"Executioner" - an insecticidal remedy for bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches

Having seen bedbugs in their house, housewives are horrified: what to do? What to do? How to deal with this?

Every time we ask these questions, we urgently begin to look for effective means of combating these vile parasites called “bugs.” Bedbugs are not only disgusting to look at, but also dangerous to human health. One of such effective insecticides is “EXECUTIONER,” and we’ll talk about it in this article.

There are many means, but it is difficult to choose an effective one.
Some are highly toxic, others are ineffective because they cause rapid addiction to them. And the consumer needs a product that will quickly and safely rid him of blood-sucking creatures. The insecticide market today includes at least about 50 drugs that are more or less effective in the fight against bedbugs. Interesting fact: The most dangerous insecticide is DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), which was discovered by the Austrian student Othmar Zeidler in the 18th century. But it received its widespread use only in 1939. Since the 1970s, this drug has been banned in most countries, including Russia.

History of creation

The drug for bedbugs "EXECUTIONER" was produced in Germany and tested in the barracks. At the same time, it was possible to completely destroy bedbugs during the initial application, which proved the effectiveness of this insecticide. In Russia, this insecticide appeared in 2013 and immediately gained popularity, and there are many reasons for this:

  • This is a modern and effective remedy. And the presence of certificates confirms its safety when used for humans and animals.
  • The composition of the drug "EXECUTIONER" complies with the approved GOST standards, which control the release of these drugs.
  • There has not yet been a single case of poisoning with this drug.
  • The insecticide "EXECUTIONER" can be found in specialized and online stores at a price of 60 - 70 rubles per bottle.
  • When ordering products online and in bulk, you will also receive a discount. Therefore, it will be beneficial for you to team up with “friends in misfortune” - neighbors.
  • “EXECUTIONER” destroys not only bedbugs, their larvae and eggs, but also effectively fights fleas, cockroaches and flies.

Detailed review of the remedy for bedbugs “Executioner”: how it works, how to use, reviews

Reading time: 8 minutes Bed bugs are common obligate synanthropic blood-sucking insects and ectoparasites of humans and warm-blooded animals.

It is difficult to remove house bugs that feed on blood on your own, so experts recommend using for this purpose the highly effective and easy-to-use fast-acting remedy Executioner (Scharfrichter), which has proven itself to be effective in getting rid of parasites from various types of premises.

About the manufacturer

The production of the original bedbug executioner product has also been established by other companies. The chemical insecticidal preparation has a state registration certificate RU. dated June 14, 2017.

Over the past fifteen years, the company has produced and sold a huge number of truly working products that are designed to combat parasitic insects in professional and domestic conditions.

produces a wide range of different high-quality disinfectants, which ensures the greatest possible simplicity and comfort in the use of drugs, and also guarantees high results at minimal cost.

Since 2002, the manufacturer has been registering and introducing new and well-proven products to the domestic market with enviable regularity. Since 2005, all products produced by Alina-Nova LLC have been equipped with destructible original holograms.

What is "Executioner"

Before diluting a pest control agent, it is necessary to understand what the product used is.

The insecticide "Executioner" is used on objects of different categories, including residential and non-residential, industrial and communal premises, as well as public catering buildings.

This product was developed by the German company Bayer, and before mass use, the insecticidal preparation underwent a full range of all necessary tests, which confirm the high efficiency and complete safety of the composition for people of any age, as well as various pets.

In addition to the simple mechanism for using a modern insecticide, when using it there is no addiction in insects, so the drug can be recommended for subsequent disinfestation.

It can also be noted that there are no difficulties when cleaning the room after disinfestation with Scharfrichter and the residual odor disappears quite quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Based on the fact that domestic bugs are characterized by high innate resistance to many toxic substances, it is very important to choose the right drug that provides not only a guaranteed high result, but also a safe one for people and animals.

The category of such products includes the modern insecticide "Executioner", characterized by a huge number of advantages proven by clinical trials and user reviews, as well as some disadvantages that must be taken into account in the process of choosing a drug and its use.

Among the most important advantages, many users of the Executioner insecticide note the availability of purchasing the product in retail outlets and online stores, a long exposure time (up to fifteen days), guaranteed safety for animals, adults and children, ease of independent use and cost-effectiveness.

For example, to fully treat the entire area of ​​a standard one-room apartment, you will need to purchase about ten bottles of the Executioner product.

The disadvantages of the drug include the presence of a characteristic and specific odor during processing, which disappears quite quickly even after a short ventilation of the room.

The mechanism of action of the “Executioner” product on bedbugs

Bed or house bugs belong to the category of insects that have an incomplete transformation cycle, so they do not have a pupal stage, and the larva turns into an adult insect through several molts and during puberty.

Thus, the entire cycle is represented by three main stages: egg, nymph and mature individual, ready for reproduction and reproduction of offspring.

Despite the fact that the average lifespan of a domestic bug is only one and a half years, in such a short period of time the insect manages to lay about 250-500 eggs.

Moreover, at each stage of development of the ectoparasite, its resistance to unfavorable external factors varies noticeably, which sometimes requires the use of an integrated approach to the issue of controlling household insects.

Under natural conditions, the average rate of reproduction of bedbugs is naturally limited by superparasites - insects capable of laying eggs in the body of a bedbug, which causes its death, but domestic ectoparasites can only be destroyed by special means, which include the insecticidal preparation "Executioner".

After applying the working composition of the insecticide to the surfaces to be treated, the water gradually evaporates, so a solvent is released that complements the active substance.

The merging drops of the product form a thin film, on the surface of which insecticidal crystals form. It should be noted that porous materials that quickly absorb moisture (for example, fabrics and paper) contribute to faster destruction of the product and a completely natural decrease in its effectiveness.

The active toxic substance enters the body of a household insect through airborne droplets and contact (through the outer integument) route.

In the process of contact with household ectoparasites, the toxin acts as a neuroparalytic agent, affecting the nervous system of the bug, as a result of which paralysis first occurs, and then the death of the insect is observed.

The penetration of active toxic components through the cover membranes contributes to the effective and rapid destruction of house bug eggs and their larval stage, which prevents the further spread of infection indoors.

Composition and release forms

The composition of the drug may vary depending on the form of release of the drug: emulsion concentrates, powder products and pest control gels.

The key active component of the drug is the toxic substance fenthion. The synthesis of the modern highly effective and fast-acting insecticide “Executioner” by German chemistry experts occurred in 1960.

The concentration of the active substance in “Executioner” is 27.5%, and fenthion itself is a colorless oil, poorly soluble in water and various technical liquids.

Diluting pure toxin yourself is very problematic. During the process of gradual heating, fenthion begins to evaporate, and this process is accompanied by the active formation of toxic fumes.

Russian standards classify this substance as a very dangerous and highly toxic compound that has a characteristic and quite pronounced garlic odor.

The most common uses of fenthion are:

  • extermination from insect pests and parasites in premises for various purposes, including human habitation;
  • processing of natural locations in order to completely destroy ticks, which are carriers of encephalitis and borreliosis, which is dangerous to humans;
  • processing of detected large and small ovipositions of mosquitoes and flies, as well as other insects.

Additional components in the composition of the preparation for bedbugs “Executioner” (Scharfrichter) are stabilizers and preservatives, prolongers of exposure, as well as high-quality emulsifiers that maintain a homogeneous structure of the solution and perfume fragrance to effectively neutralize a very characteristic chemical odor.

At the same time, stabilizers are responsible for the stability of the composition to temperature changes and minimize the risk of destruction of the active components under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and a special solvent activates fenthion, which is easily preserved using a standard antioxidant included in the chemical insecticide.

The best analogues of the “Executioner” product according to users

Modern contact-intestinal insecticides with a wide spectrum of action have high initial toxicity and are distinguished by a long protective period, destroy adult bedbugs, and have larvicidal and ovicidal effects. In addition to the German remedy “Executioner,” several highly effective drugs have similar properties.

Liquid emulsion “Dobrokhim FOS” based on 20% fenthion and auxiliary components, intended for domestic use and professional pest control, is highly effective at a high level of occupancy of objects. The average price is 1896 rubles per liter.

Liquid emulsion "Medilis-Super" based on 24% fenthion and auxiliary substances maintains its activity for a long time, which helps to completely get rid of ectoparasites in all cycles of their development. The average price is 400 rubles for 50 ml.

Gel in tubes and syringes “Forssythe” based on 25% fenthion with the addition of stabilizers, antioxidants, fragrance and solvent is characterized by maintaining residual effectiveness for three to five months and creating a reliable protective barrier. The average price is 1300 rubles per 500 ml.

Medilis liquid based on 25% cypermethrin is distinguished by the duration of residual effects on indoor surfaces for 1-3 months, which depends on the concentration of the product and the characteristics of the surface being treated. The average price is 1200 rubles per 500 ml.

Instructions on how to use

For effective disinfestation, the “Executioner” product is recommended to be used twice. The first application ensures massive death of ectoparasites, as well as larvae and ovipositions on which the insecticide is sprayed. A week later, during the second treatment, the surviving individuals are destroyed.

Before you begin cleaning the premises, you need to correctly calculate the total consumption of the drug.

It is strictly forbidden to deliberately increase or decrease the concentration of the product, since changing the proportions will negatively affect the result.

Each bottle (volume 5 ml) is designed to treat 5 m2 of infected area, and dilution allows you to obtain 50 ml of working solution.

First, the room is thoroughly prepared with complete isolation of all residents in the treated room, including pets. Aquariums can be taken out or hermetically covered with glass or plastic film, after turning off the compressor. It is not necessary to take out indoor plants.

Food, medications, clothing not contaminated with ectoparasites and personal hygiene items must be packaged in special airtight bags.

It is important to seal all the cracks, turn off the power to the room, remove carpets, mirrors and paintings. Maximum clearance of space increases the access of the insecticide to all locations of ectoparasites and their offspring.

Particular attention is required when preparing the insecticide for treatment. Before diluting the drug, you need to carefully study the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, as well as check the expiration date and make sure that the drug is original (the presence of a special protective hologram).

First, the required amount of clean water at room temperature is poured into a prepared 500 ml container with a spray bottle, after which a bottle of the “Executioner” product is poured.

After the lid of the container is tightly closed, the solution is thoroughly shaken. To obtain a large volume of working solution, it is advisable to purchase a special container of maximum displacement, equipped with a spray bottle.

A high result is ensured by treating the room with an insecticide using a standard cold steam generator. The required amount of solution is diluted immediately before use, after which it is poured into the appropriate liquid bowl, which is equipped with all modern steam generator devices.

It is strictly forbidden to allow long-term storage of the finished toxic mixture, since in this case, separation of the working solution and a noticeable decrease in its effectiveness are often observed.

First of all, resting and sleeping areas, represented by beds, mattresses, and upholstered furniture, are generously treated with insecticide.

In some cases, if furniture is significantly infested with bed bugs, it is recommended to rip the fabric upholstery from the underside of the sofa or mattress, and then spray the insecticide working solution directly inside.

At the next stage of treatment, the main and potential foci of ectoparasites are disinfected, which are located near furniture, in cabinet drawers, near baseboards and cornices, lamp shades and sockets, door and window openings, and in ventilation openings.

After the main treatment is completed, the working solution is also sprayed on the balcony or loggia, as well as in the vestibule.

If there are a large number of bedbugs, walls and floors, linen and carpets are treated.

Immediately after treatment, it is important to close windows and doors, and then be sure to leave the disinfected room for about eight hours.

Intensive spraying of the Executioner product may cause a specific chemical odor to appear in the room, so before cleaning it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the treated room.

All items that are exposed to the sprayed insecticide are sent to the wash.

Upholstered furniture, carpets and mattresses must be thoroughly vacuumed, and all surfaces must be washed with clean warm water. After a week, the room is carefully inspected to identify surviving ectoparasites.

If necessary, re-treat with insecticide.

Security Methods

According to the degree of toxic effects on the body of people and warm-blooded animals, the German insecticide “Executioner” (Scharfrichter) is classified as class III - low-hazard drugs in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76:

  • European Commission - hazard class II;
  • WHO - hazard class II;
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) - Hazard Class II.

However, the use of such a chemical working solution for treating premises against ectoparasites requires ensuring standard personal safety.

Direct contact of toxic substances with the skin and mucous membranes should not be allowed. It is also important to remember that prolonged exposure to chemicals significantly increases the risk of poisoning.

In order to protect against the effects of toxic insecticide, it is necessary to wear long sleeves, a hat or headscarf, and rubber gloves before spraying.

Respiratory protection is provided by a respirator or mask.

Failure to take precautions when treating premises with chemicals can cause illness, the main symptoms of which are dizziness, lethargy, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

In this case, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim: take 10-12 tablets of activated carbon, go out into fresh air, ensure sufficient drinking conditions, rinse the drug from the skin and mucous membranes with plenty of clean water.

If you have a severe allergy, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

Official website: where to view instructions

Developed by a well-known German company and tested in army barracks, the long-acting drug “Executioner” began to be sold in Russia only five years ago.

Thanks to the acquisition of a license, the production of the highly effective insecticide Scharfrichter is now established by several domestic chemical enterprises, including the well-established company Aventis CropScience Deutschland GmbH (Germany):


The products manufactured and also sold by the official domestic representative have an affordable price and proven high quality, who on his website provided complete information on drugs against ectoparasites and instructions for using the German long-acting insecticide “Executioner”:



The total cost of treating an infested object is affected by the size of the area, as well as the level of infestation. With high rates of infestation by household insects, the average consumption of the drug increases noticeably.

Among other things, the cost of the purchased chemical insecticide depends on the total volume of products purchased.

Area to be processed
Number of bottles usedAverage price of one bottleAverage processing cost
150 m220 pcs.70-75 rubles1400 rubles
150 m230 pcs.70-75 rubles2100 rubles
300 m260 pcs.60-65 rubles3600 rubles
500 m2100 pieces.55-60 rubles5500 rubles
> 1,000 m2200 pcs.50-55 rublesfrom 10 thousand rubles
> 1,000 m2from 2000 pcs.45-50 rublesfrom 10 thousand rubles

Where to buy the remedy for bedbugs Executioner?

It is recommended to purchase the chemical preparation Scharfrichter (“Executioner”) only from trusted and well-established retail outlets that sell household chemicals or insecticides.

To be sure of purchasing an original product, you should contact official dealers or companies that are ready to provide all the necessary documentation for the products sold, including a quality certificate.

In Moscow

  • (50th Anniversary of October street, building 4, office 322) tel.: 8;
  • TSK "Kashirka 23" (Orekhovy Boulevard, building 71) tel.: 8 (499) 653-53-01;
  • official dealer SOK.GURU (Yasenevaya street, 35, entrance 2) tel..

In St. Petersburg

  • LLC "TLK-Line" (Ivan Chernykh St., building 1) tel.: 8 (812) 904-77-52;
  • "Dezsredstva" store (V.O. 8 line, building 33) tel.: 8 (812) 980-99-15;
  • disinfestation service (Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Ave., 62) tel.: 8 (812) 241-18-26.

House bugs, in addition to active individuals exterminated by household products, also have a larval stage covered with a protective shell, through which ineffective household products cannot penetrate.

This explains the difficulty of removing bedbugs on your own, as well as the need to use professional preparations, which include the modern and fast-acting German long-acting chemical Scharfrichter.

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Composition of the drug

This insecticide is based on a 27.5% solution of Fenthion, which in turn is a complex organophosphorus compound.
It has a strong poisoning effect. The drug, once in the body of the parasite, has a neuro-paralytic effect and immobilizes the insect. Causing subsequent paralysis and death of the insect. The product “EXECUTIONER” resembles the smell of kerosene, which attracts parasites. To obtain this smell, special fragrances are used that are safe for warm-blooded animals.

FENTHION in its pure form belongs to the II hazard class, and preparations based on it belong to the III moderately toxic substance in relation to humans and pets. It must be used in compliance with the necessary safety measures. If the room is large and the situation is neglected, repeated treatment will be required.

Preparation for processing

  • Before disinfestation begins, all people and pets must be removed from the premises.
  • Pack food and utensils in plastic bags and remove from the area being treated.
  • Use personal protective equipment: shoes, clothes (which should be washed immediately after treatment), rubber gloves, a respirator, safety glasses and a hat.
  • It is also necessary to remember about personal hygiene; it is prohibited during treatment: eating, smoking, going out into the air for at least 15 minutes every 45 minutes.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to close all windows and doors - this allows you to get the greatest effect from using the drug.
  • Identify the places where bedbugs are most concentrated. Usually they are: beds, sofas, armchairs, carpets, baseboards, spaces behind cabinets and bedside tables, mattresses, pillows, blankets. It is advisable to move the furniture and treat the floor underneath it.
  • It is necessary to dilute the drug in the same container from which the treatment will subsequently be carried out. Typically a container with a spray bottle is used. The solution should be used no later than 8 hours from the moment of preparation; shake during processing.

Let's remember about prevention!

No one is safe from the appearance of bedbugs in the house, but you can still protect yourself. So, preventive measures look like this:

  • after visiting suspicious premises, always try to process your clothes in a clothes dryer at +60°C, in extreme cases, wash them at the maximum permissible temperature;
  • if you spent the night in a contaminated room, for example, in the summer at a dacha, then after such a trip your clothes and backpack should be dry-cleaned;
  • In summer, be sure to install mosquito nets on the windows;
  • It is advisable to periodically lubricate the ventilation holes with a vinegar solution or place tansy and wormwood in them.

Interesting facts from the life of bedbugs can be learned from this video:

Use of the drug

One bottle should be diluted in 0.5 liters of water. The consumption of the drug depends on the surface being treated, the average consumption of 1 bottle is 5 m2. So, to treat a 3-room apartment you will need about 20 - 25 bottles; you should also take into account the treatment of furniture. Disinfestation should begin from our vacation spots; this is where bedbugs accumulate most. These are baseboards, beds, armchairs, sofas, etc. You should also treat bed linen, pillows, mattresses, blankets and carpets with the drug, especially those hanging on the walls. It is advisable to treat the inner surface of cabinets, as well as clothing that may contain bedbug larvae and eggs, with the product. If clothing is not treated, it can become a source of re-infestation by bedbugs. To achieve the full effect of pest control, it is necessary to treat the balcony (even if it is not glazed), as well as window sills and electrical outlets, turning off the voltage in the apartment. The vestibule and ventilation holes need to be treated.

Do not use a product that has expired.

All cracks in the floor, under wallpaper, and behind heating panels should be irrigated generously. Carefully go through the folds and seams of upholstered furniture. Upon completion of treatment, leave the room for 5 - 6 hours. Upon returning, ventilate the room well, do wet cleaning (using rubber gloves), using soap or soda dissolved in water. Ventilate the room again for 2 hours and you are ready to move in. All items that can be washed should be washed at maximum temperature or taken to dry cleaning (if they cannot be washed). Re-treat after 5 - 7 days to destroy newly hatched parasites and no further treatments will be required.

Pests and parasites die in less than half an hour

The practice of exterminators shows that the first bedbugs and cockroaches begin to die indoors within 2 minutes after the start of spraying.

The largest number of parasites die 15-20 minutes after the start of spraying.

Specifically to test the effect of the product, we conducted two consecutive experiments.

In the first, red and black cockroaches were sprayed directly with the Executioner's working solution (2 bottles per 1 liter of water). All insects died after 22 minutes. It happened like this:

In the second experiment, other red and black cockroaches were placed in a cage, the bottom of which had been sprayed an hour earlier with the Executioner’s working solution (2 bottles per 1 liter of water - less than indicated in the instructions) and waited for the product to dry. The cockroaches in this cage died after 2.5 hours:

Similarly, we tested the effect of Executioner on bed bugs:

And then they put the bugs in a container in which the drug was applied to the bottom and had already dried:

And they even checked how quickly the Executioner kills bed bugs even a week after they hit the surface and dried on it:

If those surfaces in the apartment on which insects move are treated in the same way as the bottom of the cage was treated, the cockroaches here will die just as quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Unlike most drugs, this remedy does not cause adaptation in bedbugs and therefore no other means is required to kill them. "EXECUTIONER" has high efficiency.

  • It destroys insects in a short period of time and will not spoil furniture and other surfaces with stains.
  • It has fairly low toxicity, so the product is safe for you and your pets.
  • The unpleasant odor disappears in a short time.
  • Simplicity and ease of use.
  • It has a fairly low price.
  • By strictly following the instructions, any unpleasant consequences are excluded.
  • The insects die and their reappearance is practically impossible.

Disadvantages of the "EXECUTIONER" product

Like any insecticidal drug, “EXECUTIONER” also has disadvantages:

  • The main disadvantages include an unpleasant odor.
  • There is no spray bottle in the product packaging and must be purchased separately.
  • According to consumer reviews, the product is produced in a small container - a 5 ml bottle. It is enough to treat an area of ​​5m2. For an apartment of 60 m2 you will need 12 bottles.

How to calculate the required rate

The amount of product required for treatment is calculated depending on the area of ​​the apartment, the degree of infestation and the number of objects where bedbugs can live.

One bottle is intended for an area of ​​5 m². Therefore, if the apartment has dimensions of 50 m², then 10 pieces will be required. But the localization of insects should be taken into account. If there is a lot of old furniture, then you may need to double the dosage.

Security measures

  • It is necessary to use personal protective equipment: goggles, a respirator or bandage, gloves.
  • Remove people and animals from the premises.
  • Wet treatment and ventilation of the room.
  • Washing or dry cleaning clothes.
  • There is no need to stay in the room unnecessarily until it is completely ventilated.
  • At the first signs of feeling unwell (nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing), consult a doctor immediately.
  • Follow the instructions strictly and observe safety precautions.

Conclusions from Tikhon: “EXECUTIONER” is a relatively new insecticidal drug. But he has already managed to win the attention of both residents of Russia and the CIS countries. Users respond positively to this drug and its effective use in controlling household pests.

If you have experience using this drug, share it in the comments below. Perhaps your advice will help make the right decision.

Happiness to you and your loved ones.

Beware: fakes!

Due to the popularity of the drug on the market, you can easily encounter a fake, which will be not only dangerous for insects, but also for people. To prevent this from happening, you need to know:

  1. There is always a hologram on the packaging of the original Executioner.
  2. Information sheets are attached to this product (pharmacological action, instructions for use, information about the manufacturer and his contact details).
  3. The real Bedbug Executioner does not leave marks on furniture and linens and does not have a negative effect on surfaces.

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