Ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller – does it really work or not? Let's put an end to the question

If you are faced with the problem of fighting rodents and other unwanted guests in your home or household, you will soon find yourself faced with a choice: whether to use an ultrasonic mouse repeller. The Internet is full of advertisements and flashy signs, each of which says that this manufacturer’s device is the most effective remedy for rodents. Is it really? A number of questions have accumulated that require answers:

  • Does ultrasound help get rid of mice?
  • Rat repeller - a myth or does it really work?
  • How to use ultrasound on rats.
  • These cheap repellers that have flooded the market whether they work or not.

There are a lot of such questions, and we will answer them in this article.

Let's get acquainted with the miracle of technology

An ultrasonic mouse repeller is a special device that generates high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that supposedly repel rodents. An ultrasonic rodent repeller is installed in a room occupied by pests, connected to the network and left there for some time (2-3 weeks). In this case, the pests do not die, but leave the room, as they experience inconvenience due to such constant exposure. An ultrasonic rat repeller is essentially the same device, only more powerful. There is a huge variety of ultrasonic devices for mice. The price range of anti-rodent devices varies from 500 rubles to 10 thousand, and even more.

What you need to know to use electronic repellers

Using a rat and mouse repeller is, in fact, not an easy task in terms of thought and efficiency of use. Let’s just say that not every mouse and rat repellent, either ultrasonic or magnetic, will effectively cope with the task in any conditions and environment.

All anti-rodent devices must be used according to certain rules dictated by science and nature. The devices themselves must have certain characteristics. Let’s admit right away that not everything that is distributed on the market is suitable for effective protection. Let's say even more, the bulk of the anti-rodent devices sold are outright scams. You will understand why further by reading this article.

For now, let's draw some intermediate conclusions.

These pests can be combated using electronic devices, sometimes even very effectively, but this is not a panacea. To achieve success, you need to follow certain rules and use a truly working device, of which there are actually not many on the market.

A scam or does it really work?

Let's say right away - it really works. If it didn’t work for you, then you either used a bad rat and mouse repeller, or, if the device was 100% working, you used it incorrectly. The operating principle of the technology really works. All rodents do not like ultrasound and try to avoid places where such waves exist. But it is important to understand that these waves must be of a certain frequency, and constantly change. Rodents, if there is a lot of food in this place, get used to it or tolerate the same frequency for food. This phenomenon occurs more often in rats.

The effect of ultrasound on pests

Ultrasound works against mice. Some people think that such a device emits some kind of radiation that kills animals. But this is not true. The device simply generates high-frequency sound waves, which the human ear cannot perceive, but rodents can hear. Ultrasound against rats can also be effective. Specific animals react differently to this stimulus.

According to scientists, frequencies that cause panic or anxiety in rodents should be more than 20 kilohertz. In addition to frequency, sound pressure is important. Numerous experiments have shown that this value should be more than 110 decibels. Pests definitely won't like this. The frequency of ultrasound must constantly change, since we cannot initially know exactly which frequency will cause anxiety and panic in rodents and which will not. This condition is also necessary to avoid getting used to a certain frequency.

The effect of ultrasound on people and pets

Everything here is individual. Fortunately, humans are generally not susceptible to ultrasound, unlike rodents and other small animals. So if you did everything correctly and your repeller is working, the mice will run away. But your hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, etc. will feel bad. They will be constantly in a state of anxiety, panic, will try to hide or run away, and will stop eating. There have been observations that dogs and cats also sometimes exhibit anxiety. By the way, if you have hamsters or pigs, with their help you will find out whether the ultrasonic device that you have will help get rid of rodents.

There are devices on sale that supposedly expel mice using an electromagnetic field. And this is a real scam. Every day, along with the mice we need to get rid of, we are exposed to thousands of electromagnetic fields. We live among them and nothing happens.


Is ultrasound dangerous for humans? Ultrasound radiation is a certain amount of sound vibrations that are not capable of accumulation inside the body. Only regular interaction with an ultrasound device can become harmful. By turning off the device, you can stop its influence.

With prolonged exposure, vibrations can affect some parts of the brain. Thus, specialists servicing an ultrasound machine often suffer from the following disorders:

  • insomnia;
  • increased aggressiveness;
  • headaches;
  • memory loss;
  • deterioration of hearing abilities.

Persons in the wave propagation zone often experience numbness in their limbs, polyneuritis may develop, blood sugar levels may decrease, and there may also be a lack of vitamins. In addition, prolonged exposure to radiation on a person can cause redness or paleness of the face.

Doctors who perform diagnostics using an ultrasound machine most often:

  • suffer from asthenic syndrome;
  • experience hallucinations;
  • lose weight;
  • have endocrine diseases.

This is why ultrasound specialists receive a premium for harmfulness.

These manifestations are most often temporary and occur in the patient in cases where, for health reasons, he has to frequently visit the ultrasound diagnostic room.

However, regular use or violation of the safety precautions of the device may cause some problems.

Conditions under which the device will actually work

Requirements for the place of use

Such requirements arise due to the properties of ultrasound. The wave is reflected from hard surfaces and absorbed by soft ones. Therefore, in a house with stone walls, for example, ultrasound will only operate in this room. If there is a lot of something soft in the room, for example, a filled warehouse, then the ultrasound device will not be effective due to wave absorption.

  1. A room with hard, thick walls reflects the waves inwards, thus improving the impact. In this case, the use of the device is relevant only for this room, since ultrasound practically will not penetrate into others.
  2. Great inconvenience for use will be created by rooms filled with something non-solid, such as pantries, warehouses and warehouses for grain or things. The waves will be absorbed, and the mice will hide under or behind these obstacles, but will not leave.
  3. The correct placement of the device is important, which should be in the middle of the room and distribute waves in all directions, and not in one direction.
  4. No food baits or products. Rodents will be attracted to the food despite the discomfort caused by the ultrasound.

Requirements for the device itself

The repeller will actually work against rodents if the following conditions are met:

  1. The ultrasound frequency must constantly change, and the wider the range, the better
  2. Ultrasound propagates from the device 360 ​​degrees
  3. Force pressure more than 100-110 dB
  4. The impact area (one of the characteristics of the devices) corresponds to the area of ​​your room (be a little larger)

Only if all these conditions are present, rodent control using ultrasound will be effective.

Difference from normal sound

It differs from ordinary sound in that it travels in all directions from the source. Ultrasound is essentially a wave in the form of a narrow beam. Such features make it possible to use it for exploring the sea and ocean floor, detecting sunken ships and submarines, as well as various obstacles under water, and accurate distance.

But when propagating in water, ultrasonic waves can cause harm to the organisms that live in it. Under the influence of ultrasound, the fish's sense of balance is disturbed; they float to the surface of the water with their bellies up, and therefore cannot assume their normal position. If exposure to ultrasound is intense and prolonged, exceeding acceptable limits, it will ultimately cause very serious damage and even death to fish. If its influence is temporary and the intensity is not too high, after its cessation the lifestyle and behavior of the fish return to their usual framework.

What does the market offer?

What do sellers offer to control rats and mice using electronic methods? There are hundreds of items, the price range is huge. One golden rule works here: the cheaper the device and the more the seller praises it, hinting at high efficiency at a low price, the worse the device is, accordingly. Based on numerous experiments, it is clear that none of these cheap plastic boxes work. Some manufacturers offer devices that simply...meow. Well, like a real cat. The mice will get scared and, like, run away. They probably watched the cartoons. Of course, this is no longer serious.

Ultrasonic devices

Let's say right away that an ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller is the only type of device that really works. Moreover, it should only be ultrasonic. Electromagnetic fields, meowing cat substitutes, generators of alien radiation, etc. do not work against rats and mice. Only ultrasound. And period. There are actually working devices for repelling rodents with ultrasound.

Electromagnetic devices

We have already talked about electromagnetic influence. None of these supposedly effective ones work in practice. Perhaps the device affects mosquitoes, flies, snakes. But certainly electromagnetic repellers will not affect mammals in any way. Electromagnetic rodent repeller - in the firebox.

Combined instruments

The combined mouse repeller includes additional functions. It may have on board, for example, an electromagnetic mosquito repeller. Such a device against rodents and insects does not have the lowest price, but its effectiveness has not been proven. This gadget is not suitable for us. If we really want to scare away and drive out rodents, we will need a good (= not cheap) ultrasonic repeller.

Measures to prevent the appearance of cockroaches

It is not enough to install cockroach repellers; you need to create the most uncomfortable conditions for the subsequent appearance and reproduction of pests. As soon as domestic cockroaches appear, you should get rid of the uninvited guests. Prevention is as follows:

Conduct a general cleaning of the premises (if possible). Remove food from public access, shake all bags of cereals and pasta. The easiest way is to place supplies in airtight glass or plastic containers.

Pay special attention to bread, pastry and sugar - these are the favorite delicacies of pests. Check the pipeline for leaks. The main areas where insects are located are damp and dark places

Cockroaches need a source of water for rapid growth and raising offspring. Do not leave dirty dishes with food out overnight, put food away, clean out cabinets, and keep the kitchen, bathroom, and powder room clean. Crumbs on the floor will quickly attract hordes of pests, but getting rid of them will be more difficult. In damp rooms, ensure good ventilation. Condensation on the walls, remnants in the soap dish, rot in the area of ​​pipe joints, mold - all this is the favorite food of insects.

If a garbage or ventilation shaft in a multi-story building is clogged and has not been cleaned for a long time, it is a breeding ground for insects. A cockroach repellent device will help here for a short time. To clean the channels, be sure to call a technician from the management company. In order for the cleaning to be done quickly, you need to write an application addressed to the director of the management company - according to the law, the director is obliged to respond to the signal and put the common property in order as quickly as possible.

It is interesting that in private houses made of wood, cockroaches practically do not appear. But here you can find various woodlice, spiders and other equally unpleasant guests in abundance. The electronic repeller also works against these “neighbors”, and at the same time will prevent the appearance of “red mustaches”.

Really working repellers

There are few good rat and mouse repellers sold in our country. There are also a couple of industrial options that work as well. But you won't use them because they are very expensive and they are not recommended for use in residential areas due to the very fast frequency change and high sound pressure.

Bioguard is a very effective repeller

There are a number of conditionally working devices that can be used, for example, as a car repeller of rats and mice after a little DIY modification. Why conditional, you ask. We answer:

- in principle, they work

- the sound pressure force is weak, they scare away only in close proximity

-narrow sector of wave propagation, that is, they act narrowly in a certain sector, not throughout the entire room

Conditionally working repellers

Here we note those devices for which quite often, along with bad ones, there are also good reviews on the Internet. These devices can be used for some local purposes if the instructions are fully followed:

EcoSniper LS-927M

Weitech WK-0600

Rat and mouse repellers Tornado

Typhoon OG 01

Really working repellers

Chiston-2 Pro

Chiston-2 Pro is the best rat and mouse repeller available on the market. This statement is confirmed by experiences and reviews of people. Chiston-2 PRO meets the stated characteristics. Changes frequency, propagates waves 360 degrees, volume over 110 dB. Other manufacturers do not have such a circular radiation pattern. Why is it important? Because with a narrowly targeted repeller, the animals quickly get used to it and move around, remaining in areas of the room where the device’s effect does not reach. The device completely covers the sector, which is why it is the most effective repeller of rats and mice. Costs approximately 2700 rubles.


Chiston 2 is a similar device, just smaller in size and weaker in characteristics. Suitable for a small room. Price 2300 rubles

Bioguard, a device from the same manufacturer, has a high impact power and a sound pressure of 130 dB. Price 4500 rubles

TM-315 is the most expensive repeller on the market, costs about 11,000 rubles. The device can be used rationally at industrial facilities

How is treatment performed on different parts of the body?



Treatment of different parts of the body with ultrasound and hydrocortisone has its own characteristics.

The shoulder joint is treated continuously and in a contact manner. Wave intensity up to 0.4 W. The duration of one procedure is up to 12 minutes, carried out daily. The course consists of approximately 15 procedures.

The wave frequency when treating this joint should be up to three megahertz, wavelength - up to 0.5 mm. Done daily for 15 minutes. Course - 15 procedures.

The number of sessions can be 8 or 12, and can be carried out every day or every other day. The duration of phonophoresis is up to 10 minutes. The ointment is applied to the heel.

Ultrasound treatment with hydrocortisone of joints is just one of the procedures for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But it significantly alleviates the course of the disease.

Beware of counterfeits and aggressive marketing

Cheap super-pupper repellers are just aggressive marketing, selling something that really costs nothing. Don't be fooled by the bright wrapper. Really working devices can be counted on one hand. Read articles, watch reviews on YouTube - see for yourself. Sonic rodent repellers (they make audible sounds, such as meowing) are also not effective. Yes, such a device will scare away the mouse a couple of times. But then the animal will get used to it, understand that there is no danger, and will stop paying attention to it.

Researching a problem in the scientific world

The problem is that very few scientists devote themselves to ultrasound research. Timothy Leighton says there are at most six researchers in the world working on this issue. This circumstance explains the large number of people who want to see him for a consultation.

The above does not mean that the scientist’s works are not included in the scientific mainstream. Layton was one of two co-chairs invited to a session on high-frequency audio as part of the ASA meetings. For his research, the scientist received the Clifford Paterson Award from the Royal Society (for selected research in the field of underwater acoustics).

It is important to highlight that most scientists studying ultrawaves do not direct their work to determine how these sounds affect humans. When journalists turned to Layton’s colleagues to comment on the problem raised, they honestly admitted that they did not have sufficient knowledge to reason in this vein

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Why are rodents in the countryside and in agriculture so harmful?

Many summer residents are faced with the problem of the spread of rodents. The harm they cause is obvious. If rodents are in your area, your plants will most likely suffer. You may be at risk of them eating the fruit. They are not only harmful to plants: a rat can also scare your animals. Needless to say, something or other equipment can be damaged by rodents.

These animals not only devour cultivated crops, but also spread diseases that are dangerous to humans. It is known that from these uninvited guests you can catch yersiniosis, salmonellosis, and rabies; rats can transmit tapeworms and even spread fever.

Diagnosis of the condition of blood vessels in the umbilical cord

The condition of this organ and its possible violations during the process of bearing a child is quite difficult to identify. For this purpose, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Color Doppler mapping (CDC). During this procedure, an ultrasound examination is performed with an additional analysis of blood circulation using the Doppler effect. During the manipulation, a color image of the blood circulation process in the area under study is obtained, superimposed on a black and white picture obtained from the ultrasound results. This method is the most reliable and effective. It allows you to determine the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck, limbs and body of the child. In addition, using this technique, the presentation of the baby's place is revealed. Information on the number of vessels can be obtained at approximately 12 weeks of gestation, when the pregnant patient is sent for the first screening study.
  2. Phonocardiography (PCG). The diagnostic procedure allows you to assess the state of the cardiovascular system using graphical recording of sound vibrations generated during the work of the heart. During the manipulations, not only disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle can be diagnosed, but also murmurs of the vessels of the umbilical cord that occur against the background of its entwining of the fetus’s torso or neck.
  3. Auscultation. Listening to the patient's abdomen will also help the doctor get an idea of ​​​​the work of the heart and suspect umbilical cord entanglement.
  4. Doppler. Using this type of ultrasound, the intensity of blood circulation in the vessels of the umbilical cord is determined.
  5. Vaginal examination reveals prolapse of the umbilical cord loops.

After the placenta is delivered, the doctor must visually examine it and the umbilical cord. If necessary, the biomaterial is sent for histology.

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