Complete instructions for using Rubit products

Anyone who grows vegetables or flowers in their garden plots always faces the problem of weeds taking over the beds and flower beds with cultivated plantings. A weed killer can help when regular weeding doesn't stop the pesky grass from growing.

To get a good harvest, you need to control the growth of weeds and destroy them in a timely manner. This process is not easy. A good weed and grass killer will forever clear the fertile soil of harmful plants and bushes.

Preparation for spraying potatoes

Larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle are very tenacious. “Cut Monsoon” can completely clear your garden of pests. The concentrated liquid product is available in a glass bottle (10 ml), which comes with detailed instructions.

The main substance that kills the Colorado potato beetle, imidacloprid, is not destroyed by the scorching rays of the sun and is slowly washed off from potato tops during rainstorms.

To poison the Colorado potato beetle, you need to take a syringe, fill it with 1 ml of Monsoon liquid, dilute it in 5 liters of water. There should be enough poison for 100 m². After treating the garden, the pests die within 24 hours. Since the drug is hazardous to health, the instructions for use allow for a single spraying at least 20 days before the start of harvest.

A bottle costs about 60 rubles and is sold in all specialized stores. With its help, they not only destroy the Colorado potato beetle, but also poison colonies of aphids and whiteflies on tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables. To treat 100 m² of garden, dilute 1 ml in 5 liters of water and spray green leaves in the morning or evening.


Biogard - new on the market

The new generation bioherbicide “Biogard” was created to combat more than 400 varieties of wild grasses. At the same time, the drug has a beneficial effect on fruit and vegetable crops, thanks to its universal formula. "Biogard" is available in the form of a small bottle of serum.


  • Dilute 25 ml of whey with 3 liters of water;
  • the finished liquid is enough to spray 12 m2 of land.


  • inexpensive;
  • long shelf life;
  • increases the immunity of cultural plantings;
  • safe for animals, insects and humans.


  • No.

Cost: 147 rubles per 100 ml.

Universal insect repellent

If you need to protect crops, ornamental plants and fruit trees, purchase the drug “Rubit 58”. It is highly effective and quickly destroys the following pests:

  • ticks;
  • aphids;
  • codling moth;
  • silkworm, leaf beetle;
  • moth, leaf roller;
  • raspberry beetle, bud moth, weevil;
  • cabbage moth, cutworm and many other insects.

"Rubit 58" is produced in blister packs containing 5 ml ampoules. The main substance is malathion.

  1. To prepare a solution for killing insects on vegetables, fill the syringe with the contents of the ampoule and pour it into 5 liters of water, stir thoroughly.
  2. Treat the plants early in the morning. Gently moisten both sides of the leaves with the liquid, being careful not to apply the product to neighboring crops.
  3. In order for Rubit 58 to be fully effective, rain should not be allowed to fall on the tops for 6 hours after spraying.

In open ground, crops should be processed no more than 2 times a season. Harvesting can begin no earlier than 3 weeks after the last contact of the leaves with the poison.

Each large fruit tree and grape bush is sprayed with 5 liters of water, in which 5 ml of the drug is diluted. For shrubs and decorative roses, 1.5 liters of solution per 100 m² is enough. For melons and melons, the Rubit 58 ampoule is diluted in 5 liters of liquid. It processes an area of ​​100 m².

Rubit Profi fungicide against powdery mildew, rust, rot, spotting, anthracnose (5ml)

Pesticide Profi CE is a systemic fungicide for protecting berry bushes from a wide range of diseases in private farms.


  • Has a long-lasting protective and healing effect.
  • Speed ​​of influence within 2 days after treatment.


Active ingredient: 250 g/l propiconazole.


From powdery mildew and rust for 4-8 weeks, activity decreases for 3-5 weeks in cool and humid weather, in epiphytotic conditions - up to 2 weeks. Compatible with many fungicides, but it is advisable to check the mixed components before processing. Does not have a negative effect on the growth and development of plants and does not cause burns to shoots and leaves.

It enters the plant within 24 hours through leaves and stems, moves acropetally and exhibits an effect after 2 days.


Dilute the contents of the ampoule in a small amount of water in a plastic or enamel container, mix, then add water to the required level. Do not use containers for food or drinking water. Use the working solution on the day of preparation.

Strawberry crop is a harmful object: gray rot, powdery mildew. Application rate 5ml/5l. Method of treatment: Spraying during the growing season before flowering and after harvesting. Consumption - 1.5 l/10 sq.m. Waiting period (processing brevity) 20(2).

The Black Currant crop is a harmful object: powdery mildew, columnar rust, anthracnose, septoria (white leaf spot). Application rate 5ml/5l. Method of treatment: Spraying during the growing season before flowering and after harvesting. Consumption - 0.5l-1.0l/per bush. Waiting period (processing brevity) 20(2).

The Gooseberry crop is a harmful object: powdery mildew, columnar and goblet rust, anthracnose, septoria (white leaf spot). Application rate 5ml/5l. Method of treatment: Spraying during the growing season before flowering and after harvesting. Consumption - 0.5l-1.0l/per bush. Waiting period (processing brevity) 20(2).

The Raspberry crop is a harmful object: purple spot, anthracnose, septoria, rust. Application rate 5ml/5l. Method of treatment: Spraying during the growing season before flowering and after harvesting. Consumption - 0.8-1.0 l/10 sq.m. Waiting period (processing brevity) 20(2).

It is not phytotoxic at recommended consumption rates. Does not have a negative effect on the growth and development of the protected culture. A stimulating effect may occur. It is necessary to alternate the use of fungicides from the triazole group with drugs with a different mechanism of action.


The use of aerial treatments is prohibited. It is prohibited to work without PPE for respiratory organs, eyes and skin. Observe precautions in accordance with SanPin 122584-10. The treatment should be carried out in the absence of children and animals; drinking, eating and smoking are prohibited. After work, take a shower and change your overalls. Transport only in original packaging with a label by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods.

Places where the drug is stored should be inaccessible to children and animals. Do not allow the drug to enter water bodies or sewer systems; check the soil. Wells, etc. Sources of drinking water supply must be carefully closed. Little dangerous for bees - hazard class 3, persistence class 1 in soil.


At the first signs of illness, immediately remove the victim from work and remove him from the affected area, carefully remove clothing and PPE, avoiding contact of the drug with the skin or respiratory system, and immediately seek medical help. In case of accidental ingestion - rinse your mouth with water, immediately drink 1-2 glasses of water with a suspension of enterosorbent (activated carbon, Polysorb, etc.) in accordance with the recommendations for their use, then induce vomiting, and then again drink 1-2 glasses of water with a suspension of sorbent and consult a doctor immediately. If inhaled, remove victim to fresh air. Seek medical help if necessary. In case of contact with skin, rinse with plenty of running water. In case of contact with clothing, after removing contaminated clothing or shoes, rinse areas of possible skin contamination with water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with a soft stream of clean running water with eyelids open. If necessary, consult a doctor. There is no antidote. Treatment is symptomatic. Where you work with the drug there should be a first aid kit.


Shelf life: 3 years. Guaranteed shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Store in a serviceable original container, equipped with a label, at a temperature of 0°C to +35°C, separately from medicines, food products, feed, fodder, in a dry, cool place, inaccessible to children and animals, separately from other pesticides, with protection from exposure to direct sunlight, moisture, pollution and mechanical damage.


The product is packaged in polymer bags, 5 ml ampoule.

Medicine for crawling and flying pests

If you need to quickly clear the area of ​​cockroaches, mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies, Rubit Cypermethrin will come to the rescue. It is intended for high-quality disinfection of open space and premises and is available in a 100 ml bottle. The approximate cost of the drug is 190 rubles.

Before use, carefully read all the points that the instructions include. It says in detail in what proportions to dilute the product to kill bedbugs, mosquitoes or cockroaches. On average, you need to take 25 ml of Cypermethrin into a syringe and dilute it in 1.5 liters of water, stirring continuously for 5 minutes. Then fill a container with a spray bottle with the solution.

Important! When carrying out pest control against mosquitoes, bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects, do not forget to protect your lungs with a respirator and wear rubber gloves on your hands. After the procedure, take the syringe and all containers in which the poison was diluted to the trash.

  1. To kill cockroaches and ants, the product is sprayed onto baseboards, walls and floors.
  2. Carefully treat all the cracks in the apartment, apply the preparation to the kitchen table, sink, stove and other household items.
  3. Infected and dead cockroaches must be collected and disposed of.

Mosquitoes are destroyed indoors by spraying the ceiling, corners of rooms and adjacent walls of the house with the product. On the street, trash cans, walls of various buildings and other places that attract mosquitoes are treated. If bloodsuckers have spread in a closed reservoir, the drug is sprayed over its surface. To completely protect yourself from mosquitoes, the treatment must be repeated, but not more than once every 30 days.

To get rid of bedbugs, fill a syringe with the diluted drug and treat the cracks in the walls. Spray the floors and furniture with a spray bottle. After a month, be sure to repeat the disinfestation. This is necessary to kill the bedbug larvae that have managed to hatch from the laid eggs during this time.


Do not forget to remove residents and pets from the apartment before starting the procedure. They will be able to return after 24 hours, when the toxic fumes from the drug have dissipated.

The advantage of Cypermethrin is that it is not addictive to cockroaches, mosquitoes and bedbugs, so it does its job perfectly.

Weed control agent

A great achievement of modern chemistry is “Rubit Sangli”. This is a herbicide that destroys most weeds and is highly safe for cultivated plants.

Summer residents widely use the herbicide in gardens and vegetable gardens to combat perennial weeds:

  • field bindweed;
  • wheatgrass;
  • field sow thistle.

The herbicide quickly causes the roots of the weeds to die. To make this happen faster, “Sangli” needs to be applied to the soil in a timely manner. It is better to do this when the weeds have grown to a length of about 20 cm, choosing warm weather for processing, which excludes rain during the day. The instructions for use indicate that the herbicide should be used before the first shoots of cultivated plants appear or 3 days before planting seedlings in the soil. The active substance of the drug stops the division of weed cells, and within 2 weeks after spraying it dies. The negative effect on weeds can be enhanced by combining the herbicide with other drugs and using this composition for tank mixtures.


Apply the herbicide with caution, wearing gloves, and avoid contact with fruit trees and bushes.

The drug is sold in convenient bottles of 0.5, 0.1 and 1 liter. The price varies depending on the release form. A small bottle can be bought for 100–110 rubles. The concentrated liquid is diluted with water according to the instructions, based on the size of the area being treated and the number of weeds. To draw enough Sangli from the container, it is best to use a large syringe. When used correctly, the herbicide is safe and does not harm insects, birds and fish.

RUBIT SANTI for weed control 0.5l

Rubit Santi weed killer, 0.5 l.

Scope of application: Japanese systemic herbicide of general exterminating action, intended for the control of annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds in vineyards and orchards, potatoes, sunflowers, cabbage, tomatoes, stubble and fallow fields, on non-agricultural lands. Compatible with many herbicides. Can be used in the form of tank mixtures with soil herbicides to control weeds that may grow after Sangli treatment.

Period of protective action: For 1 month or more after treatment until a new wave of weeds appears.

Speed ​​of Effect: Visible signs of impact on annual weeds typically appear within 3 days, and on perennial weeds within 4-8 days.

SANTI, BP (360 g/l glyphosate acid) 50 ml

Active ingredient: Glyphosate Concentration: 360 g/l Preparative form: aqueous solution

Scope of pesticide application: For private farms

Purpose: Herbicide

Compatibility with other pesticides: Compatible with most pesticides used, with the exception of highly alkaline preparations.

Period of protective action: Perennial weeds - during the growing season; annual - for 20 - 60 days or more (until re-growth from seeds).

Selectivity: Generally destructive drug.

Speed ​​of influence: Depending on the activity of weed growth and weather conditions during the treatment period, the effect of the herbicide is observed after 5-30 days.

Phytotoxicity: General destructive herbicide.

Crop tolerance: There are no crops resistant to glyphosate, except transgenic ones.

Possibility of resistance: Possible.

Restrictions on transportation, use and storage of the pesticide: The use of the product by air is prohibited. It is prohibited to work with the drug without personal protective equipment for the organs of vision, breathing and skin. While working, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke.

Recommendations for the protection of useful objects of flora and fauna: Hazard class - class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

First aid for poisoning: - At the first signs of poisoning, you should stop work, remove the victim from the area of ​​influence of the drug, carefully remove clothing and personal protective equipment, avoiding contact of the drug with the skin, and immediately seek medical help. - in case of accidental ingestion - rinse the mouth with water, immediately give the victim several glasses of water with a suspension of activated carbon to drink at the rate of 1 g of sorbent per kg of body weight, and then induce vomiting by irritating the back of the throat; this should be repeated several times to more completely remove the drug from the body (vomiting is caused in conscious victims), then drink a glass of water with activated carbon (1 g per kg of body weight) and immediately consult a doctor. - if inhaled, remove victim to fresh air. - in case of contact with skin, remove the drug with a piece of cloth, cotton wool or soft paper, avoiding rough rubbing of the skin, and then wash the contaminated area with soap and water. - in case of contact with clothing - after removing contaminated clothing or shoes, rinse areas of possible skin contamination with water. - in case of contact with eyes, rinse with a soft stream of clean running water. After first aid, seek medical help if necessary. There is no antidote. Treatment is symptomatic. Those working with the drug must be provided with personal protective equipment: overalls, safety glasses, gloves. During work, you should observe the rules of personal hygiene. After working with the drug, you should thoroughly wash your hands, face and exposed areas of the body with plenty of soap and water.

Instructions for use The required amount of the drug in accordance with the table is dissolved in 10 liters of water and the resulting solution is treated with 100 m2.

Tableapplication regulations


an object

Harmful objectDrug consumption rates Method, processing time, restrictions Deadlines

expectations (number of treatments)

Areas intended for sowing vegetables, potatoes, legumes, industrial, oilseeds, melons, flowers, ornamental, lawn and other spring cropsAnnual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds80-120 ml per Yul of water Autumn spraying of vegetative weeds in the post-harvest period. Working fluid consumption - Yul/100m2 3(1)
Malicious perennial weeds (creeping wheatgrass, pigweed, ragweed, thistle, field bindweed, etc.)120 ml per Yul water
Lawns (new crops)Annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds80 ml per Yul water Spraying on vegetative weeds 10-14 days before sowing lawn crops. Working fluid consumption - Yul/100 m2 3(1)
Annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, including malicious ones80-120 ml per Yul of water
Areas not intended for sowing or planting cultivated plants (roadsides, IT fence*)Annual cereals and dicotyledonous weeds80 ml per Yul water Spraying vegetative weeds. Working fluid consumption - 10l/100m2 3(1)
Undesirable herbaceous and tree-shrub vegetation120-150 ml per Yul of water

Methods for neutralizing spilled or scattered pesticide: In case of accidental leakage of the drug, it is necessary to isolate the dangerous area and block access to it by unauthorized persons. Repack into tightly sealed, labeled containers. The spilled product must be covered with sorbent, sand, sawdust or earth. Do not neutralize the pesticide with dry bleach (to avoid spontaneous combustion, etc.). Contaminated sorbent and soil should be neutralized with a 10% solution of soda ash or 7% slurry of freshly slaked bleach, collected in marked containers, organized for their safe storage and subsequent disposal to places agreed upon with territorial environmental authorities and Rospotrebnadzor institutions. Dig up the contaminated soil to the depth of a spade bayonet. Do not allow the drug to enter surface water bodies or sewers. Methods for destroying or disposing of the pesticide: Disposal of the pesticide is done by burying it in certain places. Methods for destroying pesticide containers: Dispose of emptied containers in general household waste collection areas. Do not use for other purposes. Do not dispose of in sewers, rivers or other bodies of water.

Date of manufacture: look on the packaging. Store the drug in its original packaging in a dry, ventilated room at a temperature from minus 15°C to plus 35°C, separate from food products, away from children and pets.

A Japanese systemic herbicide of general extermination action, intended for the control of annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds in vineyards and orchards, potatoes, sunflowers, cabbage, tomatoes, stubble and fallow fields, and non-agricultural lands. Compatible with many herbicides. Can be used in the form of tank mixtures with soil herbicides to control weeds that may grow after Sangli treatment.

Period of protective action: for 1 month or more after treatment until a new wave of weeds appears.

Speed ​​of Effect: Visible signs of impact on annual weeds typically appear within 3 days, and on perennial weeds within 4-8 days.

A wide selection of products in the category Plant protection products and fertilizers is the main focus of our store. We are confident that you will always find the product you need in our store. We try to keep the price for Garden and vegetable garden at the most pleasant level. If you are in doubt about your choice, please call +7-927-270-68-15 and our consultants will be happy to help you decide on a garden. We are always glad to see you in our store. By purchasing goods from a reliable supplier and make sure that such purchases are reflected positively and save time.

What other products are there from the Rubit brand?

When wasps have settled in your dacha and there are a lot of flies flying around, use a special preparation designed to kill these insects. It is available in granules consisting of methomyl, bitrex, imidacloprid and cystricosene.

The bait is poured 3-4 g onto plastic plates, moistened with a few drops of water and placed in places where wasps and flies accumulate. They are attracted to the product, they sit on the wet granules, eat them and die.

“Zindan” helps against ants and cockroaches. This is a syringe filled with gel, released by . The drug is applied in small drops at a distance of 4 cm in those places where there are many cockroaches. If the gel has hardened and is difficult to squeeze out, warm the syringe in warm water to make the poison more liquid.

Droplets of the gel fatally infect ants and ants, and they completely disappear from the apartment. The gel is easily washed off with a damp soft cloth and costs about 25 rubles.

2 mechanical ways to remove weeds on the site

Mechanical methods will help get rid of weeds, including hand weeding, using a hoe, chopper, cultivator and digging. To clear the soil of annoying vegetation, it is better to combine all methods. Tools will help simplify the weeding procedure.

Hand cultivator Tornado

The Tornado manual cultivator is effective and easy to use.

Its teeth are located in such a way that using the new product does not require special physical strength. It is worth lightly pressing on the cutting and turning the device to pull out the lump of earth along with the weeds. Many reviews rated the new product positively. Saves time and effort in the garden.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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