DANA ULTRA – drops for puppies and dogs weighing more than 20 kg against ticks, fleas, lice and lice 1 pipette of 3.2 ml APICENNA (1 pipette)

The well-known Russian company is the largest developer and manufacturer of veterinary drugs. Using innovative technologies, modern equipment and safe components, she strives to improve the quality of life and health of pets. One of the widely used drugs is Dana drops for dogs and cats, intended to destroy ectoparasites. The Dana line of insecticidal preparations includes highly effective products approved for use for various age categories of pets.

Fleas, ticks, lice eaters and other insects can cause great harm to people and their pets. Dangerous pests are carriers of severe infectious diseases, which they infect their victims with when they bite. The presence of fleas is quite easy to determine in a cat or dog. The animal itches, becomes restless, frantically bites into its fur, wanting to get rid of the discomfort. The presence of these and other signs indicates that it is necessary to contact a veterinary institution and purchase Dana flea medication, which is applied to the withers. The use of these drops will quickly and effectively rid your pet of annoying and dangerous parasites.

Characteristics of drip preparations Dana

Drops Dana Ultra Neo
Insecticidal medicines of the Dana brand are produced in convenient plastic pipettes or dropper bottles, which allow strictly dosed drip (spot-on) application of the drug to the skin of the animal in a place inaccessible to licking on the back between the shoulder blades or on the withers of the pet. The insectoacaricidal drug contains fipronil, which has a pronounced activity against ticks, fleas, lice and lice at various stages of development.

Dan's flea drops, instructions for which are included in each package of the drug, are safe for the cats and dogs they treat, as well as people. The active substance has a nerve-paralytic effect on the body of parasites, resulting in paralysis and death of ticks and other bloodsuckers. When working with the drug, you must follow all the instructions set out in the instructions for the drops, especially regarding the rules for applying the composition, dosage and type of animal.

The use of any of the products presented in the Dana line of drugs excludes the possibility of treating weakened or sick animals with it without first consulting a veterinarian. The drops are applied directly to the pet’s dry, healthy skin at the withers. After use, the drug should be allowed to distribute evenly over the treated area of ​​the body. Dana flea drops, consumer reviews indicate this, are tolerated by animals without any consequences. However, veterinarians advise observing your pet’s behavior throughout the day and if symptoms of poisoning appear, immediately contact a specialist at the clinic.

Drops Dana Ultra Neo


We picked up a stray kitten on the street. There were visibly and invisibly fleas on him. We decided not to risk it and seek help from a veterinarian. After examining the pet, the specialist approximately determined the baby’s age and recommended taking Dan drops for kittens. The foundling tolerated the treatment calmly and literally a few days later the bloodsuckers died. A good remedy.

Evgenia, Kolomna

Dosage of Comfortis tablets

Considering the presence of a certain concentration of toxic substances in the drug, its dosage must be approached with particular care. The manufacturer took this point into account, so the instructions for Comfortis tablets explain in great detail the required volume of the drug in relation to the weight, age and type of animal

Comfortis for cats is suggested to be used in an amount of 50 to 100 mg per kilogram of body weight. Similarly, it is worth calculating the dosage for indoor dogs of small breeds. At the same time, for large dogs the drug is dosed at the rate of 50–70 mg per kilogram of weight.

The tablets are taken to animals along with food. To make the animal feel more comfortable about an unfamiliar object in a bowl of food, the tablets are given the smell of meat food.

Rules for using flea drops Dana

Despite the fact that Dana flea drops for cats or dogs on the withers are a low-toxic drug, it is necessary to prevent the treated cat or dog from licking the medicine. They should be applied very carefully to avoid possible consequences that may arise if your beloved cat manages to lick off the drops.

The manufacturer does not recommend applying the composition to animals that have not reached the age of 10 weeks, as well as drips of the product to pregnant, lactating and weakened pets. The volume and number of pipettes with drops contained in the packages correspond to the age and weight characteristics of the pets.

The activity of the drops remains for 2 months, so re-treatment may be necessary only as a last resort. The medicine begins to act approximately one day after application. It is not washed off with water, so the animal can be bathed without fear that the drops will lose their properties. The description attached to each package of the insecticidal product indicates that it can be used not only to destroy ectoparasites, but also to treat some common cat and dog diseases.

Applying flea drops


After a walk in the forest I found a tick on my dog. I tried to remove it myself, but the attempt was unsuccessful. I had to go to the veterinary clinic. The doctor advised me to buy Dana flea drops, with which you can quickly deal with the problem.

Konstantin, Serpukhov

Dana's flea remedy for cats and dogs, as stated in the review, can be successfully used to remove ticks from the body of animals. To do this, a few drops of the medicinal composition are applied directly to the insect, which will fall off on its own after about half an hour. When treating ear scabies, it is recommended to instill drops directly into the ear canal, after first cleaning the animal’s ears from mite waste products. You should pay attention to the fact that the medicine is injected into both ears to avoid transfer of infection from the diseased organ to the healthy one.

Drops can also be used to treat various skin infections caused by mites. The composition is applied to damaged areas of the body using cotton swabs soaked in an insecticidal substance.

General recommendations

Treatment of adult cats against fleas is carried out according to indications, that is, when fleas are detected in the animal and for preventive purposes.

Kittens are treated from the age of one month, if necessary. Kittens become infected from their mother, so it is advisable to remove fleas from a cat before she has offspring.

During processing, the drug is selected taking into account age and physiological condition (pregnant, lactating, having certain health problems).

After the animal’s fleas are destroyed, preventive treatments are carried out at the frequency specified in the instructions, or an anti-flea collar is put on, which is changed according to the time limits specified in the instructions for this drug.

When treating a cat for fleas, you need to take into account the development cycle of insects. If the product used does not destroy flea eggs and larvae, but only affects adult fleas, then the treatment is repeated after 10 days. This will guarantee the complete destruction of parasites that may hatch from eggs and larvae preserved after the first procedure.

We must not forget about grooming items, beds and rugs, where the cat spends most of its time - they should also be disinfested to avoid re-infection.

Dana Ultra Neo - the best protection

Drops Dana Ultra Neo
Flea drops Dana Ultra Neo is an effective drug for kittens and cats. It is capable of destroying more than 60 species of fleas and disrupts the development of larvae and eggs of dangerous parasites. The product protects pets from ticks for a month, and from fleas, lice and lice – for 2 months. Dana Ultra Neo drops on the withers have a three-component composition, ensuring the safety and high effectiveness of the product. The unique formulation allows you to get rid of parasites that can spread 25 types of dangerous infectious diseases.

Thiamethoxam and fipronil, which are part of the drops, destroy parasites, and pyriproxyfen does not allow fleas to reach adulthood, which prevents their reproduction. The duration of the protective mechanism is ensured by fipronil, which accumulates in the sebaceous glands of fluffies.


Before leaving for the dacha, I decided to buy Dana Ultra Neo anti-flea drops. We have a domestic cat, but we considered it necessary to protect him from possible encounters with parasites. He tolerated the treatment calmly. I want to share my joy - not a single flea or tick was noticed on our pet. A very good remedy. I recommend.

Olga, Moscow

Infection with exoparasites

Dogs and cats have long been home to fleas. It is even believed that this neighborhood is beneficial for both parties. A healthy animal has substances in its blood that inhibit the growth of parasites and slow down their activity. As a result, fleas do not cause any concern to the owner.

But as soon as the animal’s immunity decreases, the parasites begin to actively multiply. In this case, their population grows greatly and begins to cause only harm. This especially applies to pets. The pet begins to itch, suppuration may appear in the scratches, and the condition of the coat worsens. Young and old animals are especially affected by fleas. In addition, if a pet becomes infected with parasites on the street, they can get some kind of infectious disease.

This possibility is always present even for those animals that only walk in the yard. And if the owners take their pet to the forest or to the country, it can pick up more than just fleas. Exoparasites also include ixodid and ear mites, lice, and lice. All of them can carry infectious diseases and cause serious trouble to the animal.

Drops Dana Spot On

Drops Dana Spot-on
Remedy Dana Spot-on - drops on the withers for cats and kittens for the destruction and prevention of re-infestation by fleas, ticks and other dangerous parasites. They protect the pet for 4-6 weeks from all external pests. The drops are not washed off with water, which allows you to bathe the animal after visiting the street. The main component of the drug is the effective insecticide fipronil, which leads to paralysis and death of fleas and other insects. The active substance is not absorbed into the blood, but spreads over the skin and fur of the pet.

What are the advantages of Comfortis tablets?

  • They have a long period of insecticidal action after a single application;
  • The drug is quickly eliminated from the body;
  • Easy to use;
  • Can be used even if the skin is damaged - wounds, dermatitis, etc.;
  • It has a mild effect and does not harm the animal’s body;
  • Can be used for preventive purposes.
  • The product is easily accessible, it is not difficult to buy it at a pet store or order it online.

Dana drops for dogs

An insectoacaricidal agent in the form of a solution is intended for external use. Dan drops on the withers for dogs are a yellow liquid that has a detrimental effect on all families of ticks, fleas and lice-eaters. The medicine is applied dropwise to the animal’s withers using a special pipette to avoid an overdose of the drug. The effect of using the drug appears one day after its application. The active substance accumulates in the sebaceous glands, skin and hair follicles. The pet is protected by drops for a long time, as they have a prolonged effect.

All drugs in the Dana family can quickly and effectively rid your pet of dangerous fleas and other bloodsuckers. However, before using the drug for the first time, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian to adjust the dosage and the possibility of using a drip. If for some reason this drug is not available in the veterinary medicine, you can purchase other drops that have proven their effectiveness:

  • Barrier;
  • Blokhnet;
  • Inspector;
  • Leopard;
  • Celandine.

Contraindications and side effects

Any healthy animals over 10 weeks of age can be treated with the drug. Do not use drops or a collar on weakened or pregnant pets. Infectious diseases, decreased immunity, and individual intolerance may also be contraindications for treatment. When treating ear mites, drops should not be used on animals with a perforated eardrum.

The drug "Dana Ultra" belongs to substances of hazard class 3. When used correctly, it has no toxic effect on animals and does not irritate the skin. It is only undesirable to get drops into the eyes and mucous membranes, as redness and burning may occur.

Otherwise, side effects very rarely occur when using the drug "Dana Ultra". Reviews from veterinarians note that some animals may develop vomiting, depression, and muscle weakness. In case of such reactions, you need to wash off the drug with a detergent and give your pet an adsorbent.

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