Leopard drops for cats: side effects, composition, price + reviews from veterinarians about drops against fleas and ticks

A simple way to treat a dog against ectoparasites is to use drops on the withers. The domestic product from Agro Vet Protection - Bars drops for dogs differs from imported analogues in its low cost and wide spectrum of action. Bars drops for puppies from two months and adult dogs are produced in the form of an oily liquid without color, but with a faint odor. The product is packaged in disposable plastic bottles with a pipette.

The drug contains the following active substances:

  • fipronil at a dosage of 50 mg per 1 ml;
  • dicarboximide at a dosage of 5 mg per 1 ml;
  • diflubenzuron 1 mg per 1 ml.

It also contains other auxiliary components.

The medication is used for treatment and as a regular prophylaxis against lice, fleas, lice, ticks, otodectosis and other external parasites.

Storage is carried out separately from food in a dark place inaccessible to animals and children, at a permissible temperature of 0 to + 30 degrees. Unopened drops are stored for up to 2 years, opened in a cold place for no longer than 1 day.


“Bars” is sold in the form of a yellowish solution with a viscous consistency and a specific aroma. One pack contains 3-4 pipettes. The volume of each of them is no more than 1.4 ml. In the drug intended for cats, the main active ingredient is fipronil. Its effect is enhanced by diflubenzuron and dicarboximide.

Additional ingredients include polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone and isopropyl alcohol. The manufacturer indicates the date of manufacture of the medicine on the packaging. Shelf life is 2 years. The drops should be stored in a place inaccessible to children and pets.


Drops against fleas and ticks "Bars" belong to the latest generation of drugs for the treatment of arachnoenthomosis. You can list the key advantages of this tool.

  • Complex action.
    The drug contains fipronil, diflubenzuron and dicarboximide. These substances have a combined, mutually reinforcing effect on ticks, fleas, lice, and lice at all stages of development of these parasites. This complex action allows you to fight several parasitic diseases that are often present in animals at the same time.
  • High safety profile.
    The active ingredients of the drug are selected in such a way that they enhance the effect of each other. Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain a product that, with a minimum dose of each component, has a maximum therapeutic and preventive effect. This means that the drug is low-toxic and, when used correctly, is completely safe for animal health.
  • Long lasting effect
    . As a prophylactic agent that protects your pet from fleas and ticks, Bars drops are effective for 1–2 months. This is especially important in the spring, when ixodid ticks are most active in nature, causing severe infectious and invasive diseases in dogs.
  • Dosing accuracy.
    The drops are produced in pipettes, which are designed for a certain body weight of the pet. This makes it easy to select the desired volume of the drug and accurately measure it when applied to the withers.

Effect of the drug

Fipronil is an insecticide that has a destructive effect on the nervous system of pests. It blocks the functioning of nerve impulses. Paralysis occurs, resulting in the death of insects.

  • Diflubenzuron slows down vital processes in the parasite's body, dicarboximide activates the insecticide.
  • The drops easily penetrate the sebaceous glands, epidermis and hair follicles.
  • It is impossible to detect the drug in the blood when taking a standard set of tests; it does not enter the blood.

Drops penetrate the body when biting the skin. Contrary to popular belief, pests do not die immediately. At least 7 hours must pass from the moment the composition is applied. "Leopard" destroys not only adults, but also larvae. The duration of the beneficial effect of the drug is due to the fact that it is not washed off with water.

It is important to know

In order for treatment and prevention of external parasite infestations to be truly effective and safe, it is important to take several factors into account.

Pet age

. Bars drops should not be used on puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age. But treating young and adult animals whose weight does not reach 2 kg with such drugs is also contraindicated.

Health status

. Drops should not be used for the treatment and prevention of external parasites in dogs and cats with therapeutic or infectious diseases in the acute stage. The same applies to pets recovering from illness or surgery, animals with physical exhaustion and dogs/cats that are weakened due to very old age.

Pet's "status"

. Treatment should not be carried out on pregnant or lactating females. But it is possible and necessary to carry out such treatment before mating - this will protect both your pet and its offspring from infection by parasites and diseases that they carry.

Indications for use

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of cats of different ages. The manufacturer's line includes drops for adult pets and children. The last one must be more than 10 weeks old.

The condition of the animal can be assessed by observing it. Animals that suffer from ticks and fleas are restless. They wash themselves more often than usual, constantly scratch themselves and shake their heads. Traces of vital activity of parasites are found on the fur and undercoat.

Discomfort is not the only problem that parasites can cause. The use of Bars drops for cats is often due to:

  • Anemia;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Neurosis;
  • Paralysis;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Otodectosis (ear scabies).

Insects often become carriers of these diseases. In their advanced form, they can be fatal. Prevention is required for all pets going outside.

“Bars” eye drops for cats treat and prevent keratitis, blepharitis and conjunctivitis.

How to use the drug correctly

How Bars drops work and whether they can fully protect an animal from parasites largely depends on whether they are applied correctly.

It is important to follow the recommendations.

Place of application

. The drug should be dripped onto the neck: from the base of the skull to the area between the shoulder blades. Bars drops should be applied at several points; you cannot use the entire required dose for use on one area of ​​the skin. It is important that the areas where the drug is located are inaccessible to the pet for licking. Do not apply drops to damaged skin.

Bars drops are used, among other things, to treat otodectosis. In this case, the drug is instilled into the external auditory canal, after which the ears are massaged to evenly distribute the product over the surface of the skin. When otodectosis occurs, both ears need to be treated, even if signs of the disease are present on only one side.

Application method

. The drug needs to be dripped onto the skin, and not onto the fur - this is important. You should separate the hair on selected areas of the animal’s body and apply drops to the exposed skin. For long-haired dogs, you can part it and squeeze the product onto the exposed skin. There is no need to rub the drug or carry out other manipulations.

When treating otodectosis, after instilling drops, the edges of the ears are connected and massaged at the base.

The period before and after.

Three days before applying the drops to the withers and three days after, you should not bathe your dog or cat. The fact is that soap or shampoo washes away the fatty lubricant of the hair. This will disrupt the process of spreading the drug over the skin and greatly reduce the effectiveness of the product. Therefore, during the “waiting” period, it is better to choose clean places to walk the dog or limit its activity to avoid the need for bathing. Also, do not apply the drug to wet skin or walk your dog in the rain immediately after application.

Handling multiple animals

. It is not advisable to apply Barca against fleas to several animals from one pipette. You will not be able to control the accuracy of product consumption. It is better to buy two ampoules-pipettes of the recommended volume than one large one for two. After application, animals must be isolated from each other for a day. This is especially important if your dogs or cats are friendly and may lick each other. After the drug has been absorbed into the skin, you can safely “reunite” your pets. Also, these restrictions must be observed for close contacts with the pet - do not pet them for 24 hours and do not allow children to do this.

Regularity of processing

. It is recommended to apply Bars drops no more than once every 4 weeks. During this time, the pet is reliably protected from external parasites and ixodid ticks.


. Drops must be applied exactly according to the instructions. One pipette with the smallest dose contains 1.4 ml of the drug, this is enough to treat an animal weighing from 2 to 10 kg.

For dogs weighing 10–20 kg, the dose should be doubled. For pets weighing 20–30 kg, you need to use 4.8 ml of drops, and over 30 kg – from 5 to 10 ml, depending on how much the dog’s weight exceeds 30 kg.

But in all cases, if you have questions or doubts, it is best to seek advice from a veterinarian. The specialist will select the correct dosage in exact accordance with the animal’s body weight and give additional recommendations if there is an objective need for them.


When calculating a single dose, you should focus on the weight and age of the pet. One Barsa pipette, which contains 1 ml of the drug, is enough to treat an adult animal weighing more than 3 kg. Cats with lower body weight are treated according to the standards indicated in the table.

Drops "Bars"
Animal weight (kg) Number of drops
Up to 110
1-3 20
Drops "Bars-Forte" for kittens
Animal weight (kg) Number of pipettes
Up to 11
More than 1 2

The pet must be weighed before treatment. Otherwise, the dosage will be calculated incorrectly. If one procedure was not enough, a second one can be performed only after 30 days.

Animals living in the same household should be treated at the same time. Otherwise, the effect from Barca will be minimal and short-lived.

Preventative treatments should be done regularly (once every 2.5 months). It is strictly forbidden to use Bars drops for dogs to treat cats. This drug contains another active ingredient. It can harm your furry pet.

Important! Three days before applying the drops, the cat must be bathed. Her coat should be dry and clean during the procedure.

Flea treatment follows a fairly simple algorithm:

  1. Fix the pet in the desired position.
  2. Carefully remove the hair from the selected area (upper back, withers).
  3. The drug is applied.

The cat may be harmed if the droplets get ingested. It is necessary to ensure that she does not lick off the applied composition.

  • The pet must remain under supervision for 6 hours.
  • He should not be bathed for the next 3-4 days.
  • Care products will have to be abandoned until the animal has fully recovered.

If the owner finds a tick on a cat, you need to drop Barsom on the insect and wait a little. After about 20-30 minutes the tick will fall off. When otodectosis occurs, not only the withers, but also the ears are treated with the composition.

When applying the drug, we must not forget about safety precautions. Hands must be sterile. If the medicine gets on the mucous membranes, they should be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Instructions for use of Bars drops

Treatment against external parasites and ticks is carried out a week before seasonal vaccination or twice a year. For therapeutic purposes, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 10–14 days. During the first treatment, adult individuals are destroyed, and after 10 days, young ones that hatch from the remaining eggs. The duration of action of the drug is up to three months.

Using a plastic pipette, the drug is applied to the animal’s skin and spreads evenly throughout the body. The drug is not absorbed into the skin and does not enter the pet’s blood, but accumulates in the pores.

The instructions for Bars for dogs recommend the following application of the drug:

  • the most inaccessible area for licking is selected on the dog’s withers;
  • the fur and undercoat move apart;
  • Apply Bars onto the skin in droplets in several places.

For the first few hours, you should ensure that the animal does not lick itself. The likelihood of poisoning is especially high when several animals are treated at once in one house. Dogs can lick each other.

For otodectosis, drops are instilled into each ear of the animal in the following steps:

  • the dog's ears are cleaned of wax, dirt and mucus;
  • the required dosage is instilled into each ear;
  • The ears are folded and with massage movements the drug is evenly distributed over the inside of the shell.

After instillation into the ears, it is important to ensure that the dog does not shake its head for 15–20 minutes. To do this, the animal is distracted by a treat or stroking.

Side effects and contraindications

If the owner follows the veterinarian's instructions and the recommendations listed in the instructions for use, the pet will not feel discomfort.

The risk of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is minimal. This is confirmed by reviews of Bars drops for cats.

The presence of individual intolerance to the composition is indicated by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Skin irritation;
  • Tremor of the limbs;
  • lacrimation;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Nausea and vomiting.

In this case, the animal should be bathed. If his health does not improve, he will have to consult a specialist.

The list of contraindications is quite extensive:

  • Last month of pregnancy;
  • Serious damage to the skin;
  • Lactation period;
  • Allergy to components of the composition;
  • Age up to 2 months;
  • Weakened immunity.

The price of Bars drops for cats varies from 120 to 150 rubles per package. It usually lasts for a season. “Bars-Forte” for kittens is a little more expensive (from 250 rubles). The drugs from this line are not only affordable, but also highly effective. With their help you can protect your pets from various parasites.

Flea drops for cats "Bars" - reviews


I’m writing a review and crying, because from the drops of Bars we buried him. Poisoning has occurred.


This is your leopard. And drops and collar. TICKS calmly crawl under the collar and bite into it. This is the second year I’ve been suffering with this leopard and the drops don’t help either. They apparently take advantage of the fact that they can make bullshit for cats




  • No


  • dangerous for the animal
  • cause poisoning
  • ineffective against fleas

I had to use flea drops for my two pets. How I cursed myself for it later! One of the cats (a rare and expensive breed for Russia) received severe poisoning and had to seek the help of a veterinarian. I applied it as usual, placing only one drop (I shudder to think what could have happened if I poured out the entire pipette according to the instructions!) on the withers, so that the cat could not lick it off. The reaction to the drops developed within an hour and I had to rush to the veterinary clinic. I would really not recommend Bars drops for your pets. The effectiveness is practically zero, the fleas disappeared only for a day, and the risk of losing an expensive and beloved animal is very high.

Rina Rain



  • Not detected


  • Baldness at the treatment site.
  • Dangerous for animals

Now it’s my turn to write a few words about this product. I am very jealous of those whose furry pets were not harmed by these drops, and, well, at least everyone would be so lucky. We bought a package of drops to treat the cat, carefully read the instructions and used a pipette to treat it according to all the rules. Everything seemed to be going great, but 3 days passed, and a bald spot appeared at the treatment site. They took him to the local veterinarian. He gave advice not to use this remedy anymore, put on an IV and prescribed treatment. He said that it was because of Barça that the baldness appeared. Be careful when using this product, and think more than once before buying it for your pet. Be healthy))

Natalia Sezemina


Despite the fact that we only recently got our cat, as it turned out over time, she came to us with the residents on her person. I didn’t discover them right away. And then one day I realized that they had tortured her and it was time to save the pet.

The veterinarian at the nearest veterinary pharmacy offered three products to choose from. As a result, I bought Bars drops for kittens. I saw various awards on the packaging, such as choice of the year, etc. To be honest, this influenced my decision. Since the veterinarian did not give any advice.

I treated the cat as indicated in the instructions for the drug. She is still less than 5 kg, and therefore used one pipette. To be on the safe side, I additionally watched a video on the Internet, since this was my first time doing this.

Poor thing, what happened to her that day. She was all itchy. Not a moment of peace. Even with the naked eye it was clear that they were running around like crazy. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. The next day she was already calmer, but there were still living creatures on her.

As for whether Bars drops help or not for kittens? Definitely YES!!! But the result is not 100%. Sadly. A week has already passed, and things are still there (Not in such quantities, but everyone knows this - it’s not a tricky thing. Therefore, I plan, as written in the instructions for the drops, if there is a need to repeat the procedure in a month (still there, just in case it is written that once should be enough).




  • low price
  • convenient dropper pipettes
  • ease of application


  • ineffective remedy
  • overdose is possible

At the age of approximately 3-4 months, our cat developed fleas (although she did not even go outside), so it was necessary to urgently treat the animal infected with parasites and remove it from its thick fur.

At the veterinary clinic we were advised to purchase insectoacaricidal drops Bars from a domestic manufacturer.

Fortunately, they are inexpensive, especially in pet stores, cheaper than at the vet. hospitals.

The cat was dripped according to the instructions attached to the drug, applying Bars drops from a pipette along the line of the spine between the shoulder blades, so our pet went through this for several days, but no visible result was identified.

The fleas did not disappear or die, but multiplied even more on the animal, as evidenced by a huge number of white clutches with their eggs in the cat’s fur.

They dripped it again, as a result, the animal passed, or rather lay there, lethargic for two days, it turns out that an overdose from Bars flea drops is possible.

Thus, the cats did not risk their lives and refused this drug.

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When you are faced with trouble, you begin to intensively look for measures to protect yourself from adversity. Such a disaster was the infestation of one of my pets with a tick. After that, I started looking for drops that could protect my cat and dog pack from ticks. The most unsuccessful experience in selecting the drug was the drops on the withers of Leopard. I will say that this was the first drug that we tried, it’s good that I did not lose faith that it was possible to find an effective remedy and continued my search. At first, I was glad that the drops on the withers were very convenient to use; the drug was really quickly absorbed, despite the oiliness and stickiness. That's where the joy ended. For an elderly cat, they turned out to be very toxic; for several days after applying the drops, he was lethargic and slept all the time. Well, the saddest thing was that the drug was completely ineffective against ticks, I was convinced of this by finding parasites on three out of five cats. Therefore, we never returned to using Bars Forte drops.



The drops did not help - the fleas returned almost immediately. I won't save anymore...

When the time came for the next prevention of fleas and worms in my cats, the favorite insecticide Inspector Total K, unfortunately, was not in the store, and the consultant offered to buy domestic “Bars” drops.

I admit, I didn’t have any confidence in them; I had a bad experience with using them many years ago, but the consultant and the seller assured me that now this product is in no way inferior to imported analogues. In general, they persuaded me.

Bars drops are intended for the destruction and prevention of fleas, ticks, lice and other parasites in healthy cats over 8 weeks of age. And the effect of the drug lasts for 1-2 months after treatment. This product can also be used to target ticks that have attached themselves to an animal. The purchase cost 146 rubles.

Inside the package were three pipettes of 1 ml drops, three stickers for a veterinary passport and instructions for use.

Considering that only one full pipette is required for a cat weighing 3 kg or more, this turns out to be quite economical - one treatment costs only 50 rubles.

In appearance, “Bars” drops are a clear, oily liquid that smells like a standard smell for such products – pungent chemistry. True, the “aroma” disappears quickly and will not bother you or your furry friend much.

I treated my adult cat with Bars. I applied a whole pipette to the base of the skull so that he would not reach out and lick the drug. At the same time, I washed his beds with Gamma flea shampoo.

After a couple of days it was possible to draw conclusions. And what I want to say... There are fewer fleas, but they have not disappeared! And after a few days it seemed that they had restored their numbers.

The cat living with his mother was also treated by Bars and the result was similar. One could say that the parasites temporarily escaped from the cats into carpets and furniture, and then “returned home” again, but with other flea drops, if they disappeared, then for good. So it's all about Barça.

I won't save and buy it anymore. Just like Gamma or In-Up drops.

I don't recommend it.

Elza Bonita


NEVER buy LEOPARD if you value the life of your pet!!!

On New Year's Eve, I found a cat in the entrance, he meowed so pitifully and looked at me that my heart melted, and I decided to take him home. I posted an announcement that a cat had been found, since it was clear that the cat was domestic and a parody, but no one responded. It was clear that in such frost, the careless owners of the cat simply abandoned it to the mercy of fate! He was afraid of loud noises, shuffling slippers and a man's voice! When we wanted to pet him, he would press his little ears to his head, afraid that we would hit him.

I brought him home, and the next day I went to the store, where they recommended this unfortunate BARS to me. I dropped the amount on the withers, according to the instructions, and live fleas fell onto the floor. Okay, they ran after him, collecting fleas from the floor so that they wouldn’t jump back. The fleas went wild because the cat didn’t know what to do with himself, he itched so much, it was a pity to look at him!!!

A year later, he began to itch again, I checked him, I saw what seemed to me to be a flea in his black fur, I thought that I had picked up fleas at the elevator (he likes to greet and see off guests) or we somehow brought it on ourselves. It was decided to buy BARS drops again. I dropped a lot less, for prevention, because I didn’t really find any fleas in the fur. In the evening I dropped a drop on his withers, and in the morning he didn’t wake up!!! Well at least I was breathing! We stirred him up, he got up, walked around a little and lay down on the floor in the corner to sleep again! Didn't touch the food! We ran to the veterinary clinic. The doctor said that this is LEOPARD poisoning, and this is not the only case! At the veterinarian they gave him all sorts of injections, he no longer slept, but did not eat anything. I bought GAMAVIT at the veterinary pharmacy, injected him into the withers, and half an hour later he came to the bowl! It was only thanks to Gamavit that my Hippo survived! Please don't skimp on your animals! Many people buy this leopard out of ignorance, but now you know its side effects. And forewarned means forearmed! Healthy pets to all!

PS the cat is now not afraid of slippers and men’s voices, he is very affectionate and cheerful, I’m even glad that the stupid owners threw him away, and I took such a sweetie!

Photo of Bars drops for cats

The principle of action of the medicine

Bars drops contain fipronil, which destroys arthropods. Upon contact with skin, the active substance is quickly absorbed into the epidermis and sebaceous glands, while the circulatory system is not affected. As a result, the pests develop paralysis, and after some time death occurs. The fipronil component affects not only adult insects, but also their larvae, which increases its effectiveness several times.

The drug is available in the form of drops, packaged in plastic pipettes, which ensures ease of use of the drug.

Advantages of the drug

Below are the main advantages of such a medicine and the benefits of purchasing it:

  • High efficiency. The active substance is capable of destroying even large individuals, and it does not matter how many fleas are on your pet’s body.
  • Affordable price. Due to its low price, you can buy this product for regular use.
  • Ease of use. The drops are poured into special pipettes that simply open, and the substance can be applied to the animal’s skin without getting your hands dirty. Calculating the dosage is also easy if you know the cat's weight.
  • The result is already after the first use. After a few hours, your pet will feel relief, the itching will go away, and the fleas and ticks will die. They can be removed using a regular comb or your hands.
  • Safety. The drug is non-toxic, therefore, if the instructions are followed, it does not harm the cat itself, surrounding people and other animals.
  • Availability. You can purchase drops at any pharmacy; the product is sold in any city.
  • Due to the safety of the composition, the product can be used even without the direct instructions of a veterinarian.
  • Minimum side effects. Side effects such as nausea, stool disorders, and discharge from the eyes are extremely rare.

Thus, Bars is a modern insecticide intended for both cats and dogs, and destroys fleas and ticks, including the larvae of these insects. The product is distinguished by its affordable cost, rapid onset of results and safety. At the first signs of insects on the animal’s skin, immediately begin treatment, otherwise intoxication of the body, damage to internal organs and other complications may occur.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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