Getting rid of cockroaches using ultrasonic devices

  1. Operating principle of ultrasonic devices
  2. Is ultrasound effective against cockroaches?
  3. The most effective brands of ultrasonic devices "Typhoon"
  4. American made cockroach repeller – Pest Reject
  5. A device with the pathetic name “Tornado”
  6. Repeller "Banzai"
  7. Magnetic resonance repeller AR120
  • So is it worth buying a repeller?
  • Such a miracle device as an ultrasound against cockroaches is in considerable demand when you need to get rid of pests in the house. Buyers are eager to purchase the device, as it is very easy to use and safe for the health of all members of your family.

    But is ultrasound really as effective as they say?

    Ultrasonic cockroach repeller

    An electronic repeller is the dream of many people who are faced with an insect problem at home, in a warehouse or in production.

    The idea of ​​an easy-to-use and effective remedy excites the mind, as it promises quick relief from parasites without much effort. However, the enthusiasm of users often fades after the first attempt to use the product in a real fight against cockroaches.

    Let's try to figure out how much electronic devices can really help.

    Safety and effectiveness

    An ultrasonic cockroach repeller most often works from the mains; to turn it on, you just need to plug the plug into the outlet. Some models have buttons to press before starting work.

    Before using the device, you must read the manufacturer's instructions. Following the recommendations presented in the annotation will ensure not only the safety, but also the effectiveness of the device. So,

    • the distance from the floor to the device should be within 1 m, the device should be open on all sides: if there are objects in the path of the ultrasound, the effect of using the repeller will decrease;
    • Damaged or disassembled devices should not be used;
    • it is necessary to prevent impacts on the repeller and liquid getting into the equipment;
    • It is recommended to observe the temperature regime: the device should not get too hot or cold;
    • To achieve maximum effect, you should use several devices at once, placed in different rooms of the apartment or house.

    How to get rid of cockroaches

    The insect control industry today is replete with all sorts of chemicals, traps, and baits that are designed to rid you of annoying neighbors.

    If you decide to do your own pest control, then at the hardware store you can find a great variety of devices and preparations that promise to put an end to the pest threat in your home.

    We list the most popular means:

    • Aerosols;
    • Liquid chemicals;
    • Powder preparations, dusts;
    • Cockroach glue;
    • Poisoned baits;
    • Electronic traps;

    Electromagnetic repellers

    Such devices emit not ultrasonic, but electromagnetic waves, which also negatively affect the nervous system of insects. The more powerful the device, the more expensive it is and the greater its effect.

    When choosing, you should pay attention to such models.

    Riddex Repeller

    The device has an affordable price, so it is accessible to all segments of the population. Its power allows you to protect a room of up to 200 square meters. The device has a settings regulator, which allows it to be used in various conditions.

    Review of Riddex - repeller of cockroaches, rodents and insects


    Effectively operates on an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. Depending on the number of pests, the device can be turned on either for several weeks or for several months. The device costs about 2 thousand rubles, which is quite expensive for this class of device.

    It is important to know! Ultrasonic and electromagnetic repellers are designed to last a long time, so they must work for a long time until the insects disappear completely.

    Repellers: ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices

    The most popular means of self-control are baits and aerosols against cockroaches. Although the choice of product usually depends on the case, sometimes it is more profitable to use traps or powders.

    Let's start with the fact that there are two types of electronic repellers:

    • Ultrasonic. When people talk about electronic devices, they most often mean ultrasound. The device operates by emitting a high-frequency sound that is not audible to humans, but which should have an effect on the insect. There is plenty of evidence that ultrasonic devices have no effect on cockroaches.
    • Electromagnetic. It is claimed that the device creates an electromagnetic field in which cockroaches cannot be located. The waves affect their nervous system and cause the parasites to flee. This tool is also called magnetic resonance imaging.

    Both types of devices are powered from a wall outlet in the same way. Manufacturers claim that as soon as you turn them on, they will immediately begin to repel all insects within the range.

    In any case, it becomes clear that the electronic device does not destroy cockroaches, but only forces them to leave the place. If the reasons for the appearance are not eliminated, they will return again immediately after disconnecting the device from the power supply.

    So is it worth buying a repeller?

    It's up to you to decide. As you can see, ultrasound is not a panacea; rather, it is an addition to such usual means for humans as poisoned baits and traps.

    If you are still planning to buy this device to protect your home from cockroaches, then purchase it from reputable stores, request and study all the certificates, documents, ask whether there is a guarantee for the effectiveness of the device, what is its service life.

    And don’t buy too cheap models, because they most likely will have absolutely no effect on the cockroaches that are bothering you.

    Types of electronic repellers

    The electrical engineering industry today is replete with all kinds of insect control products. Let's look at several devices of different price categories and try to draw a conclusion about their effectiveness.

    Typhoon LS-500

    Typhoon LS-500 is a Russian development. Device price: from 900 rubles. According to user reviews, it is not the most effective remedy.

    In mid-February, a parcel arrived from. Typhoon was hung on the wall in the kitchen. And for a month now, not only have the cockroaches not decreased, but they have also increased. They found a place for themselves behind the device itself and won’t move their ears!

    WK – 600

    A powerful industrial device with several operating modes: against rodents and insects. The price is quite decent: around 5-6 thousand rubles. Weight: 600 grams.

    The device is powerful enough to repel not only cockroaches, but also mammalian rodents. Disadvantages: affects humans, suitable for use in industrial facilities.

    The work is simply amazing. My neighbor even joked and said I’ll soon complain about you. When we moved, I installed the repeller literally for one day.

    She came running to us in the morning in shock... She had everything dug up there - they ran away from us. Those. very, very cool, I'm very pleased. We are waiting for this summer, we have a small area - we will install 2 things so that everything is covered.

    Zenet XJ-90

    Price: about 1000 rubles. Coverage area: 30-40 square meters. The manufacturer offers stylish design and long service life.

    This device is a modification of the Air Comfort XJ-90, which already has low effectiveness against cockroaches and has earned a bad reputation.

    For several nights when this device was running, mosquitoes really did not bother me. Now I understand that they simply were not in the apartment. And then one terrible night it all started!

    It felt like mosquitoes from all over the area had flocked to us. My husband and I didn't sleep half the night. Then they covered their heads with blankets and passed out. And the “scarer” glowed with its blue eye, but to no avail.

    Banzai LS927

    Manufacturer: Taiwan. Price: about 1500 rubles. Designed to act against several types of insects. There are two modifications: for industrial use and residential version.

    The industrial device affects cockroaches, while the apartment version leaves much to be desired.

    The LS-927M is noisy compared to home models. But it is not intended for an apartment. We used it in a hangar, before that we tried a regular home model (from a different manufacturer), it got a little better, but the mice still remained.

    Also on the market of electronic repellers there is a wide range of ultrasonic devices against cockroaches and other insects. Demand for them increased after users began to refuse to use ultrasound due to its low efficiency.

    The new generation device was supposed to save users from parasites, but in the end the situation repeated itself: the Internet is full of negative reviews about the work of cheap (1-2 thousand rubles) insect repellent devices. Among them are: Eco-sniper AR-120, Rest Reject, Ixus KY-6182.

    Lists of the best repellers

    In addition to the listed devices, there are many more worthy models that are the best in the following categories:

    • magnetic resonance repeller;
    • simplicity and functionality;
    • minimalistic design.

    Low energy consumption

    Riddex affects rodents and cockroaches, as well as beetles, moths, mosquitoes and lice. The voltage of the device is no more than 250 Volts when generating ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 50 Hz. The repeller changes the magnetic field within a radius of 200 square meters. m

    Price: 660 rub.

    Riddex cockroach repeller

    Simplicity and functionality

    Pest Reject is considered an excellent method for eliminating crawling insects and arachnids. The device has an LED indicator that lights up when in contact with electricity. This is how he reports that the working state is turned on. In addition, it is very convenient and easy to use. Area coverage reaches 200 sq.m with a power of 4 W.

    Cost: 790 rub.

    Pest Reject cockroach repeller

    Minimalist design

    Do you want to purchase a high-quality and stylish device that will help eliminate all kinds of pests? Then the ultrasonic cockroach repeller Typhoon LS-500 is your savior. It is made in minimalist traditions: a compact black monoblock weighing only 200 g and small dimensions (80x60x35 mm) will not stand out from the overall interior of your apartment. The frequency level of the device ranges from 19 to 40 kHz.

    Price range: RUB 1,290.

    Cockroach repeller Typhoon LS-500

    Why does ultrasound not work against cockroaches?

    The concept of repelling insects using ultrasound originally came about when scientists noticed that mosquitoes use it to communicate.

    Certain frequencies had a deterrent effect on flying bloodsuckers because they signaled the approach of predators. Manufacturers quickly began assembling such ultrasonic devices and they flooded the market.

    But what is true for mosquitoes does not work against cockroaches and bedbugs.

    Indoor insects do not use ultrasound to communicate and warn of danger. The squeak has no effect on them. The effectiveness of high-power industrial devices is explained by the high intensity of the sound produced. It is so powerful that it irritates everyone, including humans.

    Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices is greatly overestimated. They can only affect cockroaches with high power.

    However, powerful devices also affect humans and are poorly applicable in residential areas. It is not safe for a person to be near them for a long time. Therefore, powerful ultrasonic units are used mainly in production and warehouses.


    Types of repellers

    The main purpose of these devices is not to destroy, but to create conditions unbearable for the life of pests. Most often, repellers are used as part of a set of preventive measures, collectively called “barrier protection.”

    The devices affect the sensory organs of cockroaches through signals of a certain intensity and frequency. Based on the type of radiation, repellers are classified as ultrasonic and electromagnetic. There are also combined gadgets that combine these technologies and have additional options.

    Electrofumigators, which work effectively against small flying insects, however, have little effect on the behavior of cockroaches. In addition, most of these devices are designed to destroy pests, so these devices can only be classified as repellers conditionally.

    How do ultrasonic cockroach repellers work?

    Finding a house without cockroaches is almost impossible. Black, red or red insects settle with equal pleasure in clean, lived-in apartments and in garbage dumps, abandoned houses and sewer mines.

    Not only is the neighborhood unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, pests are carriers of pathogenic microorganisms and can cause allergies and transmit cholera and other diseases.

    It is also worth knowing that cockroaches do not disdain to feast on all possible products and enjoy damaging wiring, mechanisms and electrical appliances.

    The female’s fertility is enviable; in one season she is capable of completely renewing the ranks of the “cockroach army,” which causes significant damage to a person’s peace of mind.

    Pest control has been going on for several millennia, but today a way to eliminate it has been found - these are cockroach repellers. Safe for human health and pets, the anti-cockroach device will successfully deal with insects of any type and in any quantity.

    The principle of operation of repellers: how does the device work on cockroaches?

    The device for repelling cockroaches includes a high-frequency pulse generator and a speaker. Does the device really have such a detrimental effect on cockroaches?

    If you believe the results of scientific research, the principle is to influence the nervous system of mustachioed pests - the parasites experience discomfort and leave their previous home . Thus, the cockroach repeller does not kill the insect, but only creates an unfavorable environment.

    Before you figure out how to install and get rid of cockroaches once and for all, it’s worth taking into account a few recommendations for choosing an ultrasonic device.

    Why ultrasonic repellers help get rid of cockroaches better than all other methods

    If an electronic repeller seems like an expensive idea, consider other possibilities and ways to eliminate the threat:

    • Spray, dust, aerosol. They have a pungent odor, are no more than 30% effective, and are harmful to humans and domestic animals.
    • Powders, gels, baits. They have a limited resource, are expensive, and the efficiency is no more than 45%.
    • Traps with bait. There are many fakes that cannot be recognized in advance. Only one or two insects will fall into the traps; the rest quickly learn to bypass the bait.

    You can call a pest control agent, the service is expensive, rationality is questionable. The problem is the rapid adaptation of insects to the compositions used.

    Each new generation of pests has partial immunity; it becomes more difficult to deal with them, and therefore more expensive. The easiest option is to buy cockroach repellers.

    Electronic devices help eliminate the problem using ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves, aromatic substances. The volatile device operates on batteries or connected to the mains power supply.

    Ultrasound or an electromagnetic wave affects the insect's nervous system, causing panic and forcing it to leave the dangerous habitat.

    There are 4 types of cockroach repellers:

    • Ultrasonic. The principle of operation is simple - the device generates and delivers a high-frequency sound wave (up to 1 GHz), which affects the nervous system of insects. For humans and pets, high-frequency waves are not audible and therefore harmless. The area of ​​influence depends on the power of the unit; as a rule, one device is enough for several rooms. Easy-to-control devices can be switched on when there are people and animals in the room.
    • Magnetic resonance. These devices emit low frequency electromagnetic waves. For insects, such radiation means “danger”; cockroaches quickly leave their habitats. The disadvantage of the application is that the result directly depends on the power of the device, however, industrial units cannot be used constantly and when people are in the room. Low-power magnetic resonance insect repellers can be used in the presence of residents and animals, but the effectiveness is reduced to 45-60%.
    • Electro-, aquafumigators. The operating principle of electric fumigators is identical to mosquito repellent devices with replaceable plates. Impregnated with a substance unpleasant to insects, the plates are inserted into the device compartment, and when heated, the composition evaporates, the smell repels pests. Aquafumigators have a similar principle, but they do not work with plates, but with a special liquid that evaporates when the electronic base is heated. The advantages are ease of management, but toxic impregnation compounds can cause allergies and are dangerous for pregnant women. In addition, aromatic plates and liquid must be constantly purchased, which increases maintenance costs.
    • Fumigators are considered effective devices, but the safety of use is questionable. An electronic ultrasonic device for cockroaches is more expensive, but is absolutely harmless to everyone except whiskered pests of any type. Taking into account the long service life and frequency of switching on, the unit will pay for itself in just a few years.

    Popular ultrasonic models

    Ultrasonic repellers can be used both at home and at work. Often these devices are universal, that is, they work against a wide variety of pests.

    Typhoon LS-500

    The ultrasonic repeller Typhoon LS-500 allows you to fight various types of insect pests, these are:

    • fleas,
    • ants,
    • cockroaches,
    • bedbugs.

    The Typhoon LS-500 device causes discomfort and a feeling of panic in insects
    . According to the manufacturer, the device causes discomfort and a feeling of panic in insects. Pests try to leave the dangerous area as quickly as possible. Additionally, the device affects cockroaches with light radiation and an audio frequency signal in the audible range (makes clicks). The complete disappearance of insects occurs in the second or third week of continuous operation of the LS-500.

    The repeller can be used on objects such as:

    • household premises - living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms;
    • utility premises of various kinds - warehouses, change houses, catering establishments and the like.

    The device operates from an electrical network with a voltage of 220 Volts. The built-in microcontroller automatically changes the sound frequency and duration of ultrasound radiation, so cockroaches cannot adapt to unfavorable conditions for them.

    Video: review of the repeller

    Reviews about Typhoon LS-500

    I also bought this one. I was watching TV and an advertisement started advertising the ultrasonic cockroach repeller Typhoon LS-500. And of course I wondered what it was, since we live in an apartment and sometimes suffer from these cockroaches. What can I say, a highly advertised device that does not perform its functions. My cockroaches lived in the kitchen and stayed there, they didn’t run away anywhere. Wasted money.


    The device worked for me for about a year and during this time I never saw cockroaches. However, beetles and spiders periodically delighted me with their presence. Therefore, we can say that the device has no effect on insects in general. After I turned off the Typhoon ultrasonic repeller, 4 years have passed. During this time, I met cockroaches in the kitchen 1 or 2 times.


    Weitech WK-0600

    The manufacturer positions the Weitech WK-0600 ultrasonic device as a powerful professional means of combating pests and rodents. First of all, the device is recommended for use in non-residential premises of industrial and commercial enterprises, warehouses, bases, and in the holds of ships. WK-0600 can also be used at home, but in the absence of people and their pets. Thanks to the increased power, dual emitter and protection from adverse environmental conditions, the gadget is suitable for use in open areas.

    The effectiveness of the technologies used in Weitech WK-0600 has been confirmed by tests in independent laboratories

    Weitech WK-0600 has several operating modes. Adjustment is carried out both in range and in the level of the emitted signal. In the presence of people, it is recommended to turn on the device only in the so-called “quiet mode” with reduced power.

    According to the manufacturer, the repeller affects the nervous system of pests, forcing them to leave the protected area.

    User reviews

    The Weitech WK-0600 ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller is a complete deception of honest people. With the money I earned, I bought a Weitech WK-0600 ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller last year. I really hoped for the advertising of this miracle device. I turned it on several times a day, left it on longer than recommended in the instructions, and had zero effect. I don’t know about rodents (I poison them in the usual traditional way), but there are no fewer insects in the house.


    No comments. The rating is probably five. Everything is fine with the device.


    Zenet XJ-90

    The universal repeller ZENET XJ-90 helps fight mosquitoes, cockroaches and other insects without having a negative impact on people and pets. The operating principle of the device is based on the impact of an ultra-high frequency sound signal on pests. The device operates from a standard power supply.

    The Zenet XJ-90 device does not emit any harmful or toxic substances

    Among the features of the ZENET XJ-90 repeller are:

    • covered area up to 25 square meters,
    • efficiency,
    • presence of night lighting.

    The device can be used with equal success both in residential premises and at industrial facilities for various purposes.

    Reviews about Zenet XJ-90

    We bought this cockroach repeller. Not only did they not disappear, they lived on it. Therefore, I can say that this is complete nonsense, or our cockroaches are not afraid of anything.


    Today, once again, I received an ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller Zenet XJ-90 at the request of my daughter. She studies at the university and lives in a dormitory. And imagine that cockroaches have the most freedom there. I and all my neighbors and friends who encountered a similar problem used this device. Now I decided to help my daughter and her dorm friends get rid of this disaster. We also had a time when you couldn’t sleep at night for fear that a cockroach would fall on you from the ceiling or crawl along your arm. And the constant washing of tables, cabinets and refrigerators from traces of these disgusting cockroaches. We tried all sorts of methods: the whole apartment was outlined with “Chinese pencils”, we barely saved the cat because he ate several potato balls with boric acid, and what effort did it take to constantly wash the whole house of poison and pencil... Looking at all this simply It is impossible to maintain peace of mind. But now we're okay. We got rid of the cockroaches.


    EcoSniper LS-927

    The main distinctive feature of the EcoSniper LS-927 insect and rodent repeller is the presence of a powerful dual ultrasonic generator. According to the developers of the device, this at least doubles the efficiency of the device.

    The EcoSniper LS-927 repeller is distinguished by ease of use and the ability to work from the network via an adapter

    The universal ultrasonic repeller EcoSniper LS-927 works against such pests as:

    • cockroaches,
    • ants,
    • spiders,
    • rats,
    • mice.

    The device's data sheet claims an amazing impact area of ​​up to 500 square meters. At the same time, the repeller does not consume a large amount of electricity and has small dimensions and weight.

    Customer Reviews

    The device is Chinese. Works the same as cheaper models. Massive propaganda has been noticed regarding this manufacturer.


    The device has two modes for using sound, one of which is hardly applicable in residential areas, a very sharp sound. Some people are annoyed by the blinking light, so not everyone can tolerate silent mode.


    Advantages: 1. Almost silent device, faint clicks are heard, absolutely not straining the ear; 2. Manufacturer Taiwan; 3. Two speakers for better range. Operate in different frequency ranges; 4. Plastic does not smell. Disadvantages: None.


    Tornado OT-01

    Tornado OT-01 is a Russian product made from Chinese components. Whether this is good or bad is ultimately up to the users of the device to decide, but according to the majority, the device does not cope very well with cockroaches.

    Ultrasonic repeller Tornado OT-01 is one of the developments of the domestic enterprise LLC MNPF Center New Technologies

    Despite the not very positive reviews, OT-01 can be used to prevent the appearance of pests and to combat them together with chemicals. The device has a fairly compact size and is not very heavy. The body is made of black plastic. There is an indicator of the repeller operation. The device operates from a network with a voltage of 220 Volts.

    Reviews about Tornado OT-01

    Works! I bought it for testing, since the chemistry didn’t really help. The device had a strange effect: in the first three days, cockroaches crawled out from wherever possible, it even began to seem that there were more of them. I called the store to find out what it was. They told me that this is how it should be, and that the cockroaches will soon leave. And indeed, 8 days have passed and there are much fewer cockroaches!

    Svetlana Viktorovna


    The EMR-25 device is a multifunctional insect and rodent repeller and combines the principles of ultrasonic and electromagnetic radiation. The device can be used against:

    • cockroaches,
    • ants,
    • spiders,
    • crickets,
    • silverfish,
    • earwig,
    • fleas,
    • ticks,
    • scorpios,
    • bats,
    • house and garden mice,
    • rats

    The EMR-25 also works as an air purification device.
    The device can operate in one of the four modes listed below:

    • electromagnetic radiation,
    • ultrasound,
    • air purifier,
    • ultrasonic radiation and cleaner.

    Interestingly, the impressive range of modes, high quality workmanship and fairly high power of the device do not greatly affect its cost. We can say that this repeller has a balanced price-quality ratio.

    User reviews

    We bought a universal ultrasonic and electromagnetic repeller of rats, mice, ants, cockroaches, ticks, fleas, spiders and crickets EMR-25. My impressions: If the cat heard it, it didn’t react. The device buzzes only if you bring your ear close to it. The night light is nasty, blue, but slightly illuminates the room. In general, his presence is not particularly felt. Used it for two months. The result is promised in 2-3 weeks, on some resources - in four. And so: The mice, as promised, activated: they began to throw themselves out of the cracks and were finished off by the cat, they began to crap more, a couple of times some stupefied individuals came out and stood, thinking about life (the cat was ready) And then nothing. As they galloped, they still gallop to this day. Insects: cockroaches and mosquitoes don’t really care about this thing. Spiders also walk around the house wherever they want.

    Yulia as Yulia

    Table: characteristics of ultrasonic repellers

    ModelPowerOperating frequency rangeNutritionImpact areaprice
    Typhoon LS-5001 W20–40 kHz220 Vup to 80 sq. m. 1100 rub.
    Weitech WK-06000.4 W2–50 kHz220 Vup to 325 sq. m. 6990 rub.
    Zenet XJ-901 W20–27 kHz220 V20–25 sq. m. 1000 rub.
    EcoSniper LS-9271.5 W20–40 kHz220 Vup to 460 sq. m. 2000 rub.
    Tornado OT-011 W13–27 kHz220 Vup to 50 sq. m. 900 rub.
    EMR 251.5 W20–40 kHz220 Vup to 560 sq. m. 1800 rub.

    How the devices work and their advantages

    Ultrasonic cockroach repellers affect insects regardless of their age and size. The devices help disrupt the normal circulation of fluid inside the body of pests.

    Due to the transformation of liquid into a thick substance, the cells of the cockroaches body burst from excess pressure.

    Once in the affected area, the body of cockroaches heats up sharply, which causes excessive vibration of the cellular system, disrupts metabolism, and destroys neural connections.

    You cannot get used to such an effect, which makes insect repellers effective in 100% of cases during long-term or short-term operation.

    Humans and large animals (cats, dogs) do not hear the sound signal, which makes the cockroach device safe for them. The main thing is that the modules work perfectly against cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, fleas and other insects, but are harmless to owners of apartments and houses.

    Cockroach repellers have a wide list of advantages:

    1. Quiet operation. Domestic cockroaches are afraid of any sounds, light and can react to odors, which makes other models ineffective. An ultrasonic device for cockroaches does not make noise or vibration, which is why it is considered the best.
    2. No smell. Allergy sufferers are familiar with the feeling of hopelessness when they need to save themselves, but it is impossible to breathe the aroma of insecticides. The electronic repeller is completely safe, there are no restrictions on use.
    3. The room does not require preliminary preparation. Installation of the device is simple - install it in the desired area, plug it into the network. Compact modules fit comfortably into limited areas. Small-format models can be lowered into the ventilation hole, from where domestic cockroaches most often crawl into the apartment.
    4. Versatility of use. The anti-cockroach device will work equally well in a factory workshop, a temporary or permanent home, an apartment or a basement. The main requirement is to select a high-quality mechanism with the required power and coverage area. All parameters are specified in the technical data sheet, so you should carefully read the instructions before purchasing.

    Cockroach repellers are reusable units with a long period of action. Remote modules provide quick and long-lasting results. For prevention, the models are put into operation for another 2-3 days for a short time, after which you can forget about insects.

    What manufacturers say

    Commercials strongly recommend installing an ultrasonic cockroach repeller in your apartment. Since this is not the most budget-friendly purchase, you need to carefully study the information that manufacturers provide about their devices.

    How it should work

    Apartment owners, desperate to get rid of red pests using usual means, place great hopes on an electronic cockroach repeller. The manufacturers themselves describe the operating principle of the ultrasonic device as follows:

    • by inserting the anti-cockroach device into a socket, the user activates high-frequency waves;
    • insects, picking up signals, begin to panic and inform each other about the danger;
    • with prolonged exposure to an electromagnetic field, coordination of movements occurs, insects lose interest in eating and mating;
    • pests leave the premises - as the living conditions in it become unbearable.

    Ultrasonic devices have low energy consumption. They can be connected to the network around the clock, without the risk of damaging the family budget.

    How inefficiency is explained: 5 user mistakes

    In response to increasing negative reviews of electromagnetic cockroach repellers, manufacturers have suggested that the users themselves are partly to blame for the ineffectiveness. Five errors are identified.

    1. Inattention. Perhaps the buyer was careless in reading the instructions and did not take into account all the recommendations for use.
    2. Wrong place. Ultrasound does not penetrate walls, carpets, thick curtains and furniture.
    3. The room is too big. Perhaps the range of the device is less than the area of ​​​​the apartment.
    4. Extreme temperatures. A room climate that is too cold or too hot can negatively affect the performance of the repeller.
    5. Saving. Budget devices emit low-frequency waves, which pests quickly get used to.

    Since cockroaches most often “walk” along the floor, it is recommended to install the device no higher than 1 m above the baseboard. It is important that the device is in an upright position.

    Measures to prevent the appearance of cockroaches

    It is not enough to install cockroach repellers; you need to create the most uncomfortable conditions for the subsequent appearance and reproduction of pests. As soon as domestic cockroaches appear, you should get rid of the uninvited guests. Prevention is as follows:

    • Conduct a general cleaning of the premises (if possible). Remove food from public access, shake all bags of cereals and pasta. The easiest way is to place supplies in airtight glass or plastic containers. Pay special attention to bread, pastry and sugar - these are the favorite delicacies of pests.
    • Check the pipeline for leaks. The main areas where insects are located are damp and dark places. Cockroaches need a source of water for rapid growth and raising offspring.
    • Do not leave dirty dishes with food out overnight, put food away, clean out cabinets, and keep the kitchen, bathroom, and powder room clean.
    • Crumbs on the floor will quickly attract hordes of pests, but getting rid of them will be more difficult.
    • In damp rooms, ensure good ventilation. Condensation on the walls, remnants in the soap dish, rot in the area of ​​pipe joints, mold - all this is the favorite food of insects.

    If a garbage or ventilation shaft in a multi-story building is clogged and has not been cleaned for a long time, it is a breeding ground for insects. A cockroach repellent device will help here for a short time.

    To clean the channels, be sure to call a technician from the management company. In order for the cleaning to be done quickly, you need to write an application addressed to the director of the management company - according to the law, the director is obliged to respond to the signal and put the common property in order as quickly as possible.

    It is interesting that in private houses made of wood, cockroaches practically do not appear. But here you can find various woodlice, spiders and other equally unpleasant guests in abundance.

    The electronic repeller also works against these “neighbors”, and at the same time will prevent the appearance of “red mustaches”.

    How effective is the device?

    Many people wonder whether ultrasound helps in persecuting pests as much as device manufacturers claim?

    In the process of experimental work, scientists were able to find out that when using ultrasonic devices, the effect is selective. The signal from the equipment is transmitted to representatives of the colony, however, not all, but mostly mature individuals, are among the “informed”.

    Residents notice that the young animals will continue to attack for a long time and even crawl on the device itself . There are cases when parasites leave only the room in which the repeller is working.

    The low efficiency of ultrasonic cockroach repellers is sometimes the result of improper actions by residents:

    • ignoring the points of the annotation attached to the product;
    • incorrect choice of place to place the repeller;
    • discrepancy between the power of the device and the area being treated;
    • purchasing budget models that are not equipped with the option to prevent parasites from becoming accustomed to high-frequency waves.


    Ultrasonic cockroach repeller in the “Live Healthy!” program on Channel One

    List of popular cockroach repellers

    The list of models that are worth paying attention to is compiled based on real customer reviews:

    Brand, modelPeculiaritiesAdvantagesFlaws
    EcoSniperExtensive impact area, wide range of models. Effective and safe. Generation of waves every 5 seconds. Radiation is transmitted through the housing and wiring. The device does not interfere with household devices. Installation as close to the flooring as possible. It is imperative to evaluate the material of the device body for strength to mechanical stress and resistance to high levels of moisture.
    TsunamiLarge coverage area. The cockroach repellent works against rats and mice. A durable and reliable device that maintains performance at temperatures from -30 C to +40 C. Vibrations up to 50 dB, sound wave up to 50 Hz.Sometimes the device buzzes during operation.
    TornadoSo far, the only anti-cockroach device that needs to be placed above the work surface and turned at an angle of 45 degrees.The device generates a powerful stream of sound, causing insects to literally flee from the room. Simple installation, ease of management, settings, low cost. Installation rules must be observed (45 degree angle). The unit comes with detailed instructions; you must read them carefully.
    TyphoonUniversal cockroach repellers that save you from rodents.Coverage area up to 80 m2, runs on 220 V mains, comes with a long cord. Temperature range from -0 C to +50 C. The durable and reliable case is difficult to break; the device can be turned on for a long period. During the first two hours of work, pets become frightened by sounds that humans cannot hear. Then cats and dogs get used to it, but small rodents may experience discomfort.
    Riddex Pest Repelling AidThis is a Chinese device that is effective against insects, rodents and ants.Covers an area of ​​up to 200 m2, while having compact dimensions and minimal power consumption (up to 4 W). To get rid of pests, you need to turn on cockroach repellers for at least 14 days. After this, only preventive measures are required - starting work for 1 day with breaks - so that the young individuals leave. There is no adaptation to the operation of the device, so it works with 100% efficiency. Massive furniture and wall partitions may interfere with signal transmission.
    RemilingAnother model from a Chinese manufacturer, also effective against cockroaches and rodents.Excellent packaging and solid build. The device is supplemented with indicators; setup is not difficult. The operating temperature range is from +0 C to +50 C. The device can be installed in basements or attics. Generation of waves with a frequency of up to 45 Hz, sound up to 95 dB. Efficiency will be reduced if there are obstacles - furniture, walls.

    If you still have questions about choosing a device that is suitable for individual conditions, the manager will help you understand the characteristics and capabilities of the repellers.

    The price of ultrasonic modules is higher than aromatic plates and other products, but the investment pays off after 2-3 years of use. At the same time, cockroaches do not have a single chance to be placed in a house or apartment.

    In addition, repellers work in the most humane way. There is no need to kill anyone, the pests will leave on their own and absolutely voluntarily.


    Rating of the 7 best repellers

    There are many types of repellers, but in order not to make a mistake with the purchase and get rid of pests, we have prepared a list of models of the best cockroach repellers:

    • Rexant 71-0018;
    • Pest Repeller;
    • 31st century UP-118;
    • Tornado OT.02;
    • LS-968;
    • WK-3523;
    • Tornado-800.

    Let's move on to a detailed description of each device.

    REXANT 71-0018

    419 rub.

    7th place 4/5

    Are you tired of fighting insects and rodents, but don’t want to spend money on expensive procedures and devices with very questionable effectiveness? Then pay attention to this repeller: it is perfect for two or three-room apartments and works on ultrasonic waves.

    Nutritionfrom the network
    Materialplastic, metal
    Voltage220 V
    Radius of action60 sq.m
    Weight0.1 kg
    Dimensions150x220x70 mm
    Kind of workUltrasound waves
    • non-toxic;
    • there are metal inserts;
    • light weight (0.1 kg);
    • low voltage (220 V).
    • small area coverage (60 sq.m).
    • only works in one room.

    Cockroach repeller REXANT 71-0018

    We are students and with our scholarship we had to solve the problem with annoying cockroaches in the rooms. Friends recommended the presented model from REXANT, and indeed, there were much fewer insects. The device does not interfere and once you turn it on, you forget about the existence of the device.

    Pest Repeller

    999 rub.

    6th place 4.1/5

    This repeller emits low-frequency electromagnetic waves, which are excellent in the fight against cockroaches, arachnids, rats, mice and other insects at a distance of up to 230 sq.m with a frequency of 5 to 50 Hz.

    Weight170 g
    Dimensions110x70x70 mm
    Nutrition220-240 V
    Radius230 sq.m
    Principle of operationemail waves (5-50 Hz)
    • small dimensions (110x70x70);
    • range of action (230 sq.m)
    • light weight (170 g).
    • It is not recommended if there are domestic rodents (hamsters, chinchillas, guinea pigs), as well as cats and dogs in the room;
    • low frequency (5-50 Hz).

    Cockroach repeller Pest Repeller

    This is the second time I’ve purchased this model (the previous one lasted for a year). The device is in the country house, we have already gotten rid of mice and cockroaches that appear after hibernation. Disappeared after 2-3 weeks of use. I don't regret the purchase!

    31st century UP-118

    1 100 rub.

    5th place 4.3/5

    The presented repeller is ideal for residential premises, cafes, restaurants, offices, warehouses and hotels. The generated ultrasonic waves do not pose a danger to human hearing, due to which buyers do not have to worry about unpleasant noise, various ailments and headaches.

    Voltage220-240 V
    Nutritionfrom the network
    Weight400 g
    Dimensions90x84x105 mm
    Operating principleUltrasound waves (30000-65000 Hz)
    Radiusup to 230 sq.m
    • high frequency (30-65 thousand Hz);
    • sound pressure level reaches 140 dB;
    • There is a power adapter available;
    • covers large areas (230 sq.m);
    • eliminates moths, fleas and other parasites.
    • not found.

    Cockroach repeller 31st century UP-118

    We ordered this repeller for the kitchen and office. We were impressed by the large area of ​​ultrasound propagation, as well as the stylish design (the model fits very organically into the minimalist interior). We got rid of the cockroaches in about a month, although no one experienced any deterioration in health. Very pleased!

    Tornado OT.02

    1 300 rub

    4th place 4.4/5

    The presented insect repeller features effective pest control and additional LED lighting. The device perfectly helps to get rid of cockroaches, because it is known that they are no less afraid of sunlight than ultrasound.

    Weight120 g
    Dimensions30x75x105 mm
    Voltage220 V
    Radius50 sq.m
    Operating principleUltrasound waves (20±7 kHz)
    • light illumination;
    • temperature adjustment (from -30 to +80 degrees);
    • small sizes (30x75x105 mm);
    • light weight (0.12 kg).
    • the operating area reaches only 50 sq.m.

    Cockroach repeller Tornado OT.02

    As soon as cockroaches appeared in the kitchen, we immediately decided to take action. We bought the specified repeller due to its compactness and the presence of a backlight; we install the device on a table, sometimes on a countertop (not on the floor, because in this way the light will not reach). After 2.5 weeks, not a single insect was noticed. For the sake of prevention, we still turn it on at night.


    1 980 rub.

    3rd place 4.7/5

    The model ensures the productive destruction of any type of insects, mice and rats using ultrasonic waves without causing any harm to humans. The device is also known for its efficiency and stylish, functional design.

    Weight325 g
    Voltage220-240 V
    Action typeUltrasound waves (20000-27000 Hz)
    Radius400 sq.m
    Dimensions105x92x78 mm
    • the frequency of ultrasonic waves reaches 27 thousand Hz;
    • sound pressure is 130 dB;
    • temperature adjustment from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius;
    • Can be placed on the wall and ceiling.
    • relatively light weight (0.325 kg);
    • The device operates within a range of no more than 400 m.

    Cockroach repeller LS-968

    I bought this device about two months ago, but I’m already noticing the results of the work. Our whole family lives in an old-style panel house, and cockroaches constantly run across from our neighbors. But every day there are much fewer of them and it’s not scary to go into the kitchen at night to drink water. Plus, it is not noisy at all and is almost invisible after installation.


    3 490 rub.

    2nd place 4.8/5

    If you want to have a premium device, then this model is definitely worth paying attention to. The kit includes three devices at once. In addition to ergonomic energy consumption, the repeller is also safe for people and pets (cats, dogs).

    Dimensions65x50x65 mm
    Weight110 g
    Action area45 sq.m
    Voltage220 V
    Operating principleUltrasound (20-45 kHz)
    • low weight (0.11 kg);
    • temperature control from -10 to +40 degrees Celsius;
    • ultrasonic pressure does not exceed 130 dB;
    • coverage up to 45 sq.m;
    • intended for three-room apartments and large premises;
    • compact size (65x50x65 mm).
    • none.

    Cockroach repeller WK-3523

    An excellent remedy for eliminating cockroaches. We use it in basements. Previously, we constantly saved money, and therefore the results were minimal, but this time we decided not to repeat the mistakes and purchased this repeller. Another advantage is the presence of an adjustable wave emitter. It turns in different directions and thus can be controlled by ultrasound.


    3 150 rub.

    1 place 5/5

    The repeller of cockroaches, rodents and insects from the Tornado company is intended for residential and industrial premises with a coverage of up to 800 sq.m. Taking up little space, it will scare away all pests due to the high frequency and pressure of ultrasonic waves.

    Radius800 sq.m
    Dimensions90x95x130 mm
    Operating principleUltrasound waves (18-70 kHz)
    Weight0.5 kg
    Voltage220 V
    • distributes ultrasonic waves up to 800 sq.m;
    • small dimensions (90x95x130 mm);
    • ultrasonic pressure is 102 dB;
    • frost resistance;
    • temperature controller from -40 to +80 degrees.
    • weight reaches 500 g.

    Cockroach repeller Tornado-800

    Although the device is intended for three rooms, ours only covers 2. However, after 1.5 months, not a single cockroach. In addition, there is no heating in one room, but the repeller independently maintains a comfortable temperature for it. I don’t regret the amount spent one bit.

    Recommendations for using ultrasonic repellers

    Are we scaring or luring?

    If you decide to get rid of rodents using an ultrasonic repeller, then you will have to abandon other methods of “baiting”.

    All other baits and traps must be removed. You cannot scare and attract at the same time. These are two opposing ways to get rid of mice and rats.

    Using them together will not give any positive result at all. You will have the feeling that the ultrasonic repeller is not working.

    Baits with poison do not enhance the effect of the repeller, but, on the contrary, reduce its effectiveness to zero. Rats (or mice) under the influence of ultrasound would have left your premises long ago, but the smell of food in baits or traps makes them come back.

    Therefore, if we install a rat repeller, then we remove all the bait. Then it will be possible to really drive away all the rodents.

    By the way, if you installed a mouse repeller the day before yesterday, this does not mean that you can now leave half-eaten sausage on the table.

    Ultrasound does not pass through walls

    First of all, let's take into account that ultrasound travels through the air, similar to light rays.

    Imagine a table lamp. Will it illuminate the next room? 2nd floor? Basement and attic at the same time? Most likely no. Ultrasound works in much the same way. It does not pass through barriers.

    It is reflected from hard objects and absorbed by soft ones. You can partially protect yourself from ultrasound even by covering yourself with a cape - just like from light.

    Therefore, any ultrasonic repeller works effectively only within one room.

    Ultrasound does not pass through walls and ceilings (floor, ceiling). And even the most powerful ultrasonic repeller is no exception.

    Reflection and absorption of ultrasound

    If there is no upholstered furniture, curtains, carpets or other soft objects in the room, then ultrasound, due to multiple reflections from the walls, ceiling and floor, fills the entire space as much as possible (Figure 1).

    In this way, the best effect of the rodent repeller is achieved.

    In rooms where there is upholstered furniture and other objects that absorb ultrasound, there will be a minimum of reflected ultrasound, or there will be none at all (Figure 2).

    Here you can only count on the direct impact of the rodent repeller. In this case, it is better to use a more powerful ultrasonic repeller. The power reserve to a certain extent compensates for the lack of reflected ultrasound.

    Nuances of effects on rodents

    Ultrasonic repellers are designed to drive existing rodents out of the house, not to protect against one that is not there.

    According to manufacturers who have actually tested their repellers, rats and mice simply get shocked by the ultrasound and appear numb at first.

    From the point of view of their perception, it is unclear from where something unpleasant hits their “nerves”, causing severe discomfort. They are not able to immediately understand what is happening, so it often happens that in the first days of the repeller’s operation, people may see a rat running in circles or frozen in a daze.

    After some time, the rodents begin to “understand” that something wrong is happening to them and try to get out of the ultrasound range. Therefore, the passports of repellers say that the time for rodents to leave is from 3-4 days to 3-4 weeks.

    The manufacturer of the Tornado ultrasonic repeller said that one of his customers installed 4 powerful devices in the bathhouse, each of which could serve 400 m². And by morning, 16 mice were lying with their paws up - they had nowhere to go. The bathhouse was made to last, there was not a single hole in it.

    There was another similar situation. One morning, after installing the appliances, the buyer opened the door to his shed and a whole family of rats with bloodshot eyes rushed past him through the door.

    After such cases, a note appeared in the technical data sheets stating that it is advisable to leave a gap or hole into which animals can escape.

    Battery repellers

    Very often, with the onset of the winter season, people ask to be offered a battery-powered ultrasonic rodent repeller for installation in a room that is unheated in winter.

    Dear comrades, batteries do not work in winter, they freeze.

    On Chinese devices, which are mostly produced on batteries, the operating temperature of the device is not even noted. They only work at above-zero temperatures.

    If you need to install an ultrasonic repeller in an unheated room where there is no electricity, then it is best to use a car repeller (for example, “Tornado-200 - 12K”), powered by a car battery.

    Here the ultrasonic power is greater than that of a battery repeller, and the duration of continuous operation is many times longer.

    Features of accommodation

    Especially for small rooms (multi-room offices), we offer the Tornado-200 repeller for installation in each room. For apartments and country houses, we recommend installing at least one rodent repeller per floor, in the basement, or in the attic. In the basement - in each isolated compartment.

    In apartments - in the kitchen or bathroom (where they penetrate through the riser). In warehouses, the number of devices is selected depending on the workload of the room.

    Read more. It has been noticed that if there are canvas bags with food, feed, or something porous on the shelves, then the ultrasound simply “gets stuck” there. If you install one repeller in such a room, it will serve a very small area around it.

    Therefore, in such a room it is better to install several ultrasonic rodent repellers. In other words, if there are racks, then the devices are installed in the spaces between the racks, regardless of the total area of ​​the room.

    And finally, the only room whose footage can correspond to the footage specified in the technical specifications of the device is a room with shelving around the perimeter.

    In this case, for a room of 200 square meters, you can install one repeller designed for 200 square meters. In all other cases, more devices are required.

    Ultrasonic devices

    Ultrasound is considered to be acoustic waves whose frequency exceeds 20 kilohertz. Ultrahigh-frequency radiation today is widely used in medical technology and production. The human ear is not capable of perceiving very high frequencies, but some animals and insects use ultrasound to transmit information to each other and react to it.

    Ultrasonic devices, according to the developers, work effectively against a wide variety of pests

    The described feature made it possible to use ultrasound to repel pests, including cockroaches. However, in this case, more questions arise than answers, because the latter practically do not react to sounds and communicate through direct physical contact and chemical secretions.

    The operating principle of an ultrasonic repeller is quite simple. When power is applied, the electronic filling of the device generates pulses of the required amplitude. A sawtooth voltage is supplied to a special sensor (piezoelectric element or dynamic head), which generates the final acoustic signal.

    Do cockroaches feel fear when using ultrasound?

    Manufacturers of ultrasonic devices note that when the repeller is turned on, cockroaches experience a feeling of fear and panic, trying to leave the dangerous territory as quickly as possible. In light of the fact that pests do not have organs for perceiving such signals, this statement may be very doubtful.

    An effective cockroach repeller must have sufficient power

    On the other hand, some users still note a certain effect from the use of high-power ultrasonic repellers, but the operation of such devices is permissible only in the absence of people. Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of household ultrasonic repellers in the fight against cockroaches will most likely not be high, but this method is applicable in conjunction with other measures to control and prevent the appearance of pests.

    Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic devices

    Among the positive aspects of using ultrasonic cockroach repellers are:

    • ease of use - the devices do not require any specific maintenance and care;
    • safety in relation to people (there is a conflicting opinion of experts);
    • environmental friendliness - the devices do not emit harmful or toxic substances.

    The disadvantages of ultrasonic cockroach repellers are:

    • their unsafety in relation to pets - especially small rodents (hamsters, mice and rats) and birds;
    • most often low efficiency;
    • quite high price - especially for the so-called professional models.

    Rules for using a cockroach repeller

    You can achieve a certain effectiveness of the repeller by adhering to the recommended rules for its use.

    The ultrasonic cockroach repeller is placed at a height of 1–1.5 meters from the floor

    User manual:

    • use not one, but several devices at the same time. This approach will help get rid of insect colonies. Ideally, you should place an appliance in each room;
    • The repeller should not be installed level with the floor. By raising the device to a height of one meter, you will significantly increase the area of ​​its impact;
    • in a room cluttered with furniture and other interior items, the effectiveness of the ultrasonic repeller is reduced. The way out is to install two or more devices indoors;
    • While using the gadget, you need to monitor your condition, the condition of other people, especially children, as well as the behavior of pets. If anyone becomes ill, you should stop using the repeller;
    • If damage or malfunction is detected, the device should be repaired or replaced. Using a faulty device is unacceptable;
    • use the repeller in combination with other methods of control and prevention. The main remedy, for example, may be a special insecticide;
    • According to manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers, the effect of using the latter is not immediate. You should wait one to three weeks;
    • The device must operate continuously and cannot be disconnected from the network. Otherwise, the cockroaches will most likely return.

    Advantages of an electronic device

    Electronic repellers have a considerable number of advantages, discussed in the list below:

    • Safety of exposure for humans, pets, and the environment;
    • Easy to use, since to start the device you just need to plug it into a power outlet;
    • Lack of chemical exposure and pronounced odor;
    • Ease of use and absence of negative side effects;
    • Large radius of influence, which completely protects the living space;
    • Safety and noiselessness when using the device;
    • Low power consumption, so the device can work around the clock, as it does not overheat and cannot be damaged;
    • Long service life;
    • Possibility of parallel operation in combination with other electrical devices;
    • Emitted ultrasonic waves have the ability to be reflected from the surface, which contributes to their uniform distribution over the entire impact area.
    • An electric repeller quickly gives the desired effect without additional effort and protects the living space from the harmful invasion of various parasites.

    Types of pest control products

    When exterminating cockroaches from a residential area, the following methods of control are used using various means:

    1. Chemicals (preparations, gels, aerosols, powders, baits, pencils, traps);
    2. Folk remedies that you can prepare yourself;
    3. Ultrasonic repellers;
    4. Electronic type repellers.

    Chemical compounds have an aggressive effect on insects and can be dangerous to humans, children and pets. Therefore, such products require careful and correct use, as prescribed in the official instructions for use.

    Folk remedies are also quite effective, but their preparation requires personal time. A good alternative is to use ultrasonic repellers, which are used to eliminate rats, mice, pigeons and ants in the house.

    Electronic repellers are in great demand because they are easy to use. Their operating principle is based on the creation of an electromagnetic field that negatively affects the vital activity of parasites.

    Such devices have a large impact area (up to 220 sq. m) and are quite effective, as they eliminate the discomfort created by the presence of parasites in a living space.

    The device can be used when traveling out of town, as it works by simply plugging it into a power outlet or using batteries without emitting aggressive chemicals or other negative side effects.

    Tips for choosing the right model

    The market is full of different types of repellers. Practice shows that not all proposed models cope with their task. Highly effective repellers are more expensive and get rid of pests. And dubious, low-cost ones cannot even repel mosquitoes, let alone cockroaches. In this regard, it is worth following certain tips when choosing the right model:

    1. If the residents of a house or apartment purchase an expensive and undoubtedly powerful device, then it is unsafe to stay at home during its operation (about 4 weeks). The best solution would be to move out of the living area.
    2. There are devices whose action extends to no more than a square meter. Such devices are best used in rooms where people do not live, or on the street. It is allowed to place several repellers in one room, which operate at a distance of up to fifty square meters.
    3. It is necessary to carefully select the type of food. If you go on a trip or are outdoors, then it is better to use a battery-powered repeller. At home, it is recommended to use the mains power method.
    4. To avoid accidentally stumbling upon a fake, it is best to buy the device in specialized and trusted stores.
    5. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the range of the repeller. The device is not able to influence parasites through obstacles (furniture, walls, carpets).

    Universal rodent and insect repellers

    Repellers of this kind will help get rid of different types of pests. They are used both in production and at home.

    Russian repeller "GRAD A-1000 PRO"

    A universal device that has 4 operating modes (against cockroaches, mosquitoes, low power and high). The range is up to 1000 square meters. The repeller can be used in different rooms (both residential and industrial). The desired result appears within 2 weeks. The device does not overheat.

    Belgian ultrasonic repeller "Weitech WK600"

    A powerful professional remedy against rodents and insects. Weitech WK-0600 is recommended for use in enterprises, warehouses, shops, etc. It can also be used for residential areas, but in the absence of animals and people. The power of the device was confirmed by laboratory tests. The model can operate in several modes. It is possible to adjust the range and signal level. When someone is present in the room, the device can be switched to “quiet mode”.

    Typhoon LS 500

    • Dimensions: 80x60x35 mm.
    • Weight – 200 g.
    • Action area – 80 m2.
    • The emitted frequency is 19-45 kHz.

    Typhoon LS 500 is a domestically produced model that helps effectively fight cockroaches, ants and other harmful insects using ultrasound. The built-in microcontroller constantly changes the frequency of the radiation, which eliminates the possibility of addiction. The device is absolutely safe for people and pets. It can be used in residential apartments, country houses, warehouses and dining rooms. The only condition for operation is the presence of a network connection point. The effective area of ​​the device is 80 m2.

    The first signs of insect disappearance are observed after 1-2 weeks of continuous work. Complete disappearance is observed after 3-4 weeks of continuous operation of the device, after which it can be turned on in cyclic mode: for example, at night, when insect activity increases. This model has been produced for more than ten years. During this time, the design has never changed, which says a lot about the quality and reliability of the workmanship. Each device undergoes a cycle of tests and monitoring of compliance with the stated technical characteristics.


    Naturally, reviews about these devices are both positive and negative. Most likely, it depends on how effective the device was purchased. Many people point to the effectiveness of the ultrasonic repeller “Pest Reject”, an American manufacturer. Many who had to deal with insect problems were satisfied with his work. Some users note the effective operation of the “GRR09” repeller, but it is worth noting that the principle of propagation of ultrasonic waves is such that they cannot bypass obstacles, much less penetrate walls. By installing the device in one room, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the same effect in other rooms. The same positive reviews are found about the work of the “Ultrasonic Duet” model. But regarding the AR-120 model, many owners respond negatively, claiming that this device only repels mosquitoes.

    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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