Ultrasonic rodent repeller Pest Reject - reviews

We bought a rodent and insect repeller called Pest Reject 3 times. The first one was 4 years ago (it seems they had just appeared here), the second and third ones were recently. We use it against insects at home and mice at the dacha when we send our parents there for the whole season.

We are pleased with the results, as it really works. I myself tried to study the effect of electrical impulses on cockroaches, flies and other insects and realized that this was not fiction. The first device was used periodically, only when cockroaches and flies appeared (apparently they flew in through the entrance doors or balcony doors). We live in a high-rise building and not all of our neighbors are decent. There are drunks on top, almost homeless people next to them. In general, it's tough. And there’s also a granny nearby who keeps 7 cats... Is it worth continuing? This situation is familiar to many.

So our device worked for more than 3 years (it still works at the dacha) and broke down. But it’s clear, nothing lasts forever. We decided to buy a new one. We ordered it, but when it arrived, we were surprised that it looked a little different. We thought maybe they could improve it, although doubts crept in as soon as we saw that the material of the case was not of very high quality. And so it happened - it was turned on for a week - the result was zero.

Then we started a new search, saw the official website, but the price there was slightly more expensive than the previous one. Bought. Yes, that's what's original. Therefore, finally, I advise you to pay attention to this fact, otherwise you will also run into a fake. It's not expensive, but it's a shame.

The Pest Reject insect and rodent repeller is equipped with a backlight (it wasn’t in the very first version), so we turn it on in the children’s room and it acts as a night light. I’m also glad that it works from the mains (there is little or no energy), because there is no need to worry about the presence of batteries or cartridges, as for example for fumigators.

It’s a pity that the insect and rodent repeller didn’t work for us.

Review left by Crybaby
Rating: 4

(out of 5)


Works very well, economical


We can’t use it because we have hamsters (rodents) at home.

I have been dreaming about such a thing as Pest Reject because I have a problem with cockroaches in my apartment. I saw this insect and rodent repeller from my mother, they use it often and it works. Now they have no cockroaches, no flies, no mosquitoes. And the price is very reasonable and the design is normal. But I didn’t immediately realize that I also had rodents at home (!), so I bought it and turned it on. And the next day I noticed that my hamsters became very lethargic... Unfortunately, only 2 out of 6 were saved...

Instructions for use

Before using the invention, you should read the recommendations for use. Only compliance with all the manufacturer’s instructions guarantees the correct operation of the repeller and a positive result from its use. You can familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the work in the official instructions for the Pest Reject device, which is attached to each package in several languages, including Russian. It clearly describes how and for how long the innovative invention can be used, and what beetles or rodents it affects.

The mechanism of operation is very simple - an electromagnetic field is created that affects the vital systems of animals. The radius of influence of the Pest Reject insect repeller is up to 200 m². This means that even a house of considerable size will be completely protected. When you use the product in your apartment, even your neighbors will thank you, because the power of the device will definitely cover their living space. If you need to protect an area larger than recommended by the manufacturer, you need to order several devices, depending on the expected area of ​​the buildings. Operation of the product is permitted under the following conditions:

  • air temperature in the range -30 + 40°C;
  • relative humidity within 20 - 90%.

Work algorithm

The Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller is very easy to use. You just need to plug the device into a socket and press the button on the side. If you did everything correctly, the power indicator should light up on the display. The red indicator shows that the device operates in two modes, the yellow light turns on during electromagnetic influence, and the green light turns on during ultrasonic influence. The device circuit provides night lighting, which can be turned on if desired by lightly pressing the white button on the lid of the device. If you use multiple devices at the same time, make sure they are connected to the network away from each other, according to the recommended coverage area.

The manufacturer guarantees that all pests under the influence of ultrasound and electromagnetic fields will begin to disappear almost from the first minutes of use. You can completely get rid of rats and mice within a period of 14 to 30 days, depending on their number. You will have to “fight” with cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other bugs from 7 days to 6 weeks. But even after completely getting rid of pests, it is not recommended to turn off the repeller - it is absolutely safe for people. It must be used constantly - this will prevent the re-colonization of beetles and rodents. To fully protect your home, the device must work uninterruptedly for a whole year.

Pest Reject

Review left by BinGo
Rating: 5

(out of 5)


Really works, inexpensive, does not affect livestock, dogs, cats


Have not found

Pest Reject solved the problem with mice and moles. I live in a village and have a large farm (18 pigs, 5 cows, chickens, geese). Therefore, there are also a lot of mice/rats. Moles also periodically undermine the soil in the garden and near sheds. I always fought it with the help of poisons, but decided to give up when my baby Labrador got poisoned (he’s still stupid, so he ate poison). They barely saved it (the neighbor’s veterinarian noticed it in a timely manner).

But that's not what I'm talking about. Then he, this neighbor-savior, said that I live in the last century and now there are a lot of harmless devices for destroying and repelling rodents and insects. I bought Pest Reject, as he advised. There are many sheds, but not all of them have sockets, since the ones that are farther away are simply wired for a lamp. I had to extend an electrical outlet into another room.

I started using it and was surprised that now I actually eat mice. And at the same time, flies and other insects do not torment the cattle. Only for some reason it doesn’t work on midges, but that’s it...

  • Review #1
  • Review #2
  • Review #3
  • Review No. 4
  • Review #5

Reviews from the Internet about Pest Redject

In principle, we were happy with everything, but we wanted to know the feedback from people who use this repeller. The efficiency and fast operation of the device is very important to us. There are a lot of reviews on the Internet, there are people who praise Pest Reject, and there are those who speak more reservedly about it. But in general, most reviews are positive.

“Every summer my family and I go to the country. Our cat has always coped with rodents, but this year there are just tons of them. I didn’t buy poison so as not to poison my pets. So I bought the Pest Reject ultrasonic repeller. It works silently, we don’t feel it at all, but the rodents are gone. Now we bought another one for the summer kitchen and do not turn them off the entire period while we live in the country. Effective and good adaptation”

There are a lot of such reviews. You can see this for yourself. Well, my husband and I firmly decided that we should quickly order an ultrasonic repeller and put an end to rodents.

We bought Pest Reject for the house, at the same time we destroyed mice in the barn and rats in the pigsty

Review left by Blade

Grade: 4

(out of 5)


A good gadget at an affordable price


Insects do not die on the first day

We live in a private house, so in the summer we have a lot of flies and mosquitoes. It's no use kicking them out. There are mosquito nets only on the windows, but the doors are open almost around the clock (especially at night, since there is no air conditioning, but cool air is needed). We fought them as best we could over the years, but it was still a pressing problem. My schoolboy son solved this problem. He was tired of suffering from insects, so he Googled some remedy. A lot of things popped up, but they were all primitive. But he paid attention to the insect and rodent repellent Pest Reject. He showed us, told us and we decided to buy. We ordered 1 piece, since the range of action is very impressive - 200 squares.

They installed it, turned it on and began to wait. I will say that on the first day and night there was no reaction - the insects flew and continued... On the second day they became lethargic, on the fourth they died completely. Of course, we have to use the device every day, since flies and mosquitoes constantly fly into the open doors.

What was surprising was that on the back side of the house we had a barn built and next to it a pigsty, and there were mice and rats there. After about a couple of weeks, we noticed that they were simply gone. Maybe they died or ran away earlier, but we didn’t pay attention. Therefore, I now recommend it to all my family and friends.

How to use the device correctly

Using the Pest Reject repeller is very simple, since it is ready for use immediately after purchase. For its effective operation, it requires absolutely no batteries, no special plates or solutions with insecticidal action.

After unpacking, it must be connected to any available electrical outlet, where it can remain 24/7.

The minimum working time at which a good effect can be achieved is two weeks, and the maximum is six.

The device is very easy to use

Due to the extremely low level of electrical consumption, this device does not heat up during operation and makes almost no noise that could cause discomfort to people.

The result of using the Pest Reject device is this: adult pests leave the apartment after two weeks. But their larvae - as they mature, over the next four weeks.

It is recommended to disconnect the device from the electrical network only after you stop noticing the slightest signs of the presence of insects or rodents in your living space. After some time, you can resume its use for the purpose of effective prevention - for this it will be enough to connect Pest Reject to the electrical network every month for a period of two to five days.

Useful links What is a laser gun and how does it work in the fight against mosquitoes? Read our article here.

The device does not have any harmful effects on most pets. The only exceptions are representatives of the reptile family, as well as decorative mice. If you have any in your home, they must be moved to another living space during the period of exposure to the repeller. In all other cases, the device is absolutely harmless and therefore does not cause any problems.

We purchased Pest Reject for the cafe

Review left by Natalie Valerievna
Rating: 3

(out of 5)


Valid for 200 sq. m, non-toxic, safe for humans


You have to wait a couple of days for the effect, it doesn’t work on everyone

I work as an administrator in a large cafe, which is located on the first floor of a Khrushchev building. For this reason, we always have a lot of Prussians and cockroaches (especially considering that there is an apartment above us with a dysfunctional family). We simply have to fight them, otherwise we will be closed. Usually the special services were called, but in order to avoid a poisonous effect, the establishment had to be closed for a couple of days. And the effect of these chemicals lasted for 2-3 weeks at most, then the insects came back.

We got a job with a new cook, a 45-year-old woman, and it was she who advised us to buy an electronic cockroach repeller, Pest Reject. We believed and took 2 things, installing them in different sides of the cafe. The result was in 2 days. How timely it was, since on day 4-5 there was a sanitation station.

But we had one more problem. The basement is very humid all the time, so slugs and similar creatures periodically crawl into us. Pest Reject does not save you from them, or rather, it does not work on them.

At the same time, I will say that there is no toxic effect, therefore it does not affect the health of visitors/employees, as well as food.

PS: The “neighbors” living upstairs thanked us. The cafe is located under two apartments, so a normal family also suffered from insects, and when we got rid of them, then with a large radius of action, they too.

Where can I use Pest Rejekt?

Since Pest Reject does not require any special operating conditions, it can be used almost anywhere. There is an opinion that such devices are not recommended to be turned on in places where food is eaten. However, this does not apply to this device. It can be installed in the kitchen without any problems. Its action does not in any way affect microwave ovens, refrigerators and other appliances that come into contact with food. In addition, you can safely leave food on the table and eat with the appliance turned on.

Also, many believe that similar devices are not intended for use in bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity or the likelihood of strong steam formation. However, this opinion is considered erroneous. Pest Reject will work properly, regardless of humidity and air temperature.

During operation, the device does not emit any toxic substances. This allows it to be used in medical and children's institutions. Even for pregnant women, it does not pose any danger.

Unsuccessful second purchase

Review left by ZumbA
Rating: 4

(out of 5)


Additionally, there is a night light function, no need to buy batteries or cartridges


Doesn't work without mains power

We bought a rodent and insect repeller called Pest Reject 3 times. The first one was 4 years ago (it seems they had just appeared here), the second and third ones were recently. We use it against insects at home and mice at the dacha when we send our parents there for the whole season.

We are pleased with the results, as it really works. I myself tried to study the effect of electrical impulses on cockroaches, flies and other insects and realized that this was not fiction. The first device was used periodically, only when cockroaches and flies appeared (apparently they flew in through the entrance doors or balcony doors). We live in a high-rise building and not all of our neighbors are decent. There are drunks on top, almost homeless people next to them. In general, it's tough. And there’s also a granny nearby who keeps 7 cats... Is it worth continuing? This situation is familiar to many.

So our device worked for more than 3 years (it still works at the dacha) and broke down. But it’s clear, nothing lasts forever. We decided to buy a new one. We ordered it, but when it arrived, we were surprised that it looked a little different. We thought maybe they could improve it, although doubts crept in as soon as we saw that the material of the case was not of very high quality. And so it happened - it was turned on for a week - the result was zero.

Then we started a new search, saw the official website, but the price there was slightly more expensive than the previous one. Bought. Yes, that's what's original. Therefore, finally, I advise you to pay attention to this fact, otherwise you will also run into a fake. It's not expensive, but it's a shame.

The Pest Reject insect and rodent repeller is equipped with a backlight (it wasn’t in the very first version), so we turn it on in the children’s room and it acts as a night light. I’m also glad that it works from the mains (there is little or no energy), because there is no need to worry about the presence of batteries or cartridges, as for example for fumigators.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

It is not possible to buy the Pest Reject repeller with delivery in Moscow and other Russian cities at retail. Only on the official website you can order the original, which will help improve comfort in any home. The direct method of sale from a warehouse makes it possible to guarantee our customers the authenticity of the purchased products, because each package undergoes careful control before sale. We sell goods at the lowest cost, since selling goods online eliminates the addition of fabulous retail markups.

Another advantage of purchasing products on the website is that you can order a unique product at any time of the day.
To do this, you only need to take a few minutes to fill out the form with contact information. You don't have to worry about the rest. Our managers will definitely contact you to clarify all questions regarding placing an order. Delivery of goods is carried out by a transport company convenient for the client throughout Russia, the CIS countries or the EU. By purchasing on the site, you receive an original that is guaranteed to benefit from use. Take care of your comfort in advance - buy a certified Pest Reject - an ultrasonic protector of your home and surrounding area. Buy on the official website with a discount

It’s a pity that the insect and rodent repeller didn’t work for us.

Review left by Crybaby
Rating: 4

(out of 5)


Works very well, economical


We can’t use it because we have hamsters (rodents) at home.

I have been dreaming about such a thing as Pest Reject because I have a problem with cockroaches in my apartment. I saw this insect and rodent repeller from my mother, they use it often and it works. Now they have no cockroaches, no flies, no mosquitoes. And the price is very reasonable and the design is normal. But I didn’t immediately realize that I also had rodents at home (!), so I bought it and turned it on. And the next day I noticed that my hamsters became very lethargic... Unfortunately, only 2 out of 6 were saved...

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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