Cold and hot mist for cockroaches, which is better and what to choose

Cockroaches are parasites that very easily adapt to any living conditions and at the same time reproduce at an incredible speed. When these insects appear in a house, they not only worsen the overall sanitary condition of the home, they contribute to the spread of a variety of diseases dangerous to humans.

We recommend ordering professional removal of cockroaches using cold fog and hot fog from the company Dezcenter-Rus LLC. High-quality, effective and most importantly safe cold fog treatment in the apartment and at any facility!

If there are cockroaches

If cockroaches are found in the house, it is necessary to urgently begin to fight them. First of all, you need to put the room in complete order by doing general cleaning or even minor repairs. This especially applies to the bathroom, kitchen and toilet. In addition, you need to get rid of deposits of old trash, you need to take out the trash can every day, do not leave food items open on the table, and wipe the sink dry at night.

To destroy parasites throughout the apartment, you need to lay out crayons, scatter powders, and use special aerosols and traps. But treating the room with simple chemicals can only help for a short time. After some time, pests will again occupy the already inhabited space, crawling out of air ducts, baseboards, cracks and other inaccessible places. Obviously, after the ineffectiveness of the treatments made, an important question will arise: “What helps most against cockroaches?” What can penetrate the smallest cracks and destroy pests, their eggs and larvae? This is steam. After its amazing all-pervasive effect, cockroaches have no chance of survival.

Additional barrier protection against bedbugs in an apartment or house

Barrier protection includes the following measures, which are used by a professional as an additional method of combating bedbugs:

  • Mechanical barriers against parasites - screens on windows in the house, traps, canopies, devices for bed legs.
  • Repellers are either mechanical, natural, or chemical means that would affect the sense of smell and pulsation of an insect in which it is highly developed.
  • The extermination barrier is insecticides that are applied in the form of a line, the border of which the insect cannot cross due to the toxic composition of the drug, which is detrimental to it.

To carry out sanitary work in an apartment, special equipment is used, which must include:

  • loose overalls that fit tightly in the areas of the hands and feet, completely covering the body;
  • mask with a respirator - you can use a soft mask-helmet that would cover the entire head;
  • gloves;
  • glasses and respirator separately;
  • special shoes.

The exterminator puts all this on during preparation for disinfestation work and treating the apartment from parasites and removes it after treatment. He must put all his clothes and equipment in a sealed bag, and then at his sanitation station these clothes are handed over to the laundry, where the appropriate cleaning, washing and washing are carried out. In the client’s apartment or house, the disinfector should not clean his used workwear. Such safety measures help keep the environment free from the spread of chemicals.

Killing cockroaches with fog

Steaming cockroaches is an extremely effective way to combat insects, which involves the use of special generators in the room being treated that release microparticles of a special solution into the space under the influence of temperature and pressure. The action of such high-tech equipment is similar to conventional high-power aerosol treatment and can be performed hot or cold, low-toxic and absolutely safe for humans. The solution, which contains an insecticidal preparation and water, turns into tiny droplets that can penetrate into inaccessible places and then settle on their surface. The effectiveness of the action is many times greater than the use of any highly effective sprays, since it significantly saves the effort and time spent. Instead of just slowly spraying the solution from a conventional spray bottle, you can do the same job much faster and much better using special equipment.

Steam from cockroaches: benefits

Important advantages of treating a room with fog:

  • High ability of penetration of poisons into hard-to-reach places.
  • Quick destruction of cockroaches and other pests.
  • Penetration of the active substance into a variety of hard-to-reach places.
  • The possibility of using the method in one step with the complete destruction of eggs in large premises.
  • efficiency.
  • Highly effective prevention of parasites.

Advantages of a fog generator over a manual sprayer

If you compare a generator that sprays fog with a hand sprayer or spray gun, you will find that the former copes with the problem much faster and covers a much larger area and volume of treatment of the apartment than a sprayer. However, scammers can use an aerosol sprayer under the guise of generating equipment - the result is obvious. The pests will temporarily disappear, but literally after a short time they can make themselves known again. Moreover, if you look into places where insects accumulate, you will still see the remains of adults or larvae, which already confirms the poor quality of the service provided.

If you are at least a little versed in technology, then you can easily figure out what is being offered to you - disinfestation with specialized equipment or a spray gun. The fact is that regular spraying is nothing, but the use of droplets that settle here, leaving untreated walls behind furniture, folds of curtains and other places where fog could reach. A generator is a rather complex apparatus. It has an electric pump that pumps the working solution and sprays the liquid into the air through a tube. And the sprayer has a simple device in the form of a tank, so they are easy to distinguish.

Killing cockroaches with hot fog

Destruction of parasites with fog can be done either cold or hot. The operation of hot fog generators is based on the operating principle of a regular kettle: the formation of special steam from a liquid, which, when released into the environment, immediately cools and becomes fog. This method is called hot because of its high temperature of the solution heated by the generator (70 °C), under the influence of which the active chemicals act very powerfully. The more microparticles of moisture there are in the environment, the more likely the fog will penetrate into various hiding places of cockroaches and is guaranteed to get rid of both adult parasites and clutches of eggs. The hot fog settles completely only after 10 hours.

Operating principle of hot fog

The principle of hot fog treatment is to spray poison, which, under the influence of ambient temperature, easily turns into hot particles of steam and then penetrates into any hard-to-reach corners. An invisible, stable film formed on surfaces upon contact with the parasite infects it with poison, and it, in turn, infects its population and dies.

Eliminating insects with hot fog is a method, one of the advantages of which is the duration of action: the settled particles of poison kill parasites for a very long period. Hot fog, which is used to completely destroy cockroaches in the house, according to reviews from apartment residents, also:

  • Prevents the formation of fungus and mold.
  • Protects against a variety of insects.
  • Reduces the number of dangerous microorganisms present in the air.

We recommend ordering professional removal of cockroaches using cold fog and hot fog from the company Dezcenter-Rus LLC. High-quality, effective and most importantly safe cold fog treatment in the apartment and at any facility!

Areas of use of hot fog

Currently, hot steam treatment is used for:

  • Getting rid of various pests in enclosed spaces, as well as in open spaces.
  • Destruction of all kinds of viruses in crowded places.
  • Removing bad odors.

Destruction of cockroaches with fog, reviews from apartment residents who began the fight against cockroaches say that for a 100% result, it is not advisable to open the room for 2 hours after treatment.

Reasons for failure

Hot fog treatment for bedbugs In most cases, one treatment is sufficient to destroy the entire population of parasites.
Before starting disinfestation, specialists carry out search activities to find the nest. They destroy the colony of parasites almost immediately. The pest begins to die within 15 minutes after treatment. The rest of the imago and nymphs die gradually over the course of a day. The fog settles on the surface, creating a layer of poison that remains active for at least 14 days. The larvae, emerging from the egg, receive a lethal dose. They die within a few minutes. There are no more eggs left, the bed bug family is destroyed.

But it happens differently when, after complete disinfestation, insects continue to bite, live, and reproduce. There are several reasons why the bedbugs did not die.

Experts used an insufficiently powerful product, or the insects developed immunity to the active component. To achieve results, it is necessary to use a product based on a different insecticide.

On a note!

After treating the premises with a generator, specialists provide a guarantee for six months or a year. They must monitor the results within a month. Check the premises after 10 days, 20. If during this time live individuals are found, specialists are required to carry out repeated disinsection at their own expense.

Killing cockroaches with cold fog

What is cold mist for cockroaches ? The destruction of parasites with cold fog is based on the decomposition of the working poison into microparticles, the temperature of which is the same as the temperature of the external environment. Drops of cold fog, ejected under pressure, are slightly larger than those of hot steam, therefore they do not warm up and fully correspond to the ambient temperature. Microparticles first rush upward, then descend down, completely filling the internal space. Remains in the air for 4 hours from the moment of treatment.

When filling a room with cold fog, in order to avoid a very strong increase in humidity in it, you must strictly follow the manufacturer’s official instructions. Cold or hot mist from cockroaches reviews indicate the need to lower the humidity level before treatment. The settling drops of the sprayed product do not leave stains on textiles.

What to do after disinfestation?

When pest control is over, carry out wet cleaning; hard-to-reach places or the back walls of furniture should not be ignored either. As practice shows, independent extermination of insects using this method often aggravates the situation.

Not all insecticides work on insects. It is not always possible to completely get rid of insects in one procedure, even with the use of the latest drugs.

Trust the professionals

to entrust the extermination of cockroaches with fog, reviews from St. Petersburg , of which confirm the high effectiveness of this method, to companies that professionally engage in pest control and disinfection of premises. Of course, the method of getting rid of parasites does not cause any particular difficulties, and you can even do it yourself. However, this will require special equipment, the purchase of which for one-time processing is unlikely to be economically justified. Household generator models are available for sale, but only for treating a room with cold fog. Special hot fog sprayers are currently produced only for industrial use.

Attention to safety

One of the reasons why it is better to call a specialist is the high probability of poisoning if safety precautions are not followed. Specialized companies have a complete set of equipment for disinfestation.

The face, body, eyes and respiratory tract must be fully protected. The performer must wear:

  • Gas mask or full-face respirator with a high-quality filter system;
  • Overalls or closed workwear made of thick fabric;
  • Shoes;
  • Gloves, glasses.

Important! The first signs of illness: burning sensation on the skin, nausea, headache, confusion. The minimum program is to quickly go out into the fresh air and put on clean clothes. If the proposed measures do not help, seek medical help.

Cold and hot fog from cockroaches: differences

Cold fog generator

Cold fog or hot from cockroaches ? What are the differences between cold and hot fog treatments? And which of these methods is the most effective? Both methods show excellent results in the fight against parasites. The only difference is the size of the particles formed. Hot fog - 5-30 microns, cold fog from cockroaches in the apartment - 30-80 microns. In addition, the rate of deposition of the active substance differs. With the hot method it is lower than with cold processing. It is advisable to use fog to eliminate cockroaches only with proven insecticides. The product must not only be highly effective, but also not have an unpleasant, persistent odor, and also be safe enough for residents of the premises. The best insecticides for ridding your home of cockroaches are Chlorofos, Karbofos, Pyrethrum, and Microfos.

Features of cooperation

  • Deadline - professionalism of employees ensures good results at high speeds. On average, processing an apartment or house takes 40-90 minutes. More for industrial facilities;
  • Guarantee - we issue documents confirming the work. You are confident that the drugs used are safe and effective. Unlike private traders, a company is legally responsible for its activities;
  • Accuracy - specialists treat other people's property with care. They are trained not to leave traces on premises. In addition, they have a good disposition and a polite approach.

The main advantage remains the prices, which are lower than 80% of pest control companies in the city. Call, ask questions and order the destruction of bedbugs using fog spraying.

Recommendations before processing

Fog from cockroaches reviews indicate that before carrying out treatment it is definitely recommended:

  • Remove all food from the open space, pack dishes and personal hygiene products well.
  • Cover electrical appliances and computers with polyethylene or thick cloth.
  • Close the ventilation hatches leading into the apartment with bars. This will prevent the migration of parasites from neighboring rooms.
  • Move all furniture away from the walls.
  • Remove carpets and paintings from the walls.
  • Seal all existing cracks in any way.
  • Perform a thorough wet cleaning.

During treatment, it is necessary to remove people from the premises, as well as existing domestic animals. If any of the residents decides to supervise the work of a professional exterminator, he must wear special clothing and a respirator.

How to prepare for disinfection?

The extermination of “uninvited guests” in the bedroom and kitchen requires serious preparation on the part of the owners of the house. It is not enough to call disinfectants; you need to carefully pack valuables and remove what should not be processed. The more thoroughly you prepare for disinfection, the better the result will be.

Regardless of the type of spraying, when exterminating cockroaches in the kitchen, be sure to:

  • Remove or package food, including cereals. For temporary storage of food supplies, you can use the refrigerator, as it is airtight.
  • Hide dishes and household items that come into direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Empty and pull out kitchen cabinets as much as possible so that a specialist can easily distribute chemicals to the farthest corners of the kitchen.

When exterminating fleas and bedbugs in the bedroom or living room, it is necessary to remove indoor plants, remove pets and cover with thick cloth equipment that should not be sprayed (TV, computer, etc.). Bedding, fleece coverings and furniture should be as open as possible and unfolded for processing.

After spraying the fog, you need to let it “simmer” before opening windows and doors for ventilation. If you have the opportunity to leave, it is better not to appear at home for several days. After the exposure period and thorough ventilation have expired, wet cleaning of all surfaces with which household members come into contact is required - floors, walls, furniture, etc.

Actions after processing

After fog treatment, when the drops of the active substance have settled, it will be necessary to ventilate all rooms. For a simple apartment, it is important to provide access to fresh air for at least 1-2 hours. After this, you will need to dispose of all products that have been processed, and also wipe with soapy water all places that the residents of the room constantly touch: chairs, countertops, door handles, dining table, stove, sink. To give the toxic substance time to act, it is not advisable to wash the floors for ten days after disinfestation. Washing of baseboards and walls can be arranged three weeks after hot fog pest control has been carried out. Cold and hot fog from cockroaches, reviews indicate that treating housing using a generator is extremely convenient, since it allows you to effectively destroy cockroaches in the shortest possible time.

We recommend ordering professional removal of cockroaches using cold fog and hot fog from the company Dezcenter-Rus LLC. High-quality, effective and most importantly safe cold fog treatment in the apartment and at any facility!


Here are some reviews from people who ordered a similar service from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Karina, 28 years old

“I remember how our family had to move to my mother for a day - for our apartment we ordered the destruction of bedbugs from the Semenovskaya SES with hot fog. Unfortunately, we were unable to cope with this terrible problem on our own. We were pleased with the results of the SES work. More than 3 months have passed and there are no insects yet. The only thing I didn't like was the expensive cost of the services. But saving the nerves of the whole family is also not the least important thing.”

Olga, 40 years old

“At first I was dissatisfied with the result, because after the hot treatment I saw a bug. It was a shame that we wasted our money. We had to call the SES again, they analyzed the situation - they assumed that the bug was taken out with a bag and then brought back. They checked and indeed, they found bedbug eggs in the bag. You need to be very careful in preparing the procedure. I had to order the services again - after that the bedbugs were completely gone.”

How much does cockroach treatment cost?

Scope of workCold fogCold Fog + BarrierHot fogHot Fog + BarrierComplex (cold fog+horizontal fog+barrier)
1 room apartmentfrom 1800from 2200from 3000from 3400from 5200
2 room apartmentfrom 2100from 2500from 3300from 3700from 5800
3 room apartmentfrom 2400from 2800from 3600from 4000from 6400
4 room apartmentfrom 2700from 3100from 3900from 4300from 7000
5 room apartmentfrom 3000from 3400from 4200from 4600from 7600
MOP (kitchen, bath, corridor)from 1500from 1900from 2700from 3100from 4600
Add. Barrier from 400from 400from 400from 400from 400
Move the furniturefrom 500from 500from 500from 500from 500

Additional Information

Opening hours: Mon-Sat, from 9:00 to 20:00

Hi all! Today I’ll tell you about a smoke generator ala “kolkhoz-samopal”. Since it became necessary to have a smoke generator, I decided to assemble it myself, in view of the fact that I like to design (so that it works) and the abundance of information on the Internet on this topic. I did not invent the wheel and do not claim any laurels, but I am creating a post for fellow car enthusiasts who may someday need such a device. And so, we ended up with a construction budget of 1000 rubles. We need to achieve this result (diagram)

To create, we will need 1. Syringe for solid lubricant for 100 g - 300 rubles. 2. Glow plug from a diesel engine (Peugeot is best) - 200 rubles. 3. Alligator wires, heat shrink and terminals - 180 RUR. 4. Hose clamps, nuts, copper washers, rubber washers, nipple with nipple for the wheel rim - 200 rubles. 5. Mesh for washing dishes - 20 rubles. 6. Drills of the required diameter and scraps of copper tube (6mm in diameter) 100 rubles.

And now step by step. First, we need a syringe for solid lubricant, I took this one:

All we need from it is a housing that fits perfectly under the container for the smoke generator. Next, we need to disassemble it completely (I didn’t photograph the process, as it was unnecessary, everything is already clear there), to this state

For further work, we need only the lid and the container itself, where the smoke generation process will take place. Next, we prepare the cover for our smoke generator; for this, in the existing technological hole, I glued a piece of copper tube, 6 mm in diameter and 160 mm in length, onto the epoxy, it turned out like this:

using a copper tube, it is necessary to set the direction of the air, in order for there to be effective smoke emission, we should immerse the copper tube in the oil (ATF), the air passing through the oil. it will be more efficient to squeeze smoke out (this process is shown in the diagram). The diagram also shows how to glue the copper tube, i.e. it needs to be inserted all the way into the existing technological hole in order to block and direct the air, moving exactly along the tube. Next, we need to not fully drill out the copper tube (marked with a red dotted line), and make a hole for the smoke to escape (marked with a blue dotted line):

This way we directed the air movement. In the inlet (air inlet), I screwed and glued a nipple with a nipple from a wheel rim (after cutting off all excess) like this:

I purchased a transparent tube to see the smoke coming out, and also purchased a brass adapter from a thread to a “Christmas tree” for a clamp. Put together:

The tip I used was the one that came with the syringe in the kit (don’t let it go to waste). We assemble the spark plug with wiring and put it in place:

The candle is inserted into the technological hole of the container located at the bottom. Don't forget to use washers and rubber gaskets to prevent oil from oozing out from below (I used this one):

Harm to people and animals

The use of hot fog can have a detrimental effect on human health - solutions used for disinfection and disinfestation carry a certain risk. Hot fog is a radical insecticidal agent, so it is not advisable to use it in areas where people and animals live.

If classical methods of disinfestation are ineffective, then the only right decision would be to entrust the procedure to qualified disinfectors who can correctly select the type of working solution, as well as the dose and concentration. The specialist will be able to clearly explain to residents about possible negative consequences and how they can be avoided.

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