Blockbuster against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other insects

Blockbuster is a modern insecticide that has a detrimental effect on bed bugs and other insects. The drug is sold in the form of a gel, aerosol and concentrate, which allows you to choose the most convenient form of release for treating the room, depending on the number of insects. This drug belongs to the category of low toxicity, but to ensure that its use does not cause harm to health, you should strictly follow the instructions.

  • 4 Instructions for use
  • 5 Security measures
  • 6 Pros and cons
  • 7 Conclusion
  • General description and purpose

    Blockbuster is a series of new generation insecticidal products. The drug is characterized by fast action and high efficiency. The manufacturer of the insecticidal product is Russian. Blockbuster helps get rid of bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and other insects. The shelf life of the product is 36 months.

    Disinsection with Blockbuster pest control agent is allowed in both residential and industrial premises.


    Create the effect of a bomb exploding with the modern Blockbuster gel against ants and cockroaches. This new powerful drug works even where all the remedies you have tried before are powerless. Insects are not accustomed to it. According to customer reviews, Blockbuster is included in the ratings of the most effective products. It has an affordable price and a convenient gel consistency.

    Mechanism of action on insects

    This insecticide has a contact effect. The active components, getting on the paws and body of the insect, quickly penetrate inside and block acetylcholine receptors. This initially causes paralysis and then death of the pest.

    The peculiarity of this drug is that the poison has a delayed effect. And the infected insect still remains active for some time. This facilitates the transmission of the poison to other individuals and causes mass death of insects.

    Mechanism of action on bedbugs

    Typically, killing bedbugs takes longer than, for example, fighting cockroaches. You cannot feed them delicacies with poison; they feed only on human blood. For the parasite to become infected and die, it must come into contact with the poison.

    Blockbuster also has a contact effect on pests. As a result of the active components, acetylcholine receptors of bedbugs are blocked, which causes paralysis of motor functions. The effect occurs almost instantly. In addition, the bloodsucker will definitely bring at least a little poison to the nest. One insect can infect up to 50 relatives.

    Composition and release forms

    Several types of this insecticide can be found on sale. They differ in composition and method of application.

    This form of the drug is a liquid but fairly thick suspension of a transparent color without a specific odor. Blockbuster gel is sold in metal tubes of 30 ml, additionally packaged in cardboard boxes.

    The product contains two active ingredients: thiamethoxam and alpha-cypermethrin. The gel must be applied pointwise to places of mass accumulation and movement of insects. The drug is recommended for use in cases of small numbers of parasites and pests and as a preventive measure.


    This Blockbuster bedbug repellent is fast-acting. The first results after its use become noticeable after 2-4 hours, but the drug does not have a long-term protective effect. The aerosol is recommended for use in case of mass reproduction of insects, while simultaneously combining with other forms of insecticide to prevent re-infection.

    This product is sold in metal cylinders of different volumes, equipped with a special nozzle, which simplifies disinfestation. The drug is completely ready for use. The aerosol contains the following active components: cypermethrin (0.2%), tetramethrin (0.18%), synergist piperonyl butoxide (0.8%).

    You can use Blockmaster aerosol against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes at a temperature not lower than + 10 0 C.

    Concentrate Blockbuster

    This type of insecticidal preparation is a concentrated suspension, which before use must be diluted in a ratio of 10 ml per 0.5 liter of cold water to kill cockroaches and bedbugs, and per 1 liter of water when used against fleas, ants, flies, and mosquitoes.

    Blockbuster concentrate is available in plastic bottles, additionally packaged in transparent blisters. The product contains an active component – ​​malathion. Its concentration reaches 58%.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Blockbuster bed bug repellent has certain advantages:

    • Absence of the unbearable odor characteristic of many insecticides.
    • Blockbuster is easy to find on sale.
    • Reasonable price and the ability to choose a convenient shape.
    • Upon contact with the active substance, bloodsuckers quickly become infected and die.
    • The drugs leave virtually no traces.

    Each of the pesticides in this line has its own advantages. Thus, Blockbuster spray is easy and convenient to use, which is why this form is especially popular. Blockbuster concentrate for bedbugs acts on parasites as quickly as possible, and the gel is used as a preventive measure and contains a bitter substance called bitrex. Therefore, owners do not have to fear that their pets will be poisoned if they accidentally lick the chemical from the floor.

    Despite the fact that there are often positive reviews on the Internet about the Blockbuster bedbug remedy, many note its weak effectiveness, especially when the apartment is highly infested. There are other disadvantages:

    1. Large consumption of the drug, negating all savings.
    2. The need to reuse the poison. Preparing the apartment, baiting and subsequent cleaning will take a lot of time.
    3. Blockbuster does not last long, so you can’t count on protecting your home for several weeks.

    The product is considered moderately toxic, which can be attributed to both pros and cons. The risk of poisoning is reduced, but it also takes longer to achieve results.

    Instructions for use

    Before using Blockbuster for disinfestation against bedbugs and other insects, you must first prepare the room. To do this, you need to vacuum the apartment and carry out wet cleaning. It is also recommended to cover aquariums, remove animals, take out flowers, pack clothes and soft toys in plastic bags, hide dishes in cabinets, and food in airtight containers.

    To increase the efficiency of processing, you should open sofas, armchairs, remove mattresses, wall objects, and seal ventilation hatches with gauze folded in several layers. The use of the gel does not require preliminary preparation of the room. When using this form of the drug, it is also not necessary to leave the apartment during the treatment.

    The solution prepared from the concentrate should be sprayed from a distance of 20 cm from the surface. An aerosol should be used according to the same principle, but the container must be shaken before using it.

    Particular attention should be paid to places of possible habitat and movement of bedbugs and cockroaches, taking into account their lifestyle.

    Please note:

    • folds in the mattress;
    • seams of upholstery of upholstered furniture;
    • the backs of a sofa or bed;
    • joints of interior parts;
    • skirting boards;
    • window frames;
    • door frames;
    • cracks in the floor under the berths;
    • reverse side of carpets, paintings;
    • water pipe joints;
    • a place near the trash can, under the washbasin;
    • ventilation vents.

    When using Blockbuster for fleas, you can treat only the bedding and the areas of the wall and floor adjacent to it, as well as floor carpets. To kill flies and mosquitoes, spray the solution and aerosol on the walls and ceiling.

    Blockbuster gel should be applied to the surface in a wide dotted line. It is recommended to update the product every 2 weeks.

    After disinfestation with concentrate and aerosol, the room must be kept closed for 4 hours, and then the apartment must be thoroughly ventilated and the work surfaces wiped with soap and soda solution to neutralize the effect of the insecticide.

    The first results of disinfestation are noticeable after 2-4 hours, and the maximum effect is achieved after 2 weeks.

    1.Self processing kit

    An integrated approach to exterminating cockroaches with a do-it-yourself kit will allow you to get rid of insects yourself at an affordable price. Our service offers you to purchase such a set with professional chemicals used by qualified specialists. You can read more about the set at the link. The set consists of the following components:

    • professional chemistry;
    • spray;
    • barrier protection;
    • protective gloves;
    • protective mask;
    • instructions;

    Price of a self-treatment kit for cockroaches: 1190 rubles. Order

    You can separately purchase professional chemicals for killing insects. The insecticidal product is an emulsion concentrate in the form of a transparent liquid from light yellow to red-brown color with a specific odor. Used to combat all types of crawling and flying insects. Chemistry price: 600 rub. Buy the drug

    GET Total

    The Russian drug GET Total is the best remedy for cockroaches for a residential building. The microencapsulated suspension is effective in combating crawling insects and egg laying. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos 5%, a group of organophosphorus compounds (OP). The insecticide has a hazard class of 3 and can be used to treat:

    • residential premises;
    • administrative, cultural and public buildings;
    • children's organizations;
    • garbage bins;
    • basements;
    • hotels, cafes, restaurants;
    • sports complexes.

    GET Total is diluted with water in a ratio of 50-100 ml of insecticide per 1 liter of water. 50 ml of the working composition is designed for disinfestation of 1 m2 of residential or commercial space. The premises are treated by spraying the product in places where cockroaches accumulate and possible migration routes.

    Disinsection with the drug is carried out in the absence of people and animals in the room, using protective equipment (masks, gloves, goggles). GET Total does not have a pungent odor; the strong cockroach repellent is safe for humans, subject to basic handling rules. The insect population completely dies out within 10-14 days. The premises are reliably protected from re-infestation by cockroaches for 6 months. The only drawback of GET Total is its high cost. The average price of a concentrated suspension with a capacity of 100 ml is 1000 rubles.

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    The Dutch liquid insecticide Zonder has recently appeared on the Russian market. The product instantly gained popularity due to its high efficiency. “Domestic” cockroaches do not have immunity to it, so the fight becomes quick and effective. The drug contains several strong substances from the FOS group and pyrethroids: synergist dicarboximide (10%), chlorpyrifos (20%), cypermethrin (2%). The complex chemical formula is designed to take into account the high endurance of cockroaches. It acts immediately on the intestinal and nervous systems, and is also capable of penetrating under the thick chitinous shells of the larvae. Zonder belongs to substances of hazard class 3 and can be used for disinfestation of residential and non-residential premises, including children's institutions. Concentrated microencapsulated emulsion gives visible results within 2-3 hours after treatment. The duration of the effect is 5-8 weeks. Dilution – 5-30 ml per 1 liter of water. An effective cockroach repellent is sprayed onto baseboards, ventilation grilles, sewer pipes, behind radiators, doorways and all possible insect habitats are treated. A huge advantage of Zonder is its complete safety for children, allergy sufferers and pets. You can buy an effective remedy for cockroaches in Moscow at a price of 3,200 rubles per 250 ml. But economical consumption and high efficiency completely justify the investment in the cleanliness of your home or office. Buy the drug


    The new generation insectoacaricide Agran from the Indian manufacturer belongs to professional preparations of hazard class 3. It is used to destroy almost all types of “domestic” insects, from flies to cockroaches. Shown to be highly effective in the fight against ticks, bedbugs, ants, Prussians, and wasps. The formula of the drug contains two active ingredients - cypermethrin (5%) and chlorpyrifos (50%). A high concentration of toxic compounds ensures a visible result within 1-3 days after treatment and preservation of the effect for 1-1.5 months. The scope of application of Agran is very wide:

    • children's organizations (kindergartens, schools, universities);
    • treatment and prophylactic complexes;
    • dormitories, private houses and apartments;
    • offices, production premises;
    • hotels, restaurants, cafes;
    • sport complexes.

    Depending on the scale of infection, the drug is diluted in a ratio of 3-10 ml per 1 liter of water. A spray bottle is used for processing. During disinsection, it is recommended that children, elderly people, patients suffering from various forms of allergies and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract leave the premises. After treatment with Argan, you need to take a shower, rinse your mouth with plenty of water, and wash your hands thoroughly with laundry soap. Wet cleaning is carried out one day after disinfestation using soda-based solutions.

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    Cypermethrin 25%

    Concentrated emulsion Cypermethrin from the Russian brand FAS is used to combat all types of synatropic insects, which include cockroaches. The hazard class 3 drug is used for disinsection of premises from red and black cockroaches. The effect of the treatment is noticeable almost immediately, the poison lasts for the next 1-2 months. The formula of the drug is based on the substance cypermethrin (pyrethroid group) at a concentration of 25% and is supplemented with 8 more chemical additives that prevent the development of addiction in insects.

    The emulsion can be used in residential and non-residential buildings:

    • private houses, apartments;
    • hotels, hostels;
    • offices, industrial premises;
    • catering establishments.

    The drug is diluted in a ratio of 2 - 15 ml per 1 liter of water, which ensures economical consumption. Available in glass and plastic containers with a volume of 50-1000 ml. The working composition is prepared in a spray bottle immediately before spraying.

    Working with Cypermethrin requires the use of personal protective equipment (masks, goggles, gloves). During disinfestation you should not smoke, the product is flammable. Cockroach repellent has a pungent odor that can aggravate allergies and asthma. Therefore, use with caution in homes where people with diagnosed respiratory diseases live. The average cost of a 50 ml drug is 300 rubles.

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    Medilis NEO

    A strong insecticidal agent from the Russian laboratory MediLis is highly effective in the fight against hare and black cockroaches. The product contains chlorpyrifos (36%) and imidacloprid (11%). The formula affects the nervous system of arthropods, causing collapse, and then paralysis and death. An effective remedy against cockroaches is able to penetrate chitinous shells, which ensures complete destruction of the population, including larvae and eggs. Medilis NEO is assigned hazard class 3. An effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment has a pungent odor, is toxic to people and animals, and therefore requires increased caution when working. The visible result of disinfestation occurs within 8 hours and lasts 8-10 weeks. It is recommended to treat with the drug:

    • houses, apartments, offices, workshops;
    • utility rooms (storage rooms, cellars);
    • kindergartens, schools, hospitals, administrative buildings;
    • catering outlets (restaurants, cafes, bars);
    • hotel complexes.

    The consumption of Medilis NEO depends entirely on the scale of pest infestation. The concentrate is diluted with water, 0.05 – 20 ml per 1 liter of liquid. Processing is carried out using protective equipment, with the windows open. The average price of Medilis NEO in specialized stores is 400 rubles per 50 ml.

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    Gektor from cockroaches

    Hector insecticidal powder, produced in Russia, is intended for the destruction of Prussians in residential buildings. The anti-cockroach product is completely safe for people and pets, and is quite effective. The formula of the drug includes only one active substance – silicon dioxide 98% (diatom powder 75%, boric acid 25%). The active component, falling on the chitinous shell of an insect, instantly penetrates the digestive and nervous system, causing tissue destruction, dehydration and paralysis. Cockroaches die en masse within an hour after contact with the poison. Due to the environmental cleanliness of the composition, Hector is advisable to use in apartments and houses for preventive purposes or to eliminate a small population. In enterprises or public buildings, the effectiveness of the product is noticeably reduced. The drug belongs to hazard class 4 (low hazardous substances). The powder is applied to baseboards, sinks, back walls of furniture and household appliances. Average consumption is 25 mg per square meter. The drug is not removed for 7-10 days; it is updated as necessary. During processing, standard precautions must be observed: avoid contact of the product with the skin, use a respirator and gloves, do not spray the powder near open fire, food, or drinking water. It is recommended to close the room where disinfection was carried out for 2-3 hours.

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    The Russian insecticide Executioner was developed jointly with German specialists for the disinfestation of premises from typical types of arthropod pests. The yellow, cloudy liquid in the form of an emulsion belongs to hazard class 3, which allows the product to be used both in public buildings and in residential buildings. The main active ingredient is fenthion (27%), a compound of the organophosphorus group. The main advantage of the Executioner is the effective elimination of adults, larvae, and eggs. The poison is carried by the insects themselves to the most remote nests, which eliminates the need for complex treatment involving removing furniture or dismantling utility lines. As practice has shown, complete destruction of the visible population occurs within 24 hours after treatment. The emulsion is diluted with water in a proportion of 1.5–30 ml per 1 liter. The concentration of the insecticide depends on the purpose and area of ​​the infested room. For example, for an apartment you need to dilute 30 ml of emulsion in 1 liter of water. This amount is enough for effective disinfestation of 20 square meters. The product has a strong kerosene smell to attract insects. The Executioner does not leave streaks or stains, which makes it possible to process interior items, furniture, and textile accessories.

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    German cockroach paste Globol remains one of the best preparations for independent control of insects. The reputation of the product has suffered significantly due to the huge number of fakes. But the original paste fully complies with the stated characteristics, in particular, it is capable of destroying up to 80% of the population after the first treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to buy the product only in certified stores and check the packaging for the presence of protective elements (holographic signs, absence of typos, clearly stated expiration dates). Globol is available in tubes, in the form of a gel (paste-like substance), and has a hazard class of 4. The active substance is a compound of the organophosphate group chlorpyrifos. The drug has no foreign odors and is safe for people and animals living in the house. The gel is completely ready for use and does not require preliminary preparation. The scope of application is wide:

    • residential buildings, apartments, offices;
    • cafes, restaurants, mobile catering outlets;
    • hotel dormitories;
    • industrial premises.

    A 75 gram package of gel is enough to treat a room of up to 35 m2. Mass death of insects begins after 7-8 hours. The action of the paste is prolonged, the effect lasts up to 4-5 weeks. If necessary, treatment should be repeated every 7-10 days.

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    Ecokiller for cockroaches

    Ecokiller professional insecticidal powder is designed to combat cockroaches in the most advanced cases, when the population size reaches critical levels. The drug is 100% natural. It contains only one active component - amorphous silicon dioxide. The substance, also known as “mountain flour”, is used in the production of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. Ecokiller is absolutely safe for people and pets. Can be used in homes where small children, allergy sufferers, and patients with chronic upper respiratory tract diseases live. Diatomaceous earth affects cockroaches by contact - when it comes into contact with the chitinous shell, it causes tissue destruction and dehydration. Insects carry the insecticide on their paws, infecting relatives and nests. The main advantages of Ecokiller:

    • environmental Safety;
    • visible result after 6-7 hours;
    • prolonged action – the effect lasts up to 4 weeks;
    • The drug has no shelf life restrictions.

    The only drawback of insecticidal powder is the relatively high cost. You can buy an effective remedy for cockroaches in a volume of 500 grams for a price of 500 rubles.

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    Dust "Vuran"

    The powerful dust product “Vuran” was originally developed for poultry farms to combat mites. But the high effectiveness of the product against many types of sinotropic insects has made it popular in the household destruction of parasites. Vuran is not toxic to people and pets, it has a hazard class of 4. It contains three active substances: permethrin, fenvalerate, neopinamine. The drug acts on the central nervous system of insects - it blocks impulses and causes fatal paralysis. The effect is immediate. Up to 85% of the population dies within 3-4 hours after treatment. Hidden colonies are destroyed over the next 4 weeks. Premises are treated with dust in the absence of people and pets, taking the simplest precautions. After 5-6 hours, it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning to remove insecticidal dust from accessible surfaces. In hard-to-reach places, the dust is left until the insects are completely eliminated. Advantages of “Vuran”:

    • complete elimination of insects within 7-14 days after treatment;
    • contains three active components of the pyrethroid group;
    • low toxicity for people and pets;
    • affordable price - 5 kg of product can be bought for 900 rubles.

    Dust is becoming the best option for treating residential and non-residential premises. But today “Vuran” is difficult to find on the open market, so you can only buy cockroach repellent from professional SES services.

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    Experts warn that independent pest control can take years. Even the most effective cockroach repellent cannot protect against re-infestation through ventilation, garbage disposals or basements. Therefore, it is best to entrust pest control to professionals. SES specialists will select the optimal preparations and treatment methods to protect the house from unpleasant guests for a long time. Disinfection with hot and cold fog using multi-component insecticides is guaranteed to destroy the population and also create a reliable barrier against the penetration of new individuals.

    Security measures

    Blockbuster belongs to the category of chemicals of hazard class 3. And when using it you need to take precautions. Disinsection must be carried out wearing gloves, goggles, a respirator and clothing that covers exposed areas of the body as much as possible. If the solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be washed off immediately with plenty of water.

    If nausea, dizziness, or general weakness occur during or after treatment, you should drink activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. If you feel worse, you should consult a doctor.

    Operating principle

    The intestinal-contact mechanism of destruction operates on the principle of a chain reaction - each subsequent individual receives a lethal portion from an already infected relative. In addition, the grape effect is triggered - each cockroach or ant infects up to 50 other individuals.

    Ants and cockroaches are attracted to the smell and taste of the bait - if there are no sources of food or water nearby, they will inevitably taste the poison and quickly spread it throughout the colony. Only adult individuals can become infected in this way, but the residual effect (30-45 days) is enough to cover all subsequent generations of insects. After 2-3 weeks, pests will disappear from your home.

    Instructions for use

    One of the main advantages of any anti-insect gel is the absence of the need to somehow prepare the home for treatment . Only in case of heavy contamination, it is recommended to do a light wet cleaning and ventilate the room a little. After that we do this:

    • to increase the toxicity of the drug, the tube is kneaded in the palm of your hand;
    • in insect habitats, a dotted line of gel is applied (2 centimeters of the preparation, 2 centimeters of a clean surface).

    Almost immediately after completing the procedure, you will be able to observe an invasion of cockroaches - they will gobble up the poison with gusto. But they won’t start falling right away; they still need to have time to infect their relatives.

    poison in Blockbuster - only 0.05%. This is enough to cause death, but before death the cockroach will have time to infect some members of its colony. Now imagine that there are dozens of carriers of the cockroach infection! Everyone will die out.

    Reference. The preventive effect of the drug is 45 days. But if the humidity is too high, this period is reduced to approximately 30-35 days.

    Blockbuster is not considered dangerous to people, using rubber gloves when working will not harm.
    This is necessary so that hands stained with the gel do not touch their lips - the only option for poisoning people is that the paste will not penetrate the skin . The same applies to animals - make sure that your pet does not taste the substance.

    Prevention of parasites

    Why do cockroaches appear in our homes? There are actually many reasons, which is why it is difficult to choose the most effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, since after some time after disinfection they return again.

    Let's look at the most well-known reasons.

    1. Leftover food. You probably noticed that cockroaches appear mainly in the kitchen, that is, a room where there is always food and water. To avoid setting up restaurants for these insects, it is necessary to thoroughly clean after each cooking and eating. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to completely clean your house of crumbs, but you will significantly reduce the number of them on the table and floor.
    2. Pets. Keep an eye on your pets' feeders. They are easy prey for cockroaches because they are always visible and filled with food. Make it a habit to clean up leftovers immediately after your pet eats. Don’t forget to wipe the floor, because even a small crumb is a whole feast for a cockroach family.
    3. Trash can. Take out the trash as often as possible. And the container itself must have an airtight lid.
    4. High humidity. Cockroaches can live without food for more than a month, but without water - no more than a week. That’s why they prefer to settle where there are springs. For them, water leaks are like an oasis in the desert - constant dampness and mold, and they really like it.
    5. Cracks and crevices. No matter how you seal your living space, if your neighbors are fans of cockroach racing, then get ready for part of the team to come to you.

    Cockroaches are capricious creatures; if they want to live in your apartment, they will do so. No matter how neat you are, you will not be able to remove all drops of water and the smallest crumbs of food, nor will you be able to seal all the cracks, including ventilation.

    How to apply the gel?

    “Blockbuster” is applied in 2 cm dotted lines at 2 cm intervals. At the same time, they select places where insects gather and “routes”, areas behind the refrigerator, around the sink, bathtub, and ventilation hole. The gel is very easy to apply and easily reaches hard-to-reach places. Equally effective if applied directly to the surface or paper substrate. Apply 5-6 stripes of 6-9 cm every 2 cm to the substrate. Even if insects are actively penetrating from neighbors, re-treatment will be required no earlier than after 4 weeks.

    Composition and release form

    The gel is packaged by the manufacturer in syringe tubes . Each of them contains 30 ml of the drug, which is odorless and colorless .
    It is very attractive to cockroaches, since it lacks the “amber” characteristic of many analogues. By the way, this amount of insecticide is more than enough for almost any apartment - with reasonable use of the money, the treatment area can be as much as 90 square meters.

    Blockbuster's main poison is finpronil . It is a synthetic insecticide that enters the cockroach's body through the intestines. But if the insect does not dare to taste the gel, the contact route of infection comes into force - the active substances penetrate well through the chitinous layer. In addition to poison, Blockbuster contains:

    • preservative;
    • fat (the basis of the drug);
    • tasty bait.

    The “trick” is that even if the product does not contain bait, the cockroaches will still be poisoned, although not in such quantities. The neutral color and smell will not repel insects, so contact with the poison will occur in any case. Important. Blockbuster is considered to be one of the safest insecticides targeting cockroaches. This is confirmed by the fact that the product is approved for use in children's institutions.


    Spray Blockbuster Aerosol Blockbuster is another antiparasitic drug in this series that destroys all crawling domestic insects, including bedbugs.
    It contains potent insecticides (tetramethrin, cypermethrin and the synergist piperonyl butoxy), as well as auxiliary substances in the form of a solvent and fragrance. Aerosol Blockbuster is intended for the treatment of residential and industrial premises. Economical use is ensured by a long spray tube, which also makes it possible to treat the most inaccessible places (plinths, crevices, various cracks and joints).

    Many consumers leave positive reviews about Blockbuster for bedbugs, since the aerosol has many advantages:

    • the effectiveness provided by potent components is one of the main advantages of the drug;
    • lack of specific odor;
    • when an aerosol product comes into contact with bedbugs, an immediate effect is observed, resulting in paralysis and then the death of the insect;
    • low price makes the drug accessible: cans with a volume of 270 cm3. cost a little more than 100 rubles, bottles with a volume of 600 cm3. about 280 rub.

    The disadvantages of the product include:

    • aerosol consumption - 1 small can is enough to treat a room up to 26 square meters. m, in connection with which there is a need for re-processing after a week;
    • lack of long-term protective effect.

    Instructions for using Blockbuster against bedbugs are indicated on the back of the bottle. The principle of use is quite simple:

    • it is only necessary to spray on contaminated surfaces and areas of greatest concentration of insects;
    • then close the room and leave it in this state for 1 hour;
    • After this time, the room is thoroughly ventilated and wet cleaned.


    We bought a sofa for the dacha, and with it such a problem as bedbugs. At first they thought it was mosquito bites. After examining the inside folds of the sofa, we were convinced of the presence of parasites. Then Blockbuster aerosol came to our aid. This “gas attack” was not at all to the liking of the new tenants. Arriving at the dacha the next weekend, we only did the cleaning. The parasites didn’t bother us anymore, that’s how easily we managed to get rid of bedbugs in the sofa. I recommend Blockbuster aerosol as a proven product.

    Nikolay, Aksai


    Gel Blockbuster
    Gel Blockbuster is an antiparasitic agent, which includes the insecticide fipronil used in many preparations and auxiliary substances that serve as bait for pests. The gel is in great demand among consumers, as it acts not only on bedbugs, but also on cockroaches and even ants. Pests saturated with an insecticidal substance turn into distributors of poison, thereby infecting their relatives. The result is obvious the very next day after treatment. Massive infestation of bedbugs can be observed after 2 days.

    Blockbuster gel has the appearance of a colorless, odorless mass. It does not pose a danger to people, since it does not contain harmful evaporated substances. Therefore, the drug can be used in a home where small children live. The presence of bitrex in the gel, a component that has a bitter taste, makes it safe for pets.

    Using Blockbuster is very convenient due to the fact that the product is available in special syringe tubes. This makes it possible to apply the gel even in the most difficult to reach places. One tube is designed to treat a room of up to 90 square meters. m. The transparent emulsion is applied in a dotted manner at a distance of 2 cm along the baseboards and in places where bedbugs may accumulate. Particular attention is paid to cracks and joints in wallpaper and tiles. To achieve maximum effect, treatment of the apartment with Blockbuster gel should be repeated after 3 months.

    The insecticidal substance applied to the surface does not lose its properties, since it does not dry out or deteriorate for a long time. The low price of Blockbuster against bedbugs (up to 100 rubles) is another advantage of this gel.


    We live in a hostel. Therefore, various kinds of insects are not rare guests there, but permanent residents. When bedbugs appeared in our room, we didn’t know which product to choose, because we have a small child. After reading a lot of reviews on the Internet, we decided to give preference to Blockbuster gel, and the seller highly recommended this product. The drug really turned out to be effective: we have had no bedbugs or cockroaches for more than a month now. I also liked the fact that the bedbug repellent is odorless, which is very important for us. I recommend Blockbuster gel to anyone who has encountered such a problem.

    Galina, Goryachy Klyuch

    Concentrate Blockbuster XXI

    The dosage in a blister, if used correctly, will eliminate bedbugs in a city apartment

    • The method for preparing the solution is simple: just dilute the proposed dose of concentrate in 0.5 liters of water.
    • Blockbuster concentrate for bedbugs enters the body of pests through the respiratory and digestive systems. Instantly paralyzes the nervous system. As a result, the supply of impulses is disrupted, suppressing the active work of acetylcholinesterase, which leads to the death of pests.
    • During disinfestation, carefully treat baseboards, joints between tiles, ventilation openings, so-called “paths” - paths through which bedbugs can enter the apartment. Also, do not ignore places where pests accumulate - areas behind carpets, furniture, paintings, joints of baseboards.
    • Your pets' rugs and bedding must be treated on the underside. Three days after the disinfestation session, general cleaning, washing and cleaning of textile materials is carried out.
    • Practice has shown that the consumption of the working solution is approximately 120 ml/m2.

    Attention! The product is sold in blister packaging, in a 10 ml bottle.

    Malathion is the main active ingredient of the concentrate.

    It is an organophosphate substance with broad-spectrum insecticide properties. The safe dose of the drug for humans is set at up to 0.2 mg/kg of total body weight. Experts say that as a chemical, malathion has low toxicity and therefore does not pose a danger to the lives of people or animals. By the way, this component is used in drugs intended to combat head lice, including children's.

    The body of bedbugs contains certain “oxidizing agents”, which, when interacting with malathion-containing “destroyers”, begin to actively affect the viability of pests. The death of bloodsuckers occurs very quickly.

    Blockbuster against cockroaches: reviews

    So-so remedy. Blockbuster removed all the insects in a week, but less than a month later, the cockroaches came again. Maybe, of course, I used too little insecticide, but the product was somewhat disappointing. I thought it would last at least 50 days.

    Only Blockbuster helped remove cockroaches from the kitchen; all other poisons were powerless. Despite the fact that the process of exterminating the pests took about three weeks, I am more than satisfied with the result. For more than a year there has not even been a hint of the Prussians!

    As it turns out, the reviews don't lie! Really a very good drug. Blockbuster does not smell, it is completely invisible on the surface. The cockroaches run towards him like crazy. The first dead bodies began to be found within two days after use, which was not shown by any other remedy. The tube is made very convenient, you don’t need to strain yourself to squeeze out a few drops of insecticide.

    Useful video

    How to use Blockbuster gel to get rid of cockroaches in the video below:

    burning the entire apartment and moving in again is the best way, if it doesn’t help, try again.

    Oh, comrades, you made me laugh until I cried)))) Laugh))) It’s three in the morning, I take my slippers and go to the kitchen to sausage them. This product helps me! Washing the floors, dishes and taking out the trash every day also helps! Of course, they don’t go away completely, but they become much smaller. Yes, and I don’t have any holes in the walls, and a complete renovation was recently done, they came anyway. must be through ventilation. There are no other holes, because the floors are filled with concrete tightly.

    dohlox can be bought on this website

    Personally, combat helps me more. I struggled a lot with traditional methods, but the effect doesn’t last, or it doesn’t exist at all, maybe I did something wrong, I don’t know. I had to use store-bought products, some of them have no effect either, some (combat specifically) remove cockroaches very quickly, and besides, they are not harmful to the child, not all manufacturers care about this either.

    Is it worth or not to use Blockbuster in aerosol form?


    1. Blockbuster against bedbugs contains several active, potent components.
    2. The long nozzle with which the aerosol is equipped will allow you to conveniently, quickly and economically spray the product even into hard-to-reach areas of the room.
    3. Has no smell.
    4. It acts instantly as soon as it comes into contact with pests.
    5. Low cost of the drug.


    1. One bottle is designed to treat a small room. The average consumption of a cylinder is a room no more than 28 square meters. m. Therefore, even for a one-room apartment you will need at least two packages of the product.
    2. After 8-10 days, the treatment procedure must be repeated.
    3. The drug does not have a protective period of action.

    Cockroach Killer Anti

    1. Powder manufacturer - China .
    2. Product form: insecticidal powder, light brownish or yellowish in color, odorless .
    3. Weight per package – 10 g.
    4. How to use the drug - sprinkle on baseboards, near the trash can, communication pipes and other places where cockroaches can hide.
    5. The approximate cost of the product is 175 rubles .

    Review of the Cockroach Killer Anti:

    Roman, Moscow. I am a student. I live in a hostel. We regularly encounter problems such as cockroaches. I bought Anti Killer powder at the market and immediately noticed how it worked. About half a day had passed since I scattered the powder in all corners of the room and corridor, and here and there I already came across dead crawling creatures. I liked the fact that the powder has no smell. But it’s a pity that there was no Russian translation on the bag - everything is written in Chinese.

    How to use Blockbuster concentrate in the fight against bedbugs

    Often, when bedbugs appear in the house, people resort to using chemicals to kill pests - insecticides. Today the choice of such drugs is large. In specialized stores, the consumer can select the substance of the desired type and a certain dosage. Thus, the treatment of the premises becomes more efficient and faster, but the responsibility when using such products is very high. We offer an overview of a series of popular drugs with the intriguing name “Blockbuster”.

    Where to buy and how much does it cost?

    Anyone who has decided to destroy bloodsuckers with this poison should know where you can buy Blockbuster and how much the bedbug poison costs. The price of one aerosol canister is on average 250 rubles, but with this quantity it will be possible to treat no more than 30 meters of area. Usually it takes two or three cylinders per apartment, and after a couple of weeks the parasites have to be poisoned again.

    A 10 ml bottle of concentrate will cost 100 rubles. The gel is available in 30 ml tubes and also in syringes. The cost of one package is from 60 to 100 rubles.

    You can buy insecticides in specialized stores and hardware departments of hypermarkets, as well as on some websites that sell agrochemicals. Store addresses are available online, and if you order poison online, it will cost a little less.

    Cable Tiuram or Tiram

    1. Release of the insecticide by the manufacturer – Russia.
    2. Release form: powder.
    3. Package weight – 15 g. and 1 kg .
    4. How to use - after wearing gloves and a mask, you need to scatter the powder in corners, baseboards, behind furniture in the kitchen, near pipelines, ventilation ducts, trash cans, and so on, where there may be cockroaches.
    5. What effect does it have on cockroaches - it causes intestinal upset and quick death in insects.
    6. The toxicity of the product is high .
    7. Approximate cost for 15 g. – 25 rub. , for 1 kg – 125-250 rubles.

    Review of Tiram or Tiuram:

    Marina, Barnaul. My mother also told me, I remember, about some kind of Tiuram against cockroaches. Well, I decided to check if such a product could be bought, because cockroaches appeared in my apartment. I looked in all supermarkets or hardware stores, but this is not sold anywhere. Only in one construction market did I find small bags called “Cable Tiuram”. I tried to use it - well, what?! Helps! And how - they die almost instantly, then lie under your feet. You walk into the kitchen and there is a nest of dead cockroaches. Cool tool. Only after treatment you need to leave home for a day or two. Because the product is very toxic.

    Security measures

    Like any insecticide, Blockbuster must be used with caution. Before starting work, you must read the instructions, learn how to poison bloodsuckers and familiarize yourself with the safety precautions. During bullying, there should be no children or pets in the apartment. Indoor flowers should be taken out, and aquariums and terrariums should be tightly covered. Of course, the exterminator needs to take care of his own health and the use of personal protective equipment.

    Shelves, cabinets with food and utensils cannot be processed. The poison solution is evenly applied to the remaining surfaces. Windows or vents must be open. After completing the process, you need to rinse your mouth and wash your hands with soap. The apartment is ventilated for about an hour.

    If poison gets into your eyes, rinse them well with running water. If the anti-bedbug product gets on your skin, wash it thoroughly with soap. Rarely, there are cases when the insecticide enters the body through the mouth. You should immediately rinse your mouth and drink activated charcoal. If your condition worsens, you should consult a doctor, or better yet, a poison control center.

    Product description

    Blockbuster XXI is an insecticidal agent in the form of a concentrate designed to combat bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, flies and other unwanted living creatures in the house. As soon as an insect comes into contact with the treated surface, Blockbuster immediately penetrates its body, disrupting vital functions. Death occurs a few hours after contact with the insecticide, which allows the pests to infect other individuals, thereby simplifying the process of their destruction.

    By the way, it is not necessary to wash off Blockbuster XXI from all surfaces. You just need to protect the floors, window sills and the space around the furniture for your children and pets.


    Blockbuster concentrate is another type of product from this manufacturer. The question of whether the drug in this form helps against bedbugs interests many buyers. According to consumer reviews, it is recognized as one of the best antiparasitic agents. Blockbuster against bedbugs contains malathion, an insecticide that is an organophosphorus substance. When it enters the body of an insect, it blocks nerve receptors, causing paralysis and subsequently the death of the pest.

    The principle of using this tool is very simple. The concentrated composition is diluted with water in the ratio specified in the instructions:

    • to kill bedbugs and cockroaches, you need to dilute 10 ml of the substance in 0.5 liters of water;
    • to get rid of fleas, mosquitoes, flies, 10 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water.

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