Dobrokhim FOS – a remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches, composition and features of the drug’s action

Fighting cockroaches and bedbugs is quite a troublesome task. However, an effective remedy for them is still commercially available. This is the drug Dobrokhim FOS. Its use gets rid of many types of parasites that choose residential buildings, apartments and public catering establishments as their place of residence. What kind of miracle remedy is this and how to use it correctly - the answers are in this article.

Description of the drug

Dobrokhim FOS is a potent drug from the group of insecticides. Its use for the destruction of parasitic insects has a high level of effectiveness. In the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches, they resort to various types of insecticides. Namely:

  • suspensions,
  • aerosols,
  • crayons,
  • poisonous pastes,
  • traps.

As for the popular product Dobrokhim FOS, it is a soluble aqueous emulsion with a brown or yellowish tint. It is a contact intestinal pesticide that acts quickly on all insects.

Features of the drug's action

The insecticide is widely used for household and industrial use. After treating the surfaces, the substances contained in the preparation quickly evaporate. Its vapors have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of cockroaches and bedbugs, paralyzing the insects, which causes their death literally after 10 - 15 minutes. The residual activity of the drug against parasites lasts 1 – 2 months.

The release form of the product is an emulsion, packaged in dark plastic bottles of 50 ml or 1 liter. To treat residential premises, it is enough to purchase a small bottle of concentrated emulsion with a volume of 50 ml.

Reference. According to the version of the Vredstop website, the drug Dobrokhim FOS is absolutely safe for humans and pets, provided that the instructions for use are strictly followed and precautions are taken.


  • improved composition and affordable price;
  • less danger for warm-blooded animals;
  • noticeable results after the first use;
  • effective against all types of household insects.

Principle of action: the active component of the drug is fenthion. Once in the pest's body, they affect sodium-potassium channels and calcium metabolism in synapses, which causes excessive release of acetylcholine during the passage of a nerve impulse. Poisoning is characterized by severe overexcitation, convulsions and damage to motor centers.

Instructions for use Dobrokhim FOS

To carry out high-quality treatment of premises against bedbugs, cockroaches and other parasitic insects, a working solution should be prepared from a concentrated emulsion of the drug. In this case, the consumption of the drug directly depends on factors such as the area of ​​​​the room being treated, the type of insects and the number of colonies.

You can calculate the required concentration of the working solution using the table:

From what type of insect:Consumption of the drug (in ml per 1 liter of water)
bedbugs5 ml
cockroaches10 ml
fleas3 ml
flies5 ml
fly larvae4 ml
mosquitoes3 ml
mosquito larvae1 ml
lice10 ml

The dosage also depends on the type of surface being treated. For example, for non-absorbent materials you will need to prepare a solution at the rate of 50 ml per 1 sq. m., for absorbent materials - 100 ml per 1 sq. m.

Basic rules for using the drug

According to the manufacturer's instructions for Dobrokhim FOS, the drug should be used strictly following the following recommendations:

  1. To prepare the working solution, the concentrated emulsion should be diluted with water according to the proportions indicated in the table. The prepared solution can only be used for 8 hours.
  2. Before treating a living space, all food must be removed from it. In addition, it is advisable to move furniture away from the walls, empty shelves, racks, cabinets and bedside tables.
  3. Adults and children, as well as pets, must be removed from the premises before the procedure. If it is not possible to remove the aquarium with fish, cover it with glass.
  4. Having traced the paths of movement and places where insects accumulate, treat all cracks, corners and baseboards.
  5. If the treatment is carried out to kill bedbugs, the upholstered furniture should be treated with a sprayer. Bedding must be removed and washed in hot water.
  6. When treating premises, it is necessary to open windows and doors and spray the working solution using any type of sprayer.

At the end of treatment, windows and doors should be closed for 24 hours for a more effective effect of the drug on insects and their larvae. After this time, the room must be ventilated for an hour. Treated surfaces should be washed with an aqueous solution of baking soda at the rate of 30 g of soda per 1 liter of water.

Pharaoh from bedbugs

Country of origin – Russia, release form – concentrated emulsion. The active substance is chlorpyrifos, lambda is cyhalothrin. The drug is more effective than other insecticides and ensures the death of a significant part of the population within 24 hours after application. Hazard class – third.

Temprid FX is an effective spray made in America. Active substances: imidacloprid, beta-cyfluthrin. The spray has received a lot of positive reviews, is used by professional services, and is not addictive. Effective against eggs and adults.

Features of application:

If mattresses are contaminated, remove bedding and wash before reusing. Apply the product to seams, folds and edges until completely moistened. Let dry. You can spray the spray on the mattress, bed springs, and frame, carefully treating all connections.

If bedbugs are found in upholstered furniture, apply the spray only to the habitats. To prevent re-infestation by blood-sucking insects, apply the drug to baseboards, moldings, flooring and carpets, cabinets, shelves, curtains, furniture and picture frames, which can become a hiding place for bed bugs.

Precautionary measures

Due to the fact that Dobrokhim FOS is classified as a level 3 insecticide for people and animals, its use requires strict adherence to the following precautionary measures:

  • Use personal protective equipment when processing industrial premises.
  • When performing work in apartments and houses, you can limit yourself to clothing made of thick fabrics. The use of a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves is mandatory. It is recommended to hide your hair under a hat or scarf. Since the working solution spills on the floor, it is necessary to use rubber boots.
  • At the end of work, you must rinse off in the shower and wash your clothes.
  • Cleaning, which is mandatory after treatment against bedbugs and cockroaches with Dobrokhim, also involves the use of rubber gloves and boots.
  • If the working solution gets on exposed areas of the body, it is necessary to wash it off with plenty of water. If the drug enters the body, it becomes an indication to immediately visit a doctor.

Ignoring precautions can cause allergies, cause burns, and if swallowed, lead to death.

Rating of effective folk remedies for bedbugs

Opponents of chemicals prefer old recipes for getting rid of bedbugs, some of which are quite effective. Let's look at the TOP "grandmother's" recipes that have been tested in practice. By folk means we mean means of exterminating bed insects that are affordable, do not cause allergic reactions, and are relatively safe for humans. Most often, the necessary drugs, substances active against bedbugs, can be found in every home or bought at a hardware store.

Preparations for home use against parasitic insects, methods of self-extermination of insects can be combined into several categories.

Plants against bedbugs

Bed bugs have a keen sense of smell and are very sensitive to specific odors. On their body there are special hairs - sentillas, with the help of which bedbugs capture even the most subtle odors. This helps them find prey and also avoid the source of unpleasant odors. Using this feature of insects, you can remove them from your apartment using effective natural remedies with a distinct odor.

There are several types of herbs that can repel domestic bloodsuckers.


Ledum is an evergreen plant. It can be found in swamps and other places with wet soil. Its smell is irritating to bedbugs, since wild rosemary contains essential oils. No wonder its second name is bedbug. A distinctive feature of wild rosemary is that it does not repel bedbugs, but rather stupefies and puts them to sleep.

Methods for preparing an effective remedy against bed bugs:

  • 1 way. Place fresh twigs (with or without inflorescences) in areas where bedbugs live.
  • Method 2. The collected herbs must be dried and fumigated in her apartment or house. The procedure must be repeated at least once every two days. As the number of insects decreases, the number of procedures can be reduced.


Pharmaceutical chamomile can be purchased in powder form or collected in bulk. It is recommended to sprinkle it on objects in the room where parasites accumulate: sofa, mattress, bed, area under the bed and baseboards. A small amount of chamomile can be sprinkled into ventilation holes - insects often hide in them. When the bugs smell it, they quickly leave the room. It’s not for nothing that many insecticidal products are made based on chamomile.

Another option for effectively using an anti-bedbug product is to prepare a thick decoction and treat the floor, furniture and baseboards with it.


Wormwood is a popular remedy that grows everywhere. It can be found in the garden, vegetable garden, park, meadow.

It is better to collect grass during flowering, since during this period it produces a lot of phytoncides. The strong specific smell of wormwood will quickly repel bedbugs from the apartment.

You need to cut it with the top, with the flowers. The height of the stem should be up to 20 cm. After this, the wormwood is dried - this should be done in places where the sun's rays do not penetrate. You can also use fresh twigs - the smell from them will only be stronger.

Wormwood is laid out in places infested with bedbugs, under the bed, under the sofa. Under the mattress, or in the vents. Fresh leaves can be mashed - they will release more phytoncides, producing an odor that is so unpleasant to parasites.


This is a beautiful plant with yellow inflorescences and a strong specific smell. Tansy flowers contain essential oils that repel domestic parasites. To ensure effective repelling, it is recommended to collect the inflorescences, since they contain the main volatile substances.

To collect tansy flowers, use scissors. You need to stack the cut flowers loosely, without compacting them. Tansy is dried in a ventilated area, away from sunlight.

Dried inflorescences are laid out in places infested with bedbugs. Within a few days after using the product, you will notice that the parasite population has decreased significantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of herbal remedies against bedbugs.

Using fragrant herbs against parasites has both pros and cons. The advantages of this method include:

  • Safety. Plants with a pronounced odor, unlike insecticides, are not toxic and harmless to humans.
  • The method does not require special preparation
  • It is not expensive. You can collect herbs yourself or buy dried herbs at any pharmacy at a low price.
  • Herbs can be used both as a means of control and as a prevention of infection.

A significant disadvantage of this means of getting rid of pests is that it does not kill bedbugs, but only repels them for a while. There is no guarantee that insects will not return to your apartment after some time.

Aroma oils

There are many effective remedies with essential oils. They, like herbs, repel bed insects and have a pronounced insecticidal effect. You can use orange oil, tea tree oil, wormwood, camphor oil, lavender oil, and eucalyptus oil. A strong natural pesticide is neem oil. The smell is very pungent, reminiscent of garlic.

Anti-bunk treatment with essential oil-based products does not kill insects and is used as a preventive measure to prevent re-infection.

It is often not possible to reduce the concentration of the smell of essential oils after prolonged ventilation. Such substances should be used with great caution, because the pungent odor can cause allergies in the residents themselves.

Essential oils must be used correctly. Before processing:

  • Do wet cleaning of the room, vacuum the carpets;
  • Identify the location of nests;
  • Prepare a solution: take 20-25 drops of essential oil per 5 liters of water. Place the solution in a spray bottle;
  • Spray areas where insects may accumulate.

The maximum effect from such strong-smelling products can be achieved by using several types of essential oils in the solution.

Mechanical means and methods of temperature exposure:

  • Thermal exposure;
  • Treatment of nests with hot steam;
  • Vacuuming;
  • Scalding with boiling water.

Thermal impact

The critical temperature for parasites at which they die is minus 20 °C. Bed bugs are, in principle, very susceptible to low temperatures. Although insects can exist at temperatures above -20 ° C, their activity decreases so much that they even stop attacking.

If the residents of the house want to get rid of bedbugs, you can take pieces of furniture out into the cold and freeze them for 24 hours. As a result, not only adults, but also eggs and larvae will die. However, such a product is difficult to use in a city apartment.

House bugs also cannot tolerate high temperatures. Items affected by bedbugs can be washed in hot water at a temperature above 45 °C. The sofa and other pieces of furniture can be taken out into the rays of the scorching sun on a hot day. And leave for several hours.

It is important to remember that thermal exposure is ineffective as an independent procedure. It is recommended to be used in combination with other means of control. It is unlikely that residents will be able to remove all items infested with bedbugs from the house. And if several individuals remain in the room, after some time the colony will be replenished. And the processing will have to be done again. That is why such products should be used together with insecticides that are guaranteed to destroy all insects.

Scalding with boiling water

A simple, effective and affordable means for exterminating domestic bedbugs is scalding the habitats with boiling water. Boiling water is guaranteed to destroy adult individuals, as well as larvae and clutches of bedbug eggs. The only and important drawback of this method is the difficulty of treating hard-to-reach places where parasites love to settle. It is also necessary to observe safety precautions, as there is a risk of burns.

Collecting bedbugs with a vacuum cleaner

Using a vacuum cleaner to collect adult specimens in an apartment is much easier than collecting them manually. This method is not highly effective, but it does allow you to get rid of bed bugs in certain parts of the room. The vacuum cleaner also allows you to collect not only adult bedbugs, but also eggs and nymphs. After collecting insects, the dust bag must be burned.

Hot steam treatment

The destruction of bedbugs with a stream of hot air refers to mechanical and temperature methods of removal. To do this, you can use a hair dryer, steam generator and other devices that allow you to direct a stream of hot air to areas infested with bed bugs.

The method is that high temperature is detrimental to bed pests and is more likely to cause death. The main disadvantage of hot steam is the difficulty of processing large areas, for example an entire apartment. You can also skip hard-to-reach places that may contain entire colonies of parasites.

It is difficult to achieve active and complete destruction of a large colony using such methods. Processing will give results if single locations of nests are known.

Diamatous earth or kieselguhr

The active component of the product is diatomite, it is obtained from algae. Many Russian manufacturers produce insecticides based on powder, but diatomaceous earth can be used in its pure form to combat bed parasites. Penetrating into the body, the earth causes dehydration and rapid death of individuals. The substance is odorless and does not cause discomfort to humans.

Alcohol-containing compounds

To effectively destroy bed parasites, aggressive and alcohol-containing substances are used: kerosene, denatured alcohol, alcoholic beverages, turpentine, phenol, salicylic acid, ammonia. The cooking recipes are similar: 5 parts of the listed components and 20 parts of water. The resulting solutions are poured into the proposed nest locations. The substances are flammable and toxic, so they should be used with precautions.

Pros and cons of the drug

The ratio of the advantageous characteristics and disadvantages of the product can be seen more clearly in the table:

Action speedStrong smell
Ease of useToxicity and likelihood of developing allergies
High level of efficiency
Long residual effect
Safety for humans and animals, subject to compliance with the Instructions
Can be used against many types of insects

The indisputable advantage of the drug is its fairly low cost. One bottle containing 50 ml of emulsion costs about 350 rubles.



“We inherited bedbugs from the previous owners of the apartment. We tried a lot of products until we bought Dobrokhim FOS. Literally a few hours after treatment with this drug, we forever forgot about bedbugs and the discomfort they caused.”


“I’m very pleased with Dobrokhim Phos, so I decided to write a review. This inexpensive remedy saved us from the hordes of cockroaches that we inherited from the previous owners of the apartment. Thanks to the producers."


“I treated the apartment against cockroach infestation using various means, but to no avail. They appeared again and again. A friend advised me to buy Dobrokhim. This is an extremely effective means of killing red-haired vampires. They disappeared without a trace."

Preparing the premises

Before carrying out disinfestation, it is necessary to first prepare the room. To do this, you need to hide all the dishes in cabinets, pack food in airtight containers, and put clothes in plastic bags.

Dead insects

It is also necessary to cover aquariums, take out flowers, and remove pets. Additionally, you need to cover all absorbent surfaces in the apartment with film. Only one person should be in the room during processing.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to mix Dobrokhim FOS with other remedies for bedbugs and cockroaches?

The drug itself is quite effective, so there is no point in mixing it with other drugs.

How to properly store Dobrokhim?

This is a toxic product, so it must be stored in tight packaging from the manufacturer. The storage location must be inaccessible to small children and pets. Do not store in close proximity to food.

What is the shelf life of the drug?

The drug is suitable for use for 5 years from the date of release indicated on the packaging.

When can food be returned?

Food products can be placed in their places no less than 5 - 7 hours after processing and ventilation of the room.

How dangerous are insects?

Cockroaches and ants may seem like harmless insects only at first glance, causing only aesthetic discomfort; in fact, they can be the source of problems such as:

  • spread of germs and dangerous diseases;
  • food spoilage;
  • bites;
  • emotional rejection.

Ant bites are not dangerous and are not very sensitive, but they are undoubtedly unpleasant. The exception is people suffering from allergies; for them, bites present more discomfort. Those ants who protect the anthill and their queen from the danger of invasion begin to bite. Cockroaches do not bite humans, but they can gnaw off pieces of epithelium in a dream, crawl into the ear of a sleeping person, or run over open areas of skin.

Ants, like cockroaches, eat a variety of foods. But insects do not so much eat as spoil food. During the day they can visit sewer pipes, garbage chutes, basements and crawl into your apartment or dacha and climb into, for example, baked goods or fruit.

The worst thing is that they spread dangerous diseases and even helminth eggs, and food and personal belongings can become contagious after contact with insects.

The most dangerous diseases carried by cockroaches are:

  • Dysentery.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Meningitis.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Mycobacteriosis.
  • Urogenital diseases.

They carry helminth eggs such as:

  • Roundworms.
  • Pinworms.
  • Tapeworms.

A person who has become infected with a dangerous disease may not even realize that he got it by touching a contaminated surface in his home and not washing his hands in time. And a large number of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs in the house leads to dermatitis, rhinitis and bronchial asthma in a protracted form, while the insects are present in the country house or apartment.

No one would like to constantly encounter barbels swarming in food or on tables, and no one would want to invite guests to such a house. And the feeling of relaxation and comfort is definitely out of the question here.

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