How to use the remedy for ants and cockroaches Rubit, its advantages and disadvantages

If cockroaches are causing harm, action should be taken immediately. The remedy for harmful cockroaches Rubit, which is a two-component broad-spectrum insecticide, has proven itself well in this regard. It can be purchased for only 25-35 rubles. and get rid of cockroaches and ants, reduce the concentration of flies in the apartment by applying an invisible gel to the surface of the furniture.

When insects invade a home, it creates great inconvenience: parasites climb on the floor, furniture, walls, leaving excrement and stains on them, which is especially true for cockroaches. The owners of the living space have to immediately take action and destroy them in order to preserve the beauty of the home and comfort. One of the most common insect repellents is Rubit. It is made from high quality insecticides and is available in several forms.

Rubit: release forms

Rubit is a high-quality product that resists cockroaches, ants, bedbugs and other insects. On store shelves you can find Rubit in the form of dust (powder) and gel.

The powder is sold in blue packaging (the full name of the product is Domchist Rubit), but it is rarely purchased, because it is less effective.

Cockroach repellent Rubit in gel form is a powerful insecticide against cockroaches. Full name: Rubit Zidane. The product is poured into a syringe, making its use much more convenient. On sale, Rubit gel is found in containers of 15 or 30 g.

Gel: features, principle of action

The cockroach repellent Rubit, presented in the form of a gel, is popular among consumers as it is more effective and convenient to use. The result after its use depends on the degree of infection of the apartment or house. The active substance, malathion, has a detrimental effect on domestic cockroaches. They die within a few hours, after paralysis of their body occurs. Living insects that feed on excrement and particles of the shell of dead fellows also die over time. Advantages of Rubit in gel form:

  1. Ease of use. The substance is easily squeezed out of the tube; due to the existing spout, it can be used to treat bottlenecks.
  2. Has no smell. But, unlike humans, Prussians feel it thanks to the attractants it contains.
  3. Long lasting. The destruction of cockroaches is carried out within 14-49 days. The components included in the composition are resistant to sunlight, but are destroyed in alkaline and acidic environments, at high temperatures.
  4. Economical consumption.
  5. The anti-cockroach gel is colorless and is not visible on surfaces.
  6. The drug is moderately toxic. It is not dangerous to humans or pets.


Available in a syringe with a capacity of 15, 25, 30 g. The composition contains chocolate, natural honey, which has an aroma that attracts pests. There are no stains left when working with it. Shelf life – 3 years. Fully effective after opening for 12 months.

When treating premises with Rubit gel, you should strictly adhere to the instructions that come with the package:

  1. Apply the product to furniture (back side), along baseboards, behind the refrigerator, on shelves, cabinets by drops, maintaining a distance of 20 to 50 cm.
  2. When placing poison on the floor, it is advisable to use thick paper.
  3. If there is a large concentration of cockroaches, it is recommended to reduce the distance between drops.
  4. There should be no children or pets in the treated areas.
  5. When working with Rubit, use gloves.
  6. Food and utensils should be carefully closed.


  • Dohlox;
  • A great warrior;
  • Raptor;
  • Proshka Brownie.

Safety of use

Any of the products has proven itself well on the market: it quickly eliminates parasites, does not require special knowledge for use and does not leave marks on the treated surfaces. It's also odorless, meaning people don't have to wear protective suits, respirators or gloves, making Rubit easy to use and inexpensive.

The manufacturer emphasizes that the product must be kept out of the reach of children and ensure that children do not come into contact with the poison.

Preparation for spraying potatoes

The Colorado potato beetle is a pest that has been fought for many decades. Various means are tried, but the beetles very quickly get used to the drugs, so they have to be constantly changed. For this purpose, new drugs are constantly being developed. Among them is Rubit Muson .

This is a liquid concentrate made from imidacloprid. Thanks to this substance, Rubit Muson remains on the tops for a long time, is slowly washed off by rain and is not destroyed by the rays of the sun.

To exterminate Colorado potato beetles over an area of ​​about 100 m², you only need 1 ml of concentrate. It is diluted in 5 liters of water and sprayed on plants. Within a day the beetles will die.

Important ! The drug is quite harmful to people, so before use it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and follow its recommendations.

Components and properties of the gel

The cockroach syringe Rubit contains 2 highly effective insecticidal components that ensure high-quality destruction of domestic insects. The use of two toxic substances simultaneously reduces the resistance of parasites to the components of the gel and improves the quality of baiting cockroaches.

  1. 0.5% imidacloprid, which is part of the group of neonicotinoids, is not inferior in its properties to pyrethroids and organophosphorus compounds. As a result of exposure to the insect’s body, the substance affects its nervous and digestive systems, and the parasite dies paralyzed. Additionally, the product destroys the structure of the limbs, provokes the appearance of ulcers and injury to the skin of the insect as a result of its contact with the poison. This component is not addictive to parasites and can affect them for up to 1 month. It can be used wherever it is required - in enterprises, in the country house, in the garden and in the yard.
  2. 0.25% chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate component. It affects the integrity of the skin of insects and poisons due to entry into the digestive system. However, this component has a slightly different principle of operation. It disrupts the passage of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis of the insect. The effect of the substance lasts for 2 months, but with prolonged use the parasites may get used to it, and further use will be ineffective.

The gel syringe is the best product from the Rubit brand - it contains stabilizers and additives that give the poison a chocolate smell. Typically, cockroaches and ants feed on waste, but if the opportunity arises to eat human food, including sweets, they will not refuse it, which makes insect gel attractive and destructive at the same time.

Rubit Cypermethrin: composition, instructions for use

To quickly get rid of crawling insects in the house, Rubit Cypermethrin solution will help. The concentrate is sold in 100 ml containers. It is suitable for indoors, basements and open space. The action of the drug is based on the penetration of the active substance – cypermethrin into the pest’s body, which slows down the functioning of nerve endings, leading to paralysis and death of insects. Advantages of the solution:

  • resistance to temperature, UV rays;
  • does not cause addiction in cockroaches;
  • economical consumption;
  • acceptable cost.

The disadvantage of the concentrate is the need to prepare a working solution.


On a note!

The active substance is toxic, but does not harm humans when used correctly.

According to the instructions, you should prepare a solution. To do this, prepare a container with 1.5 liters of water, add 25 ml of concentrated liquid to it, mix well and pour into a spray bottle. Certain requirements must be adhered to when processing premises:

  • use protective equipment: rubber gloves, respirator, goggles, protective suit;
  • close windows and doors, carefully treat corners and doors;
  • ventilate and begin cleaning 2 hours after treatment.

It is recommended to take food and clothing out or hide it in locked cabinets. The clothes are taken outside and sprayed at a distance of 25 cm. They should remain hanging on the clothesline for airing for an hour.


  • Get;
  • Forsyth;
  • Cypermethrin.

Application area

Rubit performs well when used both indoors and outdoors. However, on the street, the odor released by the gel becomes less concentrated, which makes the product weaker and requires frequent renewal.

Rubit is used:

  • in a private house;
  • cellar, barn;
  • in the country;
  • in the apartment;
  • in the garden and vegetable garden.

Commercial enterprises do not use this product: syringes with gel have a small volume and allow you to treat no more than 30 m2, provided the degree of contamination of the room is low. Consequently, 15 or 30 g containers are not enough to handle 200-300 m2 of production, making the use of Rubit in any form inconvenient for commercial enterprises.

Weed control agent

Herbicide Rubit Sangli is considered a real achievement of modern chemistry. It effectively destroys weeds without harming crop plants. The drug can even defeat such weeds as sow thistle, wheatgrass, bindweed, which are almost impossible to mechanically remove from gardens and fields.

Rubit Sangli is applied to the soil in dry, warm weather 3-4 days before planting cultivated plants. After 14 days, you can observe how the weeds begin to turn yellow and die. If you use the drug correctly and follow the instructions, it will not harm people, birds, or representatives of the animal world.

Mechanism of action

The substances that make up Rubit have approximately the same properties, so they block nerve impulses, which leads the parasite to paralysis, incapacity and loss of nutritional and respiratory abilities, resulting in death. The active components of the product complement each other, thereby enhancing its effectiveness.

Gel and liquid

The gel is easy to use. You will need to treat the places where parasites appear most often (household appliances, floors, window sills), leaving drops from a syringe on them. The insects will smell the chocolate and rush to the poison, which will remain on their paws and begin to injure the skin. When parasites try to cleanse themselves from the source of irritation, the gel will enter the digestive tract, which will lead to severe poisoning and death of the insect.

The liquid is made from the same components, but it should be used when washing floors and other contaminated areas. Then the cockroaches will begin to come into contact with the poison more often, which will lead to their mass death and increased effectiveness of the gel.


The powder affects insects in much the same way as the gel, but it is less convenient to use and is dangerous for humans. This type of poison has no odor and therefore does not attract insects. It is used in places where parasites accumulate (behind the bathtub, baseboards), falling asleep in large quantities: the powder sticks to the paws and is spread by insects throughout the nest.

The peculiarity of the product is that it needs to be scattered in large quantities, even on the floor. Considering that when walking, powder particles will begin to rise into the air, this can cause poisoning for apartment residents. It is rational to use this type of insecticide when the whole family goes on vacation.

Universal insect repellent

If you need to protect crops, ornamental plants and fruit trees, purchase the drug “Rubit 58”. It is highly effective and quickly destroys the following pests:

  • ticks;
  • aphids;
  • codling moth;
  • silkworm, leaf beetle;
  • moth, leaf roller;
  • raspberry beetle, bud moth, weevil;
  • cabbage moth, cutworm and many other insects.

"Rubit 58" is produced in blister packs containing 5 ml ampoules. The main substance is malathion.

  1. To prepare a solution for killing insects on vegetables, fill the syringe with the contents of the ampoule and pour it into 5 liters of water, stir thoroughly.
  2. Treat the plants early in the morning. Gently moisten both sides of the leaves with the liquid, being careful not to apply the product to neighboring crops.
  3. In order for Rubit 58 to be fully effective, rain should not be allowed to fall on the tops for 6 hours after spraying.

In open ground, crops should be processed no more than 2 times a season. Harvesting can begin no earlier than 3 weeks after the last contact of the leaves with the poison.

Each large fruit tree and grape bush is sprayed with 5 liters of water, in which 5 ml of the drug is diluted. For shrubs and decorative roses, 1.5 liters of solution per 100 m² is enough. For melons and melons, the Rubit 58 ampoule is diluted in 5 liters of liquid. It processes an area of ​​100 m².

Advantages and disadvantages

Rubit has been used by people against cockroaches and ants for many years, so many people know about its effectiveness. The product can be used in cases of strong and weak contamination of the room. It will destroy the parasites, but if there is a large influx of them, you will need to spend a lot of money. Other benefits of Rubit include the following.

  1. Ease of use and safety. The product is easily squeezed out of the syringe and reaches hard-to-reach places (thanks to the narrow, long spout), does not stain your hands, which ensures safety during use. The gel does not rise into the air, which reduces the likelihood of poisoning the apartment owners.
  2. Has no smell. The attractants that make up the gel are inaccessible to the human sense of smell, but are concentrated for insects, so a person will not feel the smell, but insects will sense it from a distance.
  3. It works for a long time. The gel-like structure allows the product to retain its properties for a long time, as a result of which insecticides continue to act for 1.5 months.
  4. It is cheap and is consumed slowly.
  5. It is colorless, odorless and unobtrusive; processing requires a small amount of gel with a colorless structure.
  6. Does not attract pets.

However, this method also has disadvantages.

  1. The gel is a sticky and viscous substance, which makes it difficult to remove the product from furniture surfaces. It is recommended to apply it not to the furniture itself, but to small pieces of paper that can be thrown into the trash.
  2. Chlorpyrifos, which is part of the substance, is addictive to cockroaches, so it is not recommended to use the product for more than 2 months.

Pros and cons of Rubit powder

Rubit powder, also called “Dust”, has many more disadvantages than gel:

  • particles can circulate in the air;
  • the powder is difficult to remove after the bullying is over;
  • in places where it cannot be removed, it will remain forever;
  • the possibility of processing vertical surfaces is excluded, since the powder does not have a sticky structure.

The advantages include:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of use - you just need to sprinkle the dust on horizontal surfaces.

To treat vertical surfaces, it is customary to use the powder in combination with a gel (preferably from a different company) or dilute it with water and wash the walls. Then there will be no places left for insects where they would not come into contact with poison, leading to their death.

Rubit Zafizan against all flying and crawling pests 100ml

The insectoacaricidal agent Zafizan (Zafizan) will destroy iscod ticks, adults and larvae of flies, mosquitoes, fleas, as well as a wide range of species of synatropic arthropods. It is an emulsion concentrate, a transparent mobile liquid of light brown color.


Cypermethrin 20%, chlorpyrifos 5%, excipients and solvent up to 100%.


The product has an acute insecticidal effect against a wide range of synanthropic arthropod species. The duration of the residual effect depends on the type of target arthropod, the concentration and application rate, the type of surface being treated, and the general sanitary condition of the object. The effectiveness of the product also depends on the level of sensitivity to cypermethrin of arthropod populations on the treated objects: in the presence of populations resistant to pyrethroids, the activity of the product may be reduced.

In terms of acute toxicity parameters, when administered into the stomach, it belongs to class 3 of moderately hazardous substances; when applied to the skin, it belongs to class 4 of slightly hazardous substances, according to GOST 12.1.007-76. According to the degree of volatility, the product belongs to hazard class 2 according to the Classification of Chemical Substances by degree of volatility. The product has a pronounced irritating effect when applied once to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes; a weak sensitizing effect was detected.

Working concentration 0.1% w.e. (according to DV) according to the parameters of acute toxicity when introduced into the stomach, it belongs to class 4 of low-hazardous substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76, causes a slight irritant effect when applied once to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. When exposed to inhalation in the zone of acute biocidal effect, aerosols of 0.1% w.e. belong to hazard class 2, in the zone of subacute biocidal effect to class 3 moderately dangerous in accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents.

The following standards have been established for cypermethrin: MPCv.r.z. 0.5 mg/m3 (aerosol + vapor, class 2); MPCv.r.z 0.04 /0.01 mg/m3.

For chlorpyrifos: OBUVv.r.z. 0.3 mg/m3 (aerosol + vapor), MPCat.n.m. 0.0002 mg/m3 (aerosol) for use.


For the destruction of flightless arthropods (cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, leather beetles, crickets, rat mites, spiders, silverfish, wood lice, etc.) in objects of various categories: residential, non-residential, industrial, utility and basement premises; at public utility facilities (hotels, hostels, sports complexes); at food industry enterprises, catering establishments, shops (on sanitary days); in children's (except bedrooms and playrooms) and medical (except hospital wards) organizations in the absence of adults and children; at railway and metro facilities. Scope of application: personnel of organizations engaged in disinfection activities


Working aqueous emulsions (w.e.) are prepared immediately before use. To do this, mix the product with tap or filtered water from nearby bodies of water, stirring constantly and evenly for 5 minutes. The finished emulsion should be used within 8 hours.

To apply the product, large-droplet spraying equipment of various types is used, designed to spray solutions and emulsions of insecticides over surfaces. The main condition is to ensure uniform coverage of the entire treated surface with the working emulsion.

The instructions for use provide a calculation of the amount of product required for the preparation of working emulsions, depending on the target insect species.

Destruction of cockroaches. Use 0.1% (based on the sum of DV) (at a low number of insects - 0.05% RE) at a consumption rate of 50 ml/m2 on non-absorbent surfaces and 100 ml/m2 on absorbent surfaces.

Destruction of bed bugs. Use 0.05-0.1% (total DV) aqueous emulsion at a consumption rate of 50 ml/m2 on a non-absorbent surface and 100 ml/m2 on an absorbent surface. If the premises are sparsely populated with bed bugs, only their habitats are treated (beds, sofas, the back side of bed carpets, etc.); in case of a large population, the habitats and possible settlements are treated (cracks along baseboards, borders, places where wallpaper comes off, around door and window openings , ventilation grilles, cracks in the walls of furniture, carpets and paintings on the back side, dry plaster when covering walls with it). Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

Destruction of ants. To combat working individuals of red house ants and other species of ants that often penetrate premises, use a 0.05% (DV) working aqueous emulsion at a consumption rate of 50-100 ml/m2. Surfaces are treated along the paths of movement of insects, in places where they accumulate. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications.

Destruction of rat mites. Use 0.1% (DV) aqueous emulsion at a consumption rate of 50-100 ml/m2. Irrigate the places where rodents enter and move indoors - manholes, pipes of various communications, baseboards, walls and floors along them, as well as places where ticks may accumulate - heated areas of walls and floors near heating devices and heating communications, the lower part of furniture, work tables, which processed entirely, including the boxes inside them (from the outside). If there are false coverings behind which rodents can move, the ceiling and walls must also be treated. First of all, decontamination of premises infested with ticks is carried out, then (no later than 3 days) - deratization.

Destruction of skin beetles, crickets, spiders, silverfish, woodlice, etc. Use 0.05-0.1% (DV) aqueous emulsion at a consumption rate of 50-100 ml/m2. Irrigate the habitats and movements of arthropods: skin beetles - baseboards around the perimeter of rooms, under cabinets, joints of shelves in wardrobes (using a brush), window sills; crickets - wet places (oviposition sites) in basements and technical rooms, along baseboards; spiders - corners of rooms, under furniture; silverfish and woodlice - wet places in basements and technical rooms (bathrooms and toilet rooms, boiler rooms).


Before starting work, the exterminator provides instructions on safety precautions and first aid measures. Those working with the product must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eating, drinking and smoking is prohibited at work sites.

After work, the rubber face parts of the respirator must be thoroughly washed with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or soap, then with clean water and dried.

After completing work at the site, it is necessary to wash your hands, face and other exposed areas of the body that may have been splashed with emulsion. After finishing the treatments, take a shower.

Workwear is washed as it gets dirty, but at least once a week in a hot soda solution (50 g of soda ash per bucket of water). Personal protective equipment is stored in separate lockers in non-residential premises.


Storage in warehouses specially designed for this purpose, protecting the product from light and heat, in tightly closed containers, at a distance of at least 3 meters from heating devices, separately from food products, medicines and animal feed at temperatures from minus 10 ° C to plus 35°C. Shelf life: 5 years.


The product is packaged in 100 ml polymer bottles.

How to use Rubit powder

The instructions for using powder Rubit state that the treatment of the room should be carried out with protective gloves and a respirator (a gauze bandage that protects the respiratory system).

Before using the powder, you will need to clear access to places where insects live.

  1. Pull furniture away from the walls to treat baseboards and back panels of furniture.
  2. Remove food items from the premises or hide them in the refrigerator.
  3. Clean the living space and remove cockroach excrement, old dirt and fat deposits, garbage, crumbs.
  4. Repair plumbing and piping.
  5. Wash and disinfect the bucket so that it does not attract cockroaches.
  6. Close the aquarium with a lid and turn off the compressor.

You need to sprinkle the powder throughout the house or places where insects run most often. It is recommended to place bait next to the dust so that parasites are more willing to come to the poison.

You should buy more powder to dilute it with water and wash the floor, walls, and plumbing fixtures - this will increase the effectiveness of powder Rubit.

What other products are there from the Rubit brand?

When wasps have settled in your dacha and there are a lot of flies flying around, use a special preparation designed to kill these insects. It is available in granules consisting of methomyl, bitrex, imidacloprid and cystricosene.

The bait is poured 3-4 g onto plastic plates, moistened with a few drops of water and placed in places where wasps and flies accumulate. They are attracted to the product, they sit on the wet granules, eat them and die.

“Zindan” helps against ants and cockroaches. This is a syringe filled with gel, released by . The drug is applied in small drops at a distance of 4 cm in those places where there are many cockroaches. If the gel has hardened and is difficult to squeeze out, warm the syringe in warm water to make the poison more liquid.

Droplets of the gel fatally infect ants and ants, and they completely disappear from the apartment. The gel is easily washed off with a damp soft cloth and costs about 25 rubles.

Rules for treating a room with Rubit gel

If a gel form of the product is used to disinfect a house from cockroaches, you should carry out a general cleaning and prepare the living space. You need to place the poison:

  • near the water source, including the bathroom and under the sink;
  • near the trash can;
  • inside drawers and on shelves;
  • along the baseboards (dotted lines up to 10 cm long);
  • on the back panels of furniture and electrical equipment;
  • on the table, windowsill.

Gel Rubit does not require the use of protective equipment when processing living space, so it is not necessary to buy a respirator or gloves - just wash your hands with soap. Homeowners do not need to ventilate the premises or protect aquariums - the gel is not volatile and will not harm pets or humans.

Rubit reviews

The drug is very good. With his help, we got rid of cockroaches in the house in a few days. It is important to correctly follow the instructions and rules - to work in protective equipment.

Anna, Kursk

Despite the fact that Rubit is quite toxic, it helped me a lot, and I quickly got rid of the Prussians in the apartment. I used the gel. I did everything according to the instructions.

Olga, Voronezh

I don’t have cockroaches, but the Prussians are creeping in from my neighbors. Therefore, I decided to buy Rubit chalk and, for preventive purposes, I treated the apartment. I drew chalk stripes near the front door so that parasites could not get in from the neighbors, and even treated it on the balcony.

Svetlana, Tula

Rubit is an effective tool, as confirmed by numerous positive user reviews. The gel containing additional “tasty” additives in the form of chocolate has proven itself especially well - a bait to which cockroaches respond with pleasure.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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