"Iskra Double Effect" will help clear the garden of pests

How does it work?

The drug "Iskra" contains several active ingredients:

  • Cypermethrin;
  • Permethrin;
  • Potassium supplements.

The active ingredients destroy the nervous system of “harmful” bugs, disrupting the transmission of impulses and causing paralysis.

The drug enters the body of insects through contact and intestinal routes.

This drug begins to act instantly after insects enter the body - they die within 10 minutes.

Potassium additives included in the preparation strengthen the plant immune system and help accelerate the recovery process in the vegetative mass of plants damaged by pests.

"Golden Spark"

The drug is available in the form of a liquid, which is contained in ampoules of up to 5 ml, bottles of 10 ml, and powders of 8–40 grams. It is very effective in combating not only the Colorado potato beetle, but also its larvae. Iskra is also used against other leaf-eating pests. The drug has a long-term effect - about 25 days. In addition, it is not susceptible to being washed off with water during irrigation or rain, and does not lose its effect in the heat, which is especially important for the south of our country.

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Mode of application

The drug is used to protect various vegetable crops, bushes, and garden plants. To use it, a solution is made based on the class of the pest and the plant culture and the amount of area being treated.

If you purchased “Golden Spark” in an ampoule or bottle, then to prepare the solution you need to add 1 ml to 5–10 liters of water when processing potatoes. For cucumbers, tomatoes and ornamental plants, dilute 5 ml of the drug in 5–10 liters of water.

“Spark” is used as a spray on the outer parts of plants. Treatment should be carried out in the evening or early morning in calm weather. The prepared solution can be used to treat 1 hectare of area. The most economical processing method is to use “Golden Spark” in powder form.

Instructions for use

To prepare the working solution, first dissolve 1 tablet of the product in a small amount of water and pour it into a sprayer, filter using a fine mesh or burlap. Then, with clean water, bring the volume of the working solution to 10 liters and treat the plants in accordance with the table.

Spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution, wetting the leaves evenly. The optimal temperature for treatments is from 12°C to 25°C.

To obtain maximum effectiveness, the leaves are treated evenly. Plants are sprayed only in dry, windless weather. You can repeat it only after 14 days.

First aid for poisoning

Negative consequences after contact with the drug may occur as a result of non-compliance with the rules of use. In order not to seriously harm the body, it is important to immediately provide first aid:

  • In case of contact with skin, remove the product with a clean cloth or cotton wool and wash thoroughly with plenty of soap and water.
  • After eye injury, rinse with clean water. It is recommended to keep your eyes open at this time.
  • If the drug has been swallowed, you need to drink several glasses of water with the addition of activated carbon. It is recommended to take up to 5 tablets per 1 glass. Then artificially induce vomiting and urgently take the patient to the doctor.


According to gardeners, the advantages of the product include:

  • safe for humans and pets;
  • has no accumulative properties. This means that nitrates and heavy metals will not be observed in the fruits;
  • ensures rapid elimination of pest threats. The maximum time reaches 1 hour. Minimum: 15 – 30 minutes;
  • despite changes in weather and changes in temperature, the protective effect lasts for a maximum of 3-4 weeks;
  • Most types of Spark have a short waiting period, which in extreme cases reaches a week after spraying the plant. The crop is then ready for consumption;
  • resistance is low.

Many gardeners consider the low cost of the substance to be a positive aspect. There are also disadvantages, but they only relate to improper use or dilution of the working mixture.

Thus, allergy sufferers can cause an attack if they work with the drug without a protective suit. Asthmatics should also be more careful when preparing and applying to plants for the same reason: the appearance of an attack.

If the drug is diluted incorrectly (increased dose), damage occurs to both the green part of the crop and the crop. The root method of use is prohibited.

Personal precautions

Iskra Bio is considered safe for warm-blooded animals, but other types of these drugs, although formally little dangerous (hazard class 3), have a cumulative effect, i.e. accumulate in the body and are able to penetrate through the skin. Since no one is guaranteed against a sudden gust of wind, treatment with Iskra in the air must be done using a full set of PPE: overalls with a hood, a respirator with a mask, and rubber gloves. It’s not hot, it’s not hot, you can’t work with Iskra without a hat and short sleeves.

A full set of PPE for working with insecticides is expensive, and in the summer it is unbearably parky, on the one hand. On the other hand, a private landowner does not work by hire or schedule, but at his own discretion and can choose a very quiet day for cultivation. In this case, a respirator, which is often sold complete with a sprayer, is sufficient from special PPE. The overalls can be replaced with a plastic raincoat-cape, and household latex gloves can be used; their leggings should go under the sleeves, pos. 1 in Fig.:

Personal protective equipment for working with Iskra preparations

When treating indoor plants, gusts of wind are excluded, but accidental splashes are not, especially since you need to use Iskra for indoor plants in a ventilated area. Therefore, simply “sprinkle” with the working solution, as shown in pos. 2, you can't. You need to wear a petal respirator, household latex gloves, pos. 3, and some glasses with glass lenses. Acrylic and other plastic lenses gradually become cloudy from the vapors of any insecticide.

If Iskra solutions get inside or onto mucous membranes, rinse the affected areas with water (if it gets inside, drink 1.5-2 liters and induce vomiting) and immediately consult a toxicologist. Strong antidotes (antidotes) for Iskra poisoning are used: atropine, toxotropine, PAM. Self-medication with them can lead to serious and even tragic consequences.


There are many types of Spark, they contain basic components. Compounds affect a specific type of parasite, in their various forms.

Iskra M

The substance Iskra M is offered in the form of an emulsion. Helps eliminate known domestic insects. It is quite suitable for processing greenhouse crops and plants in open ground. On sale you can find ampoules of 5 ml and bottles of 10 ml.

Malathion (karbofos) plays a key role (active substance) in the composition. There is a risk of insects becoming accustomed to the drug, provided that it is often applied to the plant.


Iskra Bio is available in two forms: ampoules of 5 ml and bottles of 10 ml. Form: emulsion. The main substance is Avertin.

A more advanced representative of the product, since there is a minimum waiting period. After application, the fruits can be eaten.

The main direction is liquidation:

  • copperheads and moths;
  • sawflies and leaf rollers;
  • cutworm and mites;
  • thrips and aphids.

There is some reservation about using Iskra Bio against the Colorado potato beetle: the substance helps destroy the parasite, but not at all stages. It is useless during the egg phase.


The main component of Iskra Zolotaya is imidacloprid.

Suitable for use at home due to the release form:

  • liquid;
  • powder;
  • sticks for potting substrate.

It is highly economical. Recommended for regions with high temperatures (southern, southeastern). It is actively used for its intended purpose against the Colorado potato beetle and other insects that parasitize potatoes.

Triple effect

The drug is effective for protection against the Colorado potato beetle at all stages of development. Spraying is carried out according to the instructions. The product perfectly tolerates any temperature changes and weather conditions.

One application is sufficient to protect root crops for the entire growing season. Economical, inexpensive in comparison with other similar substances.

It is available for sale only in the form of tablets, weighing 10.6 g. This mass is enough to carry out effective treatment on 2 acres.

What are the types of the drug?

This inexpensive but effective insecticide is produced in several varieties:

  • “Spark double effect” includes two substances of plant origin that have a nerve-paralytic effect on certain types of insect pests.
  • “Golden Spark” is made in the likeness of tobacco, therefore it has an effect similar to tobacco powder, but somewhat stronger. It does not accumulate in the fruit part, so treatment before harvesting is acceptable.

“Golden Spark” is made in the likeness of tobacco

  • Iskra Bio is a clean drug in terms of ecology. It has proven itself to be excellent in getting rid of ticks and more.
  • “Iskra M” is an aqueous emulsion of karbofos, which gives good results.

The best temperature regime for treating vegetation with these means is considered to be a temperature above 25 degrees Celsius. At lower thermometer readings, the effectiveness of the drugs decreases, and at readings less than +13 degrees, insecticides do not work.

Spark Double Effect

Spark Double Effect is perhaps the most versatile, effective, economical and convenient product for use in the garden.

The active ingredients cypermethrin and permethrin, complementing each other, actively affect difficult-to-remove pests without causing them to become addicted. With the help of tablets, garden, vegetable, flower and ornamental crops can be quickly rid of more than 60 types of insect pests.

A dual-action insecticide is especially effective against aphids, mites, weevils, moths, and leaf-eating insects.

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Spark Double Effect has another important property. Potassium fertilizer and special anti-stress additives are used as a filler in the tablets, which help the damaged plant to quickly recover and strengthen the immune system.

Mode of application

To prepare a working solution, one instant tablet is diluted in a small amount of water, after dissolution, the volume of the suspension is adjusted to 10 liters.

The resulting adhesive suspension, which tightly envelops the surface to be treated and is not washed off by rain or watering, is sprayed on the plants in accordance with the instructions.

Spraying is carried out with freshly prepared working solution in dry weather in the morning or evening hours. When carrying out the procedure, make sure that the surface of the plant infected with pests is evenly treated.

Treatment can be carried out throughout the entire growing season, including the time of flowering, ovary formation and fruiting.

You can repeat the procedure after 2 weeks.

Spark Double effect can be used with any non-alkaline preparations.

Back of the package, Spark Double Effect

Use correctly

Fruit and berry trees: apple, pear, quince, cherry, cherry from moths, leaf rollers, caterpillars, moths, flower beetles, weevils, aphids, cherry flies are sprayed at the rate of 10 liters of working solution per 1-5 trees, depending on the degree of infestation and age .

To protect berry bushes, wild strawberries, strawberries from weevils, leaf beetles, sawflies, aphids, mites, leaf rollers, use 1.5 liters of the drug for every 10 m².

Legumes affected by sawfly, leaf beetles, and root nodule weevils are treated with a suspension at the rate of 1.5 liters per 10 m².

Aktellik is a non-systemic insecticide-acaricide, if you want to find out more, follow the link https://cveti-rasteniya.ru/aktellik-instrukciya-po-primeneniu.html

The same amount of mixture is enough to save eggplants and peppers from aphids, the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, and melons from the melon bug.

10 m² of tomatoes and cucumbers will get rid of thrips, aphids, whiteflies with 2 liters of solution.

Treating 10 m² of beds with a liter of the drug solution will protect beets from gnawing armyworms, cabbage from moths, armyworms and white borers, carrots from carrot flies and psyllids, sunflowers from meadow moths, potatoes from Colorado potato beetles, moths, and ladybugs.

Important. Analogues of the drug Iskra Double Effect are Inta-Vir, Kinmiks, Senpai, Molniya CE, Tsunami, Decis.

Security measures

When working with Iskra Double Effect, you must follow the safety rules.

Spark Double effect is a moderately toxic drug (hazard class 3). Has an international certificate of compliance with environmental safety standards. Does not harm beneficial insects, water inhabitants, or warm-blooded animals. Non-phytotoxic, completely excreted from plants, breaking down into carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen after 2-3 weeks. In direct contact, may cause mild irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

When working with Iskra Double Effect, follow standard safety rules:

  • use personal protective equipment;
  • refrain from eating, drinking, smoking;
  • Upon completion of work, perform hygiene procedures.

In case of poisoning:

  1. When the drug comes into contact with the skin, wipe thoroughly with gauze, a cotton pad, and rinse thoroughly with warm water and soap. The eyes are washed with running clean water.
  2. If the drug gets into the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, wash the stomach with 5-6 tablets of activated carbon dissolved in 200 ml. Seek medical help.

Atropine, toxoginine, and PAM act as antidote.

Storage of the drug

The drug Iskra Double effect is stored in a dark room at t - 25º - + 45º C, in a place protected from children and animals, away from food products, medications, and sources of fire. Shelf life up to 2 years. The working solution is used once.

Dispose of the container and expired drug after tightly packaging it or burn it (bury it) in specially designated places away from water bodies, sewers and drinking sources.

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