Ear drops Bars and Bars forte for dogs: instructions, comparison, analogues

With the arrival of spring, dog owners begin to be tormented by one of their greatest fears: infection with ticks and the babesiosis they carry. To protect their pets, they use the best imported products, one more expensive than the other. And they throw away thousands of rubles in an attempt to protect their pet.

But there are inexpensive Russian drugs that work no worse, or even better, than foreign ones. One of them is Bars drops on the withers.

In the article I looked at how well Bars works, how it protects against fleas and ticks, how to use it and what side effects it can cause. He also provided a list of Russian and imported analogues and real user reviews. And at the end of the material you will find my recommendations for using and improving antiparasitic protection.

Release form and composition

Drops Bars (spot-on) – external antiparasitic against ticks and fleas. Produced by Russian.

There are 2 types of medicines - regular and Forte . Their composition and release forms differ:

Active ingredientsRegular formForte
Fipronil50 mg/ml50 mg/ml
Diflubenzuron1 mg/ml1 mg/ml
Dicarboximide (MGK-264)5 mg/ml
Citronella essential oil1 mg/ml

Regular drops are produced in 4 variations:

VolumeDog weightAverage price per pipette
1.4 ml2-10 kg115 rub.
2.8 ml10-20 kg180 rub.
4.2 ml20-30 kg210 rub.
5.0 mlover 30 kg130 rub.

The Forte subspecies for dogs is produced in 2 types:

VolumePurposeAverage cost per package of 4 pipettes
1.0 mlLeopard for puppies335 rub.
1.8 mlFor adult dogs350 rub.


Bars drops have many advantages, which sets them apart from other medications with similar effects.

Main advantages:

  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • safety;
  • does not cause addiction among parasites;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • Can be used for puppies and adult dogs.

The advantages of this product include the minimal likelihood of side effects when used correctly.

How it works

Regular spot-on and Bars Forte are combined insectoacaricidal preparations. Both are active against fleas, lice, lice, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks. The regular form also works against heilstiella.

A wide range of antiparasitic effects is due to the active substances included in the solution:

  1. Fipronil blocks GABA-dependent parasite receptors and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses.
  2. Diflubenzuron stops the reproduction of ectoparasites by disrupting the processes of molting, laying eggs and hatching larvae from them.
  3. Dicarboximide enhances the effect and increases the toxicity of the two previous components. Contained only in regular drops.

The synergism of the active ingredients stops the reproduction of parasites, causing paralysis of adults and larvae with their subsequent death.

After application, the solution is distributed over the dog’s skin and accumulates in the epidermis, sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The medication is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, and its external effect lasts for 1-2 months.

Drops Bars against fleas for dogs

From early spring until late autumn, dog owners are concerned about a serious problem - how to protect their pets from attacks by fleas and ticks. Their worries are not in vain.

Fleas not only cause discomfort to the animal, causing it to constantly itch, they are carriers of serious diseases. If a dog has fleas, we can say with 100% certainty that the dog has worms. Worms, in turn, have a terrible effect on the health of the pet. Even ordinary flea dermatitis can lead to complex consequences, but fleas can also carry rabies - a disease that is fatal not only for dogs, but also for humans.

Ticks behave no less aggressively. In two days, a healthy, strong dog can die if urgent and serious medical care is not provided. The culprit is piroplasmosis (babesiosis), which burns the dog within 48 hours. This disease is transmitted only through ticks. Another terrible disease is Lyme disease (borreliosis). This disease may not be immediately noticed; it will develop slowly, leading to the destruction of the dog’s body. Ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis are also transmitted to dogs through ticks.

Some diseases are difficult to notice right away, others are too fleeting, and the owner does not always have time to help his pet, and even if the dog receives treatment on time, the consequences remain for life.

In order to avoid such a risk, in order to save the dog not only health, but also life, it is necessary to protect your pet in advance. This is why there are “Bars” flea drops for dogs.

What is the drug Bars

This drug was developed and released domestically. For ease of use, the product is available in the form of a spray, shampoo, collar and drops. It was the drops that showed the greatest effectiveness. With their use, parasites that are already present on the animal die in a matter of minutes, and prevention is also productive.

Drops appear in the form of a liquid, transparent substance, yellowish in color. Most often, the drug is packaged in polymer pipettes of various sizes.

Bars is stored unopened and should be protected from the sun and moisture. If stored properly, the product can last up to 2 years. Do not store it near food or animal feed. Make sure that the drops are out of reach of children and pets. As required by law, unused product should be disposed of.

The protective effect occurs due to the fact that the drug accumulates in the epidermis, in the sebaceous glands of the dog, covers the hair of the coat, remains in the hair follicles, that is, covers almost the entire skin. At the same time, the drug itself does not enter the blood.

The chemicals in the drops act on the receptors of the parasites and cause their paralysis and death. The drug contains a substance that destroys chitin, the protection of the larvae is destroyed, so the parasites die at all stages of their development

Bars flea drops for dogs are effective for 1-2 months. At this time, the animal can swim in the river, get exposed to rain, and can be washed with soap and shampoo - the protective effect of the drug does not weaken. Only a special shampoo can wash off this protective film.

After the time of action of the product has expired, you should apply the drug again.

It happens that in some areas, under favorable conditions, the activity of parasites increases significantly. In such cases, veterinarians allow repeated treatment with Bars; this does not harm the health of the animal.

Using flea drops for dogs Bars

The drug is contraindicated for use in puppies under 8 weeks of age, and only after this period has expired can the pet be protected with Barsom.

In order to apply the product, you should spread the hair between the dog’s shoulder blades or at the base of the skull, and squeeze out the contents of the pipette. The place should be chosen so that the dog does not have the opportunity to lick the medicine.

At the same time, the skin should be dry. To do this, it is better not to wash the dog before applying the drug. Also, you should not bathe your pet for another 3 days after applying the drops. It is necessary to allow the medicine to distribute evenly throughout the entire skin.

The drug can only be applied to healthy skin.

To ensure that a pet freed from parasites does not become infected with them again, new bedding should be laid, and the floors should also be washed thoroughly.

Bars flea drops for dogs contain very strong chemical components, so they are given to pets according to a strict calculation, based on the weight of the animal and its age.

Taking into account the weight of the animal, pipettes of different sizes are selected.

  • dogs up to 1 kg – 0.5 ml (4 drops);
  • dogs from 1 to 5 kg - 1 ml (1 pipette);
  • dogs from 5 to 10 kg - 1.4 ml (1 pipette);
  • dogs from 10 to 20 kg – 2.8 ml (2 pipettes);
  • dogs whose weight exceeds 20 kg – 4.2 -5.6 ml (3 to 4 pipettes).

It should be noted that in cases where several pipettes are used, you need to drip not in one place, but in different places that are inaccessible for licking.

When Bars is banned

Like many chemical preparations, Bars flea drops for dogs have a number of restrictions on use. It is not recommended to treat animals with this drug if:

  • the dog has recently suffered from a disease and is recovering, or the disease has not yet been cured;
  • if the bitch is pregnant;
  • not applicable to lactating bitches;
  • Do not administer the drug to puppies under 8 weeks of age;
  • Use should be discontinued if your dog has an allergic reaction to the substances contained in the product.

If the drug is applied for the first time, you should carefully monitor the pet's condition.

Increased anxiety, lethargy, redness of the skin at the injection site, itching - all this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps the dog has an individual intolerance to the drug.

In this case, you should wash off the drug with a special shampoo, rinse well with water so as not to leave unwashed areas, and give your pet plenty of fluids and medications that the veterinarian recommends to relieve the allergic reaction.

In the future, you should consult your doctor to find new means of protection.

Instructions for use and dosage

The solution is applied by spot application to dry, undamaged skin, free of scabs, dirt and crusts. Methods of use differ depending on the purpose:

  1. To prevent infection by fleas, lice, ticks, and to destroy them, the solution is dripped into places that are inaccessible for licking: on the withers, at the base of the skull, between the shoulder blades. It is important that the product gets on the skin: to do this, push the fur apart with two fingers.
  2. To treat otodectosis (ear scabies), 4-6 drops are instilled into each ear. Then they are folded and massaged. The remainder of the product is applied to the withers. The method is not used when the eardrum is perforated.
  3. To detach attached ixodid ticks, 1 drop is applied to it and 1 drop is applied to the place of its attachment. After 20-30 minutes it should fall off on its own. If this does not happen, the parasite is pulled out: the body is grabbed with tweezers as close to the skin as possible, the tool is twisted counterclockwise and at the same time pulled up.

Use Bars as needed, but not more than once a month. At the same time, clean the bedding and beds with any antiparasitic solution. If there is a large infestation of fleas and lice-eaters, the entire apartment is disinfected with insectoacaricides. Inexpensive and popular means for treating premises: Neostomazan, Butox, Agita (the last 2 are toxic to animals).

The dosages of the regular form and Forte are different. So, simple drops are used in the following doses:

Dosages for Forte:

If the dog weighs more than 30 kg, use a combination of pipettes at the rate of: 0.1 ml per kg for the regular solution and 0.18 ml per kg for Forte.

Analogues of ear leopard against ticks

  • Aurikan. Prescribed for the treatment of complicated otodectosis accompanied by a bacterial infection. In addition to diazinon and prednisolone, the solution contains an antiseptic and local anesthetic. During the first week, Aurican is administered daily once a day. Then 1 month twice a week.
  • Decta Forte. Combined solution with acaricidal, antibacterial, anesthetic components. The ears are instilled once a day with breaks of 3–5 days. To treat ear scabies, 2 to 3 treatments are enough.

For other analogues, see the review of ear drops against ticks for dogs.

Contraindications and side effects

The solution belongs to moderately dangerous medications (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). At the indicated doses in healthy animals it does not cause side effects. However, in case of overdose or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the following are possible:

  • hypersalivation - increased salivation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle tremors;
  • lacrimation.

When these symptoms appear, the drops are washed off with soap and water and symptomatic therapy is prescribed (usually antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.).

Keep in mind that the drug irritates the mucous membranes and eyes. Therefore, do not allow it to come into contact with these areas.

The medication is prohibited from use:

  • puppies up to 2 months;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • pets weighing less than 2 kg (up to 1 kg for Forte);
  • weakened, exhausted animals and those suffering from infectious pathologies;
  • dogs with allergies to the components of the drug;
  • simultaneously with other insectoacaricides;
  • near fish and rabbits - the solution is toxic for them.

special instructions

Precautionary measures will help minimize the development of side effects from the use of an insectoacaricidal agent. You cannot use Bars drops to treat small kittens under 2 months of age. It is also not recommended to use the antiparasitic treatment for cats during the period of gestation and lactation.

Important! As a precaution, experts strongly do not recommend treating with several products at once or deliberately shortening the time between treatments.

Analogues of the drug

Although there are no complete analogues of Bars drops, there are many anti-tick drops with a similar composition and effect. The best ones:

AnalogueDifferencesaverage price
Inspector Total SAlso contains fipronil. Additionally, it eliminates roundworms and microfilariae larvae. Less likely to cause side effects. 450 rub.
AdvantixContains other active ingredients – imidacloprid, permethrin. Has a repellent effect against flies, mosquitoes and midges. 460 rub.
CelandineThe action of fipronil is supplemented with permethrin. Does not work against demodectic mites. 140 rub.
Frontline Spot OnFipronil based drops. The concentration of the active substance is 2 times higher than that of Bars. In addition to fleas and ticks, it destroys mosquitoes. 500 rub.
Dana Spot-OnContains only fipronil (5%). The effect is worse. The drug is prohibited for kittens up to 12 weeks. 130 rub.
Pract-ticMedicine based on pyriprole (12.5%). Does not help against sarcoptic and otodectic mites. 420 rub.
Rolf Club 3DThe effect of fipronil is enhanced by D-cyphenothrin and pyriproxyfen. Additionally, it has a repellent effect on blood-sucking insects. Eliminates parasites caught on the fur faster – in 2 minutes. Prohibited for puppies under 3 months. 300 rub.
Mister BrunoIn addition to fipronil, it contains pyriproxyfen. Suitable for dogs older than 3 months. For younger puppies, there is a herbal preparation with oils of wormwood, neem, cloves and citronella. The drug is less common. 220 rub.
BlochNetIn addition to fipronil, it contains benzyl benzoate and diethyltoluamide. Additional effect: repels mosquitoes. It has a pleasant scent, but the bottle is not convenient to use. Allowed from 10 weeks. 115 rub.

Review of 20 flea and tick medications for dogs

Combination with other means

Bars drops are combined with some antiparasitic agents. It is necessary to follow safety rules and only in this case will it be possible to avoid an overdose. You can combine Bars drops for cats with a special anti-parasitic collar, which will make it possible to prolong the effect of the main drug. It is not recommended to combine Bars drops on the withers with medications containing the same active ingredient.

Cats should be treated with only one product and strictly according to the instructions.

Owner reviews

Elena: “I used to take expensive products: the dog is allergic, and the drops have to be chosen carefully. But it was to imported medicines that I became allergic. Then she spat and switched to Bars. There are no side effects, it repels ticks right away. A couple of times over the summer I found parasites on my body, but they didn’t dig in, they just crawled like plagues through my fur. I give it to the dog 3 times a season: the animal tolerates it well and doesn’t worry.”

Egor: “I always use Bars drops - they work great, I’ve never had a problem.” When we go to the forest to pick mushrooms, I additionally take a spray of the same brand: after returning home, about a hundred ticks crawl out of the dog, but none of them bite. This means the product works, but you can’t stop parasites from crawling on your fur.”

Nina: “The drops are not bad, but they worked better before. Dogs tolerate them normally, only the Chinese Crested itches on the sofa for about 5 minutes: it’s clear that the skin is irritated. Unfortunately, the product does not last as long as stated in the instructions - a maximum of 2 weeks, and only if you do not bathe often. I wouldn’t have noticed, but there are a lot of ticks in our area: I’ve picked them off my pets a couple of times. But it’s better with Bars than without.”

Rules for working with Bars drugs

Like any drug, all drugs in the Bars series have certain rules of prevention that should be followed when working with them. First of all, the manufacturer advises following standard hygiene procedures. Hands must be washed with warm water and appropriate detergents. Only in this case can you completely get rid of the residual components of the medicine on the skin of the body.

While using Bars medications, you should stop smoking, eating or drinking. All of these activities can contribute to the substance entering a person's mouth. This can lead to some pretty bad consequences. It is very important to pay attention to the fact that in no case should small children touch the animal in any way until the places where Bars preparations are applied to them are completely dry. Most often this happens within 24 hours. Therefore, during this period, contact between the pet and the child should be limited.

If a person is hypersensitive to any component of Bars drops, he should not come into direct contact with the medicine. If the first allergic reactions occur, you should definitely contact a medical facility. If this cannot be done in the near future, you must call an ambulance. The same applies to accidental ingestion of medicine into the human body. It is best to have the instructions for use of the drug or its label with you. This will help the doctor determine the reasons for the deterioration in health, as well as select the appropriate treatment for the patient.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the empty containers of Bars drugs. It is prohibited to reuse it for household purposes, as medication components may remain in it. This applies even to those cases when it has been washed quite thoroughly. That is why such waste requires proper disposal. Failure to follow any of the manufacturer's recommendations may result in significant health problems. As a result, you should never ignore the advice of the manufacturer.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to bathe a dog before and after using the drops?

It is forbidden to wash animals and allow them to swim in bodies of water for 3 days before and after applying the solution. Bathing washes away the lipid layer in which the medication accumulates and weakens its effect.

Is Bars safe for people?

The drug is moderately toxic. When using it, follow standard precautions: do not smoke, do not eat or drink, and wash your hands with soap after handling. If the solution gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them with running water. In case of accidental ingestion, seek immediate medical attention.

Can cats use the drops?

No. There is a separate release form for cats: it contains different concentrations of active components and volume of solution. The use of Barsa for dogs by cats will lead to an overdose with subsequent intoxication.


Ear scabies can be treated quickly; advanced disease can lead to:

  • to purulent otitis;
  • hematoma of the auricle.

By scratching sore ears until they bleed, a dog or cat damages the delicate skin of the auricle. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter scratches and micro-wounds in the ear canal and quickly spread, causing purulent inflammation. Treatment will require antibiotics. In its advanced form, otitis media will become chronic and will appear periodically.

Hematoma (otherwise known as lymphatic extravasation) of the auricle is a complication of otodectosis, more typical for cats. It is diagnosed when, as a result of injury to the auricle (the cat scratches the ear with sharp claws), a blood or lymphatic vessel under the skin bursts. A hematoma forms in the area of ​​the auricle. Surgical intervention is required - under anesthesia, the skin inside the auricle is opened and the contents of the hematoma are removed.

Animal treatment process

The instructions for use clearly outline the important stage of treatment. A special preparation with a low dosage of active ingredients has been created for young pets.

Removal and removal of parasitic insects

Initially, the animal is weighed and the required amount of medication is calculated. You need to be careful about your own protection if you have wounds or other skin damage on your hands. To protect the skin of your hands from the product, wear rubber gloves. The procedure is carried out indoors, avoiding contact of the drug with food, kitchen utensils and the skin of other residents.

The optimal dosage of the drug “Bars” depends on the weight of the animal

It is recommended that you do not handle the animal alone. The pet's head is fixed and Bars drops are applied to an area inaccessible to licking. The area is slightly rubbed and the animal’s personal areas (bed, rug, etc.) are treated. Wash your hands with soap. The procedure is resumed after a month.

Animals treated with the drug are not immune from ixodid ticks, since the effect of the drops remains. If an inflated tick is noticed on a cat or dog, immediate action must be taken. To do this, apply 1 drop of Bars to the bloodsucker and wait half an hour. During this time, the parasite will fall off on its own. If this does not happen, you need to remove the tick yourself using tweezers using twisting movements.

The parasite is sent to a laboratory to be tested for infectiousness, otherwise it must be scalded with boiling water or burned. The bitten animal is observed and, if necessary, contacted to the veterinary office. If the animal has been treated recently and its effectiveness has not been demonstrated, it is necessary to replace the product.

Getting rid of ear scabies

If a cat or dog shakes its head, scratches its ears, or a black coating is visible on the auricle, these are signs of infection with otodectosis. Wax and purulent discharge are removed from the auricles and ear canal in advance and 4-6 drops of the drug are instilled into each ear canal. To ensure that the drops are distributed evenly, the ear is folded lengthwise and the base is massaged.

The remainder of the medicine in the pipette is applied to the skin between the shoulder blades. If the case is advanced and otitis has developed, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, repeating treatment with Bars every other week. The drops are placed in both ears to prevent cross-infection. In addition to the animal suffering from constantly disturbing itching, this condition is dangerous due to painful inflammation of the middle ear, rupture of the eardrum and deafness.

This is interesting: ear drops for cats against ticks.

Ear scabies causes discomfort to the animal, which forces him to scratch his ear until wounds form, and this is fraught with infection.

Prevention for kittens and puppies

For young offspring, the manufacturers of Bars drops have released a line of products under the Bars Forte brand. The medicine is characterized by a low concentration of the active fipronil. Having specified the weight and age of the pet, we begin protective measures. Having broken off the tip of the pipette, the specified number of drops is applied to the withers and lightly massaged.

Fleas and ticks are a serious problem for animals. The large line of the Bars series offers the consumer drops, ointments and sprays (there are no tablets). The drugs are affordable and always available for sale. Bars product successfully combines the properties of basic substances, which improves the protective effect against all types of parasites.

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