How to breed and use Tanrek against aphids

Description and features of the drug

The action is based on the penetration of a toxic substance through the gastrointestinal tract of the pest. After treatment, Tanrek is first absorbed into the root system of the plant. When insects taste poisoned greens, the insecticidal substance affects the central nervous system of the bugs, it becomes immobilized. As a result, the aphid dies, and along with it the bugs that fed on it.

Take note! "Tanrek" has a prolonged effect, which applies to adult parasites and their larvae. Effectiveness lasts for two to four weeks. It is enough to spray once, since the composition is not washed off by rain.

Its feature is as follows:

  1. It affects systemically, including the central nervous system.
  2. Can destroy ground beetles, weevils, but not ticks and other arthropods.
  3. Protection lasts for 30 days.
  4. The toxic substance gets exclusively into the root part, and not into the berries (fruits). Therefore, “Tanrek” against aphids and whiteflies can be used with a drip irrigation system for the garden.
  5. Has high sensitivity.

After spraying, crops that are hypersensitive to this drug may begin to turn yellow. For example: orchids and conifers. But if other chemicals have been used up to this point, then you need to look for the root of the problem by eliminating previous options and including special additives.

Biological products

Aktara: instructions for use, reviews, how to dilute

Aphids can be destroyed using biological preparations. Their use will reduce the risk of negative consequences for plants.

"Iskra bio"

This drug does not contain components harmful to humans. Therefore, plants can be treated with it even 2 days before harvest. In addition to safety, Iskra Bio is efficient and economical. One 10 ml bottle is enough to spray an area of ​​50–100 m2.


This aphid remedy is based on a substance obtained from the metaplasm of fungi. As soon as it enters the digestive system, the pest begins to lose the ability to move. This causes the aphid to starve and die from exhaustion after 72 hours.

Fitoverm dosages depend on the number of pests in the garden and the type of plant. However, in most cases, use 3-4 ml of product per 5 liters of water. The prepared solution is sprayed onto garden crops and the area around them.


The basis of this plant medicine is metronidazole. Gelatin, starch and magnesium stearate are used as additional components. The drug is produced in the form of tablets.


This harmless biological product can be used for several seasons. It is not addictive to pests and has a long shelf life.

“Actofit” is sprayed on plants affected by aphids during the growing season. To prepare a poisonous emulsion, mix the required amount of the substance with water (¼ of the total volume). The product is infused for 5 minutes and diluted with the remaining liquid.


It has a rapid contact-intestinal effect and quickly destroys all pests. The product is used to protect fruit trees, shrubs and vegetable crops. Before use, 3 g of powder is dissolved in 5 liters of water. This amount of finished poison is enough to treat 100 m2.


This biological product has a systemic effect. Once the garden is sprayed, it becomes part of the insect's food chain and quickly kills it. "Fufanon" is used in the same way as "Trichopol". In this case, you need to be as careful as possible, since in excessive dosages the product harms the plant.


“Strela” is a super powder that leaves no chance for aphids to survive. Its active ingredient is bitoxybacillin, which is often used in the manufacture of various pesticides.

The product is used to treat various garden crops. To do this, 50 g of powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is sprayed not only on affected but also healthy plants.


This is the safest biological product with an intestinal effect. It is made from metabolic products of bacteria, which are absolutely harmless to humans, but poisonous to insects.


This modern drug is designed to destroy aphids and prevent their reappearance. It quickly penetrates the insect's body and blocks its ability to absorb nutrients from plants. Because of this, the pest dies within a few hours.

The amount of Akarin used depends on the type of plant and ranges from 2 to 10 ml.

Suitable for protecting which plants

The majority of pests die during treatment, causing paralysis. It is also used to protect the following plant crops:

  • fruit trees;
  • roses;
  • currants;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • viburnum;
  • dill;
  • raspberries;
  • indoor plants.

Note! With constant use of Tanrek, insects may develop resistance. That is, they will not react to it. So the drug must be alternated with other insecticides from this line.

Rules for using the product

To achieve positive dynamics in solving the problem, you need to know how to properly use the Tanrek aphid repellent and how many times per season to carry out the treatment.

During the season, you can spray every 3 weeks if you notice that the product has stopped working.

Rules for using the product for crops:

  • Flowers. Dilute "Tanrek" against aphids on roses and other flowering plants that grow in beds or at home according to the following scheme: 3 ml per 10 liters of liquid (this is for open ground). For indoor flower crops: 5 ml per 10 liters of liquid. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray each leaf. This must be done before flowering.
  • Apple tree. Treatment is carried out before the apples set or after the budding period. Prepare the solution according to this principle: 3 ml of insecticidal preparation per 10 liters of water. Spray 2–5 liters per tree. For small (new) seedlings, two to three liters are enough, and for mature trees - at least five.
  • Currant. Treatment is usually carried out before flowering begins. In very rare cases, this is done after the ovaries have formed. Scheme for preparing the working solution: 3 ml “Tanrek” per 10 liters of liquid. It should take at least one and a half liters per bush.
  • Potato. The treatment is carried out after the first hilling, when visible potato bushes appear above the ground. "Tanrek" will destroy aphids and insects at any stage of development. Per 100 square meters 5 liters of diluted insecticidal preparation. The last treatment should be no later than a month before the start of potato digging.
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse. The insecticidal working solution "Tanrek" is prepared in the same way as for potatoes. Consumption of the finished composition: 1–3 liters per 10 square meters.

“Tanrek” needs to be bred as long as it is needed to process the crop. It is not subject to further storage. Use immediately.

Rules for working with insecticide

Tanrek belongs to hazard class 3 insecticides, that is, moderately toxic to people and warm-blooded animals. When working with the drug, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and be sure to use personal protective equipment.

Waiting period before harvest:

  • potatoes, wheat, pumpkin – up to 23 days;
  • salads and leafy greens, cucumbers and tomatoes in protected soil – up to 4 days;
  • ornamental and flower plants – up to 7 days.

After treatment with Tanrek, manual and mechanized work in a greenhouse is allowed no earlier than 24 hours later, in open beds - only after 3-4 days.

Tanrek is an effective broad-spectrum insecticide. It helps get rid of many insects at various stages of their development. Remains highly effective in various weather conditions and provides long-lasting protective effect. When using personal protective equipment and correct proportions, the drug is safe for humans, animals and beneficial insects.

Instructions for use

Develop the prepared insecticidal composition within six hours. The basic rules of use are as follows:

  1. Carry out the treatment in sunny, windless weather in the morning or evening.
  2. You can use metal and plastic sprayers; this will not affect the properties of the drug in any way.
  3. Use the prepared insecticidal composition strictly according to the standards specified in the instructions for use. You cannot pour 10 liters of solution onto one or two bushes at once.

"Tanrek" can be mixed with some fungicidal preparations against ticks. Namely: “Topaz”, “Horus”, “Bi-58”, “Omite”. Each of them has its own instructions for use.


  • Purpose and application
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action "Tanrek"
  • Processing regulations
  • a) Regulations for treatments with the drug “Tanrek” on private farms
  • b) Regulations for treatment with the drug “Tanrek” in agricultural production
  • Restrictions and security
  • Phytoxicity
  • Compatibility "Tanrek, VRK"
  • Analogues of the drug "Tanrek, VRK"
  • Advantages and disadvantages

"Tanrek" is a systemic insecticide with acute contact-intestinal action. The material includes purpose, composition, mechanism of action, regulations for use, compatibility, analogues, restrictions and safety.

Precautionary measures

Since all insecticidal preparations pose a danger to humans, basic precautions must be taken:

  1. Measures to preserve crops using Tanrek should be carried out in remote areas from reservoirs - 1.5 km, from residential buildings - 50 m, apiaries - 5 km.
  2. Be sure to wear waterproof special clothing, capes with a hood, and rubber protective gloves. All this can be purchased at a specialized hardware department. For greater self-protection, experts recommend wearing special masks with a respirator.
  3. It is better to use respirator petals, despite the fact that the drug has a low level of volatility.

Using “Tanrek” against aphids, whiteflies and other pests of garden crops, it will be possible to reduce crop losses.

Terms and conditions of storage

Any insecticidal preparation must be kept away from children and animals. Storage temperature from –25 to +35 degrees Celsius. The shelf life is 36 months.

To prepare the solution, you need to use unnecessary utensils that are not used for preparing and eating food.

When using it, be sure to read the instructions, since if the prescribed dosages are not followed, side effects may occur on plant crops. So, if you exceed the norm, the leaves of the flowers may turn yellow. And there is no way to stop this action. Therefore, it is important to know how to use the Tanrek aphid remedy.

Does Tanrek help against bed bugs?

This amazing drug has another non-obvious use. Many people claim that it is effective against home and country bed bugs. Since the drug is non-toxic for people and animals, treating beds with it will be safe for health.

Reviews on the use of Tanrek VRK against bed bugs:

Efficiency and analogues

The effectiveness of the drug lies in the fact that the toxic substance is carried with the plant juice only into the leaves, and not into the fruits (berries). It is often used with a drip irrigation system. The protection period lasts about a month. So, one to three treatments per season are sufficient. If you notice that the result after the first procedure is minimal, it is worth repeating the process, but using a different insecticidal preparation - an analogue of Tanrek.


  • "Confidor";
  • "Prestige";
  • "Taboo";
  • "Kalash";
  • "Bison";
  • "Respect";
  • "Monsoon";
  • "Confidelin";
  • "Biotlin Bau".

Their cost does not exceed 20 rubles per 1 ampoule of 1.5 ml.

Aktara indoors

For greenhouse and indoor plants, it is better to buy liquid Aktara: it is convenient to take it out of the package with a syringe (see above) literally milligrams at a time (if you use an insulin syringe. The norms and schemes for using Aktara in greenhouses are the same as for open ground. But it is better to spray indoor flowers just use a hand-held sprayer in places where pests are concentrated (see figure).

Indoor plants affected by sucking pests

They give approx. 1/4 of the dose, evenly distributing this share among the nests, and the rest is used in the usual manner. For example, how to use Aktara for violets and cyclamens, see the video:

Video: Aktara processing of new violets and Cyclamens

It is better to take Aktara for flower greenhouses in ampoules of 1.2 g each. The ampoule is diluted in 6 liters of water for sporadic and moderate damage to plants or in 3 liters of water for severe damage. A portion of the working solution will be enough for approx. for 100-150 small plants and 200-300 large ones. For preventive watering, the same Aktara ampoule is diluted in a bucket of water. Watering rate is 50 ml per 1 liter of pot volume or 70 ml per 1 cubic meter. dm container for soil. For indoor plants, 10 liters of watering solution is plenty. To make it smaller, you need to take not an ampoule, but a 1.4 g package of VDG and divide it into parts, as described above. However, here every gardener has his own tricks, see for example. plot:

Video: how to breed Aktar for indoor plants

However, the danger of Aktara indoors does not decrease at all. Therefore, both spraying and watering with Aktara are carried out next. way:

  • Before starting work with Aktara, everyone except the operator leaves the room in which the processing will be carried out;
  • Doors and windows close tightly;
  • Having finished work (PPE is a must!), the operator also leaves the room, tightly closing the door behind him;
  • The room is kept closed for 2 hours;
  • After the exposure period has expired, the room is ventilated for 6 hours after spraying and 2 hours after watering;
  • Free entry to the premises opens no earlier than 24 hours after treatment with Aktara. Until then, only the operator in PPE can enter, tightly closing the door behind him.

If Aktara is used for indoor flowers in an apartment, treatment with the drug can only be carried out in a glazed balcony or loggia. The door to living rooms must have a seal. If it is not there, you need to arrange a temporary one by gluing with tape along the contour of the doorway a linen cord in 2-3 rows.


Aktara is compatible with all agrochemicals that have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction, incl. containing other neonicotinoids. Incompatible with alkaline compounds: Bordeaux mixture, any preparations with lime, soap or based on an infusion of stove ash.

Additional tips and tricks

The most common mistake of most summer residents is preparing an insecticidal solution in double volume. The remainder is left for the next day, thinking that its effectiveness will continue, but this is not the case. Use the composition immediately after dilution, and there is no need to prepare a large volume at once.

Useful tips:

  1. If it rains, postpone treatment until tomorrow. Ideal weather is sunny and calm.
  2. Be sure to wear a waterproof cape and respirator. "Tanrek" has level III toxicity.
  3. It is better to dispose of the remaining insecticidal composition; it is no longer suitable for next use. If you hate to throw it away, you can give it to your neighbor.

By following all these recommendations, it will be possible to increase productivity and minimize the appearance of various insects. "Tanrek" is an effective remedy against aphids, adults, whiteflies and other garden pests.

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