Destruction and treatment of cockroaches - disinsection

Prices for disinfection against cockroaches:

  • Apartments
  • Houses and cottages
  • Travel outside the Moscow Ring Road
Your premisesPrice
1 room apartment from 1800 rub
2 rooms apartment from 2000 rub
3 rooms apartment from 2300 rub
4 rooms apartment from 2600 rub.
MOP bathroom, kitchen, corridorfrom 1500 rub
*The guarantee is provided when the entire apartment is processed.
House area (m²)Price (RUB/m²)
up to 100from 3500 rub.
100 — 200from 35 rub./m²
200 — 300from 30 rub./m²
300 — 400from 25 rub./m²
400 — 500from 20 rub./m²
more than 500negotiable
DistanceDeparture cost (RUB)
up to 20 km.500
from 20 to 50 km.750
from 50 to 80 km.1000
from 80 to 100 km.1300
from 100 km.1500

A clean room that is absolutely suitable for living means not only the absence of visible debris, but also the absence of unwanted neighbors. As a rule, cockroaches become such neighbors, which makes life very difficult for apartment and house owners. We recommend exterminating cockroaches as soon as the first signs of uninvited guests appear in the room. These insects are not only an external irritant that causes feelings of disgust and indignation, but also dangerous carriers of various diseases, such as salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, asthma and diphtheria. That is why treatment for cockroaches in Moscow is one of the most popular today.

Insects can appear for completely different reasons - accumulation of food in hard-to-reach places (under a cabinet in the kitchen or behind the stove), the presence of insects among neighbors. They can also even come into a clean room if the attic or basement was treated or when cockroaches were destroyed in the garbage chute by the management company. You can protect yourself from unexpected guests using barrier protection (specialized odorless and colorless gel).

A kit for self-treatment against cockroaches for 1190 rubles!

How does cold fog disinfection against cockroaches occur?

Special prices for the destruction of cockroaches for legal entities.


The destruction of cockroaches is impossible without prevention. Cleanliness in the room is the key to a peaceful existence without pests. But even regular general cleaning does not guarantee 100% protection from the Prussians. They take root perfectly in pieces of furniture, laying eggs in hollow legs, mattresses, and household appliances.

You should be careful when buying antique items. It is likely that a brood of cockroaches from the previous owners will be delivered along with the old gramophone. As soon as at least one cockroach is noticed in the apartment, it is necessary to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

We offer reasonable prices with a comprehensive and thorough approach to solving the client's problem. The qualifications and experience of our employees allow us to provide a long-term guarantee on our work, because we are confident in the high efficiency of our procedure for exterminating cockroaches. Thanks to an individual approach, you will receive a positive result, and we will receive positive feedback from the client.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Station Certificates

sanitary and epidemiological station license

Additional services

  • Extermination of cockroaches in North-East Administrative Okrug
  • Extermination of cockroaches in Northwestern Administrative Okrug
  • Extermination of cockroaches in the Northern Administrative District
  • Extermination of cockroaches in JSC

Professional fighting methods

Treating an apartment against cockroaches or bedbugs can be carried out using several methods: chemical (spraying a drug that is safe for people, odorless and colorless) and mechanical (installing specialized traps and baits). Modern methods of insect control are divided into the following groups:

Hot fog

Spraying a gaseous composition at temperatures up to 60 degrees and sizes up to 3 microns. Treatment with a hot fog generator allows you to quickly get rid of both adult cockroaches and larvae of cockroaches, reach hard-to-reach places and clean their locations.

Cold fog

Using a special cold fog generator, an insecticide (poison for cockroaches) is sprayed into the room. Penetrating into the most inaccessible places, it not only poisons insects, but also settles on surfaces, and therefore affects new “uninvited guests.”

Barrier protection

It is used in cases where uninvited guests came to the apartment from neighbors or from the basement.
A special preparation is applied to all possible insect entry points (sockets, ventilation shafts, door thresholds), thereby preventing their further penetration. Barrier protection is an addition to the main treatment method, as it only affects adult individuals!

We use odorless and colorless European preparations that do not leave marks on furniture and are safe for both adults and children!

Cockroach: types, behavioral and physiological characteristics

The red cockroach is easily recognizable. It sets up nests in apartments, country houses, dormitories, heated warehouses and catering establishments.


- not the only species that is found in Russia.
In the central and southern regions, a black cockroach gets into heated residential premises. Previously, it was distributed throughout our country. But he was supplanted by the Prussian with wider adaptive capabilities. In the European part of the country, large American, small furniture and Australian cockroaches are found. All types of cockroaches are characterized by:

  • flat oval body;
  • large, flat, long eyes;
  • movable head;
  • long mustache;
  • dense leathery elytra;
  • larvae are small cockroaches that look like mature individuals, but are smaller in size.

The high survival rate of cockroaches is a consequence of many factors, including the behavioral characteristics of insects. They are omnivores, active and hunt mainly at night. The secretive lifestyle of individuals makes it difficult to detect them in the early stages of their appearance in an apartment, when it is easiest to destroy them.

Red cockroach (Prusak)

Prussians are characterized by a red coloration of different shades - from ocher-brown to yellow-brown. The female is larger than the male. The body length of insects reaches 1.3 cm.

External distinctive features:

  • dark brown antennae about half as long as the body;
  • elytra developed, narrow and monochromatic;
  • The ootheca is large—up to 8 mm in length.

The red cockroach is found in all corners of Russia. It sets up nests in apartments, country houses, and non-residential premises, where there is enough food, water and a comfortable air temperature.

Black beetle

Black cockroaches have a uniform, shiny body ranging from pitch black to dark red-brown. Males reach 2.6 cm in length, females - 3 cm.

Black cockroaches are not able to move on vertical smooth surfaces, they jump poorly, do not fly and are less mobile than other synanthropic insects.

External distinctive features:

  • the length of the antennae is approximately equal to the length of the body;
  • males are slimmer than females;
  • the elytra are compacted;
  • legs short, lighter than body;
  • large cylindrical ootheca.

The black cockroach inhabits apartments, country houses and heated non-residential premises in the temperate and southern zones of Russia. They concentrate in damp, warm places with a lot of food - kitchens, bathrooms, basements, garbage chutes, sewers. Under favorable weather conditions, black cockroaches can live in open nature.

American cockroach

American cockroaches are reddish-brown to yellow-brown in color and have an elongated head. They are distinguished by their large size - the female’s body length reaches 4.5 cm. The ootheca is rounded and quadrangular in shape.

American cockroaches prefer warm places with high humidity. Through underground heating pipe collectors and the sewage system, insects penetrate into the premises on the first floors of the house, from where they spread to other apartments.

American cockroaches run fast, can fly, and are good jumpers. They go out in search of food at night or during the day if there are no people at home.

Furniture cockroach

Furniture cockroaches exhibit strong sexual dimorphism. Males are slender with an ocher-red color and up to 1.4 cm long. The female’s body is stockier and has a reddish tint.

External distinctive features:

  • black small eyes;
  • antennae 2 times longer than body;
  • developed wings and elytra;
  • compacted ootheca up to 5 mm long.

The furniture cockroach is more common in large Russian cities. Insects are not tied to a food source and can build nests in any room - bedroom, living room. They jump well, fly, and move quickly on any surface.

Choosing a room treatment method

The destruction of cockroaches in an apartment, as a rule, requires an integrated approach. The choice of processing method will depend directly on existing factors, such as:

  • Having children;
  • Presence of pets;
  • What methods of independent struggle were used;
  • Area of ​​the room requiring treatment;
  • The number of insects and their duration of residence in the apartment.

To find out the number of cockroaches in an apartment, you need to select the most appropriate answer:

MethodDegree of infection
Insects are rarely seen at night, no traces of their presence were foundLow (we recommend cold fog treatment)
When you turn on the lights in the kitchen at night, cockroaches begin to scatter, traces are visible every morningMedium (we recommend hot mist and barrier protection)
They move freely even during the day, trying not to run away from daylightHigh (requires complex processing with perimeter protection)

Cockroach habitats

On-site specialists will assess the situation and offer you the most optimal method to resolve it. If children, pets or allergy sufferers live in the apartment, then the choice of spray product will fall on a safer one (premium drug). If insects have been living with you for a long time, and the methods of fighting them that you used yourself did not produce any results, then, most likely, disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches will be carried out by a whole range of procedures. Since many “household” drugs from the store not only do not have certification, but are also dangerous for people:

List of insecticidal and insectoacaricidal preparations for the control of arthropods that are not registered in the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure.

Poisoning cockroaches with fog (cold and hot) in Moscow

Today, the fastest and best way to get rid of parasites is to use a device that generates hot fog. It is no coincidence that this method is used even over large areas. In this case, harmful insects are attacked not only by chemicals, but also by high temperatures reaching +90°.

However, this method is prohibited from being used in residential premises due to the high risk to the health of residents.

A product such as hot mist for cockroaches always receives good reviews. The only downside may seem to be the high price, but sometimes hot processing is the only way to solve the problem.

Adult cockroaches and their offspring, including eggs, will be killed in one go. Even taking into account how much hot fog disinfection costs, this procedure is fully justified.

Cold dry fog works on the same principle: a special installation sprays microparticles of poison over the entire area. The difference is that with this method of pickling the eggs are not exposed to heat and do not die immediately. The cold fog method allows you to quickly kill adult cockroaches and their larvae, and traces of the poisons used will deal with the remnants of the population.

These are the most effective modern methods of combating infection. But a professional, after assessing the condition of the home, may recommend another method, for example, ozone destruction or local irrigation.

Where do insects come from in the apartment?

As a rule, cockroaches live in places least visited by humans and protected from direct sunlight: in crevices, cracks, under cabinets. They do not like light, but have a positive attitude towards moisture. This is why you can often find an unpleasant guest in the bathroom or kitchen sink. Insects can eat absolutely anything: they are more than happy with a breakfast in the form of a cardboard shoe box or a slightly dry bun your child left somewhere behind the sofa. They tolerate both high and low temperatures well, easily adapt to new poisons, therefore, exterminating cockroaches on their own is not only dangerous to health, but only a professional sanitary service can provide a guarantee for the complete extermination of the entire colony.

If there are insects in the house, then even the slightest contact of this creature with any food makes it unsuitable for humans and even dangerous. That is why it is important to start fighting insects as soon as you discover traces of their activity.

What are the threats from cockroaches?

One species causes slight panic and a desire to remove insects as far as possible from the apartment and kitchen. They leave behind unpleasant traces of vital activity. The ability to crawl through even the narrowest cracks allows you to move around the house and climb into all food storage areas. The appearance of a longhorned beetle is a reason to think about complex treatment and choosing the most effective method for exterminating cockroaches.

Epidemiologist, Petrov Ivan Mikhailovich, 51 years old. Carriers of dangerous infections multiply quickly and adapt to poisons. That is why it is so difficult to fight them with ordinary folk remedies. Insects have long developed immunity to them. It only takes one run through food items to make them dangerous to eat.

Physiological features:

  • peak activity occurs at night;
  • they look for watering holes and often arrange them in shells where drops of water remain;
  • unpretentiousness in food.

Often the destruction of cockroaches is accompanied by the purchase of all kinds of traps and crayons, but these are half measures. It’s easier to immediately call a professional team.

How to prepare for the arrival of specialists

After choosing a method for exterminating cockroaches, you need to do a little preparation of the apartment:

  • Place in plastic bags: food, personal hygiene items, medicines, cutlery, children's toys, pet items;
  • Hide all clothes, toys and other textile items in the closet.
  • Arrange the furniture.

This is necessary to ensure that the destruction of cockroaches is 100% successful. It will be necessary to check all the cracks and hard-to-reach places that may be under the sofa or behind the chair. Laying out the furniture will not only speed up the processing process, but will also allow it to be carried out more thoroughly.

  • Cover with film: lacquered furniture, household appliances, paintings and other decorative household items.
  • Carry out wet cleaning of the room with detergents.

Treatment for cockroaches is a process that requires not only preparatory work, but subsequent work. After the exterminators have carried out the work, it is necessary to ventilate the room for 3-60 minutes (depending on the number of rooms), and wet clean all work surfaces. Also, wash items that have been exposed to the spray at high temperatures.

Disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow

Our advantages

In the Unified Disinfection Service of Moscow EDSM:

  • We employ exterminators with extensive experience.
  • Highly effective chemicals are used that do not pose a threat to the life and health of humans and their pets.
  • The most modern pest control equipment is used.
  • The cost of pest control services is available to customers with different budgets.

Have questions? The company consultant will provide answers to them. To contact him, you can use the phone number listed on our website.

Independent struggle or help from the SES service?

Treatment for cockroaches is a procedure that requires certain knowledge and skills. But, despite the fact that many understand this, trying to get rid of harmful insects on your own is the first step that most people take. In 90% of cases, all methods are ineffective or provide an effect for several days, after which the insects successfully return to the space they have already inhabited. Before you start exterminating cockroaches, it is also recommended to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment and protect food products and textiles from chemicals. The most common methods of independently combating uninvited guests are the following drugs:

Aerosols Various dichlorvos and sprays that have a sharp, unpleasant odor, unpleasant not only to people, but also to cockroaches. It is this pungent smell that repels insects. Unfortunately, this method only works on adults and does not give a long-term effect, and in just a couple of days the unpleasant roommates will return again.

Crayons This processing method is more suitable for inner peace. Crayons will not help in the fight against pests that have already settled, they will only slightly scare them away. It is not uncommon for cockroaches to feed on crayons.

Baits and traps have a low percentage of effectiveness. They operate on the principle of transferring poison from one adult insect to another. If the pest gets to the bait and tastes it, then its fate is sealed. Otherwise, he will simply run further. Will only help against adults.

Self-treatment of a room from cockroaches does not lead to the desired effect in 99.9% of cases. Of course, you can scare them away for a while, but you still won’t be able to deal with them. Among other things, the use of spray, crayons and other drugs is not safe, especially if children or pets live in the apartment, who may also decide to try this device. Insect repellent preparations sold in stores, in most cases, only increase their protective properties, thereby complicating the subsequent work of specialists.

Preparing for destruction

The room must be prepared before the procedure begins.

  1. Be sure to remove all food! Flour, cereals, pasta can be taken out to the balcony, leaving them in bags. To prevent them from spoiling and becoming covered in dust, close the entire package tightly.
  2. The dishes are covered with film.
  3. After treating cockroaches, it is advisable to wash work surfaces and utensils with soap, water and soda. The solution will wash away any remaining chemicals.
  4. General cleaning is carried out 2 weeks after the procedure, this ensures the destruction of the entire population, including the larvae.

Insects can survive without water for up to 1 week; open access to a watering hole will reduce all efforts to zero, so all sources must be shut off.

Why should you contact us?

We work seven days a week

We work around the clock, 7 days a week, without days off or breaks.

Great experience

We have been processing for over 7 years. All masters undergo advanced training.

Affordable prices

Flexible system of discounts and low prices for the destruction of cockroaches compared to competitors.

We provide all necessary documents

Before the start of work, we will provide a contract and certificates for the drugs, after: reports and certificates of processing.

Safety and guarantees

We provide a guarantee with free visits. We use modern drugs that are safe for people.

Free consultation

Our operators will answer any questions about processing and preparing the premises.
Call at any convenient time. Ready to exterminate cockroaches today!

How to choose a company?

When a person first encounters a problem, he tries to cope with it on his own. If the problem is not solved, then it’s time to look for competent specialists. In your search, you should take into account several points that become decisive factors in making a decision:

  1. What deadlines does the company meet?
  2. How polite and clear the staff communicates.
  3. What technologies and drugs are used to kill cockroaches.
  4. Is there a guarantee for the work performed?
  5. How quality are the services provided?
  6. Be sure to read reviews from real clients who have already used the company’s services.
  7. Do employees help when choosing services, how professionally do they present the company and their services.

Experienced specialists will help you forget about pests for a long time.

Should I worry about one cockroach?

A accidentally discovered cockroach may turn out to be either a scout or far from being the only individual. At night, cockroaches are active, and during the day they hide in cracks, preventing themselves from being discovered for a long time. Therefore, the severity of the infection is often hidden from human eyes. To understand how the situation really is, pay attention to the following signs (they indicate a strong population):

  • Traces of feces are accumulations of small dark brown (red) stains on walls, kitchen furniture and food packaging. By the way, by their number it is easy to estimate the scale of infection. The more stains, the more cockroaches live in your home.
  • Larval skins, as well as empty oothecae - shells in which eggs mature and which the female cockroaches dump under furniture and other places that you rarely look into.
  • Oily smell – when there are a lot of insects in the room, it begins to smell characteristic.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Do you have a license?

We provide disinfection, disinfestation and deratization services to individuals and legal entities on the basis of a license for medical activities in disinfectology No. LO-78-01-011185.

2. Do you use fog generators?

Not in residential areas. Cold fog automates the workflow quite well, saving the processor time. However, compared to drip equipment, generators are inferior in efficiency, since when the product is evenly distributed, not enough substance reaches the places where cockroaches accumulate. Also, aerosols penetrate less well under porous coatings than a small drop. As for hot fog generators, for their safe use, complete sealing of the room is important, which is not always possible to achieve.

3. How do professional insect repellents work? How safe are they?

The insecticidal drug destroys insects within 24 hours. The most effective products we use act as a neurotoxin on insects. One way or another, they affect the nervous system, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses. This soon leads to convulsions, muscle paralysis and subsequent death of the cockroaches. During treatment, people and animals must leave the premises. Then the apartment should be ventilated for 2 hours, wet cleaning should be carried out, and you can stay in the room.

4. Is one treatment enough to completely destroy cockroaches?

Not always. In the vast majority of cases (75-90% of cases), we manage to destroy cockroaches in one go. In other situations, it is necessary to repeat the treatment throughout the year (in some particularly difficult situations - up to several times).

The following are not immune from possible recurrences: ● Houses with unfavorable sanitary and technical conditions (old buildings, dormitories); ● Houses in which more than 30% of the premises are inhabited by cockroaches. ● Houses inhabited by resistant races of cockroaches, i.e. individuals with increased chemical resistance, which have developed so-called “immunity” to the poison.

5. When should you poison cockroaches - before or after renovation?

We recommend carrying out disinfestation no later than 1 month before the start of repair work or during the period of repair work, but 3 weeks before finishing.

6. Is it possible to disinfest an apartment if there is a bedridden patient in it?

Yes, in such situations we recommend the “Odorless” tariff, which uses drugs with the lowest hazard class. Before treatment, such a person with a respirator on is placed in a separate room, with the door tightly closed. The room will not be treated with the drug, but we can use a combination of alternative disinfestation methods in it - gels, glue traps or steam treatment.

7. Can I observe the process of treating my apartment with a disinfectant?

Yes, one adult can remain in the room being treated, wearing a respirator or gauze bandage. At this time, you should not eat or smoke. After disinfestation is completed, you must open the windows and leave the room.

8. Can a disinfector come only for an inspection?

The service of entomological examination of the premises costs 550-700 rubles. Based on the results, an expert opinion is drawn up. This service is necessary if the type of pest is not identified or there are other non-standard conditions. In most cases, a preliminary inspection of the apartment is carried out free of charge and in one visit with processing.

9. The neighbors also have cockroaches. Will pest control of only my apartment have an effect?

If you can come to an agreement with your neighbors, it is better to poison the cockroaches in one day. Unfortunately, complete treatment of only one apartment does not guarantee a 100% long-term effect. At the same time, the barrier effect of the drug will prevent the appearance of new individuals within 1 month. Mosquito nets on ventilation openings and windows and sealing holes and cracks will help increase the chances of success. At the same time, the garbage disposal and general unsanitary conditions worsen the prognosis of the situation.

10. After disinsection there are a lot of dead insects, but there are also living ones. How long will it take for cockroaches to completely disappear?

Some cockroaches survive because they did not receive a lethal dose of the drug during treatment. But even those insects that crawled onto the treated surface some time after disinfestation will be poisoned by the residues of the substance on the surface or after coming into contact with “infected” individuals. How quickly will this happen? Each case is individual. If the apartment is clean and well prepared, and the adjacent rooms are free of cockroaches, the period of ridding takes 12-24 hours.

11. Why have cockroaches become more aggressive? There seemed to be more of them. Is this how it should be?

90% of cockroaches (mainly larvae) are constantly in shelters, so the real scale of infection differs significantly from the visible one. But the drug forces the cockroaches to move, and the hidden numbers are revealed. Also, the unusual behavior of cockroaches is associated with the mechanism of action of insecticides on their nervous system - involuntary muscle movements occur. The activity of poisoned cockroaches naturally increases. But this is not yet a reason to worry; soon all the cockroaches will die.

12. When should I order processing and how quickly can I arrive?

Processing can be arranged at any time convenient for you. We accept orders the day before processing or earlier so that we have the opportunity to prepare. Urgent orders are accepted from 9.00 to 21.00, without additional charges. If the apartment is inhabited and you do not plan to move out, we recommend that you carry out disinfestation in the first half of the day, so that you can clean it in the remaining time and stay in the room without any inconvenience.

Why choose GERADEZ

Price Guarantee
The price corresponds to the price list and is not subsequently adjusted. The cost of work will not increase, even if the pest problem is extremely advanced.

Result guarantee

The terms of the guarantee are fixed in the contract and do not change during inspection - re-processing within 1 year is COMPLETELY FREE. No hidden fees or additional conditions.

Information about funds

The consumer has the right to know how the disinfectant works. We will tell you in detail about the drug, and show you the label, instructions and certificate for verification.

Quality monitoring

In pest control, we go all the way to victory, and after payment we don’t give up - the manager checks the results of each treatment within a month.

A complex approach

We combine chemistry with alternative pest control methods. We do everything possible to suppress pests that have developed immunity to poisons.

How quickly will cockroaches disappear?

Most insects die during treatment and in the first 24 hours after it. Final conclusions should be drawn after the control period. We tie it to the interval between 14 and 35 days - this is the period of hatching of small cockroaches (larvae) from oothecae shed by females shortly before death.

How long it will take to completely rid an apartment of cockroaches depends on several factors:

  • degree of occupancy
  • sanitary and hygienic condition of the house
  • compliance by you (and, if necessary, the management company of the house) with our instructions and recommendations for sanitary prevention.
  • presence or absence of cockroaches among neighbors
  • the number of resistant (resistant to the action of poison) individuals.

If the next day after disinsection you see a live cockroach, this indicates its resistance to the drug (acquired “immunity”). This becomes a problem when the number of resistant insects exceeds 50% of the total number. In such a situation, re-treatment with another drug is necessary.

Ways to contact us

  • Request a call back. Within 15 seconds after clicking the “Send” button, our operator will call you back.
  • Dial us at the city number in the header of the site.
  • Call the hotline operator at this number (the call is free in Russia). The operator will help you with information and, if necessary, will take your order even late at night; the number is open 24/7.
  • Write to WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram at +79509710788. If you need to determine the type of pest, it is convenient to send a photo here.
  • Send us a message on VKontakte
  • Write a letter to the address, designating the subject as “Individual Request”

Request for a call back

Photos and examples of work

Where do cockroaches come from? Disinsection of a residential building [video #1]

Treatment of an apartment for daily rent [video #2]

In this video, our disinfectant shows how professional pest control works on cockroaches (the result is visible from the first minutes). You will see the entire cycle of work on site, including a return visit after 21 days. In this case, at the request of the client, a control treatment of the apartment was also carried out, although there were no longer cockroaches in it.

A month after our work in the basement of a high-rise building [video #3]

The insecticide showed a good result, which allowed our disinfectors to eliminate a large breeding ground for cockroaches in the entire building.

When may cockroach disinfestation be necessary?

Cockroaches most often appear when the home is cluttered and requires special treatment and thorough disinfection. Complete unsanitary conditions are a reason to think whether it’s time to call a pest control service to kill insects. What if the apartment is sparkling clean? No one living in an apartment building is immune from the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment.

  • The neighbors are clean

The very first thing that comes to mind is that the cockroaches crawled in from the neighbors. They did sanitization, but it was not successful. Insects flee from pest control by moving through communication systems, cracks in baseboards, and cracks in concrete slabs of an apartment. In such a situation, the best thing is to agree to call specialists to exterminate cockroaches in all apartments at the same time. Ideally, treatment should be carried out simultaneously throughout the entire building.

  • Unclean neighbors

Another type of neighbors are absolute slobs. Their cockroaches breed so actively that it becomes simply cramped for them to live in the apartment. You can, of course, talk to your neighbors, try to convince them to call a cockroach extermination service, and treat your home for disinfestation purposes. But life experience suggests that getting rid of cockroaches in such a situation is possible only through the courts. You should start by confirming the extremely unhygienic situation in your neighbors’ house. This can be done either by the sanitary housing inspection or by the management company that maintains the house. If the court decision is in your favor, you can call the sanitary and epidemiological station to disinfest cockroaches without the consent of your neighbors.

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