The effectiveness of Clean House in the fight against bedbugs

When bedbugs appear in an apartment, the question arises as to what can be used to poison the parasites. It seems that the problem can be solved simply: just buy a household insecticide in the store and spray it in the house. In reality, everything is much more complicated. Conventional insecticides quickly disintegrate in air and become harmless. They need to be sprayed in places where insects accumulate and preferably directly on the pests. And house bugs hide in places where you can’t get to them with a spray can. You can invite SES employees or buy a Clean House remedy for bedbugs.

How to deal with bedbugs

The best drugs to combat bedbugs
Bedbugs are parasites that suck blood at night. The danger of small bloodsuckers lies in their ability to cause harm to the human body, in particular, the spread of dangerous infectious diseases.

You can solve problems yourself in several ways:

  • repelling parasites with herbs with a pronounced odor (wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary, chamomile);
  • sudden changes in temperature conditions;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • using chemicals.

Each option is good in its own way and has pros and cons. The first is inconvenient due to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the room, the second can lead to the appearance of ARVI, the third is possible if there are large panoramic windows, the fourth is the simplest and most accessible, but requires careful adherence to the instructions. Clean house from bedbugs, reviews have shown that Clean House anti-bedbug spray is a product that gives one hundred percent results. Subject to the manufacturer's requirements, it is completely safe for living organisms.

Composition and release forms

The manufacturer claims that Clean House from Bedbugs is a new generation of dichlorvos, created on the basis of modern technologies. However, it’s hard not to argue here, since the Clean House product contains components used in the 70s of the last century.

The main ingredients are:

  • Cypermethrin in an amount of 13%.
  • Tetramethrin - 2.5%.

Both of them are extracted from a plant base (chrysanthemum flower) and belong to the order of perythroids. Plant origin ensures relative harmlessness to the organisms of warm-blooded animals, as well as to humans.

For example, in order to provoke the effect of poisoning in a person, a large amount of toxic substances must enter the body through the digestive system, which in itself is impossible when sprayed. However, this tandem helps fight bedbugs quite well.

Note: If you are interested in finding out exactly how Clean House works on bedbugs, study the principle of action of its main components. But in any case, the outcome is the death of the pest.

Regarding existing forms, the product range is quite wide. And how much the drug costs directly depends on your needs and preferences.

Aerosol Spray Clean Home

Aerosol and Spray are ready-to-use substances. Available in cylinders with a convenient spray type. The main composition remains unchanged - Tetramethrin with Cypermethrin. Easily applied to surfaces, penetrating into hard-to-reach places. It is recommended to shake the aerosol can well before use.

After spraying, the components undergo rapid disintegration, therefore after 2-3 hours the product becomes safe for warm-blooded animals.

The aerosol copes well with all types of insects, and as the practice of customers and their reviews about the spray Clean House from Bedbugs shows, sometimes it even destroys mice and rats. Here, by the way, is one of them:

Feedback from the forum. Veronica, Moscow

In the summer we always live in the country. But last season there were bugs there. Neighbors advised me to buy powder or chalk for bedbugs Clean House. However, at that time, the husband had already purchased a spray against bedbugs, fleas and cockroaches. He noticed a Clean House with chamomile for bedbugs in advance, read the reviews and decided to trust them. As it was written in the instructions, we tightly closed the windows and doors, moved the furniture away, hid the food, etc. Having processed the rooms, it took about three hours. When we returned, we aired everything out.

The corpses of midges, some beetles and spiders were lying around the house. We didn't see any live bedbugs. A dozen dead people were found in the sofa. Two days later, I found a dead mouse under the kitchen sink. What made you crazy? I'm guessing from the spray. Although it had no effect on the cat. We were happy for two weeks! Then I again found traces of bedbugs in the bed. It's a shame! I had to repeat the process, only the powder was added (for greater effect). It seemed to help. We'll see what happens this summer.

In addition, users note that Clean Home aerosols and sprays have an affordable price. Aerosols are sold in volumes of 150 and 600 ml at prices of about 110 and 600 rubles, respectively. The spray will cost 220-250 rubles for 400 ml. They do not leave marks on furniture. The period of active action is 25 days.


Bedbug Chalk Clean House is a trapezoidal or triangular block that needs to be used to outline areas around insect locations. According to reviews about the chalk Clean House from Bedbugs, it can destroy bedbugs, ants, cockroaches, house bugs, fleas and other crawling reptiles.

It contains the same components - Cypermethrin, Tetramethrin. Treatment against bedbugs is carried out by applying wide stripes on the surface, as well as on the paths of movement of insects. One chalk is enough for an area of ​​20 sq.m. The exposure period is 6-10 days, after which the procedure should be repeated.

It is in demand due to its safety of use and relatively low price - no more than 20-30 rubles per 20 grams. (1 PC.).

Review: Igor, St. Petersburg

Recently I began to notice the presence of bed bugs. Very unpleasant! But since I am allergic to any aerosols, I decided to try the harmless Clean House chalk. At first it helped, but then, after two weeks, the bloodsuckers appeared again. Naturally, I re-treated the bedbugs. Fortunately, there are 250 pencils in a package! In short, in the end, about halfway through the pack, I gave up on everything and called the SES.


Unlike other forms of release in which the drug is available, the Clean House bedbug gel syringe turned out to be somewhat more effective. Having come into contact with it, the insect almost completely coats its body with the composition and involuntarily brings it into the den, infecting other individuals. Along the way, in addition to bedbugs, the gel rids the space of representatives of other types of insects.

Clean House gel syringe for sale in packs of 20 grams. The price of the package is from 50 to 60 rubles.

Review: Elena, Novosibirsk

Living in an old communal house, I saw all sorts of living creatures. There were cockroaches, fleas, rats, and a year ago, bedbugs came home. Previously, I always used Dichlorvos, after which I suffered from allergies. But this time the neighbors recommended the Clean House gel; they used it to remove cockroaches in their kitchen. You know, I spread the gel everywhere very carefully, but the result was zero. The bites on the body in the morning remain the same. Apparently this remedy against bedbugs is powerless and you will have to call in specialists.


Bedbug dust powder Clean House contains one additional component - piperonyl butoxide 10%. By itself, it is much weaker than the main ingredients. But in “company” the substance becomes potent. However, practical experience shows that dust from domestic bedbugs does not help much. Its effect is more pronounced on ants and cockroaches. Plus, it is much more toxic than a spray or aerosol. Therefore, you should handle it carefully.

You can use the powder in two ways:

  1. Sprinkle as is on surfaces.
  2. Dilute until liquid and wipe. The dust is diluted with ordinary water.

As for the price, in this case it is 30-40 rubles per 50 gram package.

Here's what people say about him:

Feedback from the forum. Zinaida, Rostov-on-Don

I live on the first floor of a five-story building and recently discovered that there are bedbugs in the house. Without thinking for a long time, I turned to the Internet and ordered Dust Clean House. I just sprinkled the powder on the bed. But the furniture and door frames were covered with mortar. And you know, I didn’t really observe any effect. After this, I repeated the procedure four times over the course of a month. But the result is the same. Therefore, draw your own conclusions: is it worth fighting bedbugs yourself?

Instructions for use

How to use spray against bedbugs
The Clean House product is an insecticidal product, made on the basis of tetramethrin and cypermethrin. When active substances come into contact with insects, convulsions and paralysis occur, leading to their death.

The amount of ml varies depending on the manufacturer. The effect of the drug is immediate, due to the high concentration of toxic substances.

Chemical composition

calls it a new generation insecticide. This group includes poisons intended to kill insects - both flying and moving on the ground. The insecticide contains two pyrethroids.

  1. Cypermethrin. A contact-intestinal substance that, when entering the body of an insect, paralyzes its muscle tissue. At first, the bug ceases to control its own movements, and after a short period of time it dies. The insecticide kills both nymphs (larvae) and mature individuals.
  2. Tetramethrin. A contact substance also designed to combat various “household” insects, ranging from fleas and flies to bedbugs and moths. Upon contact with arthropods, they are instantly paralyzed.

Combining two representatives of the pyrethroid group into one drug leads to an increased effect, which can negatively affect fish and reptiles living in the house. Therefore, before starting baiting, it is necessary to remove the aquarium or terrarium from the apartment for a while.

Pyrethroids are synthetic analogues of pyrethrins. The latter are natural insecticides contained in some representatives of the flora. For example, in Dolmatian chamomile or chrysanthemums.

Preparing the premises for Clean House treatment

Strict adherence to the instructions will help avoid harm to those living in the apartment, office and others:

  • before using the drug Clean House from bedbugs, you should carry out a general cleaning with ventilation of the room, cleanliness is a guarantee of the effectiveness of the product;
  • in order not to harm animals and other living organisms, it is worth clearing the apartment of pets and indoor plants;
  • wear personal protective equipment (gloves, outerwear, respirator, goggles);
  • close windows and doors
  • remove food from the processing area, or better yet, take it to another room;
  • move bulky cabinets and other furniture away from the walls;
  • Using a sprayer, thoroughly spray the room, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places where bedbug nests are most often located.

Important! Before spraying the product, you need to seal sockets, switches, cracks in the TV and household appliances with cling film. This event will prevent the escape of bloodsuckers.

Preparatory stage

Despite the fact that liquid and dry forms of insecticide are used differently (dust is not applied to vertical surfaces), the preparatory stage, regardless of the chosen form, is always the same, consisting of five steps.

  1. Cleaning. Before the liquidation operation begins, the apartment must be thoroughly cleaned. The floor should be washed with a damp cloth soaked in clean water, without adding chemicals. The dust needs to be wiped off and the carpets need to be vacuumed.
  2. Clearing the premises. It is advisable that all warm-blooded creatures, including household members, leave the apartment. Only the “exterminator” should remain in it. If fish or reptiles live in the house, and it is not possible to remove the terrarium or aquarium, these objects should be covered with something on top.
  3. Removal of bed linen. Sheets, pillows, blankets and mattresses must also leave the house. Send them to the balcony or to a bench in the yard. The fabric tends to absorb insecticides that are sprayed or thrown, which then come into contact with your body.
  4. Isolation of products. Food should not come into contact with poison. Therefore, at the time of spraying the aerosol or spray, it must either be eaten or sent to the refrigerator.
  5. Moving furniture away. Cabinet and upholstered furniture must be moved away from the wall. The back surfaces must be processed. Perhaps a nest of bedbugs has already appeared on one of them, or will appear in the near future if you ignore this requirement.

Aerosol and spray Clean Home - instructions for use

The preparatory stage is completed, you can begin processing the room:

  1. Shake the can thoroughly;
  2. Treat problem areas by pressing the sprayer 20 cm from the nearest surfaces and voids;
  3. Spray places where bedbugs frequent: cracks, baseboards, window sills and peeling wallpaper;
  4. Upon completion of the process, make several presses of the spray in the air, leave the room, close the door tightly and do not enter for at least 12 hours.

Additional Information! To treat 1 m², the spraying time is 3-5 seconds.

Treating a room with an aerosol and spray is effective only for adults; it does not affect bedbug eggs.

How to process correctly

Treatment of the room should begin with its preparation. In addition to cleaning, you should remove curtains, paintings and other decorative elements from the walls. Particular attention should be paid to cabinets. Frequent clusters of bedbugs are observed on their rear walls. That is why all bulky furniture that is never cleaned should be moved away from the walls. Not only the back walls of the cabinets are processed, but also their internal partitions and shelves. Armchairs, sofas and beds also need to be disassembled. Their soft parts are removed so that the frame can be carefully processed. Bed bugs often make nests inside furniture.

After preparing the apartment and using personal protective equipment, you can proceed directly to work. To do this, shake the spray bottle. Spray all places where bedbugs can live: cracks in walls and baseboards, window sills, peeling wallpaper, crawl spaces and door frames.

To treat one square meter, spraying for 3-5 seconds is sufficient. The directed jet treats not only all surfaces, but also existing voids, which are an excellent place for bedbugs to hide. After completing the work, it is recommended to spray the product additionally in the center of the room simply into the air. However, this can only be done if it is possible not to enter the apartment after treatment for at least three days.

The effectiveness of chalk Clean Home - instructions for use

The effectiveness of the drug
Paralysis and death of the insect occurs due to the penetration of the active substance of the chalk inside. The passage of bedbugs along the drawn strip ends in death for them. Treating a room with chalk involves drawing stripes with chalk, about 2 cm wide, in places where small bloodsuckers are concentrated.

Such places are: the invisible part of the wallpaper, rugs, the back of cabinets, refrigerators, sewer pipes.

The cheapness and ease of use of the Clean House chalk is liked by all users, making the product in demand and popular. The duration of action of the chalk is 5 weeks. After the specified period has expired, the procedure must be repeated.

Processing technology

  • Read the instructions first. The drug is applied with strict adherence to it.
  • Processing should be carried out at an indoor temperature of at least 10° C.
  • Shake the can well before spraying.
  • Apply the composition, holding the can vertically, at a distance of 0.2 m from possible locations of insect migration.
  • The drug is distributed densely and evenly to all identified areas where bloodsuckers accumulate, as well as to other surfaces: the back of furniture, paintings and carpets. Thresholds, ventilation shafts, floors, walls (especially in places where wallpaper is loose), window and door openings are irrigated.
  • Particularly carefully treat baseboards, the space under and behind radiators, and under window sills.
  • Finally, release a portion of the drug into the center of the room.
  • Using this technology, all rooms in the apartment are treated, after which the building is left closed for several hours (if possible, then for 48 hours).
  • Upon return, leave the room to ventilate so that the unpleasant odor dissipates. Half an hour is enough for this.
  • Perform wet cleaning using a solution of soap and soda.
  • Repeat the treatment after 7 days.

Bedbug powder Clean Home - instructions for use

Having chosen Clean House powder as a means of getting rid of bedbugs, you should know that the strength of the action will depend on the degree of cleanliness of the room. The use of the powder consists of scattering a small amount of the mixture in small piles in places where bedbugs are concentrated. The powder must remain on the surface for at least 4 hours. After the specified time has passed, the mixture is removed and the area is wiped with a soap-salt solution.

This stage is not final. Finally, the owner of the premises needs to make a solution of 10 g of the drug per 1 liter of water and spray the product over the entire area.

The powdered product does not leave stains or marks on glass surfaces and is safe for the human body.

Room ventilation rules

Upon completion of the treatment of the premises and the return of the owners of the apartment/office/house, the first stage of getting rid of unpleasant odors and toxins will be ventilation:

  • The duration of ventilation should be at least an hour;
  • if the fight against bedbugs is carried out in the summer, the recommended duration of ventilation should be at least 3 hours;
  • Compliance with these requirements will ensure the safety of human and animal health.

The owner of the home must clean the premises in places where people frequently touch. Other areas should remain untreated. This will prevent the movement of surviving bedbugs to other territories and secluded places.

Note! Personal experience of specialists involved in disinfection shows that general cleaning should be carried out after 2 weeks. This time is enough for the death of all bloodsuckers, including newly hatched ones.

Negative effects on humans

A “clean house” is relatively safe. However, if precautions are not taken, the poison can harm living beings (in particular, humans and pets).

Toxic effects on people occur when inhaling insecticide vapors or through dermal contact with it. It has been scientifically proven that there will be no serious consequences for a warm-blooded creature when touching the poison. The maximum is a skin rash that will go away quickly. But if it enters the stomach, a group C carcinogen, which is tetramethrin, can cause the following symptoms of poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • blurred vision;
  • vomit.

If one or more of the listed symptoms appears, the patient should get access to fresh air and take a sorbent. Even before the ambulance arrives, the drug will begin to act on toxins, break them down, and remove them from the body.

Danger to humans and animals

Clean House chalks
Clean House brand preparations are low-hazard. But this does not mean that they are completely harmless. It is for these reasons that it is recommended to follow safety rules by minimizing contact with toxins.

Regarding powder and crayons, you should know that you can get poisoned by them if you eat one crayons or a certain amount of the powder mixture. Storing the drug away from children and animals will completely eliminate this fact.

Pros and cons of the product

Positive traits:

  1. A clean home is legal in many countries around the world.
  2. Easy to apply.
  3. Leaves no traces.
  4. Provides a long-lasting preventive effect.
  5. Affordable.
  6. Upon contact with air it quickly degrades.


The main complaints about Clean House are that it:

  • Does not kill egg laying;
  • Has no residual effect;
  • It emits a rather unpleasant aroma;
  • Provokes allergic reactions and poisoning.


  • You can get rid of newly hatched nymphs by boiling bed linen, ironing it and treating it with a steam generator.
  • After the baiting of bedbugs is completed, the consequences in the form of nests remain in many places. Many try to remove them physically - by trampling them. The technique is certainly effective, but the best way to get rid of residual effects is to wash floors and other surfaces with a soap-salt solution.
  • The incubation period for bedbug eggs is 2 weeks; after this period, re-treatment of the premises must be mandatory. Otherwise, a horde of bedbugs will attack the apartment again.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Affordability - low price
  • Low toxicity - approved for use in both schools and medical institutions
  • Efficiency - effective in the initial stages of infection and as a preventive measure
  • Availability - sold in markets, stores and on the Internet


  • Safe for egg laying - may require re-treatment
  • The sharp specific smell of the aerosol (dissipates), but during processing it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes

The bedbugs have not gone away, further actions

You began to notice that after baiting with Clean House chemicals, new bedbugs began to appear, which means that you did not meet the following requirements:

  • the premises were not properly cleaned;
  • the drug was used incorrectly;
  • re-treatment was not carried out (in case of mass accumulation of individuals).

If it seems that bedbugs have become accustomed to the toxin, call your local SES to find out about other effective medications. In difficult situations of a mass attack of bedbugs, call the service to your home for professional treatment of the premises.

Note! Getting rid of bedbugs in an apartment building alone is difficult. Disinfection must be simultaneous and carried out by all apartment residents. This will limit the movement of bedbugs from one area to another.

Precautionary measures

Although the product has low toxicity, some precautions should be taken:

  • there should be no people or pets in the room where processing takes place;
  • You should wear thick gloves on your hands, and you should also wear clothes that completely cover your body. A respirator or medical mask and safety glasses are required;
  • Windows must be open during processing;
  • after treatment, the room must be washed and thoroughly ventilated;
  • After use, wash your hands, face and body.

Impact on human health

If you follow all precautions, protect your skin, eyes and respiratory tract, there will be no poisoning.

The drug can harm your health only in the first hours of treatment, then the molecules disintegrate in the air and are harmless.

Environmental impact

You can’t just spray an aerosol into the air—it’s ineffective. “Clean House” products in any form of release have minimal harm to the environment - they are certified and labeled “Nature Product”. The tetramethrin contained quickly disintegrates in the air if it is not mixed with other chemicals.

Important! The safety radius is five meters.

Customer Reviews

Powder Clean House
Confirmation of the effectiveness of the drug against bedbugs Clean House are customer reviews, which can be found on numerous forums.

Elena, 44 years old, Arkhangelsk: “To this day I had no idea what bedbugs were. I found out about how I bought a new apartment. After consulting with friends, I decided to buy a super pencil, Clean House. The effect appeared after about 2 hours, so much so that I had to go to a friend’s house to spend the night. After 2 weeks I drew the stripes again, but there was no such effect, probably all the bloodsuckers died the first time. Therefore, I recommend others not to waste their money, but to buy a Clean House pencil.”

Nikolay, 56 years old, Moscow: “Hello! I recently encountered a problem with bed bugs. I bought a budget aerosol called Clean House at a nearby store. I didn’t bother too much, I sprayed it wherever possible. Everything seems to be fine. After a couple of days I slept normally, no one bit me. I liked that it was cheap and the insects died instantly. I think I killed other insects along with the bedbugs.”

Mikha, 22 years old, Perm: “Bedbugs are such a nasty thing that it’s very difficult to deal with, that’s what my mother said. Living in a dorm, I realized that this was complete nonsense. Yesterday I bought Clean House extract, etched everything, not a single trace remained. I really think I’ll repeat it again, otherwise these bloodsuckers will survive and infect them with something else. I give the manufacturer 10 points, the maximum rating. I recommend it to others))).”

Note! The effectiveness of the drug is beyond doubt. A low-toxic product that is safe for the human body and animals can get rid of problems such as bedbugs in 1-2 times of use.

The final stage: cleaning up the consequences of disinfestation

After treatment, the room must be ventilated

  • In addition to mandatory ventilation, all surfaces are cleaned from residues of the sprayed product. It is wiped off on all surfaces, and carpets and furniture are vacuumed to remove dead insects.
  • Coverings, curtains, and covers used to protect surfaces are washable.
  • For wet cleaning, use baking soda and liquid soap in solution.
  • Things are laid out on dry surfaces, dishes are placed, etc.
  • Disinfection of the premises is repeated after 7 days to destroy insects and bedbugs that have emerged from the eggs by this time and were not subject to the initial influence of the drug.

How do you know which objects and surfaces are contaminated with pesticides?

Although the products produced under the “Clean House” brand are intended for household and not professional use, it is still better for you to remember the popular proverb: “God protects those who are careful” and study our recommendations with maximum attention.

Collect as much information as possible about where the pesticide was applied. For example, if it was applied to cracks and cracks, it is important to understand at what height of the walls and what area of ​​the floor were treated.

It is very difficult to say how much pesticides can negatively affect health. This depends on the toxicity of the chemical(s) used, the frequency of contact with contaminated surfaces, the likelihood of the chemical escaping into the breathing air, the sensitivities and habits of the occupants, and other factors. You can consult with an industrial hygienist who can help you make an informed decision about whether cleaning is necessary.

If you want to perform any kind of laboratory analysis, ask if the results will be interpreted in detail and clearly so you can understand. Some laboratories offer analytical services without extensive commentary, leaving people to guess the meaning of the test results. Which materials should be thrown away and which can be cleaned up?

What should you throw out of your home?

It is possible that using the Clean House spray will require you to throw away some items that have come into contact with the liquid.

Porous materials can absorb liquids and possibly dust, drawing them deep inside. Non-porous materials do not allow liquids or dust to penetrate their surfaces, making them much easier to clean. This is what you need to be guided by when determining how to clean or discard items.

It may not be possible to remove sufficient pesticide residue from porous and semi-porous items. For example, one study found that washing linoleum twice with detergent followed by rinsing had no effect on pesticide residue levels.

To protect yourself and others, consider the following tips:

  • Do not dry contaminated items.
  • If clothing has been contaminated with pesticide, it should be thrown away.
  • Do not use a professional carpet cleaner without consulting a professional.
  • Do not use washing machines without consulting a specialist; you can contaminate all your clothes with pesticides.
  • Avoid cleaning activities that involve heat unless directed by an expert. When chemicals heat up, they are more likely to be released into the air. Several pesticides can be converted into more toxic chemicals when heated.
  • While non-porous items are easiest to clean, some residue may remain. If items are frequently handled by sensitive people such as children (eg, toys and bottles) and the elderly (eg, medical equipment), there is a potential for ongoing exposure. Depending on the situation, some items may be thrown away.
  • Sealants can reduce the spread of some pesticides from contaminated surfaces. However, they may not be suitable for all surfaces. A professional can help you make an informed decision. If you use sealant, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • It is advisable to follow the pesticide manufacturer's recommended strategy for subsequent cleaning of the apartment. Only they know how best to remove pesticide residues.

How to dispose of thrown away items and where to drain the water after cleaning?

After you use Clean House products, you don’t have to throw away all the items you used to clean up your home. But if in the process you did not use the household series of drugs for exterminating bed bugs “Clean House”, but professional means to combat bed bugs, then you should think about the following.

If you hire a company, they should manage the disposal. If not, you should find out the answers to the questions:

  • Should mop pads go in the trash?
  • Where to pour contaminated water after washing the floor?
  • Is it appropriate to wash lightly soiled items?

Safety precautions that must be observed when using the product

  1. The drug is relatively harmless to humans, but a protective gown and glasses will not hurt you. You may be allergic to any component of the product.

  2. In the photograph, a person follows all safety rules during disinfestation.

  3. When you process the premises, remove other family members from the apartment. It is better to move your pets to another location.
  4. Buy protective gloves. They must be worn when using any bedbug repellent.
  5. During the pest control process, open all windows in the room.
  6. Immediately after work, take a shower with soap. This is also a necessary safety precaution.

How to prevent re-infection

Preventing re-infestation is sometimes more difficult than getting rid of domestic parasites. Pests can be brought home at any time. They don't care whether the room is clean or not. Another question is whether they will stay and whether it will be comfortable in this apartment.

It is necessary to create unbearable conditions for bedbugs (and other parasites). Regular wet cleaning, constant ventilation, cosmetic repairs, and sealing cracks will help with this. In the apartment you need to deal with the appearance of dampness and mold, cluttering with unnecessary things.

Furniture needs to be repaired and wiped. Do not allow baseboards to lag behind the walls - this is a favorite place for bedbugs to live.

During frequent business trips or trips, in order to avoid infecting your luggage with bedbugs from hotels, you need to follow several rules:

  1. store your luggage away from the sleeping area, preferably in the bathroom;
  2. upon returning home, wash things immediately at high temperature, separately from the things of other family members;
  3. if some clothing or item cannot be washed, it must be frozen or vacuumed, wiped with water and aromatic oils;
  4. suitcases and travel bags must be thoroughly vacuumed.

As a preventative measure, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water during wet cleaning. This will repel parasites from the apartment.

After the trip, all things need to be sorted over the bathroom. Parasites will fall out and be noticed. Such items should be washed at a temperature not lower than + 50 o C.

You also need to unpack packages; they can also bring parasites into the house. Ventilation must be closed with special grilles to protect yourself from the penetration of parasites from neighbors. By using all means against parasites, you can cope with them.

How do you know if a thorough tidy is needed?

After you use one or another product from the “Clean House” series, you will have to think about cleaning your apartment. Especially if you have treated your carpets and upholstered furniture with Clean House spray.

There is no simple set of rules that can determine whether or not your home needs to be cleaned, or how or what needs to be cleaned. A professional can help you identify your underlying problems and assess the level of contamination in your home. Pesticides are common in homes, even without a history of misuse.

If you have not used Clean Home products, but some other product, then before seeking advice, you should know the answers to all the questions below:

  • What product was used?
  • How exactly was the product diluted?
  • Which rooms were treated?
  • Have the voids on the walls been treated?
  • How much product was used in total?
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