Effective bed bug repellents available commercially

A huge number of companies and small businesses offer their products, promising the complete destruction of shameless bloodsuckers - bed bugs. These include aerosols, powders, and emulsions.

Most people do not turn to specialists for advice or help, because they are confident that they can cope with this scourge themselves. And they begin to select funds. More often they rely on the veracity of advertising or advice from neighbors.

Moreover, when purchasing an insecticide, few people pay attention to the composition of the drug.

But it should, and here’s why: if after treating an apartment with some drug, not all insects died, the surviving individuals acquire immunity to this drug. The owner of the apartment, seeing his enemies alive, runs for a new effective remedy for bedbugs - with a different name. So, under this different “name” the same insecticide may be hiding. The bedbugs meet it fully armed, and the effect of using the poison will be close to zero.

The effectiveness of various types of insecticides on bedbugs

  • Concentrated emulsions: have a short duration of action, so the later the bug gets to the treated area, the more chances it has to survive and become invulnerable to this group of poisons.
  • Aerosols: have a lethal effect on the bug only if it is hit directly. An insect securely hidden in a shelter will calmly survive the treatment and continue its dirty work. You should know that treating bedbug oviposition almost does not destroy the offspring, since chemicals do not penetrate well through the dense shell of the egg.
  • Steam generator: Desperate homeowners selflessly “cook” bedbugs with steam. Of course, steam that gets on an insect will kill it outright. But he must catch a bug! By the way, clutches of eggs (if you find them) are perfectly destroyed by steam. But if someone managed to hide, wait for the next hungry invaders.

But not everything is so sad. There are tools that professionals trust. True, they are produced not here, but abroad, but they have Russian registration. We are talking about microencapsulated drugs. These include Master-250 MKS, Minap-22, etc.


Despite this “chemical” name, pyrethrum is a herbaceous perennial plant. It also has another name - chamomile. There are more than fifty species of chamomile in Russia, but only a few of them accumulate pyrethrins, which are poisonous to crawling insects. For the industrial production of intexicides, Dalmatian chamomile and pyrethrum cineracifolia are grown.


Pyrethrum powder can be used without the involvement of specialists. It is applied in a thin layer around the perimeter of the room, blown into cracks, bedside tables in bedrooms, sprayed under mattresses, behind paintings. You can use a medical bulb as a nebulizer.

The powder is absolutely harmless to humans and animals; there is no need to remove all living things from the treated room. Wet cleaning of the premises is carried out no earlier than after two days. The pyrethrin contained in pyrethrum powder paralyzes the insect by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, the bug quickly dies. By the way, pyrethrum has exactly the same effect on ticks.

Pyrethrum cannot be called an effective remedy for bedbugs: it gives a good result only with a small number of bedbugs. If they have firmly occupied the home, the effect of using this insecticide will be insignificant. Pyrethrum powder is sold in pharmacies.


Insect repellent Master 250MKS

Professionalism is important in everything, especially in such matters as the destruction of household insects: cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, wasps, flies, fleas, etc. What do we usually use to get rid of all sorts of crawling and jumping uninvited “guests” - cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, wasps or fleas? These are ordinary insect repellents - aerosols, crayons, powders, traps, baits and other “folk” remedies that give a rather psychological result - they seem to have done something, but in practice... alas... insects very soon appear again! Ordinary household remedies for bedbugs can only destroy those individuals that you came across directly during treatment. Despite the manufacturers' assurances on the can, such drugs do not have any significant aftereffect. Those. after applying the aerosol preparation to the surface, it very quickly loses its activity against bedbugs, cockroaches or ants.

Well, there is no way out of this situation?... There is! Use Master 250

is a highly effective, modern and universal
professional means of exterminating bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, wasps, flies, fleas and other insects Master 250
for exterminating bedbugs, cockroaches, wasps and wasp nests, ants, fleas and many other unwanted “neighbors” of humans.
This product is used by professional processors in many European countries, and is considered the standard of quality in the field of pest control! You just need to dilute the concentrate with water (according to the instructions), fill the spray bottle - and everything is ready for professional processing! Master 250 is effective against cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, wasps, flies, fleas, wood pests and all types of crawling insects;
Safe for people, animals, birds, trees and lethal to insects; For a long period of time (up to 6 months) it destroys bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, wasps, flies, fleas and other insects; Has a slight odor (dissipates immediately after treatment); Effectively destroys insects on any surfaces, incl. porous (concrete, wood, furniture upholstery, wallpaper, etc.); It does not repel, but destroys the entire population of insects; Does not leave greasy stains; Does not decompose when exposed to light and temperature; Conveniently and practically packaged; One bottle of Master 250 is enough to kill cockroaches using the barrier method over an area of ​​up to 50 m2. No other household insecticide offers all these benefits at the same time!

Now you have the opportunity to get rid of insects (bugs, cockroaches, ants, wasps, flies, fleas) at a PROFESSIONAL level, and with one of the best professional means! Place an order and we will deliver the drug to you within 2 working days, or send it by parcel to anywhere in Russia!

The drug is registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation under No. dated December 26, 2003. The product is certified.


If you prefer aerosols, try Combat - Superspray. This product is intended to kill wingless insects, which include bed bugs. Combat received good reviews from customers.

How does it work

By the nature of the effect, Kombat-Superspey is similar to chamomile: contact of an insect with the drug leads to paralysis and rapid death. But this product contains new generation pyrethroids (cyphenothrin and imiprotrin). Consequently, bedbugs have no immunity to Combat, they die 100 percent.

The manufacturer claims that the Combat bedbug killer has the smell of lemon, but here he is a little disingenuous: Combat has a strong, specific odor, characteristic of most household chemicals.

You should spray the insecticide from a can no closer than 20-3 cm from yourself. It is necessary to treat not only places inhabited by bedbugs, but also those in which they can move or lay eggs. After a quarter of an hour, you can ventilate the room. The room must be thoroughly cleaned. If after treatment not all bedbugs are dead, try using a professional product.

Precautionary measures

Combat-Superspray belongs to substances of hazard class III. There should be no children or pets in the room during spraying. And don't forget to wear a respirator. Like the Master -250 ISS, Kombat is sold through a retail chain. The cost of one can (500 ml) is approximately 220 rubles.



You can buy, find store addresses, and order Master 250 MKS with delivery in Moscow on this page.

Price for 1 bottle of Master250 is 690 rubles.

Cost of delivery:

  • to the order pick-up point - 250 rubles.
  • by courier to the address - 400 rubles. (beyond the Moscow Ring Road +25 rub./km)
  • For example, when ordering 2 bottles with delivery: - to a pick-up point, the cost of the order will be 2x690+250=1630 rubles, - by courier to the address (inside the Moscow Ring Road), the cost of the order will be: 2x600+400=1780 rubles.

    Purchase method Price 1 bottle per order Shipping costs Total order cost 1 piece*
    At the order pick-up point690 rub.250 rub.940 rub.*
    Delivery to address690 rub.400 rub.1090 rub.*
    In the shop820 rub.820 rub.
    Yandex Market850 rub.from 0r.from 850 rub.

    * The indicated order price is 1 piece, when ordering 2 or more pieces, the price is 1 piece.
    multiplied by the number of bottles ordered and the delivery cost is added to the amount. How to buy Master250 profitably You can purchase the drug Master 250 at a price of 820 rubles/piece.
    in Moscow stores: before your trip, be sure to call the store and find out about the availability of the drug.
    m. Novogireevo

    , Zeleny Prospect St., 91, “Everything for Repair” store, 2nd floor, “Paints and household chemicals” department.
    Exit the metro to the Kyrgyzstan cinema, then walk straight 370 meters along Green Avenue or 1 stop by transport towards Stalevarov Street. Tel.
    (495) 302-2208, 301-5057 Opening hours: Mon-Sun from 10:00 to 20:00.


    Bagrationovsky proezd, 7, bldg.
    3 TC "Gorbushkin Dvor" sector H2, 2nd floor, pavilion 013E Tel.
    multi-channel, free call. Opening hours: Mon-Sun from 10:00 to 21:00.

    m. Tyoply Stan

    , Teply Stan st., 27, building 1, Troparevo shopping center, 2nd floor, Home Goods store.
    Tel.6, (905)5027660.
    Opening hours: Mon-Sun from 10 to 20

    m. Elektrozavodskaya

    Semenovskaya Malaya, 9, building 9, entrance 1, office 105. Business center on Semenovskaya. Passage and passage through the entrance from the street. 9th company, by passport or driver's license. Free parking on site. Tel.
    Opening hours: Mon-Sun from 10 to 21


    , st.
    9th park ow. 61a building 1, shopping center "Vector", 10 meters from the metro, 2nd floor, pav. No. 8 “Tescoma-homes”. Tel.
    (926) 825-2015. Opening hours: Mon-Sun from 10 to 20 How to find: metro station Shchelkovskaya, the last car from the center. From the glass doors to the right, then left up the stairs to the street and again to the right.


    Delivery by SDEK courier to the address (within the Moscow Ring Road) is carried out from Mon-Fri, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., 3-4 days after placing the order. Orders will be picked up at the point of delivery within 2-3 business days after placing the order if the order is placed before 15:30. The order is stored at the point of issue for 4 days. Attention!
    Order pick-up points (SDEK pick-up points) are not stores; you cannot buy Master-250 there without a pre-order (the product simply will not be in stock). First, you need to place an order on this page and come to the order pick-up point after receiving confirmation of delivery of the goods to the pickup point. You can most easily buy the drug in one of the stores listed above.
    • After placing an order, the dispatcher will contact you or you will receive an email notification about the processing of your order. (Feedback within 2-4 hours).
    • In the stores listed above, you can buy the drug yourself. No days off and no lunch break.

    How many bottles should I order?...
    1 bottle of the drug is designed to prepare 1 liter. working solution. This amount is usually enough to cover about 30 sq.m. The consumption of the working solution depends on the sprayer you will use for processing.

    Approximate consumption rates of the drug:

    Destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, woodlice and other crawling insects in 1-3 square meters. – 1-2 bottles. Destruction of wasps (1-2 nests) – 1 bottle. Destruction of wood pests (bark beetle, wood borer, longhorn beetle) – 1 bottle per 30-40 sq.m. wood surface Read more about processing methods

    How to buy Master250 profitably If you only need 1 bottle of the drug, then it is most profitable to buy it in one of the stores whose addresses are listed on this page. Or on the Yandex-Market marketplace, especially if you have “Thank you” bonuses. Stores are open until 20-21 hours on weekdays and 19-20 hours on weekends (the exact opening hours are indicated for each store separately). If you need 2 or more bottles, then it is more profitable to buy them with delivery to the point of delivery of orders for receipt at a convenient time within four days, because points are open until 20 and even 22 hours. In this case, you save on each bottle (compared to the price in the store), and the cost of delivery of the entire order will be 250 rubles. Those. when purchasing, for example, 3 bottles with delivery to a pickup point, the order cost will be 690x3+250=2320 rubles. And in a store such an order will cost 820x3 = 2460 rubles, i.e. for 140 rub. expensive. With each subsequent bottle ordered with delivery to the pick-up point, your savings (from the store price) increase by 130 rubles (!!!) per bottle. If you don’t have time to go to the store or to the pick-up point, you can order Master250 with door-to-door delivery to an address convenient for you. When purchasing 4 or more bottles, it is not only convenient, but also more profitable than buying in a store. The cost of delivery to the address is 400 rubles. But you can buy the drug in the store today, without days off or lunch breaks. This is the fastest way to acquire Master-250. We tried to provide maximum variability and comfort for you when purchasing the Master-250, because we understand your problems very well. Happy shopping!


Supermarkets sell a remedy against bedbugs with a promising name - “Executioner”. It is distributed throughout the country by a network of suppliers. The drug is inexpensive - about 70 rubles per bottle. But this portion is only enough for 5 square meters. m. That is, to treat an apartment you will have to buy from 10 to 15 bottles. And for rooms heavily crowded with furniture, it is suggested to use up to 20 bottles. This is causing concern among experts, although suppliers claim that the drug is almost harmless. In the list of the Research Institute of Disinfectology, Executioner is listed as an unregistered product in Russia with an unknown active ingredient (and unknown manufacturer). Sellers claim that the drug is produced by the German company Bayer, but this respected manufacturer does not confirm this information.

Garden pest control should include not only chemical means, but also mechanical and biological methods. Among the pests of indoor plants, it is worth noting the five most active: aphids, nematodes, mealybugs, whiteflies and spider mites. Read this article on how to deal with these insects.

The cabbage borer eats not only cabbage, but also other plants of the cruciferous family. How to get rid of this scourge, read the link.


MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml. Original!

Modern product “MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml.” from Cockroaches, Fleas, House Ants for home and garden.

Product for controlling garden pests Buy a bottle Master250 40 ml. in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The effect occurs one day after treating the habitats of insects Wasps, ants, flies and lasts until the end of the season. The product also destroys bedbugs, cockroaches, flies, wood pests, fleas and other crawling insects.

It is enough to treat the habitats of Ants or wasps and other harmful insects once a year!

One bottle of Master 250 40 ml is enough to treat an area of ​​30 m2 to combat wasp nests and anthills.

It is very simple to make a solution of the drug Control of garden pests with wasps and ants yourself. Fill a 1-liter container with cold water, drop a bottle of Master 250 into it. Shake thoroughly. That's it, the solution is ready! Spraying the drug against Wasps and ants is also simple, just moisten the surface of the insects’ habitat with the solution, avoiding the drug dripping off in drops.

MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml.: guaranteed destruction of garden pests

By improving our personal plots, orchards and vegetable gardens, we expect to enjoy the beauty of the plantings and the harvest for as long as possible. But insect pests also claim their rights to cultivated garden plants and fruits.

Is it possible to get rid of ants, aphids, wasps and other insects at once? And can an insecticide be safe for plants, pets and humans?

MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml. - a modern means for combating wasps, ants and other garden pests for the garden, greenhouse and vegetable garden - which acts almost instantly and does not pose a danger to humans and the environment if precautions are taken.

The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, an organophosphorus compound that blocks the nerve impulses of insects. The active substance particles are enclosed in special polymer microcapsules. Due to this, if at least one such capsule gets on the chitinous cover of an insect or in the gastrointestinal tract, its instant paralysis and subsequent death occurs.

The advantage of using Master 250 is that a single treatment of the area guarantees the absence of pests throughout the entire season. This result is possible precisely thanks to the unique microcapsule form, due to which the substance remains active after spraying for more than 70 days.

The working solution does not damage the coating and does not leave stains or streaks. It does not decompose when exposed to high temperatures and sunlight. One bottle of MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml is enough to treat an area of ​​about 30 square meters. Immediately before treatment, the concentrated stock solution is diluted in 1 liter of cold water and then sprayed through a spray bottle.

MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml is universal: equally effective for several hundred species of insects. If you are concerned about the following questions: • How to get rid of ants in the garden • How to remove a wasp nest and no longer be afraid of being stung • How to deal with aphids on plants - you should try Master 250! This product is used by professionals and it will not disappoint you!

Buy MASTER 250 MKS in the Ruza district, Tuchkovo in the Santekhmontazh retail store on the market Moscow region, Ruza urban district, Nesterovo village, Letnyaya street, 9A from 10 to 19 hours daily

Buy MASTER 250 MKS Ruzsky district st. Majora Alekseeva, 51, Kolyubakino village Construction market, Santekhmontazh plumbing store +7 (925) 005-11-51 from 10 to 18 hours daily

Buy MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml. in Zhukovsky Molodezhnaya street, 22 Shopping center "Five Stars" 1st floor Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russia, 140187 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-19; Sat-Sun 10-17; tel.(903)106-3427

Master 250 destroys any ants, wasps, bees, wasp nests, flies, fleas; Safe for people, animals, birds and plants; Throughout the season it protects against ants, wasps, remove wasp nests, flies, fleas and other insects; Works on the principle “I processed and forgot about the problem”; Modern protection against garden pests MASTER 250 MKS 40 ml Effectively destroys ants in the greenhouse, vegetable garden, on trees, paths, anywhere; Does not repel insects, but destroys the entire insect population; Does not leave greasy stains; Does not decompose when exposed to light and temperature; One bottle of Master 250 is enough to treat an area of ​​30 m2

MASTER 250 ISS Manufacturer: Makteshim-Agan Industries Ltd., Beer Sheva, Israel. State registration number of the drug in the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2003 manufacturer’s website www.master250.ru


The professional product Get (almost odorless) is a professional product. Its active substance is chlorpyrifos, placed in microcapsules. The product works for a long time. This is important: Get does not affect bedbug eggs, but it can wait for the young to appear.


Mix the contents of the bottle (100 ml) with one and a half liters of water, and apply the resulting mixture in strips to baseboards, door frames, upholstered furniture frames and other places where pests are likely to move. The instructions require ventilation of the room to speed up the drying process of the solution. A 100-milliliter bottle of Get costs about 750 rubles.



Inexpensive and economical, Cucaracha is liked by many users. Only 2.5 g of product is enough per liter of water (the drug is sold in 50 ml bottles). The working solution is consumed at the rate of 50 ml per square meter of surface. However, when processing the back side of cabinet furniture, the consumption doubles - untreated wood material absorbs liquid well. User reviews about Cucarach are positive. The cost of one 50 ml bottle is 186 rubles.

Please note: concentrated chemicals are intended for professional processing. Therefore, when working with them, all safety precautions prescribed for professionals should be observed.


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