About “disinfection” from cockroaches and important rules for carrying it out in an apartment

You can often come across the opinion that only special insect control services can reliably destroy cockroaches indoors, whose employees treat apartments, houses and industrial enterprises with powerful toxic drugs, using complex and expensive equipment. There is also an opinion that it is almost impossible for a simple apartment owner to carry out such a “disinfection” of a room from cockroaches on his own, and he will not get the desired result.

Let's see how the situation really is.

Let’s start, perhaps, with the fact that “disinfection” in this case is an incorrect term, although it is often used. Disinfection means the destruction of bacteria and viruses, that is, it involves the fight against infectious agents. The fight against cockroaches and other insect pests and parasites is called disinsection (from the Latin word insect - “insect”).

Pest control can be professional, when it is carried out by trained specialists, as well as independent, when cockroaches are poisoned by the residents of the premises themselves.

Unfortunately, practice shows that there is another type of pest control - fraudulent. Under it, unscrupulous businessmen pose as exterminator specialists (and often as disinfectors), who at market prices imitate work on removing cockroaches, but do not provide the required result. There are also more egregious cases when, during “disinfection,” the handlers simply take jewelry or money from the apartment with them. There are many such scammers today, and further we will figure out how they can be easily identified even before work is carried out.

In the meantime, the following can be noted:

  1. Fighting cockroaches on your own allows you to save money, but is more troublesome, unsafe, and in advanced cases does not always give the desired result;
  2. Professional disinsection is much more expensive than doing it yourself, does not require homeowners to participate in the process, is practically safe for residents (including pets) and in most cases is quite effective. The main drawback here is the difficulty of choosing a conscientious and truly reliable contractor who will provide the desired result and give a guarantee for it (not a fake one, as many do today, but a real guarantee for free re-processing if the first one does not produce results).


“We ordered disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches. This is some kind of horror - rudeness on the phone, zero results and lost money. According to their price list, it costs 2,000 rubles to treat a one-room apartment, the master comes and says that you need to use a super product for 5,000, otherwise it won’t help. Okay, paid, processed. The cockroaches did not notice the poison at all; that same night they ran around the kitchen. We call them and say, how is this possible? They answer that no one will ever give a guarantee for disinfection, and if you don’t like something, contact another service. Repeated departure from them is 800 rubles in St. Petersburg. I immediately understand that on the spot this will turn into a couple of thousand. In general, an outright scam!”

Elena, St. Petersburg

What is disinfestation and how is it carried out?

I would like to note that it is not without reason that owners of apartments, as well as large enterprises, have to deal with these dangerous insects.
This is primarily due to the need to comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the maintenance of premises. Disinsection is the complete professional destruction of parasites. There are several main ways in which you can perform professional pest control of cockroaches in various types of premises:

  1. Chemical treatment. The essence of this method lies mainly in the spraying of pre-selected toxic chemicals or drugs.
  2. Physical method. The most popular form of control is the use of hot water and steam, which is supplied under pressure.
  3. Biological treatment. The method is based on the destruction of insects using certain biological means - microbes.

Noticing day after day signs of infestation in your apartment, the first thing you should do is determine the reasons why cockroaches have settled in your home, and after that you should understand how to quickly get rid of these parasites. To get an answer to the questions described above, you just need to evaluate the cleanliness of your apartment. As a rule, cockroaches do not grow in houses where perfect cleanliness is maintained and even tiny food waste is not found. In clean conditions, these insects will not survive even two days without food.

Having realized that you need to start fighting with unpleasant neighbors as quickly as possible, you must take into account that not everyone will be able to fully treat all the cracks and crevices, as well as utility lines to destroy cockroaches. It follows that in the event of a serious infestation, only professionals who have special equipment and professional cockroach repellents can help you.

Remedy for Prussians

You can carry out destruction using inexpensive means - gels, sprays, crayons or traps, if cockroaches have recently appeared in the house. It is necessary to determine the places where they are most common. Popular and effective remedies for Prussians:

  • Global paste - balls roll up; when using a potent product, one cockroach infects everyone;
  • Get – diluted with water, sprayed;
  • Regent powder – applied to surfaces, acts quickly;
  • Dichlorvos spray - sprayed in areas of accumulation;
  • Dohlox gel – affects the nervous system, applied in a dotted line.


This drug has no restrictions on use - it is used against garden pests and domestic insects. Vofatox for cockroaches is placed in bait with the addition of vegetable oil. The action of the product is based on damage to the nervous system of pests. Due to high toxicity, compliance with safety conditions is required. The drug has a long-term protective effect against cockroaches. With the help of Vofatox, you can kill larvae and adults.

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DIY cockroach repellent

You can kill insects in your home very cheaply. In the kitchen they will quickly disappear if you leave the windows open for two hours in the cold. A simple way is to wash the floor with ammonia added to water. It is easy to make an effective remedy for cockroaches with your own hands if you use boric acid. Safe for humans, it is destructive for parasites. For the manufacture of:

  • take a boiled egg yolk;
  • add 40 grams of boric acid;
  • add vegetable oil for flavor;
  • roll into balls;
  • spread out in closets, on the floor where parasites appear.

Professional fighting methods

Domestic cockroaches are the most successful synanthropic species of insects in this group. They live and parasitize next to people due to their incredible adaptability. The small number of species is compensated by their high fertility. According to current SES standards, the lack of systematic measures to combat cockroaches necessarily leads to an uncontrolled growth of their populations.

The fight against these parasites is always relevant, even when outwardly you do not notice signs of their presence. The thing is that they prefer to live exactly where they will not catch the eye of people, and they usually come out of hiding at night. If you notice a cockroach during the day, or find it in the kitchen at night, this means that:

  • The population living near you is experiencing growth.
  • Standard containment areas do not contain all cockroaches.
  • The available food supply is insufficient.

The presence of these very secretive, secluded and very unpretentious individuals in apartments is a very alarming signal. It is a mistake to think that these parasites necessarily and always crawl out only in the kitchen in search of food. Not at all, in normal times they are content with even garbage, feces and paper. However, if the population has grown, then cockroaches appear where they do not belong - in the office, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in various utility rooms.

It often happens that people who try to treat cockroaches on their own rarely find all their nests, do not completely destroy the parasites, and after a few weeks, the surviving insects multiply and continue to attack in even greater numbers.

The most effective option to get rid of cockroaches is to contact a competent company, whose team will not only completely destroy the pests, but also provide a reliable and durable barrier against their appearance in the future.

Hot fog

A special gaseous glycerin-based product is sprayed onto surfaces at a temperature of about 60 degrees with a strong and thin stream of steam, which is able to reach the most inaccessible places. The composition used destroys both adult insects and their larvae.

Cold fog

Using a special device, an effective poison against cockroaches is sprayed into the room. Destroys insects not only during spraying, but also after it. The poison remains on the upper layers of surfaces and affects new individuals.

Barrier protection

Intended as an addition to the main method of control for disinfecting cracks, outlets or ventilation. Works as a repellent barrier for new cockroaches that want to get to you from neighbors or basements.

Each of the listed methods used by exterminators must be selected depending on the following factors:

  1. Large population. To determine the degree of infestation, check how visible the signs of cockroaches are in your apartment. If pests:
  • They come into view only at night and one at a time, while you do not notice traces of their vital activity, which means the degree of infection is low, disinfection occurs with the help of cold fog.
  • You notice that as soon as you turn on the light in the room, a flock of cockroaches scatters. At the same time, you find their traces every morning. The degree of infection is medium, the room must be treated with hot fog in combination with barrier protection.
  • They crawl on surfaces in the apartment even during the day - the degree of infestation is high and requires immediate action in several ways simultaneously.
  1. Room area.
  2. Presence of children and pets. If children, people prone to allergies or pets live in the apartment, a highly effective safe product is used.
  3. What methods have already been tried and did not bring results. Based on the analysis of the unsuccessful fight, a more aggressive substance is selected.

Taking into account all the factors, specialists independently conduct an assessment and offer the most suitable option.

Unpleasant “neighbors”: who are they and why are they dangerous to humans?

Despite the fact that people moved away from wildlife and moved to cities, they failed to get rid of arthropods. On the contrary, human habitations made it possible for a variety of species to spread and improve. Many insects even received the prefix “home”, since their main habitat is apartments and private houses. Some arthropods can be tolerated by humans, while others must be urgently disposed of.

The destruction of insects is associated not only with people’s personal disgust and painful bites. Many parasites are a source of infections and unsanitary conditions. The table describes in detail what pests can “bring” into a person’s home, and where they like to settle.

Table - Description of harmful arthropods

PestsWhere do they live?What are they threatening?
flies— Places with fresh food and food scraps (landfills, compost); — waste places; - sheds, stalls, stables — They spread intestinal diseases; — are carriers of pathogens of tuberculosis, cholera, anthrax; - some species bite animals and humans
Dust mites— Furniture upholstery; - books; - fleecy surfaces; - bed — Cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa, allergic reactions; - are one of the causes of bronchitis and asthma; - contribute to the development of dermatitis
Cockroaches— Sewerage and bathroom; — places of food waste; - garbage chute; - basement; - attic — Carries pathogens of intestinal diseases; — are carriers of helminth eggs; - bite adults and children; - cause allergic reactions
Lice- Closet; - human hair - They are the cause of pediculosis; - cause itching and allergies
Fleas- Skirting board; - furniture upholstery; - carpet; - fur and feathers of domestic animals; - mattress — Leave painful bites on animals and people; - cause allergies; - when bitten, they transmit pathogens that are fatal to humans; - are carriers of helminth eggs
Pharaoh ants- Basement; - ground floor; - baseboard; - ventilation (they move and penetrate into the apartment) — Carries pathogenic microorganisms; - spoil food; - create waste places in different corners of the apartment
Bedbugs— Bed; - baseboard; - cracks in the walls — They bite animals and people painfully; - cause allergic rashes, in rare cases accompanied by headaches, nausea, and fever; - contribute to sleep disorders

How to poison cockroaches in an apartment, house calls, prices

To poison cockroaches in an apartment, call to the house in Moscow. The price of exterminator services for treating premises from insects. Methods for exterminating cockroaches in apartments.

Poison cockroaches in an apartment with cold fog

Poisoning cockroaches with a cold mist means spraying an insecticidal solution using a special ULV generator that breaks the liquid into small particles. The latter perfectly penetrate into all crevices, killing cockroaches. The droplets of cold mist are larger in size than those from steam devices, so they remain in the air for up to 4 hours from the moment the contaminated room is treated.

At first, the cold fog rises and then slowly decreases. It significantly increases the humidity in the room, filling the entire interior space. You can poison cockroaches in an apartment with cold fog in rooms where there are children and animals.

Cold fog is more suitable for simpler cases when it is necessary to poison cockroaches in an apartment or house.

  • cold fog generator The drug is sprayed through a special nozzle, which breaks down the substance to 50-90 microns. This allows it to penetrate into the most inaccessible places, small crevices and cracks.
  • Due to the strong breakdown of the insecticide, the floor does not flood, and no traces of the drug remain on the wallpaper and furniture. In addition, the permissible dose of the product in the air does not exceed the norm, which significantly reduces harm to animals and people.
  • After sanitary treatment with cold fog, the cockroaches die, and those who managed to survive the procedure infect the entire colony of insects.

Our company can help you poison cockroaches in an apartment by calling an exterminator to your home with a cold fog generator. Some of them die at the time of treatment, all the rest are poisoned and infect the entire population after the treatment of the premises from cockroaches is completed.

Poison cockroaches in an apartment with hot fog

This is the most advanced way to poison cockroaches in an apartment. How it works: The device generates hot insecticidal steam, which, as it cools, simply turns into fog. The steam temperature can reach 70 degrees. The device can generate a cloud from both water and any other liquids.

The higher the content of small particles in the aerosol, the greater the possibility of the poison penetrating into the cockroach’s nest and the more likely it is to be completely eliminated. The high temperature of the steam significantly increases the effectiveness of the product. Using this method, you can poison cockroaches in an apartment not only adults, but also eggs and larvae.

Poisoning cockroaches with hot mist means getting the following benefits:

  • You can effectively and quickly destroy cockroaches in your home.
  • The products used for this method are safe for people and pets.
  • The chemical penetrates into all hard-to-reach places.
  • You can destroy both cockroaches and other pests.

Hot fog treatments for cockroaches in an apartment are used in cases of severe infestation of an object, or if a large area is subject to disinfestation. The drug works twice as long as with the cold fog method. The physical qualities of hot fog are similar to those of a gas that engulfs even the most impassable places.

Advantages and disadvantages of professional pest control for cockroaches

Professional extermination of cockroaches has a number of advantages compared to measures taken independently:

  • high efficiency achieved through professional equipment and powerful drugs;
  • effects on adults and eggs;
  • safety of processing for people and pets;
  • speed of processing and prolonged action;
  • guaranteed result, and in case of its absence, free re-processing.

Professional processing

The main disadvantages of professional control of cockroaches are the financial costs, as well as the difficulty in choosing truly professional exterminators. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers in this segment, contacting them will only result in a loss of time and money.

What to do after choosing a pest control service?

After you have made a call to a private pest control service, you need to perform several steps. First of all, pack food, dishes, toys, etc. into bags. You also need to move the furniture in the rooms and kitchen. In addition, paintings and rugs (if any) should be removed from the walls.

The day must be planned so that by the time the pest control service workers arrive, all those who live in the premises (including pets) are already outside. On average, this procedure will take from 2 to 3 hours. There should be no family members or animals in the home.

As soon as representatives of the company appear on the doorstep of the house, you should check all the documentation with them. It is also necessary to look at the presence of a signature, the guarantee written in the document, and the company’s seal. What should be included in the required package of documents? This:

  • check for payment of services;
  • an agreement signed and stamped by the performer of the procedures;
  • documents for products used in disinsection treatment;
  • certificate for completed work.

If there are such documents, then there is a high probability that the company will carry out all the work efficiently. After sanitation has been carried out, the apartment should be wet cleaned. In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room. As for bed linen, curtains and other textiles, they should be washed at a temperature of 90 degrees. You also need to figure out what to do with the traps that have been placed and exactly how long it will take to remove them.

Ventilation of the room after treatment

Cleaning after treatment
As soon as the exterminators leave, and this will happen no earlier than 40-50 minutes after the start of treatment, they do not enter the room and wait another 2-3 hours. After this time, open all doors and windows, ventilation openings, and turn on the fan. Experts are asking whether it is possible to wash the floor immediately after airing or whether this will have to wait another 2-3 days (the period may be extended).

While the apartment is being ventilated, sweep out all the dead cockroaches. It is best to use a vacuum cleaner. If there are tulle or curtains on the windows, they are removed and washed in hot water (temperature close to 90 degrees Celsius). This can be done before treatment, but it is better if the disinfectant also treats them, since insects can hide in the folds of the fabric and their eggs and larvae can be preserved. The floor, cabinets (inside and outside), walls, if they are painted, are washed with detergents.

Prevention measures

If you deprive insects of the conditions for their active life, then you can be sure that after they appear in the apartment, they will leave on their own in search of more comfortable conditions. As a rule, cockroaches appear in unsanitary conditions and this is a fact that does not require any proof. Although it is not a fact that they cannot appear in fairly clean apartments. In this case, you still need to analyze how clean this apartment really is.

If cockroaches appear in your home, you should not immediately run to the store to purchase an effective chemical product. First, you need to analyze everything; perhaps folk recipes and preventive measures will be enough to make these unpleasant insects leave the apartment.

Home remedies for cockroaches and ants - Everything will be fine - Issue 78 - 11/13/2012

Watch this video on YouTube


Gennady: “My daughter has so many cockroaches in her apartment that it’s simply impossible to live there. But we just purchased the house; we didn’t even have time to deliver all the furniture. We had to call disinfectants. We tried to come to an agreement with the neighbors regarding the general professional persecution of cockroaches, at our expense, since we understand that treatment, even a professional, temporary measure, insects, which are full of them in the basement and in neighboring apartments, will return. But nothing worked out. The exterminators helped us, but six months later my daughter begins to notice cockroaches in the house again.”

Evgenia Dmitrievna: “Last year I called disinfectants, they seemed to use Sychlor, a good product, I still don’t see insects in my apartment, although I know that my neighbors have them. I advised them to use this drug, but they poison the old fashioned way.”

Important! Poisoning cockroaches with a guarantee is something that only professionals can offer. The cockroach poison used by disinfectants is tens of times more powerful than the usual poison that can be purchased in the store.

*Prices are current as of August 2022.


Systemic insecticide from the group of organophosphorus compounds. Designed for disinfestation of residential, medical, and industrial facilities by a professional contingent. Effective against all types of synanthropic household pests.

The composition is similar to Sinusan and contains 48% chlorpyrifos. The transparent, light honey-colored emulsion has a strong unpleasant odor. Available in containers of 1 liter or more. Price for 1 liter 2000 rubles.

Systemic insecticide Averfos

Like all concentrates, Averfos is diluted with water before use, according to the instructions. The working solution cannot be stored for long periods of time as it loses its properties.

After completion of disinsection, after maintaining a certain time interval, the room is ventilated. Only those surfaces with which there is daily contact need wet cleaning. The residual effect of the product lasts for 4-6 weeks, so it is not recommended to wash baseboards and the space behind furniture during this period.

Xulate s25

A new generation microencapsulated drug from Spanish manufacturers. The cost of 1 liter of product is quite high - 5800 rubles. In online stores you can find 50 ml packaging adapted for household use. This amount is more than enough to process 100 m². There is also Xulat micro - narrow long bottles for home use.

The new generation microencapsulated drug Xulat c25 Xulat c25 is used to destroy all blood-sucking insects, flies, and cockroaches in the house. Hazard class 4. And although the product contains chlorpyrifos, it differs from other drugs in its improved formula. The active component is placed in a microcapsule, due to which the substance becomes less toxic to others and retains its properties for 6 months. The only drawback of microencapsulation is that the process itself is expensive, which is reflected in the final cost of the product.


I work as an exterminator in a Moscow company. We purchased a batch of Xulat, it is very popular among customers. The product showed the greatest effectiveness in apartments with average infestation. I can recommend Xulat C25 to people who are afraid of chemical odors, since only fragrance is felt in the preparation. Otherwise, it is inferior to ordinary professional concentrates for fighting insects, and people often neutralize its prolonged effect by cleaning.

Evgeniy, Moscow

What to do if there are more cockroaches after disinsection

After disinfestation, you may think that there are more pests. Indeed, sometimes it happens that processing does not bring the desired result. There may be several reasons for such consequences.

Only adults were destroyed

Females hide their eggs in strong protective capsules, the hard shell of which cannot be affected by certain means. Moreover, cockroaches lay them in the most reliable and inaccessible places

If during disinfestation substances were used that were not capable of destroying insect eggs or the specialist paid insufficient attention to hard-to-reach places, the pest will soon appear in your apartment again. Always ask a representative of the company conducting the treatment what product they are using and whether it destroys eggs

Came out of the ambush

This happens because the insects have begun to be affected by the poison. They become disoriented and crawl out of their nests even during the daytime. If you notice that the Prussians are lethargic or inhibited, do not worry, soon the entire population will die.

The apartment is too dirty

Sometimes the treatment just needs to be repeated again. Due to the fact that the apartment is in great disorder, it is simply not possible to reach all the individuals in one approach.

If cockroaches are bothering you, you should seek professional help.

When ordering professional disinfestation, pay attention to the integrity of the company performing the treatment. After disinfestation, follow simple tips and then you will say goodbye to pests for a long time or even forever.

Paths of attack and habitats of cockroaches

Two friends meet:

- Why are you so sad, Vasya?

- Yes, yesterday my cockroaches declared war on their neighbors.

- You should be so happy. At least they will destroy each other.

- Rejoice, you say? Mine won and brought 10,000 prisoners.

Jokes aside, but this is often what happens. Your neighbors’ apartment is the main source of annoying and voracious insects. There are several reasons for the seizure of new territories:

  1. Too large a colony and not enough space.
  2. Limited amount of food, search for new supplies.
  3. Pest control of neighbors, cockroaches fleeing.

What products are used for professional treatment?

Cockroaches quickly develop resistance to chemical components. If during disinsection a weak solution with an insufficient concentration of insecticide was used, then the next generation of insects will be resistant to this component. Further use of products with a similar composition will be absolutely ineffective.

Professional disinfection

Professional anti-cockroach chemicals are intended for use by specialists, so most of the products are packaged in containers of one liter or more. Accordingly, the price of such drugs starts from a thousand rubles.

Most of the concentrates are sold in large quantities and are available only to companies involved in baiting insects in residential premises.

It happens that disinfestation does not bring the desired result, even if the treatment was carried out by a trusted company using a high-quality insecticide. In some cases, the result depends on where exactly the treatment is carried out.

In the apartment

If you ordered pest control for your apartment, but the cockroaches returned within a certain period, then the pests live nearby, for example, in the basement or garbage mine. When the insecticide has disappeared, the insects return to you again. In this case, you will either need to use the services of pest control companies from time to time, or resolve the issue with all residents or the management company.

In a private house

If cockroaches are running towards you from common areas of the house, such as basements, stairwells or garbage chutes, contact the management company. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the management company is responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the house. It is she who must ensure regular disinsection of common areas from cockroaches, mice and rats.

Sychlor for insects

Sipaz Super. Liquid sold in 1 liter canisters. The drug successfully copes with the destruction of cockroaches; it contains substances that are relatively safe for humans and animals. Sipaz can be used for spraying in residential areas. Average cost 3.1-3.2 thousand rubles.* Ram. A poisonous liquid sprayed indoors helps destroy not only cockroaches, but also other insects. Suitable for use in residential areas, but animals and children must be removed from the apartment before treatment. Professional exterminators use special protective suits. Price 1 liter - 2.4-2.5 thousand rubles.* Sichlor. A highly active drug, after using which cockroaches disappear almost immediately. Cockroach poisoning with Sichlor is carried out in residential and non-residential premises - greenhouses, basements, cellars. It is toxic, therefore, remove people and animals from the apartment or house before use. It is best if the treatment is carried out by specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. The cost of a 1 liter canister. — 3.7-4 thousand rubles.* Effective. The name speaks for itself. An indispensable remedy that can be used to poison cockroaches. Dangerous for humans and pets

Use only according to the instructions and in compliance with all safety standards. The price of the drug is 2.5-3 thousand

rubles.* Fufalon-super. The drug is so effective that re-treatment may not be required. A toxic product, like any other poison, children and animals should leave the room before using it. A relatively cheap drug - the average price is 1.2-1.5 thousand rubles per liter.*

No less effective:

  • For-Site (5 liters of concentrate will cost 10-11 thousand rubles);
  • Agran (concentrate price 2.2-2.5 thousand rubles per 1 liter).*

Important! When calling the sanitary and epidemiological station and calling the exterminator, you need to ask about the name of the mixture they use. So, if in the house, in addition to cockroaches, there are other insects (lice, fleas, bedbugs), then disinfectors are warned about this, this will allow them to select a multifunctional poison that can destroy all insects

The price of what professionals have to use to poison cockroaches cannot be called acceptable. But sometimes there is no other choice.

Who should pay for services for the destruction of household insects, disinfection and deratization?

The management company is responsible for the sanitary condition of apartment buildings. They are required to regularly carry out disinsection, disinfection and deratization, and funds for these activities are already included in the tariff for maintaining houses. The management company is responsible for the condition of the local area, entrance, staircases, vestibules, strollers, attics and basements. If you find insects in these areas, feel free to contact your management company with a written statement. The application must be accepted in the form, with an outgoing number and a corresponding entry in the log of incoming requests. The management company must respond within three days. If this does not happen, prepare an appeal to Rospotrebnadzor.

As for insects in the apartment, this problem falls on the shoulders of the home owner.

What do disinfectants poison cockroaches with?

In recent years, more and more often, residents and guests of St. Petersburg who have problems with cockroaches in their apartments or other premises, as well as unsuccessful experience in dealing with them, are asking the question: What do disinfectants poison cockroaches with and why nothing happens when trying to bait cockroaches on their own. Let's figure out in order how to poison cockroaches and whether it is worth doing this without the help of professional disinfectors, in order to have an understanding of the answer to the question at its logical conclusion.

It’s worth starting with the fact that master disinfectors are trained people, primarily with experience in fighting cockroaches and other pests and parasites, as well as with appropriate education. Before poisoning cockroaches, experienced disinfectors always find out from the customer when the last time the extermination of cockroaches was carried out, what preparations were used during disinfestation, what was the result of the event, the frequency of disinfestation at the site, inspect and determine the number of cockroaches and the degree of infection of the site by insects and other pests. And only after analyzing the situation, based on knowledge and personal experience, do they decide how to poison cockroaches and what equipment to use in a given situation, taking into account all the nuances of a particular room. Disinfectors in many specialized disinfection services know and do this just like we do.

Difficulties in treating cockroaches

With the modern rhythm of life, unfortunately, many certified specialists, accountants, scientists, etc., in addition to their work associated with active brain activity and considerable physical activity, often have to think about such questions as how to poison cockroaches, how to get rid of them , spend time searching the Internet for answers to these questions. After all, many insecticides have been tried, a lot of effort and time have been devoted to finding and purchasing them, finances and nerves have been spent, but there is still no guaranteed effect. It would seem that boric acid, which has been tested for years as a guarantor of the extermination of cockroaches, for some reason no longer works on them, aerosol cans did not cope, the traps are too small for the number of these insects and their purchase takes a toll on the budget. Professional insecticides for killing cockroaches have finally appeared in stores, but there are so many of them and such a cost... that it will be very difficult for a non-professional to understand all this. Believe me, it’s not even about the popular name of the product, which is properly advertised and is on the tip of the tongue of all people interested in treating cockroaches, and not about its cost or the popularity of the manufacturer, everything is simpler here, it’s about experience and practice. After all, an ordinary person, unlike a disinfectant, encounters cockroaches not so often, and maybe even once in his life, and accordingly, methods, methods, and means for exterminating cockroaches, their purpose, composition, and action are not included in his horizons. As part of his work, the disinfector deals with most cockroach preparations and daily observes, analyzes their effect on insects and thus selects the best effective cockroach remedy to ensure their destruction. There are many names of drugs for baiting cockroaches, but it is worth considering that the toxic (active) substances from which they consist are many times smaller, and the percentage of these substances is different. You not only need to understand all this, you also need to know where, in what place, in what quantity and even at what time of year you need to use this or that means to exterminate cockroaches indoors. Disinfectors from many companies should understand this issue; the Sanitary Day service definitely has an idea about the drugs used to poison cockroaches. I would like to say that the best solution in the fight against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs in an apartment, at work, in a restaurant or in a cafe is to call a disinfectant to carry out sanitation and calmly spend your leisure time and do your favorite work in a normal environment and comfort. Nevertheless, if your decision fell on the side of treating your apartment for cockroaches yourself, then we recommend that you additionally familiarize yourself with the material on the resistance of cockroaches and draw conclusions about the consequences that may arise if the process of poisoning cockroaches at home fails.


The drug is produced in the Netherlands. Requires careful handling and the use of personal protective equipment, as it is classified as class 3 when ingested, and class 2 when volatile. Includes:

  • cypermethrin 10%;
  • chlorpyrifos 20%;
  • solvent;
  • emulsifier.

The concentrate is light yellow in color with a rich chemical odor. Effective on cockroaches at all stages of development, household fleas, adult mosquitoes, bedbugs, and ticks. It has a nerve-paralytic effect, causing paralysis and subsequent death of pests. Thanks to the tandem of two active ingredients, it has a detrimental effect even on those insects that have adapted to pesticides.

Anti-cockroach drug Sichlor Sold in liter containers. Approximate price 2300 rubles. To treat premises against cockroaches, 5 mg of the drug is diluted with a liter of water. A significant proportion of individuals die immediately after disinfestation. The residual effect of Sichlor is 4-5 weeks, which allows you to destroy the emerging larvae or those insects that managed to survive during treatment.


All my independent attempts to remove cockroaches from the apartment were unsuccessful. I have tried literally everything that is on the shelves of hardware stores and folk remedies. However, it was not possible to completely destroy the insects. A friend advised me to use professional preparations for cockroaches and gave me a small bottle of Sichlor. The smell of the product is terrible, but it did the job. I didn't even expect such an effect. For literally two days I swept up and disposed of the dead individuals. A year has passed since the treatment and cockroaches no longer visit my apartment.

Marina, Perm

How SES poisons cockroaches: names of drugs

Such organizations use only high-quality and proven products in the fight against annoying pests. Among the many varieties of chemical preparations, they settle on liquid ones, discarding all kinds of gels and aerosols.

You need to choose a product based on the specific situation, after conducting a survey of the premises. This allows you to choose the most effective poison against Prussians.

The purpose of the room also influences the choice of chemical. For non-residential premises, it is allowed to use potent drugs to destroy all pests. Living rooms are sprayed with less toxic substances, but no less effective.

Methods of influencing flying and crawling parasites

The invasion of arthropods is an unpleasant, but completely solvable problem. There are different methods of disinfestation, divided into groups according to the type of impact on pests. Each group has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.


Chemical protection against arthropods is the most popular and effective method of pest control. For each type of infection, a special substance is selected, aimed at destroying insects, eggs, larvae, and arachnids. Among the poisons are insecticides, acaricides, larvicides, and ovicides. Deterrents are also used - repellents.

It is important to consider the degree of exposure to chemicals. Not all poisons are suitable for disinfecting public spaces. According to GOST, chemical substances are divided into four toxicity classes:

  • I - extremely dangerous;
  • II - increased danger;
  • III - moderately dangerous;
  • IV - slightly dangerous.

In public and residential premises, the use of substances of classes III and IV is allowed. At the same time, drugs from the third class are available only to special services, and low-hazard substances can be purchased by individuals in a household chemical store.

How does disinsection occur?

It is advisable to carry out professional treatment against cockroaches in the following cases:

  • if it is necessary to disinfect several rooms (food block);
  • with a large number of cockroaches in the apartment;
  • when controlling pests, which is of a coordinated nature (apartment building or dormitory).

The entire process of exterminating insects can be divided into three stages, each of which we will consider in as much detail as possible.

Preparing the premises

To prepare for bullying, you need to do the following:

  • All food products should be removed from the premises where sanitation against cockroaches will be carried out;
  • If possible, remove all utensils or, after disinfestation, thoroughly wash them with detergents;
  • close all ventilation hatches leading to your apartment with bars - this will prevent the migration of parasites from neighboring rooms;
  • the drainage system must be carefully inspected to ensure there are no gaps between the pipe and the slab;
  • if there are cracks, they should be sealed using any method acceptable to you.

Insect extermination process

To treat cockroaches in an apartment, representatives of the pest control service use effective products that have previously been certified and approved for use. The following insecticides can be used during work:

  • Gel-based preparations are the most popular and effective; they contain substances that attract insects;

First of all, the bathroom and kitchen are subject to treatment, where special attention is paid to the space behind the washing surface, stove, refrigerator, furniture, as well as in the technical riser of the bathroom. The product is also applied to baseboards, walls, trim, cornices, floors throughout the room to prevent the migration of insects from neighboring apartments

Cleaning the premises after disinfestation

Before you start cleaning the apartment after the exterminator leaves, it must be thoroughly ventilated until the smell of the product disappears completely. After which the following activities should be carried out:

  • make a 5% soda solution or prepare an alkaline detergent;
  • wear rubber gloves and goggles to protect your eyes;
  • thoroughly wash tables, work surfaces and other places in contact with food;

Usually, the services of exterminators are resorted to when cockroaches have become very firmly established in the room. When owners notice several individuals of domestic cockroaches in an apartment or house, they, as a rule, first try to deal with them on their own. If your “guests” have only recently discovered their presence, you should immediately start getting rid of them! Traditional pest control measures include chemical methods (the use of poisons), but there are also other factors that can repel cockroaches. Read more about this in the article: How to get rid of cockroaches forever quickly and without much effort.

However, remember that it is quite problematic to completely destroy cockroaches without the help of professionals if their numbers are large. You will receive prompt and effective assistance from the special sanitary service workers. And inept use of purchased products can lead to insects becoming accustomed to poisons.

Causes of cockroaches

It is quite obvious that the main reason for the appearance of synanthropic cockroaches is failure to comply with basic hygiene rules at home and at work. It is possible that cockroaches enter the premises through communications from neighboring premises, and it is necessary to take measures to eliminate this scourge in the area of ​​distribution, for example, among neighbors in an apartment or office.

  • food base. Dishes with leftover food and water, dirty household appliances, with traces of fat and other deposits, pet food that is easily accessible to cockroaches;
  • leaks of water and sewerage communications. A very common problem is leaking taps, pipes, failed faucets and other plumbing fixtures. Access to clean running water is a guarantee of a stable presence of cockroaches. You will never be able to get rid of cockroaches if there is a constant source of water; in this case, the cockroach will drown from any, even the most powerful poison.
  • source in the next room. Professional services are able to put up so-called “barriers,” but these barriers are highly effective drugs and their service life is no more than 60 days, after which the drug ceases to act like any organic compound and the barrier ceases to act. In such cases, you will either have to constantly carry out preventive pest control of cockroaches, or resolve the issue with the owners of the adjacent premises.

Approximate prices

The price for carrying out disinfestation measures ranges from one and a half to five thousand rubles, and sometimes higher. It all depends on the area of ​​the surface being treated and the degree of insect infestation.

Professionals will quickly and efficiently assess the current situation, develop the necessary methods, and select the necessary tools and pesticides to eliminate troubles.

On average, prices are as follows:

  • processing of a one-room apartment - from 1,500 rubles;
  • two-room apartment – ​​from 1900 rubles;
  • three-room apartment – ​​from 2100 rubles;
  • four-room apartment – ​​from 2400 rubles;
  • five-room apartment - from 2700 rubles.

Additional services are discussed with representatives of the organization and are reflected in the price lists of pest control services.

Cost of the destruction procedure

The cost of disinfestation primarily depends on the area of ​​the apartment that needs to be treated. For example, in Moscow pest control:

  • A 1-room apartment, depending on the degree of infection and the treatment method used, will cost from 1,500 to 7,100 rubles;
  • A 2-room apartment will cost from 1800 to 7500 rubles;
  • A 3-room apartment will cost from 2100 to 8100 rubles;
  • A 4-room apartment varies from 2500 to 8500 rubles.

It is also possible to treat only the bathroom, corridor and kitchen for 1500-2500 rubles, however, the company will not guarantee complete disposal of cockroaches, since not all rooms in the apartment will be treated.

Why are cockroaches called stasiks?

There is no consensus on why cockroaches are called stasiks. There are several versions. Each has the right to exist. People call these hated creatures differently. Nicknames are invented based on appearance, long mustache, and lifestyle.

The most harmless version

At one time there was a very popular joke that was retold at every opportunity.

The wolf sits in the clearing with a hangover, propping up his heavy head. A cockroach crawls past. "Who are you?" - asks the wolf. The answer was: “Cockroach.” “What’s your name?” - Wolf wheezed. He answered him: “Stas.” The Wolf crushes the insect with an indifferent expression and says: “I feel so bad, Stasik!”

However, it becomes unclear why the author of the joke chose the name Stas for the red cockroach. This means that the roots of the name go much deeper. Also interesting is the fact that the nickname is found in Ukraine, Transbaikalia, and the Northern Urals. The joke did not have such extreme popularity.

Blame the mustache

Stasik cockroaches

At the same time, it was noticed that men with the name Stas liked long mustaches. Because of them, the insects were given this name, but since they are small, the nickname turned out to be an affectionate and mocking “stasik”.

The version also has a right to exist, but I don’t really believe in it. Stasika cockroaches in the photo next to fashionable men are presented below. However, because of these same mustaches, insects were also called felixes.

Scientific version

Among the people, the nickname of cockroaches is spreading too quickly, so scientists and linguists cannot stand aside, trying to get to the bottom of the truth. The intelligentsia has put forward its own assumption, which is associated with the consonant translation of the word “mustache” from different languages.

The English word mustache ends in stach. There is an assumption that the not quite correctly translated word was pronounced as mustas. From this followed another consonant nickname - Stasik.

More plausible version

Stasika cockroaches personify a vile, sneaky person who always gets away with it, gets out of any situation, and does not disdain anything. At one time, sailors and jailers arose their own associations.

Stas was consonant with a swear word that was used to call representatives of sexual minorities. To make it sound even more contemptuous, they said stasik. Since they always tried to call cockroaches with the most offensive word, the nickname quickly became attached to the insects. Mat, but only in a more cultural form, encrypted.

No matter how contemptuously they call cockroaches, all generations have always had the same problem - how to get rid of insects.

Methods of dealing with stasis

Methods of fighting the Prussians

  • Adhesive tape is placed along the baseboards. Pour water into a jar, vegetable oil on top, sprinkle bread crumbs. 100 ml of beer is left in the bottle.
  • Balls are made from boric acid, boiled potatoes, and egg yolk. They are laid out in areas where insects move.
  • Sprinkle boric acid powder near the trash can, sinks, toilet, under the bathtub, along the baseboards. You can get rid of pests within a month.
  • Wash the floors every evening with a solution of ammonia, vinegar, and bay leaf tincture.

Among professional preparations, sprays and aerosols are widely used. They treat the room several times during the month. Concentrated emulsions are used to kill cockroaches in heavily infested areas. Poisonous baits in the form of a gel can destroy stasis in 2 weeks. Aquafumigators are especially popular. The device consists of a container into which liquid is poured and a jar of insecticide is inserted. A chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the release of toxic, acrid smoke into the room.

You can get rid of numerous cockroaches by repairing. Insects cannot stand the smell of paint, glue, or fresh plastic. They go to their neighbors for an indefinite period of time. Neighbors will angrily call such sudden tenants stasiks, without understanding where the nickname came from.

Preparing the premises for disinfection

Before you let the technician into the room or begin the disinfection procedure yourself, you should prepare the apartment for disinfestation. To do this, you need to perform seven steps step by step.

  1. Clean up. Wipe the floor, surfaces, and baseboards with a damp cloth. Dust should not prevent the spread of chemicals.
  2. Hide food items. Place food and spices in the refrigerator or in sealed jars, boxes, and plastic containers. The same applies to personal hygiene items and cleaning products.
  3. Remove the change. Place all small objects - paintings, vases, dishes, toys - in thick boxes or take them out of the apartment for a while. Hide small items in a closet, provided that it is not subject to disinfestation, or cover the items with plastic wrap.
  4. Cover the equipment. Cover household appliances, desktop computers, telephones hermetically with film. Do the same with interior items - tables, cabinets, sofas, if you do not plan to process them.
  5. Open access. Depending on the pest, you may need to rearrange furniture, empty cabinets, or remove wallpaper. Exterminators must have unimpeded access to nesting and aggregation areas of arthropods.
  6. Bring out the animals and children. Send your household members, including turtles, parrots and fish, to stay with friends, parents, and neighbors for a while. If you cannot remove the aquarium, close it and turn off the air exchange system.
  7. Remove the bedding and covers. Arthropod larvae and eggs can settle in bedding and fabrics, so wash and boil your bedding in advance. When poisoning bedbugs, leave the bed or sofa unfolded.

Having understood what pest control is, the owners begin to pay more attention to the maintenance of the apartment. It is better to solve the problem immediately than to turn your house into a hotel for arthropods. Uninvited “guests”, as a rule, do not appear alone and do not leave of their own free will. Therefore, you should act, and not wait for the problem to miraculously solve itself.


  • Insect repellent gel paste called “Storm” is sold in the form of a syringe, the cost remains in the range of thirty to forty rubles.
  • The gel called Exil from German manufacturers, previously manufactured under the name Globol, stands out primarily for its special effectiveness. The price of the paste alone is approximately three hundred rubles. One package is enough for all rooms of a house or apartment. You can usually purchase this product in online stores.
  • A gel syringe called “Clean Home” is also a good option. To process twenty square meters, only one package will be enough. After some time, all insects will be destroyed.
  • Gel “Combat” is a product that is manufactured in China and is available in the form of a syringe. The product costs about one hundred and fifty rubles.

Lethal drops from these insects are a relatively new product that is made in the form of a liquid gel. The price of the product is sixty rubles. For an apartment with one room, just one package of this product will be enough. It is too early to talk about the effectiveness of this product, since it has not yet had time to prove itself.

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