Albino white rat: all about the amazing domestic rodent

How did white rats appear?

Albinos are descended from ordinary wild rats. In nature, snow-white individuals are extremely rare. Therefore, these rodents became widespread only at the beginning of the 20th century. Due to the strong similarity of their chromosomal makeup to humans, scientists have actively bred white rats in the laboratory to conduct research in the fields of genetics, virology and microbiology.

The snow-white color is explained by the complete absence of melanin pigment in the skin and coat.

The eyes of albino rats are not actually red, as is commonly believed, but completely transparent. Therefore, blood vessels are easily visible through the eyeballs. They are what give the eyes a red tint.

Keeping rats at home

Rats are quite large animals and very mobile, so tiny cages are absolutely not suitable for them. The minimum cage size for a pair of rats is 40x30x50, it is advisable to purchase a larger cage.

The cage must contain:

  • filler , optimally - dry wood granules, it is economically consumed, perfectly absorbs moisture and odor, and cannot in any way injure the rat, unlike sawdust and hay;
  • a house for privacy where the rat can sleep or just relax from the outside world;
  • tunnels and ladders - rats are very active and love to play, the owner must provide them with the opportunity to entertain themselves;
  • mineral stone for rodents;
  • drinking bowl for rodents;
  • feeder fixed to the shelf .

Under no circumstances should filler made from coniferous trees be used. This leads to illness and increased mortality in pets.

You can also add various hammocks, toys for rodents and other little things to the cage that will please your pet, such as vitamin sticks that are fixed to the bars of the cage.

Features and differences of albinos

The main feature of albino rats is their rather poor health. Animals are prone to developing chronic diseases and tumors, and also have weak immunity. Therefore, it is better for representatives of this breed to live at home. In the wild they will quickly die. And not only because of various diseases - snow-white wool is an excellent bait for predators.

Albinos also have high cognitive abilities. First of all, they are prone to sympathy and empathy. There are cases where fluffies looked after weakened cage neighbors and even offered them their food.

How do albinos relate to humans?

The cunning and intelligence of the white rodent create all the prerequisites for its successful training. An albino easily remembers his name, as well as the names of his fellow creatures in his habitat. You need to keep in mind that rodents can even open the latches in the cage: so either be on your guard or lock the cage. We warned you!

By their nature, they are good-natured and gentle, and this difference sharply distinguishes them from their wild relatives. The sociability of the white rodent greatly contributes to its popularity as a pet. They easily make contact, allow themselves to be petted and love to beg for treats.

Important: although the animal can be easily tamed, it will long remember the person who hurt it: so be careful when handling your pet.

Description of the rat

Experienced rat breeders recommend that you first study, at least in general terms, information regarding the albino breed before going to the pet store for a new pet.


The body parameters of albino rats are slightly smaller than those of the standard breed. The weight of an adult male is 400-500 g. While females weigh a little less - 300-400 grams. In addition to the pure white coat, the characteristic features of representatives of this breed are:

  • strong build, oval body shape;
  • small eyes and ears;
  • long whiskers;
  • elongated face, sharp nose;
  • long scaly tail covered with sparse short hairs.

Among rats, partial albinos are very rare. These fluffies have white fur, but their eyes are black. A special feature of these individuals is the possibility of transmitting genes responsible for black or gray coat color.

Character and behavior

Despite their mysterious appearance, albino rats are very sociable and good-natured animals. Snow-white fluffies are absolutely not prone to aggression, they do not get into fights or altercations with their cage neighbors. Rodents also build trusting relationships with humans. It won't take much time to tame a new pet.

In addition, albino rats have high mental abilities. From the first days they get used to their nickname, are amenable to training, and feel the mood of the owner. They are also able to express their emotions. For example, they scream in alarm, signaling the approach of danger, or squeak contentedly with pleasure while in the owner’s arms.

Types and breeds of decorative rats

There are different types of pet rats that, when handled correctly, become tame. Depending on the type of coat, animals are standard, satin, curly, or sphinx. The average weight of adult males is from 400 to 650 grams, and females - 250-450 grams.

Pet rats


Domestic standard breed rats are characterized by a proportional build. They are slender and agile animals. At the top of the head there are small, proportional ears. The entire body of the rodent has shiny fur that adheres to the skin. The hair on the legs and tail is short.

Light-colored animals have velvety fur on their ears. There are whiskers above the eyes and on the cheeks. If the rodent has a different type of fur, the whiskers may be short and curled. Decorative rats of the Standard breed are one of the largest rodents, weighing up to 500 grams.


Rats of this breed differ in the structure of their skull. The ears are round in shape and located in the middle part of the head, which is slightly flattened.

Dumbo breed

Dumbo animals have completely open ears. In some individuals they are slightly bent at the edges. Some specimens have a slightly protruding nape. From behind, the animal has an extended body shape.


Rex are animals that have curly and hard hair. There are short curling antennae on the cheeks.

The Double Rex species of decorative rats appears in parents with curly fur. The skin of such animals is dotted with areas of hard guard hair or down. Shedding is a feature of the breed. After birth, the pet loses its fur and bald spots appear in patches. After this, the fur grows, and in those places where it was, it falls out.

For your information! This species has no official name.


This is a type of domestic rat that has no fur at all. In some cases, there is a small fluff in the groin area, paws and head. Rodents have pink skin with visible folds. Some individuals have black spots on their skin.

Sphynx breed


Satin animals have thin and shiny fur. The attractiveness of rodents is ensured by the shine of their fur coat. Some satin pets have short hair, like standard animals.


The animal has a telling name. His tail is completely missing. The body has a pear-shaped shape, which distinguishes the animals from other species. Animals without a tail are active and intelligent. Rodents have curly or standard coats of different colors. Some individuals have no hair at all.

Tailless rat


Manx rats are characterized by the absence of a tail, which is why they are classified as disabled rats. Most of these animals have diseases of the urinary system and hind legs. The fur of the animals is straight or curly, the color is different.

Other breeds of decorative rats

Among the interesting breeds of decorative pets are the fuzz. In appearance they are similar to sphinxes. There is only fluff on the skin, and there are no guard hairs. Long-haired rats are similar in appearance to standard rats, but have a longer coat.

How long do albinos live?

Albino rats get sick quite often. They have a very weak immune system, so even a common cold can lead to the death of the animal. Often representatives of this breed die at the age of 1.5-2 years. While the life expectancy of rats of other varieties is 3-3.5 years.

However, owners of albinos can still extend the life of their pet. To do this, you need to take care of the furry’s health - organize proper nutrition, protect the cage from cold and drafts, and maintain cleanliness in the animal’s home.

Also, at the slightest manifestation of painful symptoms, you should immediately take the rat to the veterinarian. If the above conditions are met, you can safely extend the life of an albino to 3 years.

Mouse in the water

This is a very interesting and rare dream. If a white mouse confidently swims through clear water - a wonderful dream, everything will be fine in your life, there will be happiness and material wealth. If she swims through muddy and dirty water, expect bad things, since muddy water is always a negative symbol.

If a mouse washes itself in water , it is a sign of an easy life and upcoming fun. For a young girl, a mouse in clear water means a quick wedding with her loved one. A mouse in a stormy river - your life will be full of interesting and vibrant events. A mouse in the sea is a sign of uncertainty and confusion ; you need to determine your life guidelines. The mouse drowned - an important matter will have unpleasant consequences.

Care and maintenance

For the normal growth and development of the animal, it will be necessary to provide it with proper care and create comfortable living conditions. This is not difficult to do, just follow a few basic recommendations:

  1. Organize a suitable microclimate. Due to poor health, albinos are very sensitive to environmental conditions. Therefore, it is better to place your pet in a shaded room with an air temperature of +20-22ᵒC and a humidity of 60-70%.
  2. Choose a cage responsibly. The structure should be spacious, preferably multi-tiered, with a secure lock. To avoid escape, the optimal distance between the rods is 10-12 mm. Inside you will need to install a house and several hammocks for relaxation, a play complex with a variety of equipment, 2 feeders and 2-3 drinking bowls. Trays can be installed if desired. Albino rats are very intelligent animals, so they can be easily trained to go to the toilet in one specific place.
  3. Take care to implement sanitary and hygienic measures. First of all, choose a cage with a plastic tray that can be easily removed and washed. It needs to be cleaned at least 2 times a week. Feeders and drinkers should be rinsed with boiling water every day. Once a month you will need to thoroughly disinfect the cage itself and everything inside.
  4. Pay attention to the hygiene of the pet itself. Albinos are very clean and lick their own fur. However, 1-2 times a month you need to give your rat a warm bath. For this, a regular basin is used. After bathing, the fur will need to be thoroughly dried with a towel so that the animal does not catch a cold.

Sick and weakened individuals require special care. They are not able to wash themselves and clean their fur coat. Therefore, it is necessary to wipe your face with it after each meal until complete recovery. And brush the fur, especially in the genital area, once a day - in the evening before bed. You will also need to prevent the growth of long claws, which the animal can use to injure itself. To trim nails, it is better to buy special tweezers at a pet store.


They constantly need to comb their white fur, and they also need to be washed constantly. To comb the rodent, use a toothbrush, and be sure to have a soft one. While combing, you will have to hold the rodent with your thumbs and forefingers.

If you find yellowness in your pet's fur, then this is a reason to worry. It is possible that your rat is sick and is unable to care for itself. Important! You should not risk the animal's psyche if you decide to clean the fur by washing it in a basin. You can simply wet cotton pads and wipe your pet's fur. After the procedure, you need to wipe the rodent dry.

Place the cage with the animal away from direct sunlight, as white rats are afraid of bright sunlight.

What to feed a white rat

The health of an albino rat largely depends on a properly organized diet. For convenience, you can buy ready-made specialized mixtures at a pet store (Little One Rats, Fiory Superpremium Ratty, Rat, Vaka). Or you can provide your pet with natural food, which requires more time and expense, but is more beneficial for an albino. You will need to include the following components in your rat's daily menu:

  • Greens - parsley, lettuce, celery, dill. For variety, even ordinary grass will do - wheatgrass, dandelion, plantain.
  • Cereals. The basis of the diet is wheat. Additionally, it is worth offering the albino rat unpolished rice, oats, corn, millet, and buckwheat.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits - cucumber, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, apple, banana, pears, pumpkin.
  • Fermented milk products - crumbly cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, low-fat yogurt, curdled milk, Varenets.
  • Lean meat - boiled beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey. You can also offer boiled fish and seafood 2-3 times a week.

For weak albino rats, foods prohibited for rodents can be harmful: candy, sausages, potatoes, cheeses, smoked meats, spices, and fatty foods.

Occasionally, 1-2 times a week, you are allowed to pamper your pet with various treats - grain cookies, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, dried mealworms. Also, don't forget to drink. For normal metabolism, the fluffy dog ​​must have unhindered access to fresh water.

See a white mouse in the house

Seeing a white mouse in your home is an ambiguous symbol; such an animal means the arrival of guests on a joyful occasion and a noisy feast. A white mouse in the kitchen means prosperity and well-being, especially if it was gnawing on food. A mouse in bed - to family troubles and misunderstandings between spouses. If a mouse in the toilet means an improvement in your financial situation, you will receive a large sum of money from an unexpected source. If a mouse runs out of the house , watch your purchases and do not make frivolous expenses.

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Breeding Albinos

Puberty in albino rats is completed by 6-7 weeks of life. But at this age, mating is extremely undesirable, since the young, fragile body of the female will suffer greatly from bearing babies and subsequent births.

The optimal age for breeding albinos is considered to be 3-4 months. The female comes into heat once a week. It is during this period that a male should be placed in her cage. Mating games last 3-4 hours, after which the boy can be separated.

Pregnancy in albino rats lasts on average 3 weeks. After 8-12 days you can see signs of an interesting situation:

  • noticeable weight gain, especially in the abdominal area;
  • increased appetite;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • nesting - the female spends a lot of time in one corner and constantly drags paper, fabric, and filler there.

Pregnancy and childbirth in rats usually go well and do not require additional human intervention. At the appointed time, the female gives birth to pups, independently gnawing the umbilical cord and clearing the cubs of amniotic fluid. After carrying out hygiene measures, the new mother gathers all the newborns into a pile and begins feeding.

Despite the fact that a rat has only 12 nipples, and often produces many more babies, there is enough milk for everyone. Lactation is well developed in rodents. The female will simply divide the babies into 2 groups and feed them in turn.

During the first 2-3 weeks, you should not handle the baby rats, otherwise the female may abandon the cubs.

At the age of 5-6 weeks, the pups are ready to leave their mother. This is especially true for boys. To prevent a rat that has recently given birth from becoming pregnant again, it is better to remove young males early - at the age of 4-5 weeks.

Types of rats by body type

There are 3 types of rats based on their build type. Standard are rodents of a familiar species. They have an elongated body, they have a long bare tail of about 20 cm. Like their wild relatives, such rats can weigh up to 0.5 kg and reach 24 cm in length. Rodents have round ears on top of their heads and an elongated snout. The fur of the animals lies tightly to the body, it is smooth and shiny.

The most common type of rats of the standard breed

Dumbo - another variety differs from the standard in ears. They are located not on the top of the head, but on the sides of the head, like the elephant of the same name in the cartoon. Dambo ears are large and open; a slight bend in the upper part of the auricle is allowed. Due to the position of the ears, the head appears wider. The back of the head of these rodents may be slightly convex. The rear of the rat is wider, so the body shape may be slightly pear-shaped.

The round ears of the domestic rat of the Dumbo species give it a special charm

The Manx, a rat without a tail, is classified as a separate species. A rodent needs its tail to cool its body and balance itself. A high proportion of anuran rats have problems with their hind legs and genitourinary system. The birth of cubs is associated with the risk of having a non-viable litter. Sometimes, under the guise of Manx cats, sellers sell ordinary baby rats with their tails amputated after birth. The body of the tailless rat is not elongated, like that of the standards, but in the shape of a pear.

The Manx breed of domestic rats is fraught with many unpleasant surprises.

How much does an albino rat cost?

The cost of albino rats is quite high. To buy a snow-white rat pup from a professional breeder you will have to shell out 1000-1500 rubles. On the poultry market, the cost of an unusual pet may be slightly lower - from 500 to 700 rubles.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the color of the eyes - in true albinos they will only be red. In partial ones, they may be black.

Albino rats are a great option for those who prefer to have loving and loyal pets. In addition, the new owner will be delighted with the magical appearance of the fluffy, his extraordinary mental abilities and easy-going character.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any pet, an ornamental pet has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects include the following:

  • receptivity to training;
  • high intellectual level;
  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • response to nickname;
  • presence of a good-natured and affectionate character;
  • sociability;
  • gullibility;
  • no need for spacious living quarters;
  • cleanliness;
  • creating a minimum amount of noise;
  • low maintenance costs;
  • ease of care.

The animal has the unique ability to adapt to the mood of its owner, giving the person exactly the emotions that he needs. The main disadvantages of a funny animal are:

  • failure to follow commands without a treat;
  • falling into depression after being alone for a long time;
  • incompatibility with predatory domestic animals;
  • territory label;
  • damage to all available interior items;
  • high cost of medications for treatment;
  • presence of a specific odor;
  • need for daily walk;
  • high price;
  • short period of life;
  • maintaining wildness in the absence of contact with people.


The animal's fur and claws require special attention from the owner. The animal carries out basic hygiene procedures independently. This is a very clean animal. The rodent washes itself frequently.

The fur of the red-eyed albino is combed with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Animals love this procedure very much if it does not cause them pain. If you notice yellowish spots on your coat, contact your veterinarian as this could be a sign of illness.

In case of severe infection, the animal can be washed in a deep bowl, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the rat is unlikely to like the procedure.

If the animal does not grind its claws down on its own, then they need to be trimmed. This is necessary so that the fingertips are not damaged. For this manipulation, use special nail clippers or nail clippers. The procedure is simple and does not cause pain in the rat.

Nutritional features of mice

Peering at damaged containers, furniture, household items, and walls of the room, one gets the impression that the mouse is omnivorous. It chews on everything it comes across on the go, even if it has no nutritional value. Such a brutal appetite is explained by several aspects of her life:

  • The mouse is forced to constantly grind down its front teeth. Chews hard objects.
  • The animal has an accelerated metabolism. Food is quickly digested, and due to high mobility, energy is instantly consumed. On average, a rodent should eat 5 g of food and drink 20 ml of water per day.
  • The mouse has this peculiarity - it tastes everything new and unknown.

Regarding food preferences, the mouse is a predator. But he prefers plant foods. Replenishment of proteins is carried out by eating worms, insects, eggs, and chicks. The herbivorous creature eats helpless birds with great appetite and steals eggs from nests. Then he arranges a home for himself in this place.

A herbivorous mouse gnaws seeds, the green part of plants. If there is a lack of fluid, he eats berries, fruits, and vegetables. Prefers grains, cereals, seeds, flour.

On a note!

Having settled in a person’s home, the mouse eats everything. Sausage, cheese, meat, lard, chips, beer, cookies, candy. As well as soap, napkins, books, toilet paper, newspapers, plastic bags, sacks, etc.

Dream Interpretation of Mary

The white mouse symbolizes a new path in life , finding reliable friends and finding your own path. If she bites and scratches, it means you will soon meet an unusual, interesting person.

The mouse runs after you - your happiness is already on the way, there is no need to rush things. The mouse washes itself - for the arrival of guests on a joyful occasion. If it is dirty and sick, you may be robbed in your own home , do not let strangers into your apartment. If you dreamed of a dead mouse, it means a serious and long-term illness of your best friend. The mouse is looking for a way out of the room - you will soon find yourself in a difficult and confusing situation, but your friends will help you find a solution.

French dream book

A white mouse is a sign of flirtation and fleeting infatuation. If a mouse sits on a woman’s lap, she will receive an invitation to a date with a young gentleman. If a mouse runs across the bed - the appearance of a secret and passionate admirer. If she gnaws on clothes, it means a new thing ; if she squeaks, it means an unexpected gift. If you dreamed of a white mouse with a bow or other decoration, you are in for some festive fun. If a mouse eats cheese , it is a sign of money and prosperity, big income.


The decorative white rat is an intelligent and clean creature that spends a lot of time cleaning its fur. But sometimes these pets still need additional help from their owners in bathing. Many rodents do not like water treatments. Albinos are afraid of water and can experience stress when in contact with it, which is why it is worth teaching the animal to bathe from a very early age. If the cage is cleaned constantly, then you won’t have to bathe the animal often.

There are people who argue that bathing rats at home is prohibited. But there is another opinion, which indicates the permissibility of infrequent water procedures if all safety conditions are met during the process.

The owner of a white rodent must remember that every living creature has its own smell and frequent bathing with shampoos can clog it. As a result, other animals may not recognize the relative and behave aggressively towards him.

It is necessary to bathe white rats in the following situations:

  • if the animal is stained with a harmful substance;
  • when staying in a dirty cage for a long period;
  • if a rat does not clean its own fur, that is, it is sick or unkempt;
  • when removing parasites;
  • several days before the exhibition.

If the owner notices that the pet enjoys water procedures, then it can be washed more often. However, abuse of such processes is not encouraged.

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When a domestic rodent does not like water, there is no need to bathe it unless absolutely necessary. If the animal is not too dirty, then you can wash it without using shampoo. During the procedure, it is worth talking to the rat to rid it of fear. It is necessary to refuse bathing if the animal has a cold, as washing can aggravate the disease.

The rat prefers to live in a clean environment; it does not shit where it eats and sleeps, so installing a toilet in the rodent’s cage will not be superfluous. Accordingly, if there are no unnecessary odors and debris in the house, the animal can be bathed less often.

When bathing a white rat, do not forget about such points as:

  • decorative rodents are prone to diseases of the ENT organs, so keeping the animal in a draft after bathing will lead to illness;
  • cold indoors, cool water, or undried rat fur can worsen the health of the animal;
  • if water gets into the ears of an ornamental pet, otitis media and deafness may occur;
  • the use of detergents can cause changes in the natural odor of the animal, disruption of the barrier function of its skin, and cause dryness and scabies.

When bathing an animal, you should know not only how to do it correctly, but also how to bathe it. It is strictly not recommended to use shampoos and soaps on people, as they can cause dermatitis.

It is better to buy a special product for bathing rodents, but if you don’t have one, then you should use shampoo for cats. According to experts, you can use baby detergent to bathe your rat, but it should not contain dyes or fragrances. For the procedure of washing a rodent, it is worth preparing several containers with warm water, shampoo, a towel and a piece of soft cloth that will replace a washcloth. Rats should not be washed under running water; before bathing, their ear canals should be covered.

Immersion of the animal in a container with liquid should be done slowly and carefully, while stroking it and distracting it with conversation. The fur should be carefully moistened with water, and then shampoo should be applied with massaging movements. The detergent should be rinsed off in two containers of water, and then dried with a towel or cloth.

The rat's tail should also be washed, as dirt and dead skin particles accumulate on it. The organ should be moistened with a cotton pad that has been previously soaked in a soap solution. After this, the tail is cleaned with a toothbrush, but gently and without pressing. Next, the organ is washed off with warm water, wiped and lubricated with odorless baby cream.

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