How to avoid bringing cockroaches into a new apartment when moving

Many of us get goosebumps and an unpleasant feeling at the mere mention of cockroaches. But, unfortunately, no one is safe from the appearance of these insects in the house. Even if you are very clean and tidy, and your neighbors are not, sooner or later cockroaches will appear in your apartment if preventive measures are not taken in time. And if you have already discovered mustachioed pests, read the tips on how to get rid of cockroaches in the house using folk and special remedies.

Where do cockroaches come from?

If your apartment is constantly kept in perfect order and cleanliness, then indignation at the appearance of insects in such a home is quite understandable.

There are several options in this case:

  • They come to you from your neighbors. If the residents of neighboring apartments are not particularly clean, the appearance of pests is quite understandable. Sooner or later they may begin to fight them, and then the insects will be forced to look for a new habitat, that is, they will run to you;
  • They can enter a home in several ways - through open windows and vents, through cracks in the ceiling, between the partitions, between the floor and the wall, through a ventilation shaft, through sewer pipes;
  • A cockroach can be brought to your house by guests or you yourself, for example, from work . Naturally unintentional. If you have pests in your workplace, be sure to shake out your bag and clothes before going home;
  • The cockroach may arrive by mail. Shopping through online stores is very popular now. We buy food, clothing, and household appliances. You cannot know in what conditions the product was stored before entering your home. Perhaps an uninvited guest got into the box with the parcel;
  • You can also bring a cockroach from the supermarket along with your purchases. Large stores are ideal habitats for these insects. Therefore, carefully inspect the goods before loading them into the package;

  • If we are not talking about a private house, but an apartment building, then cockroaches are also found in the staircases. It is possible that he entered the apartment through the front door at the same time as you entered or left the house;
  • In other cases, the appearance of insects may be associated with unsanitary conditions in the premises. With irregular cleaning, a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink, which is regularly left overnight, with the accumulation of a large number of empty, dirty containers for yoghurt, jam, with irregular removal of garbage, storing it for a long time in an open bag or storing filled bags in front door;
  • With constant access to water and high humidity. Cockroaches can live without food for more than a month, but they absolutely need water. Therefore, if there is a constantly leaking faucet in the house, you regularly take a shower and leave wet drops on the floor and on the sides of the bathtub or shower, thereby creating favorable conditions for pests;

  • If the meal is not tied to the same place. It’s very bad if you or your family are used to carrying food around the apartment and eating in front of the TV or computer. The crumbs will be spread throughout the house, which will undoubtedly please the cockroaches.

Protection against insects using traditional methods

In order to avoid the spread of pests from neighbors, you can treat the floors with a solution of water and ammonia, which repels insects with its pungent odor. Cockroaches will avoid such an apartment, even if no one poisons them in neighboring dwellings. This method can be quite effective, especially when combined with other measures.

Place wormwood in places where cockroaches crawl to repel them

Basically, pests, when they are poisoned, flee from neighbors through the ventilation openings between apartments, so insect repellent substances should be placed in these places. Suitable for these purposes:

  • kerosene;
  • acetone;
  • turpentine;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • sagebrush;
  • calamus;
  • tansy branches.

Keeping your home in perfect order will help reduce the chance of cockroaches relocating, including daily garbage removal, regular cleaning, and eliminating water and other liquids.

How to understand that cockroaches have appeared?

Usually, red or black cockroaches appear in apartments or houses. The red ones are smaller in size and elongated in shape, the black ones are larger, with an almost round body.

Many people note that it is much easier to breed black individuals, since they do not lay eggs as often.

Cockroaches are nocturnal inhabitants, so they cannot always be seen during daylight hours. The main signs that your home is infested are:

  • Small black dots. If you notice these marks on the baseboards, kitchen countertops or cabinets, it's time to start fighting in the bathroom. Black dots are waste products of cockroaches. Often small scales or pieces of wings can be found next to them;

  • In secluded places, for example, in the corners of kitchen cabinets, under the sink, under baseboards, you can often find an elongated oval light brown “larva”. This is a cockroach clutch with future offspring.

What to do if there are bedbugs in the hotel

If you find bedbugs in your hotel room, follow these steps immediately.

Take things out into the hallway

If your suitcases have not yet been unpacked, simply immediately move them out of your room into the corridor. If you notice parasites after you have settled in, carefully inspect the unpacked things, put them in plastic bags and also take them out of the room.

Call the administrator and ask for another number

Then immediately contact the receptionist and tell them that bedbugs were found in the hotel room. Demand that you be moved to another room, located at least two floors from the infested one, as bedbugs easily move into neighboring rooms. Don’t be afraid to defend your rights, in such cases the administration will be interested in not making a fuss, and your demands will be fulfilled. If you suspect that bedbugs may have gotten into some items, ask them to wash them or put them through a hot machine dryer.

If, as a result of your stay at the hotel, you were dissatisfied with the service, plus you got bedbugs, then this is a reason to think about where to complain about such a hotel. On the territory of the Russian Federation, such issues are dealt with by Rospotrebnadzor, which, in response to citizens’ complaints, can organize an inspection. The hotel administration should take care of how to get rid of bedbugs in a hotel room.

Cockroaches are dangerous

Being around these nasty insects is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to your health. Scientists have proven that they are carriers of many dangerous diseases, for example, salmonellosis, hepatitis, typhoid fever, etc.

If you leave an open container of food on the table and a cockroach runs over it, or worse, leaves its feces on the food, it can cause poisoning or an upset stomach.


  • Small scales of the chitinous layer of the cockroach can cause exacerbation in allergy sufferers and attacks in asthmatics;
  • The favorite habitat of cockroaches in the kitchen is household appliances, especially those that are not moved from place to place. The ideal device is a washing machine. Inside it is always humid, warm, and there are food remains. Insects live in the body of the device, pollute its insides with the products of their vital activity, which ultimately leads to failure of the equipment. A similar situation can happen with the oven and refrigerator;
  • Black dots left by a cockroach on a book or documents important to you are almost impossible to remove without leaving a trace. Similarly, they can ruin a kitchen tablecloth, chair upholstery and other textiles;
  • And the worst thing is that an insect can crawl into the ear or nose of a sleeping person. This most often happens to babies.

How do bedbugs get into residential buildings?

It seems incredible, but there was a time when bed bugs were considered beneficial! The ancient Greek writer Pilinius assured that the bug could cure snake bites and ear diseases, and in the 18th century, European “luminaries of medicine” offered parasites as a remedy against hysteria! Of course, bedbugs don’t do anything like that to improve people’s health, but they still do harm!

A bed bug is a small insect , its body length does not reach 8 millimeters. The yellow-brown color helps the parasites remain difficult to notice; moreover, during daylight hours, bedbugs hide in cracks and under furniture upholstery.

But at night they begin to attack, biting sleeping people. And the fact that bedbugs are selective - they bite some and not others - is not true. Parasites attack everyone, but due to the individual reaction of the body, some of those bitten develop an allergy, and the body becomes covered with red itchy spots, while in others nothing is visible.

How do bedbugs get into homes? Perhaps they already lived here before you, and were just waiting for new residents to move in.

Interesting fact! Insects live for more than a year, and at low temperatures and lack of food they fall into a state of suspended animation.

Well, if your neighbors suffer from an infestation of parasites, it is not surprising that bedbugs have moved into your apartment - through the ventilation, for example, or through cracks in the floor and walls.

In addition, the ways they get into the house may be different:

  • contaminated furniture purchased secondhand;
  • used clothes;
  • things you went on holiday to in a bad hotel;
  • even a taxi ride if the car is poorly treated from the inside, etc.

Thanks to their excellent sense of smell, parasites easily detect a person, are able to hide in the folds of everyday clothing and enter the house as a “stowaway.”

The bed bug can hide and lay eggs in household appliances and electronics, in books and paintings, among the fur of pets, and the most favorite place is sofas and mattresses!

Bedbug habitats

Where do bed bugs like to live?

The name speaks for itself: in bed. And not only. Bedbugs are not adapted to “nest” life; they are not worth anything like anthills or nests.

But their favorite places to live are safe corners closer to the source of food - the human body. The mattress and bed frame, sofa, armchair, wall and floor carpets, even children's toys - this is where bedbugs live. You can find them under wallpaper and under baseboards, in cracks in walls and ceilings.

Review of folk remedies

It is immediately worth noting that folk remedies are less effective than special chemical preparations.

However, in unused cases, they can still give the desired result:

  • Borax is a white powder that is safe for both humans and pets, but is a poison for cockroaches. Borax can simply be scattered in suspected areas where insects gather. You can boil one potato and one egg, crush it, add 1 tsp. powder, form small balls and place them indoors. Another recipe is to mix 100 g of borax with 30 g of starch and 30 g of powdered sugar, add a bag of vanillin and a little water. You should get a sticky mass from which you can make balls. When borax gets into the stomach of an insect, it causes poisoning;
  • Boric acid is harmless to humans, odorless and tasteless. It has a nerve-paralytic effect, and in large quantities it poisons the pest. There are several ways to prepare a poisonous composition. Mix boric acid, flour, sugar and water in equal proportions, mix thoroughly and form into balls. Grind one boiled yolk and 40 g of acid, distribute into small portions and place around the house. Or simply dilute the acid in a container of water and leave it overnight. Using this method, it is very important to exclude the possibility of obtaining water elsewhere. Thoroughly wipe the sink, bathtub, washbasin, floor around, turn off the dripping tap. Then the cockroach will have no choice but to go to the poisoned water;
  • Low temperatures. Cockroaches do not tolerate cold well. Therefore, some sources suggest freezing insects. To do this in winter, when it’s frosty outside, open all the windows in the house and leave them in that state for a day or two. Yes, cockroaches can really freeze, and all you have to do is sweep them up and throw them away. But keep in mind that such a drop in temperature in a living room can lead to wallpaper coming off the walls and heating radiators simply bursting. There is no talk of indoor plants at all. Therefore, we would recommend regular ventilation, leaving the window ajar for several hours. This technique can be used for preventive purposes.

Cockroaches, cockroaches, cockroaches.

Do you have cockroaches?
13%[ 8 ]
No86%[ 50 ]

No matter what housewives do with cockroaches - they poison, kill, survive with dust and borax, but in this war the insects still often triumph. Maybe because an arsenal of the most sophisticated means will not save you if you know nothing about the enemy. And the solution is not in a patented aerosol can, but in knowing the “weak points” of these eternal tenants.

Cockroaches come from ancient tropical forests, so red “tropicans” are unusually thermophilic. At a temperature of -5 degrees they die in half an hour, and at -7 in a minute. Therefore, the most effective and environmentally friendly way to get rid of them is to properly cool the room. Old individuals will die, and new ones will bypass your house a mile away. True, this method is not for the weak (not everyone will open the windows wide open for a long time in the cold) and is not always possible. It is good to treat the room with an ultraviolet lamp - cockroaches cannot tolerate ozone. They adapt to chemicals very quickly, and the third or fourth generation is no longer susceptible to them.

When going into battle with cockroaches, it doesn’t hurt to know about their “ingenuity.” For example, biology students once put a cockroach in a working microwave oven just for fun. Half an hour later, he came out of it completely unharmed - he managed to find a sufficiently “cool” point where the hottest rays did not hit.

Omnivores will not die even if all food is removed. They will switch to books that cannot be hidden in the refrigerator. In an apartment where cockroaches are not controlled, up to 30 thousand mustaches can live, capable of carrying more than 100 types of microbes - there is something to think about.

If your apartment is very warm (above 25 degrees), then the red cockroaches will be most happy - they will breed very actively. Adults usually hide in shelters during the day, and at night they go out to feeding areas, moving along their favorite paths. Whiskered creatures prefer to be in groups; they are attracted to each other by special smells - pheromones. Among the foods cockroaches are attracted to are bread, boiled carrots and potatoes, cereals, brewer's yeast and leftover beer, and sunflower oil. They also like soap, paraffin, and stearin candles. But they are of little interest in meat and vegetables.

Prussians, as red cockroaches are called, are not afraid of heights, so they easily move into apartments through ventilation passages, elevators, and pipe openings. But the easiest way for them is garbage chutes.

Large black cockroaches are still found in old houses. They are very secretive - they come into the world less often than red ones and love high humidity. Most often, this specimen lives on the lower floors, in basements, floor crevices, baseboards, boilers, and sewer systems. Fortunately, it is less fertile than the red one.

"Cobra" is preparing for battle

Dichlorvos and chlorophos have long been considered the most formidable enemies of cockroaches. Indeed, these drugs have a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, but they are both poisonous to humans. So if you are going to use the reserves of chlorophos from pre-perestroika times, think about it - is your own life not valuable to you?

So-called repellents in the form of aerosols or sprays do not contain poisons that affect humans. This is red Raid, green Cobra, Neha Lotte. They need to be sprayed under baseboards, near door jambs, in places where cockroaches hang out, after spraying, leave the room for an hour, and then ventilate. True, cockroaches do not die from these products, but simply move to where the sprayed smell does not reach them. The disadvantage of repellents is their short duration of action. After a few weeks or days (depending on how often the pollinated room is ventilated), the smell of the repellent will dissipate and the insects may appear again.

Powders and liquids are only good for areas where there are no pets. They act for a long time, sometimes up to six months, emitting an odor that repels insects. To achieve the effect, you should treat the entire apartment, and the ideal option is to cooperate with your neighbors and sprinkle all the baseboards at the same time, then the “tenants” will have their escape route cut off.

Liquid products used for wet cleaning work in the same way as powders. True, they cause fewer cases of poisoning of pets than aerosols or powders. If your cat sleeps behind the stove where you poison cockroaches, then she will inhale the powder, but a dried film of liquid sprayed through a spray bottle will not cause much harm to the animal (if, of course, you follow the instructions).

House traps, or disks with bait inside (Combat, Neha Lotte) are very popular (and not without reason). It is enough to place or attach several self-adhesive discs in the kitchen near the sink or bread bin, and you will forever forget what cockroaches are. There is one “but”: the discs are good only when the bulk of the insects have been eradicated, and random individuals are still running in from the sidelines. When there are a lot of insects, the traps simply cannot cope - the “living space” of the houses does not allow it.

The operating principle of the discs is a bait in the form of a chemical preparation. The very first cockroach that runs there dooms itself and all its fellows to death. The mechanism of destruction is simple: a cockroach that has been in the disk picks up poison on its antennae and passes it on to its relatives, who, in turn, infect others. The massive epidemic continues for several days - and the cockroaches disappear. After leaving the disc for six months, you can breathe easy - you are insured against visits from barbels. Since the discs are non-toxic, they can be placed anywhere. They operate at a distance of approximately two meters.

Chinese pencils, which are still occasionally available for sale, are unlikely to be effective. Judging by the reviews, peace of mind is guaranteed for only a few days, and then the cockroaches return.

The most effective, perhaps, are intestinal poisons in baits to which animals are not accustomed. The most famous baits are those containing brown and boric acid. They are laid out in saucers and jar lids in places where cockroaches are most concentrated. In a strong concentration, insects die faster, in a weak concentration - after a couple of days.

Several bait recipes with boric acid to fight cockroaches.

The mixture of egg yolk and boric acid should resemble liquid cottage cheese. After two weeks, the dried mixture can be kneaded with fresh yolk and added again. Dissolve a spoonful of boric acid in a spoonful of water, add a spoonful of semolina and a spoonful of sugar. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of boric acid in a glass of water. This solution is poured into crumbs of white bread or the solution is poured into saucers directly in its pure form. It is better to place any bait with a smell attractive to cockroaches in a jar with a tapering neck. Lubricate the inside of the neck with vegetable oil, and then wrap it in paper, leaving a hole so that cockroaches can crawl in easily and cannot crawl out. Such a trap

Aerosols for cockroaches

If folk remedies are powerless, use special medications.

One of the most popular forms of release is aerosols. The most famous means of fighting insects is Dichlorvos. However, its disadvantage is that it has a very strong odor. Modern products do not have such a pronounced aroma or may even have a rather subtle and pleasant smell. Before treating a room with any aerosol, you must remove all indoor plants and pets, and after spraying, close the door and cover the gap between the door leaf and the floor with a cloth. After a day, the room can be opened. After this, be sure to carry out wet cleaning. Effective aerosols are:

  • "Raptor";
  • "Dichlorvos";
  • "Regent";
  • "Raid"
  • "Combat"
  • "Get"

Safety measures when returning home

If no bedbugs were seen during the trip, this is not a 100% guarantee that they did not come with you in your bag. These nocturnal insects are cautious and secretive, so when you return home, carry out control measures.

Washing and heat treatment

When unpacking things at home (even those that you haven’t used), immediately put them in the washing machine and turn on the wash cycle at 60 degrees or higher. Bed bugs cannot withstand this temperature and die. For delicate items, steaming or dry cleaning is suitable. Inspect the suitcase or bag carefully, clean it with a vacuum cleaner and cover it in a plastic case; store the suitcases not in the living room, but in the garage or on the balcony.

To prevent bed bugs from ruining your travel experience, stay vigilant and follow the rules outlined here. We wish you never to encounter these annoying parasites.


Gels are convenient and advisable to use if it is not possible to leave the room after it has been treated with aerosols.

The gels are colorless, devoid of unpleasant odor and are easily washed off from almost all surfaces. They are safe for pets. A component is specially introduced into their composition, which gives an unpleasant bitterness when it enters the oral cavity. The composition is applied to the surfaces where cockroaches most often appear in dotted lines or drops at a distance of 10-15 mm. The effect after using the gels occurs only after 7-10 days. The disadvantages of the drug include the inability to treat hard-to-reach places and the entire room as a whole, and ineffectiveness against egg laying. Gels are recommended for use in combination with drugs of a different release form and action. The most popular gels are:

  • "Clean house";
  • "Dohloks";
  • "Raptor";
  • "Global".


If there are few cockroaches in the apartment, they did not have time to give birth and there is a suspicion that some individuals simply snuck into your house, traps will be an effective means of control.

They are very comfortable, safe for animals and children. The trap is a small box containing poisonous bait inside. Climbing inside, the cockroach eats the bait, and carries its pieces with it on its paws to its relatives, after which mass poisoning occurs.

There are baits with a sticky base . The bottom of the box is impregnated with super-sticky scented glue. The cockroach gets inside, sticks and becomes motionless. All you have to do is throw away the filled bait and buy a new one as needed. Popular traps:

  • "Combat";
  • "Raptor";
  • "Dohlox."

Rules for moving to a new apartment

Moving from one apartment to another is fraught with many problems if you do not take care of all possible difficulties in advance, and there are many difficulties in such a difficult task as apartment and office moving. Through the prism of years lived within the same walls, a person cannot adequately estimate by eye how much various furniture, household appliances and other massive objects are collected in his apartment. This can lead to problems with proper calculation of forces when moving. But before you change your place of residence, you need to take care in advance about how all the property stored in the house will be transported. Before you start packing your things, you need to clearly understand the rules for moving to a new apartment, which will allow you to take a rational look at solving the transport problem and the issues of moving things.

First of all, you need to sort out those things that will be transported to your new apartment. It is possible that there may be old furniture stored in the house, which is likely to be completely destroyed during transportation, so removing old furniture is not always a good idea. The rules for moving to a new apartment recommend getting rid of unnecessary rags and other things even before packing your things. In other words, you need to take with you something that can actually be used on the farm and in everyday life. If the furniture is to be assembled and its supporting parts are made of plastic, solid pieces of wood or iron, then you can disassemble it into parts. The rules for moving to a new apartment recommend saving space in the loading vehicle. It should also be remembered that furniture made from pressed wood shavings can only be disassembled a couple of times. Its screw sockets are not designed for repeated use. Repeated assembly will lead to complete breakdown of the load-bearing structural elements.

Crayons and powders

The most affordable are special crayons and powders against cockroaches.

They are convenient to apply, but almost impossible to treat hard-to-reach areas. It is also not possible to treat the entire room. Both crayons and powders can be used indoors and are harmless to people and animals. But, if there are a lot of cockroaches in the house, these remedies may be ineffective. They can be used as a prophylaxis after treatment with stronger drugs. The following products have proven themselves to be effective:

  • "Mashenka";
  • "Tornado"
  • "Super Fas";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Phenaxik".

Who should poison them?

According to the law, the management company is obliged to monitor the sanitary condition of the house and surrounding area. But if, within their own home, everyone chooses the means for exterminating cockroaches, then in the case when insects enter apartments from the garbage chute, entrance, basement, attic, Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation obliges the management company to take immediate action. Cockroach baiting is carried out once a year, in emergency cases - upon additional request.

Attention! The management company must destroy parasites in the house exclusively at its own expense, since our rent already includes the possible costs of fighting insects. No extortions from residents are allowed; this is illegal.

How to force the management company to solve the problem?

If the Criminal Code refuses to fulfill its duties, you can write a complaint to the regional prosecutor's office. In a class action lawsuit, the likelihood of a positive outcome increases, but for this it is necessary to collect up to 80% of the signatures of the residents of an apartment building or entrance.

However, even in this case, resolving the issue will require a sufficient amount of time, which, alas, works in favor of the cockroaches and not the residents. Therefore, while the court and the case...

Ultrasonic repeller

The repeller is a rather expensive device, which in turn does not kill insects, but only helps create unacceptable living conditions for them.

The device creates an ultrasonic field of a certain radius, safe for people and animals. However, the effect of such exposure is very controversial. Ultrasonic waves do have some effect on cockroaches, but only when their level becomes noticeable to animals and people. The devices use low frequency ultrasound. This is probably why the instructions for many devices indicate that repellers are recommended to be used in conjunction with other products, and the effect of their use does not occur immediately. In other words, the manufacturer is betting that a certain number of insects have already been poisoned, and the reduction in their number is supposedly a consequence of the use of a repeller. However, some users report positive results. Popular models are:

  • "Typhoon";
  • "Banzai";
  • Zenet;
  • "Ixus";
  • "Pest Project";
  • Air Comfort.

Take care of your protection in advance

A prudent person thinks ahead and worries about how not to bring bedbugs home even before the trip.

Being vigilant reduces the risk of catching bedbugs by 50%.

And here's the first piece of advice: don't take the problem lightly. If anyone thinks there is nothing to worry about, then they probably just haven't encountered bed bugs yet. The sharp increase in the number and spread of bed bugs is by no means an exaggeration, but a disappointing reality.

Try making inquiries about the hotel

Look online for reviews of the hotel you are planning to stay at. Although you can't completely rely on reviews, if more than one person writes that there were bedbugs in the hotel, this is an alarm bell.

You can also call the hotel in advance, tell the manager of your concerns about bed bugs, and ask what protective measures the hotel is taking. Most likely, they will assure you that there are no problems with bedbugs in the hotel, but you can’t count on honesty in such a matter. But if the hotel’s business strategy includes regular preventive disinfestation based on an agreement with a specialized service, then this is a sign that the administration takes customer protection seriously.


The last and most effective measure is to call the appropriate services.

Professional exterminators will carry out high-quality treatment of premises with stronger and more effective preparations. Most offer at least a one-year warranty. But it is important to understand that all your attempts will be in vain, and the effect will be short-lived if you do not carry out prevention and destruction together with your neighbors .

How to avoid the recurrence of cockroaches?

Once the pests in your home are eliminated, it is very important to create conditions that prevent them from returning.

It is especially important to do this for residents of apartment buildings, where it is very difficult to carry out simultaneous professional treatment against insects.

  • Carefully inspect the walls, floors and ceilings of your home for cracks. Through them, cockroaches can again get to you from your neighbors. The voids need to be filled;
  • All grilles covering ventilation ducts must have a fine mesh;
  • Don't forget about the ventilation duct to which the hood is connected. Often it is not covered with a mesh, so insects can first get into the device itself, and then into the apartment;
  • Seal the space around sewer pipes, if any;
  • Clean regularly, do not leave dirty dishes in the sink, wipe crumbs off the table, take out the trash more often, buy a trash can with a lid;

  • Fix all leaks and make it a rule not to leave the sink wet after washing dishes or the bathtub after taking a shower;
  • Place screens on the windows to block the path of uninvited guests;
  • If you have a pet in the house, keep its eating area clean;

  • A beautiful and popular indoor plant, geranium, thanks to its specific aroma, can repel insects. Place a potted plant in each room;
  • Some housewives wash the floor once a week with water and ammonia. Cockroaches don't like its smell. It is enough to add just 1 tsp. alcohol in a bucket of water;
  • Instead of ammonia, you can use vinegar. In principle, it is enough to process only the baseboards, and do not forget about the threshold at the front door;
  • Also, the threshold and baseboards can be periodically treated with a solution based on essential oils of eucalyptus, cedar, lemon, and mint. It is enough to add 2-4 drops to a bucket of water;
  • Cockroaches cannot tolerate the smell of chamomile. Buy dried inflorescences at the pharmacy and place them in places where insects previously accumulated;
  • Dry aromatic herbs - chamomile, laurel, wormwood, mint or wild rosemary - can also be placed in separate places. For example, near the trash can, under the sink, in corners, under furniture, in the bathroom.

Tags: pest control

Means for repelling cockroaches from the apartment

When considering how to remove cockroaches, many owners prefer to turn to traditional methods. This could be washing floors with ammonia, hanging plants with a pungent odor on the walls, treating with acetone, turpentine, etc. But this method has a clear drawback - all substances are harmful to humans and pets. Flammable mixtures are generally dangerous and there is a high risk of fire.

As for ready-made mixtures and traps, they also do not always show 100% efficiency. Chalk, powders, and baits work selectively; eliminating pests from an apartment infested with hordes of insects is much more difficult. A cockroach repeller will help here.

An insect repeller does not destroy pests, but expels them from the apartment - a clear advantage. The owner will not have to sweep out the dead individuals, there will be none. Additional advantages of using cockroach repellers include:

  1. Versatility. The devices work in any room and conditions.
  2. Efficiency. When installed correctly, the insect repeller will rid the room of cockroaches and other pests. The device generates a sound-vibration wave, which causes physical discomfort to pests. They try to leave the premises as quickly as possible, which is what the owner of the apartment needs.
  3. Safety. The ultrasonic cockroach repeller is safe for people and pets. It does not emit harmful vapors or compounds, and does not interact with moisture or air.

An insect repeller will help solve the problem of how to remove cockroaches, even if a mentally ill person lives next to you. There are neighbors who bring things into the apartment from trash bins. The home turns into a breeding ground for infection, cockroaches crawl out of every crack. No amount of chalk or kerosene will cope with the task, but a cockroach repeller will help even in this difficult situation. All you need to do is buy a device of sufficient power, install it in accordance with the operating rules and put it into operation.

You should not hope for a miracle - cockroaches will not disappear in a couple of hours, the cockroach repeller generates a protective field over time. This is what distinguishes reliable and high-quality devices from fakes. If they tell you that a repeller will remove all insects in a day, this is a fake. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, call us. A specialist will help you choose a device in accordance with your requirements and apartment features.

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