect repellent. And here are some of them who left reviews on the Internet:

Julianna. This is not the first year I have been using this insect killer. I think that the drug is justified and I recommend it to other gardeners.

Oleg. I encourage other gardeners to read what it says on the package. I once confused ant bait and poison. Therefore, instead of destroying the pests, I also attracted their neighbors. But I still don’t like the fact that the ampoule has to be opened with improvised means (scissors, knife, etc.), and then washed with soap and dishwashing liquid.

On forums, many gardeners recommend preparations whose active substance is the same as that of Muracid - DIAZINON. And some users do not support this opinion and believe that it is better to fight pests with folk remedies.

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