Medilis Antiklop spray against bed bugs, 250 ml

In 2012, MediLIS Laboratory LLC developed a spray against bedbugs “Medilis-ANTICLOP”. This remedy quickly overshadowed crayons, which were used to combat parasites. "Medilis-ANTICLOP" has become a worthy alternative for those who were not satisfied with waiting for the drug to take effect for several weeks. 100% result after the first treatment, ease of use and affordable price made it a top seller.

"Medilis-ANTIKLOP" is used for residential and non-residential premises by companies conducting pest control and by ordinary people on their own. It is focused on exterminating local accumulations of parasites. In retail sales, the product is presented in a 250 ml bottle in the form of a spray, ready for immediate use. For wholesale purchases, the company provides 30 bottles in container packaging.

The shelf life of the product is 4 years. Storage and transportation are recommended at temperatures from -35 to +30 degrees. The insecticide is marked with hazard class 4, therefore transportation of wholesale quantities is carried out in specialized vehicles with drivers who have undergone appropriate training.


The product contains 3 active ingredients.

  • tetramethrin (0.7%), it has a repellent effect on bedbugs;
  • cypermethrin (0.06%) affects the nervous system of the insect;
  • permethrin (0.06%), an acaricidal drug whose action is aimed at destroying parasites.

An organic solvent is used as an auxiliary substance in its composition.

Pyrethroid is present in many of the manufacturer's pest control products; it acts through the outer shell of the bug and through digestion. The selected con allows the spray to penetrate the chitinous layer of insects. The substance paralyzes the vital processes of the parasite, so the bug falls dead instantly. Eggs and larvae, which will no longer be able to hatch after treatment, are exposed to the same effects.

The unique dosage of active substances allows the drug to act specifically against bedbugs. Which is a significant advantage over universal products designed to combat any type of insect. That is why the result of using “Medilis-ANTICLOP” is so fast and high quality.

There is a video on the manufacturer’s website showing tests of “Medilis-ANTIKLOP” in laboratory conditions

Like many insecticides, Medilis-ANTICLOP has a specific odor. Judging by the reviews, it can be felt for several more days in the treated room, despite ventilation. This residual phenomenon does not pose any danger to humans and domestic animals.


A new product developed by the company is Medilis Supersila. This is a bedbug spray in the form of a spray, which is designed to combat the population of insects that are particularly resistant to insecticides.

Description of Medilis Superpower

The drug is based on two components - the insecticide cypermethrin from the peritroid group (0.25%) and imidacloprid from the neonicotinoid group (0.2%). This is a relatively new and small group of insecticides based on natural raw materials - shag and tobacco. It does not form an addiction in insects, which is why the product eliminates all parasites. The manufacturing company released Medilis Superpower under the motto: “It helps where nothing else helps.”

Medilis Super Strength

The rules of application are similar to those for treatment with Antiklop aerosol. The new bedbug remedy Medilis Supersila has already gained its fans, although it has only been on the market for one year.


I constantly use preparations for different types of insects produced by the MediLIS company. They kill cockroaches and bedbugs, ants and fleas well and quickly. In terms of efficiency, they are no worse than imported ones, but are much cheaper. And since I have to process a significant area, this is a significant saving for me.

My dog ​​kennel constantly needs to be sanitized. But recently I noticed that time-tested drugs no longer act with the same lethal force. I read that parasites develop an addiction and partially survive treatments. I read about a new product from my favorite manufacturer and immediately ordered it in bulk. Super Power did not disappoint!

Gregory, Kolomna


ATTENTION! When using the Medilis-ANTICLOP spray directly, you must follow safety regulations.

You will need:

  • a respirator (a gauze bandage or a medical mask will not protect against dangerous vapors);
  • glasses;
  • gloves;
  • closed shoes;
  • an old raincoat or raincoat (this must be worn over your clothing for the duration of the procedure and then thrown away).

Pregnant women should never clean the premises themselves . If necessary, it is better to use the services of a pest control company.

During the procedure, be sure to vacate the room from people and pets (this applies to both warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals).

Cover, take out, hide all things that are in the area being treated. This is especially true for kitchen utensils and personal hygiene items. Indoor flowers can be washed and carefully covered with film during treatment.

Before the procedure, do not be lazy to do a general cleaning so that the spray remains on the surface being treated as long as possible and is not washed off the first time you wipe off the dust. In addition, a vacuum cleaner is an excellent assistant in the fight against insects hiding in hard-to-reach places.

It is recommended to treat the room at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. Shake the bottle before spraying. Hold it vertically, at a distance of 10 cm from the surface to be treated.

The spray rate is 10 g per square meter of treated area. This point must be taken into account when purchasing the product. As a rule, one standard bottle is enough to treat the entire apartment.

IMPORTANT! Spray not only the place where the bedbugs were noticed, but also all possible places where they live.

Even if you haven’t seen bedbugs yourself, but you wake up in the morning with bites, this is an undeniable reason to urgently carry out pest control. Until the insect population has grown, they hide deep in crevices during the day and only come out at night. But parasites multiply very quickly, so they will soon catch your eye at any time of the day. It shouldn't come to this.

Particular attention should be paid to:

  • places where wallpaper is peeling off;
  • skirting boards;
  • cracks in the floor;
  • batteries;
  • window sills;
  • back walls of furniture;
  • interior parts of sofas;
  • paintings;
  • sockets (you must first turn off the electricity).

One of the indisputable advantages of the spray is that it does not leave marks on the surface being treated, be it wallpaper or upholstery.

REFERENCE. Bed linen and curtains are not treated. They just need to be washed at 90 degrees and ironed on both sides.

No earlier than 15 minutes after treatment, you can begin to ventilate the room. As a rule, half an hour is enough for this. After which you can start cleaning using a soap and soda solution.

There is no need to thoroughly wash all the corners and crevices; let the product remain there untouched.

Advantages and disadvantages

"Medilis" has a large set of advantages and a number of negative qualities. Each of them should be mentioned so that the buyer has a clear idea of ​​the product being purchased.

The drug differs very favorably from other insecticides in that:

  • quickly affects bedbugs with any, even minor contact with it;
  • has a fairly long-lasting effect;
  • affects a very large list of pests;
  • relatively inexpensive;
  • can be used to prevent the appearance of parasites in the apartment;
  • can be used several times in one place;
  • does not decompose under the influence of the external environment;
  • There are no fakes on sale.

The downside is that the drug is quite difficult to prepare for use yourself. The manufacturers of the product directly write: “Dilute Medilis Cyper,” and then detailed instructions for use are given on how exactly it should be diluted.

The insecticide has a pronounced odor, which is quite difficult to eliminate even after weathering.

During processing, it settles on clothes, so before sanitizing it is better to take old things and then throw them away.

If the home was previously disinfested using a drug based on pyrethroids, the effect of Medilis may become less pronounced.


The effect of the spray lasts 2 months, so be prepared for the fact that you will still come across dead bedbugs for some time. This happens because bedbugs crawl out of hiding on average once every five days. They reach the treated surface and die. The process of sweeping away insect corpses is unpleasant, but the main thing is that you will no longer encounter live parasites.

Please note that if there is a small child in the house, then cleaning will need to be done every day for a week, because dead bedbugs will periodically appear, and the child may put a toy with this infection in his mouth.

Don’t forget to recommend “Medilis-ANTICLOP” to your neighbors if the source of the trouble is in their area. Because even a professional remedy will have a short-term effect if you deal with the problem alone.

Composition of the drug

“Medilis Antiklop” has a unique composition. It combines several poisonous components at once, which leave no chance for nasty insects. The spray contains three substances that instantly act on bedbugs, causing their mass death:

  • tetramethrin;
  • permethrin;
  • cypermethrin.

In addition, the current composition includes additional components that enhance the effect of the main ones. The toxic liquid enters the parasite's body through contact. It is known that the bug is reliably protected by durable chitinous shells, but the insecticide has the ability to penetrate through them. Death occurs almost instantly, as a result of paralysis of all internal organs.


The average retail price of the spray in Russia is 300-400 rubles, which is significantly lower than the prices of foreign analogues. For example, the Korean “Delta Zone” costs 700 rubles. for 50 ml, and the Spanish “Xulat” is 980 rubles. for 30 ml of product.

guarantees 100% effectiveness of the drug . You can view the accompanying documentation of “Medilis-ANTIKLOP”, as well as numerous certificates and letters of gratitude for their contribution to the development of the industry, on their website Here you can see other products of this company and find out more detailed information on cooperation in the field of wholesale purchasing.

Bedbugs are not a rare phenomenon, so there is no need to panic if they suddenly appear in your home. There is an effective way to combat them - using “Medilis-ANTICLOP”. This domestic insecticide has earned the recognition of users throughout the country, as evidenced by high sales volumes and numerous positive reviews. High speed of action on parasites, average cost, safety for humans and pets, availability of certificates of conformity and product quality - all this has made Medilis-ANTICLOP a leader in the disinfectant market for many years.


Belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance). When processing contaminated areas, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment: protective suit, gloves, goggles, respirator. Drinking, smoking and eating are prohibited. Also, children and pets are not allowed in the room. At the end of the pest control work, you should change clothes, rinse your mouth, wash your face and hands with soap, and take a shower. Store in a dry place, away from medications and food.

In the online store Insekomikh.Net you can buy Medilis Antiklop at the most attractive price. In addition, here you can find many other highly effective drugs from well-known manufacturers. All products presented on the website have undergone laboratory tests and have appropriate quality certificates. We are waiting for your orders!

Reviews about Medilis-ANTICLOP

Tamara, Astrakhan.

A month ago I discovered bedbugs in my apartment. I tried a bunch of products, including armor-piercing dichlorvos, but in vain - you can’t etch the sofa with it, and I also have animals at home. On the advice of a friend who lives in the village and has already encountered these parasites, she bought the domestic product Medilis Antiklop. I used it on the baseboards, sofa, armchairs (they had to be dismantled to destroy all the bloodsuckers) - in short, all the cracks I could find. The product is terribly smelly, so I had to move to a kind neighbor for a day. The dog and cat were not harmed by the stench and spent the night at home normally. I don’t remember bedbugs anymore. But if they suddenly appear again, I will buy this product again, although it is not cheap.

Svetlana, Barnaul.

I live on the first floor, so flea infestations are common here, but I haven’t had any bedbugs yet. For a long time I would have remained in the dark about what kind of red stripes, similar to bites, appear on my body if I had not started a spring cleaning and seen the bedbugs with my own eyes. I went to the nearest store and asked for an armor-piercing agent. They suggested Medilis Antiklop. It's expensive, so I decided that the seller was fooling me. But there was nothing else, so I had to buy it. The smell of the product is terrible. After thoroughly processing everything in the apartment, I had to open the windows and leave wherever I looked. I couldn’t stay at home for more than a day. But the bedbugs disappeared and do not appear again.

Sergey, Pavlov Posad

Mom got bedbugs in the village. Apparently the neighbor brought it in. Mom fought them with gasoline and dichlorvos - it helped, but all the parasites did not die, and therefore after a while they restored their population and began to annoy us again. I brought her Medilis Antiklop - it was recommended at the store. The product costs about 400 rubles. The volume in a spray bottle is 250 ml. I helped my mother treat the whole house, and then took her to my city to spend the night - the product stinks so much that it is impossible to stay in the room. There have been no bedbugs for a month now. The product works. The only negative is the terrible smell.

What to expect from application

Medilis Antiklop spray is capable of neutralizing an entire family of insects in one application. According to the manufacturer and user reviews, one package is enough to rid a standard apartment of unwanted residents.

The maximum effectiveness of the liquid is recorded within two hours after spraying. However, the residual effect lasts for about two months, which is enough to destroy the larvae.

Operating principle

The effect of the Medilis Cyper emulsion is due to the presence of cypermethrin in the composition at a concentration of 25%. The original composition has an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint; the finished solution will have a light milky tint. The product destroys insects in the treatment area and lasts for about two months. It does not lose effectiveness when exposed to the sun. The disadvantage of Medilis Cyper is the fact that insects can develop resistance to it. If the procedures are no longer effective, the brand of insecticide should be replaced.

Cypermethrin is a poison that has a paralytic effect on fifty species of insects. It blocks nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death. The product penetrates the insect’s body through the digestive organs and directly through the chitinous cover. Due to its oily texture, the liquid adheres to the insect's body, which ensures complete destruction of pests in the treatment area. The drug can be used both at home and outdoors.

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