Garlic against aphids - a proven remedy against small garden pests

Strewn with small elongated insects, the gradually drying twisted tops of shoots and leaf blades are often found in gardens and orchards. These are signs of the appearance of aphids, which are the most common pest that causes serious damage to the harvest of various crops.

Garlic infusions with their strong aroma can repel aphids, ants and other insects

It is important to organize the fight against dangerous insects at the first characteristic signs, since this will allow you to do without chemicals. Often, to make a folk remedy against aphids , which helps get rid of the insect that sucks the juices of plants, garlic is used in different forms.


Garlic infusion is prepared in two proven ways, each of which can successfully cope with its task:

  1. Method one . Without removing the husks, finely chop and mash two large garlic bulbs with a wooden masher. The aromatic gruel is transferred to a saucepan, into which 10 liters of water warmed to 38-40 degrees are poured. A day later, the infusion is decanted using gauze.
  2. Method two . Peeled medium cloves of garlic (10-12 pieces) are placed in a glass container with a liter of cool water. Keep covered for three days. Strain the infusion into a bucket, where they also add 9 liters of water that has settled in the sun.

Ways to fight aphids using garlic

Garlic against garden pests

The culture from the Onion subfamily is known for its unique qualities of disinfecting bacteria. The vegetable contains thioesters, which give it a specific taste and smell, phytoncides and diallyl sulfides, due to which they have a toxic effect on pathogens. It contains various sulfur-containing substances, which is why gardeners often replace colloidal sulfur with garlic mixtures.

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To make infusions and decoctions, arrows, cloves, and husks of the spicy vegetable are used. Compositions made with garlic cloves are more effective, because they specifically contain the largest amount of phytoncides and other components.

Garlic is used for a number of fungal diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • various rottenness;
  • late blight

The best results are obtained with preventive spraying, also in the early stages of the disease.

Garlic infusion is recommended for pest control; however, it does not destroy them, but repels them. Protects cabbage, radishes, onions, fruit-bearing trees from parasites:

  • cabbage moth;
  • weevils;
  • aphids;
  • cabbage scoops;
  • codling moths;
  • whiteflies;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • carrot fly;
  • cabbage butterflies.

Concentrated solution

To make a concentrated solution, 200 grams of garlic without husks are passed through a press. The pulp is transferred to a jar with a liter of water, warmed to approximately 36-38 degrees. The tightly sealed vessel is kept in a dark cabinet for five days.

The finished concentrate is squeezed through double gauze into a darkened bottle. Before use, 100 ml of garlic preparation is dissolved in five liters of water.

Peeled garlic

Concentrate with soap and oil

Peeled garlic cloves - 6-8 pieces, grind in a mortar or using a press. Mix the gruel in a glass container with 500 ml of cool water. Leave covered in the dark for three days.

After filtering, a teaspoon of liquid soap and twice the volume of sunflower or olive oil are introduced into the infusion with active stirring. Immediately before treatment, 120 ml of the prepared drug must be diluted in 4 liters of water.

Garlic, water, soap and oil are a great way to get rid of aphids once and for all.

With onions and tobacco

Pour 5 liters of water into the pan. Bring the liquid to a boil at low temperature. Pour in 100 grams of tobacco crumbs and add the same volume of crushed onion peels. Simmer the mixture for two hours.

The container removed from the heat is kept under the lid for 50-55 minutes. Add 100 grams of garlic, ground to a pulp, with constant stirring. The broth is filtered through a sieve into a large container and 10 liters of settled water are added.

Since ancient times, garlic has been considered an effective means of combating aphids in the garden.

Garlic peel infusion

Garlic peel is combined in approximately equal proportions with dried leaves of the same spice. Pour 150 grams of the mixture into a ten-liter bucket of warm water. Mix gently and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. The prepared infusion is squeezed through a piece of gauze.

Simultaneously with the destruction of aphids, garlic preparations help get rid of ants on the site, which contribute to the spread of this pest throughout the local area.

Fighting aphids with garlic proves its effectiveness year after year.

You can use young, juicy arrows of garlic. They are collected and tied in the form of a wreath, which is used to wrap the tree trunks below. Some gardeners rub the bark with cut arrows, which repels insects. They are also laid out in tree trunk circles.

It is recommended to irrigate plants affected by aphids with garlic solutions for 3-4 days in a row. Repeat the treatment to consolidate the result after a week. You can hold similar events several times every three days. It is important to repeat spraying after rain.

Author of the article: Kunin Vladimir Filippovich

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Garlic infusion against brown rot, leaf spot, scab and rust

The heads of garlic are ground in a meat grinder, diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water, and placed in a black, warm space for 10 days. For spraying, use 20 ml of solution per 10 liters of water.

As an additive, you can use washing powder or grated soap so that the infusion sticks better to the leaf blade. When spraying, special attention should be paid to spinach, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers and cabbage, which are very susceptible to fungal diseases.

Garlic infusion is used to protect against sucking insects

Garlic husks and arrows will boost the immunity of other plants

Constant spraying of garden crops is recommended for preventive purposes and to increase the natural immunity of plants. Therefore, the arrows and husks, which are often simply thrown away, should be used to make ordinary and effective traditional remedies.

All of the above products using garlic have proven themselves in the fight against pests and diseases. At the same time, they are one hundred percent environmentally friendly and will not harm your health.

Fourth method

Liquids made from garlic also have a positive effect on flower plants. For example, aphids and spider mites will not settle on roses if you pre-treat them with this infusion.

Also, to strengthen the solution, it can be used when watering bulbous flowers - daffodils, tulips and hyacinths.

How does garlic work on aphids?

To combat aphid colonies, garlic is effective because it contains a large amount of phytoncides - compounds with pronounced antimicrobial properties. It is phytoncides that insects are wary of when they eat the green vegetative mass of cultivated plants, without which their viability is impaired. Garlic contains many active esters that can repel crop pests.

When using garlic tincture, aphids kill not only insect pests, but also various bacteria and fungi. The reason for this is the content of dallyl sulfite in the spicy bulb, which has a toxic effect on parasites. This natural insecticide in different concentrations is merciless against many leaf-eating insects.

Aphids live in close symbiosis with ants (read more in the article here), therefore, in parallel with the destruction of these insects, it is recommended to combat the invasion of ants in gardens and orchards, which can also damage the growth of some plant crops.

Terms of use

You need to use garlic infusion according to the rules, only in this case you will get the desired effect. Here are 7 important points:

  1. The aqueous composition is not stored for a long time; plant processing work is carried out within 2–3 hours after preparation. Maximum storage 1 day.
  2. Spraying with a spray bottle requires careful filtration.
  3. The composition is distributed over dry foliage - this ensures good adhesion of the soap solution.
  4. Processing of plantings takes place in the morning/evening, or on a cloudy day.
  5. To destroy leaf-eating insects, it is necessary to carry out three treatments, with an interval of 3–10 days. For aphids and bedbugs, the procedure is carried out for 3 days in a row, after a week-long pause another spraying is done.
  6. 5–6 liters of decoction are consumed per 100 m2, 1.5 liters per currant bush, 200–300 ml per raspberry bush, 2 liters per young tree, 7–10 liters per adult tree.

The activities will be beneficial in the initial stage. With a large population covering the entire garden, garlic is powerless.

How to make and use the spray composition - in the video:

Homemade protective equipment from available raw materials

Some gardeners claim that American Coca-Cola is a good insecticide . If you spray it on an aphid, it dies. This effect is explained by the presence of orthophosphoric acid. This is what insects cannot tolerate.

It is enough to put a removable sprayer on the bottle of drink and spray the plant.

Another recipe for an alternative remedy is a milk solution with iodine .

It is prepared like this:

  • 1 liter of water,
  • 100 ml milk,
  • 0.5 ml iodine solution. It can be measured using a medical syringe.

In addition to using various protective equipment, it is worth engaging assistants from the animal world.

Attracting beneficial insects and birds to the site

There will be much less aphids in the garden if you install birdbaths. And they will find food themselves. Pests are destroyed by the following small birds:

  • tits,
  • Sparrows,
  • Linnets,
  • starlings,
  • Robins.

They are actively helped by the following beneficial insects:

  • Ladybugs,
  • hoverflies,
  • ground beetles,
  • Lacewings.

They will settle in the garden if you make or buy a special house for them.

  1. In domestic gardening, houses for insects are rare. They are more common among European gardeners.

Tip #2. If you were unable to buy a ready-made house, you can make it from available materials - scraps of firewood or boards, large pieces of bark, fragments of tiles, etc.

Fifth method

We should also talk about the effect of garlic on fungal diseases. The most effective are infusions against blackleg and late blight. In both recipes, 150-200 g of garlic are chopped, but in the second case, 1 tablespoon of mustard and ground red pepper are added. Next, the resulting mixtures are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for a day. Afterwards, treat the plants with the resulting solution every 3 days.

6 ways to use old window frames in your country house

Grow garlic in your garden, as it is an excellent remedy for many vegetable problems!

Autumn tillage

After harvesting in the autumn, cultivating the crop areas to reduce the number of aphid eggs remaining on the soil surface. Recommended means for autumn tillage against aphids:

Name of the drugActive substance
A-Cyper 100 ECalpha-cypermethrin
Alciper 100ECalpha-cypermethrin
AlfaCyper 100ECalpha-cypermethrin
Alfastop 100 ECalpha-cypermethrin
Cyper-Fas 100 ECalpha-cypermethrin
Cyperkill Max 500 ECcypermethrin
Cythrin 500 ECcypermethrin
Fastac 100ECalpha-cypermethrin
Fiesta 100ECalpha-cypermethrin
Jetstak 100ECalpha-cypermethrin
Patriot 100ECdeltamethrin
Sorcerer 500 ECcypermethrin
Super Cyper 500 ECcypermethrin
Supersect 500 ECcypermethrin
Tak Tak 100 ECalpha-cypermethrin
Tekapo 025 ECbeta-cyfluthrin

Most insecticides should be applied when air temperatures are above 10C. And at temperatures in the immediate vicinity of 7-8 C°, pyrethroids can work. Organophosphorus preparations are more effective for aphid control. But the optimal temperature for tillage should still exceed 15C.

Features of wrestling

Aphids are spread over the land by black ants. If it has infested crops, it is necessary to inspect the vegetable garden for the presence of anthills. Because pest control is carried out in tandem. Insects are interconnected. To avoid the spread of aphids, you need to destroy the anthill and expel insects from the area. To prevent ants from taking root in the garden, aphids should be exterminated.

If desired, you can always use store-bought ready-made preparations, combining them with garlic. You can also try other folk recipes.


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