Get Express (Get Express) remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, skin beetles, 100 ml

Product description

The drug is intended for emergency extermination of insects. After just a few hours, the parasite population is significantly reduced. Due to the microencapsulated form of the active substance, it quickly penetrates the insect’s body, leaving no chance of survival. These same capsules provide a prolonged effect and the ability to destroy pests even after drying. To date, resistance to this insecticide has not been identified in synanthropic organisms, which is why Get Express is often used by professional exterminators.

One bottle of Get Express is enough to kill insects in a one-room apartment

For example, to exterminate cockroaches and bedbugs, 2 liters of working solution are obtained from one bottle of the drug. This amount is quite enough to treat insect hiding places and movements. And to exterminate ants and skin beetles, a bottle of the product must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

In particular, to exterminate bedbugs with a working solution, you need to treat sleeping areas, baseboards throughout the infested room, the back walls of furniture and individual elements of household appliances that may contain bedbug nests. In a one-room apartment, one liter of Get Express working solution will be enough to treat such surfaces.

For each additional room you need to purchase one additional bottle of Get Express.


  • rapid destruction of insects;
  • 100% efficiency;
  • lack of resistance in parasites;
  • does not leave stains or streaks on treated surfaces;
  • economical consumption;
  • affordable price.

Principle of action: the active component of the drug is lambda-cyhalothrin. It is one of the most effective insecticides of the pyrethroid group. Once in the body of an insect, it has an acute nerve-paralytic effect. The death of individuals occurs in the first hours after treatment.

Composition and principle of action

The drug is sold in 100 ml bottles. The pink suspension contains chlorpyrifos. The content of this main toxic component is 5 percent. This substance is located in a microscopic capsule that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The weight of the capsule does not allow it to float in the air. When spraying the drug, millions of capsules settle on the surfaces being treated. Therefore, after treatment, the likelihood of inhaling the drug is reduced to zero. You are allowed to enter the premises within a few minutes.

Principle of action: capsules with the active substance inside stick to the paws of parasites. This is how the toxic substance gets into the nests and places of large concentrations of bedbugs. After some time, the capsule begins to open, releasing the active substance. Once on the body of the parasite, chlorpyrifos blocks nerve impulses, destroys the chitin layer, and paralyzes the bug, which leads to its death.

( Video : “How to get rid of bedbugs using GET”)

Bedbug eggs have a durable shell that reliably protects the embryo from the effects of various drugs. Therefore, re-treatment is recommended in most cases. The unique operating principle of Get allows you to achieve the desired result with just one treatment. When hatching, a new generation of parasites is also exposed to the drug and immediately dies.

Mode of application

The first step is to carry out a general cleaning and find potential pest habitats in the room. For example, if you plan to treat bedbugs, pay special attention to cracks in the floor and walls, the back of furniture and where wallpaper comes off.

To prepare the working solution, prepare a measuring container and mix the required amount of insecticide with water at room temperature:

  • cockroaches, bedbugs, flies (larvae and adults) – 50 ml of product/1 liter of water;
  • fleas, ants, skin beetles – 10 ml of product/50 ml of water.

Next, you should close all windows and doors, take pets and children out of the room. The prepared solution is sprayed on the places where insects hide and are most often seen. The treated object is closed for 3 hours, then ventilated, and surfaces with which household members constantly come into contact are wiped with a damp cloth.

Calculation of the amount of Get Express required to prepare a working suspension for the destruction of synanthropic arthropods:

Group of insects Concentration by DV, % Drug concentration, % Amount of product in working suspension, ml
1 l 5 l 10 l
Cockroaches 0,025 2,5 25 125 250
0,050 5,0 50 250 500
Bed bugs 0,050 5,0 50 250 500
Carpet beetles 0,010 1,0 10 50 100
Ants 0,010 1,0 10 50 100
Fleas 0,010 1,0 10 50 100
Flies, imago 0,025 2,5 25 125 250
Flies, larvae 0,025 2,5 25 125 250
0,050 5,0 50 250 500
Rat ticks 0,025 2,5 25 125 250

The drug is not poisonous for people and pets

The effect of lambda-cyhalothrin on people and domestic animals is much less pronounced than its effectiveness against invertebrates.

There is not a single case of fatal poisoning with drugs based on this substance, either at home or even in agriculture, where it is used in much larger quantities.

There are also no known cases of serious poisoning by Get Express itself. There is not a single documented visit of people to hospitals about feeling unwell after treating the premises with this drug.

At the same time, the appearance of unwanted symptoms when using Get Express is possible. These symptoms may occur when an aerosol of the drug enters the respiratory tract, eyes, skin, or accidental ingestion of the working solution. When they occur, it is enough to take relatively simple measures (go out into fresh air, rinse your skin or eyes with water) for them to end.

However, situations where such consequences develop are very rare.


Use strictly as directed. Treatment of premises should be carried out using personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, protective mask) and only in the absence of children and pets. Drinking, smoking and eating are prohibited during work. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and stomach. Store in a dry, dark and cool place. Do not use after expiration date.

The online store Insects.Net offers you to buy Get Express at the most affordable price.
We cooperate only with official suppliers and can provide appropriate quality certificates for all types of products. Each client can count on a convenient way to pay for their order and only fast delivery to any region of Russia. This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Where to buy and how much does GET anti-bedbug product cost?

Today you can buy the drug Get in almost every hardware store. However, you need to know that the popularity of the product has led to the fact that it is often counterfeited. To avoid purchasing a low-quality analogue, pay attention to some factors:

  • the name of the drug must be written exclusively in capital letters and in English “GET”;
  • the original drug is sold in white opaque bottles. This allows you to protect components from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Bottles are produced exclusively in 100 ml sizes;
  • the lid must be tightly closed. It has a thread. When you open the cap of the original bottle, you will be able to see protective foil on the neck;
  • the actual label is yellow with red elements;
  • pay attention to the expiration date. It should not just be written on paper, but stamped on it;
  • After you open the bottle, examine the contents. The liquid should have a thick consistency and light pink color.

You must be sure of the authenticity of the product. After all, a low-quality fake can be toxic. Its use can lead to disastrous consequences. To buy the original Get product, visit a specialized store. You can also order the drug by visiting the manufacturer’s official website.

When determining the authenticity of a product, you can also pay attention to its cost. Considering all the advantages of Get, the drug cannot be cheap.

On average, the cost of a 100 ml bottle is 800-900 rubles.

This is the main drawback, because not everyone is willing to pay such an amount.

Many people use less expensive but more toxic drugs to solve the problem. If you are offered the Get product “cheaply,” this should definitely alert you. (Ilya, insect repellent sales consultant)

Activities before and after treatment of the premises

Any disinfestation requires preparation of the premises. Before baiting parasites and pests, the following measures are carried out:

  • Wet cleaning. Wipe off all dust, remove cobwebs, wash the floor, vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture. This will help remove possible clutches of eggs, remains of vital activity and the individuals themselves.
  • Heat treatment. Curtains, tulles, curtains, capes, bedding should be removed and washed, boiled or treated with hot steam. To consolidate the result, iron everything with an iron. Subject all items to such disinfestation if they are infected with parasites.
  • Removing unnecessary items. Empty closets and shelves of clothes, books and other things, pack kitchen utensils and food, remove personal hygiene items from the bathroom. Take all this out of the house during processing.
  • Preparing the space. Move furniture adjacent to the walls so that it can be processed from the back.

After disinfestation, you need to perform the following steps:

  • wash used clothes, take a shower;
  • ventilate the room for an hour and do not close it while restoring order;
  • remove the drug from places of possible contact with food and humans, wipe these areas with a damp cloth, and then wash with a solution of soda ash: 50 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Wash areas inaccessible to contact with food only after all pests and parasites have died;
  • Carry out general cleaning in a few days.

Precautionary measures

Despite the manufacturer's claims that Get poison is slightly toxic, when working with the drug you must follow personal safety rules; for this you use:

  • thick protective clothing,
  • respirator,
  • gloves,
  • closed shoes.

It is not recommended to contact the product:

  • people with hypersensitivity to drugs based on Get,
  • nursing mothers,
  • women carrying a child,
  • minors.

In order to prevent the possibility of poisoning, all food in cabinets and pantries should be removed and packaged in sealed containers before spraying. Dishes and children's toys are removed from the kitchen. Fabrics, upholstered furniture, clothing, and personal hygiene products are not treated with the product. At the time of treatment, people and animals must leave the premises.

Application of insecticide in a residential area

Pour the drug solution into a spray bottle and spray the product onto hard surfaces. It is not worth carrying out a total treatment of the apartment. To save the product, it is enough to apply it in places where insects are expected to accumulate, in places of penetration and in rooms with a water source (bathroom, kitchen). It is better to treat areas that may not be cleaned for some time (behind the refrigerator and gas stove, under the sink and bathtub), since wet cleaning will reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Get away from cockroaches

To avoid contact of a child with Gett, you should remove the child from the house before the product dries (for very young children this is 8-10 hours, for older children 5-7 hours is enough). After the liquid has completely dried, you need to wash all the places that the baby’s hands will touch with a soap and soda solution (handrails and backrests of the crib, cabinet handles). The drug Get is not intended for treating children's clothing and toys, therefore, if the instructions and rules for treating an apartment are followed, the drug is safe for children.

When using an insecticide, it is not necessary to ventilate the apartment, since the product is odorless, does not evaporate, and, subject to safety rules for use, does not enter the air or human respiratory tract.

If the instructions are violated and no protective equipment is used when treating the home, then poisoning with the drug is possible.

How confusing is everything here?

As already noted, a heated discussion has developed around the Gett product regarding who is the owner of the trademark, whose website appeared on the network first, and whose product is real and effective, and whose is fake. It is quite difficult to understand all this fuss; we will only describe our vision of the situation; the possibility is actually a different reality.

There is a fairly old website on the Internet called, which positions itself as a distributor of the most effective product under the Gett brand. It is this spelling with two letters “t” at the end of the word that should symbolize the quality of the product. This site also says that the Gett brand is a subsidiary of the huge American chemical concern Dow Chemical, which has been one of the national American manufacturers in the chemical industry for more than a hundred years.

On the Dow Chemical website itself, we did not find any information that the concern has at least some connection to the production of final products for humans, including products for controlling domestic insects. This huge concern with offices around the world is engaged in the production of chemical raw materials for their subsequent use in the production of final consumer goods.

However, this still does not mean anything; it is quite possible that the chemistry, the formula of which is known to Dow Chemical, is used to produce Gett, we just could not find information about it.

As for the site, they do not take responsibility for using the Gett trademark, but only distribute (produce?) a drug called Master 250. This drug is called on the site a complete analogue of Gett.

As for the drug Get, it also has its own website, even a whole regional group of mirrors, where the drug under this name is quite actively distributed. The headquarters of this manufacturer is located in the city of Yekaterinburg, there are representative offices in some major cities of Russia. On the website you can also find dissatisfaction with counterfeits, and, of course, a lot of advertising telling that their product is the best.

What product to purchase is a personal matter for each person. We cannot take responsibility and say which is better - Get, Get, Gett or Master 250. But we can confidently recommend trying both of these in practice in order to understand for yourself which one really helps and which one just doesn’t. fake. However, for some reason it seems that both of these remedies will show good effectiveness. Most likely, all of these products have the same formula, at least with regard to the working insecticidal substance, and everything else is secondary.

How to recognize a fake

When purchasing a pest control product, you can always stumble upon a fake. It may have the same name, but its action and effectiveness will be completely different.

When purchasing, you should consider the following features of the original drug:

  • bottles are available in light colors,
  • the label is painted in corporate yellow and red tones,
  • the date of manufacture must be pressed into the paper,
  • on the neck of the bottle there should be a foil membrane with the logo of the product,
  • The contents of the bottle are light in color and have a slightly perceptible citrus aroma.

It is important to note that the price of a fake may vary. You should not think that high cost is an indicator of authenticity

The original costs around 700-800 rubles. There is no need to overpay, but it is also not recommended to skimp on the safety of your home.

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