BARS – spray for dogs against ticks, fleas, lice and lice AVZ (100 ml)

Doses and method of administration

Animals are treated outdoors or in a well-ventilated room with open windows (vents), away from open fire, after removing cages with ornamental birds from the room and covering aquariums with fish. To prevent licking of the drug, the animal is put on a muzzle or the jaws are secured with a loop of braid. Before use, shake the bottle with the drug and, holding it vertically, press the spray head, directing the aerosol torch at the surface to be treated from a distance of 20 - 25 cm. To destroy insects and prevent attacks on animals by ixodid ticks, spray the entire body of the animal against hair growth, slightly moisturizing the fur (in animals with long-haired breeds, the fur is lifted with your hand). Covering the animal's eyes, treat the ears and chest, lightly rub the drug around the eyes and nose with your fingertips, then treat the neck, torso, limbs, belly and tail. 20 minutes after treatment, the animal’s fur is combed with a comb, after which the animal’s jaws are freed from the muzzle (braid). To destroy ixodid ticks on the body of an animal, the drug is applied to the tick and the place of its attachment to the skin (one press on the spray head). If within 20 - 30 minutes the tick does not fall off spontaneously, it is carefully pulled out with tweezers and destroyed. For preventive purposes, treatments are carried out according to indications, but no more than once a month against insects and no more than once every fourteen days against ixodid ticks (during the season of their parasitism). In order to prevent re-infestation by fleas, bedding, blankets and other animal care items are treated with a spray at the rate of 2 ml (four presses on the spray head) per 1 m2 of surface to be treated. For three days, the animal is not allowed to come into contact with the treated items, and before subsequent use, they are washed (washed) with detergent. When cats are affected by notoedrosis, and dogs are affected by sarcoptic mange, the drug is applied to the affected areas of the body, previously cleared of stools, covering the borderline healthy skin up to 1 cm. Treatment with the drug is carried out, slightly moisturizing the affected areas, 2 - 4 times with an interval of 7 - 10 days until the animal’s clinical recovery , which is confirmed by two negative results of acarological studies. Animals with large affected areas are treated in two doses with an interval of 1 day, applying the drug to the affected areas of first one and then the other half of the body. Until the fur is completely dry after treatment, animals should not be allowed to lick the preparation, nor should they be allowed near open fires or heating devices. In case of increased individual sensitivity of animals to the drug (lacrimation, excessive salivation, muscle tremors) or signs of skin irritation, the drug should be washed off with soap and water.

Features of the composition

Bars flea spray operates on the basis of a modern effective insecticide - fipronil. It has a wide spectrum of action and belongs to the class of low-hazard substances. If the instructions are followed, it does not cause side effects in animals or people.

Fipronil destroys sexually mature individuals and larvae. It enters the body by contact, through the spiracles. The action begins almost immediately. The insecticide disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of impulses, causes paralysis and inevitable death.

special instructions

Animals should be treated with the spray in a well-ventilated area. While working with the drug, smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed. When finished, wash your hands with warm water and soap. You should not pet the animal or allow it near small children for 24 hours after treatment with the drug. If the drug accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be washed off immediately with a stream of water. Empty bottles of the drug must not be used for household purposes; they are thrown into garbage containers.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at a temperature between 0 °C and 30 °C. Shelf life: 2 years.


Agrovetzaschita S.-P. NVC LLC, Russia

Address: 129329, Moscow, st. Kolskaya, 1, office 213. Production address: 141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, st. Central, 1. Tel. (multichannel) Fax


Bars anti-flea spray for cats and dogs
When the spray is applied to the fur and skin, the active components are concentrated in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Distributed evenly over 20 minutes.

On a note!

Once absorbed, the product remains effective for 30 days against fleas; for ticks, the effectiveness lasts only 2 weeks. The effectiveness of the spray decreases when swimming with detergents. It is recommended that the animal undergo bathing procedures after treatment no more than once every 7 days.

Contraindications, side effects

A direct contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. It manifests itself as an allergic reaction on the skin, vomiting, nausea, increased salivation, lacrimation, trembling throughout the body, and spasms.

Spray Bars against fleas The situation is extremely rare, but if such symptoms appear, it is necessary to wash off the drug with warm water and soap.

On a note!

To prevent an allergic reaction, you must first conduct a sensitivity test. Spray one spray onto the skin in the withers area. Observe the condition of the skin and the behavior of the animal for 30 minutes.

It is prohibited to use Bars spray for dogs against fleas and ticks; it is not allowed for cats in the following situations:

  • pregnancy, feeding;
  • age up to 8 weeks;
  • illness, healing process;
  • poor health;
  • presence of open wounds.

Processing procedure

Treating your pet with an anti-parasite spray
is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to shake the can thoroughly.
  2. It must be held at arm's length.
  3. There should be 20 cm left to the animal's fur.
  4. The procedure is carried out wearing rubber gloves.
  5. Initially, spray a little product onto the palm of your hand and rub it with your fingers into the area of ​​the nose, eyes, and other places on the muzzle.
  6. Treat all of the animal's fur, including the belly and tail.

The dose of Bars spray is calculated based on the animal’s body weight. For every kilogram, 1 ml of the drug is consumed, which is equal to one pressure of the bottle. After 20 minutes, when the animal’s hair is dry, it must be combed with a comb to distribute the product evenly.


Animals are sprayed against hair growth. In cats and dogs with long hair, lift it with your hands so that the drug does not get on the skin.

Bars Forte flea spray for dogs is used once a month. Repeated treatment is not allowed if the drug does not work. If Bars is completely washed off, it is allowed to re-spray a week later. Bars spray for cats works in a similar way.

What is included in the Bars spray?

Bars flea remedy is sold in convenient bottles made of plastic with a volume of 100 and 200 ml.
Both types of packaging are equipped with a sprayer for ease of use of the drug. Each package contains detailed instructions for using this flea medicine. The effectiveness of the effect on blood-sucking parasites is ensured by the insecticide fipronil contained in the spray. In addition to the main active ingredient, the drug contains:

  • alcohol;
  • Castor oil;
  • glycerol;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • water.

The product has a characteristic yellowish tint and a specific smell. Bars spray has a very strong smell due to the insecticide fipronil.

The medicine is applied to the cat's fur by spraying, after which the active substance quickly penetrates into the hair follicles and upper layers of the animal's skin. The spray can be used to both treat and prevent flea and tick infestations in your cat.

Fleas are an all-season scourge, and ticks especially often plague animals in the summer. The risk of infecting a pet with blood-sucking parasites increases sharply if the cat lives in a private household and goes for a walk outside, where it can easily come into contact with sick animals. It only takes one single flea settling on the fur of a domestic cat for it to very soon become the carrier of a whole colony of blood-sucking parasites. Fleas lay large numbers of larvae, causing their numbers to grow rapidly.

Fleas are dangerous not only because they bite and greatly bother the cat, but also because they spread dangerous diseases. One application of the drug is enough to protect your pet from fleas for up to one month. All components of the medicine are safe for the cat, since they do not penetrate into its body, but remain only in the outer layers of the epidermis. Fipronil has a detrimental effect on fleas and other blood-sucking insects, as it causes complete paralysis in the parasites.

Composition and pharmacological properties.

Contains fipronil as an active ingredient.

Fipronil has a pronounced contact and intestinal insectoacaricidal effect on the larval and mature phases of development of fleas, lice, lice, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks that parasitize dogs, cats, ferrets and decorative rodents.

After spraying the skin and hair of an animal, fipronil is gradually distributed over the entire surface of the body and, practically without being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, accumulates in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, providing a long-term contact insectoacaricidal effect, providing protection for animals from repeated insect attacks for at least 1 month , from ixodid ticks - at least 2 weeks.


While the cat is feeding kittens, this product cannot be used.

It is not recommended to use the veterinary drug if the pet has not reached 10 weeks of age, pregnant or lactating, as well as malnourished and unhealthy pets. The use of Bars spray against fleas for cats, dogs, rodents and other pets requires taking precautions. To perform therapeutic actions on animals, you must have a respirator and rubber gloves. Application of the product must be carried out in a ventilated place or outdoors.

Instructions for use: rules for processing animals

Spray "Bars" against fleas for cats and other pets prevents and treats scabies, as well as diseases caused by insects. If the animal has not yet become infected, it definitely needs protection. The portion of the medicine must be calculated based on its weight and hair density. When fleas and ticks attack, a dose of 0.5-1 ml is required per 1 kg. With a bottle containing 100 milliliters, this means 2 or 4 presses, and with a volume of 200 ml - 1-2. For sarcoptic mange in dogs and notoedrosis in cats, the damaged area is cleaned of crusts and abscesses, and then a spray is applied. The dose in this situation consists of 1 ml of the substance per 10 square meters. cm skin. The interval should be from 1 week to 10 days. Once recovery is achieved, 2 to 4 procedures may be required.

The action involves processing, which must be carried out when the skin and coat are dry. Swimming 2 days before treatment is prohibited. Procedure:

The animal must be completely treated with the drug.

  1. Shake the bottle and treat your pet's skin, making sure to part the fur while doing so. If the animal is too mobile and is not able to sit through this procedure, then it should be performed in pairs and remember about protective devices.
  2. The entire body must be treated. To prevent the medicine from penetrating into the eyes and ears during the process, they must be covered with your hands.
  3. When the product dries, you should comb the coat. To prevent the substance from being licked from the fur, you need to put a plastic collar on your pet, a muzzle, or clasp the jaws with an appropriate ribbon.

Recommendations after treatment

During the first 2 days, you should limit your pet from bathing and contact with other animals, as well as children. "Bars Forte" is used in the treatment of dog bedding and accessories for cats. The volume of consumption of the substance is per 1 sq. m - 2 ml. Then the things are kept for 2-3 days in a place inaccessible to the pet, then they need to be washed.

Benefits of the flea drug Bars

The flea remedy Bars, unlike other drugs of similar action, destroys not only adult parasites, but also their larvae. This feature makes it possible to use the product once, while other drugs have to be used several times, destroying fleas as previously laid larvae mature and new adults emerge from them.

This product begins to act within a few minutes after it is applied to the animal’s fur. One spray of the drug is enough for the tick to fall off the bite site almost immediately after application.

Spray Bars is beneficial because:

  1. It costs much less than other drugs of similar effect and costs the consumer about 200 rubles.
  2. This product is easy to spray on the animal’s fur, and no complex preliminary preparation is required before treating a cat for fleas.
  3. After using this drug, the animal does not need re-treatment for a fairly long period of time.
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