Anti-ant gel Great Warrior: instructions for use, reviews

An increase in the number of ants in a summer cottage makes all gardeners and gardeners worry. Such close “neighbors” can devastate plantations and lead to the death of fruit trees and crops. Ants that have settled in a house are a real natural disaster. In addition to destroying food supplies, their competence includes eating furniture made from natural wood and clothing. They do not disdain garbage and waste. They annoy you with strong bites and make life unbearable.

The Great Warrior ant repellent gel will help save your harvest. The drug is a domestic product and is classified as a poisonous bait. Recently, these types of products are in great demand. Used against garden and house ants. It has repeatedly proven its effectiveness, as evidenced by numerous customer reviews.

Description of the “Great Warrior” product

The drug is presented on the market in the form of a gel, produced in Russia. It is a professional insecticide that is used for disinfestation by specialized services. Self-use at home is allowed. It is characterized as a means of helping to exterminate colonies of cockroaches in a few days; the prolonged action prevents the appearance of new individuals.

There are different release forms on sale; syringes filled with insecticide, which are convenient to work with, are ideal for home use. Syringes are produced in a volume of 45 g, but you can purchase tubes and containers with a larger volume; the packaging is marked with a hero, which symbolizes the power of the drug. The gel itself has a light yellowish tint, with a not pronounced odor.

Since this is a toxic chemical, you must work with it carefully, using protective equipment and not neglecting safety measures.

Safety regulations

When working with poisons, personal protection is required

To use ant gel in your apartment and not harm your household, you should follow a number of important rules:

  • A dangerous product containing poison should not get on the surface of the mucous membrane or inside the body.
  • Keep products out of the reach of children.
  • Disinsection is carried out in personal protective equipment - mask, gloves.
  • The treated room is thoroughly ventilated, especially if the anti-ant gel has an odor.
  • There should be no people or animals in the home.

The destruction of such insects is a complex process. However, the use of effective chemicals can make it extremely easy. When the pest population in a home is not too large, and children or pets live on the premises, a gel composition is the most optimal option.


The Great Warrior product is presented for sale in the form of a special tube. The volume of this container is about 30 ml. It is offered for sale in a ready-made syringe of a certain dosage. Therefore, such packaging allows you to apply this anti-cockroach remedy even to those places that are very inconvenient. This allows you to achieve maximum effect in the fight against such insects.

It should be noted that the manufacturer took care in advance of the volume of the drug that is necessary for pest control. Therefore, one such tube is enough to carry out the necessary activities in an apartment whose area is several tens of meters. In a situation where the treatment against cockroaches was not carried out on time and there are already a large number of insects in the apartment, 5 tubes should be used simultaneously for treatment.

Gel Great Warrior is available to all consumers. It is readily available at most hardware stores. The cost of one such tube is 60 rubles.

The main form of exposure of this drug is damage to the gastrointestinal tract of the insect. After this, the insect dies within 2 days.

It is important that such a substance can be easily removed from the surface on which it was applied. After removing it, no traces remain on the surface.

The period of validity of such a remedy against cockroaches is about a month. Therefore, it is better to re-treat the surface using the gel after 5 or 6 weeks. This will allow you to achieve optimal results in the fight against cockroaches. It is also recommended to combine room treatment with other drugs. This approach will help get rid of the effect of cockroaches getting used to one substance.

Insect protection

One tube is enough for one-time treatment

The “Great Warrior” gel sold in a tube contains 30 ml of active substance. The volume of the tube will be enough for a one-time treatment of the entire home or for use several times in areas where cockroaches or ants live.

A fairly popular ant repellent among people can be found on the shelves of any hardware store. With its help, you can get rid of crawling “tenants” quickly and effectively. When purchasing a product, you will be surprised by the absolutely low price, which does not in any way affect the quality promised by the manufacturer.

When applying the drug, you will not feel the pungent chemical smell that occurs after using aerosols, and the sticky consistency will have an effect much faster than crayons or tapes.

What active elements are present in the composition?

The product acts as bait

When purchasing substances that can affect not only harmful insects, but also the health of residents, you should inquire about the composition written on the packaging.

  • The “Great Warrior” gel against ants is based on a bait that emits a pleasant smell for pests.
  • The toxic substance is chlorpyrifos. Starting to act after a few hours, it has a fatal effect on ants and cockroaches.
  • An additional component that enhances the effect of the poison is diazinon.

Mechanism of operation

How does a cockroach gel or product work against ants and other insects?

Droplets of gel, applied to the surface where pests often appear, emit an alluring aroma. The ants, who arrived in time for lunch, gorge themselves on the unexpectedly appeared tasty treat. Chemical elements begin to act on their gastrointestinal tract, corroding it. The parasites die a few days after the dose is eaten.

Returning to the nest, the insect carries with it particles of poison that have stuck to it, thus spreading the toxic substance throughout the entire colony.

Positive characteristics of the product

The product does not emit a scent for humans

Why is the proposed remedy for cockroaches or ants better than other various medications?

  • The drug is used both as a poison for Prussians and as a poison for ants.
  • It emits a pleasant aroma for insects, but there will be no smell for humans, and no dangerous toxins are released into the air.
  • A syringe is convenient for applying the substance into crevices on the floor, walls, between furniture and other places that are difficult for sprays to reach.
  • The contents of the tube are stored for a long time even after one-time use.

Disadvantages of the drug

It is quite difficult to find an ideal drug that does not have any disadvantages. The emulsion in a tube has no obvious disadvantages, but there are some negative nuances.

  • It will not be possible to treat the entire room completely, but often there is no need to sanitize the entire apartment or house; it is enough to apply the substance to the insect habitats.
  • The anti-ant product contains dangerous poisons, so if there are small children at home, you need to make sure that there is no access to the emulsion, they do not come into contact with it, and do not put it into their mouths.
  • If insects are provided with constant access to the home, then the treatment will have to be carried out several times.

If the applied substance does not have the desired effect, then the reason for this may be the expiration date or the purchase of a low-quality, counterfeit gel.

Characteristics of the chemical against ants

Great Warrior is an ant gel that manufacturers of modern chemicals offer to purchase to effectively kill unwanted insects.

The gel contains active components that help get rid of annoying garden inhabitants for a long time, destroying the entire ant colony.

“An excellent product for killing ants in the house! I learned about all the “delights” of the presence of these insects after my husband and I moved to a new apartment, which was located in a corner on the first floor. “Great Warrior” started fighting ants right away with the gel in a syringe. I bought the composition at the nearest hardware store and never regretted my choice! True, the product has one drawback. The gel is very easily washed off from the floor surface during the first wash. That is, it has to be applied again.

I found ants in the kitchen where they were running along the baseboards. I decided that this is where the gel should be applied. The insects gradually moved into the living room, then into the bedroom. It became clear that in order to drive them away completely, it is necessary to treat the place where the insects come from with the drug. I found several small cracks in the hallway floor and applied the product there. After this, the ants disappeared for a long time. About a year after this, another invasion occurred - this time from the pantry. But the Great Warrior gel did not disappoint this time either, it helped drive away the uninvited guests. Now ants don’t appear in our apartment.” Andrey

Benefits of the gel

Insects must be destroyed as soon as they appear

Judging by the characteristic features of the gel, you can understand that with its help you can quickly eliminate ants from your home. The compositions have a prolonged effect, and primary poisoning does not occur instantly, but gradually, which allows foragers to deliver droplets of the product to their colony and infect their fellows.

For your information. The poisonous ability will be maintained for 2 months. Insects are attracted to this bait because it has organoleptic properties.

Small “neighbors” will happily gobble up the poison. The gel insecticide can only be used indoors, and the composition is applied in the form of a drip path along the places where the pests travel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages when used at home.

The benefits include:

  • You can get rid of cockroaches in a short period.
  • The prolonged action allows you to get rid of not only adult individuals, but also young ones that emerge from the larvae.
  • It is produced in a convenient syringe that has a dispenser spout; it can be used to treat hard-to-reach places, and the dispenser controls the amount of substance applied.
  • There is no unpleasant odor during processing, and there is no need to ventilate the apartment.
  • After the procedure, you do not need to leave your home and carry out wet cleaning, as is the case with sprays and solutions, when the insecticide is sprayed and gets on all surfaces.
  • If you use the drug correctly and follow safety precautions, it is safe for people and animals.
  • Low cost.

The disadvantages include the fact that cockroaches can get used to the insecticide. If disinsection does not bring the desired result, then you will need to purchase a product that contains a different active substance.

Conditions of existence - distribution of roles

At first, the area of ​​the settlement does not exceed a couple of square centimeters, being located in books, under the floor or wallpaper, behind kitchen wall cabinets.

As the anthill grows, new settlement points appear. These full-fledged nesting sites form a great metropolis, where all colonies are closely connected with each other.

Subgroups of insects in one nesting site have specializations.

Every day, working representatives of the group leave their nests to search for food. The rest are obliged to constantly look after the “head” of the ant genus – the queen ant.

A clear distribution of roles allows the colony to live and reproduce for up to 15 years.

Pharaoh ants are omnivores. The food can be crumbs, plant and animal products, rotting organic matter and even other insects.

Let's take a closer look at the Raptor

A company like Raptor is well known for its quality products. The company has developed not only baits for creeping and running pests, but also against mosquitoes, flies and other “harmful people”. With the help of the proposed “Raptor” gel against ants, you can be 100% sure of the result. No one can dispute this. Such data is confirmed not only by research and experiments conducted before the start of sales. But also reviews from grateful clients.

If you try all kinds of traditional methods of destruction on your own, then in comparison with the substance they are powerless. You can also use bait of this kind for the purpose of prevention against all creeping parasites. According to all the same reviews, Raptor is a universal substance and will help remove most parasitic creatures (cockroaches, centipedes and even flies) from the house at the same time.

With the help of Raptor gel against ants you can be 100% sure of the results

The gel lasts much longer than most substances. Sold in several forms and each meets the requirements of the most demanding buyer: gel, powder, granules. The powder is diluted in water and used as an aerosol. Such spraying will even help against bedbugs and fleas, mosquitoes and flies. Granules are beneficial in gardens, but the gel is just right for residential premises.

The use is so simple that even a child can do it. Open the cap and apply small drops to the surface of baseboards, furniture and in places where pests most often appear.

Gel "Raptor" is safe to use in homes where there are animals and children


Treatment for cockroaches should be carried out strictly in a certain sequence.

Before you start using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions supplied with it. Usually the manufacturer prescribes it on the back of the product packaging. Great Warrior gel should be applied exclusively in places where insects are most often found. If it is used over the entire area of ​​a living space, it can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against cockroaches. This is due to the fact that insects independently search for bait and subsequently eat it. After this, the insects return to their nest, where they infect other members of the individual. It is recommended to apply the anti-cockroach gel in a thin line

The distance between such lines should be 3 cm. In a situation where there are few cockroaches in the house, you can increase the distance between the drawn lines. When carrying out measures to disinfect the premises using such a drug, special attention must be paid to the baseboards and crevices of the apartment. It is in such places, according to experts, that cockroaches try to hide. It is also necessary to treat the back of the refrigerator or sink to prevent cockroaches from accessing water sources

As you know, cockroaches cannot survive without water for more than one week.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Like all insecticidal preparations, “Great Warrior” has its pros and cons. To provide information in a convenient form, we provide the table below.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the “Great Warrior” ant repellent gel.

Advantages Flaws
insects themselves run to the poison, thanks to the well-thought-out composition of the product; use on open ground requires repeated renewal of the product, since there is a possibility of the gel being washed off under the influence of natural factors;
acts not only on individual individuals, but also affects the entire family, including the uterus; improper use of the gel promises poisoning due to high toxicity;
it is impossible to adapt to the components of the drug: one enhances the effect of the other, seizing the initiative to destroy; Complete extermination of insects is not possible if they can easily enter the house (it is advisable to use with various traps that are placed near entrance doors, window openings and other cracks).
after application, the gel does not lose its appearance, does not dry out, the effect lasts 60 days;
reasonable price (up to 60 rubles) and availability in stores;
2-year shelf life;
there is no unpleasant odor, no dangerous toxins are released into the environment;
shows effectiveness not only against ants, but also cockroaches;
convenient packaging in the form of a syringe allows you to use the gel where there is no access to the human hand;
14 days are enough to clear your house of insects.

Main pros and cons

Absolutely everyone can afford to purchase the drug; this becomes possible due to its low cost.

Gel “Great Warrior” is a product with maximum effectiveness against cockroaches. It is very convenient to use; you do not need any special skills to do this. It is very convenient to apply it to all places, including hard-to-reach ones. This product also has other advantages, namely:

  • does not dry out;
  • does not spoil;
  • does not lose effectiveness several months after use.

Its use reliably protects the house from these insects for 6 months, or even more. People who suffer from asthma and allergies can work with the Great Warrior gel, of course, using special protective equipment. It does not emit hazardous substances. An important factor is the ease of removing the substance from the treated surface. At the same time, absolutely no marks remain on it.

A definite disadvantage is its unpleasant smell. The gel contains toxic substances that pose some danger to both humans and animals. From this we can conclude that the treatment of the premises must be carried out in compliance with safety measures.

When using the Great Warrior cockroach repellent, you must take some precautions:

  • beware of contact of the bait with the skin;
  • In case of contact, rinse everything quickly and generously with water;
  • After carrying out work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The gel must be used exclusively for its intended purpose. It must be stored away from food, in places where neither animals nor children will find it, as well as in cold, dark places where there is no moisture. The shelf life of the product is 2 years. Great Warrior Gel is an excellent product for controlling cockroaches in some parts of the house.

Composition and mechanism of action

The effect of the drug is due to the main components chlorpyrifos and diazinon. The two active components complement each other and significantly increase effectiveness. In addition, the composition contains components that attract cockroaches by smell. They are made on a fat basis, which ensures convenient application and retention of shape. There are also preservatives that provide prolonged action.

The mechanism of action is as follows. After being applied to the surface, the flavors spread the aroma, and cockroaches, hearing it, run in search of a treat. Having tasted the poison, it enters the digestive tract and the active substances begin to affect the nervous system. First, the insect is paralyzed, and then all organs fail, which leads to death.

The death of the insect does not occur instantly, which in this case contributes to efficiency. The fact is that the gel sticks perfectly and stays on the little body and paws of the little dog. Therefore, when one cockroach runs through the poison, it runs to its colony, thus in contact with other individuals it transfers potent poison to them. The first results will be noticeable within a day after treating the room. Used against cockroaches, ants and other parasites.

Ways to deal with house ants

Today, in the variety of methods for exterminating insects, there are several possibilities.

  • Folk techniques. A poisonous bait is prepared using borax, yeast, boric acid and corn flour. However, the effect will only be at the initial stage of ant settlement. In most cases, they are not able to completely destroy the “infiltrators.”
  • Aerosols. The means are sprayed along the paths of movement of insects and points of possible localization of nests. If you manage to get to the colony, the entire settlement will die. But in general, the aerosol is an unimportant “warrior” against ants.
  • Insecticide powders. The products fall on the tips of the insects' legs. When the ant tries to clean itself, it gets poisoned. If he manages to crawl to the nest, the infection will be delivered to the entire family.
  • Gels. These developments appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already proven their effectiveness. Their advantage is that the gel is carried drop by drop by worker insects to the nest and completely affects the entire colony. The beauty of gels is that they act for a long time.

In getting rid of an ant invasion, the main thing is to neutralize the “queen” and destroy the nest, and without them both the working insects and the males will die. Getting to the settlement is extremely difficult, so the easiest way to deliver a poisonous potion is with the help of feeders.

Proper processing

Any processing requires a preparatory stage. To do this, you need to prepare the room. It is imperative to take into account the degree of contamination of the apartment. In case of severe infestation, a full treatment of the entire area of ​​the apartment will be required.

At the first stage you need:

  • Move cabinets and other furniture away from the walls.
  • Sweep and remove dust.
  • Carry out wet cleaning; the gel must be applied to a clean surface.
  • It is advisable to hide food, dishes, and towels.

Before direct application, you need to knead the tube in your hands to enhance effectiveness. Be sure to wear rubber gloves. Apply in a dotted line, the amount of gel applied depends entirely on the number of Prussians, when there are a lot of them in the apartment, a larger area will need to be treated.

The following surfaces are processed:

  • Skirting boards throughout the apartment, back walls of cabinets and other furniture.
  • Window and door frames, space behind the radiator.
  • Ventilation holes, pipes, risers under the sink and washbasin.
  • Gaps, joints on tiles, corners in the bathroom and toilet.
  • Behind the refrigerator, near the trash can.

It is advisable to eliminate all water leaks. From time to time the lines are updated, this is done no earlier than every 2-3 weeks. Remember that Prussians can get used to the active component, they develop immunity and then they will need to use other drugs. Do not forget about preventive actions that will help protect your apartment from new invasions.

Rules of application

The drug is applied with dotted lines. The gap between the strips is 2-4 cm, this is influenced by the degree of infection of the object. For example, if there are a lot of cockroaches, the product is applied in strips 2 cm long with the same intervals. If there are few insects, the gap between the stripes should be 4 cm. The gel should be applied in habitats familiar to cockroaches, these are:

  • baseboards;
  • back surfaces of furniture, household appliances;
  • interior space of cabinets;
  • hanging shelves;
  • area under the sink, near the trash can;
  • entry points for pipelines and sewer lines.

To avoid the appearance of greasy stains, the gel is applied to a cardboard or plastic substrate. It is necessary to cut small strips. First, they are coated with gel, then the finished traps are laid out in different areas of the room. It's okay if some places haven't been treated. Thanks to the attractant included in the gel, the insects themselves tend to the poison.

The gel will not work for a long time, as it dries out after a month. In this state it will not attract insects. For this reason, the drug is reapplied if necessary. Thanks to its prolonged action, the product will kill not only adults, but also larvae that hatch from eggs after 2 weeks. Accordingly, by the time the substance begins to dry out, the pest population will be destroyed.

Gel and its features

Of all the possible drugs that can help in eliminating insects, gels are most often chosen. They are easy to use, work well and effectively. The main thing is that they last for a long time. What other features does the product have? A lot of positives and a minimum of negatives:

Action extended over time. After applying to all the places where goosebumps appear, they will not be noticeable in the next few hours. But the complete elimination of the “invaders” occurs within 2 weeks Validity period is at least 4-5 months. But this is enough to live calmly without problems throughout the dangerous season of insect invasion.
Even if the application was far from the location, the bait will work, as it attracts insects with a specific smellStains furniture and is difficult to clean after a while
In fact, it is food for them. Besides the fact that visiting individuals eat droplets of gel on the spot, they will in any case carry it to the uterus Visible after application
Affects all individualsThe action is not immediate
Since it enters the colonies in the form of food, you don’t have to worry about the main queen being destroyed, which will help in removing the anthill

What is ant repellent gel?

The product is a paste-like mass, sometimes colorless, sometimes with some kind of tint. The gel has no odor as such , but insects are “dragged” by the aroma, surrounding the bait on all sides.
Death does not occur immediately ; it takes some time for the infected insects to spread the insecticide in the anthill , which will lead to the complete extinction of the entire colony.

Gels provide good preventive protection - not a single ant will disturb your home from a couple of months to a year. And this pleasure is very inexpensive ! The exact price tag depends on the specific manufacturer, but any buyer will be pleased with the opportunity to save some money on fighting ants.

Security measures

You should always remember that an insecticide is used at home, which can harm the health of both humans and animals if you do not follow the instructions and do not adhere to safety measures. You cannot work with the drug without gloves. Work very carefully, do not allow the poison to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse the container and if negative symptoms appear, consult a doctor. If symptoms appear during work, stop the procedure and go out into the air and consult a doctor.

The gel should be applied in hard-to-reach places; it should not be on surfaces with which people come into contact. This aspect is especially important when children and animals live in the apartment; they should not have access to the drug. If ingested, serious consequences may occur.

What is the effect of the Great Warrior gel?

“Great Warrior” is a gel created to combat indoor and outdoor ants. He is bait for them

Food fillers are a side component designed to attract the attention of working ants from the anthill. The main components included in the product that negatively affect ants and cause their death are two substances: chlorpyrifos (0.3%) and diazinon (0.2%)

An additional gelling agent in the composition is the preservative Bitrex.

Essentially, the gel acts as a bait, which the ants subsequently infect the entire colony with.

Anti-ant gel “Great Warrior” is placed inside a dispenser syringe in a volume of 30 grams. However, the product is also packaged in tubes. Tube volumes can range from 30 to 80 grams. The syringe is convenient to use, since it can be used to inject the gel even into places where the hand may not penetrate.

The effect of the poison is delayed in time. The results appear after a certain period. During this period, the working males manage to return back to the anthill and transfer the poison to other individuals, which ultimately leads to the extermination of the entire colony of insects.

Other forms of release

LLC “Vashe Khozyaystvo” produces not only gel, but also other products to combat ants. The Great Warrior can also be purchased in the form:

  1. Insecticidal syrup (100 ml). The active ingredient is borax. Effective for up to 1.5 months.
  2. Granule. They are packaged in 50 g (package), 150 and 270 g (in jars with a dispenser). The active ingredient is fipronil. Remains effective for up to 2 months.
  3. Garden ant trap. Gel is used as bait, which is placed in special disks. It is replenished once every two weeks. The active ingredients are diazinon and chlorpyrifos.

Why are ants dangerous?

Whether or not to use ant gel is a standard doubt for most tenants. Owners of private houses do not have any remorse, because they know that creatures that are useful in nature are serious pests at home. But why?

Creatures that are useful in nature but serious pests at home

Ants are creatures that are beneficial under standard conditions:

  • destroy small insects;
  • remove garbage, food debris, flies and beetles;
  • spread the seeds of herbs and plants across the ground;
  • hard workers from whom it is worth following an example.

They live in colonies and never sleep. During the day they swarm and raise offspring, at night they strengthen their houses and set up a warehouse for supplies collected during a sunny day. But in a living space, their benefits are much less. Let's face it, more harm. This includes the presence of parasites on the paws, as well as other diseases. This also includes the ability of yellow ants to bite. And literally all types of ants damage human supplies:

  • grain and flour;
  • bread and finished products;
  • They especially love butter and milk.

Ants spread parasites on their legs, as well as other diseases.

Danger of ants to humans

Despite their harmless appearance and impressive organization of life, house ants are dangerous parasites and pests for humans. What is their harm?

  • Crawling from garbage to food, they carry pathogens of intestinal infections, helminth eggs and many other nasty things no less than flies and cockroaches.
  • They spoil kilograms of food: it is not possible to remove an ant that has crawled into flour or cereal. Moreover, there are probably several dozen of his relatives there. We have to throw away supplies.
  • There is a frightening theoretical assumption about the possibility of a house ant crawling into the ear canal of infants, and even just sleeping adults, if the apartment is infested with these parasites.

So there’s no point in delaying getting rid of your unpleasant neighborhood.

What kind of remedy is this?

Wandering around the Internet in thematic forums, you can repeatedly come across laudatory speeches in favor of the “Great Warrior”. Let's figure out why it is so good and what principle of operation it has.

The insecticide contains

It contains several components, but the main ones are chlorpyrifos (0.3%) and diazinon (0.2%). This ratio makes it possible to enhance the effect of each other, fatally infecting the entire colony of insects in a matter of hours. In addition, the ants have no chance to adapt - when they get used to one of the components, the other one launches its derogatory program. Excipients include: food filler, gel former, super bitter substance Bitrex and preservatives.

Important! Ant repellent gel can help not only in getting rid of these pests, but also quite effectively extends its effect to equally annoying cockroaches.

To treat a large area, it is worth purchasing several tubes of the product. The gel is sold in a 30 ml syringe. Manufacturers claim that this is enough to process 50-60 m².

You should not expect immediate action from the drug. First, the ants eat the bait with poison, then contact occurs with the insect’s intestines, and the poison gradually begins to act. The pests bring some of the bait to the nest, and the rest of the colony eats it.

Even a few milligrams are enough for the active substances to begin to attack from the inside, causing a convulsion and subsequent paralysis. Two days - and absolutely all the ants are infected. Over the next 2 days, you will have to clean up the dead bodies of insects.


! If you decide to destroy ants in your garden or garden, the bait should be placed as close to the anthill as possible.

The best insecticide gels to get rid of ants

Application practice identifies the most effective compositions, which include:

  • "Global";
  • "Brownie";
  • "Clean house";
  • "A great warrior".

Ant repellent gel

Insecticide "Global"

The German-made gel has an attractive chocolate smell. Based on the toxic properties of chlorpyrifos. "Global" remains active for 4 months. Affects the efficiency of transmission of nerve impulses in insects, as a result of which ants lose the ability to orient themselves in space.

Poisoning appears a week after applying the composition. Knead the tube of Global gel with your hands. You can also keep the package in warm water.

Then strips of paper, cardboard, and plastic are cut 1.5-2 cm wide and 10-15 cm long. The composition is applied to the blanks in a thin layer and placed on areas where ants are likely to accumulate, along their migration routes around the apartment.

After two weeks, the treatment with Global is repeated. The packaging of the product is enough to treat 60 square meters of housing.

The ratio of the toxic substance is designed to affect the body of an insect, so there will be no harm from the Global gel to humans or animals if the product is used according to the instructions. The composition is also effective against cockroaches.

Gel "Brownie"

The active substance is the intestinal poison finpronil. The substance has no characteristic odor and has no effect on humans or domestic animals.

The gel is available in 30 ml tubes and allows you to treat an apartment area of ​​up to 50 sq.m.

By eating the bait, the ant accumulates poison in its body and slowly begins to lose vitality. The insect begins to feel severe discomfort after 1-2 days.

This time is enough for complete infection of ant colonies. The effect of fipronil lasts for 3 months, which allows you to completely get rid of parasitic insects.

“Clean House” product

Perfect for treating the most secluded “ant trails”, since, like the “Great Warrior”, the composition of this gel is supplied with a dosing syringe.

Tube capacity – 35 ml. With a small invasion of house ants, the packaging is enough to treat a room of up to 50 sq.m.

24-36 hours after the “gel dinner”, irreversible consequences occur in the ant’s body, and the insect dies. This time is enough to transfer the poison to the nests.

The composition is easily removed from any surface and does not leave stains, so it can be applied in a dotted line directly to the area without a paper base.

Another method of application is to leave the product on the substrate directly in the area where domestic insects are concentrated.

If colonization is severe, the premises will need to be re-treated after 21-30 days.

Modern gel-like formulations completely eliminate uninvited guests. And yet, it’s worth keeping your house perfectly clean, getting rid of food waste on time, not creating a museum of old rags at home, and then you won’t have to turn to the power of modern raptors.

How to use the drug correctly?

The instructions for use should be studied first and even before the product is unpacked. After studying the recommendations, you should strictly follow all the points stated.

It is recommended to apply the gel indoors along its perimeter, as well as along all known ant “paths” in broken lines (the length of the line for untreated surfaces should be about 5-6 cm, and for treated surfaces - 2 cm)

It is important to prevent the strips from getting wet or dusty. The effect of the “Great Warrior” will become noticeable after 24-36 hours, when all the ants die

It makes sense to repeat the treatment inside the home only in a situation where the composition was washed off ahead of time or a significant number of ants remained alive. The second treatment with “Great Warrior” is recommended no earlier than one month after the first.


To eliminate insects in the garden plot, anti-ant gel is applied to the bark of trees like smears or dots. Cardboard sheets with gel applied to them in a similar way are also laid out near the anthill and on the paths.


The composition of the drug contains toxic substances. They are dangerous not only for ants, but also for human health

Therefore, it is important to avoid contact of the product with the skin. Any product that gets on the skin should be immediately rinsed off thoroughly under running water.

After using the anti-ant preparation, you should wash your hands with soap. And throw away the empty container.

“The Great Warrior” is stored in a clean and dark place where children cannot reach.

This drug is valid for 2 years. If after this period it is still preserved, then you need to purchase a fresh gel and throw away the old one.

Great Warrior contains toxic chemicals, so it is better to poison insects with rubber gloves, and if the gel gets on your skin, wash it off immediately with soapy water.

In practice, the product under consideration shows high effectiveness in exterminating house and street ants. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from those who have tried it in action.

The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Precautionary measures

Instructions for use of the Great Warrior insist on taking precautions, namely:

  1. Do not allow the gel to come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. If this happens, rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. After applying the Great Warrior product to the surfaces to be treated, wash your hands thoroughly (with soap and water).
  3. The gel should be used as a remedy for ants (cockroaches). Do not use for other purposes.
  4. Dispose of used tubes and dispensing syringes remaining after processing into the trash.

When storing the ant repellent, place it away from food. To do this, choose places that children and animals do not have access to. Prerequisites: absence of light, low humidity and cool temperature.

Do the products really work?

Gel for killing ants is quite popular, every housewife or builder has struggled with a similar scourge at least once, so you can find customer reviews on the Internet.

Most opinions agree that the drug is highly effective, and the large bottle and relatively low price are a pleasant bonus.

You can also find negative opinions. Some complain that after application, insects begin to behave more actively, smelling a tasty smell. This result is quite possible; in the end, the drug will still relieve you of the pest problem that has arisen.

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