How many eyes do different types of spiders have? All about arachnid vision
The number of eyes on spiders varies from zero to eight. While at
ants on the site
Folk remedies for ants in the garden - the most effective recipes for fighting
Today it is difficult to find a garden plot that does not have small, hard-working insects. These
Ants on peonies: how to get rid of them and how to treat buds and flowers
Ants do not cause serious harm to peonies; they feed on the sweet nectar that forms on the buds.
Destroy the nematode, save the strawberries! Easier said than done
The strawberry or strawberry nematode is a microscopic worm that causes enormous damage to plants. Affected plants
Why do fleas appear in the house and how to deal with them
Blood-sucking insects have accompanied people since the beginning of time. And even in the modern world, full of innovative
How long does a common fly live in an apartment? Its structure and characteristics of reproduction.
It would seem that it would be easier to answer such questions, but finding out the answer to one
TOP 5 Ways to combat mole crickets in the garden, garden plot: current means and preventive measures | (Photo & Video)
Home » Useful information Olga Polyakova 05/19/2020 44384 Views 1 comment Such a pest as
Photo: Jumping spider
Jumping spider. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of the horse
Wild animals >> Arachnids The jumping spider is called a miracle of nature, a special type of arthropod. Among the others
Photo: Brazilian wandering spider
The Brazilian spider is a traveler, runner, or soldier, why is its bite dangerous?
Wild animals >> Arachnids One of the most dangerous spiders on our planet is the Brazilian wandering spider,
Fly larva: what does it look like and how does it hatch from the egg? Where do flies lay their eggs?
Flies live all over the planet and plague people everywhere. The lives of many species are inextricably linked
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