Instructions for use and reviews of the drug Fufanon

Fufanon is a universal, reliable drug, produced in the form of a yellowish emulsion concentrate. The chemical remains effective for 10-14 days after treatment.

It has a poisonous effect on pests in various ways:

  1. In direct contact with pests.
  2. When ingested by an insect along with food.
  3. Through the respiratory tract of insects during pollination of crops.

Instructions for use

Fufanon goes on sale in containers of various sizes, which allows you to purchase the required amount of concentrate for a single use.

There is no need to store supplies of the drug in damaged packaging. Methods for preparing the working solution vary depending on the plantings being treated.

For each type of container, it is advisable to use its own technology for using the concentrate:

Ampoule, bottle

The drug in ampoules and vials is contained in concentrated form. In order to use it, you need to prepare a working solution. For this:

  1. Take a container for non-food products with a volume of 1-2 liters.
  2. Pour the required amount of water and add fufanon. Prepare the concentration of the solution in accordance with the list below, depending on the type of plant and type of pest.
  3. Pour the working solution into a spray bottle or spray bottle.

Packaging in ampoules is carried out for the use of the concentrate on small volumes of plants at home, as well as when treating residential premises against bedbugs, mosquitoes and other insects.

In residential areas, observe the following safety precautions:

  1. Open the windows in the rooms where the treatment will be carried out (make sure that there is no draft and that a gust of wind does not blow the solution vapors onto dishes, people and pets).
  2. Move the furniture away from the walls to the middle of the room, remove carpets, tapestries, paintings from the walls, remove rugs, paths, and carpets from the room.
  3. Carry out particularly generous treatment in those places where bedbugs have been noticed. Then treat other areas of the room.
  4. Carefully treat areas that are difficult to reach for regular cleaning: heating radiators, spaces under baseboards (if the fastening design allows them to be removed).

After treatment, the active substance continues to act for another month, gradually losing its properties. The solution does not affect insect larvae. Therefore, at the end of the incubation period (10-14 days), repeat the treatment.

Disposable spray bottle

Fufanon in bottles equipped with a disposable spray bottle is supplied to the retail chain already in working concentration. It's comfortable. There is no need to dilute the concentrate, which reduces the risk of damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

As in the case of ampoules, the drug in spray bottles is intended for household use.

Containers from 500 ml to 5 l

Produced for use in dacha and garden farming. The drug is available in concentrated form. To prepare the working solution, follow the recommendations given above.

Pour the prepared solution into a garden sprayer, either pump or boom type. When spraying the solution, follow the necessary safety precautions.

Composition and release form of Fufanon

Fufanon is produced by a Danish company. The manufacturer is one of the leaders in the chemical reagents production industry. The drug has been used for several decades and has proven itself on the positive side.

The basis of Fufanon is the substance malathion. When it enters the victim’s body or acts on the surface of a pest, malathion becomes a poison – malaoxone. Under its influence, victims are paralyzed and die. Fufanon is an insecticide. Available in the form of a concentrated emulsion of 47 and 57%.

Fufanon has an oily consistency, and the preparations based on it, Fufanon-super and Fufanon-nova, have an aqueous structure.

The drug is available in 5 mg ampoules and 10 mg vials. Fufanon's ampoules are glass, while Fufanon-nova's are plastic and more convenient. If you have a large area of ​​land for processing, you can purchase a 5-liter canister.

“Fufanon” is an effective and safe remedy

Rules of application

The most common area of ​​application of the drug is the treatment of agricultural plantings.

Follow the recommendations:

  1. You need to start processing without waiting for the beginning of a high population of plantings.
  2. The interval between the end of treatment and the beginning of natural precipitation should be at least 2 hours.
  3. In hot weather, it is better to carry out treatment either early in the morning or late in the evening.
  4. To ensure good plant protection, use enough liquid to completely wet the leaf surface.
  5. Both portable boom and ground fan sprayers are suitable for processing.

Frequent use of the drug on the same plantings can lead to habituation of insects and a decrease in the effectiveness of the effect. To prevent this from happening, alternate the use of this drug with insecticides of other chemical groups.

A good effect is obtained by preparing a tank mixture with other insecticides. Before use, check medications for compatibility.

Fufanon is not recommended to be mixed with:

  1. Solutions containing copper.
  2. Alkaline compounds containing calcium.
  3. Preparations containing sulfur.
  4. Mineral fertilizers containing sulfides.
  5. Oils and preparations that have an alkaline reaction.

The drug should be stored at a temperature from -50 to +250 in a tightly closed container in a well-ventilated, dry room, out of reach of children.

Pour water into a small container and add 1 ml of the drugs from which you want to prepare a barrel mixture. If flakes form in the solution, or a precipitate begins to form, then the drugs cannot be mixed.


On the compatibility of Fufanon with other chemicals, different sources provide mutually exclusive information: some do not recommend mixing Fufanon with any drugs, others report that it is compatible only with pyrethroids, others that it mixes normally with any insecticides, and several say that in tank mixtures with Fufanon you can only use Kurzat R, Poliram DF, Preparation No. 30, colloidal sulfur, Zircon and Epin Extra.

To make sure the drugs are compatible, you need to mix them in small quantities and see if there is any sediment.

Flow and concentration

It is important to observe the drug consumption rates to prevent phytotoxicosis in protected crops.

Manufacturer's recommended consumption rates for working fluid for various types of plants, premises and seeds:

  1. Cereals, corn, peas - 0.5-1.2 l/ha.
  2. Sugar beet - 1-1.2 l/ha.
  3. Flax - 0.4-0.8 l/ha.
  4. Apple, pear, quince, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, non-bearing orchards - 1 l/ha.
  5. Currants, gooseberries, raspberries - 1-2.6 l/ha.
  6. Strawberries, tobacco, shag - 1-1.8 l/ha.
  7. Grapes – 1 l/ha.
  8. Cabbage, open ground cucumbers, open ground tomatoes – 0.6-1.2 l/ha.
  9. Cucumbers in protected soil, tomatoes in protected soil – 2.4-3.6 l/ha.
  10. Melon, watermelon – 0.4 l/ha.
  11. Alfalfa, clover, sainfoin – 0.2-0.6 l/ha.
  12. Pastures, areas inhabited by locusts, wild vegetation – 2-3 l/ha.
  13. Sea buckthorn 0.6-1.2 l/100 l of water.
  14. Unloaded warehouses and equipment of grain processing enterprises – 0.8 ml/m2.
  15. Food grain, fodder and legume seeds 12-30 ml/t.
  16. Flour, cereals in bags – 0.6 ml/m2.

Be more careful when preparing the working solution. Purchase measuring containers from a specialized store. Use them only for preparing protective solutions.

Rules for working with the drug

The liquid is prepared in the following proportion: 1 ml of concentrated Fufanon-Nova per 850 ml of water. Malathion is allowed to be mixed with many other pesticides (except Bordeaux mixture, lime), stimulants.

More on the topic: Treatment of strawberries with Inta-Vir against harmful insects

Spraying is carried out when there is no dew on the leaves, preferably in calm weather. It’s good if no precipitation (rain, hail) is expected in the next few days. For 20 sq. m of plantings consume up to three liters of solution.

The waiting period from processing to permitted harvesting is at least three weeks.

Efficiency and effect of the drug

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Can be used on various crops.
  2. Effective against insects with both sucking and gnawing mouth mechanisms, as well as against herbivorous mites.
  3. Can be used by fumigation in pairs.
  4. The active substance is active over a wide temperature range.
  5. Can be used in conjunction with other plant protection measures.
  6. Combines well with other insecticides in tank mixtures.
  7. Effective against insects resistant to natural insecticides.

Insects stop destroying plants by eating them within an hour or two after treatment. Complete death of the population occurs one day after using the drug. The speed of action may vary depending on the age and type of pests, weather conditions, and other factors.

Purpose and general characteristics

The drug "Fufanon" is intended to protect many crops from numerous pests and to destroy synanthropic insects.

Let me remind you that synanthropes are those insects that are associated with human habitation and are practically never found in the wild. The drug "Fufanon Super" is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, house flies, red house ants, bed bugs, moths, cat and dog fleas, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, flies, etc.

The action of the drugs “Fufanon KE”, “Fufanon Nova” is aimed at protecting plants from a number of pests - whitefly , herbivorous mites, aphids , thrips, sawflies, scale insects, false scale insects, mealybugs, codling moths, weevils , leaf rollers, gall midges, moths, etc.

Security measures

Fufanon is of little danger to humans. Belongs to hazard class 3. Highly dangerous for bees. Has hazard class 1.

Mechanized work cannot be carried out on the treated area for 4 days after treatment, manual work must not be carried out for 10 days:

  1. In residential, warehouse and utility rooms, carry out work with open windows or ensure the supply of fresh air in any other way.
  2. You need to work with the solution using all personal protective equipment: overalls, goggles, gloves, respirator;
  3. When spraying, stand on the windward side.
  4. In case of strong and gusty wind, stop work.
  5. After work, rinse protective equipment thoroughly with water.
  6. Dispose of solution containers in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. Do not dispose of in unauthorized landfills or garbage dumps.

Advice: If you are highly susceptible to allergies, consult your doctor before using fufanon.

Advice: Before treating plants with the drug near the pool, take measures to ensure that it does not get into the water: remove the temporary pool, cover the stationary one with film.

Advice: Take special care to protect the decorative fish pond from contact with the drug. When the maximum concentration is reached, it can cause their death.

Spraying of garden crops

The instructions for use of Fufanon-nova and reviews about it say that it fights well against codling moths, flies, ticks, moths and aphids. It can also be used against other pests. Today, there are several options for using this drug for treating crops in open and closed ground. For example, cucumbers that grow indoors are processed only once, but tomatoes are processed no more than three times. For open ground, it is not recommended to carry out more than two sprayings. The first harvest is harvested no earlier than 20 days after treatment.

First aid

Although fufanon belongs to substances of hazard class 3, this chemical nevertheless poses a danger to human health if the operating rules are violated.

Be alert at the first signs of poisoning, such as:

  1. The appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth,
  2. Nausea,
  3. Increased salivation
  4. Vomit

Call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, provide first aid to the victim:

  1. If the solution enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract or lungs, take the victim to fresh air, remove protective equipment, change clothes and prepare a two percent soda solution for rinsing the mouth.
  2. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water, being careful to keep them open. In case of severe irritation of the eye mucosa, instill a 30% solution of sodium sulfate.
  3. If it gets on exposed skin, remove it without rubbing the solution with cotton wool or a soft cloth. Then wash with water and soapy water.
  4. Atropine is used as an antidote.

Advantages and disadvantages of this tool

Among the important advantages of the drug "Fufanon":

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to destroy bedbugs at any stage of development (the product also destroys parasite eggs, creating a poisonous coating on their surface);
  • quick effect (within 24 hours);
  • long-lasting action;
  • economical consumption;
  • reasonable cost;
  • parallel extermination of other insects (fleas, cockroaches, ants, Prussians).

The downside is the ability of this insecticide to cause poisoning in humans or pets. However, proper use of the drug can reduce this possibility to zero.

Reviews about the drug

  1. Asmolov Igor Vasilievich, gardener: “In the spring, before the active release of plant mass, I cultivate the entire garden. I especially carefully treat those plants on which the largest number of parasites were noticed last year. I process fruit bushes, for example, raspberries, first so that the fufanon has time to decompose before the fruit begins to appear. I use 115 ml of undiluted product for the entire garden.”
  2. Marina Bormotova, amateur florist: “Several years ago, my husband and I bought our own apartment. I, as a young housewife, began to create comfort in my new home - I began to grow flowers. Everything was going well until I purchased a gerbera at the local market. The flower withered after two weeks. But the worst began later. The rest of my flowers also began to become covered with strange yellow spots and wither. A neighbor advised treating it with Fufanon. I had to tinker, of course, but the result was worth the effort. Diseased leaves had to be cut off. But the new shoots are already completely clean.”
  3. Alexey from Tolyatti: “I re-read the entire forum. I have never seen any mention of such a drug as fufanon. I have been using it for many years in my garden. Now I had to spray the house too. This is the Danish analogue of karbofos. It has no effect on plants. In any case, I did not notice any side effects. But the pests die in herds. However, it doesn’t work on ants.”
  4. Natik, Yakutsk: “I tried many drugs. I settled on fufanon. The smell, however, is strong and not very pleasant. But I got used to using it together with green soap - it eliminates the smell, and the foam from the soap better envelops the plants. In the spring I process the seedlings that are on the balcony. There used to be hordes of ticks. She waged war on all fronts. Now everything has been clean for three years.”

Scheme for processing strawberries with Fufanon-Nova

The standard schedule involves spraying bushes with malathion 3 times during one growing season:

  1. In the spring, with the beginning of the growing season of strawberry bushes.
  2. When the first buds appear.
  3. Immediately after harvesting.

The first event is carried out to suppress (and partially destroy) the strawberry mite population. The stream of solution must be directed into the “heart” of the bush, to the bases of the leaf petioles. On mite-resistant plantations and healthy young plantings, this treatment can be skipped.

Spraying before and after flowering is aimed mainly at the raspberry-strawberry weevil (biological pesticides do not affect it). Along the way, other harmful insects also die.

Application of malathion to flowering plants and berry ovaries is strictly prohibited!!!

The principle of operation of the product

The action of Fufanon-nova is achieved through the active substance malathion. When a pest enters the body, it turns into malaoxon, which is more active, and is absorbed into the intestinal tissue. The component paralyzes the functioning of organs and causes death. Fufanon is new effective against bedbugs and other synanthropic insects. The drug also has a detrimental effect on the Colorado potato beetle, flies, and causes the death of aphids and spider mites.

After treatment, a thick droplet mist forms over the plants, which is inhaled by insects. The drug is active within 1.5-2 hours after spraying. Complete death of pests occurs after 48 hours. The product remains active with a gradual decrease over 10 days.

On a note! To avoid pests getting used to the drug, you should alternate it with other products.

Why is scale insects dangerous on plants?

Scale insects are a voracious pest. It affects trunks, branches, leaves, shoots, everything that contains sap. It feeds on the juices of plants, and lays eggs in the stems, from which the same voracious larvae emerge. You can find it on apple trees, pears, currants, beets, and any garden, vegetable and indoor crops. By sucking the juice out of them, it provokes withering and death of the plant. Infestation with scale insects can be determined by the presence of scaly tubercles and sticky honeydew on plants, yellowing of leaves and holes in them, bending of branches and drying out of flowers. On indoor plants, the first sign of damage is a sticky coating on the leaves.

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