4 types of dichlorvos for bedbugs: how to choose the best one, instructions for use

Most people associate dichlorvos with a toxic substance that has a strong toxic odor. But everyone knows that aerosols are effective against harmful insects that have settled in the house.

Dichlorvos for bedbugs contains pyrethroids, which quickly destroy parasites by disrupting the activity of the nervous and respiratory systems of bloodsuckers.

These components are practically safe for the human body. In addition, the new products do not have a pronounced unpleasant odor, are accessible, affordable and easy to use.

Product effectiveness

People who have insects in their home want to know whether dichlorvos helps against bedbugs. The drug contains a number of chemicals that lead to the death of parasites.

But the aerosol only destroys pests that come into contact with insecticide drops. And most bloodsuckers that are not exposed to the poisonous solution often survive.

Is it possible to poison bedbugs with dichlorvos if there are a large number of bedbugs living in the house? If there is an excessive accumulation of insects, it is advisable to carry out comprehensive disinfestation, and the use of a single aerosol will not be effective.

To enhance the effect of the insecticide, it is recommended to spray it on sofas, walls, beds, that is, any nests of bedbugs. The spray does not leave marks on furniture. Its components are absorbed into soft surfaces, which is a good prevention against bloodsuckers.

So, answering the question of whether dichlorvos kills bedbugs, experts note that the insecticide does destroy pests, but only those that have had direct contact with the active components of the product.

The most effective treatment for bedbugs is considered to be comprehensive disinfestation, in which an aerosol is sprayed onto areas of maximum accumulation of parasites. And cracks, window sills and other insect habitats are treated with other potent preparations, for example, liquid concentrates or powders.

First aid and treatment of poisoning

In case of poisoning with such a substance, first aid at home must be provided as quickly as possible.
This will help avoid unpleasant consequences and serious changes in the functioning of organs. First of all, a medical team is called. Before their arrival, it is allowed to carry out activities to alleviate the patient’s condition.


  • In case of poisoning by dichlorvos vapors, the victim is provided with access to fresh air, taken outside, and loosened from tight clothing.
  • The oral cavity is washed with plenty of clean water.
  • If the toxin gets on the skin, wash it with soap and water. The procedure should be gentle, without strong pressure.
  • Infection of the eyes with dichlorvos requires rinsing with water or a weak solution of soda (a teaspoon per glass of water).
  • If poisoning has developed as a result of ingestion of a poisonous drug, then the victim’s stomach must be thoroughly rinsed. After cleaning, it is recommended to take sorbent.
  • The patient is given a lot of clean water to drink to reduce the concentration of the toxic substance.
  • Before the doctors arrive, the victim is put to bed and given rest.

The first aid provider must follow safety precautions and remember that dichlorvos is well absorbed through the skin. Correctly carried out measures increase the chances of a quick recovery.

Poisoning in any form requires contacting a medical facility. After carrying out the necessary diagnostics, the specialist will select the appropriate treatment option.


  1. Gastric lavage
  2. Administration of anticonvulsants
  3. The use of atropine as an antidote,
  4. Prescription of drugs that normalize the activity of the heart muscle and other organs,
  5. For breathing problems, artificial ventilation is used.

Treatment includes following a diet and taking vitamin complexes. The duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition and the degree of poisoning.

Composition and main properties

Dichlorvos is an insecticide produced as an aerosol placed in a can. Most modern antiparasitic sprays differ in composition from those previously produced under the name “dichlorvos”.

The main component of the insecticide is dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate. This is an organophosphorus liquid with a broad spectrum of action.

The new pesticides also contain cypermethrin piperonyl butoxide. The component acts on bloodsuckers contactally, blocking their NS, which causes paralysis and subsequent death of the insect. The advantage of the substance is low toxicity to humans.

To kill bedbugs, other active ingredients are added to the spray:

  • hyperonyl butoxide;
  • ethanol;
  • pyrmethrin;
  • aliphatic carbohydrates;
  • preservatives.

Thus, bedbugs and dichlorvos are incompatible concepts, because modern insecticides contain pyrethroids.

Plant alkaloids are safe for humans, but harmful to bloodsuckers.

In the human body, pyrethroids break down into safe, non-toxic metabolites. The most toxic component for humans is piperonyl butoxide, which can cause poisoning.

Contraindications and side effects

Dichlorvos poses a danger to human and animal health. The drug contains toxic substances such as:

  • piperonyl butoxide,
  • cypermethrin,
  • permethrin,
  • deltamethrin.

Unlike insects, these components in humans, as a rule, cause low-toxic poisoning, but in case of an overdose of vapors or liquids, the victim experiences a general deterioration in health.

Dichlorvos has many contraindications and side effects

Table: stages of poisoning

NameWhen it happensSymptoms
ExcitationAbout twenty minutes after contactDizziness, migraine, agitation, gagging, poor coordination, bronchial cough, constriction of the pupils, sometimes pressure surges, tachycardia
ConvulsionsA few hours laterGeneral deterioration in health, severe weakness, heavy breathing, convulsions, muscular urge to urinate, faintness, stupor, increased salivation, lack of reaction to light, sometimes heart collapse, problems with the cardiovascular system
ParalysisFurtherLoss of consciousness, rapid breathing, lack of response to stimuli

According to the author of the article, it is possible to avoid serious consequences as a result of dichlorvos poisoning by using alternative methods of pest control, including traditional methods.

Signs of drug poisoning, first aid

If dichlorvos poisoning does occur, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. The victim is taken out into fresh air.
  2. Place it in a horizontal position.
  3. Remove clothing or its elements that restrict breathing.
  4. The victim's nose and mouth are rinsed with soda solution.

The latter can only be done if the poisoned person is conscious. Under no circumstances should an unconscious person be given ammonia to sniff. After providing first aid, the victim should be taken to the nearest hospital department. If a person is unconscious, call an ambulance.

If the substance gets on the skin, wash the affected areas with plenty of water or a weak soda solution, and apply a sterile bandage. If the person has not lost consciousness, it is advisable to do gastric lavage with activated charcoal, since pyrethroids can enter the body through the epithelium.

If there are signs of dichlorvos poisoning, immediately provide first aid to the victim and call an ambulance.

In the case of eyes, the duration of rinsing can reach 20–25 minutes. Soap and other hygiene products should not be used. After assistance is provided, a sterile bandage is applied to the eyes, and the victim is taken to the hospital.

If the product is swallowed, it is forbidden to induce vomiting, use a laxative to cleanse the intestines, or give the person drink soda. It is important to deliver the victim to a medical center in a timely manner, where, most likely, he will be prescribed inpatient treatment.

Operating principle

Dichlorvos is effective against bedbugs due to the chemical composition of the spray. Modern insecticides contain pyrethroid substances that block the nervous system of bloodsuckers.

Exterminators know how the aerosol works. Experts note that dichlorvos disrupts the functioning of the organs and systems of bedbugs. This causes the death of the parasites.

Modern aerosols have a complex effect. In addition to affecting the nervous system, the components of the products upset the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems. Chemical components enter the bodies of bedbugs when insects interact with the places where the spray was sprayed.

Dichlorvos is a potent remedy that retains its effect for more than six months. After all, pyrethroids are unique poisons that have a powerful nerve-paralytic effect.

Consequences and prevention

An overdose of dichlorvos leads to serious complications in the absence of the necessary help. What can happen with such intoxication?

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  • Heart pathologies,
  • Toxic form of hepatitis,
  • Kidney diseases,
  • Diseases of the lungs and bronchi,
  • Disruption of the nervous system.

It is possible to avoid poisoning by using dichlorvos correctly.


  • Follow the instructions for use,
  • Observe safety precautions,
  • Do not leave the substance in an accessible place,
  • Thoroughly ventilate the room after treatment,
  • If you lack experience, it is not recommended to carry out processing yourself.

Dichlorvos poisoning is an unpleasant phenomenon that leads to serious disruption of the functioning of internal organs. If signs of intoxication appear, you must contact a medical facility.

Varieties of dichlorvos

Many companies make bedbug killers. Moreover, insecticides have different names, compositions and smells.

Often the active ingredients of the drugs are identical, but their additional composition may differ. Modern odorless dichlorvos for bedbugs is a poisonous agent, which should be taken into account when using it and safety precautions must be observed.

To understand which dichlorvos is better, you need to consider each popular aerosol separately. Common sprays for bedbugs are Eco, Neo, Varan, Triple Strike.

Dichlorvos eco

The insecticide is produced by the Russian company Arnest. The composition of the drug is pyrethroids of synthetic origin and an extract from Dalmatian chamomile.

Eco is effective if there are bed bugs in the house. The product has a lavender scent that has a repellent effect.

Is it possible to remove bedbugs with dichlorvos eco?

Reviews from most people using the drug demonstrate that it quickly destroys adult bloodsuckers.

A cylinder with a volume of 190 cm costs about 100 rubles. Despite the availability and effectiveness of Eco spray, it is worth remembering that it is flammable and toxic.

Dichlorvos neo

The spray was developed by Arnest. Neo for bedbugs has almost no odor, so it is ideal for treating rooms where allergy sufferers, children, and pets are often present.

To understand whether bedbugs are afraid of this type of insecticide, it is necessary to consider its composition. In addition to pyrethroids, dichlorvos Neo contains organophosphorus substances and a synergist, which improves the penetration of poison through the hard shell of bedbugs.

The effect of the aerosol is observed for another 2 weeks after its use. A can of Neo, volume 190 ml, costs from 62 rubles.

Dichlorvos monitor lizard

This type of insecticide is available in several forms - Varan Forte, Aetiklop and Universal. The products help well against bed bugs, and their antiparasitic effect lasts up to 23 days.

Varan is produced by the Novosibirsk company Sibiar. It is advisable to poison with the drug the areas of maximum accumulation of bedbugs - a sofa, a bed, an armchair.

Varan has a powerful effect. The spray has a pleasant lemon scent. The cost of an aerosol is from 120 rubles.

Dichlorvos triple strike

Destruction of bedbugs in an apartment requires the use of potent toxic agents. Triple Impact, produced by Domovoy Proshka, is considered an effective insecticide.

But is it possible to get rid of bedbugs using this aerosol? The spray contains tetramethrin, cypermethrin, a synergist, which makes it a powerful insecticide that destroys parasites after the first treatment.

The advantages of the drug are convenient use and relative harmlessness to humans. Disadvantages - dichlorvos has a strong unpleasant odor.

After spraying the aerosol, the death of bedbugs occurs within 6 minutes. The effect lasts up to 14 days.

A cylinder containing 200 ml of a chemical solution costs about 140 rubles.

Stages of dichlorvos poisoning

Intoxication with dichlorvos goes through three stages. Each of them is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms.


  1. Increased arousal. A similar period develops a few minutes after poisoning. The stage is characterized by a lack of control over movements, severe drooling, dizziness, and migraine pain is diagnosed. At the first stage, the victim’s blood pressure increases and the heartbeat increases.
  2. After a few hours, the victim begins the stage of loss of coordination. There is a general deterioration in the condition, the separation of urine and feces is accompanied by pain. During this period, coordination and visual functions are impaired. A person is diagnosed with trembling limbs and convulsions. In the absence of help, loss of consciousness, stupor, pulmonary edema occurs, and death is possible.
  3. Paralytic stage. The most difficult stage. Characterized by lack of consciousness, paralysis, decreased blood pressure, and the heartbeat becomes rare. In the absence of help, death occurs a day after poisoning.

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Poisoning in children develops faster than in adults due to their fragile bodies.

Instructions for use

Before treating a room with an insecticide, you should be properly prepared. All rooms need to be dusted and then ventilated. You need to remove the curtains from the windows and hide all the food in the refrigerator or cabinets.

It is necessary to free up hard-to-reach places. Windows and ventilation ducts must be closed. All people and animals should be removed from all rooms.

How to use dichlorvos? The can must be shaken several times. Then the stream is directed to places where bedbugs accumulate, holding the bottle as far as possible from the face.

The following areas must be treated with the spray:

  1. furniture;
  2. bin;
  3. cabinets;
  4. baseboards;
  5. window sills;
  6. corners;
  7. carpets;
  8. paintings;
  9. shells;
  10. floor.

How to get rid of bedbugs with dichlorvos so as not to harm your health? After spraying the spray, you should leave the room for at least 30 minutes.

It is better to enter the room when the smell has completely disappeared.

After treatment, you need to ventilate the room for 60 minutes. Then you should do a wet cleaning of your home. Clothes and bedding should be washed in very hot water.

How does Dichlorvos act on cockroaches?

Pyrethroids, which are part of all modern “Dichlorophosoph”, have a nerve-paralytic effect when they enter the body of cockroaches through breathing or with food. They seriously affect nerve endings and provoke irreversible disorders in the central nervous system of insects, causing disruptions in the transmission of impulses. This subsequently leads to suffocation, fatal paralysis and death of the pest.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that modern dichlorvos for bedbugs are less toxic than their predecessors, it is important to adhere to safety rules when using them. It is advisable to treat the apartment in a special suit, gloves, respirator, and goggles. This will provide protection to the skin and mucous membranes, which can cause burns and allergic reactions if poison comes into contact.

Other precautions:

  1. During disinfestation, the can must be kept at a distance of half a meter from the face.
  2. Do not spray near heating devices or open flames.
  3. You cannot stay in the treated room for a long time and immediately after applying the insecticide against blood-sucking insects, you must immediately leave the room.
  4. After disinfestation, you should thoroughly wash your face and hands.
  5. After 2-4 hours after applying the poison, you should wipe all surfaces in the house with a damp sponge.

Causes and symptoms of poisoning

Why is dichlorvos intoxication possible? There are several factors that can provoke such poisoning.

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  • Use in areas with poor ventilation and without appropriate protective equipment,
  • Ingestion or injection into the subcutaneous layers for the purpose of suicide,
  • Poisoning in children occurs due to negligence,
  • The presence of a child, an pregnant woman, or an elderly person during the treatment of the premises.

There are several methods of poisoning: inhalation of vapors, ingestion, contact with the skin. With any of the methods, the respiratory process may be impaired. If dichlorvos enters the bloodstream immediately, after some time a malfunction in the functionality of the liver is diagnosed.

In some cases, there is a sharp disruption of the nervous system. Symptoms of dichlorvos poisoning appear after a short period of time.


  • Headache,
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes of the sinuses,
  • Runny nose,
  • Head spinning
  • Increased body temperature
  • Loss of coordination
  • Severe nausea and vomiting
  • intestinal disorder,
  • Visual impairment
  • Breathing problems, asthma attacks,
  • Increased sweating
  • Convulsive manifestations.

Upon contact with the skin, a person is diagnosed with allergic manifestations, itching and burning sensation, and irritation. If dichlorvos gets into the eyes, pain, redness, and intense production of tears are noted.

A person’s condition deteriorates quite quickly, this is especially noticeable if poisoning occurred as a result of ingesting dichlorvos.

Release form and instructions

The drug is available in aerosol form. Available in 190 ml and 600 ml cans. The cost of small cylinders starts from 150 rubles, large ones - from 275 rubles. Detailed instructions for use of odorless Dichlorvos Neo are placed on the packaging

Basic precautions and conditions of use:

  • Do not use during pregnancy, near children or persons over 70 years of age,
  • do not spray at temperatures below +10 °C,
  • do not heat the cylinder above +40 °C,
  • Use no more than 1 package (190 ml) during the day.

The standard consumption of the substance when pressing the button at full force is 20 ml per second of spraying. The instructions for odorless dichlorvos establish additional consumption limits depending on the size of the room:

  • for an area of ​​up to 18 square meters, the total spraying time should not exceed 7 seconds,
  • with an area of ​​18-28 square meters, you cannot use more than 200 ml of the drug.

Violation of processing rules is deadly. Care is required when working: do not spray the aerosol directly on personal belongings, pet hair, children's toys, food and medicine (as well as places where they are stored).

Preparing for disinfestation

Complete disinfestation of a premises takes place in several stages. It is necessary to warn neighbors in advance about disinfestation so that they promptly close doors, windows, balconies and ventilation ducts. Special clothing and personal protective equipment are being prepared:

  1. Overalls or old unnecessary clothes with long sleeves and trousers. If clothes do not absorb water vapor, they can be reused after rinsing. It is better to throw away clothing that absorbs moisture.
  2. Be sure to wear rubber gloves, a respirator, protective plastic glasses, and thick shoes.

They open passage to all hard-to-reach places where pests can live. Be sure to move furniture away from the walls, clean the space under the water pipes, and if possible, remove the baseboards. Personal items must be packed in vacuum sealed plastic bags:

  • products,
  • medicines,
  • towels,
  • bedding,
  • personal hygiene products (washcloths, toothbrushes),
  • Kids toys,
  • pet things, except bowls and trays.

Immediately before spraying, children, elderly people, and pets are removed from the house. Trays and bowls for animals, bird cages, and an aquarium with fish are removed from the house. Pests are poisoned with hermetically sealed doors, windows and ventilation ducts.

Room treatment

Shake the container before use. Spraying duration is no more than 5 seconds. The balloon is quickly moved along the surface to be treated and held at arm's length. Maintain a distance of 25-30 centimeters to the target.

Dichlorvos is most effective when it comes into direct contact with pests, but it is also possible to spray the product in places where they accumulate:

  1. Flies, mosquitoes - glass, window frames, doorways, cabinets. Spray the rest of the aerosol into the air near the accumulation areas.
  2. Mol - cabinets. Spraying time is 1 second per 1 cubic meter of cabinet volume. Do not treat the internal surfaces of cabinets in which food, medicines, and personal hygiene products are stored.
  3. Cockroaches and bedbugs - all hard-to-reach places: the backs of cabinets, paintings, carpets, panels, loose wallpaper and the walls behind them, frames and filling of furniture, backs, legs, space along water pipes (especially at entry points), door frames, space under loose linoleum and its inner surface, baseboards and cracks behind them.
  4. Fleas - all walls up to a height of 1 meter from floor level, animal sleeping places. After disinsection, the animals' sleeping places should be washed or replaced.
  5. Ants follow ant paths.

After treatment, leave the room for 40 minutes. Upon return, open windows and doors for ventilation for 2 hours. You cannot be inside during ventilation. If after 2 hours you still feel an unpleasant smell and taste in your mouth, dizziness or nausea, then the room has not been fully ventilated. You must immediately go out into fresh air. You can return no earlier than in an hour.

After ventilation, cleaning is carried out. Surfaces with which there is daily contact are wiped with a solution of soap and soda. Hard-to-reach places, if pets do not go there, are left unwashed to prolong the insecticidal effect. Children, sick people, elderly people and pets can be brought into the room 4-5 hours after ventilation, preferably a day after treatment.


Historical reference


In the mid-20th century, specialists from the German concern Bayer developed an insecticide in the form of a spray. Soviet scientists proposed their development - dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate. The packaging was borrowed from the Germans. The drug was named "Dichlorvos".

The question of where to buy dichlorvos did not even arise for Soviet people. The product was sold in all hardware stores throughout the USSR.

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