Smoke bombs for bedbugs in the apartment and in the house, how to treat with smoke?

Smoke bombs for bedbugs

The Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor conducted research on the resistance to insecticides of bed bug populations in Moscow. The results were not encouraging. At various sites it was found that the proportion of bedbugs resistant to organophosphorus compounds is 60-100%, resistant to pyrethroids - 70-100%, resistant to carbamates - 85-100%. Similar figures were obtained from populations of bed bugs obtained from other cities, and are also presented in the materials of foreign researchers. Therefore, do not have any illusions when purchasing affordable household smoke bombs for bedbugs.

The insecticidal smoke bomb is easy to use and works well for killing bedbugs at home. Smoke spreads independently throughout the apartment and penetrates hard-to-reach places, penetrates the fabrics of soft sofas and mattresses.


Irina P., Moscow

Various chemicals purchased at a hardware store did not bring any results. For our private home, we decided to use a sulfur-based smoke bomb. We were pleased with the result, since we managed to get this nasty thing out almost the first time. I recommend removing home flowers from your home before use, otherwise they may die. And after the procedure, ventilate the premises thoroughly, as the smell remains very strong.

Igor S., Rostov

I had never heard of smoke bombs before, I always used aerosols. However, they did not work against bedbugs at all. I even bought liquid poison and sprayed it around the apartment. It lasted for several days. Out of curiosity, I bought a saber and did everything according to the instructions. I came home, ventilated the apartment, and my wife did the cleaning. After this, the bedbugs disappeared. I was pleasantly surprised, especially since the price of the drug is very low compared to other products.

Vladislav I., Ekaterinburg

I have been using smoke bombs in greenhouses at my dacha for five years now. Kills almost all types of insects and mold. The insecticide also helps to repel mosquitoes in the area. The process is safe and does not require any specific skills. Moreover, the effectiveness is noticeable after one application.

Olga R., Yaroslavl

My grandmother still has old Soviet furniture in her apartment. And recently she began to complain about bites and redness on her body. Of course, the first thing I did was inspect the upholstered furniture. I found several groups of bedbugs that had settled on the upholstery and had already laid eggs. After reading reviews on several sites, I decided to purchase a smoke bomb. After the first application, the parasites disappeared, and there were no further complaints of bites.

What is a smoke bomb and how it works

Smoke bombs for bedbugs are a very radical and even dangerous tool. You should carefully consider the choice of products such as a smoke bomb if you use one at home, not all of them are equally good.

Like fog generators, smoke bombs work on the principle of creating dispersed systems consisting of various toxic substances dissolved in the air.

Fog generators fill the space with poisons dissolved in the air. Fog saturated with water vapor consists of small particles (dispersed phase) of liquid suspended in a gaseous medium (dispersion medium), usually in air.

In a smoke bomb, the dispersed phase of the insecticidal agent consists of solid particles that do not precipitate.

The principle of action of a checker is essentially no different from the action of aerosols and sprays.

Stages of its effect on insects:

  • Penetration of insecticide into hard-to-reach bedbug hiding places
  • Deposition of poison on their chitinous covers, followed by inhalation of the toxic substance
  • Penetration of the insecticide into the soft tissues of the bug's body through the epithelial cells of the cuticle, which form the exoskeleton, shell, joints and system of respiratory canals, absorption into the hemolymph, penetration into the nerve nodes.
  • Causes a state of constant excitation of the nerve endings of cells, paralysis of bedbugs and their death.

After the smoke dissipates, the base substance remains for some time on and under the surfaces of the room. This is a guarantee that the surviving insects will hook it with their paws and end up in the same way as their deceased relatives, having previously transferred the poison to the nest.

The effect of smoke bombs continues even after the bed bugs have been killed. They protect the room from the appearance of new hordes of bloodsuckers.

Before you start baiting bedbugs in an apartment building, you should warn your neighbors that they have taken appropriate measures, since bedbugs can simply move into their territory.

How to use it correctly?

Using this tool does not require too much effort from the owners. The main work consists of preparing the premises for the disinfestation procedure and cleaning it after its completion. Everything takes place in several stages:

  • Remove household members and animals from the apartment.
  • Place food, clothing, dishes, linen, textiles and toys in plastic bags. If the packaging is sealed, they do not need to be taken outside or to another apartment. Unwrapped clothes will not spoil, but will retain a very unpleasant odor for a long time.

  • Remove all furniture and household appliances from the walls, open the doors of bedside tables and cabinets.
  • If you have fire detectors, turn them off or cover them with tape or cling film.
  • Close the windows and the front door, and open the interior doors completely.
  • Place a saucepan or metal basin in the middle of the kitchen.
  • Place a checker in it and light its wick, if provided. After a few minutes, it will begin to emit a copious amount of smoke. As soon as this starts, leave the room - breathing insecticides is very dangerous to your health, even if they are of a low toxicity class.

  • The device will smoke for no more than 5 minutes. The next 2 hours will be spent spreading smoke throughout the apartment and settling the poison on all possible surfaces.
  • After this, you will have to create a good draft in order to ventilate the apartment. Leave windows and doors open for at least 2 hours.
  • Do a wet cleaning. Only after this can your family return home.

Advice! The smoke does not affect the eggs, so the treatment will need to be repeated after about 2 weeks. If desired, you can combine the checker with other insecticidal agents.

After destroying the parasites, be sure to take measures to prevent re-infection. Most often, traps (poisonous or adhesive) or insecticidal chalk (they have a barrier effect) are used for this purpose.

When using an insecticide spray, be careful to make sure your cat doesn't eat any dead cockroaches. The fact is that these animals are particularly sensitive to the main active ingredient of the device. Its overdose can lead to intoxication of the animal - its first sign is increased salivation. It is advisable not to let your pet into the room for 24 hours after treatment.

See also: The perfect cockroach killer (video)

What types of smoke are used for baiting?

Smoke bombs have several subtypes:

  1. Pyrethroid is most effective against domestic insects. The main substance is pyrethroid, it is used in household aerosols.
  2. Hexachlorane - The base substance is hexachlorane, primarily used to kill bed bugs on agricultural lands.
  3. Sulfur - sulfur acts as an active substance, or rather its dioxide. Sulfur bombs are often used to eliminate mold in greenhouses, basements and basements.

Pyrethroid tablets are the best option for getting rid of bed bugs indoors. But you need to know that in many countries Hexachloran is prohibited for indoor use, since its active substance negatively affects not only adults, but can also cause serious consequences for the development of the fetus if a pregnant woman is in the apartment.

On a note!

Sulfur bomb is worse at killing bedbugs and is not as effective as pyrethroid and hexachlorane.

Types of checkers

There are checkers on the market that differ in their properties. They depend on what poison the products are made from. Depending on the ingredients, smoke bombs can be effective, useless, or even dangerous. Therefore, when buying them, pay attention to what the main component is in them.

Based on hexachlorane

Hexachlorane is a contact pesticide. It is a white or light brown powdery substance that is toxic to humans and animals. Penetrates the digestive system of cockroaches and paralyzes them. Death comes quickly.

The use of hexachlorane in residential areas is prohibited due to its severe toxicity. In developed countries of the world this substance has long been banned. If you see it as part of a smoke bomb, do not take it - it is strictly forbidden to use it in a residential area.

Hexachlorane, when affecting humans, causes:

  • fainting and loss of consciousness;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • paresis.

Hexachlorane can provoke leukocytosis, decreased blood sugar levels, toxic damage to the kidneys and heart muscle, acute dermatitis and many other dangerous ailments.


Sulfur is a general purpose pesticide that is a contact fungicide. It is commonly used in agriculture to control insects. Approved for use in enclosed spaces.

Sulfur bombs are usually used to fumigate basements to kill mold and mildew. Sulfur has low toxicity and is not dangerous to humans, but one cannot count on greater effectiveness. Sulfur cockroaches are difficult to remove.

Sulfur provokes:

  • eye and skin irritation;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • laxative effect.


Permethrin is a poison that destroys various insects and is considered the best base for checkers. Once in the body, the toxic substance paralyzes and kills insects.

Permethrin is dangerous for pets. It is not dangerous to humans if you follow precautions.

Permethrin bombs have become widespread as an effective tool for controlling insects of various types, and can be used in:

  • warehouses;
  • catering premises;
  • hotels;
  • housing;
  • zoos and pet stores;
  • various public spaces;
  • medical institutions.

Such bombs are especially effective in places where it is difficult to use sprayers - inside machines and units, on high-height structures, in lofts, etc.

Effectiveness of a smoke bomb: pros and cons of use

The advantages of this method:

  • The simplicity and effectiveness of using smoke bombs is as follows:
  • the smoke from the checkers independently dissipates throughout the room;
  • hard-to-reach places are easily saturated with smoke;
  • smoke from bombs quickly spreads not only in one room, but throughout the entire apartment;
  • with the help of a checker, poisonous smoke is generated, which even penetrates the fabric base of upholstered furniture or bed linen laid on the bed.
  1. Before using smoke bombs against bedbugs, there is no need to carry out preliminary work to find insect nests.
  2. A normal visual inspection will not work, and the launched smoke bomb will reach all the parasites.
  3. Affordable price

The disadvantages are also obvious:

There is a danger of poisoning, allergies, conflicts with neighbors to whom the bugs will move. It's a long time to wait for everyone to die out.


To be sure that the device will work correctly and reliably, you must carefully study the instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this insect repellent include:

  1. Valid everywhere. The smoke emitted by the saber can penetrate into any places, including hard-to-reach ones. Thanks to this, they can be used to remove pests from apartments and other premises.
  2. Multifunctionality. Here we are talking about a wide spectrum of action. Checkers are effective not only against bedbugs, but also other insects.
  3. Large area of ​​action. One bomb can cover 300 m2, which reduces the cost of disinfection of premises. Moreover, the effectiveness of the product directly depends on its composition, namely the amount of permethrin.
  4. Low cost. Some drugs are not cheap. But, this price is fully justified by the effectiveness of the product.

Despite these advantages, checkers also have some disadvantages. This explains why they have not become widespread. Among the main disadvantages of using such drugs it is worth highlighting:

  1. Smoke from a bomb can harm not only human health, but also significantly affect your pocket. This applies to the use of the product in rooms where a fire protection system is installed. When exposed to smoke, sensors may be triggered and send a signal to the control panel, followed by a call to the rescue service. A false call from the Ministry of Emergency Situations will cost the owner a lot. To avoid such problems, you should turn off the system prematurely or, if this is not possible, notify the relevant structures about the use of the checker.
  2. The smoke reaches all secluded places in the room where insect poisoning is carried out. But, at the same time, it is able to penetrate the ventilation shaft and spread throughout the house to neighboring apartments. The checker produces enough bedbug smoke to fill several floors. Therefore, when using it, you should make sure that there is no access to ventilation.
  3. Permethrin works slightly differently for pets and people. But if you inhale smoke for a long time, this will lead to intoxication of the body and various complications. There have been cases where people's well-being worsened even a few seconds after being in the work area.
  4. The insecticide affects only adults and larvae. At the same time, the eggs remain safe. Therefore, you will have to re-treat it at home.

Today, the market offers a wide range of Chinese and Japanese products, which are adapted for use in residential buildings. Of course, they are not cheap, especially when compared with domestic products.

The most common brands of smoke bombs

The insecticidal pyrotechnic agent “CITY” checker is a cylinder weighing 50 g with a conical depression on the upper surface, packed in a polymer film. The product contains 13% permethrin, a pyrotechnic mixture and pine fragrance as an active ingredient. Produced by CJSC VITAR Ready-Mold Plant, Tyumen (Russia).

According to the degree of danger during inhalation, according to the Classification of disinfestation agents, the insecticidal bomb "CITY" belongs to class 2 of highly hazardous substances. The product is intended for the destruction of synanthropic insects (red cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes), ensures the defeat of fleas, red cockroaches, mosquitoes and house flies within 60-120 minutes. The residual effect of the drug is 3-14 days. Cost from 330 rub.

Samuro checker is an instant insecticidal agent against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, wasps, flies. The new generation insecticide Samuro weighs 50 g. Cost from 240 rubles.

The “Quiet Evening” smoke bomb is also designed to completely destroy or temporarily repel blood-sucking and harmful insects indoors and outdoors. The effect of fumigation is manifested in relation to:

Affects bedbugs, mosquitoes, cockroaches, various midges, horse flies, fleas and flies.

Toxicity parameters belong to class 4 of low-hazard substances in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76. The composition of the product Quiet Evening in smoke mode of use belongs to class 3 hazardous substances. In accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents. The drug has no irritating effect on the skin. Upon contact with mucous membranes, it may cause a slight inflammatory effect. Cost from 450 rub.

Inexpensive product "Mukhoyar" - a smoke insecticidal bomb against flies, mosquitoes, wasps. 50g Ingredients: permethrin - 5%, oxidizing agent, flame retardant, filler (talc). The contents of the package (100g) are designed to destroy bedbugs, feather eaters and lice eaters indoors - 180 m³. It is also effective against flies and other household insects. Cost from 100 rub.

The Avia insecticidal smoke bomb is a powerful fumigation agent for combating insects in open areas and indoors. It has an acute insecticidal effect on mosquitoes and flies, the midge complex (midges, horseflies, midges), cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, moths, ants, rat mites. Cost from 680 rub.

Can it be used in an apartment?

Using a smoke bomb in an apartment

Cypermethrin has low toxicity for humans and mammals. According to the GOST classification 12.1.007-76, it belongs to class 4 of low-hazard compounds. If you follow the rules for using checkers, cypermethrin, if it accidentally gets on human skin, will not give a sensitizing or irritating effect.

If we are talking about permethrin as such, due to its high toxicity, it is not intended for residential premises, but for industrial or agricultural facilities.

IMPORTANT: after reading the instructions for using the checker, it is advisable to double-check the information received on the Internet, since a mistake can be too costly for your health.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

Smoke bombs against bedbugs have the following advantages:

  1. High efficiency. Smoke penetrates absolutely into all corners of the room, destroying, among other things, those insects that are hidden under baseboards, wallpaper or upholstery. It is equally destructive for both adult parasites and larvae.
  2. Availability. On the Internet it is very easy to find an online store with smoke bombs against bedbugs. In offline retail outlets, checkers are not as widely available as sprays and crayons, due to their increased health hazard. You can purchase them in specialized stores of insecticides and gardening supplies. The cost of checkers starts from 100 rubles.
  3. Economical. One bomb is enough to clear a room of up to 300 m2 from bedbugs (if we are not talking about an aquafumigator).
  4. Versatility. At the same time as bedbugs, the smoke will destroy cockroaches, lice and molds that provoke the development of respiratory tract diseases in humans and animals.

The negative aspects of this disinfestation method are as follows:

  1. Smoke can travel through ventilation pipes to neighbors several floors up and down.
  2. If a fire alarm is installed in the room, it may go off.
  3. Intoxication due to permethrin inhalation, although unlikely, is still possible. This can happen if personal protective equipment was not used when treating the room, if the room was not ventilated for a sufficient time after treatment, or if it was not wet cleaned. Not only people, but also pets can suffer from intoxication.

Japanese and Chinese manufacturers are actively working on creating checkers optimized for use in apartment buildings.

Instructions for use

  • Shake the bomb well before use until ignited
  • Spray indoors or indoors for 20 seconds or more
  • Do not use or store at temperatures above 50°C or near a window.
  • Avoid spraying near the lens of surveillance cameras

Preparation for processing

Rules for using smoke bombs against bedbugs:

  • All people and pets must be removed from the room before using smoke bombs.
  • Bed linen should be removed from the bed and hung on lines
  • The mattress should be positioned vertically to facilitate the entry of insecticidal smoke.
  • Children's toys, clothing, dishes and food should be isolated from exposure to smoke using plastic bags
  • Take out the bird cages
  • Cover the aquarium
  • The smoke bomb is placed in the middle of the room in a pan or basin of water to avoid accidental fire

Processing process

After the wick is lit and smoke enters the room, the organizer of this process must leave the room and close the door. People should not inhale smoke from the bomb.

Basic safety measures when using checkers also require that the person baiting bedbugs is wearing a long-sleeved jacket and tight-fitting trousers. It is mandatory to wear a respirator.

After processing

The general rule for working in premises where insect extermination measures have been carried out is to wet treat the premises.

The smell after using smoke bombs lasts for about a week. For this and other reasons, it is recommended that children and pets are not allowed into the treated area for the first week after the bed bug extermination procedure. Also, people prone to allergies should not stay in the apartment, as the substance can cause an allergic reaction.

How to prepare a room for treatment

Using a smoke bomb to combat bedbugs does not cause any difficulties, but it is necessary to carefully prepare the room before treatment. The poisonous smoke emitted by the saber fills the entire internal space and leaves behind a white coating on objects. In order to avoid harmful consequences, you need to follow some rules:

  1. During the period of action of the product, there should be no people or animals in the room.
  2. Closet doors and drawers are left open, beds and other furniture are moved away from the walls so that smoke can easily reach every corner of the room.
  3. Bedding and bedding are hung on ropes for direct access to the insecticide.
  4. Thick mattresses are placed vertically, leaning against the wall.
  5. Windows and doors must remain closed to prevent smoke from spreading outside the room.
  6. It is best to seal the ventilation holes, ensuring the safety of people in the neighborhood.
  7. It is not recommended to leave open personal belongings, clothing, toys, hygiene products and other items that come into contact with the skin during operation or are used in everyday life. They must be wrapped in plastic or taken with you to a safe place.
  8. Food products must not be left in the area being treated. It is better to throw away the food or move it to another place.
  9. When applying an insecticide, you should turn off fire detectors that may react to smoke and turn on.

Reference! It is also not recommended to use a smoke bomb in a house where people suffering from allergies live.

Smoke bomb “Quiet evening” for bedbugs – reviews

Smoke bombs “Quiet Evening” are used to combat domestic insects. The concentration of permethrin in them reaches 10%, which allows you to quickly reach all bedbug nests in the room. Smoke bombs can be used against flies and mosquitoes, so they are somewhat of a versatile tool.

Judging by the reviews, the checkers work much better than the advertised Raptor aerosol can.

It is not recommended to buy checkers made in Japan and China, since it is unknown in what concentration the active substance is actually added and how effective it will be, or, conversely, dangerous for people and pets.

Operating principle

Smoke bombs generate large volumes of smoke, which is a fine insecticidal aerosol. One bomb is capable of producing a much larger volume of poisonous puffs than several cans of conventional aerosol, Raptor or Dichlorvos.

The resulting smoke is evenly distributed throughout all the nooks and crannies of the room. The size of smoke particles is tens of microns, so they are able to penetrate into the thinnest cracks - under the baseboard, through furniture upholstery, etc.

Smoke bombs act quickly; cockroaches, having “swallowed” the smoke, quickly die. The poisons contained in it have a prolonged effect and simultaneously through contact, through the intestines and by fumigation.

Is the checker safe for people?

  • They have different compositions. Be sure to read the instructions. For use at home, it is better to use smoke bombs that contain pyrethroids. These are synthetic analogues of natural insecticides.
  • Hexachlorane insecticide is very toxic, so smoke bombs based on it are prohibited, and it is dangerous to use it at home, in an apartment or house.
  • Pyrethroids are relatively safe, but a person should not inhale the smoke. These substances sometimes cause allergies.

Active ingredients

The smoke bomb is selected in relation to the purpose of the room where the procedure will be carried out. The type of active substance that will most effectively cope with bedbugs depends on this. In the manufacture of insecticides they use:

Permethrin . A potent nerve agent that enters the body of insects through the intestines. The percentage of the substance per checker should not exceed 10-15%. The dangerous insecticide is intended for the treatment of agricultural buildings, so it is not used in residential areas.

Sulfur . Many well-known bedbug control products use sulfur as a base. During combustion, a large amount of acrid smoke is generated, which has powerful properties and kills not only insects, but also fungus.

Didecyldimethylammonium bromide . Most often used to treat rooms with high humidity, it also effectively fights fungi and bacteria.

Hexachlorane . Chlorine based. Currently used in small quantities to increase the strength of the insect repellent. Capable of destroying various types of pests.

Pyrethroids . Modern insecticides that are used when treating apartments and private houses. They are synthetic analogues of natural substances found in some plant varieties.

Reference! The action of the pyrethroid causes paralysis of the insect, while the chemical is relatively safe for humans and animals.

Most often, artificially created pyrethrins are used to control insects in residential areas. Chemicals are quickly destroyed by direct sunlight, so they are rarely used in summer cottages and gardens to protect plantings.

Other chemicals against self-killing cockroaches

Chemical reagents are definitely better than traditional ones because they contain carefully selected ingredients and active components. Such drugs can kill cockroaches immediately without causing any harm to people or pets, which is certainly a big advantage. You can find such products in the form of gels, aerosols, powders, beads, traps, and even electronic devices on store shelves. It is worth noting that they are all convenient and easy to use - you just need to follow the instructions.

How harmful are smoke bombs for animals and people?

Smoke bombs, the active components of which are pyrethroids, are absolutely safe for people and warm-blooded animals. Cold-blooded people can get sick and even die from a small dose of the substance, so you need to be extremely careful with them. However, insecticide vapors can cause poisoning in pets and people, so staying indoors during treatment is strictly prohibited. The presence of an insecticidal film on surfaces is not dangerous if you do not put anything from these coatings into your mouth without washing it (applies to children and pets). If any fruits remain unharvested during processing, they must be thoroughly washed and can be eaten.

Various extraneous “tenants”, for example, bedbugs, often get into our house. They are difficult to destroy, they are already familiar to many means, but there are really powerful drugs, the substances of which penetrate everywhere and destroy pests, no matter where they are hiding. They should be used if insects appear, especially since smoke bombs, when used correctly, are harmless to humans and pets.

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