Cockroach getter - nanotechnology against uninvited neighbors

Get or Get is a modern, widely used product that destroys not only cockroaches, but also many other insects: fleas, bed bugs, ants, etc. The drug Get against cockroaches, consumer reviews of which are mostly positive, has established itself as an effective and efficient means for controlling insect pests.

Composition of the drug

The active ingredient in Get is chlorpyrifos 5%. This is an insecticide belonging to the class of organophosphorus compounds. It has been used to control insects for about 20 years. During this time, the substance has established itself as a reliable broad-spectrum agent. The compound retains its toxic effect for a long time. Get's products use a unique technology - the active insecticide is placed in polymer capsules. Chlorpyrifos is found under a microscopic capsule shell.

Information. The Get bottle contains billions of nano-capsules containing insecticide.

Microcapsules are in an aqueous environment, stabilizers make the composition homogeneous. Chlorpyrifos belongs to the second class of danger to humans; the use of an insecticide under a polymer shell reduces the level of toxicity to humans.

Get is a leader among insect repellents

The balanced composition of the product allows you to treat premises without eviction of owners or moving furniture. “Get” is odorless and does not have a toxic effect on humans. A simple and at the same time safe drug quickly became in demand among users, and its popularity is constantly growing.

The “Get” product (not to be confused with Gett) is the undoubted leader among insect control drugs.

You can buy two varieties of this product in the retail chain, but they are almost identical in composition, the only difference being the labels and the design itself.

How confusing is everything here?

As already noted, a heated discussion has developed around the Gett product regarding who is the owner of the trademark, whose website appeared on the network first, and whose product is real and effective, and whose is fake. It is quite difficult to understand all this fuss; we will only describe our vision of the situation; the possibility is actually a different reality.

There is a fairly old website on the Internet called, which positions itself as a distributor of the most effective product under the Gett brand. It is this spelling with two letters “t” at the end of the word that should symbolize the quality of the product. This site also says that the Gett brand is a subsidiary of the huge American chemical concern Dow Chemical, which has been one of the national American manufacturers in the chemical industry for more than a hundred years.

On the Dow Chemical website itself, we did not find any information that the concern has at least some connection to the production of final products for humans, including products for controlling domestic insects. This huge concern with offices around the world is engaged in the production of chemical raw materials for their subsequent use in the production of final consumer goods.

However, this still does not mean anything; it is quite possible that the chemistry, the formula of which is known to Dow Chemical, is used to produce Gett, we just could not find information about it.

As for the site, they do not take responsibility for using the Gett trademark, but only distribute (produce?) a drug called Master 250. This drug is called on the site a complete analogue of Gett.

As for the drug Get, it also has its own website, even a whole regional group of mirrors, where the drug under this name is quite actively distributed. The headquarters of this manufacturer is located in the city of Yekaterinburg, there are representative offices in some major cities of Russia. On the website you can also find dissatisfaction with counterfeits, and, of course, a lot of advertising telling that their product is the best.

What product to purchase is a personal matter for each person. We cannot take responsibility and say which is better - Get, Get, Gett or Master 250. But we can confidently recommend trying both of these in practice in order to understand for yourself which one really helps and which one just doesn’t. fake. However, for some reason it seems that both of these remedies will show good effectiveness. Most likely, all of these products have the same formula, at least with regard to the working insecticidal substance, and everything else is secondary.

Application of insecticide in a residential area

The drug should be sprayed on hard surfaces. Pay special attention to:

  • Ventilation duct;
  • Areas near the trash can;
  • Surfaces under the bathtub and near the toilet with a sink;
  • Skirting boards, doorways;
  • Space between tiles.

It is not necessary to treat the entire area of ​​the room with the product. It is enough to spray it in those places where insects have been noticed. Thanks to its high efficiency, the drug will destroy all insects. To prevent the drug from reducing its properties, you should not carry out wet cleaning after treatment.

To prevent your child from coming into contact with the drug, it is better to remove it from the house during treatment. For very small children, it is necessary to wait 8-10 hours; for older children, 5-7 hours is enough; after this time, wipe the surfaces that the child touches with a soap-soda solution so that the drug does not get on the child’s skin.


The safety of the drug is ensured if all rules of use are followed. If violated, you can get seriously poisoned.

Mechanism of action

The insecticide is able to penetrate the body of red and black cockroaches in three ways:

  • through the respiratory organs;
  • along with the food eaten;
  • through the coverings of the body.

The drug in the form of an aqueous suspension solution is applied to various surfaces. Upon contact with them, the insect catches hundreds of invisible capsules with a toxic substance on its paws. Upon contact with water, the granules are activated. After some time, chlorpyrifos begins to seep to the surface of the shell. During this period, cockroaches manage to bring the insecticide into their nest and infect their relatives.

Once in the insect's body, the compound causes tremors, spasms and paralysis. All life support systems fail and death occurs. The use of capsules ensures a prolonged effect of Get. The period of its activity is up to 180 days. The drug is effective in controlling a large number of household pests:

  • cockroaches;
  • bedbugs;
  • flies;
  • ants;
  • fleas;
  • mosquitoes;
  • ticks

Plus microcapsules Get

Microcapsules are a form of drug release in which a microdose of a substance in any form (liquid, gel, powder) is enclosed in a shell made of plastic, cellulose or other substance.

If the capsule is preserved, the substance can remain dormant for quite a long time and be released as it breaks down.

Encapsulating the poison in microcapsules during the manufacture of Get allows you to:

  • maintain its effect for a long time (in Get – up to 6 months);
  • reduce the impact on people living in the home;
  • block the smell of a toxic substance;
  • ensure that capsules stick to the legs of insects and not to the surfaces of furniture and the floor;
  • block the path of “scout” insects into the room, not scaring them away, but killing them;
  • ensure spread to inaccessible places (nests) on the legs of parasites.

The technology for producing microcapsules requires high-quality equipment and qualified personnel, which creates a high cost of the initial product (1 ml of suspension can contain up to 700 thousand microcapsules).

But the price is justified - Get is one of the highest quality brands on the market of household insect repellents, which continues to work long after spraying.

Microcapsules do not contain dyes that can contaminate the surface and require additional cleaning.

Lyudmila, Simferopol:

“I’m afraid of all kinds of chemicals, but I can’t stand cockroaches. The sales guys advised me to take Get, dilute it and spray it everywhere. I was afraid to splash everywhere, so I only walked behind the bedside tables. I liked that the apartment didn’t even smell of poison. You need to spray more in the hole for ventilation, they say, then there won’t be any at all.”


Reviews about the product:

  • I decided to buy the product when I noticed several cockroaches in the kitchen. I have two children, so I was looking for a safe drug and came across Get. The price, of course, is not small, but the effect amazed me. Literally a few days later, dead insects began to be detected. A week later there was no trace of them left. The children are healthy, no one was hurt.”
  • “I decided to buy Get because I tried a lot of other products, there was no effect. Let me note right away that there was a smell, and quite unpleasant. But on the second day I found the first victims. Three weeks passed, I didn’t see any live cockroaches anymore, which I’m very happy about.”

If cockroaches “rule” your house, be sure to start an active fight against them with the “Get” product!

How to distinguish a fake?

The product is often counterfeited due to its popularity and cost. The price may vary either up or down.

The main features of the original drug Total:

  • white opaque plastic bottle;
  • original yellow label with red shield and name in black letters and production date pressed into the paper;
  • a foil membrane covering the neck with the Get logo;
  • The drug has a faint odor of alcohol and oranges.

You need to order and buy the drug only through trusted sellers with good reviews or the manufacturer’s website.

Nikita, Saransk:

“Get had to be used as protection from neighboring insects - they crawled with terrible force. One thorough treatment was enough - not a single mustachioed animal had been seen in the kitchen for more than a year. The product is expensive, but reliable.”

Methods of using Get drugs

The appearance of synanthropic insects in a home or institution requires taking adequate measures. The premises must be disinfested as soon as possible. Cockroaches are one of the most undesirable neighbors. Their population is growing rapidly, causing harm to food, home furnishings and human health.

A universal insecticide is available in several forms:

  • the main drug Get Total is a white suspension with microcapsules measuring 5-80 microns, packaged in bottles of 100 and 1000 ml;
  • Get Express drug – suspension with granules filled with the fast-acting substance lambda-cyhalothrin, packaging 50 ml and 1 l;
  • solid form - pencil and soap for insecticidal surface treatment.

Get - No. 1 from cockroaches

Get Express works on all arthropods

Experiments show that Get Express is most effective against bed bugs and all synanthropic species of mites. It can be successfully used against:

  • Cockroaches - black, red, furniture;
  • Bed bugs at all stages of their development;
  • All types of ants;
  • Bloch;
  • Dust mites;
  • Spider mites;
  • Moths, both adults and caterpillars;
  • Synanthropic beetles - grinders, longhorned beetles, weevils, beetles;
  • Woodlice;
  • Spiders;
  • Flies and their larvae;
  • Centipedes - nooses, flycatchers, drupes.

To kill different arthropods, the concentrate in the bottle must be diluted with varying amounts of water. The package with the bottle contains instructions for use, which indicate how much water you need to take to dilute the contents of one bottle against certain arthropods.

How to choose a quality bedbug poison

Everyone knows that high-quality drugs are often counterfeited and inexperienced consumers often purchase counterfeit substances instead of the originals. Naturally, the effect after their use is radically different from what was expected, therefore, in order not to get into trouble, you should carefully select and study the purchased anti-bedbug products.

  • The original drug "Get" comes in a white bottle with opaque walls, which prevents the product from interacting with sunlight.
  • The correct name of the tool is Get; any name changes are not allowed.
  • The expiration date of the drug is not just printed on the label, but stamped on paper.
  • The contents of the Get bottle are protected from prying eyes not only by a sealed lid, but also by additional foil around the perimeter of the jar.
  • The suspension has a pure white or creamy hue, practically no different smell - there is a citrus aroma with notes of alcohol, the smell of gasoline and any solvents is completely eliminated.

The discrepancy between any of the above signs indicates that this is a counterfeit drug, so it is better to refrain from purchasing it.

The packaging with the product contains instructions and gloves.

The Get Express package includes:

  • 1 bottle of concentrated emulsion;
  • Instructions for use;
  • Mask.

To effectively kill insects, the handler will additionally need a respirator and a spray bottle. As a spray bottle, you can take a bottle of any household cleaning product with a spray bottle. You can buy a spray bottle that fits onto standard plastic bottles...

Room treatment

Before using the Get suspension against cockroaches, it is necessary to perform preparatory work, which includes several steps:

  1. Carrying out general cleaning of the house. All debris should be removed, especially paying attention to crumbs and food debris.
  2. Finding cockroach nests. The best way is to go into the room at night, when insects are active, and turn on the light. They will start to scatter, I head to my shelter. It is necessary to trace their path. Favorite places for cockroaches: behind cabinets and refrigerators, under baseboards, bathtubs, and sinks.
  3. Cut off access to water. Moisture-loving insects will not survive in such conditions. A cockroach can live without food for almost a month, and without water for a week.
  4. Prevent the migration of insects from the neighboring apartment. To do this, you need to seal the cracks around the drains in the bathroom and kitchen with sealant.
  5. People and pets should be removed from the area being treated. If there is an aquarium, it is also taken out. The absence time will be 5-8 hours. During this period, the rooms are treated and the composition dries.

Attention. It is recommended to use three Get products when treating premises: Total, Express and Dry. The combination of drugs guarantees 100% extermination of any synanthropic insects. They disappear within 3-14 days, the rate of extermination depends on the degree of spread and persistence of the population.


Use strictly as directed. Treatment of premises should be carried out using personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, protective mask) and only in the absence of children and pets. Drinking, smoking and eating are prohibited during work. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and stomach. Store in a dry, dark and cool place. Do not use after expiration date.

The online store Insects.Net offers you to buy Get Express at the most affordable price.
We cooperate only with official suppliers and can provide appropriate quality certificates for all types of products. Each client can count on a convenient way to pay for their order and only fast delivery to any region of Russia. This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Preparation of the solution

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • Get concentrated cockroach repellent;
  • water;
  • spray;
  • container for mixing the solution.

Before preparing the composition for treatment, the bottle with the drug must be shaken thoroughly. The optimal concentration of insecticide is 1:10; with a small number of insects, 1:15 is sufficient. The water should be at room temperature (22-25°). The solution is stirred until homogeneous. The finished composition is poured into a spray bottle.

Furniture should be moved away from the walls to allow access to baseboards and the backs of cabinets. The solution is evenly sprayed onto cabinet furniture, walls, slopes, bathrooms, sewer pipes, the space behind the stove, washing machine and other household appliances. Work takes place with windows and doors closed. The composition is left for 2-3 hours until completely dry. After this, the room is ventilated.

Attention. The prepared solution is stored for 1 day. A printed bottle of concentrate is suitable for use for 5 months.

Means of protection

When working with chemicals, it is imperative to protect the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, exposed skin and eyes. Before you start processing the room, you will need to stock up on the following items:

  • latex gloves;
  • respirator or mask;
  • glasses.

Protective equipment is put on at the stage of mixing the solution, and removed after completion of treatment.

What kind of remedy?

Externally, the drug is a cream-colored suspension with a slight odor of alcohol and oranges. Get is a concentrated product that requires dilution to the desired state before treating the room. Produced by the Russian LLC GET Biotechnologies, with facilities in Yekaterinburg.

The drug is considered a professional insecticide and is approved for use in disinfection in children's institutions, medical institutions, cafes and restaurants.

It is not dangerous for people and animals; the original form of retention of the toxic substance allows you to maintain the effect of prolonged exposure for up to six months. Contact of the drug with the skin does not cause irritation or severe allergic reactions.

Goeth's predecessor on the market had a similar effect, but to a lesser extent, which earned him recognition from buyers. The drug is not widely sold; you can buy it through the manufacturer’s website or certified sellers in the retail network. The reason for this decision is the massive appearance of the company’s counterfeit products on the market.

Anna, Lipetsk:

“We changed the apartment, there were cockroaches left from the previous owners. Nothing works, they are exhausted. My sister advised Gett; he once helped her a lot. We started looking - it was impossible to buy, the stores said it was out of production.”


By courier within the Moscow Ring Road

The cost within the Moscow Ring Road is 350 rubles.

Free - when ordering over 5000 rubles. (for legal entities from 20,000 rub.)

Pickup from the store - free

Moscow, Novopeschanaya str. 13 bldg. 3 (before visiting the store, check availability by phone)

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 10 to 20, Sat: from 11 to 18

Pickup points

Delivery time to the point of issue: 2-3 business days. day

Pickup cost: 200 rub.

Payment: cash or bank card

Delivery to the region

Delivery to the region - 350 rubles 30 rubles. 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road

What is the price

The drug is quite expensive due to the complex technology used in its manufacture. Estimated cost of packaging:

  • Express (50 ml) costs 430 rubles on the manufacturer’s website;
  • Total (100g) – 830 rubles;
  • Dry – 430 rubles.

The same price is on the page of the official dealer in Moscow.

On the website the cost of the Total drug is almost twice as high - up to 790 rubles per bottle of the product; 751 rubles per pack if you buy 2 at once.

Preparing baits

An integrated approach to controlling synanthropic insects increases the chances of success. In addition to spraying insecticide, it is worth preparing poison bait. To do this, take the food that cockroaches prefer - baby puree, cheese, egg yolk. The base is mixed with Get concentrate in a ratio of 10:1. Flat containers with bait are placed near the proposed nests. Individuals who have eaten the contaminated product will become poisoned themselves and bring capsules with the toxin into their home. This method is optimal for small numbers of cockroaches.

Advice. Food in traps is replaced every 5 days.

Signs of poisoning and first aid

If used incorrectly, you can get poisoned, the signs of which are:

  • Abdominal pain;
  • Convulsions;
  • Weakening of visual acuity.

If the old man got in small quantities during the extermination of household pests, then insomnia may appear, weakness of the muscular system or heaviness in the head may be felt.

If there are signs of poisoning, the following measures should be taken:

  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with water and apply atropine;
  • In case of contact with the skin, remove the drug using a cotton swab, wipe the area with alcohol, then with a soap solution;
  • If get gets inside the body, drink a lot of warm boiled water or two glasses of 2% soda solution, then induce vomiting.

In case of severe poisoning, seek medical help. Doctors will inject atropine subcutaneously, which reverses the effects of chlorpyrifos.

Get line of cockroach repellents

Get Express

Get Express is the fastest-acting drug in the series. It is produced in the form of a suspension with the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin. It has intestinal, contact and repellent effects. Belongs to the class of pyrethroids that block the activity of the nervous system. The chemical compound quickly affects adults, but does not kill eggs. The residual effect on the treated surface lasts 1-2 months. From the moment it dries, the product enters the fourth hazard class (minimal health hazard). The advantages of the suspension include:

  • speed - red and black cockroaches die after 2 hours;
  • safety for people and animals;
  • destroys insects that are resistant to other drugs;
  • does not leave stains on furniture.

Advice. Professional exterminators recommend mixing two products when treating apartments - Express and Total. The resulting composition acts quickly and retains the toxic effect for 6 months.

The product can be used in industrial and residential premises, medical and children's institutions. The recommended dosage of the solution is 50 ml Get Express per 1 liter of water. For organizations, the drug is available in a 1 liter bottle.

Get Total

A modern universal drug is guaranteed to get rid of cockroaches and other pests.

Advantages of the product:

  • does not pose a risk to the health of adults and children;
  • exhibits a long-lasting effect, after treatment the protection lasts for 6-18 months;
  • completely destroys the population of household insects;
  • there is no unpleasant odor, streaks or stains after treatment;
  • easy to use.

If it is necessary to treat large areas, you can purchase the drug in a 1 liter package.

Pencil Get Dry

A hard insect repellent pencil is designed for treating various surfaces: concrete, plywood, fabric, whitewash. The product is not absorbed, retaining the active ingredient chlorpyrifos in areas where the appearance of Prussians is possible. One package is enough to apply to 8 square meters. m. Get Dry has several advantages:

  • microcapsules remain on the surface for 1 to 1.5 years;
  • a universal product that can destroy any household pests: cockroaches, bedbugs, ants;
  • the pencil does not pose a danger to people.

Soap Get

Get soap against cockroaches has an insecticidal effect. It is used as an aid. Soap is applied to a moisture-absorbing surface: fabric, wood, concrete, fiberboard. It is used to treat kitchen furniture, seams of upholstered furniture and curtains. This treatment creates a long-lasting protection effect against cockroaches and other insects. Using soap is simple - rub the selected surface with a bar. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves during processing. One bar of Get soap weighing 175 g is designed for 6 square meters. m of surface. The product is stored in its original packaging (tin can) and used as needed.

Composition and advantages of the product

The main active ingredient of the drug is the insecticide chlorpyrifos, which, although contained in a small amount - only 5%, is quite effective in killing cockroaches and other pests.

There are 2 types of the product on sale:

  • Get total against cockroaches - in the form of a bottle with liquid for dilution in water, which is most often used to kill parasites;
  • Get dray - comes in the form of a solid soap, which is applied to rough and porous surfaces: wood, concrete, carpets.

The peculiarity of the drug Get total is that the components are placed in water-lipid microcapsules, which is its main advantage.

Release forms of the drug Get

Benefits of Get:

  • Low toxicity to people, children and pets: even if the substance comes into contact with the skin, irritation occurs very rarely. Get is approved for use in children's and medical organizations, but personal protective equipment is still required when using it.
  • The product contains no substances that can cause contamination, so all surfaces in the treated area will remain clean.
  • The action of Get is based on the fact that polymer capsules containing chlorpyrifos are glued to the legs of cockroaches, which poison themselves, and then spread throughout the territory, including. to his colony.
  • Get is sold as a liquid concentrate, which must be diluted in a certain proportion depending on the degree of pest infestation of the premises.
  • The applied solution on surfaces also works as a barrier: it prevents the appearance of cockroaches, maintaining an active poisoning and repellent effect for 6 months.
  • One bottle is enough to treat an area of ​​up to 100 m².

How to make a solution of the drug?

Before starting treatment, a working solution of the product should be prepared. It is effective within 8 hours from the moment of preparation. The instructions for “Get” detail how the concentrated liquid should be diluted. If we are talking about baiting cockroaches, then prepare a working solution based on a ratio of 1:10, or 100 g of product per liter of water.

After pouring the thick liquid into the water, you need to shake it thoroughly. Since microcapsules can settle to the bottom of the container, the solution must also be shaken immediately before and during processing. When ready, the working solution is poured into a previously purchased bottle with a spray nozzle (spray).

Where to buy Get?

In order not to get a fake, you need to purchase the product only in large hardware stores, specialized stores at SES or from professional exterminators, in official online stores. There is also "Get" on sale in some hypermarkets. Its price is 700-900 rubles. per bottle.

See also: how to get rid of cockroaches using GET?

Pros and cons of the drug

The product has many advantages over other popular insecticides. Its advantages are undoubted:

  1. Productivity. The effect of using “Get” is prolonged, as it lasts a long time and allows you to destroy even newly appeared cockroaches. As soon as the young offspring of cockroaches hatch, they will also be infected.
  2. Ease of use. It is quite simple to prepare a working solution and spray the room with it, and to destroy pests you do not need to “fill” the entire apartment with the preparation. The cockroaches will still spread the active substance throughout the colony.
  3. Safety. The product is non-toxic for humans, as well as for their pets. Vapors are present in the air only during treatment, and after ventilating the room they will disappear. People don’t need to leave their apartment for a long time; “Get” doesn’t even give off an unpleasant odor.
  4. No damage to surfaces. There will be no streaks or stains left from the product on the floor or furniture.
  5. Versatility. If there are other pests in the apartment besides cockroaches, they will also die.
  6. Economical. The consumption of the concentrated product is quite low, one bottle is enough for the entire apartment.

“Get” has, perhaps, only one drawback - it costs more than its analogues, but the efficiency exceeds the money spent.

Instructions for use "Get"

Once the necessary preparations have been completed, treatment of the premises can begin. It must be done as accurately and carefully as possible in order to be sure to get rid of cockroaches. The solution should be sprayed in the following places:

  • Skirting boards and cracks in the floor
  • Behind the furniture
  • Next to the kitchen sink
  • In the bathroom near water pipes
  • Under the refrigerator

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Next, you should ventilate the apartment well for at least 1.5 hours, which will allow the drug to be distributed over the entire area and the slight smell to completely disappear from the house. At the end of the procedure, the room is cleaned, but only where it is possible to touch surfaces with hands (for example, door handles). After 2 weeks, general cleaning of the apartment will be necessary, although insect corpses, of course, can be thrown away as they appear in visible places. If necessary, after 28-30 days, another treatment is done to destroy newly hatched pests (if there is a heavy population of cockroaches).

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