Treatment of apartments and other premises with a hot fog generator against insects

Bedbugs develop immunity to many chemicals, so it is not easy to destroy them in an apartment yourself. It is necessary to choose insecticidal preparations correctly. Meanwhile, insects have another weak point: parasites do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, heat or cold. Therefore, if a significant population of bedbugs is detected, it is recommended to treat the room with hot fog.

Insects are destroyed by hot fog using special equipment - an aerosol generator, which disperses the insecticidal solution in the form of a dense cloud or fog. The insecticidal liquid is poured into a special container, then pumped into the heating unit, where it is heated to a temperature of 90 °C. The heated solution is sprayed into the room in small doses; as a result of contact of the liquid with cold air, an aerosol with particles 0.5-5 microns in size is formed. The fog temperature is approximately 40 °C.

Disinfestation of bedbugs with fog

Our pest control service uses fog technology. This is the most effective method of controlling insects in apartments, houses, public institutions, commercial, industrial and warehouse premises.

In total, the fog treatment looks like this:

  • the solution with the active insecticide, entering the generator, splits into tiny particles;
  • under high pressure, drops of the drug are sprayed into the air;
  • insect repellent particles form an aerosol “cloud” and spread throughout the entire area of ​​the room;
  • For about 2-3 hours the “cloud” remains in the air, but gradually settles, getting into all the cracks, recesses and corners where parasites nest.

The pest control service uses only certified insecticides that are well adapted for spraying, easy to wash off, 100% effective and harmless.

Price list For an accurate calculation of the cost of processing, please contact us by phone

Certificates of anti-bedbug medications

Why is this method more effective than others?

Hot fog has the following advantages:

  • High processing speed. The procedure takes no more than 30-50 minutes, depending on the size of the room.
  • Penetration into hard-to-reach places. A huge advantage of this method, since it makes it possible to destroy bedbugs in any hidden places: behind cabinets, cabinets, inside sockets, under window sills, sofas, baseboards, in various crevices in the house, etc. The aerosol quickly spreads in space and penetrates deeply into the structure of any materials, which is difficult if, for example, cold fog is used.
  • Destruction of bedbug eggs, which is possible due to the maximum penetrating ability of the chemical suspension. Hot fog treatment allows you to completely get rid of insect offspring and minimize the risk of re-infestation.

A distinctive feature of hot fog is that this treatment has a prolonged effect. Due to the minimal particle sizes, the insecticide suspension can remain in the air for a long time - for 8 hours. Then it gradually settles on the surface, which generally ensures the effectiveness of the treatment and allows you to exterminate any insects. In particular, bedbugs will be destroyed within 5 hours.

Adults are the most susceptible to thermal and chemical effects, so during hot fog treatment they are eliminated first. The insecticidal aerosol penetrates the body of pests through the chitinous integument and respiratory system. Bedbug larvae and eggs die a few hours after the first contact with the toxic substance.

Types of bedbug fog

  1. Cold. An aerosol cloud of particles 30-80 microns in size is at room temperature, therefore harmless to plants and surfaces with low heat resistance. We usually carry out this type of bedbug disinfestation for residential buildings and apartments with a mild to moderate degree of infestation.
  2. Hot. The aerosol cloud has a high temperature, and the droplet size is smaller - 1–30 microns (depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment). In this form, the product penetrates into the smallest holes, leaving no chance for parasites to survive, but this technology is recommended only for moderate or severe infestation.

Reviews from our clients

  • We thoroughly treated the apartment against bedbugs. More details... We reached the point where it was no longer possible to sleep. In two treatments the problem was completely resolved. I no longer hoped. Andrey, Moscow
  • Fast departure, safe preparations. Read more... Certified disinfectors. Everything was done very quickly. Thank you! Kristina, Zelenograd​
  • The bugs simply ate. ​More details... We left the next day. After treatment, we slept peacefully at night. Natalia, Chekhov​

Read more reviews about us on the page.

Stages of work

Inspection of the apartment Selection of preparations for fog generators Preparation of documents and guarantees Treatment of bedbugs with fog

Features of hot fog treatment

Hot fog is sprayed into the house after simple preparatory work. Preparation is necessary to ensure a more thorough surface treatment. Main actions at this stage:

  • It is necessary to remove dishes, food, hygiene items, and remove plants, animals, and aquariums from the apartment. It is also recommended to remove clothing, curtains and other fabric items, since the insecticidal solution is difficult to remove. Textile items should also not be left; it is better to wash them at a temperature of 40 °C.
  • Furniture should be moved away from the wall, freed from things, and the mattress should be placed near the wall.
  • You need to open the drawers, close the windows and doors tightly.

During the extermination of bedbugs, only specialists should be in the apartment. SES employees work in protective suits and respirators. First, specialists disperse the substance in all potential bedbug habitats, and finally spray the surrounding area. After disinfestation, you cannot enter the apartment or house for some time (from 5-7 hours). The time must be checked with the exterminator, because a lot depends on the chemical used. After the specified period, the room is cleaned using a soap-soda solution, and high-quality ventilation is organized for many hours.

Hot fog allows you to completely remove any population of bedbugs within a few hours. The method is particularly effective, however, due to the complexity and specifics of the equipment, it is used only by professional specialists.

Cost of exterminating bedbugs in an apartment: hot and cold fog

The price is determined after inspection of the premises and depends on the range of services used.

Processing methodcold mist or micro irrigationcold fog + barrier protection*hot fog + barrier protection*cold + hot mist + barrier protection*
1st apartment1600 rub.2600 rub.3500 rub.5500 rub.
2nd apartment1800 rub.2800 rub.4000 rub.6000 rub.
3rd apartment2200 rub.3000 rub.4500 rub.6500 rub.
4th apartment2600 rub.3500 rub.5000 rub.7000 rub.
Warranty service
1 year2 years3 years5 years
  • When ordering more than 1 apartment (collective order) 10% discount
  • Discount for pensioners 10%
  • 10% discount when ordering from the website

* Barrier protection is the treatment of possible entry points for insects from neighboring premises. To get a consultation

About drugs: safety and reasons for effectiveness

Aerosols, crayons, and liquids for spraying laundry do not give results. Bedbugs sit in mattresses, bedside tables, under baseboards. Every day new individuals hatch from eggs hidden throughout the room. Only complete processing solves the problem of destruction. Here many people have a question: “Will new “guests” come from the neighbors?” No! The reason lies in the peculiarities of drugs acting in 2 stages. Look:

  • Destruction lasts 2-4 weeks - predators emerging from the clutches die instantly. Females who came from outside will not leave their offspring in such an environment;
  • Repelling takes 1-2 months - the spray contains repellents. They make insects sense the proximity of their natural enemy. As a result, the colonies try to move away from this point. The effect may extend to neighboring apartments, which will further protect you.

About safety: we purchase drugs certified in Europe. They are harmless to the health of people and animals. They are odorless and do not cause allergic reactions. After killing the bedbugs with cold fog, wash the floors a few days later - this will not harm the layer. Take a look at other reasons to work with us.

Experts speak! The room must remain closed while the substances settle (4-10 hours).

Prices for exterminating bedbugs with fog at enterprises

Room size1 year warranty
Up to 70 m23900 rub.
From 71 to 170 m24600 rub.
From 171 to 300 m25500 rub.
From 301 to 400 m26550 rub.
From 401 to 500 m28050 rub.
From 501 to 700 m29450 rub.
From 701 to 1000 m212750 rub.
From 1000 to 1500 m214400 rub.
From 1501 to 2000 m220,000 rub.
From 2001 to 3500 m225,000 rub.
From 3501 to 5000 m230,000 rub.
From 5001 to 10000 m240,000 rub.
From 10000 m250,000 rub.

To get a consultation

Basics of a safe procedure

This is complete isolation of the skin with special clothing. Long sleeves, a high collar, gloves, a hat, safety glasses and a mandatory respirator (in no case a gauze bandage that allows air to pass through) should become the main attributes of the chemical procedure.

Such equipment will ensure safety during toxic processing, protect against contact of chemicals with the skin, and subsequent allergic and other negative reactions of the body to a harmful substance.

You should also carefully monitor your personal well-being. At the slightest sign of intoxication, you must immediately stop irrigating the room and leave the facility until your strength is fully restored. If hot mist gets on your hands or face, quickly rinse the affected areas with water. This procedure will remove the reagent and minimize severe burning and itching of the skin.

If fresh air does not help, you feel nausea and dizziness, and these factors do not disappear, but only intensify, then an urgent visit to a doctor, or even prompt hospitalization, is required. A timely response will help quickly eliminate the consequences of chemical poisoning, which can cause irreparable damage to health.

To summarize, we note that killing bedbugs with hot fog is a complex job that should be performed by trained professionals. Only an experienced professional will be able to carry out competent disinfestation, which will not cause harm to the worker himself or the environment.

Only the use of serviceable and proven equipment will help to qualitatively treat the most inaccessible areas of the room, where domestic bugs usually settle, ruining a person’s life. Only compliance with all instructions and rules will allow you to get the maximum result of disinfestation and prevent the re-infestation of your apartment or house with small bugs. And then, the chemical attack carried out with a hot reagent will once again confirm its effectiveness and efficiency.

We offer you additional services from our partners:

1) Professional and comprehensive cleaning services for apartments and offices after the destruction of bedbugs

2) An exclusive supplier of mixtures with insecticidal action and qualified personnel for the repair and decoration of apartments and offices after the procedure for exterminating bedbugs

Prices for exterminating bedbugs with fog in a cottage (house)

Room size1 year warranty
Up to 70 m23400 rub.
From 71 to 170 m24900 rub.
From 171 to 300 m26500 rub.
From 301 to 500 m210500 rub.
From 501 to 1000 m215300 rub.
From 1001 to 2000 m217200 rub.
From 2001 to 3000 m222200 rub.

To get a consultation

Where can hot fog be used?

use hot fog on any objects, in all rooms without exception where bedbugs can live. However, it is worth remembering that universal chemical treatment requires subsequent thorough cleaning, which must be carried out in accordance with generally accepted rules and instructions.

You can eliminate the consequences of disinfestation on your own, or with the help of a special cleaning company that provides prompt cleaning services for residential buildings, apartments, or public facilities (hotels, hostels, educational and medical institutions).

How to prepare the room?

Preparing your home for pest control with steam is the key to reliably killing bed bugs.

It requires:

  • Place all food in airtight containers.
  • Place dishes in drawers and wrap with cling film.
  • Remove all family members, animals and plants from the premises for one day.
  • After checking for insects, place all clothing in hot fog-proof packaging.
  • Rugs and textiles that are sensitive to chemicals can be taken out to the balcony or carefully packed.
  • Clean the premises. Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places where dust accumulates. It absorbs insecticide droplets and prevents pests from capturing them.
  • Move the furniture to the center of the room, remove the mattress from the bed and place it with the slanted side towards the wall.
  • Empty all drawers, especially furniture near the bed.
  • Wash bedding and items with traces of insects in high-temperature water.


My wife and I lived in a rented apartment for quite a long time. Then I began to often wake up from painful bites, which always began in the morning, as if someone had become active. The wife did not notice anything and said that everything was fine. But still, I decided to dig around on the Internet and realized that they were bedbugs. I immediately decided to carefully examine our mattress, and I found a whole nest of these parasites. I didn’t know what I could do in this situation on my own, so I immediately contacted a sanitation company. The staff treated us with hot smoke and after a week we began to live in peace.

As students, many lived in dorms, and it will be no secret that bedbugs often infested there. I’m generally very squeamish and I can’t stand it every time someone crawls on me at night. At first I convinced myself that it was just mosquitoes or that I had developed an allergy, which is why I was itching all over. But after arriving home, my mother said that parasites were biting me. As a result, my roommates and I decided to chip in to treat the room with hot fog. It was during the holidays, so at the beginning of the new semester we were already sleeping peacefully.

Security measures

Treating a room with hot steam against bedbugs using a generator involves the use of insecticides harmful to humans and pets. Therefore, strict adherence to safety measures is required.

  • When treating a room with hot mists, you should not eat, drink water or smoke.
  • You must wear clothing that completely covers your skin. Pants, long sleeves, closed shoes, gloves. The headdress must cover the hair and neck. It is best to use clothing designed for this purpose.
  • Wear eye protection to prevent the cloud of pesticides from getting into your eyes. The nose and mouth are covered with a respirator, which cannot be replaced with a medical mask, since it is breathable and there is a risk of poisoning by insecticides.
  • When the noise level of the hot fog machine is high, it is recommended to wear headphones.

At the first signs of poisoning, you must leave the treated room; if dizziness and nausea do not go away within a short time, you must contact a medical facility.

If the mist gets on your skin, immediately wash the affected area with running water and soap or a baking soda solution.

Clothing used for disinfestation must be washed at high temperature upon completion of work. If this is not possible, you will have to throw everything away. Wash your shoes with soap and water. Lye destroys most insecticides.

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