Using the drug Delcid for treating an apartment

Deltsid in ampoules is a universal remedy for the destruction of fleas, lice, lice in dogs, scabies mites in animals and disinfestation of livestock premises. The drug has proven itself so well that it began to be used to kill insects in residential areas. Deltsid in ampoules for treating apartments against fleas will cost less than a standard aerosol can, and the result of its use is in no way inferior to professional pest control.


To eliminate parasites on the body of pets, it is necessary to treat not only them, but also all the premises where the family pets had access.
Treatment of four-legged animals is carried out by spraying or bathing them in the bath. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a working solution of the drug “Deltsid”. The instructions for use for cats recommend spraying them, because many animals have a negative attitude towards bathing. The emulsion is prepared before each use. Thus, ixodid and scabies ticks, fleas, lice, lice, horseflies and other “living creatures” are treated at the rate of 1 dose per 1.6 liters of warm water. For prevention, the solution is applied once, and for treatment it is used two to three times with an interval of a week between treatments.

First, spray the head, covering the ears, then the body, tail and anus, as well as the pet’s paws. In this case, the solution consumption is 7 ml per 1 kg of body weight. There is no need to spray the animal's eyes, nose and mouth. During the treatment process, the wool is wetted and the solution is left until completely dry without being washed off. There is no need to let the animal lick Delcid off of itself. The instructions for use contain a recommendation not to bathe your pet for 3 days after treatment.

The instructions for use will tell you how to use the drug “Deltsid” correctly. In an apartment where a pet with parasites is kept, all surfaces and objects must be treated. So, a ready-made Delcid solution is applied to a porous surface in the ratio of 1 dose (ampoule) per 1.6 liters of water. In this case, a liter of working fluid is used to process 10 square meters of surface. Smooth surfaces are sprayed with the product in the ratio of 1 ampoule per 1 liter of warm water at a consumption of 0.5 liters for every 10 m2 of room.

After taking preventive measures to eliminate unwanted parasites, the surfaces are allowed to dry and ventilate.

Features of Delcid and the mechanism of its action on parasites

The insecticidal agent Deltsid is produced in ampoules, bottles and canisters of various volumes containing a 4% solution of the pyrethroid deltamethrin. To treat premises or animals, the drug is diluted to the required concentration; after preparation, spraying is carried out as soon as possible while the insecticide remains active.

To treat dogs, 1 ampoule of the product is enough: a 0.125% solution is prepared from the drug and the animal’s fur is sprayed with diluted Deltsid at the rate of 5–10 ml per kg of weight. For a room, 3.75 ml of the product is diluted in a liter of water: 25 ml is enough to disinfect a square meter of room.

Deltamethrin has an insectoacaricidal effect. It destroys not only fleas, lice, lice, the substance also effectively fights ticks, flies and horseflies. Insects are affected upon contact with the drug or if it enters the intestines; blocking neuromuscular transmission causes the death of the parasites.

The pyrethroid deltamethrin in the recommended dose does not harm warm-blooded animals and humans. The substance poses a threat to bees and fish. Delcid is classified as hazard class 3 due to moderate toxicity.

For small spaces, it is often enough to dilute an ampoule of the product with water. It is better to purchase Delcid for fleas in a large apartment or in a house in a bottle with a large volume of contents.

The drug in an opened bottle remains effective for up to 6 months if stored correctly. The product should be out of reach of children and kept away from sunlight and out of contact with food.

During disinsection and for an hour after it, the windows and doors of the premises are left closed. Then ventilate for at least 2 hours. Owners and pets are advised to leave the premises for a while after treatment.

If there are a large number of insects, repeated treatment may be necessary after 2 weeks.

Dog treatment

The drug can be used for prophylactic purposes and in the treatment of dogs against fleas. The product is diluted with water the day before use to a concentration of 0.125%. After 2 weeks, another spraying is carried out to destroy fleas that emerged from the preserved eggs.

After using Delcid, the dog may experience apathy, increased salivation, and trembling. If symptoms are severe or persist for a long time, you should contact your veterinarian. Drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce intoxication.

Delcid for fleas, reviews of the use of which can be found on the Internet, are more often used for treating premises. To treat an animal, many people prefer drops on the withers, a collar or a spray.


Irina: They brought fleas from the basement. The insects were discovered when bites appeared on the legs. We were very upset and wanted to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. The store advised me to dilute an ampoule of Delcid and thoroughly treat the floors in the apartment and surfaces where fleas can reach with the solution. The drug helped immediately. To consolidate the result, the treatment was repeated 2 weeks later.

Ekaterina: Good time, everyone. The situation is this... fleas appeared in the apartment... bought Delcid and treated it... everything was fine... after two or three days they appeared again... apparently they managed to lay eggs... waited 4 days... treated with Delcid again... again three... four days was normal... there are no new bites... but today again... I caught two fleas on myself during the day... I don’t know what else to do and what to try??? Advise, there’s no living space left on my legs!

Calculation of dosage and method of application

An emulsion is prepared from a concentrated solution strictly before use. It is recommended to bathe long-haired dogs and cats in the resulting mixture, while it is enough to spray short-haired dogs with a spray bottle.

The dosage and ratio of the drug and water depend on the purpose of use:

  1. Scabies mites. Take 1.25 ml of deltsid per 1 liter of water (or 2 ml of the drug per 1.6 liters of liquid). The treatment is carried out once for preventive purposes. For treatment, the animal is bathed in the solution 3 times every 7-10 days.
  2. Ixodid ticks. 2 ml of deltsid are dissolved in 2.2 liters of water. In spring, summer and autumn, the animal is treated with the resulting product every 7-10 days.
  3. Fleas, flies, mosquitoes, lice. The solution is prepared in the ratio: 2 ml of deltsid per 6.4 liters of water. For preventive purposes, spraying or bathing is carried out once, and for therapeutic purposes - twice with an interval of 7-10 days.

Before and after treatment, you should not wash your dog with shampoo.

After applying the solution, you need to let the wool dry. It is also worth excluding contact between children and animals for 12 hours after treatment.

To treat a room, deltsid is diluted in a dosage of 2 ml per 0.5 liter of water (for lice, ticks and other crawling parasites) or 2 ml per 1 liter (for flying insects: mosquitoes, flies, etc.).

Before spraying, you must remove all feeders, bowls, drinkers and containers with water and food. After treatment, the room is ventilated for 60 minutes.

The drug helps against ticks, flies, mosquitoes, lice

Indications for use in cats

Deltsid is used for infection with the following types of ectoparasites:

  • sarcoptic and ixodid ticks (including demodex);
  • sexually mature lice and fleas;
  • bed bugs;
  • fluff eaters, lice eaters;
  • flies, horseflies and mosquitoes.

Deltsid is most often prescribed to cats because of ticks or fleas. But in some cases, the cat may remain uninfected, while the parasites live in the apartment or house. For example, this happens on the first floors of old houses. In the spring, insects emerge from basements, and owners of four-legged pets are afraid that their cat will “catch” parasites. In addition, Delcid can be used for preventive purposes.

Composition and action of the product

The active component of Deltsid is the insecticide deltamethrin - 4%. Auxiliary components enhance the effect of the insecticide. It appears as a brownish oily liquid. Upon contact, forms a white solution. Deltsid is packaged in polymer glass ampoules of 1.25 ml, 1.5 ml, 2 ml. Metal, polymer bottles with a capacity of 3 ml, 5 ml, 20 ml. The shelf life of the emulsion is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The prepared solution is used immediately or no later than 48 hours. After the specified time has expired, the product must not be used. In addition, the insecticide loses its effectiveness.

The action of the drug is based on blocking nerve impulses. Delcid disrupts the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, causing insect paralysis and death. According to the degree of toxicity, it belongs to hazard class 3. When used correctly and in compliance with the dosage, it does not have a local irritating effect and does not cause poisoning in warm-blooded animals. It is only dangerous for fish and bees. The animal is treated for fleas for treatment 2 times a month, prevention - 1 time in 30 days.

Where to buy Deltsid

The drug can be bought at any pet store or veterinary clinic, as it is very affordable and widespread in Russia.
Buying the drug will cost on average 130-180 rubles for 5 ampoules; if you buy in the capital, in the region the price will be lower - up to 130 rubles. Let's celebrate! If you don’t want to go shopping for a long time, many sites provide the opportunity to order Delcit online, and soon the product will be at your destination. In addition, such an order will help you save money, because you can find the drug online at a reduced cost.

You can buy the drug at specialized retail outlets and veterinary clinics. It is also possible to purchase the medicine in numerous online stores.

The price for Delcid 2 ml in ampoules ranges from 110 rubles to 150.

When and how to use

The drug is intended to combat ectoparasites on domestic animals. It can also be used to disinfect premises. Thanks to this, Deltsid helps destroy fleas and ticks on cats and dogs, as well as prevent re-infection.

Animal handling

According to the instructions for use, Delcid for dogs and cats can be used as a bathing solution or for spraying. Before use, the antiparasitic agent is diluted in cool water. For these purposes, you can use regular tap water.

If spraying is planned, then one ampoule is diluted in 1.6 liters of water. Make sure to purchase a small hand sprayer first. When processing cats and dogs, follow several rules:

The treatment begins with the head, then the back and stomach are sprayed, and finally the area near the anus and paws. Particular attention should be paid to the ears, folds and other hard-to-reach places where external parasites like to hide. If your pet has long hair, it should be lifted with your hands while spraying so that the prepared emulsion penetrates the skin. When spraying, cover the animal's eyes, nose and mouth so that the solution does not get on the mucous membranes. The amount of diluted emulsion depends on the weight of the animal. For every kilogram you will need 5-10 ml of solution, depending on the degree of insect infestation. When processing, pay attention to places where insects accumulate or where ticks have embedded themselves. If you decide to bathe the animal, then make a less concentrated solution (1 ampoule per 6 liters of water) so that the medicine does not cause toxic poisoning

If you decide to bathe an animal, then make a less concentrated solution (1 ampoule per 6 liters of water) so that the medicine does not cause toxic poisoning.

If Deltsid is used for prophylactic purposes, the treatment is carried out once. It is wise to use the drug only in cases where there is a threat of infection, for example, when staying at the dacha in the summer. If fleas, ticks or other ectoparasites are found in a cat or dog, then treatment is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days, until the absence of parasites is confirmed by clinical examination of scrapings.

Note! 2-3 days before treatment and 3 days after using the drug, the animal should not be bathed. During this period, you should stop using shampoos.

Premises treatment

When treating premises, one ampoule of Delcid is diluted in 1-1.5 liters of water. Next, perform the work in the following sequence:

The room needs to be vacuumed thoroughly, paying special attention to places behind cabinets, armchairs and sofas, as well as other hard-to-reach places. Spray the prepared emulsion indoors. Be sure to treat baseboards and other “secluded” places where parasites like to live. It is advisable to wash the floor with the solution or spray it generously. After treatment, close the room completely for 30-40 minutes. Then the room needs to be well ventilated, but there is no need to wash the floors with clean water.

If surfaces that you come into contact with, such as tables, have been treated, they should be wiped with a damp cloth.

If there are a lot of insects in the house, the procedure should be repeated after 7-10 days, since the drug only affects sexually mature individuals. If fleas or lice are found on an animal, the room must be treated. The litter must be carefully treated or completely replaced.


Arsen, cat owner: My handsome Siberian cat's fur began to fall out. After inspection I saw traces of flea infestation. I tried to fight them with drops, collars and other means, but there was no result. A neighbor recommended trying Deltsid. The drug helped eliminate the problem in a short time. Now the pet is completely clean and healthy.

Victor, veterinarian: Delcid is an effective drug for combating ectoparasites, which eliminates harmful creatures at different stages of development. I recommend the product for both treatment and preventive purposes.

Instructions for use

To rid an animal of insects, it is necessary to perform one high-quality treatment with the product. Why is the medicine diluted according to the following scheme: per 1 kg of pet’s weight, 7-12 ml of the drug are needed, which are mixed with water for a 0.125% solution.

If treatment of the apartment is necessary to get rid of fleas, the product in a volume of 3.75 ml is mixed with 1 liter of water. This ready-made composition is enough to perform disinfestation on an area of ​​5 m².

Diluting the product in water

Dilute the medicine only in warm, clean water. Taking into account the goal, the severity of parasite infestation and the characteristics of the animal, the concentration of the composition may be different.

The diluted drug must be mixed well, then left for half an hour until a white emulsion is formed, it is poured into a container with a spray bottle.

To treat animals by spraying their fur against parasites, one 2 ml ampoule of the drug must be diluted in 1.5 liters of water. To prevent infection, one treatment is sufficient. Treatment requires two treatments 1 week apart.

Processing is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The process begins with the ears.
  2. Then the tail, body and head are sprayed.
  3. At the final stage, the limbs and anus of the animal are treated with the medicine.

During spraying, it is necessary to ensure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes of the pet’s mouth, eyes and nose. Before treatment, it is best to put a muzzle on the dog. The wet coat must be combed and allowed to dry completely.

To disinfest a room where animals live, various concentrates are used, taking into account the surface that needs to be treated:

  • smooth walls: for 20 m² it is necessary to dilute water with medicine in a ratio of 2:1;
  • porous walls: per 10 m², add one capsule of the product to 1.5 liters of water.

Features of chicken processing

Protective measures against insects using Deltsid for chickens and parrots are carried out in the absence of birds. For this, a composition of 0.125% is used. Treatment is carried out using the aerosol method, taking into account 30-40 ml per 1 m² of surface.

It is necessary to spray support posts, walls, floors, and litter areas. Before the procedure, it is necessary to collect the eggs. The process itself is performed twice, with an interval of 14 days at temperatures up to 15 ° C, and one week if the temperature in the chicken coop is more than 22 ° C.

Apartment pest control

To achieve the best treatment effect when killing insects in an apartment, it must first be prepared. Before performing disinfestation, you need to do preparatory cleaning: vacuum (this must be done especially carefully for carpets), wash all surfaces with water (it is advisable to do this 2-3 times).

Already in a clean room, all floors and walls are sprayed with a spray bottle with a ready-made composition of the mixed product; you also need to add sofas, wardrobes, armchairs and other items made of fabric to the list. After treatment, it is advisable to vacate the apartment for several hours and close all exits before leaving.

Attention: Even if the effect of the drug is effective and the insects die, you should not wash off the product for 2 weeks. The animal's fur is treated simultaneously with the pest control of the apartment.

After completing the required measures and after the specified time has elapsed, the room can be washed. But it is advisable to wash the dishes immediately upon returning home, this will prevent the emulsion from penetrating the gastrointestinal tract.

Items that have been disinfested must be washed in a washing machine. It is advisable to do the same with bed linen, towels and outerwear. When washing, you can add a small amount of chlorinated products if the material allows. This is required to destroy insect larvae.

Important: it is imperative to wash the refrigerator, as well as all items of permanent household use. After thorough cleaning, it is advisable to ventilate the apartment

Preparing a solution for treating the room

Treatment of an apartment for fleas is carried out in the absence of a pet in the room. Although according to the instructions you can do this with them. The concentrated emulsion must be diluted in water at room temperature. The consumption of the prepared solution is 25–50 ml per square meter. m. area of ​​the room.

To treat a room with a predominantly porous surface, it is necessary to dilute the solution in a ratio of 3.75 ml of Delcid per 1 liter. water. Per 100 sq. m of room, 10 liters are consumed. ready solution. Treatment of an apartment with the same area involves using a solution in a 5 liter container. It must be diluted in the same concentration. For small premises or when treating animals for fleas, it is more convenient to use Deltsid ampoules. For large areas, bottles are purchased. Once unopened and properly stored, it can be used for 6 months.

The ampoule is opened immediately before use, diluted in water, and mixed well for 20 minutes. The finished product is poured into a spray bottle or spray bottle.

For what diseases is Delcid used?

The drug Delcid
Insecticidal agent is used for the following diseases:

  • pruritic scabies;
  • lice;
  • flea dermatitis;
  • avian mallophagosis;
  • porcine hematopinosis;
  • psoroptosis of sheep, rabbits;
  • Carnivorous trichodectosis.

Deltsid is used to destroy ticks, blood-sucking insects, flies, mosquitoes, and to repel grassland midges. The drug protects animals from attacks by ixodid ticks.

The product is effective against cnemidocosis, during which chickens become infected with feather mites

Cost of the drug and analogues

The cost of one package of the drug (a box with 5 ampoules of 2 ml each) varies from 100 to 200 rubles. The price of a 1 liter bottle is 1800-2300 rubles.

There are complete analogues of deltsid:

  • Unostomosed. The active ingredients are transmix and tetramethrin. It is sold in ampoules of 5 ml, bottles of 200 ml and bottles of 1 liter. Destroys blood-sucking parasites (ticks, lice, lice, fleas). Before use, a solution is obtained from the concentrate, which is used to treat animals and the premises.
  • Butox. This is a complete analogue of Deltsid with a similar active ingredient (pyrethroid deltamethrin). Effective against crawling and flying blood-sucking parasites. The concentrate is dissolved in water in the required proportion and then applied to the fur and skin of animals. The product is suitable for treating premises.

Deltsid is an inexpensive and effective drug.
Deltsid is an inexpensive and effective drug, thanks to which you can get rid of blood-sucking parasites not only from a dog or cat, but also from a room. It can be purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Before use, you must study the instructions in order to find out the ratio of concentrate and water.

Characteristics of the drug Deltsid for cats

Delcid is a product for fighting fleas and other ectoparasites, as well as for disinfestation and decontamination in rooms with cats. The developer of the drug formula is the organization "Agrovetzaschita" (Moscow region). Delcid is used by owners of cats, dogs, poultry and other pets.

NEC "Agrovetzashchita" (AVZ) was founded in 1993. At first there were only 3 people, and the first development of scientists was the drug Azinox. Subsequently, Agrovetzashchita began producing Bars drops in the form of spot-on. Since 2003, company employees began working abroad, which is how the export of medicinal products began. Now the company has more than 250 veterinary products, including insectoacaricidal drugs and cosmetics for animals (shampoos, balms, etc.). In 2005, AVZ took a leading position in the Russian veterinary medicine market.

NVC LLC "Agrovetzashchita" is the leader in Russia in the production of veterinary drugs

Delcid release form

Delcid is a clear, brownish liquid. It looks like an oily substance that, when mixed with water, forms a thick, cloudy emulsion and turns white. The drug is poured into ampoules made of transparent glass or plastic. Ampoules can be 1.25 or 1.5 cm3 in volume, but 2 cm3 packaging is becoming more popular. The outer packaging is a cardboard box in which 5 ampoules are placed.

At the veterinary pharmacy, I was told that such small packages are most often purchased by dog ​​or cat owners, as well as those who simply need to get rid of fleas (for example, those living on the first floor, especially in late spring, when insects are active). But farmers and livestock owners buy a different package of the drug. Bottles made of metal or plastic with a volume of 1 liter, 1.25 or 1.3 liter are also available. The rarest form of release of this drug is canisters of 3, 5 or 20 dm3. In a veterinary pharmacy near my house, Deltsid in 2-ml ampoules costs 165 rubles per pack (5 ampoules), and a liter bottle costs 1,750 rubles. They explained to me that the price may depend on the release date of the batch.

The ampoules themselves indicate the name of the manufacturer, volume and active ingredient, as well as the date and batch number of release. More information is provided on the outer packaging. On the front side of the box there is the manufacturer’s logo and the purpose of the drug is indicated, and on the back side there is detailed information about the manufacturing plant and storage recommendations. Separately indicate the date, production batch number, and barcode. Detailed instructions are placed inside the box. Important: The box may only show a dog, but cat owners should look for a pack with a picture of a cat and a dog.

Deltsid is available in several forms, but cats are given Deltsid in 2 ml ampoules.

Composition of the drug

Delcid contains the following components:

  • pyrethroid deltamethrin - 4.0% (active ingredient);
  • twin 80;
  • neonol;
  • nefras.

Interesting fact: deltamethrin, which is used in modern insecticidal preparations, is a synthetically created analogue of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins (Pirethrum) are extracted from the flowers of Dalmatian chamomile and other perennial plants. Dalmatian grass used to grow only in Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador and Rwanda. By their chemical nature, pyrethrins are water-soluble esters that easily oxidize when exposed to air. All this led scientists to develop a formula for a more stable analogue of these substances, which is also 900 times more effective than natural insecticides.

Tween 80 is used in veterinary drugs and protective products due to its ability to make fats and oils soluble in water. And nefras (interpretation: petroleum solvent) is needed in order to then dissolve these same oils. The surfactant (surfactant) in Deltsid is represented by neonol. Delcid owes its color to this substance.

Deltamethrin is an analogue of natural pyrethrin used in the production of insecticides

Terms and conditions of storage of Deltsid

Delcid, like any veterinary drug, must be stored under conditions recommended by the manufacturer. Firstly, the storage location must be inaccessible to children and animals. The drug should not come into contact with food or animal feed. Secondly, the storage location should be away from heat and moisture, and sunlight should not fall on the packaging. Ideally, this is a first aid kit located in the closet on the top shelf.

It is important not to forget about shelf life. If all the specified conditions are met, then Deltsid will be valid for 2 years from the date of issue. When the expiration date has expired, the ampoules and box must be disposed of. You will have to throw away the drug earlier even if you stored it without following the listed rules.

Deltsid is stored at temperatures from 0°C to 30°C. Most of my friends store such products in the refrigerator, but I have a special first aid kit for this. I store all flea and worm remedies in sealed bags so that they do not come into contact with medications and vitamins. By the way, it is better not to throw away the boxes before the expiration of the possible shelf life. If all the markings on the ampoule are erased, you simply will not be able to check the suitability of the product without outer packaging.

Pharmacological properties

The Delcid effect is associated with the ability of deltamethrin to influence the functioning of the nervous system of parasites. It blocks the nerve impulses of ectoparasites, which leads to paralysis. A paralyzed insect becomes immobilized and loses the ability to stay on the animal’s body or other surfaces. This way, it will not be difficult for cat owners to get rid of garbage in the form of parasite corpses. Unlike most insectoacaricidal drugs, Deltsid has not only an intestinal effect, but also a contact one (for example, fleas can die after “inhaling” the fumes).

Delcid causes paralysis and death of ectoparasites

Side effects

While using the drug in question, pets may experience tremors, apathy, temporary loss of appetite, and increased salivation. As a rule, the occurrence of side effects is due to incorrect dosage of the drug.

The drug "Deltsid" is one of the most effective for combating harmful insects. If side effects or complications occur, it is necessary to give the animal more purified water and provide maximum rest. Most often, unwanted symptoms go away on their own after a few days. If there is a subsequent deterioration in the pet’s condition, you need to urgently contact a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for the use of Delcid in cats:

  • weakened conditions;
  • exhaustion (including after illness);
  • hypersensitivity to Delcid components;
  • second half of pregnancy.

If you use the emulsion strictly according to the recommendations, there will be no side effects. If the cat is hypersensitive to the components of the drug or an overdose occurs, the following phenomena may occur:

  • lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • swelling, lacrimation, increased salivation;
  • disorientation (disturbed gait, etc.).

In such cases, you need to contact a veterinarian. The specialist will check the animal’s condition; if necessary, the cat may be prescribed symptomatic therapy. The cat owner should remember that this drug is not recommended for further use.

If the cat's behavior/condition changes after using Delcid, its use should be discontinued.

Negative effects

Frequent vomiting is possible.

Deltsid is usually well tolerated and does not cause any side symptoms. However, when treating a cat with hypersensitivity to the components of the solution, the following allergic reactions may occur:

  • nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • muscle tremors;
  • apathy;
  • excessive secretion of saliva.

A cat may experience similar symptoms if it overdoses on Deltsid. In this case, you will need to give your pet an anti-allergenic medication and take measures aimed at removing the medication from the body. Enterosorbents that reduce the toxic effects of the pyrethroid deltamethrin will cope well with this. Additionally, the remaining solution should be thoroughly rinsed with water and the cat should be bathed with animal shampoo.


Under no circumstances should you pour any remaining Deltsid solution into the toilet. Reviews recommend treating the container in which the working solution was located with soda and soap solution. The remaining product must be completely neutralized with slaked lime and carefully buried in the ground to a depth of at least one meter.

The choice of a high-quality insecticide largely determines the effectiveness of the room treatment procedure. Therefore, you should approach the issue of choosing it with all seriousness. You should mostly focus on reviews from real consumers who had the opportunity to verify in practice the effectiveness of a particular product. This is exactly the case with the drug "Deltsid". Customers describe it as an incredibly effective insecticide that has helped them completely get rid of bugs that were bothering them.

It is important to remember that the maximum effect can be achieved only if you strictly adhere to all recommendations regarding the preparation of the working emulsion, as well as the process of treating the animal or premises. Strict adherence to the instructions contained in the instructions will help to avoid the occurrence of any adverse reactions from the body to exposure to the substance in question.

It is necessary to treat the room as carefully as possible, without missing any surfaces or crevices. It would also be reasonable to spray the rigid frame of upholstered furniture with the product.

It is important to consider that during the first procedure insect eggs can be preserved, which at a certain stage of development have a durable shell that protects them from any, including chemical, external influence. Therefore, experts recommend that after ten to fourteen days an additional disinfestation procedure is carried out, which will destroy newly born parasites.

In this case, the victory over fleas will be final!

Choose the best quality drugs, take care of yourself and your pets!

Rules for treating premises with the drug

Many people use Deltsid in ampoules to treat apartments. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this method.

It is important to carry out disinfestation in a clean room. Therefore, initially it is necessary to do the cleaning (vacuum and thoroughly wash the floor)

All furniture that is adjacent to the walls should be moved away so that areas on it can be treated. Only after this can you proceed to the disinfestation process.

The sprayer must be kept at a distance of twenty centimeters from the surface being treated

It is important to pay attention to all surfaces at a height of one and a half meters from the floor. The animal's sleeping area should be treated especially carefully, as this is where the most parasites are located. You can’t ignore baseboards, cracks in the floor and walls

You cannot ignore baseboards, cracks in the floor and walls.

Since the product in question is toxic, you need to pay attention to personal protective equipment

It is important to carry out the procedure in a respirator, gloves and a specialized suit that would protect the skin from the effects of the insecticide. After disinfestation, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and go out into the fresh air, having previously locked all windows and doors in the room.

It should remain closed for an hour. After its expiration, it is necessary to ventilate the room for about two hours. Provided that all recommendations are followed, “Deltsid” in ampoules for treating apartments is called one of the most effective insecticides

After disinfestation, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and go out into the fresh air, having previously locked all windows and doors in the room. It should remain closed for an hour. After its expiration, it is necessary to ventilate the room for about two hours. Provided that all recommendations are followed, “Deltsid” in ampoules for treating apartments is called one of the most effective insecticides by reviews.

Efficacy of the drug

The product has a prolonged effect. Once applied, it is particularly effective at killing pests within 1 hour. The effect lasts for 1 month, but gradually ultraviolet light neutralizes the activity of the insecticide.

As practice shows, it is better to use Deltsid twice for treating an apartment. Deltamethrin cannot penetrate the dense chitinous coating of insect eggs. It is problematic to collect them mechanically or with a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, after 10 days the spraying is repeated. At this point, the eggs will hatch into larvae, which the drug can easily deal with.

Apartment processing

Treatment of a house or apartment is carried out in the absence of animals in the room. Although, taking into account the instructions, this requirement is not mandatory. The concentrated composition must be diluted in warm water. The consumption of the working emulsion is approximately 30−40 ml per 1 m².

To treat surfaces with a predominant porous structure, it is necessary to stir the composition in a proportion of 3.8 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water. For 100 m² of room, approximately 10 liters of the prepared mixture will be required. Treatment of an apartment with the same area involves the use of a concentrate with a capacity of 5 liters. It must be diluted in the same proportion. For small areas or when treating pets, it is best to use ampoules. For large areas it is better to purchase bottles. Once opened, they can be stored for six months.

The ampoule is opened before use. The product is added to the water and mixed thoroughly for 10-15 minutes. The prepared composition is poured into a spray bottle or into a spray bottle.

Execution Rules

Before you start disinfestation, it is advisable to do some cleaning - wash the floor or vacuum it. Compositions for treating apartments cannot be washed off for 12-14 days. Furniture must be moved away from the walls. After these preparatory measures, the premises are processed:

The spray bottle should be held at arm's length. There should be approximately 25 cm left to the wall. Treatment of the room against fleas should be carried out at a height of 1.6-1.7 m from the floor level

It is to this height that insects can jump. Much attention should be paid to the animal's bedding. It is also necessary to carefully process the baseboards, fill all the cracks and cracks in the wall and on the floor.

The final result will depend on the quality of disinfestation. The insecticide can cause poisoning if inhaled, and if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause allergies. When using the compositions, you need to take care of personal safety equipment. The work must be done in latex gloves, a suit, and a respirator.

If you follow all the rules, you can remove parasites from your apartment in one go. If the infestation is significant, insecticides must be reused. After about a week, fleas emerge from the larvae. This is how re-infection occurs. Simultaneously with the disinfection of the premises, it is necessary to treat the pets. Only in this case can you achieve a high-quality result.

Preparing an apartment for disinfestation

Deltsid will help to completely clear your living space of insects in one application. But to be successful, you will need to pre-clean the apartment. Preparing the room for treatment with Deltsid is as follows:

  • remove pests from pets living in the cleaned area (you can also use Deltsid, diluting it in the proportions specified by the manufacturer);
  • vacuum floors, carpets, upholstered furniture, and pet bedding (this measure will help significantly reduce the number of insect eggs);
  • move large furniture away from the walls;
  • carry out wet cleaning;
  • protect food and utensils from insecticide (treatment is also dangerous for aquarium fish);
  • wash or spray textiles and bedding with hot steam.

Steam treatment

When all preparatory activities are completed, you can begin preparing the solution. It is not recommended to prepare it in advance; over time it loses its activity.

Precautionary measures

The instructions for the use of Delcid in veterinary medicine developed by the manufacturer indicate that all persons working with the drug must be provided with personal protective equipment. The workwear set should include:

  • a robe or suit made of thick fabric (for example, canvas);
  • rubberized apron;
  • hat, cap or scarf;
  • rubber gloves and boots;
  • dust goggles;
  • respirator.

When treating premises, animals or birds with Deltsid, smoking, eating and drinking are strictly prohibited. The duration of work with the drug should not exceed 6 hours a day. After finishing the shift, the employee must take off his overalls, rinse his mouth with water, take a shower or wash his face and hands with soap.

If the medicine gets on the mucous membrane or skin, wash it off with running water or an alkaline solution. If the working mixture is swallowed, the victim needs to drink 2-3 glasses of slightly warmed water with activated carbon (9-10 tablets) or other enterosorbent, and then take any saline laxative. Workers who exhibit symptoms of Deltsid poisoning (dizziness, nausea, weakness) should stop work, take a shower and seek medical help.

Containers contaminated with insecticide should be neutralized by filling them with a solution of soda ash (3−5%), leaving them to sit for 5−6 hours and then washing them with running water. Unused drug residues must be neutralized with an aqueous suspension of bleach or slaked lime (1:3). Neutralized working emulsions and flushing fluids should be drained into settling wells located away from water bodies, pastures and sources of drinking water.

Security measures

Safety precautions when working with insecticide
When using and spraying an insecticidal substance in a house or apartment, you must wear protective clothing, a respirator and gloves. If poisons come into contact with the skin, irritation may occur, and if the drug is inhaled, poisoning may occur.


During disinfestation, smoking, drinking any liquids and eating food is prohibited.

After using Deltsid against fleas in your apartment, be sure to wash your hands and face well with soap, rinse your mouth with water, and go out into the fresh air.

If the insecticide gets on the skin or in the eyes, it is necessary to remove them with a cotton swab, rinse with a strong stream of clean water, then with an alkaline solution. If a toxic substance is ingested through the mouth, you need to take 8-10 tablets of activated carbon, drink plenty of water and give a laxative.

If there are any signs of poisoning (nausea, weakness, dizziness), it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

It is important to correctly use the highly effective drug against parasites “Deltsid”, otherwise the required results may not be expected from it, and there is also a risk of poisoning the pet, after which it may even die. Therefore, to prevent the cat from being poisoned, you must first dilute the concentrated solution with water.

So, if the owners decided to bathe their pet to get rid of parasites, then 1 amp. "Deltsida" is diluted in 6 liters of water.

Delcid in ampoules for treating cats by spraying should be diluted in 1.6 liters of liquid

They begin to treat the pet from the head, then moving throughout the body, paying special attention to the places where external “freeloaders” most often hide.

During the procedure, in order to prevent poisoning of the pet, it is important to avoid getting the solution on the mucous membranes, so the nose, visual organ and oral cavity of the purr must be protected. The dosage of the emulsion is calculated based on the weight of the cat; for each kg there are 5-10 ml of diluted solution

The dosage of the emulsion is calculated based on the weight of the cat; for each kg there is 5-10 ml of a diluted solution.

How to detect parasites

The defeat of poultry cannot be ignored. The settlement of ectoparasites in a chicken coop leads to weakening, illness and even death of the chickens. When breeding in large numbers, harmful insects are detected visually. They can be seen on perches and in nests. Upon contact with an affected bird, some of them can spread to the human body. They cannot bite people, but they cause considerable discomfort.

In the early stages, damage is noted by the following signs:

  1. Chickens get nervous and constantly scratch themselves with their beaks or nails.
  2. Laying hens lose their appetite and lose weight accordingly.
  3. Egg production is noticeably reduced.
  4. By using Deltsid at the first manifestations, owners avoid significant problems.

Inspecting the bird will help definitively determine the presence of parasites. Ticks settle on open areas of the body. In chickens these are legs. Lice and fleas live in the “shelter” - under feathers and down.

Advice. It is advisable to install boxes with a mixture of sand, charcoal and chalk in the chicken coop. Laying hens love to “bathe” in such baths, at the same time getting rid of parasites.

When will it help and who will it harm?

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
, as well as a teacher at the Department of Parasitology of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, recommend using it in veterinary medicine to destroy ectoparasites and to disinfect premises. The drug not only kills “uninvited guests”, but also prevents them from re-invading the cats’ bodies. According to the official annotation, “Deltsid” should not be given to cats that are carrying kittens in their final stages, namely if there are less than 2 weeks left before giving birth. The medication is dangerous for fluffies who have suffered severe pathologies, have a personal intolerance to the components of the antiparasitic drug, or if the cat’s body is depleted.

general description

Delcid is an antiparasitic drug that is effective against insects that settle on the body of domestic animals. At a veterinary pharmacy you can buy a concentrated medicine, which is diluted according to the instructions to obtain an emulsion.

The active ingredient of the drug is deltamethrin, which is in a highly concentrated state in the bottle. In this form, it is an oily, transparent or yellowish liquid, and after dilution the emulsion becomes white.

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