Ultrasonic flea repeller for home – reviews and description

  1. About the device
  2. Features and benefits of ultrasonic flea repeller
  3. Popular models
  4. How effective are ultrasonic flea repellers?
  5. How dangerous is a sonic repeller for people and animals?

In the last decade, ultrasonic flea repellers have gained popularity. Let's consider how effective it is, whether it can cause discomfort in people and animals, and how to use it correctly

About the device

An ultrasonic flea repeller is a device that generates sound waves with a frequency of over 20 thousand Hertz, which are not perceived by the human ear. In addition to the generator, there are regulators that allow you to adjust the power and set the operating mode.

There are 3 types of devices sold in Russia:

  • Professional. Designed for processing areas from 400 to 1500 square meters. Can be used both indoors and outdoors;
  • Household. Compact devices in the mid-price range. They operate from a household electrical network and are designed to create a deterrent effect within one room of up to 200 square meters;
  • Portable. Ultra-compact devices for personal use. Operates on batteries or rechargeable batteries. Worn like keychains. They are easy to put in your pocket, attach to your keys, and use on pet collars. Due to the low power, the range does not exceed 2 meters.

Types of ultrasonic devices for protection against ticks and fleas

Tests have shown that ultrasonic devices significantly reduce the likelihood of being attacked by ticks and fleas. Most of these devices are self-powered and can operate in any weather conditions. You can take them with you outdoors, or attach them to the collar of a dog or cat.

To combat domestic dust mites, there are also stationary repellers, powered by a 220 V network. The duration of their operation does not depend on the battery life, and energy consumption is very low. Such devices are intended to get rid of ticks in the house, apartment and country house.

Reviews of ultrasonic devices for fighting ticks and fleas vary greatly. Having studied many such reviews, we can say that the effect of ultrasonic agents does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against bloodsuckers, but significantly reduces the risk of being bitten by these dangerous parasites.

Ultrasonic tick and flea repellers

2 - 4 m
Generator frequencychanging
Power - batteries3 pcs. type AG 13 (included)
Dimensions66 x 33 x 15 mm
Weight110 gr. (packaged)
Guarantee12 months
Price without deliveryRUB 2,790
Generator frequencychanging
Nutritionbuilt-in battery
Dimensions60 x 27 x 21 mm
Weight20 gr.
Guarantee12 months
Price without deliveryRUR 3,690
1.5 m
Generator frequencychanging
Nutritionbuilt-in battery
Guarantee10 months
Price without deliveryRUR 3,390
1.5 m
Generator frequencychanging
Nutritionbuilt-in battery
Dimensions40 x 28 x 15 mm
Weight10 gr.
Guarantee12 months
Price without deliveryRUB 3,290
Generator frequencychanging
Nutritionbuilt-in battery
Dimensions60 x 27 x 21 mm
Weight20 gr.
Guarantee12 months
Price without deliveryRUR 3,590
60-80 cu. m
Generator frequencychanging
Nutrition220 V network
Dimensions60 x 50 x 23 mm
Weight30 gr.
Guarantee12 months
Price without delivery4,290 rub.

Features and benefits of ultrasonic flea repeller

The device does not destroy fleas, their larvae and egg laying. The action is based on creating uncomfortable conditions for adults, under which they leave the premises. Repellent properties are maintained as long as the ultrasonic wave generator operates.

Device advantages:

  • No toxicity. The device, unlike insecticides, does not have a systemic or local effect on people or warm-blooded animals;
  • Autonomous work. The device operates from a household electrical outlet, battery or accumulator, is configured once and functions independently without human intervention;
  • Silence. Properly functioning and serviceable products do not create sound waves that can be felt by humans, since the generated ultrasound is beyond the sensitivity of hearing;
  • No additional restrictions. The repeller is used even if puppies and kittens of any age, pregnant and sick animals, children, and the elderly are constantly nearby.

Using the device is very simple:

  • The stationary device is connected to a household electrical network;
  • The device parameters are adjusted - the duration of the sessions, the intensity of the ultrasonic generator, and the operating mode.

Portable ultrasonic repellers worn on pet collars do not have functional settings - there is only an on or off button. The devices are protected from moisture and fail when it rains.

Stationary devices create a repellent effect only in the room where they are installed. It is recommended to place the device in the middle of the room so that the ultrasound is evenly distributed throughout the surrounding space and is not reflected from furniture and other obstacles.

How to choose an effective flea treatment

When choosing flea medications, pay attention to these characteristics.

  1. Required dosage. There are inexpensive preparations, but to prepare a working solution you need a lot of active substance, and the solution is enough for a small area. As a result, the poison is not cheap. To calculate upcoming costs, study the dosage of the drug per 1 liter. water.
  2. Release form. Manufacturers offer microcapsules, solution, powder, etc. Choose what is more convenient for you to work with.
  3. Smell. There are flea preparations with an almost imperceptible odor, and others with a sharp and unpleasant odor. Find out what the product smells like and how long the scent lasts.
  4. Hazard Class. It is better to buy flea products of the third or fourth class: they are harmless to warm-blooded animals.
  5. Active substance. If you have already treated your home with lambda-cyhalothrin to no avail, another product should contain a different pesticide. Otherwise, disinfestation will not be effective.
  6. Traces from processing. Buy a product that leaves no residue. If marks remain, check whether they are easy to remove.
  7. Safety for allergy sufferers. Make sure you are not allergic to any component of the drug.

Choose flea pesticides based on these parameters. To make it easier to choose a drug, we have collected the top 10 best flea remedies.

Popular models

Ultrasonic repellers from Russian and Chinese manufacturers are presented on the Russian market. Domestic models have large dimensions, high power and are used permanently. Foreign-made products are portable, low-power and do not have a large number of settings.

Common brands:

  • Hail. A series of Russian professional devices that create a repellent background against fleas over an area of ​​400 to 2000 square meters, depending on the specific model. They have a circular radiation pattern, an extended range of operating ultrasonic frequencies up to 70 kilohertz, and sound pressure up to 110 decibels. Separate modes allow you to use Hail against different types of insects and rodents;
  • Pest Reject. A series of Chinese household universal ectoparasite repellers. Available in stationary and portable models. The former create a repellent effect in rooms up to 200 square meters. The latter are attached to the collars of pets and repel fleas, ticks, and lice on the street (range of action up to 2 meters);
  • Typhoon . Budget line of devices from a Russian manufacturer. Presented in 5 basic models for home use with connection to a household power supply.

Big threat from little bloodsuckers

Treatment for fleas
A meal for fleas takes from several minutes to several hours. However, anemia and itchy bite marks all over the body are far from the worst that their victims can face. Thus, the pests themselves are the causative agents of only two diseases: sarcopsillosis and pulicosis, but they serve as carriers for more than 100 diseases and viruses. Therefore, if you do not promptly take care of how to remove fleas from your home, your loved ones may become infected in the future:

  • Hepatitis B and C.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Tularemia.
  • Tick-borne encephalitis.
  • And other equally dangerous diseases.

Pets deserve special mention. Even if your pet is lucky enough to avoid infection, incessant itching and regular blood loss will not have the best effect on his well-being. The animal will become more nervous and irritable, and will also help the parasites get to other places where you live (for example, to a summer cottage where you will go on vacation with your pet).

How effective are ultrasonic flea repellers?

Global scientific research has not been conducted on the effectiveness of ultrasonic flea repellers. Manufacturers of such devices claim that the repellent properties of ultrasound begin to appear indoors after 1-2 weeks, provided that the devices are constantly operating.

Some buyers who purchased the devices claim that the devices are ineffective. This is indirectly confirmed by the physiological aspects of the ectoparasite’s body structure.

Unlike rodents and mosquitoes, which have ultrasound-sensitive hearing aids and receptors, fleas do not have similar sensory mechanisms and perceive only mechanical vibrations.

Insects feel discomfort only in close proximity to an extremely powerful source of sound waves, which minimizes the useful properties of portable and household repellers.

Why doesn't an ultrasonic repeller work on bedbugs?

Where did the idea of ​​using ultrasound against insects come from?
The thing is that scientists have established the fact that most insects react to sound. Or rather, to change the pitch of the sound. In particular, studies of mosquito behavior have shown that ultrasound is the main communication tool for these insects.

That is, if a mosquito senses danger, then its signal will indicate danger. The rest of the mosquitoes will read this and will not fly to a dangerous place. And if a mosquito is looking for a partner to mate with, then it will squeak accordingly.

The whole problem is that before such devices were put into production, they were, of course, tested, but they were much stronger than those offered by our industry. A professional device has a much stronger wave force than the one you buy in a store.

A high-quality emitter is very expensive, and the costs of its production are correspondingly high. This does not suit manufacturers: it is much more profitable for them to sell a large number of devices with low power, thereby making more profit. And many buyers prefer to save money on their purchase, resulting in a device that is practically worthless.

If you have not been able to cope with hordes of bedbugs on your own, and they continue to annoy you, then you should think about calling special services, which have in their arsenal tools that act not only on adults, but also on larvae.

To prevent any insects from settling in your home, it is worth thinking about preventive measures, regular cleaning, inspecting things, frequent ventilation, and occasionally doing at least cosmetic repairs.


Judging by the reviews, the effectiveness of the device is quite doubtful.

The effect of wearing a medallion is noted - dog owners notice that fleas do not appear. However, almost everyone simultaneously uses flea drops and anti-flea shampoos for bathing their pets. In this case, it is quite possible to assume that the effect did not occur due to wearing the medallion, but due to the use of insecticides, because the drops always reliably protect pets from fleas and ticks.

Likewise, the cumulative effect of exposure to ultrasound is unclear. If ultrasound repels fleas, then the effect in this case, logically, should occur immediately, and not after a few weeks.

The effectiveness of repellers has not really been proven, since pet owners use a combination of products to combat fleas. However, there is no evidence that the device does not work at all. Therefore, it can be used in conjunction with other methods of control or as an independent remedy after the fleas have been removed using chemicals.

Properties of Ultrasound

Ultrasound has long been of interest to humanity from the point of view of its impact on living organisms.
Since the discovery of ultrasonic waves, scientists have noticed that it affects living beings, although it is not felt by their senses. Ultrasonic vibrations of a certain frequency and strength can kill very quickly various protozoa and microbes. Experiments have shown that even small fish die from exposure to ultrasonic waves.

Ultrasound - sound waves having a frequency higher than what is perceived by the human ear, usually ultrasound means frequencies above 20,000 Hertz

Ultrasound also works on large creatures. Of course, a person or animal will not die from it right away. But his health can deteriorate significantly with prolonged exposure to high-frequency waves. Outwardly, for no apparent reason, they develop headaches, apathy or irritability, depression, panic, sleep disorders, fatigue, drowsiness, and dizziness.

Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, many vital processes in the body slow down. The negative effect of ultrasound on living beings is also due to the fact that at a certain frequency it causes the formation of cavities in tissues, which leads to their death.

It is not surprising that there is a desire to use ultrasound to combat various parasites, in particular fleas, cockroaches, and ants.

What should you consider when choosing?

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to some of its parameters:

  1. Device power. To combat insects, a battery-powered device is sufficient. If we are talking about rodents, much more energy is required. These are the mechanisms included in the network.
  2. Temperature environment. Each product is designed for specific weather conditions. Any repeller will work in the apartment. If you need a product for the street, you should choose the appropriate models. Some manufacturers have devices made to operate at sub-zero temperatures.
  3. Coverage area. The characteristics of each device indicate the area with which it operates. This refers to an empty room. If there is a lot of furniture in the room, efficiency drops sharply.
  4. Power supply. For this purpose, the following are used: batteries, electrical network, accumulator, solar energy. Some models have a combined power supply system. The parameter is important if the device will be used outdoors. If the device is used at home, it is more convenient to use electricity.
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