Repellers or destroyers of mosquitoes and flies: what to choose?

Flies are annoying insects that, with their monotonous buzzing, deprive people of rest and sleep, and also damage food supplies by laying their eggs in them. You can completely get rid of fruit flies, house flies and other types of flies only with the help of bio-based chemicals (Raptor) or synthetic insecticides (Agita). However, their use in the home is not always possible or desirable. A fly repeller can provide reliable protection from uninvited guests and reduce their presence to a minimum. This article will tell you more about the features of the device.

The principle of operation of the repeller and its varieties

An ultrasonic fly repeller is a small electronic device that generates high-frequency waves. These are the ones that insects regard as a signal of possible danger. A similar sound that scares away flies is made by bats, which are the natural enemies of annoying pests. Flies perceive the frequency waves emanating from the device as a signal that an enemy is approaching and strive to leave the given territory as quickly as possible.

To repel flies the following are used:

  • stationary repellers are large, high-power devices designed for use in large areas (in grocery stores, warehouses, large stores, markets);
  • portable repellers are small in size and used to protect one user during a walk, outdoor recreation or hike; they can operate both from the mains and from batteries.

On a note!

Its cost varies depending on the type and power of the device.

Types of repellers

There are 2 types of repellers on sale: stationary and portable. The first devices are quite impressive in size, highly efficient, and expensive. They are good to use in large areas such as cafes, grocery stores, farms, warehouses, and summer areas.

The use of large devices in residential buildings is not recommended, since stationary devices emit powerful ultrasound, which in tight spaces leads to deterioration of well-being. Stationary repellers are powered by a 220 V power supply. They are easy to operate and fully automated. To get started, you need to plug the device into a power outlet.

What advantages does the device have?

Electronic fly repellers have become in demand among the population, as they have many advantages:

  • Safety is the main advantage of the device. Devices in this category do not harm human health, because ultrasound does not kill flies, but only repels them.
  • The effective operation of the device can be observed after just a few minutes of operation.
  • Thanks to the creation of new design solutions, devices of this type are able to protect not only from flies, but also mosquitoes, as well as other flying pests. Ease of use is also created by the availability of a choice of the most suitable device in terms of size and power, as well as the method of its power supply.
  • During operation, the device does not make noise, which does not create problems during rest and sleep.
  • Easy to use.

Below is an overview of the most popular models of annoying insect repellers.

Ultrasonic fly repellers

About the product

The repeller forces insects to leave the area within the radius of its “effective” coverage, and the exterminator purposefully “attracts” mosquitoes and midges in order to subsequently “suck” them into a vacuum tank designed to deplete the “flying bloodsuckers” trapped in it.

Considering not only the wide range of models of equipment in the segment under consideration, but also the presence of peculiar subtypes, many buyers are wondering which equipment is more useful: repellent or exterminating.

The determining factor in this matter should be the place where the device is used. If you need to get rid of mosquitoes in your house or apartment, you can forget about exterminators. This is due not so much to the need for a large area of ​​free space for the correct installation of this type of device, but rather to the use of gas in their operation, which poses a potential danger to people nearby.

The prevalence of the use of repellent devices is associated with their compactness, noiselessness and high degree of safety when operating indoors.

When choosing a type of equipment, the buyer should keep in mind the degree of effectiveness of both types. Destroyers have a larger radius of “effective” coverage, and, accordingly, cope with the task more thoroughly.

There are several types of repellers:

  • electromagnetic (affecting the nervous system of “enemies” with special “waves”. The main advantage is quiet operation; the disadvantage is the greatest effectiveness in the fight against complex organisms, not insects);
  • ultrasonic (which affects mosquitoes and midges with irritating ultrasound. The main advantage is ease of installation and operation; disadvantage is low efficiency in the fight against “bloodsuckers”);
  • radio wave (implying the influence of microwaves on insects, forcing the latter to leave the radius of “effective” coverage. The main advantage is a high degree of efficiency; the disadvantage is the ill-conceived working technology, due to the recently started study of this type of repeller).

Destroyers are divided into:

  • propane (powered by propane. The main advantage is low gas consumption; the disadvantage is unsafe use);
  • operating on carbon dioxide (attract mosquitoes by imitating human odor. The main advantage is that most of them are equipped with solar panels, which significantly save energy consumption; the disadvantage is high cost);
  • thermal (attracting insects with IR radiation. The main advantage is the effectiveness of the fight against “flying bloodsuckers”; the disadvantage is the insufficient radius of the “effective” coverage zone);
  • light (attracting mosquitoes and midges with UV light. The main advantage is compactness and low weight; disadvantage is low efficiency).


The ultrasonic repeller AO-150 will help drive flies and mosquitoes out of your apartment. The operating area of ​​the device, which is harmless to humans, is 40 square meters. m. Simply plug it into the network, and after 15-30 minutes the buzzing of annoying insects will stop.

When the device is turned on, two indicators light up: a red light indicates the connection of the power supply, a green light signals the start of operation of the device.

On a note!

The repeller should be located no closer than 1 meter from the place where a person sleeps and rests.

The device has small dimensions (15x15 cm) and weight (160 g), is powered from the mains (220 V), has a power of 8 W and a wave frequency of 22-55 kHz. The cost of the AO-150 repeller is about 500 rubles.

How to choose

To choose a truly high-quality device for getting rid of insects at home, you need to pay attention to:

  • type of impact (optimally ultrasound);
  • “effective” coverage area (optimally from 30 m2);
  • power source (optimally - universal, that is, running both from the mains and from a battery).

When choosing a device for killing mosquitoes and midges on the street, you should focus on:

  • “effective” coverage zone (optimally from 4 to 5000 m2);
  • battery life (optimally – up to 30 days);
  • gas cylinder consumption (optimally - up to 1 liter per day).

To form a clear understanding of what technical parameters a mosquito and fly repeller or exterminator should have, it is worth carefully studying the list of top models of devices included in the rating of the best “traps” for insects.

EcoSniper UP-11

The leading position in the list of popular repellers is occupied by the EcoSniper repeller, the main feature of which is the presence of built-in modes: to combat rodents, as well as flying and crawling insects, including flies. Ionization of the surrounding air and night glow are an additional bonus of the device.

The device operates from a 220 V network and distributes ultrasound from flies with a frequency of 30-65 kHz over an area of ​​up to 300 square meters. m, and therefore it can be used not only in a house and apartment, but also in a gazebo, veranda and any other semi-open area. The dimensions of the case are 9x10.5 cm, the weight of the product is up to 200 g. The cost of the device is about 1300 rubles.

Ultrasonic fly repellers

How does ultrasound affect insects?

Insects are arthropod invertebrate animals that have a very hard chitinous cover, which is essentially an external skeleton. Chitin, by the way, in some insects is one and a half times stronger than steel. Under the exoskeleton is living tissue consisting of layers of fat and hemolymph.

The chitinous plates of insects can resonate, they vibrate even under the slightest mechanical influence of external conditions, including acoustic waves, and the gel-like composition of the tissue enhances this effect. Here we should remember the laws of physics, according to which mechanical vibrations are transmitted in liquids at a much higher speed than in other media. For example, the speed of sound in air is a little more than 330 meters per second, and the speed of sound in water reaches 1485 meters per second.

Interestingly, the effect of high-volume sound waves on insects can be compared to the low-frequency shock wave of a subwoofer in a car or a bass guitar at a rock concert, which are not only heard, but physically felt in the stomach.

However, unlike insects, human skin is an excellent sound absorber, and it dampens ultrasound, while chitin resonators, on the contrary, enhance it. The result of such exposure is both painful sensations in arthropods and the failure of certain systems and organs.

The sound spectrum is divided into three areas, in our case it is the red sector

Among other things, ultrasound is perfectly reflected from dense, and especially smooth, surfaces, which include walls, ceilings, floors, wooden or plastic furniture in a room, which implies a continuous, multiply amplified acoustic attack on insects anywhere in the room where there is such type of radiation.

Weitech WK0 206

An effective new generation monoblock device for repelling flies in residential and non-residential premises up to 40 square meters. m., emits ultrasonic waves. The device does not require settings or maintenance, is safe for people and pets, and is silent, as it operates at a frequency the sound of which is perceived only by insects. It is connected to the mains, consuming a minimum of electricity, and therefore provides protection from buzzing pests throughout the summer season. The Weitech WK0206 repeller costs between 1400-1600 rubles.

Safety for people and pets

Since the impact occurs at a level inaccessible to human hearing and perception, at first glance, the use of the device does not cause harm to households. However, if you have pets in your home, you should be careful. Thus, the use of the device is prohibited in places where guinea pigs, hamsters, and decorative rats live. They feel the negative effects just like pests. Cats and dogs can also be susceptible to ultrasound. If negative symptoms appear: refusal to eat, lethargy, you should stop using the device.

Mosquito Repeller ZF 801

Referring to reviews of the ultrasonic repeller, the Mosquito Repeller device is one of the most popular. It has 3 operating modes and is able to repel mosquitoes, flies, midges and other insects that fly into the house.

The device has an effective effect on an area of ​​up to 30 square meters. m. The device operates from the mains, does not affect electrical appliances and household appliances, and is safe for people and pets. The price is about 1500 rubles.

On a note!

The ultrasonic waves generated by the repeller do not pass through walls and furniture. Therefore, it should be connected in an area that is free from foreign objects. Otherwise, the maximum effect will not be achieved.

Due to this feature, the device is poorly suited for getting rid of flies in a residential area.

Powerful devices get rid of pests and rodents faster

And again a mistake - the speed of expelling pests does not depend in any way on the power indicator of the repeller. It's wrong to think that the LS 919, designed for outdoor spaces, will perform much better indoors.

The devices operate on the same principle: it takes time for the effects of ultrasound to become unbearable and for rodents and cockroaches to leave the premises. This effect is achieved by continuous operation of the device for 2-3 weeks. Acoustic attack, panic - these instincts force rats and other pests to look for a safer place to breed. Therefore, all uninvited “guests” will leave.

It is impossible to immediately check whether repellers work. After turning on the module, there will be no panic “in the ranks of the enemy”, mice and rats will not rush out, they will leave the home gradually. Moreover, some animals periodically return and check whether the dangerous effect remains or not. And if you turn off the device, all the rodents will return.

Conclusion: Increased power does not affect the rate of expulsion of rodents. Correct installation of devices is important. Ultrasonic repellers are placed so that there are no obstacles in the path of the waves that absorb radiation. If the room has a lot of soft surfaces, partitions, furniture, you will have to take 2 or more devices, the power of which corresponds to the footage of the room, warehouse, etc.

What is an ultrasonic fly and mosquito repeller?

Ultrasonic repellers are made in the form of an electronic device that generates low-frequency waves. Setting the repeller to play a specific signal causes blood-sucking insects to regard it as a danger. Ultrasound is used to catch various insects, their natural enemies – bats. By emitting low-frequency sounds, these animals not only orient themselves in space after dark, but also receive information about the location of their prey. It is not at all surprising that the characteristic signal that the ultrasonic fly repeller is tuned to reproduce causes insects to instinctively take flight.

Principle of operation

It is worth immediately clarifying that all devices that influence insects using ultrasound do not kill them, but only drive them away from the inhabited area. Of course, there is no point in looking for an ultrasonic pest exterminator on the market.

For example, it acts on mosquitoes by influencing their instincts. These bloodsuckers communicate using sounds of a certain frequency: with their help, mosquitoes invite the female to mate or warn relatives of danger. Accordingly, a properly configured device that produces a sound in a range that is alarming for these insects may well force them to quickly leave the house.

From this we can conclude that ultrasonic repellers only work on those types of insects that communicate by transmitting high-frequency sounds. But what can be said about its effect on flies?

Operating principle of the devices

Operating principle of an ultrasonic device

The product emits ultrasound, which affects animals. A powerful impulse is created that causes panic, fear, and anxiety among pests. They stop eating and reproducing. Soon mice and rodents leave the area where the device is installed.

How the trap works

The device lures insects with ultraviolet light, heat, carbon dioxide, and an attractant (a substance that attracts insects) into a trap. There they die due to dehydration or electric shock.

The principle of operation of a scented bracelet

Mosquitoes are repelled through special impregnation with aromatic oil and citronella (a spicy plant). Insects sense strong odors.

Terms of use

The use of an ultrasonic device against insects is absolutely safe for humans, subject to the following rules and recommendations:

  1. Do not connect the device to the network closer than 1 m to the bed or place where people sleep.
  2. It is prohibited to use a faulty device or plug it into a malfunctioning outlet.
  3. It is not recommended to block the ultrasonic repeller with furniture or thick curtains. The device operates effectively within one room.
  4. To finally get rid of annoying insects in the house, the device must work without interruption for at least 5 days.
  5. When not in use, the device is stored in a cool, dry place, away from children and pets, wrapped in sealed cellophane or in a box.
  6. Do not touch the appliance socket with wet hands.
  7. When using the device, there is no need to use insecticides or repellents.

Purpose and functions

The purpose of the repeller covers one or two tasks:

  • Eliminating insects. The devices prevent the appearance and reproduction of mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, ticks, and spiders. This is done by displacing insects from the territory or by complete destruction.
  • Expulsion of rodents (mice, rats) with ultrasound.

Device functions:

  • Expulsion of insects and rodents. Under the influence of the device (smell or sounds), pests experience fear, run away, crawl away or fly away.
  • Extermination of insects. The device lures pests into a trap or kills them immediately with an electric discharge.
  • The ionizer affects the air. It eliminates dust, dirt, germs, bacteria, odors. The air is saturated with oxygen and nitrogen ions.
  • A flashlight is included in the design of portable devices.

Is the device really effective?

It’s worth saying right away that flies do not communicate with each other via ultrasound. They are most likely able to perceive it, but the low-power signal of the device does not produce a deterrent effect on them. But devices of higher power can already force insects to leave the house, but they will also have an impact on humans: perhaps, for example, the occurrence of headaches.

According to observation, sometimes in apartments where such devices are used there is a slight decrease in the number of insects. This may allow us to confirm that the device provides some, albeit minimal, effect. According to reviews, with prolonged use of the cockroach repeller, the insects changed their behavior and behaved inappropriately, but did not leave the area. Therefore, it is believed that prolonged exposure to high-frequency sounds has a detrimental effect on their nervous system.

DIY fly repeller

To build a homemade ultrasonic insect repellent device, you will need components and basic technical skills. For assembly you need an electronic circuit and the following components:

  • plastic case;
  • high frequency emitter;
  • socket;
  • printed circuit board;
  • power supply (recommended voltage – 10–12 V);
  • variable resistors and direct current;
  • bipolar transistors;
  • diode;
  • capacitors;
  • on/off relay.

People most often resort to making the device themselves in order to save money, but this opinion is wrong: the purchase of spare parts and component materials will cost up to 1000–1200 rubles. In addition, the efficiency and reliability of the home device are questionable.

It is believed that low-power devices do not have the desired effect on flies, since although insects hear ultrasound, unlike mosquitoes, they do not communicate using it. To choose a reliable, effective device, you should carefully read the instructions for the repeller and determine what problems the device is designed to solve.

If you need to drive away flies while traveling, use battery-powered models; on an industrial scale, stationary large-sized varieties are used. For home use, a household appliance with a power of 12 W is sufficient, which weighs up to 200 g and can work uninterruptedly for days.

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