DIY pigeon nests dimensions, instructions, photos
General requirements The dove stays in the nest for a long time. The incubation period for egg maturation lasts 19-22 days.
Beetle from the Colorado potato beetle in the photo
"Zhukoed, SK" - a three-component preparation for the Colorado potato beetle
Author's rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 Colorado
How to treat bedbugs with cold fog
By Vil Malinoshevsky Destruction of bedbugs Today, treating a room with cold fog is one
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How to get rid of a wasp nest on a balcony: effective methods and remedies
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Ultrasound really allows you to scare away rats and mice, but there are a number of important nuances that are not always taken into account in practice...
The best rat and mouse repellers: 5 top models
Today, disputes between ordinary consumers and manufacturers of ultrasonic rodent repellers still do not subside.
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