Ultrasonic mouse repeller Riddex - reviews

The Riddex ultrasonic repeller is a modern device that, according to the manufacturer, is effective in pest control. This device emits electromagnetic pulses that repel cockroaches, ants, small rodents, etc. It is safer than toxic sprays, liquids, plates, but the question of their effectiveness remains open. Potential buyers want to thoroughly understand how repellers work and how to use them correctly. In addition, it will be useful for them to read reviews from people who have already used Riddex in business, learn about the pros and cons of these devices, and their cost.

Description and principle of operation

It is important to understand that the Ridex repeller does not destroy small pests, but only creates conditions unfavorable for their living. The device emits and propagates electromagnetic waves, which are repetitive movements in solids, gases, and liquids. Their minimum frequency is from 20 kHz. The human ear is not capable of detecting such high frequencies; it is sensitive to waves from 20 Hz to 16 - 20 kHz.

Ridex repeller is effective against many pests

High-frequency ultrasound produces strictly directed beams that affect a living organism. The repeller irritates the nerve cells of rodents and insects, after which they feel fear in the area of ​​its influence. Then the pest involuntarily tries to quickly leave the unfavorable place in order to get rid of the discomfort. That is, it does not die, but simply migrates.

When a person connects a device to the network, it emits electromagnetic waves that travel through the wires. According to the manufacturer, the area of ​​influence of the repeller is up to 200 m².

Ridex is most effective against mosquitoes that communicate through ultrasound of a certain frequency. The repeller studies waves similar to those produced by bats, and the latter hunt mosquitoes.

Cockroaches, house ants, and bedbugs do not transmit information using ultrasound. But Riddex makes them feel worse, especially with prolonged exposure. Insects cannot reproduce in the area where electromagnetic radiation is distributed, so they leave this area.

Ridex is destructive for small rodents; their appetite worsens, they cannot reproduce normally, and they feel discomfort in the area of ​​its influence. What is important is that the impulses are able to constantly change frequency and shape, so the risk of pest adaptation is minimal. A noticeable effect appears after 2 weeks, then it continues to intensify.

To better understand the capabilities of Riddex Pest Repelling Aid, you need to study its characteristics:

  • Impact radius – 200 m².
  • Voltage – from 90 to 250 V.
  • The power of the electrical device is 4 W.
  • Pulse frequency – from 0.8 to 1.8 Hz.
  • The operating period is from 2.5 to 5 minutes.
  • Maximum operating time is 24 hours.
  • Permissible temperature of use is from -30 to +45°.
  • Case material – plastic.

There are Riddex Plus Pest Repeller and Riddex Quad on sale, which differ slightly in appearance and action. Ridex Plus emits electromagnetic pulses, and the Quad model uses ultrasonic as well as electromagnetic waves.

Advantages of the device

Most products used to kill rodents and insects, as a rule, do not provide a lasting effect and run out quickly, and often cause harm to human health. The obvious advantages of the Riddex ultrasonic repeller include:

  1. Safety. During operation of the device, no toxic compounds are released into the air. People and pets do not have to leave the premises while ultrasound is affecting parasites.
  2. Long-term effect. A constantly turned on device will completely get rid of mice, cockroaches and mosquitoes for a long period.
  3. All-out attack. Ultrasonic exposure inhibits all types of insects. Spiders, rats, and mice also urgently migrate from the premises.
  4. Impressive range. Electromagnetic pulses reach even the most remote parts of a house or apartment.
  5. No influence on the operation of electrical appliances. Since the power of the device is only 4 W, the probability of a short circuit is almost zero.
  6. Economical. Low device power consumption. The need to purchase other means that kill rodents and insects disappears on its own.

Instructions for use

The Ridex repeller looks like a rectangular white body with light indicators that signal a change in operating mode.

Attention. On Riddex, sometimes you need to switch electromagnetic pulse modes. This is a necessary measure that will help prevent pests from adapting to the action of the device, as well as increase its efficiency.

It is enough to connect Ridex to the network for it to start working

The pest repeller comes with instructions in Russian, which explain in detail how to use it:

  • Open the package, connect the device to the network.
  • Try to choose an outlet in an easily accessible location with low humidity. Make sure that it is not blocked by curtains, cabinets, or other furniture, and that heat sources (heating radiator or fireplace) are kept away from the switched on device.
  • Immediately after connecting to the power source, a green light comes on, indicating that the repeller has started working.
  • If the red light comes on, this means that electromagnetic waves have begun to spread throughout the area. Don't worry when the red light goes off. After a few minutes it will turn on again. The work cycle is constantly repeated.
  • There is a button on top of the device, by pressing it you will turn on the backlight; it lights up in blue. At night it can be used instead of a night light.
  • Ridex is suitable for continuous operation, that is, there is no need to turn it off, it does not overheat.

For a room whose area exceeds 180 m², it is recommended to use 2 devices. In this case, the repellers are connected to the network at the most remote ends of the house so that they cover the entire territory.

As a rule, it takes from 7 to 28 days to completely clear an area of ​​pests. Mosquitoes that are most sensitive to Ridex ultrasonic waves disappear the fastest. Small rodents leave the house a little later - after about 20 days. The longest wait will be for the migration of cockroaches, which can last up to 4–6 weeks.

Important. You should not turn off the repeller during the first month of exposure, as the electromagnetic field will disappear and everything will have to start again. The device has an original design, thanks to which excessive power consumption or short circuit is excluded.

Do not rush to disconnect the device from the network even after the pests have completely disappeared. Leave it on for another 2 – 5 days to consolidate the results. Then the repeller can be connected periodically for several hours, 1 - 2 times a week, so that cockroaches or mice do not decide to come back.

Do not be alarmed if the pests become more active the first time after turning on the device. This indicates that they feel discomfort, which means they will soon begin to leave their home.

Do not wash the device with water, as its body is not sealed. Try to avoid dropping it because it is fragile.


The product, which repels mice and insects, has a rectangular shape and compact size. At the top of the front panel there is a button that turns on the backlight. Just below there are two indicators (red and green), which light up after the device is connected to the network.

At the bottom of the case there is a night light protected by plastic glass. The plug, suitable for all modern sockets, is fixedly mounted on the rear panel of the repeller. In the instructions in Russian, Riddex is characterized by the following parameters:

  • power consumption - 4 W;
  • pulse frequency - 0.8−1 Hz;
  • operating frequency - 50 Hz;
  • optimal mains voltage - 90−250 V;
  • permissible period of continuous operation - 24 hours;
  • The maximum coverage area is 200 square meters.

You should carefully read the instructions for the Riddex repeller in order to get maximum efficiency from the device.

It operates without any problems at different temperatures (from -30 to +40°C) and air humidity from 20 to 90%. The gadget is fully certified.

Purpose of the Riddex repeller

As mentioned, Riddex repellers are recommended for use in all rooms where harmful insects or rodents are found. Universal devices affect mosquitoes, ants, bedbugs, spiders, fleas, cockroaches, mice, rats.

It is recommended to use the device when the first traces of pests appear. After all, even if they have not yet caused damage, they will certainly manifest themselves over time. It is important to remember that insects and rodents harm not only your household, but also your health.

Insects and rodents can be found in shops, cafes, restaurants, hospitals, offices, etc. In any place they cause harm and cause material damage.

Riddex repellers are recommended for use in the following places:

  • Residential premises, for example, apartments, houses, cottages, etc.
  • Canteens, cafes, restaurants.
  • Retail outlets (market stall, store).
  • Kindergartens, schools, hospitals, sanatoriums, etc.

In addition, repellers are used to protect computer and telecommunication networks.

Scope of use

The Ridex ultrasonic repeller becomes an indispensable thing when the room is infested with winged and crawling insects, rats, mice or other small rodents. Thanks to it, you can say goodbye to any pests in the house once and for all, sleep peacefully with the windows open, without fear of mosquito bites, and also seriously save money, since there is no need to buy sprays and fumigators .

Riddex repeller helps repel a large number of pests, including rats

The device can be safely used in all rooms without exception equipped with an electrical network. The Riddex repeller does its job equally well in the following places:

  • a private house;
  • apartment;
  • country house;
  • shop;
  • catering point;
  • medical institution;
  • school;
  • kindergarten;
  • office;
  • garage;
  • basement.

Precautionary measures

The ultrasonic repeller is completely safe for expectant mothers, children, and sick people. It does not interfere with the operation of surrounding electronic devices, such as smartphones, home appliances, wireless networks, the Internet, etc.

The device is absolutely safe for birds, fish, cats, dogs. However, domestic rodents, for example, hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, may suffer from its effects. Therefore, if you have pets from this group, you should stop using Ridex.

To prevent damage to the device, do not use it in environments with high humidity or near heat sources. It is also prohibited to cover it with a cloth.

To prevent pests from returning, keep doors and windows closed at all times. Try to constantly remove food from open areas to avoid attracting more insects or rodents. Watch what your pets bring from the street into the house. Periodically check food, animal feed, and grains for insects or traces of mice/rat.

Ridex repellers are much safer than toxic substances that are usually used to kill pests.

When to expect results

The greatest effect of the Pest Repeller is achieved in the first week.

After this, the device should not be turned off, because the price of the electricity it consumes is minimal. If the Pest Repeller is unplugged, uninvited guests may come back.

It takes 1-4 weeks to kill rats and mice. Cockroaches and other small things take longer to disappear. It will take up to 12 weeks for them to be completely evacuated.

Customer Reviews

User reviews about Riddex are quite contradictory. Some people claim that the device is effective and helps control pests, while others claim that it is a hoax and does not cope with its functions at all.


Karina, 30 years old I’m quite squeamish, when I noticed a mouse in the house, I started thinking about how to get rid of it. The usual methods, for example, poison or a mousetrap, do not suit me, because I don’t want to see the corpse of a rodent. After searching the Internet a little, I found information about Ridex, read the reviews, and I liked it. I bought 2 devices and installed them at different ends of the apartment. I can’t say that the device worked immediately, but after 2–3 weeks the “unwanted guest” disappeared. Then she turned on the device for 3 – 5 hours a day, twice or three times a week.

Alina, 32 years old Previously, she used poisonous bags to control rodents. But it so happened that the mouse died under the floor, the smell in the apartment was terrible. I had to tear off the boards to get it out. After this incident, I no longer wanted to use conventional chemicals. A friend advised me to buy Ridex, claiming that with its help she got rid of rodents. I bought 2 devices because our area is quite large. Indeed, after a couple of weeks I no longer noticed traces of the mouse. The advantages of the repeller include the fact that you do not need to control the presence of bait, monitor children or the cat.

Zhanna, 34 years old I needed a Riddex repeller to get rid of cockroaches. I didn’t really believe that it would work, especially since at first they were even more active. But after a month of regular use, they gradually became smaller until the last one disappeared. After that, I did not turn off the device for another 5 days, and then gave it a rest. Now I periodically turn on the device to avoid a re-invasion.


Dmitry, 25 years old I used this vaunted repeller for about 3 weeks, but the cockroaches did not disappear anywhere! In a word - a scam of suckers!

Svetlana, 33 years old I bought Riddex to get rid of rodents, but I couldn’t really test it. The device broke down within a week.

The problems described above may be caused by violating the rules for using the repeller or purchasing a fake.

Minimal power consumption

The electromagnetic repeller does not require settings or preliminary preparation for operation. In any room, plug the device into a 220 V socket and it will immediately begin to function. Thanks to low power consumption (only 1.5 W), the device can be kept plugged in around the clock.

Consumes only 1.5 W of electricity

Electromagnetic repeller comes in blister pack

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the manufacturer, Ridex repellers have the following advantages:

  • It has a wide spectrum of action and affects all pests simultaneously.
  • Safe for the human body, as well as domestic animals (with the exception of decorative rodents and insects).
  • Easy to use. The device just needs to be connected to the network for it to begin to work.
  • Energy efficient. The device consumes a minimum amount of electricity (4 W) and does not interfere with the functionality of other devices.
  • Resistant to various temperatures. The device is capable of operating at temperatures from -25 to +30°.
  • Environmentally friendly. Ridex does not emit harmful toxic fumes.
  • Humaneness towards insects and rodents. The device does not destroy pests, but helps expel them from the house.
  • Large area of ​​influence. The device covers approximately 200 m².
  • Long lasting effect. With prolonged and proper use of the device, pests will leave the room for a long time.

Some users consider the disadvantage of Ridex to be that at first insects and rodents become more active and constantly catch their eye. But this is a sign that they will soon leave the area.

Judging by the reviews, some users were unable to get rid of pests using the device. However, this may be due to a violation of the rules for its use.

The most important

Riddex repellers are harmless, universal and easy-to-use devices. They emit electromagnetic waves, which create a negative environment for insects and rodents, then they soon leave the affected area. At the same time, the device is absolutely safe for people and most pets (with the exception of decorative rodents). It is suitable for use in residential premises, catering buildings, retail outlets, etc. To ensure that you get rid of pests, you must comply with the conditions for using the device. Judging by the reviews of most users, the device still works, it helps safely, cleanly, and also easily gets rid of the problem. To purchase the original Ridex repeller, you need to place an order on the manufacturer’s website. This will not only allow you to get a quality product, but also save money, since it can be purchased at a discount.

Electronic repellent

An electronic repeller will help you save money, nerves and health - a new word in the quiet war against insects.

There are several brands of electronic repellers on the market now. One of them is Riddex Pest Repeller, patented in the USA. It operates on an area of ​​70 m2. Some sources talk about effective work on an area of ​​up to 220 m2. But it’s better to get another one for such a room. That is, one device will be enough for an apartment or an ordinary house.

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