Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES): inspection

Scheduled inspections by SES (Rospotrebnadzor) are carried out according to a pre-drawn schedule. Their frequency is equal to three years. This does not apply to medical enterprises. This schedule can be found on the official website of the organization. The head of the company or individual entrepreneur must be warned by the supervisory authorities about the upcoming scheduled inspection at least three days before it. This is due to the fact that in the absence of the boss such a check is impossible.

All newly organized firms and registered individual entrepreneurs are subject to routine inspection. The inspection commission can be either on-site or desk-based (documentary).

Unscheduled inspections of SES

Since 2015, Rospotrebnadzor has been given the right to conduct unscheduled inspections without prior warning. This happened in connection with changes in the Federal Law “On the quality and safety of food products”. Such an unexpected inspection of the SES theoretically threatens absolutely any trade, catering or production enterprise.

On what grounds are they carried out? You should wait for an inspection if the quality of the services provided or products sold is poor. In addition, SES inspections are quite frequent at the request of the buyer in connection with a complaint. Who has the right to file such a complaint? Almost anyone - from individuals (ordinary consumers or government officials) to control organizations. The legal literacy of the population is growing, and most consumers now know how to call the SES for an inspection, using this measure at the slightest violation.

The purpose and meaning of unscheduled inspections is to confirm or refute the facts contained in the complaint. Organizational managers are also notified about such events, usually within the previous 24 hours. As an exception, an urgent check is possible if a dangerous infection or serious poisoning is suspected.

How to call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to your home

Today it is not necessary to apply for sanitary services to the state Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. Commercial organizations often offer more attractive terms of cooperation. When choosing a company, you can first study customer reviews, prices and operating principles.

How to call the Des Group Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to your home? You can find contacts on our website. Specialists are ready to leave at any convenient time and day. If you are interested in the price for treating a house, apartment, commercial property, or summer cottage, leave a request or contact the manager by phone. He will answer your questions and calculate the cost of the work.

Who's testing us?

What is this formidable Rospotrebnadzor (or SES - sanitary-epidemiological service)? Under this name lies a government structure whose function is to control the activities of a variety of organizations in order to protect the rights of consumers and their health. It includes a network of territorial SES, their task is to respond to complaints from the population about non-compliance with sanitation standards.

Where exactly is the SES authorized to control the situation? The check applies to absolutely all public catering outlets - from large restaurants to small canteens and cafes, manufacturing enterprises in one way or another connected with food products, non-residential and residential premises, and construction sites.

A set of additional services from the SES

A serious additional area of ​​activity of the SES is the provision of paid services to the population and organizations. They relate to three types of protective treatment of various objects aimed at improving the living or working conditions of people. Each of them requires separate and more detailed consideration.


SES is carried out to destroy bacteria, fungi and mold that negatively affect people's health. And we are talking about very serious diseases. For example, bronchial asthma is often caused by the appearance of mold or mildew in a person’s home.

The main conditions for effective disinfection treatment carried out by SES are:

  • highly qualified SES personnel who are able to correctly determine the cause of the problem and ways to eliminate it;
  • use of modern means to destroy bacteria, mold and fungi;
  • use of effective specialized equipment by SES specialists.

It is important to understand that the three listed factors relate not only to disinfection, but also to two other types of additional SES services – deratization and disinfestation. Also, in any of the above cases, two more points become extremely important.

The first concerns the financial component of the issue. It is expressed in the affordable cost of the services provided, which often becomes a decisive argument in favor of carrying out the much-needed protective treatment.

The second point is related to the organization of work of the SES with potential clients, which are both citizens and organizations. We are talking about a well-structured scheme of interaction with service customers. In today's conditions, it must include several mandatory parameters:

  • the ability to remotely submit an application for protective treatment on the SES website;
  • promptness of feedback from the client;
  • work of SES specialists on disinfection, deratization and disinfestation at a time convenient for the customer, including on weekends or non-working hours on weekdays;
  • provision of guarantees, and if the problem is detected again - free SES re-protective treatment.


It represents measures to exterminate various rodents, primarily the most common of them, mice and rats. The need to eliminate these “eternal” neighbors of man is explained extremely simply. Small rodents act as carriers of many dangerous infectious diseases.

Therefore, if they are detected, you must immediately contact the SES. The services of professionals will definitely be needed, since attempts to exterminate rats or mice on their own are rarely effective, since rodents have developed immunity to conventional poisonous drugs, and the efficiency of traps is usually extremely low.

Pest control

The above fully applies to the pest control treatment of SES, the purpose of which is to destroy a variety of harmful insects. The latter most often include cockroaches, bedbugs, lice, ticks, flies, mosquitoes and many others.

Their presence near a person often leads not only to serious discomfort and a decrease in living standards, but also to a real threat to health. Examples include bites from bedbugs, wasps or bees. Insect extermination is carried out by SES specialists using the most modern preparations, which are sprayed or applied using hot or cold fog technologies. For example, the destruction of bedbugs.

What will the SES require?

Rospotrebnadzor is authorized in organizations belonging to different forms of ownership to request any documents for checking the SES. We are talking about employment contracts, medical records, fire service reports, etc. The requirements of the SES relate to the availability of a log of sanitary measures, existing licenses and certificates for services and goods. Maybe she can check the operation of the cash register at any retail outlet.

Based on the results of detected violations, the SES issues instructions on how to correct them, draws up protocols and issues fines. She is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the law on consumer protection. SES is also involved in monitoring the air and water environment, soil, and waste disposal.

What does all this threaten?

What sanctions are provided in case of violation? Measures taken by the supervisory service based on the results of the inspection may consist of issuing an order to correct all identified inconsistencies, imposing a fine, as well as temporarily suspending the activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur for the period required to eliminate the violations. If a mass disease or its threat is detected, the sanitary-epidemiological service has the right to file a judicial application - this depends on the scale of the outbreak.

If the violations are not of such a global nature, but only non-compliance with sanitary standards is identified, the fine will be less - from 5 to 10 minimum wages. It can be replaced by suspension of the enterprise's activities for a period of three months for the purpose of correction. If there are errors in the condition of the premises or operating standards, such a fine will range from 10 to 20 minimum wages. Gross violations, in addition, are also fraught with imprisonment by court decision.

The size of the fine depends on who is found guilty. If this is a legal entity, its amount will be a larger amount than from an individual (seller, individual entrepreneur, representative of an institution).

Ways to combat bedbugs

Usually, before using any means, an inspector visits the house or apartment and assesses the specifics of the problem.

If the premises are non-residential, then sanitation against bedbugs can be carried out with strong preparations that have a persistent, corrosive odor. For apartments and houses where people live, odorless preparations are selected, although their cost is usually higher. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common methods of combating bedbugs:

  1. The use of gases (gassing), when the room is completely enveloped in a gas containing poison for bedbugs.
  2. Active steam treatment (fumigation).
  3. Cooling (refrigeration). Nitric oxide is generated, which freezes the infected areas of the room.
  4. Application of liquid insecticides. The rooms are wet treated with a solution containing a toxic drug.

In addition to poisoning bedbugs, there are other SES services, for example, installing a barrier, when the room is coated with a protective gel along the lower and upper perimeter. There is an additional charge for this. The guarantee for pest control can range from 1 to 3 years. It depends on the chosen processing method and drug.

What kind of violations are detected by Rospotrebnadzor and where?

Let's consider the list of the most common inconsistencies identified by the SES. Inspection of different types of institutions and organizations has its own characteristics. In hairdressing and beauty salons, the area occupied by the premises may not meet sanitary standards; there may be a lack of bactericidal ultraviolet light irradiators used for air disinfection. Perhaps the establishment does not have a special room for storing waste, hair, or there is no place for washing clothes. The rules for storing fluorescent lamps may be violated; the required triple set of tools or a foot bath in the pedicure room may be missing. It is considered a violation to perform pedicure and manicure procedures in the same room. Sanctions are also subject to poor sanitary conditions or the lack of a medical examination for workers, as well as a sign at the entrance to the building.

Checking in a medical facility

What violations can be detected in a SES medical institution? Checks in them often concern documents - it is possible that contracts for paid services (for example, dental) were drawn up incorrectly. They sometimes lack a lot of necessary information regarding the timing of such services, guarantees, etc. The clinic’s information stand must contain detailed information about the qualifications of the medical staff. The absence of such information is also fraught with punishment.

They are also fined for violating the rules of a special regime during epidemics, insufficiently thorough cleaning of equipment and sterilization of instruments, or incorrect concentration of disinfectants. A fine will be imposed for anything - for example, for the lack of necessary conditions for the personal hygiene of workers. Inspecting authorities may also find fault with non-compliance with the dimensions of premises that do not comply with the standards of the medical institution, incorrect registration of price tags for the sale of related medical drugs, and the lack of official training of employees before carrying out special work (for example, with radioactive radiation sources).

Check at the pharmacy

What can the SES fine a pharmacy for? Inspections most often concern violations of temperature and humidity conditions, improper washing of work clothes and linen, and lack of timely medical examinations of personnel.

A pharmacy establishment also faces a fine if the terms of sale of drugs, the conditions or the permissible temperature for their storage are violated, or if there is no necessary information for customers about each drug available for sale, its price, composition, indications and side effects.

SES check in a grocery store

The SES pays the closest attention to catering establishments and those that sell food. This is understandable - after all, the products consumed by the population must be at least safe for health. The most common errors identified at catering enterprises include malfunctions in the ventilation systems, disruption of technological processes (intersection of finished product flows with semi-finished products and raw materials), lack of medical examination of workers or the necessary equipment or personnel to maintain cleanliness.

This also includes violations in food technologies (such as re-freezing fish or meat products), the presence of expired semi-finished products, and the receipt and sale of goods without documents or labeling. A grocery store will be fined for discrepancies between the sanitary and technical characteristics of the premises occupied and the approved standards, lack of measuring instruments to control humidity and temperature conditions, storage of food products outside a special warehouse, sale and storage of goods with incorrect labeling or missing Russian-language information.

In addition, the SES actively inspects schools, kindergartens (especially private ones), gas stations, car washes, regardless of their legal form.

Design and structure of SES (Sanitary and Epidemiological Station)

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station is a government body with a complex structure and an extensive hierarchy within the system. All departments and branches of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station are headed by the head physician.

The central branch is located in the capital - this is the Moscow SES. Each region of our country has its own regional branch of the SES (Sanitary and Epidemiological Station). The Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, who heads the SES of Moscow, controls and regulates the work of the chief doctors of regional departments.

The main task of the heads of official SES structures is sanitary supervision for the implementation of orders of the Ministry of Health.

The structure of each department of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, regardless of whether it belongs to the capital region or not, is standard. Within the structure of the SES the following departments can be distinguished:

  • Department for Disease Control among the Population;
  • Sanitary supervision;
  • Department of disinsection, disinfection and deratization;
  • Laboratory department.

Each sanitary service is managed by managers who supervise the activities of employees. Each department and branch of the Moscow SES has exactly the same structure.

And, of course, in addition to management personnel, each SES employs specialists in various fields - laboratory workers, doctors, and other medical personnel.

What's the result?

Based on the results of each inspection, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from the SES is issued. This is a mandatory document confirming the compliance of a product or product with all required sanitary standards. In addition, an inspection report is drawn up. All violations and inconsistencies found must be recorded in a protocol, which is certified by SES employees. One copy of the inspection report remains at the enterprise or individual entrepreneur, the other is intended for inspectors. Each of these events is recorded in a special control log.

Where is the central sanitary and epidemiological station of Moscow?

Moscow is a large metropolis, so there are several Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations located within its borders. If you are looking for a SES for apartment disinfection, then choose a trusted institution. The main institution is located in the Central Administrative District:

  • Address of the central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES) of Moscow: st. Yaroslavskoe highway, building 9
  • Phone numbers of the central SES of Moscow

The official central sanitary and epidemiological station of Moscow provides sanitary and epidemiological control in the Central Administrative District. Controls emissions of harmful substances into the environment, the level of illness among residents, and checks food products for safety.

About verification rules

In its inspections, Rospotrebnadzor is obliged to follow the regulations, which prescribe when carrying out this procedure to remain within its own competence, not to conduct scheduled on-site inspections in the absence of the organization’s management, and not to request information that is not relevant to the case.

He is prohibited from carrying out an examination or taking samples without recording each of the actions, divulging information about the results of the inspection, which is a state secret, and also violating the deadlines established for the event.

How to prepare for inspections

What can you advise those individual entrepreneurs or heads of organizations who are afraid of inspections? How best to prepare for them? The most reliable means is to constantly maintain cleanliness, comply with all necessary sanitary standards, have scrupulously completed documents for SES inspection and carry out all sanitary and hygienic measures on time. If you are not sure about the need for certain actions, you can get advice from the SES authorities.

When the inspectors arrive, check that they have permits. If they are missing or are issued in violation, you have the right to refuse admission to the inspection. We remind you once again that only the manager or a specially authorized person whose rights are confirmed by a power of attorney has the right to represent the organization during such inspections. For example, inspectors do not have the right to act in the presence of only a seller at a retail outlet who is not authorized to receive them.

To ensure security, the rights and responsibilities of each employee should be clearly stated in advance in their job description. Ordinary employees do not have the right to sign any documents.

How is the processing procedure carried out?

Whichever sanitary organization you contact, they must sign an agreement with you. The contract stipulates the obligations and rights of the parties, and also states for how long the organization provides a guarantee.

Bedbugs can crawl into an apartment from other rooms, so it is advisable to inspect your neighbors’ homes.

The sanitary inspector can go through the apartments, inquire about their condition, and pay attention to the collective complaints of the residents.

The epicenter of the infection must be destroyed, only in this case will it be possible to completely get rid of bedbugs. In this regard, the state SES sometimes acts more reliably than private companies. State service specialists poison pests in several entrances at once, on the site, in attics, and in basements.

Most often, treatment is carried out by spraying the drug onto surfaces. A special property of insect repellents is that they do not leave marks on walls, floors, or furniture. Some medications leave a white residue, but this can be easily removed with a sponge or damp cloth.

Spraying should take place around the perimeter of windows, doors, behind baseboards, and along the back walls of furniture. It is in these places that bedbugs like to settle. They cannot tolerate sunlight, so they hide in cracks and hidden corners of the house. A specialist knows how to find bedbugs in order to destroy the nest.

To prevent insects from escaping, possible routes of their migration are processed (ventilation hatches, risers through which heating and water supply pipes pass).

Most modern chemicals have a long residual effect, so re-treatment is not necessary.

Informal moments

Communication with the commission should be conducted in a calm business tone. The best course of action is open communication, but without providing unnecessary (excessive) information that can provoke unnecessary questions. You should not give inspectors reasons for additional sanctions.

Be prepared in advance that the commission will conduct its work quite scrupulously. If disputes arise, do not try to incite conflict. If your rights are violated, you should defend them in a confident, calm tone, relying on legal information.

The imposition of a fine must be reasoned and reflected in the protocol. Without documentary evidence, handing over a fine turns into a banal bribe. Each enterprise must have a logbook for recording inspections, in which all information about each such event is recorded in detail, including the received conclusion of the SES.

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