Do Comfortis tablets for dogs help against ticks and fleas? We use the drug effectively!

From this article you will learn:

  • Description of the drug
  • Active ingredient and effect on insects
  • Comfortis - flea tablets, instructions for use
  • Comfortis - flea tablets, reviews
  • What are the advantages of comfort tablets?
  • Precautionary measures
  • Video: comfort tablets for fleas

Fleas are a real disaster for animals and their owners

Description of the drug

Comfortis tablets for dogs are used to kill blood-sucking insects on pets. A fast-acting over-the-counter remedy. The active substance is quickly absorbed into the blood, killing more than 90% of blood-sucking parasites within 4 hours.

Absorption of the substance is 70% and increases if the medicine is administered with food. The active substance undergoes extensive metabolism and is excreted in the feces. Treatment can begin at any time of the year, but it is preferable to begin treatment in early February before fleas become active.

The active ingredient (spinosad) is obtained by fermentation of the soil actinomycete bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa. The substance causes paralysis and death of fleas before they can lay eggs. Available in dosages from 90 to 1620 mg, which is convenient for treating different breeds of dogs.

Storage conditions

Storage conditions for the drug are the same as for all toxic substances:

  • away from children;
  • in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight;
  • in a dry place.

Sun rays destroy organic components, and high humidity will lead to deterioration of the drug.
The expiration date is indicated on the packaging and usually does not exceed 3 years. Used packaging of the drug is thrown away with household waste - it is prohibited to use it in everyday life to store any small items. Did you know? An infestation of blood-sucking insects is a sign of environmental pollution. It was this fact that gave rise to the concept of “flea market.”

those. a market where they sell used items, in which, as a rule, fleas lived.

Composition and expiration date

The preventative is a tan or dark brown chewable tablet for oral use for adult dogs depending on weight. Spinosad destroys only adult fleas and is eliminated from the body within a day.

Each flavored tablet is formulated to provide a minimum dose of 50 mg/kg of active substance. As excipients:

  • Flavorings – 20%;
  • MCC – 14.17%;
  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose – 5%;
  • Croscarmellose sodium – 6%;
  • Magnesium stearate – 1%.

Spinosad is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (2-4 hours) after administration. Comfortis, depending on the content of the active ingredient (mg/tablet), is produced in the following dosage:

  • 90;
  • 140;
  • 270;
  • 425;
  • 665;
  • 1040;
  • 1620.

The drug is packaged in 6 tablets in blisters placed in cardboard boxes with instructions for use. Store at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees in a well-ventilated and dry place.

The shelf life of Comfortis, subject to storage rules, is 36 months. After opening the package, the drug is stored in the refrigerator for a month. Spoiled medicine must be disposed of. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Advantages and disadvantages

If the medicine is chosen incorrectly, owners can harm their pet. When choosing, it is important to consider the breed of the animal, as well as its weight category. Many manufacturers make products that are designed for a specific weight and breed. Comfortis tablets are the safest remedy, which is in high demand due to its effectiveness.

The following advantages can be highlighted:

  1. Long-lasting insecticide action. Thanks to this, Comfortis tablets completely destroy fleas.
  2. An effective result is observed after the first use.
  3. If there are no contraindications, flea treatment will be safe.
  4. The use of the drug is allowed even in cases where the use of external agents is prohibited (for dermatitis, wounds, ulcers on the skin).
  5. The product is easy to use. The composition includes substances that have an attractive aroma for four-legged pets.

Comfortis will rid your dog of fleas
You need to start treatment with Comfortis tablets after reading the instructions for use.

Side effects occur due to individual intolerance to individual components that are included in the composition. But owners of four-legged pets may choose the wrong dosage.

Comfortis is not suitable for puppies and kittens under 4 months of age. It is important not to give your animal several antiparasitic drugs at the same time, because they may be incompatible with each other.

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Instructions for use

Dosage by weight

The drug is administered orally in the minimum dosage recommended by the manufacturer:

Body weight (kg)Spinosad tablet (mg)Quantity
From 36.1 and above16202

The medicine should be administered at monthly intervals. In areas where fleas are common and breed year-round, monthly treatment should continue without interruption.

How to give?

The drug is selected depending on the weight of the pet, and is given as a prophylaxis or treatment to dogs once a month in the first half of the day before feeding. If vomiting occurs within an hour after administration, repeat administration with another full dose.

The medication comes in a flavored form that dogs can take on their own as a treat. You can add the tablet to your favorite treat and offer it to your animal. The mild taste and smell of canned animal food will mask the bitterness of the drug well.


When determining the dosage, the doctor bases it on the pet’s weight. The calculation is made from a dose of 50 mg of the drug per 1 kg of live weight. However, it is not recommended to exceed the dose - this causes vomiting and intestinal upset.

For dogs

  • For small breeds with a paddle up to 2 kg, 1 tablet is prescribed. "Comfortis" 90, a 3-kg pet needs 1 tablet. "Comfortis" 140.
  • For medium breeds 1 tablet is suitable. "Comfortis" 270 or 425 for animals weighing from 3 to 6 kg and from 6 to 10 kg.
  • For large breeds up to 10 to 15 kg - 1 tablet. "Comfortis" 665, from 15 to 23 kg - 1 tablet. "Comfortis" 665.

Important! Spinosad was registered in 1997. The drug is a waste product of bacteria and is dangerous for almost all insects, including bees, and moderately dangerous for mammals. Therefore, compliance with the dosage of the drug based on it is extremely important.


For 1 tablet:

  • "Comfortis" 90 - for cats up to 2 kg;
  • ... 140 - for cats from 2 to 3 kg;
  • ... 270 - for cats from 3 to 6 kg;
  • ... 425 - for cats from 6 to 9 kg;
  • "Comfortis" 425 in the amount of 2 tablets - for cats from 9 to 17 kg.

Check out the best flea drops for kittens and cats.

Side effects

Being a chemically synthesized drug, it has side effects. The clinical sign of spinosad toxicity in a dog is vomiting. Rare side effects:

  1. Lack of appetite.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Cough.
  4. Polydipsia.
  5. Vomiting and nausea.
  6. Hyperactivity.
  7. Impaired coordination of movements.
  8. Cramps.
  9. Allergic reactions.
  10. Increased salivation.
  11. Arrhythmia.

The tablets lower the seizure threshold in animals with epilepsy and increase the toxicity of ivermectin when used in high dosages.

How to use Comfortis for cats and dogs

The tablets are mixed into food, and thanks to the flavoring, the animal eats everything calmly. Reviews indicate that some owners consider it correct to give Comfortis half an hour before or after meals. Dosage - 50-100 mg/kg body weight. The dose cannot be exceeded. If no results are observed, subsequent use is possible after a month. It is given to dogs in the same way as to cats. The dosage is 40-50 mg/kg body weight.

The drug should be stored in tightly closed packaging, at a temperature of 5 to 30 degrees, away from animals and children, as well as food and feed. Shelf life: 3 years. After the expiration date, its use is strictly prohibited.



Angelina, 30 years old, Minsk:

“Both of our large dogs suffered from fleas no matter how many times they were sprayed with preventatives. After using the tablets, the blood-sucking insects died.”

Yuri, 40 years old, Omsk:

“I've had pets all my life and tried all sorts of flea treatments. Pet insecticide was recommended by a veterinarian as a treatment and preventive measure. It really works, no side effects identified.”


Svetlana, veterinarian, 45 years old, Moscow:

“The insecticide is used for control and complex treatment of fleas in pets. Comfortis is well tolerated by animals and is suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches. If the pet has a severe infestation, a repeat dose is required 14 days after the first dose.”

Oleg, veterinarian, 27 years old, Saratov:

“Tableted capsules containing the active ingredient spinosad destroy 99% of parasites. The drug is used for cats and dogs to combat aphanipterosis. The effect of the medicine is noticeable 45-50 minutes after absorption.”

Precautionary measures

  • It is prohibited to use Comfortis for dogs with epilepsy;
  • The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating females (the drug penetrates into milk and colostrum);
  • Do not use on animals under 14 weeks of age;
  • If an animal has an individual intolerance to the drug, manifested in nausea, vomiting, weakness, it is necessary to consult a doctor;
  • The drug should be stored away from pets and small children;
  • Before using the tablets, be sure to consult your veterinarian;
  • Do not use the drug if the animal is weakened or sick.


Pet stores offer similar flea products:

  1. Nitenpyram is an expensive medicine (from 3,600 rubles per pack). Kills ticks and fleas quickly enough to reduce disease transmission.
  2. Bravecto is a high-quality drug, without dangerous side effects. One of the disadvantages is the high cost of the tablets.
  3. Frontline Nexgard is an individually packaged product that is well suited for small breeds.
  4. Afoxolaner is easy to use, has no side effects, and is suitable for lactating bitches.
  5. Capstar – high quality at low cost. Kills 95% of fleas within 5-6 hours after taking the capsule.

Choosing medication for your dog on your own without the supervision of a veterinarian is always risky, and in some cases can lead to ineffective treatment. Comfortis contains a specially developed dosage of substances for cats and dogs, so it is difficult to call medications from other manufacturers a valid analogue.

What are the advantages of Comfortis tablets?

  • They have a long period of insecticidal action after a single application;
  • The drug is quickly eliminated from the body;
  • Easy to use;
  • Can be used even if the skin is damaged - wounds, dermatitis, etc.;
  • It has a mild effect and does not harm the animal’s body;
  • Can be used for preventive purposes.
  • The product is easily accessible, it is not difficult to buy it at a pet store or order it online.


It is very convenient to use Comfortis. It is enough to give flea tablets to the animal once, and they will work. No shampoos, drops on the withers or collars. We take one meal, and the animal can breathe freely.

Sofia, Perm


I keep several dogs at home because... I'm interested in hunting. Fleas were a real problem for me because bathing several large dogs with medicated shampoo is a real pain! Moreover, all animals have different temperaments; some cannot stand still while washing. Imagine my relief when I found out about flea tablets. Since then I have only used Comfortis, a very effective remedy!

Nikolay, Krasnoyarsk


I learned about Comfortis from a veterinarian when I brought him a kitten after being poisoned with flea drops. He said that the product is safe, does not cause allergies, only in very rare cases and is quickly eliminated from the body. We started using flea tablets constantly because... We always keep several cats and dogs at home.

Valentina, Mirny

Relief of unpleasant symptoms in pets occurs within the first 24 hours

Side effects from use

In general, the tablets are well tolerated. Very rarely, individual intolerance to the drug may occur. After taking it, animals need to be monitored to eliminate the risk of possible complications. The instructions contain the following side effects: vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite.

Comfortis against fleas is a high-quality and effective product. In a matter of hours, the pet will be saved from parasites, because fleas cause great harm to the animal, deplete its body and suck out all the beneficial substances. Death may result. There is no need to save on pets, as they say: “We are responsible for those we have tamed!” Anna, owner of three cats

Who is this insecticide contraindicated for?

Comfortis are used strictly according to the instructions that come with the drug. This annotation notes that such an insecticide is allowed to be given only to those pets who have crossed the age barrier of 14 weeks.


In addition, it is highly undesirable to use such a remedy under the following circumstances:

  • during bearing and feeding the offspring, it is forbidden to engage in pest control of the “mother”;
  • prohibited for use on animals that suffer from epilepsy;
  • with obvious severe weakness after suffering a serious illness;
  • during the development and course of acute forms of diseases.

It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage and deviate from the manufacturers' recommendations. Such experiments can result in severe poisoning for the pet.

As for storage, sealed packaging retains its properties for three years from the date of release. Also, in order to avoid poisoning, it is recommended to keep Comfortis away from animals, as well as from young children.

Recommendations for use

Before using the medicine, consult your veterinarian and inform the doctor:

  • about chronic diseases that your pet suffers from;
  • supplements or medications your dog takes;
  • negative reactions that have occurred during flea treatment in the past.

Remember to give the tablets immediately after meals to avoid vomiting.


Never use high doses of ivermectin (the anti-parasitic drug found in Hartgard and Ivomec) in combination with spinosad - this combination can cause serious consequences, leading to seizures, blindness and tremors, as well as other possible side effects.

How to give pills to your pet correctly

Anti-parasite tablets are used in accordance with the instructions, the specifics of which depend on the type of product and the recommendations of the veterinarian. But there are general principles that should be followed during treatment.


  • prescribe medications to puppies under two months of age;
  • Give chewable tablets to dogs on an empty stomach;
  • exceed the recommended dosage.

It is also worth monitoring the animal’s condition during the treatment process.

Undesirable effects may occur, which include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • excessive salivation;
  • vomiting;
  • coordination disorders;
  • stool disorders;
  • changes in the color of discharge;
  • apathy and general deterioration of well-being.

Attention! If such symptoms are detected, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.

Side effects and contraindications

Any drug with an insecticidal effect sometimes has side effects. Comfortis is no exception.

There are contraindications

Despite good tolerability, after use the animal may experience the following on the first day:

  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal of food;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • oppression;
  • ataxia.

If the above symptoms appear, you should take your pet to a veterinarian, who will prescribe therapy. Comfortis anti-tick and flea tablets are contraindicated for use in productive animals.

Important! If after the first use the animal begins to vomit, then the drug should be given again on the same day or consult a veterinarian about another treatment option for parasites.

It should not be used simultaneously with other anti-flea agents, so as not to cause severe poisoning. In combination with Doxorubin or Digoxin, spinosad can enhance their negative effects.

Release form

Flea tablets

Comfortis flea tablets are sold in different concentrations, which allows you to choose the most suitable dosage for your four-legged friend. On average, the cost of one package (6 pills) is 3.5 thousand rubles. And even despite such a fairly high price, many owners prefer the Comfortis insecticide, since they have verified from personal experience that it is highly effective.

You can buy this product at veterinary pharmacies, regional SES offices, or place an order on the Internet.

The cost of this product depends on the dosage:

  • 665 mg – 3490 rub.;
  • 90 mg – 3225 rub.;
  • 140 mg – 4080 rub.;
  • 270 mg – 4150 rub.;
  • 1040 mg –3499 rub.;
  • 1620 mg – 3850 rub.;
  • 425 mg – 4250 rub.

Indications for use

Comfortis is indicated for the prevention and treatment of aphanipterosis (flea infestation) and ticks for cats and dogs. Used once, shortly before, during or after a meal. Re-appointment is carried out no earlier than a month later, even if the parasites appear earlier.

If pets live together, they should be treated with flea and tick tablets at the same time so that fleas do not spread from the treated animal to the rest. It is also recommended to disinfect areas where the animal is kept using special means.

Important! If timely treatment is not carried out, your pet may develop an allergic reaction or dermatitis. Small breed dogs and young cats may suffer from anemia. Fleas facilitate the penetration of tapeworms and infect tularemia and typhoid fever.

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