Instructions on how to use Global (Globol) against cockroaches: composition, how it works, pros and cons, precautions

The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment often becomes an unpleasant surprise for home owners. These insects not only spoil food and cause psychological discomfort: they are also carriers of dangerous infections and often cause exacerbation of allergic reactions. Over the years of living next to humans, cockroaches have adapted to many toxic substances, and now it has become more difficult to fight them. One of the effective means for killing insects is the German Globol gel.

What is the secret of Globol's effectiveness?

The high degree of effectiveness of Global is due to the presence in the composition of a modern insecticide, as well as components that attract insects. In addition, quick disposal of cockroaches is facilitated by the delayed effect of the drug, which allows the infected individual to reach the maximum number of relatives.

Composition and active substance

The active component of Globol is chlorpyrifos, a latest generation organophosphate insecticide. Its concentration in the gel is 0.5%. Additionally, Globol includes:

  • fat base (cocoa butter) - gives plasticity, prevents the paste from drying out, attracts cockroaches with its chocolate aroma;
  • attractants - substances that increase the desire of insects to eat bait;
  • special bitterness is a component that reduces the risk of use of the product by children or pets.

The active substance in minimal concentration is safe for people and animals, although the use of the gel still requires reasonable precautions.

Release forms

Globol insecticide is available in the form of a paste (gel) and an aerosol (spray). Both types of the drug are quite effective, although the gel is more popular among buyers. This is due to its lower toxicity and ease of use. To effectively clean the room, use the product in two release forms.

Gel or paste against cockroaches Global

Globol in gel form is packaged in a white plastic tube with a volume of 75 grams. The kit includes a nozzle with a long, thin tip for treating hard-to-reach areas. The gel itself is an opaque dark brown paste with a slight chocolate smell. The expiration date of Globol is indicated on the packaging and tube with the drug. The opened tube can be stored in a cool, dark place away from food for 12 months.

Aerosol Spray Global against cockroaches

Globol in aerosol form is available in 400 milliliter spray bottles. The expiration date of the drug is indicated on the bottom. Despite the relatively low cost and ease of use, Global spray has a number of disadvantages compared to gel.

  • higher consumption;
  • the need to ventilate the room after treatment;
  • less efficiency.

Using an aerosol, places where insects accumulate are treated: spaces under the bathtub and sink, near the trash can. The product is sprayed evenly from a distance of approximately 15 centimeters.

Rules of application

Globol gel against cockroaches is laid out on cardboard, thick paper, plastic bags, cling film, lids, or simply on the floor. Apply with a dotted line. The distance between the drops should not be too large.

The protective layer is renewed after 2 weeks, or as the Prussians eat the poison. This indicator can be used to judge the degree of cockroach infestation and their number. If the gel remains untouched, it means you have chosen the wrong place.

On a note!

It is necessary to treat with Global paste all places where cockroaches hide or move: the area near the trash can, sinks, toilet, washstand, along baseboards, behind furniture. If there are pets or small children in the house, it is allowed to apply drops to the top of the matchbox and place it in the indicated places.

Rules for using the gel Global cockroach gel can be used for a long time to prevent re-infection. Drops of the product are left near the front door and applied to pipes and ventilation grilles.

On a note!

To determine the trajectory of movement of the Prussians, you need to do the following. In the middle of the night, turn on the light in the kitchen, in the bathroom where the Prussians settled, and calmly watch their movement. Cockroaches will run to hide in secluded places. Poisonous treats should be left there.

The principle of action of Global gel on cockroaches

Globol has a complex effect, including contact, intestinal and fumigant methods of poison transmission. The active substance enters the body of insects not only through the chitinous cover and stomach, but also through the respiratory tract. In addition, it is easily carried on the legs of a cockroach and thus reaches the places where they are most concentrated. Insects become infected not only from transferred gel microparticles, but also by eating infected relatives. Thus, cockroaches have no chance to avoid insecticide poisoning.

When ingested by an insect, chlorpyrifos binds protein enzymes responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to muscle tremors and subsequently to paralysis and death of the individual. The beginning of the process of infection of the colony can be judged by the atypical behavior of cockroaches. Insects cease to be afraid of humans and crawl out of their shelters during the day; their movement speed decreases. Death occurs within a period of several hours to a day and a half. The entire process of destroying a colony in an apartment lasts about a month.

Why are cockroaches so difficult to kill?

Cockroaches are very tenacious and unpretentious in everyday life. It doesn’t matter to them what to eat; they are able to survive for a long time by absorbing polyethylene or even their own excrement. Much more important for these insects is the ability to drink. That is why the main places where cockroaches are located are the bathroom and kitchen. They live under drains, under sinks, in baseboard crevices, etc.

Poisoning insects with various aerosols is considered ineffective, because cockroaches have one interesting feature: after inhaling harmful fumes, they go into suspended animation, during which they do not breathe. But as soon as fresh air enters the room, the cockroach regains consciousness and runs away. In addition, the young generation of insects, which is still in a special capsule, is not exposed to the aerosol at all and continues to develop, even if the female has died. That is, if a female, pregnant with a capsule with offspring, died somewhere in a crack, and you did not remove her from there, then with a hundred percent probability the young cockroaches will hatch and after a few molts they will turn into adult insects that will give new offspring and again fill the room .

Over a long period of time staying close to humans, cockroaches have developed the ability to get used to various poisons. That is why it is necessary to destroy the entire colony of insects in the house at once, because if this is not done, the next generation of pests will appear that have innate immunity to one or another poison. And therefore, old and seemingly proven methods of getting rid of parasites stop working.

Instructions for use of Globol against cockroaches

Before use, knead the tube of paste in your hands so that the product acquires sufficient plasticity. There are several options for applying the drug:

  • Directly onto the surface with a thin continuous or dotted line. If the room is heavily infested, the distance between the strips is 2 centimeters; if there are a small number of insects, it is permissible to increase it to 4 centimeters.
  • On strips of thick paper or cardboard. This method is convenient because the surfaces in the home remain clean. In addition, it is convenient to place insecticide strips out of the reach of children and animals.
  • Vertically using tape. As in the previous case, the drug is placed on pieces of cardboard. The resulting traps are placed on sections of the walls behind the refrigerator or washing machine using double-sided tape.

For the most efficient treatment of an apartment, it is permissible to combine all of the above methods.

Advantages and disadvantages of pasta

Like any insecticidal preparations, this Globol paste has its advantages and disadvantages:

Positive qualities of Globol paste:

  • pleasant chocolate aroma;
  • no strong smell of chemicals;
  • no need to ventilate the room;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • retains effective properties for quite a long time;
  • availability of purchase;
  • safety for humans and pets.

Negative qualities of Globol paste:

  • price;
  • the applied preparation on the surface leaves indelible stains;
  • a huge number of fakes.

Precautionary measures

The low toxicity of the drug does not eliminate the need to use standard protective measures when working with it.

  • Keep Globol out of the reach of children and pets.
  • When processing the room, use rubber gloves.
  • If the gel gets on your skin, rinse the affected area with plenty of running water. If the drug gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, in addition to rinsing, use atropine-based drops once.

If Globol gets into the child's stomach, give the child a large amount of water with baking soda added, induce vomiting and immediately consult a doctor.

Release forms

Globol against cockroaches is produced in the form of a light brown gel paste without a strong odor; is in a tube of 75 g. This cockroach repellent can be used to kill any other synanthropic insects.

There are also analogues called Global and Globol with a modified logo:

  1. Gel packaged in syringe dispensers with a volume of 40 g.
  2. Aerosol volume 300 and 400 ml; The composition contains pyrethroids.
  3. Traps for cockroaches: 6 pieces per pack. With a low level of infection, you will need 2-3 pieces for every 10 m2.
  4. Insecticidal chalk, which is enough to treat 40 m2.

Analogs, according to reviews, are much less effective than the original.

How to distinguish a real Globol from a fake?

To distinguish the original insecticide from a copy, take a close look at the packaging. This product has the following distinctive features:

  • holographic sticker on the front of the box;
  • Information on the packaging is in German.

Pay attention to the name of the product. Only the name “Globol” is original; everything else is a copy, containing a different active ingredient and therefore less effective.

The gel itself is a thick, dark brown substance with a faint cocoa aroma. Counterfeits are often light in color with a specific chemical smell.

Since 2016, the drug with the new trade name “Exil” can more often be found on sale. The active ingredient in it is the same as that of Globol, and the signs of originality of the product are the same.

Methods of destroying Prussians

Now there are a great variety of drugs aimed at eliminating cockroaches. They all have their pros and cons.

European quality against the Prussians

In order not to make a mistake in choosing an effective product, you need to be guided by reviews, evaluate the conditions that are favorable for the appearance of insects in your home: the location of garbage containers, the state of communication systems, etc.

Unique drug Global

One of the recognized drugs is the German drug - Global cockroach gel. Efficiency and optimality are guaranteed thanks to traditional German quality and many years of experience of the manufacturer.

Functional essence of globol cockroach remedy

German manufacturers chose chlorpyrifos as the active ingredient of this product.

The pest, after contact with the global cockroach product, is affected by chlorpyrifos. It does not die at the same moment, but spreads its grains to the location of its colony. In other words, only a few individuals, in contact with the gel, can exterminate a large family.

The global gel gained its uniqueness thanks to special additions.

What is the success and popularity of globol schaben paste

75g tubes are enough to treat 60 meters of area

  • Global cockroach repellent is available in an easy-to-use, measured tube - 75 g. This mass is enough to treat a room of up to 60 square meters.
  • The convenient form of manufacture, in the form of a gel, makes it possible to easily apply the product to the desired areas, preventing rapid drying. Easily washed off from surfaces.
  • The prolonged effect on pests lasts a month. A noticeable effect is visible after just a few days after the start of the procedure. Cockroaches crawl into areas accessible to humans during the daytime, moving with a noticeable lack of coordination. A large-scale epidemic appears within one to two weeks.
  • Effective bait: high content of natural honey and chocolate attracts pests.
  • The predominant advantage of the product is the absence of a specific odor. In contrast to other drugs against cockroaches, which, if used in violation of the instructions, cause intoxication in households, globol gel does not pose any danger. The product is absolutely hypoallergenic and does not cause side effects in case of unintentional contact.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start using the drug for its intended purpose, you should gently knead it in your hands to give the gel additional plasticity. Then proceed to treat the room, applying the contents of the tube to places where pests are large: sewer pipes, spaces under window sills, baseboards, kitchen furniture.

In addition to the traditional method, you can resort to building baits. To do this, you need to cut narrow strips of paper and apply drops of the product on them.

Multifunctionality of the product

Effective against many types of insects

Of the many ant gels, globol is perhaps the most effective drug. When protecting against ants, one drop is enough, which can kill up to 500 insects.

In addition, the number of victims that this product copes well with includes insects such as mosquitoes, flies, various kinds of midges, spiders and other pests.

Is it safe for people and pets

The results of studies conducted by the insecticide manufacturer indicate low toxicity of Globol to mammals. In addition, a special bitterness has been added to the gel, which will prevent pets from enjoying the product. However, if ingested in large quantities, the drug can cause poisoning, accompanied by severe abdominal pain. Carefully follow the recommendations for storing insecticidal products and apply the gel out of the reach of children and animals in the apartment.

Aerosol spray and Globol traps against cockroaches

In addition to the gel, the Globol line also contains other types of products for killing cockroaches. For example, some people choose an aerosol. In this form, globol is available in 400 ml bottles.

Treating a room with an aerosol is easy. The main thing is to free it from animals and people, as well as remove food waste and unnecessary things, tightly close the windows and doors. Next, you need to shake the can well, put on a protective mask and spray the product on different surfaces at a distance of about 15 cm. Particular attention should be paid to those places where cockroaches can find food or where they go to drink. This:

  • bath;
  • shower cabin;
  • kitchen sink;
  • toilet;
  • space for a trash can;
  • sewer pipes;
  • hoods;
  • corridor, etc.

Just do not apply Global to the walls of the kitchen or the table where you eat, cook, etc. After finishing the treatment, leave the room for 3-4 hours.
When you return, ventilate it, but do not start wet cleaning. You can wipe with a damp cloth with a little detergent only those surfaces that you and other household members frequently come into contact with. There are also traps in the Globol or Exil line of products. They are usually used in addition to a gel or aerosol. Some place them at home as a preventive measure, so that some wandering Prussian scout gets caught in it, or rather, eats the poison and infects the rest of his relatives.

What do Globall traps look like? These are small box stations with holes in the walls, which allows mustachioed pests to get inside without obstacles. What attracts cockroaches there is a delicacy that contains a substance that is poisonous and lethal to arthropods. Cockroaches cannot resist tasting it. It smells too good. As a result, these nasty insects easily become infected and die after some time.

As for the instructions for use, they must come with the product, regardless of its release form. Please read it carefully before processing!

For reference! Globol traps alone can be used only in cases where there are few “whiskered” ones. If the population of cockroaches has grown, then for destruction you will need to use a gel or aerosol of the same brand.

Pros and cons of Globol

Globol paste with chlorpyrifos is considered one of the best chemicals for controlling cockroaches. Among its advantages:

  • High efficiency. Ridding your home of insects begins after a few days. Within a month, the entire population of cockroaches is destroyed.
  • Duration of action. Thanks to the use of an oil base, the product does not dry out for 60 days (up to 45 days in the open air).
  • Safety of use. Globol is low toxic to mammals and hypoallergenic.
  • Ease of use. The room can be treated in the presence of people and pets. The product is easy to apply and has a pleasant smell.

However, buyers note a number of disadvantages of the insecticide:

  • High probability of buying a counterfeit drug. Even the presence of a holographic sticker does not always guarantee the originality of the product.
  • No immediate effect. It will take several weeks to kill the entire insect population. Getting rid of cockroaches in a few days is guaranteed only by calling professional exterminators.
  • Price. Globol gel is not a budget product: the minimum cost of the paste is 200–250 rubles per tube.
  • Difficult to remove when applied directly to the surface. Sometimes, after the product expires, it dries out and becomes difficult to clean off. In this case, it is necessary to resort to soaking the product. After some time, the remaining gel can be easily removed even from delicate surfaces. To prevent complications in the future, it is recommended to apply the paste to pieces of thick paper.

Despite the noted disadvantages of the drug, it enjoys well-deserved popularity among consumers. This is due to its effectiveness, prolonged action and low level of toxicity to humans.

What is the average price of the gel and where can you buy it?

The effective product “Global” - gel against cockroaches - is sold everywhere in Moscow and the regions. Today, purchasing the drug is not difficult. The gel is sold at household chemicals outlets (“Artplast”, “Everything for cleaning”, “Svoboda”, etc.) and in specialized online stores. When purchasing a drug secondhand from private individuals, there is a risk of purchasing a low-quality counterfeit product. The quality of the drug is indicated by the presence of a certificate and a special holographic sticker on the packaging. This sticker guarantees that it is a genuine German product.

You should also pay attention to the cost of the Global gel. Although the price can vary significantly (from 150 to 250 rubles for a 75 g tube), a product that is too cheap is likely to be counterfeit. The popularity of a high-quality German product contributes to the emergence of a huge number of counterfeits. When purchasing through an online store, you can also request a quality certificate, which is sent as a scanned copy. The cost of the drug on the Internet is usually lower than the market price and often depends on the location of the supplier and the volume of the order. Shipping and courier costs should also be taken into account.


Users who have used Globol gel to combat cockroaches confirm its effectiveness. It was possible to get rid of unpleasant insects in almost all cases. The few negative reviews are apparently related to the experience of using counterfeit products.

Buyers especially emphasize the advantages of the insecticide, such as:

  • economical to use;
  • efficiency;
  • low toxicity;
  • ease of use and pleasant aroma;
  • duration of action of the paste.

Globol gel rids your home of cockroaches in about a month of use. It is low-toxic, hypoallergenic, and has several options for use. The drug has a long-term effect while maintaining all the declared properties. According to customer reviews, the German cockroach repellent is easy to use and effectively deals with insects.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of Globol gel is based on the same principles of infecting the cockroach population as many similar insecticides. It consists of the following:

  1. Individuals who have consumed the gel as food or simply had contact with it do not die, but become carriers of the deadly poison.
  2. Returning to the nest and coming into contact with relatives, they infect them.
  3. After a few days, the substance is activated, and the process enters a more active phase, by which time the entire colony or most of it should already be poisoned.
  4. Three days after poisoning, cockroaches gradually begin to die from the effects of chlorpyrifos on their bodies.
  5. On the seventh day, the last of the most tenacious individuals must die from poisoning.
  6. From the remaining egg laying, a new generation of cockroaches appears, which also comes under the influence of the still functioning gel, so after some time the young ones also die.

Global cockroach killer - reviews


After the appearance of cockroaches, we decided to use global gel. We found a lot of positive reviews on the Internet, and without hesitation, we purchased the drug. The gel was applied in the form of small drops in the places where the cockroaches lived. The product began to work within a couple of days. There are much fewer cockroaches. A month later, the individuals completely disappeared from the apartment. The pests have not appeared for six months now.


Cockroaches moved in from our neighbors. They poisoned me with many means, but there was no result. A friend advised me to use the drug global in the form of a gel. We applied drops of the product onto cardboard strips and placed them around the entire perimeter of the apartment. After a couple of weeks, the number of cockroaches became much smaller, and after a month they disappeared completely. 2 months have already passed and no pests have been noticed.


After the neighbors poisoned the cockroaches, they ran over to us. We bought global gel and applied it precisely to all problem areas. After a couple of days, the drug began to act; only single individuals were encountered, which disappeared after 4 weeks of action of the drug.


We recently moved to a new apartment, but our joy was marred by red cockroaches. They ran everywhere: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the sink, and even in the bedroom. Contrary to the belief that they are active only at night, our Prussians were active at any time of the day. What I haven’t tried: boric acid balls, insecticides that need to be diluted with water and treated with a syringe on baseboards, cabinets, potential habitats. Everything was absolutely useless and it seemed that the owners of the apartment were not us, but these voracious cockroaches. I had completely given up, and I began to think about calling professionals. A friend advised me to buy the German Global anti-cockroach gel. Not believing in a successful outcome, I still went to the store and bought the vaunted drug. As it was written in the instructions, I treated the entire apartment, one tube was enough and there was even a little left. After 3 days, I began to find several corpses in each room, and after 5 days there were even more of them. I harvested the largest “harvest” on the seventh day, after which there were fewer dead insects, and after 2 weeks they completely disappeared. So don’t despair, it’s possible to get rid of cockroaches


Previously, I only heard about cockroaches from friends; these insects never appeared in my apartment. Alas, my happiness did not last very long. New tenants have moved into the neighboring apartment, which was previously empty. A month after they moved in, I saw a cockroach in the kitchen, reflexively grabbed a slipper and killed it on the spot. The next day I managed to catch a whole family of these terrible creatures leisurely walking around the dinner table. Having realized that the invasion of pests could not be stopped with a slipper, I began to look for effective control methods to get rid of cockroaches. On the Internet I came across reviews about Global gel against cockroaches. Without any hesitation, I immediately called and ordered the drug. The courier delivered it to me the next day and I immediately began poisoning the parasites. When I went into the kitchen at night, I saw several cockroaches that were barely crawling. I didn’t notice hordes of dead cockroaches, but they began to appear less frequently. After about 3 weeks I stopped noticing their presence altogether.


I would never have thought that cockroaches could scare me, an adult woman. One night I woke up with the feeling that someone was crawling on me. Out of inertia, she tried to slam the offender. To my horror, in my hand was a huge black cockroach with long mustaches. At this point I couldn’t sleep and I started browsing the forums. I often came across reviews of the German product Global for cockroaches. I decided to try it and didn’t regret it one bit. The process of treating the apartment took me 15 minutes, and the cockroaches completely disappeared from my house


When pests appeared, I tried various means to combat them, but only Global helped. Most often it is sold in gel form. By the way, it is better to use paper to apply it and spread the substance throughout the apartment, because this way the effect can be achieved much faster.


They fought the parasites using a drug donated by relatives, although at first they didn’t even believe that Global would help. Since it is poisonous, we tried to be careful when processing the room. I must say that the drug is really effective, because there are no more cockroaches in the apartment.


We have a small child, so we don’t want to lay out any pieces of paper with poison all over the house: the baby will get to them anyway. But living with cockroaches is not the most attractive option. We fought as best we could. We smeared Global gel on the upper door slopes and glued strips next to the ventilation. Gradually, the cockroaches became fewer and fewer, and then they disappeared completely. We are very pleased.


We fought cockroaches with the drug Global, which our parents gave us. At first they doubted that it would work. Since this is a toxic substance, we tried to be as careful as possible when processing the apartment. It must be said that this is indeed an effective drug, since we no longer encountered insects.


When cockroaches appeared in my rented apartment, I tried many remedies, but only Global gel finally helped get rid of them. I applied it to paper and laid it out in all corners. The effect did not take long to occur, since after a couple of weeks I did not notice a single parasite crawling near the trash can or on the walls. But to calm down, I also bought traps. Now I change them regularly to prevent pests from breeding.



Convenient packaging



I live in a high-rise building. The neighbors upstairs are renting out an apartment. Every year we have to fight cockroaches. These little bastards crawl through the hood and there’s nothing you can do about it. I bought GLOBAL - a gel in a syringe against cockroaches and ants produced in Kharkov. I see a lot of negative reviews about this remedy for cockroaches, but it helped me. Maybe because there were not many cockroaches at all - I bait them as soon as I see the first ones. They say that there are many fake GLOBAL products on the market. I bought it with the original holographic sign. I liked that contact with the drug is excluded, since the gel is in a syringe. You need to apply it in drops at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other. On the back of the package there are clear instructions for use and precautions.

funny face

If you need to buy an effective cockroach repellent that can be used without harm to your own health and the health of your pets, then the German-made GLOBOL paste (gel) is ideal. Well, the cockroaches don’t like Globol - they leave and don’t even say goodbye!

“The cockroach is harmless and elegant in its own way. It has the swift plasticity of a small racing car" (Dovlatov)


About 10 years ago, cockroaches brazenly invaded our apartment - red-haired, nimble and very prolific. For three weeks I unsuccessfully fought with unexpected guests, treating them with boric acid balls. I didn’t want to use strong chemicals, because, firstly, the cat was in the house, and secondly, it was unknown how this same chemistry would affect people.

Without much hope, I bought the German cockroach paste GLOBOL (Globol) only for the reason that this product can be used even if you have pets.

I applied the paste in drops onto cut cardboard strips and placed these poisoned pieces of paper in the kitchen, bath and toilet under the wall along the baseboards, but so that the cat couldn’t reach it. Just a couple of days later, all that was left of the “cute” insects were memories.

Moreover, surprisingly, there were no dead cockroaches lying around anywhere. They just disappeared, evaporated

Cockroaches are as close friends to humans as flies, mosquitoes and worms. But more modest and well-mannered. Cockroaches will not demand anything extra from you. They will not climb onto your table while you are having dinner, they will not rub themselves against your legs and whine or meow demandingly, but will modestly wait for their turn, which will come only when you turn off the lights and leave the kitchen alone with these insects (Lurkomorye).

Rest only in our dreams

A couple of months ago, going out at night to eat a cookie and drink some water, I almost stepped on a hefty black beetle (about 3.5 cm long). I decided that it was a lost bug that had accidentally flown in from the balcony. How wrong I was: literally the next day my neighbor called and said in horror that she had cockroaches from somewhere, and not ordinary red cockroaches, but large black ones. I looked for photos of cockroaches on the Internet and realized that it seemed like some kind of hybrid of an American and black cockroach had settled in my home. I was unable to determine its type more precisely.

While I was looking in all the stores for the treasured German Globol, it turned out that it was not so simple, since they were selling the incomprehensible Global (Global) everywhere (they cleverly replaced the letter, there were more and more mutant cockroaches: today there are 2, and tomorrow there will be 3, and then and the kids went…!!!

Although with difficulty, I finally found the same proven GLOBOL paste, produced in Germany, in a hardware store on the market. Release date 2013, expiration date until 2016.

How to spot a fake:

Keep in mind that the original Globol is only made in Germany and has a round holographic sticker on the box. The correct name for the product is Globol, not Global or Globall.

Action and features of Globol paste:

Globol Schaben Paste (Globol Paste for Cockroaches) – paste for killing cockroaches and harmful insects. It is a gel in a plastic tube of 75 milliliters. The active substance in Globol on insects is chlorperifos at a concentration of 0.5%. The peculiarity of this gel is that insects do not die immediately after they come into contact with it, but take the active substance to their nests and “infect” their relatives, thereby affecting the entire population of insects. The bitter taste of the paste is a natural warning that it should not be taken orally.

Directions for use of Globol:

Before use, the tube should be kneaded well and the paste should be applied dotted to all areas to be treated. After 3-4 weeks the treatment should be repeated. The contents of one tube are enough to treat 3-4 medium-sized rooms. The destruction effect begins immediately after applying the gel, and a noticeable result will be noticeable within a few days. The peak effect on a cockroach colony occurs after about two weeks, after which all insects should disappear forever.

Stated safety information for people and pets:

The German manufacturer Wanytex GmbH officially declares that due to the low concentration of the active substance, Globol cockroach paste is absolutely safe for people (when used correctly) and does not cause allergies or irritation. If it enters the gastrointestinal tract of a pet, it does not cause poisoning or toxicity.

Let's get started, I guess

I crushed the paste in the tube (according to the instructions) and tried to apply droplets to the cut strips. Not so. The long production time, and possibly inappropriate storage conditions of this Globol, did their job: the paste thickened and did not want to be squeezed out of the tube. With difficulty I applied Globol to the strips and placed them in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. I was afraid that it wouldn’t work, but in vain. The next day I no longer saw cockroaches, even when I burst into the kitchen at night without warning! turned on the light. On the third day, in broad daylight, I finally met a slowly crawling cockroach that didn’t even try to hide, poor fellow. Apparently, he's had enough of Globol. This is the third week... There are no cockroaches, I hope they won’t appear. Just in case, I will repeat this procedure in a month, as indicated in the instructions. The paste itself has a subtle smell of bitter herbs, and after laying out the strips around the apartment, the smell is not felt at all.

The surprising thing is that while reading reviews about Globol paste (more often it is called not a paste, but a gel), I learned that after using it, people find dead cockroaches on the floor, sweep them away with a broom, etc.

The question arises: Where do my cockroaches go??? Are they creeping towards the neighbors? The neighbors don't seem to be complaining. Behind the baseboard? I didn’t tear it off, I don’t know. In general, a mystery! But it’s for the better.

To sum it up:

I don’t really have anything to compare with, since I haven’t used other killing agents, but in my opinion, Globol paste is a really working remedy for getting rid of cockroaches of all colors and stripes.


So we bought an apartment in a new building... There was joy... But not for long ((After a couple of nights in a new place, I realized that it was better not to enter the kitchen at night - THEY were everywhere. I was already shaking. (We have a garbage disposal - and, as a result , cockroaches run and run). I began futile attempts to fight these parasites... I tried a lot of remedies, both expensive and cheap. And crayons, and folk remedies like boric acid or garlic (I was told that if you rub the floor and walls with garlic, they will go away ))))) Oh well..). And we bought traps from different companies. But our problem is that they do not live in the apartment, but come into it from other neighbors, or from the entrance. Therefore, what was needed was not a “long-lasting”, but an “immediately destructive” agent. And my mother gave me Globol. I no longer believed that another poison would help... I have it in the form of a gel - it smells delicious, like coffee or cocoa, and is very toxic when it comes into contact with the skin, as it says on the packaging. I also have a small child at home, so I walked this brown gel along the tops of the doors in the bathroom and toilet, where I most often encountered cockroaches, anointed it and forgot about it. And, lo and behold!, in the morning, three or four corpses of a cockroach lay under each door. And so every day!!!! The only thing was that I had to get up early and clean them up so that the child wouldn’t eat too much. After about a month of daily cockroach funerals, the corpses stopped. And cockroaches too. Even those who come. As they write on all sorts of raptors and others like them, that cockroaches, having been poisoned, tell their own that they don’t go there. Apparently, one of my favorites did not die on the spot, but still hobbled home and told his terrible news. Basically, for the first time in my life I'm no longer afraid to go into my own kitchen!! Globol is a thing!!!! Believe me!

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