Fomor Anti-mold thermosublimating block for disinfection


The product has a wide spectrum of disinfectant action against: mold and yeast-like fungi (including Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus versicolor, Absidia corymbifera, Candida alblcans); gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella serotype enteritidis, Enterococcus hirae, Campylobacter jejuni, Pseudomonas aeruginsa, Proteus vulgaris): viruses (including avian influenza viruses, pathogens of Newcastle disease , Gumboro disease, classical swine fever and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome).

When the agent is activated, an exothermic reaction begins and orthophenylphenol sublimes. The resulting vapors have high penetrating ability and are well distributed throughout the room.

According to the degree of impact on the body, the product belongs to hazard class 2 in accordance with the classification of GOST 12.1.007-76. According to the degree of potential danger when used according to GOST R 51270, the product belongs to class I. A dangerous factor in the operating product is high-temperature combustion products. The radius of the danger zone is no more than 0.5 m.

The substance is low toxic, but is a proven carcinogen. LD50 is 2980 mg/kg (rats, orally), skin LD50 > 5000 mg/kg (rats) - hazard class 3 - moderately hazardous substances - according to GOST-12.1.007-76.

The maximum permissible concentration value is 0.3 mg/m3, which is contained in the air mainly in the state of an aerosol (Hygienic standards GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area).

MPC/MAC in soil (mg/kg), in water of reservoirs (mg/dm3), in atmospheric air - not standardized (GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemicals in soil, GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemical substances in the water of water bodies for domestic, drinking and cultural water use), GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of urban and rural settlements.

Composition of smoke bombs

The composition of these devices most often includes the following chemical components:

  • Sulfur compounds - when burned, they turn into anhydride, a chemical for disinfection and destruction of pests;
  • Hexachlorane is a chemical substance that paralyzes the nervous system and negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract of insects. It is often used for baiting not only domestic but also garden parasites (caterpillars, locusts and others);
  • Didecyldimethylammonium bromide - consists of various bacteria, is actively used in agriculture.


Disinfection is carried out after mechanical cleaning and washing of disinfection surfaces, at a room temperature of not lower than 15°C in the absence of animals, service personnel, food products and products of animal origin, with mandatory prior notification of all workers about the treatment being carried out. Before disinfection, the room is sealed: windows, doors, exhaust hatches are closed, and ventilation is turned off.

Before starting work, you should calculate the number of checkers required for a given room, arrange them evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the room on non-flammable substrates in a horizontal position. Make sure there are no people or animals left in the room. Open the jars.

Activate the disinfectant Checker Fomor Anti-Mold, located in the jar, using a fire source (gas burner, wick (ignite and place on the surface of the thermal mixture, without sticking), another fire source). Put out the flame, if any. The checkers should be set on fire, starting with the one farthest from the entrance to the room. After lighting the bomb, the disinfectant must leave the room. The checkers should smolder, emitting smoke without the appearance of fire. Exposure: at least two hours. If possible, the premises should be left for up to 24 hours. After the set exposure has expired, windows and doors must be opened and ventilation turned on. Ventilate for at least 60 minutes until the odor is completely removed.

Consumption rate of the product: for forced disinfection of livestock, poultry and fur farming premises, treatment is carried out at the consumption rate: 100 g of product - per 50 m3. For preventive disinfection: 100g of product per 100m3 of room.

How do checkers against cockroaches work?

The main feature of checkers, which distinguishes them from dusts, gels, aerosols and traps, is the quick and reliable destruction of the entire population of parasites. You don't have to wait weeks for a cockroach to run across a powdered surface or eat a poisonous bait. Poisonous smoke acts immediately - its work does not depend on where exactly the insects are hiding during this procedure.

15 best ways to get rid of cockroaches at home

A smoke bomb is effective against all insects, since its poisonous vapors can penetrate into the smallest crevices

How does the insecticide get into the body of cockroaches? The smoke bomb has a prolonged effect (contact, intestinal and fumigation). First, its active substances penetrate the respiratory tract and seep through the chitinous membranes. The enhanced effect of the device leads to paralysis of the nervous system and causes inevitable death of insects. Those who manage to survive after a massive attack will pick up the poison from the floor, furniture or walls. Already at the first attempt to clean its mustache, the cockroach will swallow the poison and die at the same moment. As for the effect, it lasts for a month.

Checkers can be used in:

  • hangars, basements and garages;
  • at the dachas;
  • in apartments and private properties;
  • in economic and industrial buildings;
  • in open areas.

Models of checkers differ in composition, range, size and concentration. So, for residential premises it is better to buy less concentrated analogues, while more powerful models are suitable for treating open areas and industrial buildings.

Advice! When removing cockroaches using a smoke bomb, insects can migrate to neighboring apartments, so do not forget to block all possible escape routes in advance. To prevent smoke from escaping through the ventilation, seal it with masking tape.


Treatment of premises should be carried out in the absence of people, pets, birds, and fish. Before processing, seal the rooms being treated and those adjacent to them (seal ventilation vents, close windows, doors, etc.). At least 2 hours after treatment, the room should be ventilated for at least 60 minutes until the odor is completely removed.

When working with checkers, the following safety measures are mandatory: do not lean over the checkers when setting a checker on fire; There should be no flammable objects within the radius of the danger zone.

Those working with the products must observe the following precautions: before starting to work with the products, the exterminator provides instructions on safety precautions and first aid measures.

Persons carrying out disinfestation must use personal protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment includes: a robe or overalls, oversleeves, rubber technical gloves or cotton mittens with a film coating, hermetic safety glasses (PO-2, PO-3, monoblock), universal respirators RU-60M, RPG-67 with a cartridge of grade A. Approximate protection time is at least 100 hours.

The principle of action of the drug

Bedbugs are tenacious insects; pests have inhabited the planet since ancient times. Parasites have a small body size, thanks to which they penetrate into places where it is impossible to reach to destroy them. In addition, they quickly move around the room, sometimes using people's clothing as a means of transportation.

In most cases, bedbugs lead an active lifestyle at night. But there are cases when they bite a person during the daytime. Such activity means the room is heavily infested with an insect population.

In such a situation, a smoke bomb is an effective means of controlling insects. If it is used, people can get rid of bedbugs in almost a day.


The insectoacaricidal product is stored in separate warehouses in sealed packaging from the manufacturer, in a place protected from direct sunlight, away from sources of open fire and heating devices, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 30°C. They transport funds by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport. The shelf life of the disinfectant, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production.

Buy Fomor Anti-mold thermosublimating block for disinfection with delivery

It is possible in an online pet store and veterinary pharmacy on the portal on the drug page or in a real store in Moscow. We provide fast delivery through our courier service and shopping center. Full delivery terms are available on the product page and the Delivery tab.

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The current availability of goods on the website does not guarantee availability in the warehouse at the time of placing the order.

The Fomorian Antimold checker is intended for preventive and forced disinfection of veterinary supervision facilities, equipment and equipment located in them for caring for animals. The sublimation mixture is a dark brown or black powder.


The product has a wide spectrum of disinfectant action against: mold and yeast-like fungi (including Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus versicolor, Absidia corymbifera, Candida alblcans); gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella serotype enteritidis, Enterococcus hirae, Campylobacter jejuni, Pseudomonas aeruginsa, Proteus vulgaris): viruses (including avian influenza viruses, pathogens of Newcastle disease , Gumboro disease, classical swine fever and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome).

When the agent is activated, an exothermic reaction begins and orthophenylphenol sublimes. The resulting vapors have high penetrating ability and are well distributed throughout the room.

According to the degree of impact on the body, the product belongs to hazard class 2 in accordance with the classification of GOST 12.1.007-76. According to the degree of potential danger when used according to GOST R 51270, the product belongs to class I. A dangerous factor in the operating product is high-temperature combustion products. The radius of the danger zone is no more than 0.5 m.

The substance is low toxic, but is a proven carcinogen. LD50 is 2980 mg/kg (rats, orally), skin LD50 > 5000 mg/kg (rats) - hazard class 3 - moderately hazardous substances - according to GOST-12.1.007-76.

The maximum permissible concentration value is 0.3 mg/m3, which is contained in the air mainly in the state of an aerosol (Hygienic standards GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area).

MPC/MAC in soil (mg/kg), in water of reservoirs (mg/dm3), in atmospheric air - not standardized (GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemicals in soil, GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemical substances in the water of water bodies for domestic, drinking and cultural water use), GN Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of urban and rural settlements.

Popular manufacturers

Today, many trusted manufacturers have smoke bombs against pests in their assortment.

"Quiet evening"

A permethrin smoke bomb called “Quiet Evening” from the PyroFX brand is considered one of the most effective means of controlling pests. The checker, the cost of which is approximately 400-500 rubles, is effective both in open areas and indoors. According to the standard, one washer is enough to process 1 thousand cubic meters. A special advantage of this variety is the fact that the checker, in parallel with cockroaches, repels mosquitoes, flies and other pests. It should be mentioned that “Silent Evening” was originally intended only to scare away bloodsuckers.


The sulfur bomb "Climate" from Green Belt is most often used to treat grain storage facilities, agricultural buildings and even farms. This powerful product kills not only cockroaches, but also fleas and ticks. One 300-gram puck is enough to fumigate 10-15 cubic meters. The disadvantages of this product include the pungent odor that occurs during its use. The cost of “Climate” starts from 60 rubles.


“Fas” is also a sulfur-based saber, the average price of which is 50 rubles. This tool allows you to eradicate cockroaches from your apartment in a very short time.


The permethrin bomb "City" is designed to combat cockroaches, woodlice, ants and bedbugs both at commercial facilities and in residential enclosed spaces. The cost of one washer does not exceed 100-200 rubles, and it is sold in stores for fishermen, hunters and gardeners. "City" does not give off a flame, but when smoldering it warms up quite clearly.


The Raptor brand does not have smoke bombs against cockroaches in its assortment, but there is an aquafumigator with similar properties. This insecticidal fog generator produces smoke particles of a larger size than those produced when burning conventional washers, as a result of which they settle faster and are less likely to get into hidden places. As a result, the effect of use against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other parasites is not always satisfactory. However, the big advantage of this drug is the possibility of using it when people are in an apartment.


The best smoke bombs for cockroaches also include Cypermethrin, a potent agent with a wide spectrum of action. The low-toxic drug successfully fights spiders, cockroaches, flies and other pests. It can be used both in industrial premises and in residential spaces.

Unlike conventional checkers, it works according to its own scheme: a container with contents is placed on top of a jar of water, as a result of which white smoke appears after a minute. The entire fumigation lasts about 10 minutes.


Disinfection is carried out after mechanical cleaning and washing of disinfection surfaces, at a room temperature of not lower than 15°C in the absence of animals, service personnel, food products and products of animal origin, with mandatory prior notification of all workers about the treatment being carried out. Before disinfection, the room is sealed: windows, doors, exhaust hatches are closed, and ventilation is turned off.

Before starting work, you should calculate the number of checkers required for a given room, arrange them evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the room on non-flammable substrates in a horizontal position. Make sure there are no people or animals left in the room. Open the jars.

Activate the disinfectant Checker Fomor Anti-Mold, located in the jar, using a fire source (gas burner, wick (ignite and place on the surface of the thermal mixture, without sticking), another fire source). Put out the flame, if any. The checkers should be set on fire, starting with the one farthest from the entrance to the room. After lighting the bomb, the disinfectant must leave the room. The checkers should smolder, emitting smoke without the appearance of fire. Exposure: at least two hours. If possible, the premises should be left for up to 24 hours. After the set exposure has expired, windows and doors must be opened and ventilation turned on. Ventilate for at least 60 minutes until the odor is completely removed.

Consumption rate of the product: for forced disinfection of livestock, poultry and fur farming premises, treatment is carried out at the consumption rate: 100 g of product - per 50 m3. For preventive disinfection: 100g of product per 100m3 of room.

Smoke bomb for cockroaches - what is it?

The insecticidal smoke bomb is considered an unconventional remedy for home parasites, which most people know almost nothing about. Meanwhile, they are very highly efficient and have a lot of important and undeniable advantages:

  • They allow you to destroy almost all known insects - cockroaches, fleas, ants, bedbugs, mosquitoes, etc.;
  • Economical use - if used correctly, one such checker is enough to disinfest an area of ​​300 sq. m. area;
  • Quick effect - the death of parasites occurs within 24 hours;
  • No residual effect - after ventilation the room is completely cleared of toxic substances.

Experts identify several reasons for such high performance:

Reason 1. One smoke bomb emits much more insecticidal aerosol (fine) than 5 cans of Raptor or Dichlorvos-Neo.

Reason 2. Toxic smoke evenly envelops the entire perimeter. Absolutely everything can be treated, so you don’t have to look for cockroach nests - they will definitely fall into the insecticidal zone.

Reason 3. Along with smoke, chemicals penetrate even the most inaccessible areas - cracks in walls and floors, under baseboards, into outlet holes, through furniture upholstery. A smoke bomb can cope where any other method would be powerless. Consumer reviews indicate that the effectiveness of smoke disinfection of a room is equivalent to the operation of cold and hot fog generators, which are often used by SES services. Moreover, the device costs almost ten times less than calling specialists.

When using a smoke bomb against cockroaches, you will not be able to control the effectiveness of treatment of specific areas of the apartment (perhaps the most infested). Another significant drawback of this product is its persistent odor - it can be stored for 2 weeks.


Treatment of premises should be carried out in the absence of people, pets, birds, and fish. Before processing, seal the rooms being treated and those adjacent to them (seal ventilation vents, close windows, doors, etc.). At least 2 hours after treatment, the room should be ventilated for at least 60 minutes until the odor is completely removed.

When working with checkers, the following safety measures are mandatory: do not lean over the checkers when setting a checker on fire; There should be no flammable objects within the radius of the danger zone.

Those working with the products must observe the following precautions: before starting to work with the products, the exterminator provides instructions on safety precautions and first aid measures.

Persons carrying out disinfestation must use personal protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment includes: a robe or overalls, oversleeves, rubber technical gloves or cotton mittens with a film coating, hermetic safety glasses (PO-2, PO-3, monoblock), universal respirators RU-60M, RPG-67 with a cartridge of grade A. Approximate protection time is at least 100 hours.


The insectoacaricidal product is stored in separate warehouses in sealed packaging from the manufacturer, in a place protected from direct sunlight, away from sources of open fire and heating devices, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 30°C. They transport funds by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport. The shelf life of the disinfectant, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production.

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