"Agran, CE", insectoacaricide (instructions for use)

The insectoacaricidal agent Agran is produced in India, but is very popular on the Russian market. If it is assumed that the drug is insectoacaricidal, this means that it can fight several types of parasites (bugs, cockroaches, fleas), while getting not only inside the body, but also on the surface of the insect.

In professional pest control, the drug is considered one of the best in the fight against bed bugs. At home, Agran has also found wide application for these purposes. But we must honestly admit that there are different opinions about Agran. He helped some a lot, others were disappointed in him.

We offer two different customer reviews on the use of Agran


“It so happened that we had to call the sanitary and epidemiological station to treat the apartment for bedbugs. The exterminator was very late. He explained this by the fact that there are a lot of orders. After a quick inspection of the room, I concluded that there was no need to panic, since the apartment was not heavily damaged by insects and he could easily save us from this scourge. It took a lot of time to conclude the agreement, only then did the treatment with Agran begin. The smell was disgusting and lingered in the room for a very long time. After all the inconveniences we experienced, it turned out that we never got rid of bedbugs! It seems to me that there are even more of them. These are the professionals who work for us..."

Alla, Moscow

Most likely, this situation occurred because insecticides, including Agran, do not act on laid eggs of parasites, so after treatment, a new appearance of insects is possible. But “Agran” has a delayed effect, which means that the emerging larvae will also be destroyed, you just need to wait a while.


“The best effect in the fight against bed bugs is provided by the drug Agran. I was personally convinced of this. Having tried all means, we treated every corner of the house, even to the point that we had to remove the wallpaper. Nothing helped until we purchased Agran. Although I’ll say right away that they no longer believed in success. The smell was terrible, after three weeks, the pets are still living on the street. But in the apartment the smell is almost no longer felt. We still can’t believe that there are more bedbugs! Agran helped us and all the inconveniences associated with processing are worth our peace of mind..."

Victor, from correspondence on the forum.

"Agran", despite its positive qualities in the fight against bedbugs, has a significant disadvantage, which is that it has a characteristic repulsive odor that remains in the room after treatment for quite a long time. It will not only be in the air, but also pieces of furniture and clothing will also be saturated with it. Before starting work, taking into account this drawback, it is necessary to remove animals and people from the premises. It is necessary to use gloves and a respirator during disinfestation, otherwise you can get severe poisoning if the drug enters the body.

A few words about the cost of Agran: the price per package is quite reasonable. For 50 ml of concentrated product you will pay about three hundred rubles. According to the instructions, this concentrate will be enough for you to treat 100 square meters. meters. There is a drug on sale that is packaged in containers of 1-5 liters (the cost will be from 1,700 rubles).

Why doesn't Agran always give the desired result? We'll talk about this in our article. But first, let’s read about the components of this drug and how it works on bed bugs.


  • Purpose and areas of application
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action
  • Application regulations
  • a) “Agran” for the destruction of COCKROACHS
  • b) “Agran” for the destruction of ANTS
  • c) “Agran” for the destruction of BUGS
  • d) “Agran” for the destruction of Fleas
  • e) Destruction of FLIES
  • f) Destruction of MOSQUITOES
  • g) Destruction of RAT TICKS
  • h) “Agran” for destroying OS
  • Limitations and security issues
  • Ensuring safety during work
  • First aid for poisoning
  • Environmental issues
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

"Agran" provides long-term protection against insect pests for 3-5 weeks. Application practice shows obvious effectiveness even after a single use. It is used both by professional pest control services and for independent household treatment against insect pests.

This material contains the FULL version of INSTRUCTIONS for use - purpose, areas of use, composition, regulations for use, safety issues, distinctive advantages.

What areas in the apartment need to be treated?

Since insects usually choose secluded places closer to a person’s bed, you should pay especially close attention and apply the solution to the following areas:

  • Gaps between the baseboards and the floor, places where the baseboard does not fit tightly, broken areas.
  • Gaps around windows, balcony doors, interior doors. If the front door is located at a distance of 2-3 meters from the sofa or bed, the area around it and holes in the trim should also be treated.
  • Zones for detaching wallpaper from walls. It is advisable to glue such areas in a timely manner, since old wallpaper and walls that have not been repaired for a long time are a favorite place for bedbugs to live.

  • Ventilation holes. Bedbugs rarely live there, but when sprayed with an insecticide, they will probably try to get through the ventilation into the nearby apartment.
  • Old furniture, cracks in furniture, folds in sofas, areas under furniture, especially near dust accumulations. Be sure to check the drawers of the bedside tables and their back surfaces.
  • Cracks and holes in the floor, as well as any other suspicious or secluded corners.

Purpose and areas of application

"Agran, EC" is a preparation for professional use that has an active insectoacaricidal and fumigation effect against the adults and larvae of arthropods - cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, wasps and rat mites and other insect pests.

The preparation "Agran" is intended for the treatment of industrial and residential premises, as well as premises for public utility purposes (hotels, hostels, dormitories), sports facilities, public catering establishments (canteens, cafes, etc.).

"Agran" is approved for disinfestation in medical and children's institutions.

General properties

The chemical agent "Agran" is capable of actively and effectively combating domestic bedbugs. But the nature of the spread is not limited to this: fleas, ants, wasps, mosquitoes, arthropod larvae and adults, and rat mites also run the risk of being destroyed by this insectoacaricidal drug.

The action of the main components of the drug (this combination is not found in any similar drug on the insecticide market) chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin is aimed at destroying parasites and pests through contact with their body. Some insects that feed not only on human blood can easily swallow particles of the drug, which can kill the insect in this way.

All surfaces are treated with the working solution. The effect persists even after 10 days from the moment of spraying the product. At this time, adults and newly hatched larvae will die.

The use of the product is popular among professional pest control services. You can also use it yourself, subject to strict adherence to the recommendations in the instructions.

Composition and dosage form

The basis of the drug "AGRAN, CE" is two active ingredients : CYPERMETHRIN , 5% and CHLORPYRIPHOS , 50%, as well as various types of emulsifiers (8%) and an aromatic hydrocarbon solvent - up to 100%.

Preparative form – EC (emulsion concentrate), a transparent liquid of brown-yellow color.

Packing: 50 ml and 100 ml bottles; bottle 1 l.; 5 l canister; barrels of 50 l, 100 l, 200 l.

"Agran" is a professional product for disinfestation of industrial and domestic facilities

Does Agran really help against cockroaches and is it able to effectively destroy insects?

Agran is a combined insecticidal product designed to destroy various synanthropic insects; it helps against cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, ticks, moths and many others.
Agran contains two insecticidal components of different classes, so poisoning treatment can be effective even when pests are resistant to other poisons. It is an insecticide combination of two active ingredients, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin. The first belongs to the organophosphorus group, and the second to the synthetic pyrethroid. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide with contact and stomach action against insects. Its combination results in a synergistic effect that provides longer-lasting protection.

Mechanism of action

Two active ingredients from different chemical classes ensure maximum effectiveness of the drug:

a) CYPERMETHRIN (chemical class pyrethroids) has a contact-intestinal effect and has a high initial activity. Paralyzes the nervous system of both larvae and adult insects. It does not have a systemic effect, but remains for a long time on treated surfaces (20-30 days), as it is quite resistant to high temperatures and ultraviolet rays. Not resistant.

b) CHLORPYRIPHOS (chemical class - organophosphorus compounds) is the most persistent of the organophosphorus compounds. Chlorpyrifos enters the insect's body through the respiratory tract, stomach or outer integument. Chlorpyrifos, entering the body, phosphorylates certain substrates (for example, protein enzymes contained in nerve tissues) and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, convulsive muscle activity (tremor) occurs, which turns into paralysis, leading to the death of the insect. Chlorpyrifos, in comparison with other organophosphorus compounds, exhibits a pronounced intestinal effect. The duration of action of chlorpyrifos is up to 40-70 days. It remains in the soil for up to 60-120 days. In addition, it can be adsorbed by soil organic matter and remain stable for almost two years.

The product has acute insectoacaricidal activity for 24-48 hours and a residual effect for 3-5 weeks.

How Agran works on bedbug eggs

The ability of “Agran” to act on bedbug eggs has not yet been fully studied, since a rare insecticide can cope with this. In experimental experiments there are results of the influence of organophosphorus compounds on insect eggs, which prevents the appearance of larvae and procreation. Chlorpyrifos, which is part of Agran, is able to prevent the further development of the larvae in the egg, but cypermethrin does not have such properties.

Therefore, when combined, they are not able to give an accurate result that bedbug eggs will be destroyed. Even if this happens the first time, there is no guarantee that the clutches of eggs were not preserved in some secluded places, which will again lead to the appearance of larvae. To prevent this from happening, after a few days you need to re-treat it with Agran.

Application regulations

The concentration of the working solution is 0.55-0.137% of the active substance, which is 1/100 - 1/400. Treatment is carried out by spraying. The working solution is prepared on the day of its use by diluting the concentrate with water with constant stirring.

The consumption of the working solution is 50 ml/m2 for surfaces that do not absorb moisture, and up to 100 ml/m2 for surfaces that absorb moisture.

Application rates depend on the type of insect and its number (see table)

BUY insectoacaricide “AGRAN, KE” (concentrate) at a GREAT PRICE

Species of arthropodConcentration (%) according to DVApplication rate (g/1 liter of water)



Flies (adults and larvae)0,2755,50
Mosquitoes (adults and larvae)

Rat ticks0,2755,50

"Agran" in 50 ml packaging. for household treatment against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes and other insects

To carry out the treatment, it is necessary to prepare a working solution by adding the Agran product to water at room temperature in the ratio specified in the instructions, and then treat the areas where insects accumulate and move with irrigation from any spray equipment with the resulting solution.

a) “Agran” for the destruction of COCKROACHS

Application rate: 10 g. /1 l. water.

The drug "Agran" is used to destroy red, black, American and other types of cockroaches (including resistant populations). Surfaces are treated in places of detection, localization and along the paths of movement of insects. Treatment is carried out simultaneously in all rooms, and if the number of cockroaches is high, treatment must also be carried out in adjacent rooms. Particularly carefully treat baseboards, door frames, facings, ventilation openings, heating and plumbing systems, etc. Repeated treatments are carried out as necessary (upon detection of insects).

b) “Agran” for the destruction of ANTS

Application rate: 5.5 g. /1 l. water.

The drug "Agran" is used to destroy red house ants and black garden ants. Paths of movement (“paths”) or places of accumulation are processed. Repeated treatments are carried out as necessary (upon detection of insects).

VIEW/DOWNLOAD (.pdf file): “INSTRUCTIONS for using the insectoacaricidal agent “AGRAN, KE”

c) “Agran” for the destruction of BUGS

Application rate: 5.5 g. /1 l. water.

If the premises are sparsely populated, only their habitats are treated with bed bugs. In case of large occupancy, a thorough treatment is carried out (cracks, furniture, walls, carpets and textiles, etc.). Bed linen cannot be processed. It is necessary to carry out simultaneous treatment in all rooms, including adjacent ones. Repeated treatments are necessary, even as a preventive measure.

d) “Agran” for the destruction of Fleas

Application rate: 2.75 g. /1 l. water.

The floor, baseboards, carpets (including the reverse side), as well as walls (at a height of up to 1 m) are processed. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

e) Destruction of FLIES

Application rate: 5.5 g. /1 l. water.

Places where flies land indoors are treated, as well as external walls of buildings, garbage bins, garbage chambers, etc. Places where flies breed are also subject to treatment - cesspools, waste, food waste. Regular treatments are carried out - every 3-4 weeks.

f) Destruction of MOSQUITOES

Application rate: 2.75 g. /1 l. water.

Spray the mosquito breeding sites indoors, as well as the outer walls of buildings, summer gazebos and verandas. As well as all places where mosquitoes hide, including basements. Regular treatments - no more than once a month.

g) Destruction of RAT TICKS

Application rate: 5.5 g. /1 l. water.

Communication pipes, walls, manholes, floors, areas near heating devices and thermal communications, lower parts of furniture, cracks and other places where rodents are expected to live are subject to treatment. Repeated treatment is carried out 10-15 days after the first.

h) “Agran” for destroying OS

Application rate: 10g/1l. water.

The treatment is carried out in the attics of houses, terraces, verandas, summer outbuildings, and sheds. If a nest is found, carefully cover it with film, leaving a hole for the sprayer, and spray the drug inside. After processing, seal the bag tightly. The death of insects occurs within one hour due to contact and fumigation effects. It is important to keep your distance and use sprayers with telescopic tubes to reduce the risk of being stung. Processing of nests is carried out in the summer and until the beginning of autumn, because The families of wasps are annual and they do not return to old nests.

How to use insecticide: processing steps?

Since Karbofos is sold in powder or emulsion form, it must be mixed with water before cleaning.
The amount of concentrated substance depends on the degree of contamination of the room. If bedbugs have just appeared, use a weak solution; if there are a large number of insects, prepare the liquid a little stronger. Be sure to follow the instructions for using Karbofos. This is what the finished liquid looks like, but it cannot be stored!

To properly perform pest control against bedbugs, you need to go through several stages.

  1. On the scheduled baiting day, the house must be cleaned to remove all obstructive debris.
  2. Before you start cleaning, you need to find all the clusters of bedbugs. Remember that there may be several nests, so inspection must be carried out carefully. Bedbugs live near the place where the victim sleeps. The bed is their hunting ground. Therefore, first inspect the bed, mattress, bed frame, sofa, ottoman, crib. After that, you can move on to searching in the rest of the furniture, household appliances, under the carpet, in curtains and curtains. Carefully look through all cabinets and bookshelves. Then you can move on to baseboards, cracks and crevices in the wall, ceiling, door frames, and surfaces where furniture touches the wall.
  3. Since the insecticide has some toxicity for people and animals, it is better to remove your family and pets from the apartment. Ideally, no one should be at home for about a day, but if this is not possible, you can return after a walk or from guests in a few hours.
  4. Most often, bedbugs come into our homes from neighbors, so go around all nearby apartments and ask about the presence of insects. To get rid of parasites once and for all, it is better to carry out parallel treatment in all rooms where they are present.
  5. Remove all utensils, food, and personal hygiene items to uncontaminated areas.
  6. Move all furniture and household appliances to the center of the room, away from the walls. Tables and chairs can be turned upside down.
  7. All clothes, bed linen, curtains and other fabric items must be washed in hot water - +55°C, ironed with steam, put everything in vacuum bags and put away until the poisoning is over.
  8. The poison must be mixed with water right before cleaning, because the finished substance cannot be stored (see photo above).
  9. It is best to spray surfaces using a spray bottle. In order to apply the solution into the narrowest cracks, you can use a syringe or a brush, which will help reach the most secluded places in the room.
  10. We must not forget about our own safety. Together with Karbofos, buy rubber gloves, goggles, a robe, and a respirator.
  11. Spray all surfaces with insecticide. You need to start by treating the perimeter of the room - baseboards, walls, ceiling, doors. This is done in order to avoid the escape of surviving bedbugs to other rooms. Next we move on to furniture and appliances. Bedbugs also love ventilation pipes and electrical outlets. Before checking electrical cables, you must turn off the power. You can spray over heavily infected areas several times so that the poison is well absorbed by the surface.

After the process of cleaning the room from bedbugs is completed, it is better not to appear at home for one day. If there are no places to spend the night, then when you return to the apartment, you need to thoroughly ventilate it. Karbofos breaks down from alkali, so all places in contact with residents can be wiped with a rag soaked in an alkaline solution. It is better not to do general cleaning for a couple of weeks in order to increase the period of activity of the chemical on insects.

Some mandatory precautions should not be forgotten when working with chemical insecticides

Limitations and security issues

Kon belongs to class 3 (moderately hazardous substances), its working solution - aqueous emulsion (0.55%) belongs to class 4 (low-hazardous substances).

Ensuring safety during work

When interacting with the drug, generally known personal safety standards should be observed. Safety standards when working with the drug are in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.2584-10 “Hygienic requirements for the safety of testing processes, storage, transportation, implementation of the use, neutralization and disposal of pesticides and agrochemicals.”

VIEW/DOWNLOAD (file .pdf) SanPiN 1.2.2584-10

When working with the drug, follow generally known personal safety standards and use PPE:

  • treatments are carried out in the absence of people and pets;
  • Disinsection of the premises is carried out with the windows open;
  • During work, it is prohibited to smoke, eat or drink in the area being treated.
  • Before processing, it is necessary to remove or carefully cover dishes and food products;
  • when processing workshops of industrial enterprises, first remove and carefully cover products that can adsorb the drug;
  • processing in children's and food institutions should be carried out only on sanitary days or weekends.

After treatment, it is possible to remain in the room 3 hours after completion of treatment. Upon completion of work you must:

  • ventilate the room for at least 1 hour in the absence of people;
  • 24 hours after disinsection, carry out wet cleaning of the room using a soap-soda solution (soap + 30-50 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water);
  • carefully treat surfaces - tables, stair handrails, door handles, etc.

First aid for poisoning

If safety rules are violated or in accidents, acute poisoning may develop, the signs of which are: unpleasant taste in the mouth, weakness, vomiting, headache, nausea (increased by smoking, eating), abdominal pain, constriction of the pupil, irritation of the respiratory system etc.

a) In case of poisoning THROUGH THE RESPIRATORY TRACT, you should: go out into the fresh air, rinse your mouth with water or a 2% solution of baking soda, then drink 1-2 glasses of water with activated carbon (10-15 tablets).

b) If the product accidentally gets into your EYES, rinse them thoroughly with a stream of water or a 2% solution of baking soda, generously for several minutes. If irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, drop 30% sodium sulfacyl into the eyes; if painful, 2% novocaine solution.

c) in case of contact with SKIN, wash with soap and water.

d) if the product gets into the STOMACH, drink several glasses of water and induce vomiting, then rinse the stomach with a 2% solution of baking soda or drink 1-2 glasses of water with activated carbon (10-15 tablets).

After providing first aid, the victim should consult a doctor. The antidote is atropine sulfate.

Environmental issues

In case of accidental leakage of a large amount of product, it is necessary to cover it with sorbent non-flammable material (for example, sand or earth) and then collect it for subsequent disposal. Treat the contaminated area with bleach slurry (1 kg/10 liters of water), then rinse with water.

Do not allow undiluted product to enter waste (surface) or ground water or sewer systems.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Distinctive advantages of the drug "Agran":

  1. The combination of two active ingredients from different chemical groups has no analogues on the Russian market;
  2. Highly effective, as confirmed by practical application;
  3. Universal in use - one preparation against all common insect pests;
  4. Convenient format – emulsion concentrate;
  5. Suitable for professional and household disinsection, in medical and children's institutions;
  6. Number of treatments – 1-2 times;
  7. Availability and low cost.

Among the conditional “disadvantages” are increased safety requirements. Since the drug "Agran" is a professional product, therefore, it requires particularly careful adherence to the instructions for use and precautions.

*** This material is for informational purposes only; consultation with specialists is required.

After processing the room

The applied substance must be left until completely dry, and then the apartment must be ventilated. The effectiveness of the drug can be assessed only after a couple of weeks. This is due to the fact that the remaining bedbug eggs may give birth to new insects that can bite people. If bites are found on the body, the treatment of the room should be repeated. To achieve an additional effect, it is necessary to use a solution against bedbugs together with insecticidal preparations in capsules: this will help to avoid the migration of insects from neighboring apartments.

Using Agran against bedbugs can be safe for people only if the family is going to leave the house for several days. It must be remembered that insects die much faster in enclosed spaces.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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