Instructions for processing potato tubers with Komandor

What the Colorado potato beetle looks like and what it is is well known to many gardeners. This pest beetle can be found in every garden plot where the vegetable most beloved by domestic gardeners, potatoes, grows.

The insect takes root well in any conditions and it is quite difficult to get rid of it once and for all, so manufacturers are increasingly coming up with new methods to combat it.

Knowledgeable gardeners understand that it is much easier to prevent the problem, so they treat potato tubers against Colorado potato attacks even before planting with various special means, the highest quality and fastest of which include Commander.

General characteristics of the drug

Commander is a contact-intestinal insecticide, its maximum effectiveness is manifested in the fight against:

  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • wireworm;
  • aphids;
  • bedbugs;
  • leaf beetles;
  • scale insects;
  • locusts;
  • thrips;
  • spider mites;
  • whiteflies;
  • weevils;
  • butterflies;
  • mole crickets;
  • and even small rodents.

Commander is capable of destroying not only mature individuals, but also larvae laid by pests, which is a very significant advantage (not every product can boast of this).

The active ingredient of the drug is an extremely strong organic poison called imidacloprid. Its concentration is estimated at 200 g per 1 liter.

According to the instructions, this product is not phytotoxic for vegetable crops, that is, it does not have a detrimental effect on the structure of plants if the recommended dosage is followed. It has a hazard class of 3 and a class of 2 for maintaining stability in the ground.

This insecticide comes in the form of a water-soluble concentrate, packaged in 4-, 10-, 20- and 100-mm packages (also sold in 1- and 5-liter containers for treating larger areas). The drug Komandor successfully maintains its effectiveness against the mentioned pests at different temperature conditions.

Due to the fact that it is water-soluble, it is necessary to carry out additional treatment after precipitation (the entire preparation is washed off even with light rain).

Treating potato tubers against pests before planting

Insect pests cause serious damage. The main potato pest today is wireworm. They eat into the tuber and destroy young stems. Bacterial and viral infections penetrate into the holes made by the wireworm, resulting in putrefactive processes. The result is a complete loss of presentation and nutritional value of potatoes. Another no less dangerous pest is the Colorado potato beetle. If measures are not taken, the harvest can be lost in a matter of days.

Therefore, in the spring, potato seed tubers are treated (dressed) with special preparations to protect them from the pest.

The following insecticidal preparations are widely used: “Prestige”, “Tabu/Taboo TRIO”, “Prestizhitator”, “Klubneshiet”, “Provotox”, “Commander”, “Terradox”, etc.


“Prestige” is a leader, in fact the best preparation for early spring processing of potatoes. Produced by German.

Works as an insecticide (fight against wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, aphids - virus carriers, thrips), and as a fungicide (protection against rhizoctonia and common scab).

Active ingredient: imidacloprid 140 g/l, pencicuron 150 g/l. Produced in the form of a suspension concentrate, production volumes - 20 ml., 60 ml., 150 ml. (for personal subsidiary plots) and volumes of 1 liter. and 5l. (for industrial production).

Treatment is carried out with a single spray. Dosage 70–100ml/1l. water. Consumption rate – 1 l. working fluid per 100 kg. seed potatoes. The duration of the drug is up to 2 months from sunrise.

“Taboo”/ “Taboo TRIO”

“Taboo” is an insecticidal preparation for protecting potatoes from sucking and loading insects. A special feature of the drug is a color marker that allows you to visually control the uniform application of the drug.

Active ingredient – ​​imidacloprid 500g/l. Available in volumes of 10ml, 50ml (for private farms) and 1l. and 5l. (for industrial production). The duration of the drug is 1.5 months.

Processing methods:

  • Treating seed potatoes by spraying with a working solution. Dosage 8ml./1l. water, and this is enough to process 100 kg. planting tubers.
  • Irrigation of tubers and the top layer of soil in planting holes/rows at the same time. Dosage 4 ml./10l. water, at a consumption rate of 10 l./100 m2.

Treater "Tabu TRIO" is a three-component preparation for complex protection, combining an insecticide, fungicide and growth regulator.

As part of "Taboo TRIO":

  1. insecticide "Tabu" (4 ml ampoule) - a proven effective insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm based on imidacloprid;
  2. the drug "Sinclair" (10 ml ampoule) is a fungicide against various rots. Suppresses soil infections such as rhizoctonia (scab) and fusarium (rot) for a period of 3 months;
  3. the drug “Zerebra” (5 ml ampoule) is a growth regulator based on colloidal silver. Increases immunity, increases productivity, as well as the quality and size of potato tubers.

The packaging is designed to handle 50 kg. potato seed material. Used as a tank mixture of three drugs.

“Commander”/ “Kamandor+”

The drug "Commander" is a complex contact insecticide successfully used to combat thrips, aphids, whiteflies, and other harmful insects.

Active ingredient: imidacloprid 200g/l. The dosage form is a water-soluble concentrate. Packaging 1ml, 10ml, 1l.

The drug is characterized by a quick and effective effect on a persistent potato pest - the Colorado potato beetle, a long period of protective action and a low consumption rate - only 1 ml. per hundred.

The composition of the drug "Commander+" is different in that it is two-component - an insecticide and a growth stimulator "Energen".

Processing methods:

  • Treatment of tubers before or during planting. Dosage 20-25ml/1l. water. Working fluid consumption – up to 10 l/1000kg. tubers (before planting), up to 25l./1000kg. (during landing);
  • Spraying during the growing season. Dosage 10ml./1l. water. Working fluid consumption is 20-40 l./100 m2.

Composition of the Commander

This drug contains only one active ingredient – ​​imidacloprid. It is often used in a mixture with other chemical components that are involved in the sanitization and disinfestation of potatoes (and not only). Suitable for use both in agriculture and at home. The release form is designated as a water-soluble concentrate.

Imidacloprid is a synthetic neonicotinoid. In other words, it is an analogue of tobacco-based drugs. Its effectiveness does not depend in any way on the ambient temperature.

The Komandor product can deteriorate at certain temperatures, however, in the conditions of growing various crops, it is impossible to reach the melting point of this drug - 136 degrees. The only requirement is a temperature not lower than -5 degrees, because under such conditions imidacloprid will begin to lose its beneficial properties.

Operating principle of the Commander

After applying the drug to plants (through spraying or watering), it is very quickly absorbed into the leaves, stems and roots. Then it’s a small matter: after contact with the treated plant in any way, be it eating or ordinary touching, the insects receive a dose of the active substance.

After this, the Commander affects the body:

  • the substance imidacloprid binds to postsynaptic receptors of the insect nervous system (nicotinic acetylcholine);
  • the consequence is the induction of convulsions, paralysis and the final death of pests.

To ensure that potato fruits remain harmless, you need to wait about 20 days before eating them. The drug has a complete effect on potato plants, and the effectiveness remains for 28 days. Over time, the drug loses its properties due to the internal processes of plants and the removal of negative/unnecessary substances (including the Commander himself). Potato plants will not be harmed in any way by the product in question if you follow the recommended rates and dosages.

The maximum effect of the drug on pests is achieved 3-5 days after treatment. The possibility of insects developing resistance to the drug is absolutely excluded.

The drug Komandor penetrates the sap of potato plants, as a result of which it spreads to all parts: from the roots to the tops of the shoots. Biologists note the adverse effects of imidacloprid on microorganisms in the soil, within which the remaining substances can persist for up to 1 year (the half-life is about 185 days).

Pets through direct contact can become severely poisoned, resulting in damage to the liver and nervous system:

  • uncertain movements;
  • respiratory system disorders;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • vomit.

If contact with the substance is constant, but in quantities that are not enough for acute poisoning, animals experience a decrease in body weight and loss of appetite.

The Commander is critically dangerous for children. Imidacloprid damages the developing nervous system, affecting neurons and brain structure. Because of this, children's ability to learn is reduced and memory deteriorates significantly.

The active substance of Commander entails massive death of bees, so its use near apiaries is strictly prohibited. For the same reason, potatoes should not be processed during the flowering period.

First aid

The recommendations below are intended only for providing FIRST aid, after which you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his instructions! DO NOT SELF-medicate!

  • If Commander gets on your skin, blot it with a cloth or cotton wool, being careful not to rub it, then rinse the area generously with running water or a weak soda solution.
  • If the drug gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed under running water for 15 minutes, keeping them open.
  • If the drug gets into your lungs, go out into fresh air, catch your breath, then wash, change clothes and consult a doctor.
  • If the Commander gets into the digestive organs, drink two or three glasses of water with activated carbon at the rate of 1 g of carbon per 1 kg of body and induce vomiting. If you lose consciousness, you must not induce vomiting!
  • After providing first aid, you should in any case consult a doctor.

How to use it correctly?

To get the maximum effectiveness of Commander and successfully protect potatoes from pests, it is recommended to process plants in dry and windless weather. It is also important to analyze the weather forecasts so that there is no precipitation in the next 4-5 days.

It is important to remember that the weather forecast does not guarantee 100% accuracy, so you should be responsible when choosing the time to process potatoes.

Compliance with these conditions will allow the toxic substance of the drug to be better absorbed into plant cells. On the day when the crop will be sprayed with the chemical, there is no need to water the bushes. Water will wash away some of the drug, and therefore its effectiveness will decrease.

Preparation of working staff

The liquid for spraying must be prepared according to the following formula: for 10 liters of water – 2 ml of Commander. It is most correct to first dissolve the mentioned amount of the drug in 1 liter of water, mixing the contents as thoroughly as possible until it becomes a suspension. Then the volume is brought to the stated 10 liters by slowly adding the remaining water. During the entire process, the liquid must be stirred continuously. This will improve the Commander's properties.

It is permissible not only to spray potatoes, but also to water them with this solution. However, in this way a slight decrease in effectiveness was noticed, since it takes time for the Commander to be absorbed into the roots, get into the sap of the plant, and only then be distributed to all parts.

Processing process

Potatoes are treated with a sprayer or watering can (when spraying and watering, respectively). You can do this in two ways:

  • When foliage and potato stems are sprayed, according to the instructions, Commander should be sprayed in such a way that the foliage is moistened as evenly as possible. It is also recommended to use freshly prepared product during spraying. If the drug is used for irrigation, then no additional action is required.
  • You can also treat potato planting material. To do this, the tubers are placed in a row before planting and are very carefully processed by the Commander. After complete drying, you can plant the tubers in the soil.

Preparation of working fluid

How to prepare the Commander working solution:

  • ingredients should be mixed in a container not intended for cooking;
  • pour a couple of liters of water into it;
  • then add a measured amount of the drug according to the instructions;
  • the solution is thoroughly mixed;
  • then add the rest of the liquid and mix again;
  • the solution is ready for use;
  • The foliage is moistened with this product evenly and quite generously.


For processing, the working fluid should be prepared immediately before the procedure. The remaining solution cannot be left for further processing, but must be disposed of immediately.

Photo instructions for use from the manufacturer

Safety regulations

The insecticidal drug Commander has a certain toxicity, which is why you should be careful with it. However, if the key safety requirements are met, its use will not cause dangerous situations:

  • The duration of work with the drug should not exceed 3 hours.
  • The use of personal protective equipment (special protective suit, waterproof gloves, respirator, etc.) is mandatory.
  • After treatment, at least 20 days must pass. Only after this time will the tubers completely get rid of the toxic substances of the Komandor remedy, and the potatoes can be eaten.
  • During the potato processing procedure (especially when spraying), it is strictly forbidden to eat or drink. Vapors of toxic substances instantly settle on food, and over a fairly considerable distance, so you should avoid eating.

    It is allowed to start eating only after removing all clothes and taking a shower (not a bath).

  • Smoking while processing potatoes with the drug is strictly prohibited. It’s better to endure it and smoke later than to do it on the spot and get poisoned by toxic fumes. They come in through a cigarette, not through an open mouth, so smoking with a mask is still a bad idea.
  • If there is a slight wind, be sure to stand in its direction (when spraying the Commander). If you stand against the wind, the potatoes will not be processed well because particles of the product will blow away. And they will blow right into your face, causing severe poisoning. Of course, in windy weather in general, it is recommended to completely abandon the plant treatment procedure.
  • All pets should be removed from the treated area and kept away from the area for at least 24 hours.
  • You should not follow advice on using this product found anywhere. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions that come with the purchased drug Komandor. Only she will reliably tell you how to behave correctly with the existing insecticide.

In case of poisoning or direct contact with the drug, the following actions must be taken:

  • remove all protective equipment;
  • carefully and leisurely wipe the affected areas with a cotton or gauze sponge (you should just wipe off the product and not rub it in);
  • rinse the affected areas of the body with warm water for at least 10 minutes;
  • Finally, these same areas of skin are washed with soap and water.

If the suspension (or any other form of the drug) gets on the mucous membranes (nose, eyes, etc.), it is important to rinse them thoroughly with water, according to the instructions above, and be sure to visit a doctor.

What mistakes can be made?

The use of Commander for processing potato tubers should be strictly in accordance with the instructions.
This is a strong poison, the use of which is used to kill beetles and caterpillars. It is considered a strong remedy with a moderately dangerous substance. While working with it, a person must wear protective clothing, a mask, goggles and gloves so that the drug does not cause harm. After finishing work, you need to wash your hands well, wash with soap, rinse your mouth, and wash your clothes. The drug is compatible with agents for accelerating plant growth. But not with all of them; before use, it is better to study all possible compatible substances.

It is better not to use the product during potato flowering. The toxic substance can be dangerous for bees and bumblebees. And they are friends for gardeners.

When using the product, do not inhale the substance; you must cover your mouth and nose. If poisoning does occur, you need to drink sorbents, activated carbon, and induce vomiting. We need to help the body eliminate it. If your health does not improve, you should consult a doctor.

Potatoes should not be processed in the days before harvest, during rain or strong winds. During this procedure you should not drink, eat or smoke.

It is important to follow simple rules and instructions when working with strong chemicals, then there will be no harm, and the result will please you

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other pest treatment product, Commander has certain pros and cons.

You can safely add to the advantages

  • availability of the product, since it can be bought in almost every specialized store at a reasonable price;
  • no need for frequent treatments due to the long duration of the effect of the drug;
  • comprehensive protection not only from the Colorado potato beetle, but also from a huge number of other pests;
  • resistance to weather conditions: equal effectiveness both in hot weather and in heavy rain (if the drug has managed to be absorbed into the plants, it will not be washed off by rain);
  • Possibility of use in areas with any climate;
  • zero resistance of pests - insects have not yet developed immunity to this product, which is why for the next couple of years it will be an ideal insecticide, especially for potatoes.

In addition to its advantages, the drug also has disadvantages . However, they are not related to the weak effectiveness of the Commander as a whole, but are directly related to the improper use of the tool:

  • Negligent attitude to the processing process can cause harm to health (including children or animals);
  • the drug has a detrimental effect on a huge number of insects, even beneficial ones, and for this reason it will cause the death of even bees, which are organic pollinators of plants.

As you can see, this insecticide has no direct disadvantages. If you carefully read the instructions and follow all the specified conditions, rules and precautions, it will ideally cope with all pests on the site and maintain the integrity of the plants.

Impact principle

The drug Komandor is a concentrate and cannot be used in its pure form. To combat harmful insects, you should prepare an aqueous solution of this drug according to the norm - as indicated on the bottle in the instructions for its use.

This solution, getting on the foliage or tops of potatoes, is quickly absorbed. In essence, the entire plant becomes poisonous for the duration of exposure to the drug. Imidacloprid, which is lethal to the Colorado potato beetle, dissolves in the sap of the plant; the beetles are forced to feed on this poisoned sap. Once in the insect’s body, the poison quickly neutralizes all vital functions of the insect, as it affects its nervous system.

Advantages of the drug Commander

  1. The strength of the impact does not depend on the ambient temperature or weather. It is equally effective in hot weather and in pouring rain.
  2. The product does not cause hydrolysis, although it is used as an aqueous solution.
  3. The drug is not washed off by rain.
  4. Quickly affects pests.
  5. The validity period is quite long.

As you already understand, Commander is not a contact drug, but a systemic one. Therefore, one treatment of the area is usually enough to ensure that pests no longer appear on it before harvesting.

Precautionary measures

The drug Commander is a poison, has a third class of danger, so it should be used carefully, although it is easy to use. Instructions for safe handling are always included and should be read carefully.

Here we will simply say that you need to wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, and goggles when working with this substance. When spraying an area with a spray bottle, be sure to wear a respirator.

It is important to know that this product is dangerous for bees.

Compatibility and analogues

The drug Komandor can be used with other drugs if the latter do not give an alkaline reaction. If this happens, the potato plants will suffer irreparable damage and deteriorate.

It is best to combine Commander with the following drugs:

  • Ribav Extra;
  • Zircon;
  • Epin.

These products promote the growth and development of potatoes, increase productivity, and are also insecticides and fungicides.

As for analogues, you can replace the Commander with the following means:

  • Confidor Extra;
  • Anti-Colorado;
  • Bombardier Aqua.

When combining these agents there will be no adverse reactions, and the plants will receive exceptionally good results.

Storage rules and expiration date

If you keep the products in unsuitable conditions, their effectiveness will be significantly reduced. As for the Commander, it is stored in a dry place, always inaccessible to children and pets. The room temperature should be from -5 to +30 degrees.

The insecticide should not be stored near food, medicine or animal feed. Including next to towels, linen and/or any other things that a person comes into contact with on a regular basis.

Commander in undiluted form can be stored for up to 36 months (this is its official shelf life). But in any case, you should study when the specific drug purchased was manufactured. If some time ago, its shelf life is significantly reduced.

It is necessary to keep the Komandor product away from fire, otherwise it will deteriorate.


Natalia, 29 years old. I've been using only Commander for a long time now.
He managed to prove his effectiveness in practice along with cost-effectiveness of use. All my friends buy it and no one has been disappointed yet. ★★★★★
Sergey, 33 years old. The next morning, absolutely all the old beetles died, and 70% of the young ones died.
After 5 days there were both old and young live beetles, but the tubers were in complete order. For the sake of experiment, I’ll try to increase the concentration, but overall I’m happy with the drug. You should work in a respirator, otherwise at a dosage of 5 ml per bucket you will feel a taste in your mouth and feel a little nauseous. Hide

Add your review

Commander perfectly fights a wide variety of pests when the recommended dosages are observed. Many gardeners note its effectiveness, thanks to which it is possible to preserve a large number of potato tubers. But the main thing remains not only the correct proportions of the drug, but also its correct, safe use during processing.



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The best chemical insecticides against the Colorado potato beetle

Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce dozens of products designed to combat dangerous pests.

Preparations for treating tubers

They have a limited period of validity, so after potato seedlings emerge, they will require repeated treatment (with a different insecticide).


  • Prestige - manufacturer Bayer (Germany), tuber protection for up to 1.5 months. Consumption rate: 1 ml of product per 1 kg of tubers. After the expiration date, it decomposes into non-toxic components;
  • Tabu is a complex protection drug, effective against the Colorado potato beetle, as well as wireworms and aphids. Dilute 8 ml of the product in a liter of water; this amount is enough to process 1 quintal of potatoes.

After preparation, working solutions turn pink, which allows you to see which tubers have already been processed and which need to be pickled.

For spraying potatoes

The group of these chemicals is numerous, which makes it possible to alternate them in gardens and prevent the pest from becoming accustomed and developing immunity.


  • Kinmiks - lasts for about a month, causing paralysis in adults and larvae. Used for treatment on all surfaces of leaf blades, the number of sprays per season is 2 times. Available in ampoule form (2.5 ml), in bottles (10 ml). Consumption – 2.5 ml per hundred square meters;
  • Ivanhoe - gives a good effect regardless of the weather. Available in plastic containers (5 liters), economical to use. Consumption – 0.1 liter of product is enough for one hectare. Non-toxic to bees;
  • Fury is a low toxicity product used on potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. Available in ampoules and bottles, the consumption is 0.7 liters per hectare.


  • Aktara is a granular or emulsion preparation. It is characterized by its fast action (beetles die in 60 minutes) and effectiveness. The protection lasts for almost 20 days. Application: spraying, watering. Consumption: 0.08 grams of product per 1 sq. meter. Feature: does not cause resistance in beetles, is not washed off by precipitation;
  • Commander - has proven his effectiveness in various areas of Russia. Adults die within 3-4 days after spraying; protection lasts for 50 days. Release form: concentrate, diluted in water. It is economical to use; 5 liters of solution is enough for one hundred square meters of plantings. Toxic to fish and bees.
  • Corado is a drug based on the substance imidiacloprid. Causes the death of beetles in 2-3 days. It has a systemic effect, but is used only in dry weather (insufficient moisture resistance). Produced in ampoules (5 and 1 ml), in bottles (10 ml). Consumption: per 100 sq. m requires 10 liters of solution (dilute 1 ml of the drug). It is allowed to process potatoes only once per season, the spraying period is in the morning or evening;
  • Tanrek is a product in ampoules, canisters and bottles. Toxic to fish and bees. Dilute 1 ml of product in a bucket of water, consumption: per hundred square meters - 10 liters of working mixture. This drug is also used for treating tubers. Protection – a month;
  • Killer - contains the active substances cypermethrin, chlorpyrifis. Potatoes are treated with the solution once a summer, no later than 30 days before harvest. Use only in dry weather, at temperatures not higher than +20ºC. Planting protection – 21 days.

How else to poison the pest? Good reviews from gardeners about Confidor Extra and Grinda powder. A ready-made solution of Biotlin Bau is produced in spray bottles, which is immediately used for spraying.

Hormonal insecticidal drugs

New products help kill insects - hormonal-type insecticides that paralyze beetles and disrupt stages of their life cycle. Refers to contact drugs. Impact:

  • block the process of chitin formation in larvae, which causes the death of the insect;
  • death of the pest during the transition from one stage to another.

The drugs Match, Rimon, Sonet inhibit the synthesis of chitin. Causes sterility of beetles, inability to fertilize, and also disrupts the process of pupation of larvae with the insecticide-hormone Nomolt.

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