Tansy for bedbugs - how to use, whether it helps or not

Tansy, which has yellow flowers and a faint aroma, has been used in agriculture since ancient times as a remedy against numerous pests.

The smell of the plant repels Colorado potato beetles, domestic cockroaches, bedbugs, and other unpleasant insects. Tansy can be used to remove bedbugs from your home or prevent their appearance.

To kill bedbugs in an apartment, you can use fresh or dried plant inflorescences, decoctions, and essential oil.

Its effectiveness against pests is due to the insecticides contained in the plant, so it is recommended to use this natural remedy with particular care. Let us consider in detail how to use tansy against bedbugs.

Is tansy really effective against bedbugs?

A popular herbal repellent for bedbugs is tansy.
Tansy is a herbaceous perennial plant, often considered a weed, with small yellow flowers that grows abundantly near roadways. Tansy for bedbugs is a fairly popular folk remedy, so it is important to understand how it works in our time. Tansy plants are common in Russia, especially in the middle zone. The Slavs used tansy for insects back in Ancient Rus'. They hung it on windows and doors to prevent flies and other pests from entering the house.

The scientific name of the common tansy Tanacetum vulgare can serve as confirmation of its toxic properties and aggressive nature.

Common tansy has had various medicinal and household uses since ancient times, leading to its widespread distribution throughout Europe and North America.

There is information about interesting foreign traditions. In Britain, tansy particles were placed in shoes to reduce fever.

Common tansy was placed in coffins to ward off pests. Tansy was also used to embalm the dead by early American settlers. Corpses were covered with tansy from the 1660s until the 19th century. In some areas of New England, it is still customary to bring a bouquet of tansy to the cemetery.

Tansy leaves were also used to keep insects away from meat before modern refrigeration.

And, of course, tansy has always been used to repel insects.

Wormwood is enemy number one

To understand whether wormwood helps against bedbugs, you should look at the characteristics of both representatives. Wormwood or sage is a perennial plant that has a sharp, specific odor and bitter taste. In our climate zone, grass is widespread, so getting it is not difficult. Her photo is presented in every medicinal reference book.

The house bug is a parasitic insect that feeds on the blood of warm-blooded animals. To smell its prey, a representative of this species has a highly developed sense of smell. It is on this principle that getting rid of the parasite with the help of herbs is based.

On a note!

Bedbugs are afraid of wormwood, as its specific aroma drowns out their ability to sense the victim.

Tansy for bedbugs: what is the secret of the plant

Among the tips on how to get rid of bedbugs, a popular folk remedy is to bring home tansy. It is famous for its strong camphor smell, which repels many pests. A special bouquet of phytoncides is the main secret of the plant. Bed bugs do not tolerate it and leave the area treated with this herb.

Tansy, unfortunately, cannot kill bedbugs, but can be used as a prophylactic. You can collect this field plant yourself in the summer or buy it at the pharmacy.

The strong aroma of the leaves and flowers acts as a repellent for garden bugs too. Gardeners use tansy as a companion plant to ward off insects that can ruin their crops.

A homemade insecticide can be made by soaking a handful of dried tansy flowers in a bucket of hot water. After about an hour, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray the plants with it to protect it from aphids. Spray the solution on flowers that need protection from insect pests.

Be sure to wash any fruits and berries that have been sprayed with natural poisons before consuming them.


Found in any housewife's kitchen. Apple and wine vinegar have a characteristic odor, but practice shows that ordinary table vinegar with a concentration of 6-9% helps get rid of bed bugs the fastest.

Having prepared the solution, it is sprayed on the bed and other places that are potentially suitable for the construction of a nest by bed bugs. The liquid is transparent, so it does not leave stains on wooden, metal, plastic surfaces, fabrics (with rare exceptions).

After finishing the treatment, you need to leave the room for at least a few hours, tightly closing the doors and windows. It is convenient to do it, for example, before leaving for work. Upon return, the room is well ventilated.

The procedure is repeated daily for a week and a half. A constant unpleasant, pungent odor forces bed bugs to go in search of a more comfortable habitat.

Will tansy help in the fight against bedbugs?

Tansy, as a remedy for cockroaches, cannot be called the best remedy. Most likely, it will help if bedbugs are hiding in another room of the apartment. Perhaps tansy will scare them away, and they will not come to your bed.

The herb is best used as a preventative. The great news is that it will not only repel insects, but also fleas and cockroaches.


Tansy in an apartment poses some danger to animals and children. In this regard, the home should be periodically ventilated.

When is the use of folk remedies justified?

To combat bedbugs, folk remedies are most often chosen in the following cases:

  • inability or unwillingness to use chemicals;
  • limited distribution of insects when their habitat is known;
  • desire to save on industrial insecticides.

Used fresh or dried, tansy against bedbugs does not kill them: they simply leave the house (not always completely). It will help clear a certain area of ​​the room from parasites, but when the bugs get hungry, they will definitely return. If a room is intensively infested with blood-sucking insects, it is still better to use special preparations. True, in certain cases folk remedies are sufficient, and this allows you to avoid the use of chemicals.

How does tansy work on bedbugs?

First of all, tansy is an effective repellent: its smell repels a wide variety of insects, including mosquitoes. Bedbugs are also afraid of this smell.

However, if these parasites have already entered the apartment and have established their nests here for a relatively long time, it is almost impossible to destroy them with the help of tansy. In order for a bug to die, it must be literally dipped into a decoction of tansy, so that the product in a concentrated liquid form enters the insect’s body through the respiratory tract (spiracles).

If some surface is simply treated with a decoction, then the bug can run through such places in the house without any harm to itself.


“We also tried tansy. Does not help. The bugs run away from it, but do not die. It’s lazy to crush them with a slipper, but pouring this broth over them so that they die means you need to flood the neighbors below. And they put branches under the bed, which didn’t help either. Probably because some of them lived in the bed itself.”

Ilya, Saratov

The use of tansy against bedbugs is effective in order to temporarily weaken their activity. Having smelled this substance in the room, insects will avoid appearing in places where the smell is strongest for some time (usually up to 3-4 days). However, later they will still get to the person.

It is also useful to read: Karbofos and its use for controlling domestic bedbugs

And one more thing: you can kill bedbugs in different ways. You can use dummy products for six months, or you can initially kill the bloodsuckers with proven means and methods...

Call exterminators to your home, professional combined treatment with insecticides

Reasons why specialists are usually invited to clean the premises from parasites:

  • independent processing does not produce results;
  • there are too many parasites;
  • bedbugs reappear from time to time.

When carrying out professional treatment, more effective means are used. They are delivered using special equipment - sprayers. During the process, the working solution is converted into a fine suspension; the particles are so small that they very slowly settle on surfaces, killing parasites through the respiratory tract and outer integument. After spraying the suspension, the barrier protection method is also used - this is a preventive measure, as a result, parasites will not appear in the apartment in the future.

If independent control does not give the desired result, then you need to call professional exterminators

Are bedbugs afraid of tansy?

Tansy is unlikely to help in the fight against bedbugs in the traditional way. Or rather, the method does not change - the decoction is prepared in the same way, all imaginable and inconceivable secluded places in the apartment are treated in the same way, but its effect on domestic parasites differs from how it happens with other insects.

All representatives of small crawling/flying/running animals are endowed with an oral cavity, through which toxic liquid enters the body and has a detrimental effect. Everything... except the bedbugs. These bloodthirsty pests only have a small proboscis for sucking “dinner” out of a person and it is unlikely that they will voluntarily feast on liquid poison.

Thermal treatment of the contaminated area

Bedbugs are equally afraid of high and low temperatures. Therefore, in order to drive insects away from nesting sites, it is enough to create unfavorable conditions for their existence.


If it is established that the bedbugs have not yet spread throughout the room and are only in a specific piece of furniture, most likely it will be a sofa, then it is enough to take it outside in winter.

Bed linen, bedspreads and home clothes should be placed in the freezer and left there for several hours.

High temperatures

Another folk remedy for fighting bedbugs is treatment with boiling water. It must be poured into cracks and corners where insect nests may be located, and the sofa and other pieces of furniture in the room must be treated. After treatment with boiled water, mobile items should be taken out into the open air and left there until completely dry.

A steam generator will have a more gentle effect. The release of steam occurs at high temperatures, which is no less effective than regular boiling water. This device can also be used to treat wall and floor carpets. After pickling, all treated items should be thoroughly dried.

How to use tansy to help against bedbugs

Tansy is usually laid out in bunches under beds, sofas, armchairs, and chairs. You need to put tansy in closets, in places where there are accumulations of clothes.

You can make a tincture of tansy. Take a liter of water 90 degrees, pour 50 grams into it. finely chopped tansy and let it sit for two days. After this, remove the grass from the solution, pour the tincture into a spray bottle and apply to the habitat.

Tansy can also be crushed and the resulting powder scattered in habitats. This method is the most allergenic. You need to be careful.

But tansy is not a panacea for all ills. Processing with modern means is much more effective.

Tansy: instructions for use against parasites

The use of tansy against bedbugs is quite identical to the use of wormwood for the same purpose. In the simplest version, freshly picked or already dry branches of the plant are laid out under the mattress of the bed, in sofas and armchairs, in the corners of the room and under linen closets and bedside tables.

If such a plant barrier is located between the shelter of bedbugs and the resting place of people, then until the parasites get very hungry, they will not cross it. However, later they will still decide to break through such a “cordon”.

It is a little more difficult to use tansy in the form of a decoction. In this case, a glass of dry herb is boiled for a minute in five liters of water, then cooled.

The decoction is sprayed on baseboards in the house, parquet floors, linoleum corners and cracks. Usually, after such treatment, bedbugs try to leave the cracks, and already in the open space they can simply be crushed or destroyed by other means.

Of course, tansy has absolutely no effect on bedbug eggs.


“The bugs appeared last year in the spring. I don’t know where it came from, but there were few of them and only in the child’s room. We did this: we took the crib out onto the loggia. Fortunately, the weather allowed. They removed the carpet in the room and took it to the sink. After that, the whole room was literally flooded with a decoction of tansy and wormwood. We bought a kilogram of wormwood and half a kilo of tansy at the market, boiled it in an enamel bucket, doused all the baseboards, drawers in the closet, and radiator. The crib itself was also treated, the mattress was thrown out of it, all the diapers were washed in the washing machine at maximum temperature. You should have seen the bedbugs escaping from under the baseboards. The outcome of bedbugs is just something. We immediately crushed them all, both big and small. And so - three weekends in a row. And that’s it, everyone was taken out. But we were lucky that they were only in one room.”

Pavel, Nazarovo

The use of tansy together with industrial insecticides is much more effective. As the second component, you can use any insect repellent aerosol or concentrate.

It is also useful to read: Types of bedbug repellers and reviews of their use

And one more thing: bedbugs are hiding in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through...

On a note

Another folk remedy for fighting bedbugs is tansy tincture in alcohol. The product turns out to be both repellent and deadly for bedbugs: alcohol burns the parasites and leads to their death when they come into direct contact with the insect. This infusion was previously recommended to treat found nests and clusters of bedbugs.

The main advantages of the insecticide

Karbofos against bedbugs has a number of advantages over other insecticidal preparations. Among the main advantages of the product:

  • High efficiency, which is noticeable after the first treatment.
  • Acts against adults, larvae and eggs.
  • Ease and simplicity in preparing the solution and its use.
  • Contains long-acting active components that reliably protect the room even after treatment.
  • The effectiveness of the drug does not decrease with temperature changes and under direct sunlight.
  • To wash off the insecticide, use a regular soap solution.
  • In case of extensive damage to the home, repeated disinfection will help to completely forget about insects.
  • It affects not only bedbugs, but also other insects - spiders, flies, cockroaches.
  • The drug can be used independently.
  • Affordable price.

How much does Karbofos cost - the drug in powder form will cost 45 rubles, a 5 liter canister will cost about 2800 rubles.

The effect of Karbofos lasts for at least 8 weeks - during this period the room is reliably protected from insect pests

How to use

Tansy can be used against bedbugs only as a repellent, that is, a product that has a repellent effect on parasites. Bed bugs are afraid of tansy due to the toxic substances contained in the plant, however, to destroy the parasites, the poison must enter the insect's body, which cannot be done at home.

It is important to remember that the use of folk remedies is justified only if the level of infection in the home is low.

If there are a large number of parasites in the apartment, the use of plants is not effective.

Dry grass

Tansy against bedbugs is equally effective when using dry and fresh grass.

Dried tansy flowers, for example, can be used as follows:

  • It is recommended to place dry branches of the plant behind furniture, in drawers of sofas and beds.
  • Before storing clothes, sprinkle them with a small amount of inflorescences.
  • Place dry flower powder under the bed if bedbugs have already been identified; this measure will help ensure a restful sleep and force the parasites to look for another habitat.

Make small pads - sachets - from dry inflorescences, which can be used to prevent the appearance of parasites. Place pillows in linen drawers and closets. It is important to prevent contact of pets with the plant, as this can cause poisoning of the pet.


To get rid of bedbugs in your home, it is recommended to prepare a decoction or water tincture of tansy.

Using this home remedy will help not only repel, but also destroy adult parasites.

How to prepare a decoction of tansy for bedbugs - read on:

  • A handful of dried or fresh inflorescences should be poured into liters of water, brought to a boil, and cooked for ten minutes.
  • After cooking, leave the broth and strain.

You need to use the decoction as follows: place the required amount of the product in a spray bottle, and then carefully treat all suspected areas of parasite localization. To prevent poisoning of household members and pets, after completion of treatment it is recommended to ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.


Tansy essential oil has a much more pronounced odor than dry grass. To repel and remove parasites, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil per liter of warm water, then treat furniture, bedding, baseboards, and floors with the resulting solution.

You can also thoroughly mix the dry plant with a few drops of essential oil, and then spread the resulting raw material under the beds, in sofas, and in closets. You need to know that often when treating an apartment with the help of various means that contain tansy, bedbugs leave secluded corners en masse, and they must be destroyed by mechanical means.

Important! To completely remove bedbugs from your home using exclusively tansy-based products, you need to apply them at least four times every six to seven days.


The best remedies for bedbugs in an apartment

Does it help?

The question of whether tansy helps against bedbugs cannot be answered unequivocally. This plant acts as a powerful repellent, scaring away parasites from your home, but it is almost impossible to kill insects using home methods.

To achieve maximum results when removing bedbugs using tansy, it is recommended to pay attention to the following rules:

  • If you use a decoction that needs to be sprayed with a spray bottle, it is recommended to use a protective mask and protective gloves. After completing the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. Places of application that are inaccessible to animals and people do not need to be washed.
  • When using dry herbal infusions, which include not only tansy, but also wild rosemary, be careful. The presence of large amounts of wild rosemary in bedrooms can cause poisoning of people and pets.
  • Periodically change the dry branches of the plant, laid out in secluded corners of the apartment, as they lose their inherent smell and, accordingly, their repellent properties.

To kill bedbugs, it is appropriate to combine tansy-based products with various insecticidal preparations designed to remove various parasites. To treat residential premises, toxic substances are used in the form of aerosols, sprays, and powders.

You can also use the freezing method, that is, cooling the room, but the use of this method is possible only at a temperature less than ten degrees below zero.

If there is no result, you need to contact a pest control service.

Herbs that enhance the properties of tansy

In search of effective remedies for bedbugs, people often turn to herbs. People are attracted to these methods by affordability and security. Unlike insecticides, plants are free, they smell good and don't make you worry about the health of your children and pets. However, bed bug removal is a very responsible and important activity that you cannot do at random. Therefore, it is important for you to know exactly what herbs can be used against bedbugs, what their real benefits are for these purposes.

There are not many plants that can repel bedbugs - besides tansy, there are only five more.


Almost everyone is familiar with this herb. This is a tall plant with a thick stem, fluffy leaves and a characteristic smell that is difficult to confuse with anything else. Wormwood grows throughout almost all of Eurasia, America and even Africa. This plant is not too picky, so it is easy to find even in large cities. Many people love the smell of wormwood.


The name "valerian" is associated with many well-known sedatives. If you can find this plant, it can help you control bed bugs. It looks like tall grass with lush white inflorescences.


Celandine is one of the most controversial plants. On the one hand, it helps well against various diseases and effectively repels insects, but on the other hand, it is quite poisonous to people and animals. You need to collect it carefully - celandine juice can burn the skin and mucous membranes.

How to apply it in practice?

Now you know what herbs can be used against bedbugs, and are wondering how to use them in practice?

The method of application depends on the type of plant, as well as the time of year.

Bunches of fresh herbs wormwood, tansy, chamomile, valerian and celandine can simply be hung in a dirty room, placed under beds and sofas. The grass must be fresh - dried plants lack phytoncides. Accordingly, bouquets need to be changed after 2-3 days.

But what if it’s winter outside and it’s impossible to collect fresh weed? In this case, decoctions and tinctures will be useful. They are easy to prepare in the summer.

The finished decoction must be hermetically sealed so that the smell does not escape.

Many also advise preparing alcohol tinctures from the above plants. Therefore, you need to use celandine, which in its pure form has a slight odor. However, the cost of the alcohol required to make the tincture makes its use unprofitable - it is much cheaper to buy a good insecticide.

Herbal remedies

Humanity has been fighting these bloodsuckers for more than two millennia; a huge number of ways to destroy them have been invented. But parasites are accustomed to most insecticidal drugs, so it’s good to try to fight them with herbal or folk remedies. These products are generally safe for people and animals.

Bedbugs have a very sensitive sense of smell; they find their victims by the smell of sweat, skin and blood. Therefore, these insects react painfully to odorous herbs.

The following herbs are used against bedbugs:

  • wild rosemary;
  • tansy;
  • celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile.

To combat insects, the most effective are chamomile, wormwood and wild rosemary; along with them, tansy is often used. The plant is a widespread weed that grows in fields, forest edges and roadsides. It blooms for a long time - from late June to September. The flowers are small, bright yellow, forming a shield of dense inflorescences at the top of the stem. They have a characteristic pungent odor. Tansy is moderately poisonous. Due to its toxicity, it is necessary to follow safety rules when using it - do not leave the plant in places accessible to children and animals. All above-ground parts of the plant contain various essential oils.

Tansy is often used in cosmetics and medicine, and is a raw material for the production of essential oils and extracts. It is sometimes used in cooking as a seasoning and replaces hops in brewing.

Flowers collected and dried in summer are used to prepare insecticides that, in addition to bedbugs, repel cockroaches, fleas and other insects. You can use fresh grass for this purpose. To prevent the appearance of bedbugs in the house, bunches of this aromatic herb are hung in closets, placed under mattresses, carpets, bedside tables and in other suitable places. Against unwanted guests, you can sweep the floor with a broom of fresh tansy.

Preparation and use of steaming, tincture and decoction

A natural insecticide is prepared from 25 g of dried flowers per glass of boiling water. Leave in a warm place until completely cooled. This tincture cannot be stored for a long time. You can prepare a remedy against bedbugs using medical alcohol: 100 ml of alcohol for the same amount of herbs. Leave for about 10 days. The prepared tincture is sprayed on:

  • sofas;
  • mattresses and bed frames;
  • carpets and paintings on the reverse side;
  • cabinets;
  • plinth, etc.

It is recommended to treat clusters of parasites and found nests with alcohol tincture. Once on the body of a bug, the product not only disorients, but also kills it.

You can prepare a decoction. To do this, add a glass of dry tansy to five liters of hot water and boil for about a minute. After cooling, spray the corners of rooms, cracks in the floor and walls, and baseboards with the broth. After treatment, the insects will try to leave cracks and other shelters; in an open place, you can crush them or destroy them using other means. Of course, it will be more reliable to use insecticides together with tansy.

Despite the toxicity, using tansy products in the home is quite safe. You can smell it and pick it up. You just need to keep it away from small children and pets.

Perfumes and essential oils

What smell repels bedbugs? You won't believe it, but these insects are afraid of the scent of perfume! This was known to representatives of the French and English aristocracy, who literally doused themselves with perfume. You can also buy the cheapest cologne (preferably with a heavy amber) and generously spray mattresses and other contaminated areas with it. Certain essential oils, such as lavender, rosemary and eucalyptus, also cause complete rejection by bedbugs. They are used locally - they lubricate surfaces in their pure form.

Bedbugs do not like strong odors, which include colognes, perfumes and essential oils, so they will quickly leave the room

Does tansy help against bedbugs - reviews from people

Alexander, 28 years old, Khabarovsk:

We moved with my wife and son to a rented apartment, the previous tenants screwed us over - they left so many bedbugs that already on the second night the whole family spent the night in a hotel. I wanted to avoid etching with chemicals, so I looked on the Internet and found a way using tansy. The bugs went away for a while and came back. After my son was reprimanded in kindergarten about bites, he finally contacted a specialized service. It turned out that our apartment building was simply infested with these parasites - the poisoning was done collectively, by the entire entrance. Tansy is a natural method, but on the scale of a whole house it is ineffective.

Varvara, 23 years old, Krasnodar:

I brought bedbugs as a “souvenir” from India. Mom is allergic, so we decided not to use “Raids” and “Executioners”. They made decoctions, tinctures... Probably the point is that we realized too late that we had an infestation of bedbugs - we got a break for a week or two, and then everything started all over again. As a result, they called a team of exterminators, waited a day, and returned to the house. Then they asked themselves questions: why did you have to suffer so much?

Valery 35 years old, Tomsk:

We were running out of money, but I really wanted to buy a soft corner for our apartment. We found it, and the price seemed to suit us - we bought beautiful, almost new furniture for pennies. The troubles started later - they discovered traces of bite marks on themselves. We tried tansy, but my wife began to feel sick from its bitter smell. I had to use “Raid” - I poisoned it twice, but the smell seems to still be in the house.

Preventing the appearance of insects in the house: using tansy

Tansy does not help when the apartment is already infected, but its effectiveness has been proven in preventive measures. The plant can scare away potential arthropod guests and thereby protect the premises.

Methods of preventive treatment of living space:

  • The decoction prepared according to the above recipe is added to the water for washing floors. It is recommended to use tansy during wet cleaning at least a couple of times a month;
  • ventilation ducts, thresholds, window frames can be washed with the addition of tansy broth. If a neighboring apartment is infected, it is advisable to carry out washing weekly;
  • dry or fresh bouquets of wildflowers with a small number of tansy branches can be placed in the apartment as interior decoration. They will not only repel parasites, but will also fill the air with a pleasant aroma.

These simple tips can keep your home safe from annoying insects.

Reaction to smell

As mentioned above, tansy against bedbugs only helps as a repellent. Bed bugs react to the smell of tansy in the following way: if there is a source of smell in the immediate vicinity, the insects try to leave their usual habitat in search of a secluded corner. It is at the moment of migration that it is recommended to destroy parasites by mechanical means.

However, it should be noted that the reaction of bedbugs to the smell of tansy may be completely absent. As a rule, this happens when there is a small amount of dry or fresh grass. If they need to search for a food source, insects, due to severe hunger, may ignore an unpleasant aroma.

Is the plant dangerous for humans?

As noted earlier, tansy is a poisonous plant, and precautions should be taken when working with it. For example, it is necessary to hide preparations or decoctions containing it from children and pets. It is used for medicinal purposes for heart diseases, so careless consumption can have a detrimental effect on a small organism.

Tansy tincture should not be used to treat open wounds after insect bites. Unfortunately, many Internet resources describe supposedly instant healing of the skin after using tansy. Don't be fooled: if it comes into contact with the affected area, the toxic liquid can cause a serious allergic reaction.

Tansy decoction should not be used on open wounds, as the plant can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Don’t be afraid to pick up tansy, inhale its aroma, or use it to wash the floor or other surfaces: it will not harm a person. At the same time, do not forget that it will not be possible to “cure” an apartment already infested with bedbugs - the insects will only hide for a while.


  • https://KlopVred.ru/klopy/pizhma-pomozhet-ot-klopov/
  • https://klopy.geradez.ru/pizhma-ot-klopov-opisanie-i-primenenie-ru
  • https://klop911.ru/klopy/sredstva-ot-klopov/pizhma-ot-klopov.html
  • https://Vladimir-SES.ru/klopy/pizhma-ot-klopov
  • https://parazitam-net.ru/ru/pomogaet-li-pizhma-ot-klopov
  • https://parazitdoma.ru/klopy/pomogaet-li-pizhma-ot-klopov
  • https://vredstop.ru/klopy/pizhma-ot-klopov.html
  • https://tarakan-klop.ru/pizhma-ot-klopov
  • https://GdeKlop.ru/insecticide/klopy/pizhma-ot-klopov/


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