What does it mean to see a cockroach in a dream? Various options - dream book

Interpretations of what cockroaches dream about - big, small, dead, alive, many or one, for a woman or a man, and also what it means to crush insects in a dream. Cockroaches in a dream - why do they dream? This is considered to be a good sign. In reality, they disgust us, and when they appear in dreams, they promise profitable business in real life, accompanying luck, even a possible win in the lottery.

One or many insects

The interpretation of dreams involving these parasites has its own history. It has long been believed that voracious, nimble cockroaches come to homes where there is great wealth. They do not appear in poor families, because there they simply have nothing to profit from. Therefore, the abundance of “baked neighbors” is a symbol of wealth and well-being, and almost every dream book believes so. What cockroaches mean in dreams is to increase money.

One or many parasites in a dream, in our opinion, cannot predict anything good. However, this is not the case at all.

On a note!

A dream about an insect foreshadows the arrival of guests or an improvement in financial condition. Most dream books promise a quick meeting with relatives in the event of dreaming pests. A lot of them portend positive changes in the sphere of relationships.

According to another interpretation, your salary will be increased, you will receive a bonus, you will experience career growth or have additional income. Why do you dream of cockroaches, many and alive? With a large number of them, your financial situation in real life will be better.

Another meaning of a dream with an abundance of these insects is that your life will change dramatically. This omen works well if you are a young girl.

But why dream of cockroaches in an apartment if they run along the walls and ceiling? It is believed that in this case, minor quarrels and scandals in the family are inevitable. A dream with parasites rushing away from you hints that financial spending is pointless and needs to be reconsidered. A large number of them in a dream means the presence of an abundance of small troubles in your life, which do not allow you to relax.

Catching up with an insect indicates your desire for the ultimate goal. If you manage to catch it, success awaits, and if not, failure. If one individual runs away and needs to be caught, the person strives for comfort in the family and tries to restore relationships with loved ones. The presence of a huge number of rapidly multiplying cockroaches suggests that you are faced with too many problems that should be solved not alone, but together.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream book, such an unpleasant insect as a cockroach can portend both good and bad events, what matters is how many of them you dreamed about and in what condition.

If this is a large number of insects, then most likely it promises monetary rewards and career advancement. But if you dream of one insect, on the contrary, it foreshadows unpleasant events and difficulties that you will have to face alone and the dreamer will not receive support.

Seeing dead cockroaches means all your problems are behind you, you can relax and enjoy life. Kill - important changes in life will occur, for example, marriage, moving, traveling, entering a university. A large number of living or dead cockroaches - you should wait for an important event that will radically change your life.

If he crawls up the wall - a monetary reward. Crawling up an inclined surface - profit, but not in large quantities. Catching insects means improving your financial condition. Crawling over the body - a person will find himself in a rather awkward situation, but if you show resourcefulness, you can get out of it very easily.

Alive or dead - what do they mean?

Why do you dream of living cockroaches in an apartment? You have to make new friends and acquaintances. The dead promise the resolution of some minor problems.

To see them dead or killed means you have missed a profitable chance. In the dream book on this matter, it is recommended to take a close look at current life events and find a possible benefit in the current situation.

The dream book of Nostradamus interprets the appearance of a living pest nearby in a dream as an impending gain.

The dead falling from above mean that past experiences will come to life again. Another version is that your unfulfilled promise will reflect badly on you.

On a note!

Dead cockroaches in a dream indicate that the things one is working on may fail. The meaning of dead insects that have taken over your nightmares is this: you shouldn’t waste your precious time on all sorts of trifles.

Other dream options and their interpretation

Various dream books interpret other dream scenarios in which crawling pests are present:

  • a dream of deliberately persecuting mustachioed insects means that a person will have new worries that will bring joy;
  • bugs appear in food - the occurrence of unpleasant events that require a lot of effort;
  • Eating insects means being overly addicted to bad habits;
  • a large number of unpleasant bugs indicates that a person needs to get rid of old things;
  • the appearance in a dream of pests infesting a house promises good luck in all areas of life;
  • if a woman dreams of a lot of insects and she is not afraid of them, then she will soon have a child.

A person who sees and crushes a cockroach in a dream may encounter both positive and negative consequences of the dream. You should abstract yourself from unfavorable thoughts and try to quickly find solutions to problems.

If a woman or a man dreams

But what a woman dreams of about a cockroach is financial success. Such dreams are an omen of an imminent marriage with a wealthy groom, receiving an expensive gift from a man, or winning the lottery. The more parasites you dream about, the greater the success will be.

If an unmarried girl saw nimble, long-moustached men in a dream, it promises her an acquaintance with a man, which will gradually develop into a passionate romance. However, the fairy tale is not destined to last long.


Sigmund Freud carefully looked at why a woman dreams of cockroaches and found out that this dream foreshadows the appearance of children. The frequent appearance of insects in the dreams of a representative of the fair sex is a constant worry about the advisability of having a child.

A dead or killed pest that a woman dreams of foreshadows a new acquaintance with a man. You shouldn't expect anything good from such connections - he will turn out to be a lying traitor.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the interpretations of this dream book, seeing these unpleasant insects means, on the contrary, a pleasant event, for example, you can win the lottery, or get lucky in a game of chance, or a person may appear in life who will bring very good changes.

But of course, not all dreams promise joy and pleasant events. When they are on a plate of food, pay attention to the people around you; most likely among them there is an envious person who can plot and try to disrupt plans.

You shouldn’t talk about your plans for the future, so no one can stop you from realizing them. Catching cockroaches means a person puts a lot of effort into saving his family.

Red, black, white

Options for why red cockroaches dream: it foretells minor troubles, meaningless conversations, gossip and empty promises. A lot of red Prussians in a dream indicate that you are tormented by constant remorse. This may also indicate that you are dishonest. Big, red and mustachioed means unexpected profits and the more of them, the richer you will become.

Modern dream books indicate that disgusting red insects dream of money. The scurrying Prussians predict significant profits for the sleeper, receiving wealth or expensive gifts.

The black cockroach symbolizes the enemy. The larger it is, the more evil the ill-wisher.

But what black cockroaches dream of is to spread gossip about you. Large black Orthoptera also dream of intrigue. Having seen a dream involving black parasites, you should think about your surroundings.

The appearance of a rare white cockroach in a dream means deception that surrounds you. In reality, after such a dream, you should be more careful and not trust everyone.

On a note!

Insects of all kinds have surrounded you - this is a sign that fatigue is taking over and you need to rest. You shouldn’t get too caught up in your problems – your dreams hint at this.

Crushing cockroaches with your hands in a dream

The dreamer will be able to personally complete a task that the whole team could not cope with. Don't relax, be smart and observant. Your efforts will definitely be rewarded with an impressive bonus and a transfer to a leadership position. Remember, you are a valuable employee worth seeking out!

Another interpretation is a successful acquisition . Now is the best time to buy large equipment or change a car. You will soon discover that spending does not greatly affect the family budget. The purchase will bring comfort, saving time and effort, positive emotions

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