Kleschevit and Kleschevit Super - use against pests, reviews, analogues, compatibility

An insectoacaricide with enteric contact action against leaf-eating and leaf-sucking pests. Active ingredient: Aversectin C, 2 g/l. . Analogue: Fitoverm. Chemical class: avermectins. Has a slight unpleasant odor. Available in ampoules of 4 ml.

Mechanism of action: aversectin acts on the nervous system of the pest (insects and arthropods), causing paralysis 8-10 hours after spraying, death occurs after 3-6 days. The protective effect on the leaves lasts 5-7 days (the drug is destroyed under the influence of natural factors).

Varieties of Kleschevit

There are several types of this insecticide, differing in release forms and properties.

. Varieties of this drug can be used in different conditions, and this must be taken into account when carrying out treatments, otherwise the quality of the fruit may deteriorate sharply.

Kleschevit Super Spray

This spray is intended for treating clothing against ixodid ticks; this drug also effectively kills fleas. This product is specially produced in the form of a spray to make it easier to use. Release form: 100 ml bottle. After treatment, Kleschevit Super Spray protects clothes for 2 weeks. The active substance of this drug is alphacypermethrin.

Kleschevit Super

This variety of Kleschevit is a concentrated emulsion, available in 100 ml bottles. The active substance included in Kleschevita Super is cypermethrin (up to 25% of the total volume of the product).

The product Kleschevit Super is used for spraying the area around buildings and gardens, and is used for protection against ixodid ticks. The insecticide begins to destroy insects within 30 minutes after treatment.

When preparing the working fluid, you should follow the instructions for use of the product. This insecticide protects the treated area for 30 days. Usually the solution is prepared as follows: 5 ml of the product is dissolved in 2 liters of water.

The drug Kleschevit

This insecticide is used more often than other varieties, as it has a wide spectrum of action.

This product is used for treating garden and vegetable crops, as it has low toxicity.

Remembering the head of the assay tent

Namely, the unforgettable Kozma Prutkov: “When you see the inscription “Buffalo” on the elephant’s cage, do not believe your eyes.” And what, exactly, is there not to believe? Inscriptions or that an elephant is not a buffalo, and vice versa? A similar situation is created with the Kleschevits.

First, “ Kleschevit as Kleschevit” is nothing more than the long-known Fitoverm for private household plots. This is where the change of trade name seems more or less justified. The fact is that Pharmbiomedservice produces its own, no less popular Fitoverm in a concentration of 0.5% (50 g/l) of the same active ingredient, which is also registered for private household plots (and for agricultural farms too, unlike the August 0.2%). A 2.5-fold difference in the concentration of active substances is a very serious thing, and since the manufacturers have agreed to save consumers from confusion fraught with unpleasant consequences, then this is absolutely correct.

But the Kleschevits Super - to what extent does such a play on words comply with the legislation on consumer protection and trade? The semantic name is the same. The prefix “Super” semantically indicates that this drug is in some way better than “simple”. But between two pesticides with completely different purposes, which one could be “better”? The active substances are different, and the concentration of the stronger and more dangerous is 125 times higher! What will happen if a grandmother, a summer resident, or, even worse, a young mother, a C student in chemistry at school, takes and sprinkles “Super” on her tomatoes according to the regulations for “just”? And “ Spray ” after Super loses its meaning completely, although the drugs differ 100 times in the concentration of active substances. There is no Spray in the store, well, I’ll just take Super. Well, I processed my clothes and went into the forest. And then it turns out that it would be better if the encephalitis tick bit into it - the consequences of unintentionally treating yourself with a dangerous substance in high concentration are no better, if not worse.

What pests is it used against?

Kleshevit Super and Kleshevit Spray have a narrow focus, and only Kleshevit is able to cope with the following pests:

  • spider and other types of mites;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • cabbage moth;
  • whiteweed;
  • flower thrips;
  • whiteweed;
  • leaf roller;
  • aphids;
  • weevil;
  • codling moth.

special instructions

While working with Kleschevit preparations, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke. Immediately after spraying crops, wash your hands with soap and wash. When an insecticidal agent gets on the skin, an allergic reaction occurs, and intoxication of varying degrees of severity occurs in the respiratory tract.

It is forbidden to work with toxic substances for pregnant women, lactating women, people prone to allergies, respiratory diseases, or breathing difficulties.

If, during the process of spraying plants against ticks, dizziness, nausea, weakness, or headache occur, work should be stopped. Rinse your mouth with a soda solution, take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per kilogram of weight. If the condition does not return to normal, you need to seek help from specialists.

Kleschevit super is used to treat areas against ixodid ticks. Destroys adults, nymphs, larvae of different ages. Protection after one spraying lasts 20 days. Disinsection is carried out wearing gloves, a respirator, and a protective suit.

Kleschevit: instructions for use against pests

This insecticide should be used depending on the variety of cultivated plants, as well as the degree of their damage by insect pests.

The Kleschevit working solution is prepared in accordance with the types of garden or vegetable crops that will be treated with it.

Potato mites

This vegetable crop is treated with Kleschevit against the most important pest - the Colorado potato beetle. The working liquid for spraying is prepared as follows:
10 ml of the product is dissolved in a bucket of water. Tops are processed during the period of active growth of green mass.

Insect repellent Kleschevit - video

The number of treatments of a potato plantation against the Colorado potato beetle with Kleschevit is no more than 3 with an interval of 3 weeks between them. Usually, at least two sprayings are carried out to completely kill the Colorado potato beetle.

The consumption rate of working fluid is 5 liters of fluid per hundred square meters.

Coragen Shar Pei Insegar

Mites for treating cabbage against pests

Cabbage should be treated with a solution of the insecticide Kleschevit against:

  • cabbage whites;
  • white turnip;
  • cabbage scoop.

To process cabbage, prepare the following working liquid: dilute 40 ml of the drug in a bucket of water.

Spraying is carried out twice with an interval of 2 weeks. Consumption of the drug per hundred square meters is 4 liters.

Mites for currants

Various pests can settle on currants, and the dosage of the drug when preparing the working solution will also be different.

To deal with mites that have appeared on this berry bush, the following working liquid is prepared:
20 ml of Kleschevit is diluted in 10 liters of water.
Treatments must be carried out during active growth of the vegetative mass. For each bush, 1 liter of working solution should be used. Treatments of currants with mite mites are carried out until the mites are completely destroyed, and the interval between sprayings should be at least a week. But usually carrying out this procedure twice is enough. Against moths and leaf rollers, currants are treated with Kleschevit twice with a break of a couple of weeks. The working solution is prepared as follows:
15 ml of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Application of Kleschevita against apple tree pests

These fruit trees are often damaged by various pests; working solutions of Kleschevit can be prepared with different dosages of the product.

Against spider and red fruit mites, Schlechtendahl mites, leaf rollers and moths, up to 3 treatments should be carried out with an interval between them of up to 12-14 days. Against spider mites, several treatments of the apple tree with Kleschevit should be carried out with an interval of 6-8 days, and against leaf rollers, the interval between sprayings should be 14-28 days. The working solution is prepared as follows:
take 15 ml of insecticide per 10 liters of liquid.
The consumption of working fluid depends on the size of the tree crown and the size of the pest colony - from 2 to 5 liters for each apple tree. The solution against codling moths and moths is prepared as follows:
take 20 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. In this case, 2-5 liters of working fluid are consumed for each apple tree.

For cucumbers, bell peppers and eggplants

Against mites, Kleschevit solution is also used to treat these vegetable crops. Moreover, peppers and cucumbers are treated with the product during the flowering period, and eggplants - during the period of active growth of green mass. The working fluid is prepared as follows:
dissolve 10 ml of the product in a bucket of water.
Usually at least 2 treatments are carried out, the interval between them should be long - at least 3 weeks. For every hundred square meters of area, use a bucket of working solution. Against melon and peach aphids, cucumbers, peppers, and eggplants are treated with a more concentrated solution - 40-60 ml of the product is dissolved in a bucket of water.

Use this working solution as follows:

  • spraying is carried out up to 3 times;
  • between treatments you need to take a break of 2 weeks;
  • For every hundred square meters of area, a bucket of working fluid is consumed.

Against tobacco and Californian thrips, cucumbers, bell peppers and eggplants are treated with a strong concentration of Kleschevit solution. To do this, dissolve 100 ml of the product in a bucket of water. If these vegetable crops are severely affected, then treatments must be carried out three times with an interval of 2 weeks between them. If there are not too many pests, then only a couple of sprayings can be done.

Principle of operation

Kleschevit has contact and intestinal effects. The substance enters the pest’s body through direct contact with the body, as well as by eating the juice of the treated plant. Aversectin C affects the nervous system of the tick and quite quickly leads to paralysis.

In the first 8-10 hours, pests lose activity and stop eating plant tissue. Complete death is noted after 2-3 days. The protective effect lasts up to 5-7 days. At the same time, harvesting can begin in 2-3 days. Treatment with Kleschevit is carried out up to three times per season - at the beginning of the growing season, during the formation of buds and, if necessary, at the fruiting stage. In this case, the interval between treatments should be at least seven days.

Important! It is noted that the maximum effect of the drug Kleschevit occurs at a temperature of 25-32 degrees.

Therefore, it is better to carry out processing in warm weather. As a last resort, you can work at a minimum temperature of +15 °C.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Kleschevit insecticide include:

  1. wide spectrum of action;
  2. possibility of use for processing garden and vegetable crops in open and closed ground, as well as for indoor plants;
  3. Insect pests do not develop resistance to the drug, so Kleschevit can be used continuously during the summer season every year;
  4. ease of dilution of the drug and ease of spraying;
  5. The product effectively destroys all pests and begins to act on them within a few hours after treatment. And the complete death of insects occurs a few days after poisoning.

This insecticide has no particular disadvantages. You just need to follow the dosage of the drug when preparing the working fluid, and also carry out treatments at certain intervals.

Photo of instructions for use of the drug Kleschevit from the manufacturer

First aid

You should not self-medicate. After providing first aid, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  1. Skin contact. Remove with cotton wool or a piece of cloth, being careful not to rub. After the procedure, rinse the skin area with water.
  2. Contact with eyes. You should rinse them under running water for 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes open while rinsing.
  3. Getting into the lungs. You need to change into clean clothes and then go out into the open. Call a doctor.
  4. Hitting the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, rinse your mouth with water and drink activated carbon (1 gram of sorbent per 1 kg of the victim’s weight). Induce vomiting, repeat if necessary. Then drink water with activated carbon again, but do not induce vomiting. Contact your doctor immediately.

Hazard class and precautions

The tick insecticide is classified as hazard class 3,

therefore, the drug is low-hazard for humans and warm-blooded animals. Although it is believed that this product is low-hazard for bees and can be used even during the flowering period of cultivated plants, in apiaries it is still necessary to limit the number of bees in the period of treatment of plants and release them the next day after spraying.


The insecticide Kleschevit is dangerous for the inhabitants of water bodies, so it is not advisable to spray near rivers, lakes or ponds.

KLESCHEVIT and Green soap. Fighting ticks - video

When working with the drug, the following safety precautions should be taken:

  • the human body must be completely hidden under clothing;
  • the respiratory tract is protected with a respirator, and hands with rubber gloves;
  • It is required to wear closed shoes and a hat;
  • the drug is not sprayed in windy and rainy weather;
  • after finishing work, rinse your mouth and rinse your eyes under running water;
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying;
  • After finishing work, you need to take a shower and wash your clothes separately from other things.

Compliance with safety measures

Mites can harm bees, so it is recommended to isolate the hives before starting work. The drug does not pose a great danger to humans, however, during spraying the following precautions must be observed:

  • Use a protective mask, gloves, and gown.
  • Avoid eating food and drinks. Also, do not smoke while spraying.
  • Carry out processing in calm weather.
  • Upon completion of work, thoroughly wash your hands with detergent, wash, and take a shower.

If the solution gets into the nasopharynx, it is recommended to take activated charcoal and wash down the tablets with plenty of clean water.

Compatibility of Kleschevit with other drugs

The drug Kleschevit is compatible with the following chemicals:

  • Fufanon;
  • Actellicom;
  • Talstar.

When using these drugs together, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drugs by 2 times.

Kleschevit can be used alternately with various biological preparations - the interval between treatments with different agents should be at least a week.


It is forbidden to use Kleschevit simultaneously with Vermitec.

Fungicide Discor Fungicide Profit Gold Preparation Mancozeb


  • The occurrence of resistance is unlikely, but it is recommended to alternate with insecticides and acaricides from other chemical groups.
  • It should be borne in mind that the effect of the drug largely depends on the air temperature. When it decreased from 24 to 17°C, the toxicity for the common spider mite decreased by 7.6 times, and when it increased to 32°C it increased by 4.8 times.
  • The drug "Kleschevit, EC" is a complete analogue of "Fitoverm, EC", only with a concentration of the active substance 2.5 times less, so when choosing, it is better to give preference to the latter.

The drug Kleschevit: reviews of use against pests

Elena, 35 years old, Stavropol: I treat apple trees with Kleschevit, and all the pests die after just a couple of treatments. But even when spraying in protective clothing, I have an allergic reaction to this product. But this is explained by the fact that I am an allergy sufferer in life.

Lera, 40 years old, Rostov-on-Don: This product is very helpful in treating vegetable crops against major pests. But its price is quite high, and when cultivating my large garden I have to spend a lot of money.

Valentin, 47 years old, Perm region: Kleschevit is a fairly effective drug against most garden and garden pests. You just have to follow a number of rules - follow the dosage of the product, maintain the intervals between spraying. But overall I am pleased with this insecticide.

This drug can be used to combat many insect pests that attack garden or vegetable crops, indoor flowers and plants.

The insecticide begins to “work” within 6 hours after spraying, while 2-3 treatments are sufficient to completely kill the pests. Thanks to the undeniable advantages of the drug, its popularity among gardeners, flower growers and vegetable growers is constantly growing.

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Kleshchevit has a hazard class 3 (moderately dangerous substance), hazard class 2-3 for bees (class 2 in an increased dosage of dilution against aphids). Tick ​​beetle is not phytotoxic.

Security measures

Handle using gloves. While working, you must not smoke, drink, or eat. After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth. Store the drug in a cool, dry room at a temperature from -20C to +30C, separate from food and medicine, out of the reach of children and pets! There is no antidote; treatment for ingestion is symptomatic.


  • Higher concentration – lower consumption rate. Economically beneficial;
  • Does not penetrate through plant membranes into the plant - does not accumulate in plants and fruits;
  • Can be used at any phase of plant development, including during fruiting. Harmless to human health;
  • At high temperatures, the effectiveness of the drug increases, while that of most chemical drugs decreases;
  • Short waiting period – 2 days;
  • Wide spectrum of action (spider mites, aphids, thrips, lepidopteran caterpillars, Colorado potato beetle, root-knot nematodes, etc.). Higher concentration - lower consumption rate. Economically beneficial;
  • Does not penetrate through plant membranes into the plant - does not accumulate in plants and fruits; m
  • Can be used at any phase of plant development, including during fruiting. Harmless to human health;
  • At high temperatures, the effectiveness of the drug increases, while that of most chemical drugs decreases;
  • Short waiting period – 2 days;
  • Wide spectrum of action (spider mites, aphids, thrips, lepidopteran caterpillars, Colorado potato beetle, root-knot nematodes, etc.).

Waiting times

Things to remember:

  • avermectins are quickly destroyed by sun and moisture;
  • the decay period on the soil surface is a day, on plants – no more than 72 hours;
  • half-life in water and soil is 1-7 days;
  • the drug has low toxicity for bees; after evening treatment it becomes absolutely safe every other day.

The poison remains in the bodies of insects and ticks for 7-20 days. Even if they survive, they become less voracious and their ability to reproduce decreases.

Important! Resistance (addiction) to Fitoverm develops slowly; it is used on a site for 5-6 seasons, then a break is taken for 1-2 years.

The drug is safe for plants (non-phytotoxic) and does not accumulate in their organs. After spraying, the fruits can be collected and eaten after 48 hours.

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