Annoying and especially dangerous: 7 folk remedies for flies

Flies are not just annoying buzzing insects, but carriers of dangerous infectious diseases. Owners of suburban areas especially often face the problem of these pests. Why is it so important to protect your home from flies and, most importantly, how to do this without the use of chemicals?

The True flies family includes about five thousand diverse species. Moreover, some of them are so-called synatropes, i.e. organisms whose way of life is closely related to humans.

Some of the synatropes, such as rock pigeons, house sparrows, certain species of crows and tits, as well as swallows and swifts, are quite harmless neighbors. At the same time, others: bedbugs, mice, cockroaches and ants - can become a very serious problem, the solution of which will require a lot of time and effort. And if the importance of prevention and control of these pests is not subject to any doubts, few people think about the fact that flies can cause no less damage to human health.

How dangerous are flies?

The greatest danger to human health and domestic animals are flies that live in close proximity to human habitation. Coming into contact with feces and decomposing biological remains of plant and animal origin, which can be infected with pathogens of a variety of diseases, insects easily transfer them to food or household items.

There is already evidence that flies are spreaders of such dangerous diseases as dysentery, typhoid fever or cholera, and some species of these insects carry helminth eggs on themselves (or within themselves). Moreover, certain flies can lay their own eggs not only on food, but also in open wounds on human skin.

The good news is that a person will not even know that fly eggs, barely visible to the human eye, have entered their stomach, since they very quickly dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract or come out along with excrement. In rare cases, digestive upset may occur.

Myiasis is a parasitic disease caused by the larvae of flies and gadflies that enter the human body through the skin or mucous membranes. It belongs to the list of so-called “forgotten” diseases. These include bacterial and parasitic diseases that were once quite common, but are now found in the most backward regions of the planet, where it is not possible to maintain an adequate level of sanitation.

However, no matter how annoying they may seem, you can get rid of flies not only with the help of industrial chemicals (Dichlorvos, Contra Insect Universal, Agita, Fly Byte), electric traps, and fumigators, but also time-tested folk remedies.

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If it is not possible to grow plants, homemade spices can help get rid of flies in your apartment. Many of them are the same aromatic plants from the dacha, but in dried form. The effect of dry spices is much weaker and insects, in case of severe need, ignore the smell of bay leaves. Except that they don’t land on the spices themselves, but they fly around the kitchen calmly.

It is possible to achieve “decent behavior” from dipterans with the help of products that do not grow in Russian gardens: lemon and cloves.

1.Vinegar fly spray

Vinegar is not just a culinary preservative with a sharp sour odor, but a full-fledged chemical with a wide spectrum of action. It will help get rid of stains on clothes, clear limescale deposits in the sink and electric kettle, and even stimulate hydrangea flowering. Vinegar is often used as a handy means of treating plants against diseases and pests in the garden.

It will also become an ideal base for a water-vinegar solution, which can be used to moisten cleaning sponges and cleaning wipes in order to wipe all accessible surfaces with them. Alternatively, you can put it in a spray bottle and spray it on the areas that attract flies the most. Since vinegar has a very specific smell, some housewives recommend adding essential oil to it.

To prepare fly spray, mix water and vinegar 1:1 and add 10-15 drops of cinnamon, mint, lime, lavender, eucalyptus or citronella essential oil.

Even diluted vinegar can pose a health hazard, so containers with such substances should be labeled and stored out of the reach of children!

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What to plant in the country

The good thing about a dacha is that you can plant a flower garden under the windows and plant garden plants in the beds to prevent flies. Such crops include almost all herbs.

Along the perimeter you can plant vegetation that can form a hedge:

  • Walnut;
  • bird cherry;
  • black elderberry;
  • laurel;
  • thuja;
  • juniper.

The last three trees grow in the southern regions.

On a note!

Calendula will look good among the flowers under the windows.

Vodka package

If after making a hot compress for your back you have some vodka or alcohol left, then you can use the leftovers to make special fly repellers. All you need is to make a small through hole at a distance of 2-3 cm from the top edge of a thick plastic bag (volume up to 1 liter of water), pour 1/2 cup of vodka into it and hang it on a hook made from a large paper clip. To achieve maximum effect, such a bag is best hung near the food storage area.

If bags hanging over your head don't seem very aesthetically pleasing to you, pour vodka into a glass jar or deep bowl and place a few lemon rings or a sprig of basil on top.

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A magnificent multi-faceted shrub. There are beautiful ornamental varieties, there are species with edible and poisonous berries, and there are wild plants. They all have one thing in common. Flies, mice and most insect pests are afraid of this plant like fire. At the same time, large white caps of flowers attract bees from all over the area to the site. Many gardeners plant elderberries closer to the country toilet to avoid the appearance of flies on the site, others try to place the tree closer to the cellar. The roots penetrate deep into the soil, enveloping the structure. The mice leave the vault and never return.

Having information about which plant repels insects from the site with its smell, you can easily figure out what to plant in order to calmly work and relax in the garden. The best effect is achieved by mixborders that combine several types at once. Some plants will work in hot weather, others in windy weather, and the mixture of dangerous odors will become an insurmountable obstacle for many pests and annoying midges and mosquitoes. Such a border can be called multifunctional. From it you can collect herbs for seasoning, medicinal raw materials and admire the beauty that is characteristic of all these types of plants.

5.Tubs of tomatoes and basil in a pot

Incredible, but true - flies really don’t like the smell that tomato tops emit. They don't really like the aroma of basil either. If you place pots and tubs of these plants at strategic points, e.g. on the windows or at the entrance to the house, then flies will fly around your home.

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The bright sun on the earth is calendula. There is nothing easier than growing this beautiful flower, sowing the seeds, and then no special care is needed. Everyone knows that a decoction of the herb can be used to gargle for a sore throat, but the fact that this plant repels mosquitoes is rarely remembered. Its aroma is not very strong, but it is for a person. The bloodsuckers sense it far away and try not to get close to the place where the orange flowers are.

Fly trap

In order to get rid of flies that have flown into the room, make a homemade trap from an ordinary plastic bottle. Trim the top of the bottle by about a third. Remove the lid from the neck and insert the resulting funnel, neck down. Then secure the pieces together with a stapler or tape and pour bait into the trap. Juices, sugar syrup, fruit and vegetable purees, meat broths and other liquid foods are suitable for this.

Place the bottle with the bait in the sunlight so that the liquid ferments slightly and becomes more attractive to insects, then move the trap to a place with a large concentration of flies and leave it for a while. Once the insects have filled the container, wrap it in a bag and discard it.


A charming border flower with a pleasant honey scent. It seems that there is nothing scary about it, but this is not entirely true. The volatile substances of this plant contain one component that is very dangerous for insects. It suppresses reproductive function, which means that with prolonged contact with the beautiful flower, bloodsuckers lose the ability to continue their race. Instinct forces insects to leave the area. At the same time, ageratum is completely safe for pollinating insects. The selective action is explained simply: over the long history of the species, the plant has learned to defend itself from enemies and happily shares nectar and pollen with allies.

Prevention of flies

To combat flies, one single remedy may not be enough, so combining several methods at once helps achieve the greatest effectiveness. It is very important to follow certain rules that will make your home less attractive to these insects.

  • Wash pets' bowls and trays promptly.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink for a long time.
  • Remove kitchen waste as often as possible.
  • Install mosquito nets on the windows.
  • Place compost heaps and country septic tanks as far as possible from the house.
  • Be sure to cover food left on the table with cling film or a special mesh cover.
  • Grind food scraps thoroughly before composting.


Flies are an annoying and insidious enemy, which, although difficult, is still possible to defeat. The main thing is to approach this issue fully armed.


The favorite of many gardeners is lavender. It excites and brings back the most romantic memories. For mosquitoes, the scent of these flowers is an alarm signal. Insects avoid not only flowering bushes, but also dried branches. By the way, lavender is completely useless against flies, but against moths it is one of the best remedies. A bag of dry grass in the wardrobe will reliably protect your things.

Characteristics of an insect

There are more than 40,000 species of flies in nature. Most of them live in close proximity to humans. The body structure of the flies is the same and consists of:

  • heads;
  • breasts;
  • abdomen

On the head there are compound eyes and a proboscis, and in predatory species there are jaws. The thoracic region is equipped with 3 pairs of legs and wings.

The size of the fly ranges from 1 to 80 mm. It all depends on the type of insect. The same applies to color. Insects are sensitive to smell. The pest is attracted by the “aroma”:

  • decomposing waste;
  • feces;
  • jam;
  • honey;
  • fish;
  • meat.

Such insect behavior can be turned against it. It is enough to place herbs in the house that produce incense and flies will stop penetrating into the kitchen and other rooms.

Available means

Relief from mosquitoes can be found not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen. Moreover, if you check your makeup bag, your chances of spending the summer without getting bitten will increase significantly.


You can drive away mosquitoes with the pleasant and even cozy smell of vanillin. It is sold in regular stores. It is not sugar that you need to buy, but vanillin powder.

It is enough to dilute the natural repellent in boiled water in a proportion of 20 g per 1 liter, and then use it at your discretion:

  • place in open bowls throughout the room;
  • periodically apply to the skin from a spray bottle;
  • soak clothes.

It is more convenient to take a cream with vanilla with you when going outdoors against mosquitoes. In an airtight jar, it will retain its properties for a long time and will reliably repel midges. To prepare it, it is advisable to take neutral baby cream and mix it with vanillin in a ratio of 10:1 until smooth.


Valerian is no less effective against mosquitoes. An alcohol infusion is applied to the wrists or behind the ear; such “perfumes” in nature repel blood suckers no worse than special sprays or lotions. To increase the area of ​​protection, valerian is diluted in water 20-25 ml per 1 liter, and then sprayed from a spray bottle into the air or onto the body.

Cloves and citrus

If you have a bag of clove buds and citrus fruits in your kitchen, then you can get rid of mosquitoes in a rather unconventional way. They are afraid of the smell of these products. Cut a lemon or orange in half and stick 10-15 clove buds into the pulp. Such an improvised interior decoration will enliven the atmosphere and repel mosquitoes.

Essential oils

It is better to take camphor, eucalyptus, anise or clove. Conifer oils are also sources of natural repellents. They are mixed, applied drop by drop to the skin or soaked in cotton swabs and placed around the room. You can drop a few drops into the water and then spray it.

Essential oils can be heated in an aroma lamp - their smell will reliably repel mosquitoes. Camphor is even calcined in a frying pan and carried around the rooms. Its aroma repels mosquitoes better than any fumigator.

Products containing diethytoluamide

Release form Name Mode of application Side effects Price, rubles
Aerosols and sprays Spray

Off family

It is necessary to treat exposed skin and clothing, avoid contact with mucous membranes. The result lasts for 4 hours, indoors – for 8 hours. Use no more than 2 times a day; if allergy symptoms appear, select an analogue. Allergic reactions upon contact with skin 250
Spray Mosquitall When treating clothes and skin, it repels insects. Approved for use by young children. The composition must be applied up to 3 times a day. None 250
mosquito repellent keychains Flashlight-shaped mosquito You need to carry it with you in your pocket when going out into nature, you can hang it on your clothes. The device is compact and runs on batteries. None 3 000

S 310

It works on the same principle (the mosquito is afraid of the selected frequency of the vibration signal). There is no direct contact with human skin. None 300
Lotions, creams, gels and ointments Cream

Baby Data

The composition includes aloe vera concentrate, which softens and moisturizes the skin. Apply the cream to the skin 3 times a day, do not wet it with water afterwards.

Local, allergic reactions (in isolated cases) 100–150
Protective cream Gardex Baby for children Apply a thin layer to the skin, do not rinse with water. Valid for 2 hours. The procedure can be repeated up to 3 times per day. None 100
Argus lotion with spray Without rubbing, apply to exposed parts of the body, then do not rinse with water. Action time – up to 4 hours. Local, allergic reactions 230
Mosquito coils Raptor It is necessary to set fire to the spiral from one edge (it should smolder). Mosquitoes are afraid of the smell that spreads into the air. The spiral operates within a radius of 1.5–2 m. Individual intolerance to unpleasant odor during smoldering coils 200
Raid 200

Life cycle

For your actions to be effective, you need to, as they say, “know the enemy by sight.”

The life cycle of a fly is very short and includes the following sequential stages:

  • Adults lay eggs in garbage pits, cow dung or bird droppings. 1 individual lays up to 150 eggs at a time.
  • And within 1 day (from 8 to 24 hours) white mobile larvae, which fishermen call maggots, will appear from the eggs. In this phase, the fly arrives from 5 to 15 days and actively feeds.
  • The next important stage is pupation. The maggot crawls to a dry place, where it gradually turns into a pupa. The insect remains in this phase for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • The adult that subsequently emerges can live up to 30 days. During this period, under favorable conditions, 1 fly lays up to 2000 eggs.

lemon grass

Schisandra contains citronella, so it is not surprising that its natural oil can repel even the most harmful insects (including flies and mosquitoes). This plant can reach 120 cm in height and 90 cm in width, so it is best planted in open ground or wide pots. However, if you pay special attention to the planting site, placing these plants every 4-5 meters of your site, you can easily protect your home from insects entering it.

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Don't forget that the aromatic leaves of lemongrass are great for use in cooking. For example, they complement dishes made from chicken or pork well, and also go well with light soups and fresh salads. If you love Asian cuisine, then lemongrass will be almost as useful as soy sauce, because its extract can be used with sushi, rolls, curry, ramen and udon.

Schisandra is extremely unpretentious to grow, but well-lit places are best suited for it. The soil must have a drainage layer, since the crop does not tolerate excess moisture.


Perhaps mosquitoes are much worse than ants. Because of them, summer overnight trips sometimes become simply unbearable, and even in the city, scratching bites is more than unpleasant.

Block inputs

Mosquitoes become most active in the early morning and early evening. They fly in calm, stagnant air because the breeze blows them away. So close windows and doors on the leeward side.

Remove stagnant water

Check the house for stagnant water: small pools in the yard, a bowl of water for your pet. Change the water at least twice a week and try to eliminate any open sources of stagnant water in your yard.


If you occasionally barbecue in your backyard, try tossing some sage and rosemary on the coals. This will repel mosquitoes.


An excellent natural repellent. Mix garlic juice with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, pour into a small spray bottle and apply to exposed parts of the body. The effect lasts up to 5-6 hours from the moment of application.

You can also impregnate strips of cotton fabric in this composition and hang them in places where mosquitoes can enter.

Neem oil

This is an oil obtained from the fruit of the neem tree, which grows in India. Its leaves and seeds contain a substance that repels mosquitoes, but the oil itself is harmless to human health. Simply add a few drops to your favorite lotion and apply to exposed areas of your body.

Grow more flowers

Plant valerian flowers in your garden or dacha - they look cool and repel mosquitoes. Rosemary, marigold, lemongrass (citronella) and lemon balm also work.

Mosquito repellent candles

You can make candles from aromatic oils and melted wax: 15-30 g of essential oil per 450 g of wax.


Here are some good repellent oil recipes to repel mosquitoes.

Recipe No. 1

  • 5 parts citronella oil.
  • 5 parts lavender oil.
  • 5 parts clove oil.

Recipe No. 2

  • 5 parts citronella oil.
  • 5 parts lavender oil.
  • 5 parts peppermint oil.

Recipe No. 3

  • 10 parts citronella oil.
  • 10 parts cedar oil.
  • 5 parts eucalyptus oil.
  • 5 parts rosemary oil.

Homemade mosquito repellent mixture

For a homemade mosquito repellent mixture, you will need essential oils and something to mix them with, such as vodka or olive oil. For best results, mix different essential oils: lemon, eucalyptus, citronella, cinnamon, juniper, cedar oil.

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