Modern devices against bedbugs: principle of operation, varieties

Classification of repellents

Ultrasound against bedbugs is not the only option for controlling parasites. Other means are also used. They differ in their level of efficiency and electrical parameters. Each device affects people differently.

When selecting a device,

The load on the electrical network must also be taken into account.

Considering that such equipment must be used for a long period, it is important to purchase a bedbug repeller that will be characterized by low energy consumption, which will avoid increased costs for utility bills.


This is the name of a device that is designed to destroy/repel insects, including bedbugs. The operating principle is based on the release of a toxic substance into the air when the ambient temperature changes. However, the dose of poison is small, so there is a change in the behavior of the pests; they do not crawl closer than is permissible, but do not die.

Bedbugs are afraid of products that have a more pronounced odor, for example, ammonia, kerosene, and toxic substances. When the fumigator is turned on, insects also react to the released compounds, so they try not to fall into the zone of its influence. At best, they will go in search of a new source of food, because they do not like to be in conditions in which they feel severe discomfort.


there is a possibility that they will continue to reproduce, but they will attack at different times, even during the day, to which they will be driven by hunger.

Standard type of electric fumigator

The fumigator is most effective when connected directly next to the bed. The greater the distance from the device to a person’s sleeping place, the lower the effectiveness of toxic substances. There are several types of such devices:

  • electrical: liquid, solid fumigant (plates, tablets);
  • pyrotechnic;
  • based on a chemical reaction when mixing substances, due to which steam containing a volatile compound is released (for example, Raptor aquafumigator).

In the first case, the toxic substance begins to be released when heated. When the device is connected to the network, the current changes the temperature of the heater, which leads to the release/evaporation of the insecticide. The second option operates on the principle of combustion. The wick is ignited and a volatile substance is released under the influence of high temperature.


  • If we consider the two previous types, each will highlight its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, I would like to have a device that combines all the advantages and has no disadvantages. If you have thought about this, then you should pay attention to electric models. It is this type that combines both actions of the devices and has the maximum effect. The effect is also very rapid; the pests are affected by waves one at a time, which significantly accelerates and intensifies the effect. In addition, “uninvited guests” will definitely not be able to adapt to such conditions.
  • You can see the result after a few hours, just plug it in. Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of the offspring right away, but it will be enough to turn it on after a few days and the problem will be solved. Also, do not forget about preventive actions, which will protect your home.

Electromagnetic repeller

Another name is magnetic resonance device. The principle of operation is based on the device’s ability to produce electromagnetic waves. The manufacturer states that this method provides the desired effect due to the occurrence of resonance between the radiation of the device and the vibrations of the pest’s nervous system.

In fact, such a theory has no basis. Electromagnetic repellers for household use have no effect on bedbugs. If you try to use them at home, the number of insects will soon increase, since no other means have been used.

Parasites will begin to fear an electromagnetic device only if the intensity of the radiation is significant. However, in this case, people will also feel severe discomfort. It will become impossible to exist in such conditions, so such equipment is not used at home.

Electromagnetic repeller: standard appearance

Ultrasonic devices

Such devices are no more effective than the electromagnetic bedbug repellers discussed above; reviews of them are equally negative. Ultrasonic radiation helps protect an object from insects that communicate with each other in a similar way, that is, using high-frequency sound waves. Bed bugs are not such pests.

For example, mosquitoes are afraid of repellers that operate on the basis of ultrasound.

Operating principle of electromagnetic devices

Just like ultrasound, magnetic resonance pulses cause bedbugs to leave the room, but do not kill them. There are both networked and stand-alone electromagnetic repellers, and almost all of them are universal, that is, they also work against other pests.

Magnetic resonance vibrations force insects to leave dangerous territory

When using magnetic resonance devices, the following should be considered:

  • powerful low-frequency radiation affects not only bedbugs and other insects, but also pets and humans;
  • The electromagnetic emitter does not affect bedbug eggs, and therefore requires repeated or constant switching on for at least a month.

After turning off the repeller, parasites in most cases reappear. This happens because bedbugs cannot travel long distances and remain on the border of the device’s radiation zone, continuing to feed and reproduce if possible. In the case of an apartment building, insects migrate to neighbors.

Scented repellers

For the most part, fumigators are a means of killing insects. Devices used against house bugs are divided into several types:

  • aerosol,
  • burning spirals,
  • smoke bombs,
  • electric.

The latter, in turn, work with various active elements, including:

  • records,
  • pills,
  • liquids,
  • liquid aerosols.

According to users, aerosols are most effective against bedbugs, including the use of electric fumigators. Sprays are easy to use and do not require special equipment; they are economical and affordable.

Some types of fumigators are harmful to the health of humans and domestic animals, so before turning them on, you should carefully study the attached instructions and take safety measures!

Liquid and aerosol fumigators are most effective against bedbugs

Most aromatic repellers contain complex substances that, in a specific combination, paralyze insects. The active ingredient enters the parasite's body, and the infected bug spreads the toxin throughout the population.

When working with aerosol substances, the following precautions must be observed:

  • use safety glasses;
  • avoid contact of the chemical with skin;
  • Before processing the room, remove food and utensils.

A smoke bomb, according to reviews, helps get rid of bedbugs, but is a rather dangerous means of combating parasites. The use of smoke bombs in houses with people is prohibited.

Classification of devices by type

The most widely used drugs on our market:

  • Ultrasound based. The manufacturer promises to supply a high-quality ultrasound device that has a terrifying effect on the parasite. As a result of its exploitation, impossible living conditions are created for these insects. It should be noted that this type appeared a long time ago and is not particularly effective compared to other methods. Many rightly abandoned their production and switched to more modern means.
  • Devices based on electromagnetic waves. Their frequency coincides with the frequency of amplitude oscillations of the parasite’s nervous system and destroys its body from the inside. This device is also quite dubious in operation and simply cannot inspire confidence in many more or less literate consumers. To be honest, in terms of efficiency these devices can easily be placed on the same line as ultrasonic devices.
  • So-called fumigators (essentially repellents based on an unpleasant odor for insects). When the device is plugged in, the special solution inside begins to smolder and emit an odor harmful to insects. But we must pay tribute to these household products; among them you can find the most effective ones.

What ultrasonic repellers are on the market?

Currently, the market is simply overflowing with insect repellers of domestic and foreign production. Chinese ones are in great demand for obvious reasons - low price. The device itself is a small box with several lights and buttons. Most of them have the ability to change modes. The prices for ultrasonic repellers vary. There are cheap products of economy class, mid-price category, and expensive ones. According to the principle of operation, they are practically no different. The whole difference is in the diameter of the impact, the reliability of the mechanism itself. Cheap repellers use a conventional sound sensor. Mid-range devices use ultrasound with a relatively small impact diameter. In order for insects to experience discomfort, it is necessary to install several devices in one room in different corners. Expensive repellers have a similar mechanism of action, but a large radius of ultrasound; high-quality materials are used for manufacturing.

The repeller runs on batteries or is connected to a power source using an outlet. Since long-term continuous operation of repellers is required, you should pay attention to the quality of the device itself and the materials from which it is made. Otherwise, the trendy repeller will simply melt.

Types of repellers

Nowadays it is difficult to keep track of the names of insect repellers, but the following brands are especially popular:

  • Typhoon is a representative of domestic products. It looks like a Soviet radio. The weight of the device is 200 grams. Works exclusively from the network. It is possible to switch the sound mode, which prevents insects from becoming accustomed to ultrasound of a certain frequency. The device costs around 1100 rubles.
  • Banzai is a Chinese product that does not stand out in any way. A small white box for all types of insects at once. In this case, only 2 modes are switched. A menacing looking samurai with a sword. Judging by customer reviews, bedbugs are not afraid of sound or sword. Battery operated. The cost of the repeller is about 100 rubles. Repellers made in Russia are produced under the same brand name. How they differ is not particularly clear, but the cost of one device is already around 1,500 rubles. Impact radius 25 sq. m. Powered by network.
  • Tornado is again a domestic product designed to combat rodents. A powerful drug whose waves can overcome obstacles. The action extends to the entire room and neighboring ones. Does not affect the operation of other devices or human well-being. The cost of a Tornado depends on its power - from 1800 to 6200 rubles.
  • EMR-21 is a Bulgarian-made device. Powered by network. It is an inconspicuous white box with a screen and several buttons for switching modes. In addition to ultrasound, it creates an electromagnetic field, which increases the effectiveness of the device in the fight against bedbugs. After connecting, resonant small vibrations arise in the electrical network wiring, they are transmitted to the walls, affect the condition of the insects, and force them to leave the shelter. The cost of the repeller is around 1100 rubles.
  • Ecosniper - produced in Russia. More like a mine. Round in shape, grayish in color, with flashing lights. Designed to repel rodents, birds and insects. Can be used outdoors and indoors. The cost of the device is about 1300 rubles.
  • Pest Reject is a drug on which special hopes are placed. The action begins immediately after connecting to the outlet. In addition to ultrasonic waves, it creates an electromagnetic field that is unfavorable for insects. Impact radius up to 200 sq. m. There is no need to buy 2 devices. One repeller will cope with living creatures on its own. The cost of Pest Reject is within 2000 rubles, which makes it especially popular. The device is actively sold via the Internet.

Device benefits

There are many reasons why repellers are preferable to traditional bed bug control methods. They are easier to use and do not require spraying, scattering or scattering the solution over potential parasite habitats. Of particular relevance for most consumers are such qualities as health safety, affordable price and high durability. Modern bedbug repellers can reach places that traditional chemicals cannot reach:

  • under baseboards;
  • in cracks in floors and walls.

Even with all their toxicity, modern poisons and poisons are not able to completely destroy all bedbugs. Insects that survive persecution adapt to the substances, and as a result, the fight against bedbugs becomes endless. But ultrasonic repellers act on bedbugs in a completely different way. The object of their influence is the nervous system of insects, and in order to escape from this terrible drug, bedbugs begin to leave the house.

During operation, repellers produce waves that spread throughout the entire room. So no matter where the crawling insects are hiding, this modern electronic device will still get them. You can be sure that repellers will reach even small, inconspicuous bedbugs that use such tiny hiding places that they are very difficult to notice.

How to use the repeller

The instructions for use are simple and banal. Remove the device from the packaging, connect it to a power source or insert batteries. Set the required mode and leave it on until the bedbugs disappear. It is recommended to turn it off periodically to avoid damage. It is necessary to use the device for a long time. Only at the end of the month can you notice a visible result. In addition, you should pay attention to the radius of influence of the repeller. You may have to install several pieces in one room at once.

Instructions for use:

  • remove from packaging;
  • plug into the socket;
  • set mode.

To prevent insects from becoming accustomed to constant ultrasound. Modes should be changed periodically.

What you need to know before use

When using the device you should know:

  • Ultrasound only affects adults, and does not affect eggs and larvae. Therefore, the device must be turned on every 12 hours.
  • If you need to get rid of bedbugs over a large area, it is more advisable to purchase several emitters at once and distribute them evenly throughout the room.
  • For the best effect, it is necessary to use different means of control in combination. For example, aromatic products: a device is plugged into the outlet that emits an odor unpleasant for parasites.

For best effect, ultrasonic insect repellers are recommended to be used for two months at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

Where in the apartment do bedbugs hide and rob?

Bedbugs prefer to live mainly in sofas, beds, armchairs - closer to humans. They can appear behind skirting boards and peeled wallpaper when all the places in the sleeping areas are already crowded. You can read in more detail about where bedbugs hide in the article - Where do bedbugs come from and where do they hide? Insects not only feed on our blood, but also reproduce very quickly. Having eaten well once, they can hide for a very long time. Residents of the premises will breathe a sigh of relief and think that they have gotten rid of uninvited guests. And when they completely relax, they accidentally discover that the insects have not just returned, but their numbers have increased many times and it is necessary to take radical measures, such as contacting the SES.

You can tell that bedbugs are living with you by their pink bites. For many, bedbug bites itch very much, causing severe pain. Although there are people who do not have any skin reaction to bites, this is very rare.

The effect of ultrasound on bedbugs

The main argument according to which ultrasound is not effective against bedbugs is that this type of insect does not have organs that produce sound, and therefore they do not have hearing organs. But scientists still have not come to a consensus on whether bedbugs make sounds. After all, not only the fluttering of wings or the friction of legs against legs can serve as a source of sound in insects.

Linen bugs

Bedbugs have sensitive hairs connected to nerve endings on their legs and abdomen. With the help of sensilla, insects sense thermal radiation and air vibrations. No hearing organs have been found in bedbugs, but high sensitivity to odors and temperature allows them to find food and a sexual partner.


Bacteria and viruses also do not have hearing organs, but ultrasound, thanks to the cavitation effect, successfully fights them. It is used to sterilize products, medical instruments, and drinking water. Under the influence of ultrasound, bubbles appear in biological fluids, which increase in size with prolonged exposure to sound. When bubbles burst, they have a shock and thermal effect, destroying the tissues of living organisms. The parasite does not have to listen to ultrasound to feel discomfort from repelling with ultrasonic waves.

The lower the ultrasound frequency, the easier it is to produce cavitation and the more aggressive its effect on living organisms. Therefore, many devices use a frequency of 20-22 kHz. It is impossible to say for sure whether ultrasound helps against bedbugs, since studies have not confirmed the effectiveness of repellers. But the synergistic effects of ultrasound and insecticides have been studied.

The ultrasonic agent creates cavitation in the parasite’s body, which increases its sensitivity to insecticides. Ultrasound against bedbugs together with insecticides are effective even against resistant insects. The combined effect, which has synergistic properties, also occurs when an electromagnetic bedbug repeller is used. It combines the action of ultrasound with magnetic radiation, enhancing each other's effectiveness.

Operating principle of the device

An ultrasonic device for bedbugs produces sound in a range inaudible to humans. Modern industry puts on the market a lot of ultrasonic devices with different characteristics. Ultrasound has a low wave frequency compared to sounds in the audible range. It obeys the same physical laws, but audible and ultrasound have different effects on the environment. Ultrasound has long been successfully used in biology, medicine, physics, and chemistry.

Ultrasound is reproduced using a piezo emitter. Repellers can operate from different power sources - batteries or an outlet. The higher the voltage supplied to the generator, the more effective the device is. Through the speaker, sound affects the air, creating elastic vibrations. They spread in the air and cannot overcome dense media - walls, pieces of furniture.

Ultrasonic repellers

The devices have a device that changes the wavelength. The electronic bedbug repeller can change the ultrasonic frequency automatically or manually.

An ultrasonic device for bedbugs does not destroy insects, but creates an irritating effect, which, according to manufacturers, repels them. The effectiveness of the repeller has not been proven by scientific research. The publications contain isolated references to private studies on small samples that have no scientific significance.


In 2002, Kansas State University conducted studies on the effectiveness of an ultrasonic repeller against dogs, rats, mice, flying and crawling insects. It has been found that dogs and rodents respond to ultrasound. He worries them, causes panic and leads them to flee. For insects, the effect was not clear. The device had the most pronounced effect on crickets, mosquitoes, and flies. Controversial results have been obtained for bedbugs and cockroaches.

Therefore, reviews of ultrasonic bedbug repellers are different. You can understand why this happens if you consider the physiology of the bug.

Reviews about the effectiveness of bedbug repellers


“I fell for the tricks of scammers and bought EcoSniper for bedbugs. The thing is absolutely useless. We hoped to remove parasites from our daughter’s apartment. She is a student and has rented housing. Over time, it turned out there were bedbugs. As a result, we bought an insecticidal preparation and removed it the old fashioned way - with reliable pest control!”


“If you have nowhere to put your money, buy a bedbug repeller. A sane person will first think about whether ultrasound is related to bedbugs, and then buy it. It has been repeatedly studied that no sound affects them. And if we go further, they don’t have a hearing aid as such!”


“You can only get rid of bedbugs using chemicals! At first I did this with folk remedies, a repeller, and other low-budget products. The bugs walked around the apartment and were not afraid of absolutely anything. As a result, I was physically and mentally exhausted and went to get poison. Anti-mosquito device - just what you need. Very helpful!”

Review of popular models

Ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices are recommended for use in premises for various purposes, including kitchens, bedrooms and storerooms.

Typhoon LS-500

The ultrasonic repeller Typhoon LS-500 will cope not only with bedbugs, but also with cockroaches, covering an area of ​​up to 80 m2. The operating principle of the Typhoon repeller is based on the operation of a special microcircuit that constantly changes the frequency and duration of ultrasonic pulses, which guarantees that insects will not adapt to them.

Ultrasound does not pass through walls, thick fabric, doors or other obstructions, so you will most likely need to use one device for each room. The required effect, according to the developers, is achieved in the second to fourth week from the moment the gadget is turned on.

Tornado OTAR-2

The universal device Tornado OTAR-2 repels not only bedbugs, but also cockroaches, fleas, ants and spiders. This ultrasonic device is easy to use and provides additional light exposure to insects.

The best result is achieved when installing the device in an open space and at a height of one to one and a half meters above the floor. A slight deviation of the repeller relative to the vertical axis is acceptable. The room should be treated again after a week.

EcoSniper LS-919

A universal ultrasonic device that works against bedbugs and other insects. LS-919 will help get rid of pests by treating the room with powerful pulses of ultra-high frequency sound waves, which provoke stress and panic attacks in parasites. As a result, bedbugs move away from the device’s coverage area.

EcoSniper LS-919 operates from a standard electrical network. The maximum effect is achieved after two to five weeks of constant operation of the device. When installing the gadget, you should take into account that carpets, walls and upholstered furniture prevent the propagation of ultrasound.

Hawk MT-04

The manufacturer emphasizes that the Hawk covers an area of ​​up to 150 m2 and can operate in one of three modes. The first is the most effective fixed-frequency mode, but with the risk of insects becoming accustomed to the radiation. The second is the effect of rapid frequency conversion, which does not cause adaptation in bedbugs. The third mode is a slow frequency conversion with no addiction and a long-lasting effect.

Hawk MT-04 can be used in premises for various purposes.

WK 0600 CIX Weitech

The ultrasonic repeller WK 0600 CIX Weitech is a rare device in terms of parameters such as price and quality, which can be classified as professional. This statement is based on the carefully thought-out design of the device, high-quality components and the impressive power of the gadget.

WK 0600 CIX Weitech contains two sensors, which gives a wider radiation pattern, and can operate in nine modes, which allows you to select the most optimal level of impact on pests. For the first two weeks, continuous operation of the device is recommended. After this, the emitter is turned on at night for preventive purposes.

Pest Reject

The Pest Reject bedbug repeller operates in ultrasound and magnetic resonance radiation modes, which leads to nervous exhaustion of insects and forces them to leave the coverage area of ​​the device.

Pest Reject is positioned by manufacturers and dealers as an ultra-compact, but powerful and versatile means of pest control, including bedbugs. The brand has been successfully advertised, and the low cost of the gadget attracts buyers like a magnet. However, it is worth considering that the manufacturer can supply only the cheapest components to a device costing 400–500 rubles, and this fact alone causes conflicting opinions. Reviews from the majority of consumers of this repeller only increase doubts about its effectiveness.

Table: comparative characteristics of the most popular bedbug repellers

Device modelPower consumption (W)Emitted frequency range (kHz)Ultrasonic pressure level (dB)Effective area (m2)Price, rub)
Typhoon LS-500420–5095801100
Tornado OTAR-21,62080501000
EcoSniper LS-9191,521–2575180–2001000
Hawk MT.04220801502000
WK0600 CIX Weitech0,42–501153255000–7000
Pest Reject52085200450

These parameters (except for the cost of the device) are indicated by the manufacturers and may differ from the actual ones.

Types of repellers and their features

The most popular types of anti-bed bug agents are ultrasonic, electromagnetic and aromatic repellers.

Ultrasonic bedbug repeller

It works on the basis of very high frequency sound radiation. The waves cause panic and stress in insects, forcing them to leave the living space. However, as reviews from most users show, ultrasonic devices (even the most expensive) are of little use.

IMPORTANT! Manufacturers claim that ultrasound negatively affects the nervous system of bedbugs.

In fact, the entire range of devices is a useless toy. A high-quality emitter, the effect of which could really be noticeable, cannot cost several hundred rubles.

Cheap models include:

  • simple and cheap sensor;
  • a pulse generator circuit using 1-2 microcircuits (or transistors);
  • Light-emitting diode.

More expensive models consist of:

  • powerful sound sensor (professional);
  • one or more microcell boards;
  • indication;
  • mode switch;
  • powerful power supply.

IMPORTANT! But even expensive models will not be able to completely get rid of annoying parasites in the house.

Popular models of ultrasonic bedbug repellers:

  1. Typhoon LS-500. A universal model that fights not only bedbugs, but also cockroaches. Coverage area – 80 m2. It works on a microcircuit that constantly changes the frequency and duration of ultrasonic pulses. Does not cause adaptation in insects. It does not penetrate through doors, walls and partitions, so a large house or apartment may require several devices.
  2. Tornado OTAR-2. The repeller works against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, mice and ants. Easy to use. It has an additional light effect on parasites. It is better to install in open space and at a height of 1-1.5 meters.
  3. Hawk MT-04. Covers an area of ​​150 m2 or more. It operates in three modes: fixed frequency (high risk of insects getting used to it), fast frequency conversion, slow frequency conversion. The most effective option of all those presented above.
  4. WK 0600 CIX Weitech. The closest thing to professional equipment. The best ratio of price and quality. Contains two sensors that provide a wide radiation pattern. Has 9 modes. To select the optimal mode, consult a specialist. The device should work continuously for the first two weeks, and after that only at night.

Electronic repeller in a socket

This category includes combined appliances operating from the mains. The device has a double or triple effect (that is, it combines electromagnetic, ultrasonic and aromatic repellers).

There are Chinese-made models on the market that act on parasites in three ways:

  • ultrasound (creates a changing sound signal);
  • electromagnetic resonance (affects the central nervous system of pests and disables it);
  • ion radiation (destroys odors by which parasites navigate in space).

IMPORTANT! The efficiency of these devices is average. Their power is not enough to remove all parasites from the home. Therefore, you will need an additional means to repel and destroy parasites.

The most popular models of electronic equipment:

  • Pest reject. The insect repeller begins to act immediately after connecting to the power source. Has dual effects (ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation). It is considered one of the most effective among analogues.
  • EMR-21. The device has an effect not only on insects, but also on rodents. For a large living area you will need several of these devices.
  • UP-116T. Works only against crawling types of insects. Combines the effects of ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic repeller

These devices, like ultrasonic ones, do not kill parasites, but only help remove them from the home. There are units that operate from the network, and there are autonomous models. But almost all of them are universal and suitable for controlling other pests.

Before using the device, please note:

  • low-frequency radiation affects not only parasites, but also humans and domestic animals;
  • The device has no effect on insect nests or their eggs.

IMPORTANT! One use of the device is not enough, the insects come back. They move to such a distance at which the effect of the device is not felt. Then they wait at this border and return to their original place.

The most popular (and safest for home residents) model of repeller is the Eco Sniper AR-120. It affects the central nervous system of bedbugs using low-frequency waves. Operates on an area of ​​80 m2. Cannot be used in damp or hot areas.

Aromatic repellers - fumigator

The only devices that not only drive bedbugs out of the house, but destroy them. There are several main types of fumigators:

  • aerosols;
  • spirals;
  • smoke bombs (prohibited for use in apartment buildings and in the presence of people);
  • electric (work on plates, tablets, liquid aerosols or liquids).

According to user reviews, fumigating aerosols, including those in electric format, are the most effective.

Fumigators are placed as close to the bed as possible. The device begins to vaporize compounds that are poisonous to insects.

Since the effectiveness of most types of fumigators is identical, here is a list of popular brands:

  • Mosquitall - also works against moths;
  • Raptor - helps against mosquitoes and moths.

Is an ultrasound machine effective?

Initially, electrical appliances were used to combat mosquitoes. These bloodsuckers use a specific sound for communication. But bedbugs use their sense of smell in search of food, so sound interference is not effective in combating them. When combining an ultrasonic and magnetic emitter in an apartment, you can achieve poor results. However, even in this case, the insects will not disappear, but will reduce their activity for several weeks.

Bed insects quickly adapt to unfavorable conditions and continue their active lives. To repel linen bloodsuckers, you can use fumigators with scented plates. This will help scare away some of the adults.

What is the best way to replace repellers?

In any case, bedbugs in the apartment should not be repelled, but destroyed: if they are infested in the room, they will bite constantly. Therefore, scaring them away is only a temporary measure that allows you to hold out until:

  • the use of special insecticidal agents (Get, Executioner, Klopoveron, Dichlorvos-Neo, Tetrix, Cucaracha and others are considered quite effective);
  • freezing bedbugs or burning them out with steam or industrial hair dryers;
  • calling exterminators who will carry out the extermination faster and more reliably than the residents themselves, and after disinfestation they will also give a guarantee that bedbugs will not appear in the house in the near future.

Thus, when choosing means to combat bedbugs, it is better not to look at repellers and not to read their encouraging advertising. This way, the likelihood of purchasing a truly reliable bedbug remedy will be much higher.

If you also have experience using a repeller to combat bedbugs, be sure to leave your feedback in the comment box below. Perhaps it will help other people make the right choice

Natural bedbug repellents

There is also a whole set of folk remedies that can quite successfully repel bedbugs.

  • Wormwood - it is either fresh or dry laid out under beds and mattresses. And to prevent bedbugs from getting in from neighbors - in the corners of the room, ventilation ducts and near the door. You can also prepare a decoction of wormwood and add it to water for washing floors, or spray it on baseboards to expel parasites from there.
  • Tansy - used similarly to wormwood.
  • Kerosene, denatured alcohol, vinegar are products that can repel not only bedbugs, but also the person himself with their smell. They are considered harmful, dangerous and obsolete.
  • Live geranium as a houseplant, and, if possible, a bug bush. These plants repel bedbugs more reliably than expensive fumigators.

But even with these means, you should remember that you won’t be able to kill bedbugs with their help, and even if used correctly, they will only give short-term results. They are more reliable as means of prevention - by constantly using them in the house, you can significantly reduce the chances of parasites entering from neighbors or from the street.

Dangerous or not for humans

The increased power of ultrasonic and electromagnetic repellers has a negative effect not only on parasites, but also on humans and/or pets. Many people begin to complain of headaches, stress, sleep disturbances, etc. So it is recommended to use such devices with great caution.

Some types of fumigators also cause harm to apartment residents and pets. Therefore, before use, make sure that the device or composition can be used in a residential area.

Don’t forget to take the following precautions when working with aerosols:

  • use safety glasses;
  • avoid contact of the product with skin and mucous membranes;
  • Before treatment, remove all food, dishes, clothing, etc. from the affected area.

Ultrasonic insect repellents

Bedbugs are parasitic insects that hide in the smallest cracks and niches.
Tiny parasites are capable of multiplying rapidly, so measures not taken in time lead to the seizure of the entire apartment. Innovative control methods include devices for killing bedbugs.

ViewOperating principleAdvantagesFlaws
Professional deviceCircular propagation of ultrasonic or magnetic resonance radiationRepels mosquitoes, bedbugs, mice, cockroachesHigh price
Semi-professional deviceNarrowband wave radiationRepels bedbugs, mosquitoesLow power and area coverage
Non-professional deviceUltrasound from bedbugs distributed by sensorsLow cost Practical designSlow operating principle

Ultrasonic devices, like electromagnetic repellers, operate autonomously or from the mains. Advanced models are equipped with special switches that regulate the frequency of radiation depending on the type of insects that need to be gotten rid of.

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