Dr.Klaus (Doctor Klaus) remedy for ticks, ants, cockroaches, 250 ml

With the arrival of spring, not only will there be more greenery, flowers and sunshine, but the number of insects will also increase. The most dangerous of them, especially in the spring, are ticks. They live in the grass and wait for the victim to come to them. If the insect is healthy, you can get away with a slight fright, but if the tick is a carrier of Lyme disease or encephalitis, the matter may end in hospitalization. You can protect yourself from these unpleasant parasites in every sense with the help of Dr. Klaus (Doctor Klaus) against ticks, ants and other insects.

Remedy Dr. Klaus (Doctor Claus) with mite ejector

One of the best preparations for treating garden plots, summer cottages, lawns and courts against ticks, flying and crawling insects is Doctor Klaus , which has no analogues in Russia.
A line of insecticides under the Dr. . Klaus was developed by RUSINCHEM, a company specializing in the production of household chemicals. The creation of products to combat ticks and insects is based on our own developments. All products are tested with the participation of leading research institutes.

Dr. Klaus Insect Super against ticks and ants

Insecticide Dr. Klaus Insect Super is one of the best drugs for exterminating ticks, ants, fleas, cockroaches in the area adjacent to the house, on terraces, verandas, and in the walls of houses. It also effectively fights garden pests - cockchafer, wireworm, weevil, sawfly, and whitefly.

Release form: reusable bottles with an ejector, spare containers with a screw cap.

Buy for 665 RUR

The active ingredient is alphacypermethrin at a concentration of 0.12%. Its distinctive feature is the destructive effect of a nerve paralytic nature not only on adults, but also on larvae.

The most commonly used name of the drug in everyday life - Doctor Claus for ticks - fully corresponds to the functionality of the insecticide. First of all, when treating an area, they have in mind getting rid of ixodid ticks.

The period of particular activity of ticks occurs in May-June. It is at this time that it makes sense to carry out the first treatment of the area in order to maximally protect people and animals from their bites.

Ticks live in grass and low-growing bushes at a height of no more than 20 cm from the ground. Particularly dangerous are infected individuals, whose bite can cause serious negative consequences for human health.

Review of the drug:

“We live in an area where there are a lot of ticks, including encephalitis. We have been treating our dacha plot with Dr. Klaus for two years now. Of course, we definitely mow the grass. We bring in the cat and dog a week after treatment. For the last two years, no ticks have been found on animals.

We usually spray the area in the evening to prevent bees. We don’t have many of them, but it’s still a pity if they die. Yes, the drug is inexpensive, enough for several treatments. But we mostly do this work at the very beginning of May. Of course, we check regularly – we are afraid of ticks and take out special insurance. We recommend Dr. Klaus." Nina, Kostroma region.

Dr. Claus is also effectively used against ants that have settled on the site or in foundation cracks. It is quite difficult to remove these insects using conventional means, since anthills with offspring are usually located deep underground and some of them will certainly survive. For the same reason, it makes no sense to use folk remedies - millet, wormwood, boiling water or vinegar solution.

After treating the area, the ants disappear completely and cease to bother you with their presence. Dr. Klaus is successfully used as an effective remedy against bark beetles and their larvae, even when they are deep in the wood.

How to use?

The Dr. Claus ejector is quite easy to use. Two simple steps are enough - connect the bottle to the hose through the ejector and turn on the water.

The prepared solution will fall on the surface of the area. The largest amount of insecticide (150 ml/100 sq. m) is used when treating the area against ticks. 2-3 days after spraying, you can walk on the grass barefoot.

Just in case you have any doubts, try a little experiment. Take out a white sheet, spread it on the grass and leave for an hour and a half. If you don’t have time, just run the cloth over the grass before applying. In this case, the ticks will definitely cling to the material - they will be clearly visible against a white background.

A few days after treatment, lay the cloth again and leave it for at least a day - there will be no ticks. Verified.

  • Flies - 40 ml / 10 m 2
  • Mosquitoes - 50 ml / 100 m2
  • Ticks - 150 ml / 100 m2
  • Other insects - 50 ml / 100m2

One cannot fail to mention an important feature of the drug - it can be used to treat verandas, terraces, summer kitchens, foundations against flying and crawling insects. Dr. Klaus Insect Super can be considered the best trend of the season - according to reviews of the drug, it is the most effective and safe.

Dr. Klaus from wasps and flies

The product is ideal for quickly getting rid of flying insects - mosquitoes, flies, wasps, horseflies. The jet of the drug is directed upward or to places where insects accumulate, which die in just a few seconds.

Important . The insecticide has a rapid destructive effect on wasps. Used to treat insect nests.

The drug is recommended for use in dachas and private homes. You can spray not only into the air, but also into cracks, under baseboards or other hard-to-reach places - a powerful jet sprays the drug at a distance of up to 3 meters.

Buy for 475 RUR

Available in aerosol cans with a capacity of 600 ml, cost - 450 rubles, as well as in bottles with a lid (570 rubles) or an ejector (475 rubles).

“We have wasps and hornets in our dacha. This is a problem. The first ones made nests in closets and in the attic, the second ones settled in the cracks under the clapboard. Both adults and children were bitten. We tried Dichlorvos, we barely managed to hide, we thought the wasps would eat us alive. On the advice of friends, we bought Dr. Klaus from OS. TOOK OUT. And nests too. We read that the poison is a nerve agent, but the nests were still treated in the evening, when the insects had fallen asleep. A good drug, the bottle is now ready in the cabinet. Just in case"

Another product from this manufacturer:

Aerosol Dr. Klaus against ants and cockroaches

The drug is intended for the instant destruction of crawling insects - ants, cockroaches, wood lice, fleas. They are usually used in homes, on verandas, in summer kitchens, and bathrooms. The cylinder operates in two modes - simple spraying and a powerful jet with a range of up to three meters. Allows you to process even the most difficult to reach areas.

Buy for 448 RUR

The product is quite suitable for destroying anthills in garden beds. Available in 600 ml cylinders costing about 450 rubles, as well as in plastic bottles with a screw cap or ejector.

“There are ants in my garden. No matter what I did, nothing helped. The children brought Doctor Klaus to the dacha as a gift against ants. I don't have any more ants. Nobody eats strawberries now, and they don’t breed aphids on roses either. Thanks for coming up with this. Otherwise, I thought that only folk remedies would help, I didn’t want to water the ground with kerosene.” M.V., Moscow.

Destruction of aphids

Tar soap is an excellent remedy against ants. It copes well with insect pests. In addition, you can combine the product with various natural and chemical additives. The effectiveness of the solution will increase significantly. Below we list the most popular recipes.

Tomato tops and soap

In order to effectively get rid of ants and aphids, the solution can be prepared in a bucket. It is good to add 4 kilograms of tomato trunks and leaves and pour 10 liters of clean water. Instead of water, you can use a mixture with laundry soap. Leave to infuse for several hours, then put on fire. Leave for about half an hour, then add 50 g of grated tar soap. Bring to a boil and use for its intended purpose.

Universal composition

If you need to spray several types of plants at once, you can make a solution suitable for all at once. To prepare it, you need to mix water, grated soap and kerosene in the proportions: 12:4:2. Then mix thoroughly. The result is a reliable remedy against most insect pests.

In addition, you can prepare a solution for spraying indoor plants. To do this, you need to mix 1 share of soap per 15 liters of clean water. The result is a foaming pest cleaning solution.


When using this product, you can get rid of existing parasites and reliably repel new ones. For this:

  • Take 40 g of tar soap and grate it;
  • Pour into a liter jar;
  • Fill with water;
  • Mix thoroughly;
  • Add 40 ml of 96% ethyl alcohol there.

The principle of action of the solution is a strong odor. The alcoholic aroma repels insects.

To use the product effectively, it is advisable to spray food and ornamental crops regularly with this solution. The product is not durable.

For fruit trees

To reliably get rid of various pests on apple and pear trees, you can prepare a special solution. To do this, you need to mix 60 g of soap per 10 liters of clean water. The finished product needs to be poured into small bottles, which are placed in the crowns. This will help effectively fight insects due to its strong odor.

With ash

After the final completion of the flowering period of currants and other berry crops, you can treat them against aphids using a solution of ash and soap. To obtain it, you need 0.5 kg of wood ash and 10 liters of water. Then pour hot water over it and add a little finely chopped garlic. You also need to add 50 g of ground tar soap there. This solution can be used to treat the tops of bushes affected by pests.

With soda

To prepare an effective remedy, you need to take 20 g of soda and a quarter of a piece of tar soap, which you grate on a fine grater. Then transfer to an enamel container and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Mix all components thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. As a result, we obtained a ready-made solution for treating plants.

With tobacco

To prepare, take 0.2 kg of dry tobacco leaves, pass through a meat grinder or coffee grinder until it becomes powdery. Pour into a bucket, then add a little hot pepper, which you first finely chop. Pour the resulting mixture into 10 liters of cold water and leave to steep for 24 hours. After this time, add 40 g of ash and soap, respectively.

Dr. Klaus (Doctor Claus) from ants: instructions and reviews

This is the best advanced insecticide that actively fights against mites and ants. The product has no analogues, therefore it is considered very effective, since it is sold in a single copy. According to the manufacturer, the drug frees the living space and area from the invasion of ants, does not allow them to live in the treated area and provides maximum comfort to residents after use. What kind of remedy is this?

Characteristics of the product

This drug is very effective, as it has more than a dozen positive reviews from consumers. The product can be easily used on an open terrace, veranda, living room, or in an area where there is a crop.

  1. Release form: liquid, no dilution required.
  2. The price is reasonable considering that this product is considered the best fighter against ants - 450 rubles.
  3. Active ingredient: cypermethrin 0.25%, tetramethrin 0.15%.
  4. The drug affects not only ants, but also their larvae, which the human eye is sometimes unable to see.
  5. After application by Doctor Claus, the ants begin to experience paralysis, which atrophies all organs, affects the nervous system and instantly kills the insects.
  6. One can – 600 ml.

Aerosol, instructions for use

To begin treatment, you need to spray the area where ants accumulate. This aerosol can get into the most inaccessible secluded places. Also, Doctor Klaus is quite applicable outdoors: for example, for destroying anthills in garden beds. A very economical product, since 600 ml of product is enough for as much as 20 acres, if this is a plot. If the drug is used at home, it can be sprayed several times without throwing it away after the first use. Dr. Claus can be actively used in the kitchen, bathrooms, closets, corridors - in short, anywhere where ants can be seen. After the treatment is completed, it is enough to ventilate the room well.

From cockroaches

The drug “Doctor Claus” is also effective for killing cockroaches and bedbugs indoors. To do this, you should purchase a spray. The method of application is simple.

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Spray from a distance of approximately 20 cm onto places where cockroaches and bedbugs accumulate and live (cracks, baseboards, behind furniture, under carpets and behind paintings).
  3. Ventilate the room for half an hour.


In one day, in a room of up to 40 m2, only 1 bottle of the product should be used. If the cockroaches cannot be removed immediately, the treatment is repeated every other day.

DR Klaus against ticks and ants

Insects and pests are found everywhere: be it an apartment in the city center or a country house far from civilization. They are especially often a nuisance in the vegetable garden and garden. Treating large areas against insects is a labor-intensive and not always effective process. But the Doctor Klaus concentrate against ticks and ants has opened up a new easy way for lovers of country holidays to get rid of unwanted inhabitants of the site.

Composition of the product and its effect

The concentrate against ants and mites is a powerful insecticide - an acaricide, made in the form of a milky liquid. Its chemical composition includes the following components:

  • lambda-cyhalothrin (0.10%) is the main active ingredient;
  • stabilizer;
  • water;
  • emulsifier;
  • synergist.

The concentrate must be diluted with water, but you do not need to do this yourself, since the manufacturer has provided a special attachment for this - an ejector. It has a spray hole on one side, and a connecting device for a watering hose on the other. Thanks to the ejector, the product consumption is minimal, and the jet pressure is very powerful, capable of spraying the solution over a long distance.

To check if there are ticks in an area, simply place a white sheet on the grass. After a couple of hours, the presence of small black spiders on it will confirm the need to treat the area with a tick repellent.

When it gets on the ground and other treated surfaces, Dr. Klaus Incect Super comes into contact with insect pests and has a detrimental effect on them. The chemical composition of the drug paralyzes the victim and kills him almost immediately. A distinctive feature of the chemical is that it affects not only adult individuals, but also their larvae, something that only a few products can boast of. In addition to ticks and ants, it actively destroys other garden and vegetable pests:

  • cicadas;
  • leaf beetles;
  • May beetles;
  • sawflies;
  • whiteflies;
  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • scoop;
  • wireworms;
  • weevils and others.

Mode of application

Before you begin an activity to combat ticks or other pests, you need to clear the area of ​​debris, branches, and foreign objects. There should be no other people, pets or children in the treated area. The person who will carry out the processing must be dressed in tight, closed clothing, put on a respirator, safety glasses, a hat, gloves, and closed shoes.

The concentrated composition of the anti-tick product Doctor Klaus is packaged in a 1-liter plastic canister with an ejector. The ejector is a plastic nozzle with an adapter for connecting a hose. The instructions for use indicate the procedure during processing:

  1. Connect the watering hose to the adapter on the product bottle and tighten tightly.
  2. Feed water into the hose.
  3. Move to the farthest corner of the area from where processing will begin.
  4. Move the handle on the ejector to the “ON” position.
  5. Direct the ejector in front of you from side to side, moving backwards, so as not to step on already cultivated ground.
  6. At the end of the procedure, turn the ejector handle to the “OFF” position.
  7. Turn off the water supply.
  8. Disconnect the hose.

Treating the area against ticks with DR Klaus
For three days, close contact with the treated surface of children, adults and pets is not recommended. You cannot walk barefoot or lie on the ground.

It is convenient to control the consumption of the product using a special transparent part of the bottle with a scale. To destroy a certain type of pest, different amounts of chemicals are required per 1 sq.m of land. To combat ticks, the insecticide consumption is the highest - 150 ml per 100 sq. m. m. To kill flies, you will need 40 ml; for mosquitoes and all other pests, the recommended dose is 50 ml.

Release form and price

Insecto-acaricidal drug Dr. Klaus Insect Super against ticks and ants is available in 1 liter plastic canisters with or without an ejector, with a regular lid. After running out of product in a bottle with an ejector, the container can be unscrewed and replaced with a spare one without a special nozzle.

Prices for the chemical vary from site to site. The average cost of a canister with a nozzle is 650 rubles. The price for a spare container with the same volume will be cheaper - 450 rubles.


When I caught a tick on myself while working on my property, I was very upset! My family spends a lot of time outdoors, and the risk of contracting a serious illness from ticks is very high. We began to look for an effective way to treat the area. I found reviews on the Internet about Dr Klaus for ants and mites and decided to verify their authenticity. After the first treatment, we conducted an experiment: we walked with a white sheet over the entire area and there was not a single tick on it.

Mikhail Vladimirovich, Ryazan region

Tips and tricks

All products against aphids and insects are used exclusively in their cooled form.
To treat small trees and bushes, it is advisable to use a spray bottle. Before starting work, it is advisable to filter the solution and rinse the garden sprayer. If large particles get inside the mechanism, failure is possible. To clean tomatoes, eggplants and other small plants from pests, all you need is a small broom that needs to be dipped in the prepared solution. This method is convenient for spraying low-growing fruit crops.

In addition, a mixture of 4 pieces of ground soap and warm water will be a good remedy against ants. Then add carbolic acid and a little kerosene to the bucket. As a result, the insects will quickly disappear. This tool makes it possible to get rid of ants on the site in an extremely short time.

"Doctor Claus" for ants - insect repellent

Various pests, of which there are especially many in the summer, cause many problems for owners of houses and summer cottages. If ants or ticks appear on your territory, Doctor Claus will help you get rid of them. This insecticide is considered one of the best and is very popular.

Characteristics of the product

“Doctor Claus” is excellent at helping to get rid of ants and mites, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet. Main characteristics of DR Klaus insecticide:

  1. Manufacturer: RUSINCHEM company. The company specializes in the production of household chemicals. Dr. Klaus has no analogues in Russia.
  2. The insecticide is used to combat ants, mites, fleas, cockroaches, cicadas, chafers, whiteflies, wireworms, sawflies, leaf beetles, and weevils. It is used both indoors and in areas adjacent to the house: in the garden, terrace, veranda.
  3. Release form: a bottle with an ejector for reusable use, spare containers with a screw cap, an aerosol. The insecticide itself is a liquid that does not require dilution.
  4. The active component of the composition is alpha-cypermethrin at a concentration of 0.25%. It has a nerve-paralytic effect on adults and larvae. Additional component – ​​tetramethrin (concentration – 0.15%). The drug gets on insects and all their organs atrophy, the nervous system is affected.
  5. The drug can be bought in hardware stores, supermarkets, or ordered in an online store with delivery by mail from Moscow or St. Petersburg. Price 1 liter Dr. Klaus in a spare container with a lid is approximately 380-500 rubles. Buying a bottle with a sprayer will cost 550-700 rubles. for 1 l. There is also a 600 ml aerosol on sale, the cost of which is 200-300 rubles.


The method of application depends on which version of the “Doctor Claus” remedy for ants you chose: an aerosol or a container with an ejector. The first option is more suitable for processing small areas. If you have a large area where regular pest control is required, then it is better to take “Doctor Claus” for any ants in a container with an ejector, and then buy additional replacement bottles.

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For treatment, it is necessary to spray the spray on all areas where ants accumulate. The advantage of the aerosol is that it can be used to apply the product even to very hard-to-reach places . Peculiarities:

  1. The spray can be used outdoors, for example, to destroy anthills in garden beds.
  2. Aerosol volume – 600 ml. This amount is enough to process approximately 20 acres of territory.
  3. The spray is perfect for use in enclosed spaces: kitchens, closets, bathrooms, corridors. They can treat any place where ants have been spotted.

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Bottle with ejector

The drug in this form of release is used for treating open areas. It is very convenient to use. You need to attach a watering hose to the bottle and turn on the water. Liquid with a toxin will fall onto the ground and destroy ants and mites. There is no need to worry that the drug will negatively affect the plants. They will continue to develop normally, and the yield will not decrease. One package is enough for several applications, depending on the size of the treated area. After this, the ejector is changed into a spare container with the product.



I have a lot of ants in my dacha, so I regularly treat the area with Dr. Klaus. Thanks to this product, all pests disappear for a long time. I have a large area, so after purchasing an aerosol a couple of times, I decided that it would be more economical to spend money on a bottle with an ejector. I recommend “Doctor Claus” for ants to all summer residents.

I don’t know what this is connected with, but I had a lot of ants and other pests in my apartment until I destroyed them with Dr. spray. Klaus. The product is very convenient to use; you can spray it even into very hard-to-reach corners. Thanks to the product, not only ants disappeared from the house, but also cockroaches, which I also sometimes observed.

I am against the use of any chemicals, so at first I fought the ants in the apartment by hanging bunches of lavender everywhere. Nothing happened to the pests, then I decided to try the Dr. insecticide. Klaus. After the first application, the insects disappeared. There is still more than half left in the aerosol; I keep it in case ants appear again.

Concentrate against mites, ants and other insects Dr.Klaus 250 ml

Essential goods

  • Detailed description
  • Delivery of online orders
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Detailed description

Dr.Klaus concentrate 250 ml is an effective way to combat grass mites, ants and other parasites. The composition contains 0.10% Lambda-cyhalothrin.


Application area

Dr.Klaus concentrate should be sprayed in early spring and late autumn. Validity period: up to one and a half months.

Dr.Klaus brand products are manufactured at the Russian enterprise RUSINCHEM. Insecticides meet the quality and safety requirements of GOST.


Common parameters
Application area:Garden/surrounding area
Package Contents:250 ml
Type of material:Liquid
Type of packaging:Bottle/canister
Target group:Insect pests
Mode of application:Spraying/misting
Container material:Plastic
Dimensions and weight (gross)
Weight:288 g
Height:18.0 cm
Width:8.0 cm
Depth:4.0 cm
Additional Information
Country of Origin:Russia
Life time:45 days
Best before date:36 months

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Delivery of online orders

Goods ordered in the OBI online store are delivered throughout Bryansk and the Bryansk region within 50 km from the city limits. Delivery costs are automatically calculated when placing an online order, based on the weight of the product and delivery area.

Minimum order amount for free delivery:

We will deliver your order free of charge if the delivery address is located in the first delivery zone for online orders, and also:

  • > 3,000.00 ₽ — for orders weighing up to 5.0 kg
  • > 6,000.00 ₽ — for orders weighing up to 30.0 kg

The courier service delivers small-sized orders (weighing up to 30 kg) to the buyer’s door, large-sized ones to the entrance (gate, gate) of the house. Delivery includes free unloading of goods from the vehicle and their transfer within 10 m.

Delivery date and time

Next day delivery is available when ordering before 6:00 pm. You will be offered a choice of one of two 7-hour delivery intervals:

  • — from 10:00 to 16:00
  • — from 15:00 to 22:00

If you want to reduce the waiting period, you can choose one of the 3-hour delivery intervals for an additional fee:

  • — from 10:00 to 13:00 +250.00 ₽.
  • — from 13:00 to 16:00 +200.00 ₽.
  • — from 16:00 to 19:00 +200.00 ₽.
  • — from 19:00 to 22:00 +250.00 ₽.

Rescheduling the date and changing the delivery time interval is possible no later than 24 hours before the previously agreed date and time.

You can learn more about the operating conditions of the courier service in the section Delivery of online orders.

How does tar soap work on ants?

There are many opportunities to use tar soap in the countryside.

However, the most important topic for gardeners is the use of this remedy against various crop pests. Insects and parasites are able to settle on plants from the beginning of the planting season until harvest

Due to the presence of tar in soap, it is an effective natural insecticide. The mechanism of action is based on a sharp and pungent odor. In addition, the product has strong anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic properties, which makes it possible to use it against most garden pests. And garden ants are among them.

Using Dr. Claus against ants and mites

One of the serious problems when living in a suburban area is the presence of harmful and dangerous insects. Treating the area with chemicals does not always bring results. Some pests can be destroyed immediately, while others emerge from larvae. Numerous positive reviews on websites indicate the exceptional effectiveness of Dr Klaus against ticks and ants. Let's try to figure this out.

Description and features of the drug

According to users, Dr Klaus against ants and mites helps to quickly get rid of a number of garden pests and house insects. The series was developed domestically. Product tests are carried out on the basis of research institutes. There are no analogues to the improved drug in Russia. The “Doctor Claus” product is effective not only against ants and ticks. It is capable of destroying cockroaches, fleas and garden pests. An aerosol insecticide eliminates garden insects: whiteflies, weevils, chafers, sawflies, and wireworms.

There is evidence of rodent control when using higher concentrations and volumes. Using the product, you can completely clean your garden plot of the following pests:

  • silkworm;
  • aphids;
  • midges;
  • gypsy moth;
  • scoops;
  • lacewings;
  • spider mites;
  • mayfly bagworm;
  • meadow moth;
  • clover mite;
  • leafhoppers;
  • os;
  • wireworm;
  • ringed cocoon moth;
  • weevils;
  • silvery holes;
  • leaf beetles;
  • hornets;
  • pine needle scale insects;
  • thrips

The product's track record includes both adults and larvae. It saves from all types of blood-sucking insects. According to user reviews, the insecticide completely destroys encephalitis mites after a single treatment.

Main characteristics

The drug contains an active chemical substance - alpha-cypermethrin. Tetramethrin is an additional element in the composition of the liquid. In aerosol cans it contains the following active substances: piperonyl butoxide (0.8%), tetramethrin (0.15%), cypermethrin (0.25%).

The insecticide for ants "Doctor Claus" completely destroys the nervous system of insects. Aerosol belongs to the group of nerve agents. The release is made in the form of an aerosol and liquid in containers with an ejector. In the latter version, the drug is diluted with water. The product is available in: reusable bottles with an ejector, containers with a lid, aerosol cans, and granules.

Volume and cost

At retail outlets the aerosol is sold in 600 ml cans. Average cost: 250–350 rubles. The volume of the spare bottle with cap is liter. Average cost: 400–550 rubles. A liter container with a sprayer costs 570–750 rubles.

How to use correctly

The aerosol is quite easy to use. The room temperature should not be lower than +10°C. Processing is carried out with open doors and windows. Spraying begins by pressing the bottle button.

All habitats and movements of pests are subject to treatment. After the procedure, the room is thoroughly ventilated using a draft. Ventilation time is at least 40–50 minutes. Before use, shake the bottle or cylinder vigorously. Then all surfaces are wiped with water with the addition of baking soda and laundry soap.

When using a container with an ejector, a hose is connected to the neck. The product will be mixed with water in the required proportion. This dispenser allows you to economically use concentrated insecticide and spray the mixture at a distance of up to three meters.

The product is economical to use. To treat an area of ​​100 m2 against ticks, you will need 150 ml of concentrate. To destroy mosquitoes, flies and other insects, 50 ml per 100 m2 is enough.

Precautionary measures

Premises are treated with doors and windows open. If spraying occurs on a site, it is done in the wind. Ideal for use in calm weather. The skin of the hands is protected with gloves. During spraying you must not:

  • Eating;
  • smoke;
  • spray plants and fruits ready to eat;
  • is located to people and animals in the treated area;
  • do not allow the drug to come into contact with the skin, eyes or respiratory tract.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of the product has a number of advantages:

  • reasonable cost;
  • efficiency and speed;
  • Ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • harmless after ventilation;
  • extermination of household and garden pests;
  • prolonged action.

The drug is effective against most domestic blood-sucking insects: fleas, skin beetles, bedbugs. Parasites die 10–15 minutes after contact with the drug or treated surface. A big plus of having an ejector is that there is no need to manually mix the product with water.

Important! Despite its high effectiveness, after treatment the area should be checked for the presence of ticks. According to the developers, the proven effectiveness of the drug is 98%. To eliminate the risk of bites and infection, it is best to check the area with a white cloth. She is left on the grass for an hour. Insects cling to the material. This makes them easy to spot. After a few days, the check can be repeated.

Tips and tricks for use

When eliminating wasps on a site, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Before work, protect all parts of the body with thick clothing and a mask;
  • spray the product so as to completely moisten the nest;
  • carry out processing late in the evening or early in the morning, at dusk;
  • remove the nest one day after the procedure.

Note! Treating the area around the nest with the drug and spraying it into the air will not bring results.

Precautionary measures

Premises are treated with doors and windows open. If spraying occurs on a site, it is done in the wind. Ideal for use in calm weather. The skin of the hands is protected with gloves. During spraying you must not:

  • Eating;
  • smoke;
  • spray plants and fruits ready to eat;
  • is located to people and animals in the treated area;
  • do not allow the drug to come into contact with the skin, eyes or respiratory tract.
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