Processing potatoes before planting - when? How? how?

Potatoes have been and remain one of the favorite foods on the human table, having been grown for about 400 years. And all this time, an unequal fight is being waged against insect pests (Colorado beetle, mole cricket, nematodes, wireworms) and diseases (scab, late blight, rot, Alternaria, fusarium, etc.), which every year overcome potato crops more and more.

Spring treatment of potatoes before planting is perhaps one of the most important stages of preventive pest and disease control.

In this material I will tell you how to carry out the processing and what products to use.

Procedure and types of treatments

Processing potatoes before planting is carried out in two ways:

Method 1 . First, you need to scatter the planting potato seed tubers onto a tent made of thick fabric or polyethylene. Next, the working solution is applied by spraying through a pump garden sprayer. Seed potato tubers should be mixed either by hand or by shaking the substrate. Control and ensure uniform application of the working solution. Next, dry the tubers and plant the potatoes.

Method 2. Place seed tubers in planting holes and spray the solution onto the potatoes and top layer of soil.

Next, about why and how to process potatoes.

Potato processing is carried out in two directions:

  • treatment of potatoes before planting against diseases caused by fungal or bacterial pests;
  • treatment of potatoes against insect pests .

Treatment for late blight

The first signs of the disease may appear already during the germination period. The use of special anti-infection drugs at the planting stage also allows for effective protection of the plant.

Late blight on potatoes

"Celeste Top"

This is a combined product based on three substances, two of which have antifungal activity. Fludioxonil comes from a new chemical class of phenylpyrroles. This is an analogue of a natural antibiotic that prevents the development of infection on the surface of the root itself. It suppresses the vital activity of spores and sprouted fungal hyphae even before they penetrate inside the mother tuber.

Difenoconazole is a systemic substance against pathogens of fungal infections found on planting material and soil. This allows you to keep both seeds and seedlings healthy.

The third component of the product is the insecticide thiamethoxam. Thanks to it, the product fights soil pests. In addition, it provides up to 100 days of protection against the Colorado potato beetle.

Combined drug "Celest Top"


This is a fungicidal disinfectant based on fludioxonil. Substances have a different mechanism of action than other chemical groups.

The product protects crops from infections caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and imperfect fungi. The product has a selective mechanism of action and does not destroy beneficial bacteria. The composition includes a signal dye that allows you to control the completeness of the etching. "Maxim" also makes the plant resistant to many diseases during the growing season.

Means "Maxim"

"Maxim" and "Celest Top" delay the appearance of late blight for 2 weeks. And with the preparations “Quadris” and “Uniform”, which are applied directly to the soil, they extend protection by 3-4 weeks.

Prices for fungicide Maxim

fungicide Maxim


Late blight is fought by the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens and biologically active substances that are produced during cultivation. Microorganisms colonize the roots of the plant and produce enzymes and antibacterial substances that prevent the occurrence of rot. In addition, this product is a growth stimulant. Tubers are treated with Planriz-Bio 1–2 days before planting or on the same day.

The drug "Planriz Bio"

Treatment (dressing) of potatoes against diseases

Potato diseases are practically incurable, since the very method of propagating potatoes by tubers causes the preservation of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria and fungi - in the planting material. Microorganisms often overwinter not in the soil, but in the seed potatoes themselves.

In order to restrain growth and stop development, potato seeds are treated (etched) with special disinfecting compounds - fungicide solutions.

The most common and effective biofungicidal preparations are Albit, Agat-25K, Fitosporin , Planziz, Silk, etc.


The drug "Albit" is used as a fungicide, antidote and growth regulator. The drug is able to effectively protect plants from various fungal diseases. The preparative form is a viscous paste, available in small packages of 1, 3, 10, 20 and 100 ml, as well as in volumes of 1.0 l. The substance has a pleasant pine aroma.

The active ingredient is poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid , obtained from beneficial soil bacteria from the root system of plants. The use of the drug is based on the activation of the natural protective functions of plants, and as a result, the acquisition of resistance to many pathogens. "Albit" has a long duration of action of up to 3 months and is not addictive. The drug is compatible with other fungicides, insecticides and herbicides; it is recommended to add it to tank mixtures.

Treatment procedure: before planting, to treat potato tubers against rhizoctonia and late blight, prepare a working solution (100 ml of the drug / 10 liters of water) and spray the seed material. The drug is economical consumption - 10 l./1000 kg. seed material. The second treatment is carried out at the stage of 2-6 leaves with a solution of 1-2 ml. drug/10l. water.


"Agat-25K" is a fungicide with growth-regulating activity, intended for pre-sowing treatment of seed material of potatoes and other vegetables, flowers and cereals.

It contains inactivated bacteria Pseudomonas auerofaciens H-16, as well as starting doses of macro- and microelements, bioactive substances from plant sprouts, and active fractions of pine extract. Produced in the form of a water-soluble viscous paste in volumes of 1.0 l.

The mechanism of action is similar to the above drug. The drug "Agat-25K" immunizes the plant by forming nonspecific systemic resistance to pathogens, and also neutralizes pathogens with a phytotoxic effect. The drug is absolutely harmless to humans, has excellent compatibility with other pesticides and has a long shelf life.

The following treatments are carried out:

  • One-time treatment of tubers before planting. Dosage 135g/10l of water, working fluid consumption – 10l/1000kg.
  • 1-2 times treatment by spraying in the tops closing phase. Dosage 100g/10l. water, working fluid consumption – 4 l./100 m2. The processing interval is 10-14 days.


The biological pesticide "Planriz" is a bacterial fungicide. The action of the biological product is directed against macrosporiosis, late blight, potato rhizoctonia, etc. It has an excellent biostimulating effect. The active substance is Pseudomonas fluorescens strain AP-33. The principle of action is similar to spinning drugs.

Treatment of planting tubers is carried out by spraying the working solution on the day of planting, or no more than 7 days before planting. Dosage 10 ml./10 l. water, consumption rate 10 l./1000 kg. planting material. One-time processing.


"Fitosporin" is a universal biological fungicide. In a separate material on the site there are types and detailed instructions for using Fitosporin .

The line of products produced includes a special “Fitosporin-M POTATOES INSTANT” for treating potatoes against diseases.

The following treatments are carried out:

  • Single pre-planting treatment of seed potatoes. It is also carried out by spraying. Dosage 100g. pasta for 1.5 l. water, and this is enough to process 50 kg. seed potatoes.
  • Treatment at any stage of vegetative development of potato crops. Dosage 100g. pasta for 500l. water. Consumption rate 50l./100m2. Up to 5 treatments can be carried out.


The drug "Silk" is a natural stimulator of plant growth and development, which has powerful immunostimulating and fungicidal properties.

The biological product is compatible with other pesticides. The visible effect of the drug on the plant is observed after 1-2 days within 1-2 weeks after treatment.

Directions for use:

  • Dressing (spraying/soaking) seed potato tubers;
  • Spraying the green mass of plants in the 5-7 leaf phase, at the beginning of flowering, during the period of mass flowering. The treatment interval is at least 7 days. Dosage 2ml./3l. water, working solution consumption - up to 3 l./100 m2.

How to process correctly

Before the procedure, you must carefully read the instructions for the specific drug and strictly follow all recommendations. But there are also general rules for pre-planting processing of potatoes.


Most products are applied to tubers (preferably clean, washed) shortly before or immediately before planting. The exception is some biological fungicides, for which activation of dormant microorganisms is important. If there are no other instructions in the instructions, then treatment with a biological product is carried out a week before planting the potatoes. It is also possible to irrigate before planting tubers for germination, with further repetitions every week until planting.

Application methods

Liquid products are applied to potatoes using special spraying devices: hand sprayers (for small volumes of seeds), pump or hydraulic sprayers. Fungicides with imidacloprid (Prestige) penetrate the tubers even with partial application, so it is not necessary to turn the seed over to treat the opposite side if this is labor intensive. With other preparations, it is advisable to evenly moisten the potatoes on all sides. After processing, the tubers are dried, protecting them from direct exposure to sunlight, and then planting begins.

Large farms use special devices (dressers), which are attached to planting equipment and wash the tubers immediately before planting them in the ground.

Amateur vegetable growers sometimes do without sprayers. They practice simply immersing the tubers (placed in nets) in liquid.

Dusting with ash (or other powdery substances) is carried out on tubers moistened with water or a solution of humates. You can spread the seed outdoors in rainy weather, and then dust it after the rain.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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IMPORTANT! When using stimulants and biofungicides, you should not limit yourself to pre-planting treatment of tubers. In the future, it is useful to spray potatoes with these products during the season: the frequency and timing are indicated in the instructions for the preparations.

Treating potato tubers against pests before planting

Insect pests cause serious damage. The main pest of potatoes today is wireworms They eat into the tuber and destroy young stems. Bacterial and viral infections penetrate into the holes made by the wireworm, resulting in putrefactive processes. The result is a complete loss of presentation and nutritional value of potatoes. Another no less dangerous pest is the Colorado potato beetle. If measures are not taken, the harvest can be lost in a matter of days.

Therefore, in the spring, potato seed tubers are treated (dressed) with special preparations to protect them from the pest.

The following insecticidal preparations are widely used: “Prestige”, “Tabu/Taboo TRIO” , “Prestizhitator”, “Klubneshiet”, “Provotox”, “Commander”, “Terradox” , etc.


“Prestige” is a leader, in fact the best preparation for early spring processing of potatoes. Produced by German.

Works as an insecticide (fight against wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, aphids - virus carriers, thrips), and as a fungicide (protection against rhizoctonia and common scab).

Active ingredient: imidacloprid 140 g/l, pencicuron 150 g/l. Produced in the form of a suspension concentrate, production volumes - 20 ml., 60 ml., 150 ml. (for personal subsidiary plots) and volumes of 1 liter. and 5l. (for industrial production).

Treatment is carried out with a single spray. Dosage 70–100ml/1l. water. Consumption rate – 1 l. working fluid per 100 kg. seed potatoes. The duration of the drug is up to 2 months from sunrise.

“Taboo”/ “Taboo TRIO”

“Taboo” is an insecticidal preparation for protecting potatoes from sucking and loading insects. A special feature of the drug is a color marker that allows you to visually control the uniform application of the drug.

Active ingredient – ​​imidacloprid 500g/l. Available in volumes of 10ml, 50ml (for private farms) and 1l. and 5l. (for industrial production). The duration of the drug is 1.5 months.

Processing methods:

  • Treating seed potatoes by spraying with a working solution. Dosage 8ml./1l. water, and this is enough to process 100 kg. planting tubers.
  • Irrigation of tubers and the top layer of soil in planting holes/rows at the same time. Dosage 4 ml./10l. water, at a consumption rate of 10 l./100 m2.

Treater "Tabu TRIO" is a three-component preparation for complex protection, combining an insecticide, fungicide and growth regulator.

As part of "Taboo TRIO":

  1. insecticide "Tabu" (4 ml ampoule) - a proven effective insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm based on imidacloprid;
  2. the drug "Sinclair" (10 ml ampoule) is a fungicide against various rots. Suppresses soil infections such as rhizoctonia (scab) and fusarium (rot) for a period of 3 months;
  3. the drug “Zerebra” (5 ml ampoule) is a growth regulator based on colloidal silver. Increases immunity, increases productivity, as well as the quality and size of potato tubers.

The packaging is designed to handle 50 kg. potato seed material. Used as a tank mixture of three drugs.

When working with seed potato disinfectants, you must use personal protective equipment and follow the instructions for use.

“Commander”/ “Kamandor+”

The drug "Commander" is a complex contact insecticide successfully used to combat thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and other harmful insects.

Active ingredient: imidacloprid 200g/l. The dosage form is a water-soluble concentrate. Packaging 1ml, 10ml, 1l.

The drug is characterized by a quick and effective effect on a persistent potato pest - the Colorado potato beetle, a long period of protective action and a low consumption rate - only 1 ml. per hundred.

The composition of the drug "Commander+" is different in that it is two-component - an insecticide and a growth stimulator "Energen".

Processing methods:

  • Treatment of tubers before or during planting. Dosage 20-25ml/1l. water. Working fluid consumption – up to 10 l/1000kg. tubers (before planting), up to 25l./1000kg. (during landing);
  • Spraying during the growing season. Dosage 10ml./1l. water. Working fluid consumption is 20-40 l./100 m2.

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